Elevate Your Media Automation Game with TRaSH & Notifiarr

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hi guys and welcome back to ibracorp what  a pleasure to have you guys here thank you   for tuning in and thank you to all those who have  been visiting the channel subscribing and liking   we really appreciate your support I hope you  guys liked the last video and I did promise you   this one which is coming out now we've done it in  collaboration with the developers over at Notifier   um purely because obviously the last video we did  which is still relevant but it's a year old now so   things have changed in the Notifier front UI how  it works and actually a lot of improvements since   the last one we did so it definitely deserves  a revisit which is why I thought you guys would   really enjoy this one a big thank you to nitsua  the developer of Notifier thank you for helping   out he's also provided a lot of the parts that  he wants to be shown in the video so that way   we can you know get it as accurate as possible  and get you guys content that makes sense when   you're looking at it and looking at the product  that we're actually supporting as well and also   a big thank you to Captain who developed the  client you run locally to do all the app to app   communication now this is very important because  in the new version we don't have to worry about   opening ports anymore we've got a whole tunneling  sort of system happening and that's making a huge   difference to how we can set this up making it a  lot easier for you to get started so I know your   time is valuable so let's just jump into it and  get started I guess the first thing which might   be useful for you guys especially for those who  don't know what Notifier is uh Notifier originally   started as a product that well it notifies you  of stuff you know it has a lot of different   Integrations plugins connections to different apps  and products and it gives you those notifications   across various different platforms most notably  though will be the Discord server notifications   especially for those running Plex and I'm here on  the GitHub page as you can see Notifier Notifier   and this is the project feel free to sponsor  it if you'd like to support the project it's   really helpful for the developer and as you go  down you'll see that there's various different   options to install Notifier and get it running  you've got Docker Windows unread you've got the   whole lot and it's can be overwhelming when you're  first looking at this page which is why we like to   make this video just to make sure that you guys  really understand how it works because the first   time I looked at it I thought it was overwhelming  as well I think that's something we can really   clean up this time around but as you can see all  the different Services it supports it has a huge   list you know Plex talk to all the all this  kind of stuff and it doesn't just notify you   it has other functions as well so it's a base of  an application and the fact that it can call home   to your server and get all that information live  means you can access it anywhere as well as it's   trying to send it to all your different platforms  but the main purpose of today's video is we're   going to be following the trash guides now you  guys would have seen our video on Atomic links   and using the trash guides and I've had a lot of  people comment you know what is the trash guides   I maybe didn't understand the video correctly  trash is a well it's a person and he's put in   a lot of effort in collaborating operation with  various different people in our communities and   produce what they call the trash guides now  a lot of people use this as their so-called   Bible in terms of setting up home automation and  media content and it really targets a lot of these   media automation apps that we use day in day out  being radar sonar Prowler Baza and all the rest   and giving you optimal settings based on community  feedback help you get your system up and running   with the best settings possible now one of the  big things to note when using the trash guides   or the biggest benefits I should say is that when  you are using these guides it's teaching you a lot   about how to get the right content for you from  the start now that means when you're getting   content and it's not refined enough you might end  up with formats and sizes that don't suit you so   then you're going and using other tools to try  and change them or convert them to the size and   quality that you want when you're actually better  off getting the content in the right format and   the right size right codec for example all from  the beginning and that's what this is for so if   we go here for example people in radar you can  see we've got custom formats and quality profiles   and he's giving you all this information which  is is so helpful um setting up all this stuff   is absolutely key but if you're following this  through manually which you're more than welcome   to use it's completely free to access this stuff  and again I really encourage you to support trash   and the guides as well as Notifier uh where you  can what we're going to be using Notifier for is   automating this for us so we're actually going  to have it sync up with trash guides take those   take these settings that you're seeing here the  ones that suit you of course that you want and   sync that with your applications like sonar and  radar for you all on your behalf so that means   every time trash updates these guides updates  his settings based on the community feedback   he gets those settings can then automatically  sync over to you so you're up to date on those   formats as well rather than having to remember  to manually go and check often now if you prefer   doing it manually that's always an option but we  like to automate things and speed up our time as   a subscriber said to me the other day we're no  longer beginners in this field we're starting   to step into the more intermediate Advanced space  so I encourage you to really give this a thought   and give it a try because it's going to help you  in a lot of ways so I'll have the links in the   description for the trash guides website and for  Notifier of course and to our previous video so   that you can get across it but today we're just  going to Dive Right In and get this working and   show you how to run it on your own system and how  to make the most out of the trash guides and the   Notifier application so let's get into it first  things first let's go to notifier.com this is the   new website now it was alwaysnotifier.com but  you'll see that the UI has changed quite a bit   it's a lot more modern a lot more streamlined and  that's going to benefit us as we're making this   new video for you guys so first things first log  in using your account and complete the wizard now   if you haven't created an account you will just  obviously create one to start with it's free to   sign up I will note at this point for everyone  watching the video a very important disclaimer   if you want to use the trash guides automatic  sync function you need to be a patron supporter   of Notifier so please think about it consider it  if you're not going to be doing that then maybe   just skip this video because obviously it's  a feature that's locked behind Patron but I   can tell you right now it's worth every penny  to support the project it's going to help your   automation a lot so please consider that with that  said let's keep going so the first thing we see is   the setup Wizard and it's essential that we follow  this to make sure we're linked in with all of our   different systems starting with Discord so let's  go ahead and click Link account and obviously then   we want to sign into our Discord account so go  ahead and do that you can see it's going to give   you your permissions that it's going to need so go  ahead and authorize if you're happy with that and   so far it's pretty Bare Bones all it's doing is  checking what servers you have access to because   then you can pick what server you want to set  up with Notifier now it's picked up my personal   server that I have here under my name I'm going  to go ahead and click save it's also telling us   that it can't fetch a channel list that's because  the bot isn't in our server so as it says in the   instructions we'll invite the bot click continue  give it to permissions necessary and authorized   now I click save again and that just resynced  picking up that the bot is in our server and   you can see here's our setup information so if  we drop down on support project you'll see the   options here to do so go ahead and support the  project however you see fit and what works for   you and then you'll be able to link that with  the overall section the first thing we'll do is   head to setup the trash integration so go to setup  here in the top left corner and hit Integrations   now with nothing in here you'll probably see that  we don't have any integration set up so we'll go   ahead and click enable Integrations and you're  going to get a very very large list of all the   different Integrations that Notifier supports and  as you can see it's quite a bit Watchtower for our   Docker updates you know we can monitor that we can  monitor Reddit we can monitor radar we can monitor   radar Prowler Plex meta manager the list is just  absolutely huge and it's really worth looking   into this guys it's really really cool but for our  purpose today we're going to be setting up sonar   radar Plex and trash so let's enable those once  you've toggled them on go ahead and click save   now once you've enabled the Integrations it's  going to take you to your profile where you can   grab your API key so scroll down and you can see  we have our API key here now don't worry I'll be   generating this again after the video so this  is not a live API key for me now if you wanted   separate API keys for all the different apps  you can do that as well that's an option but   just for the sake of saving some time we're  going to use the one so in this part of the   video we now install the client now the client  is used as the communicator if you will to the   web interface and that reports everything that's  on our server now you can install it various ways   on different systems which is all on their GitHub  that I showed you earlier but for today's video   we're going to be using unread so on unread go  ahead to the apps store you'll find Notifier and   then you can go ahead and install it and because  I'm also using the same port on my other one I'm   going to be changing that to 5455 just to  differentiate between the two making sure   my updater uses the correct location that I  like and then we can go ahead and start it up   now you say that it's stopped so the first  thing we'll do is just click on it and go to   logs and you can see that it's spat out a admin  user password which is right here so let's copy   that now I've accidentally skipped a step here  I should have put the API key which is the one   we copied from Notifier into this field and then  run it and then got the password but now that I've   got the password it won't print it again so I'm  just going back and adding this and I've got my   password saved go ahead and click apply so there  we go that's done we'll open the web UI and you   can see that it gives us the client interface so  basically we sign in the username being admin and   the password is the password that was printed  in the original logs go ahead and click login   so here we are we're signed in it's working fine  it's telling us it's valid the API code is valid   and we can now go on to the next step so first  thing we'll do is configure our star apps that's   being radar sonar Etc so go ahead and click on  start apps and you can see we've got those listed   out here for us so what we'll do is click the plus  icon we'll call this well we can just call it Sona   but if you have a reason to have something else  you can do that and we want the URL and the API   key now preferred to use the local URLs if you  need to for whatever reason use a fully qualified   domain name URL you can use that but preferably  local so this client should be running local   anyway so it shouldn't be an issue for us so I'm  going to go ahead and add that for sonar radar and   maybe even Prowler and I'll come back to you once  I'm done so you can see I've got my information   entered with the local URL and port and the  API key now if you want to use the username   and password the explanation here explains why you  would need that for doing your database corruption   checks which is pretty handy if you want to  use that but I'm just going to use the API in   this case now once we've got our information  input for radar and sonar and any other apps   you want just click the double check marks and  that will tell us whether it's successful as you   can see down here and then make sure you save  and reload just in the bottom left corner here   so now our config is saved what we can do then  is go to the web UI and continue with the setup   so we're back on notifier.com and what we'll do  quickly is just click refresh make sure we're up   to date you can see we get a big thumbs up here  saying our client is configured and that's a good   sign so that's communicating back to our client  on base so what we'll do is set up radar go ahead   and click the little settings icon here and you  can see now that we have a client running we can   then click on ADD notify connect now that's going  to allow it to connect to else instance and be   able to manage it remotely so let's go ahead and  do that and you can see down here it says added   connect to radar instance one so what we want to  do is come down to triggers and this is what we're   going to configure to be our notifications if you  will so let's say movie added grab um maybe I want   to know about any updates uh perhaps I want to  know when a database has been backed up we can   configure all sorts of colors and we can configure  the type of ping that we want to set up so in   my server I might have several users and several  different roles in which case I will tell it which   role to use so feel free to customize it any other  way you like you've got various different options   here you can use and once you're happy with it go  ahead and save the configuration and now repeat   the same thing over for sonar so go to settings  we'll make sure the Notifier web Hook is enabled   and you might have some of these going here once  you're happy with it go ahead and click save   now keep in mind we also added Plex in here as  well while we were adding these to our local   client configuration under media apps I've  gone ahead and added Plex you can also add   tortooli if that's something you want to do  as well so since we have Plex in the client   we'll go ahead and click settings here on the  notifier.com UI as well and you see there's   some instructions here to add Plex so we'll make  sure we'll follow this in Plex add a webhook that   points to this address with your Plex token so  we open Plex we go to settings and we've got   web hooks over here we'll go ahead and click  on ADD webhook and we paste that URL that we   got before now you need to get your Plex token  I'm not going to show you how to do that today   purely because there's various different methods  but there is a Plex article explaining how to do   that I'll try and remember to add that to the  description so you can just follow that and   now that we've done that also make sure that  your Port that you put in is correct depending   what you configured for the client and that your  token is correct as well repeat the process find   any other settings that you want to configure here  whatever suits you of course and then you can go   from there you've got all sorts of different  stuff including the ratings client settings   Etc whatever suits you go ahead and click save and  now finally the most important integration we have   today I think in my opinion is the trash guides  so as you can see we've opened up the integration   settings for the trash guides and it's looking  like it's hooked up correctly to our client I've   come down and as you can see scroll down pick an  interval after you save it and reopen the window   we'll get all the settings loaded so I've selected  the monthly sync again it's a patreon feature if   you want instant sync that's also there as  well I've clicked save we can close this   and reopen it again and now you can see the real  benefit of this entire setup which is one of the   coolest things I think about this process now  first you might be a little overwhelmed by all   the different options and settings in here and  that's for good reason because you're not supposed   to just check everything trust me I've done it  and I instantly regretted doing so so just take   your time and understand what's happening all the  explanations are on trash guide's website as well   but nitsu has done a great job of trying to make  that easier for you here so what you can do is   use the interactive flowcharts if I just click on  that you'll then see this dialog box come up and   allowing you to pick which workflow you want to  follow so let's say in this case we'll say default   once that's open you'll be able to clearly see  where you want to go and which formats will suit   you best so just follow the flow charts say this  one for example do you want untouched video no   do you want 4K no then you'll land on this yellow  node simply by clicking on the Node it'll bring up   the custom format that you've selected and you  just literally toggle it on now as you can see   after you toggle the custom scores will be saved  and you need to click save all on the sync page to   apply everything you couldn't make it any easier  if you tried so make sure you use the flowchart   it's really going to help you out two very  important check marks that we want to be using   and this is based on trash's recommendations for  our naming are these two here so be sure to check   those I think it's going to be very beneficial  for you and trash himself recommends you use   these options as well so first things first you  can see we've got radar and sonar down the side so   very different things starting with radar so if we  look at radar we can look at the Quality options   for example these are recommendations by trash now  you've got several different options here if you   wanted movie or if you wanted this one or if you  wanted Ultra HD depending what you prefer you can   have it sync those quality profile settings for  you now I know personally it's annoying to try and   set these so having it set it for us is awesome  once you're happy with it make sure you're saving   as you go and then it might be a good idea  to actually go to radar and check that those   settings are you know passed across correctly  they should be but you can't be too careful um up   the top we've got our notifications so depending  what you want to be notified about as well you can   have that set up there coming back down to sync  for our quality profiles and then I've got two   options here do I want to sync the custom format  you can tick yes do you want to sync the score   we can tick yes as well depending now these are  going off my profile names I'll show you this in   radar now just to give you an idea of what these  are so you can see I'm in my radar now these are   the ones that I use and the ones that I've checked  on so don't necessarily follow this guys make sure   it suits your environment and what you want to get  out of your content but this is what I've got and   you can see it creates these custom formats for  us so if I open up one of them remember this is   all done automatically I didn't have to type any  of this in it just does it for us it creates the   custom format then if you go to your profile so  let's say I've got these two profiles here and I   open up that these are the custom formats that we  just showed you and each of those custom formats   has a score now that score is customizable you  can make it whatever you like we also have a   score here on the minimum and upgrade until scores  and these all have their own weight if you will so   they're weighted differently on what we prefer  for it to have so when radar is looking for this   content it's going to go against the score and  see which one has the highest score to help select   automatically the best one that suits what we need  which is awesome so when we come back and we look   at the score and we're saying we want to sync  that score it's saying do we want to sync this   score automatically at 500. now if you don't want  it to sync with the recommend recommended scoring   you can just put that in yourself so then uncheck  those and don't let it sync it but you'd probably   still want to sync the actual custom format so  see you can see how it gives you both options   there now the same goes for sonar you've got your  quality naming and depending what version of Sono   you've got you've got two different options  here in the latest version 4 of sonar it uses   custom formats which allows it to be consistent  with our settings with radar and custom formats   are far more advanced than the version 3 options  which is just the RP settings okay so we can sync   some of those if you're using version three but  I highly encourage you to look at using version   4 which gives you a lot more options as you can  see here on the sonar with quality I've got it   syncing our quality settings we've also got our  naming scheme as well so you can actually pick   from various different options now currently  I'm using this which matches trashes options   but maybe you're using jellyfin which might prefer  a different format for your content so make sure   you can check that as well same goes for our  season folders etc etc now that's going to set   those settings in sonar and radar but you may  have to then go and run the rename function in   sonar and radar to make sure it's it's updated  to the new naming scheme if you've already got   content that's why I highly recommend following  this process when you're first setting up a   server or rebuilding a server it's going to be a  lot easier when you're doing it from scratch but   look that's up to you if you're going to go back  and do it with existing content I've done that as   well and it's perfectly fine and there you have it  guys that's setting up Notifier for our seamless   server notifications it's such a breeze whether  you're managing sonar radar Plex or even the   trash integration this step-by-step guide should  help you navigate the setup process with ease if   you found this video helpful don't forget to give  it a thumbs up and a subscribe for more tutorials   as always feel free to leave any questions or  comments down below if there's anything you're   not sure about be sure to jump into the Discord  for both trash Notifier and hours and feel free   to ask away you should be able to get the help  you need you have all the links underneath each   of these cards to take you exactly where you  need to go so for trash guides for example all   his links are here you've got your sonar radar  and you've also got assistance for Notifier here   as well if we just go to help it'll give you all  the links that you need to get started and a big   thank you to nichiwa for linking our videos  here we really appreciate them we hope you   enjoyed the video guys thank you you for tuning  in and we'll see you in the next record video
Views: 60,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, notifiarr client, notifiarr trash guide, notifiarr unraid setup, notifiarr trash, notifiarr setup, notifiarr guide, notifiarr plex, trash guides, trash guides radarr, trash guides unraid, trash guides sonarr, trash guides plex, trash guides custom formats, ibracorp notifiarr, ibracorp sonarr, ibracorp unraid, radarr plex, sonarr radarr, ibracorp plex, trash guides anime, trash guides docker, unraid, unraid tutorial, sonarr, radarr, sonarr setup
Id: eDlWTze8EKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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