Unraid: Atomic-Moves, Hardlinks & Media Automation - Why Use

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Good video mate! To add to this-- A lot of people have a "Media" share and a "downloads" share. If you dont want to go out and rename your shares you can just add your downloads folder tp your media share and have everything mapped to that.

For example radarr will be -> /data/ - /mnt/users/Media/

torrent client will be -> /data/torrents/ - /mnt/user/Media/torrents/

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ShaKsKreedz 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh shit, finally a video we can link to that uses the ideas from the docker guide and TRaSH's docker guide! Thanks!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/fryfrog 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Very helpful video but actually showing yourself downloading and uploading illegal content doesn't seem like a great idea to me. It would probably be better to blur the show name and only refer to it as "the TV show" while narrating. Either that or try and use a public domain show.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KnifeFed 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for the video! Seems to be working good for me on the torrent side. On usenet radarr/sonarr will not move the completed downloads. I have to import them manually.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BrendaWaddayaWant 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

If you use hardlinks and download to a cache drive, will the mover properly preserve the hardlinks on the array?

What happens if a file on the cache drive is seeding and currently uploading when the mover is running?

What happens if a file on the cache drive is seeding and not currently uploading when the mover is running?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KnifeFed 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Sorry for the elementary question - I have everything set up with the file shares etc. but when I am mapping the folders for my Plex install to monitor for the specific libraries, those folders are empty and instead the files I want it to find are instead in the usenet/tv folders. Does that make sense? I feel like there's something simple I'm missing.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jakesregret 📅︎︎ May 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Great video!
Im currently building a machine for unraid, and want to move from windows to unraid.

I now have 1 share, and wanted to split it to multiple shares so reading files from the same share will result in less disk spinups.
But now i`ve seen this video, its probably nice to have this method for less disk traffic.
Im going to use a ssd cache disk though.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Avaadorenl 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Great video!

Does it makes sense to put music within a general media share such as this which is likely to be spread across multiple drives? In this case aren't you going to be jumping between music files contained on different individual drives (which might have been powered down, depending on your settings)?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/t34wrj1 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi guys and welcome back to another ibra video   thank you for tuning in with us  today we're glad to have you back   and i just a big thank you to everyone who's been  liking our videos and subscribing to the channel   thanks to you we've we're really close to  2000 subs now so that's really really amazing   if you've been following our progress i have just  recently finished building a new rack server and   today we'll be using that server to publish  today's video i've had a lot of questions   about this and the community has had a lot of  questions about this in terms of setting up your   media automation systems and the best  way to manage the storage on your server   so today i'm going to share with you what  is called hard links and atomic moves now   if you're used to your current setup if you're  a long time user of underage you've probably got   shares for your downloads movies tvs as separate  shares and i'm one of those people to be honest   with you up until recently so thanks to trash  here trash has created this awesome guide so full   credits to him he's given me approval to use this  in the video it basically explains how easy it is   to set this up and the benefits of it so basically  at this point using the current method of separate   shares for everything once you're say for example  your tyrant application finishes downloading   it has to then copy the file or sonar or radar  for that matter we'll have to copy the file   copy and paste it into the share and then delete  the old file from where it was in your download   share now what that's doing is using a significant  amount of read and writes on your disks   and there's nothing wrong with the default way  that this works per se it's been working for me   for a long time but if you could limit the amount  of read writes to your disk why wouldn't you   to top that off it moves very fast instead because  instead of actually moving any files it's looking   at the hard link and just saying it's basically  in the same spot but a different location   now i know that kind of is a little bit confusing  and that's why we're going to go through it today   so i've got the guide up here i think  this will make it a lot easier for people   and he's gone into a lot of detail for multiple  systems too not just unraid so if you're using   something else you want to go through just  docker synology you know bare metal it's all   there as well but today we're going to be covering  it for unraid i'll take us over to unraid we'll go   through it together and i'll show you how easy it  is on a fresh setup we've got a completely fresh   server now so we can start as a complete beginner  would see this and wants to automate their   downloads and automate their media management  so without further ado let's get stuck into it okay guys so we've got the server up as you  can see this is our brand new server so that's   given us a nice fresh start i've made sure to  remove all our shares of removed all containers   everything everything's gone it's basically a  brand new machine i'll give you a quick tip if you   are building a new machine or you want it to  start from scratch unreal has a setting here   if we go to tools and you go to new config you  can basically apply that there now obviously the   array must be stopped to do it and it also allows  you to preserve your current assignment so if you   don't need anything you can just say none and just  click apply and bang you'll have a brand new fresh   server ready to go so pretty easy to do that  so like i said here we are it's nice and fresh   so we've got no docker containers we've got no  virtual machines and we've got no custom shares   so now we're going to start following the guide  and i'm going to walk you through it step by step   and we're going to install the apps as we  go as well and we're going to be using the   docker containers made by the developer hoshio  i believe that might be how you pronounce it   h-o-t-i-o he makes some great great container  templates and actually develops the docker   images as well so if you're following our video  today those are the containers we're gonna use   so step number one completely forget everything  you know about suggest the paths go fresh with   me here okay back up your stuff if you need to  leave it in the share and move it later but um   we're gonna be going fresh so let's start with  creating a share so go head over to shares and   in shares we're gonna create a share called data  or data depending on what part of the world you're   in now a good practice here something that i don't  always practice myself is keeping the names lower   case because it is linux we like to keep things  lowercase if you have a case drive and you want   to make use of it go ahead and click yes if you  are new to unraid and you are not sure how this   all works if you just click on the title there  it will explain it all to you but yes means that   everything will be written to the cage first and  if there's space it will then move it to the array   under the select cache pool if you have separate  pools for your cache then you can go ahead and   click that enable copy on right we're going to  leave that as auto the allocation method we're   going to set to high water or leave it as high  water that depends on what you want you can always   change these as well guys again clicking here that  will expand it for you minimum free space that is   a personal preference i personally like to give a  minimum free space of 50 gigabytes so i'll put 50   gb there split level that is not really needed to  be changed in this scenario so we're just going to   leave it at split as any directory included disks  if you only want certain disks to be involved and   any excluded disks as well pretty straightforward  so once you've set that go ahead and click add   share now that that shares created we want to  make sure that we can access the share but also   limit it to anyone outside of our server so under  the smb security settings we're going to select   yes for export and this is so that on our windows  computer that we're using we can just use windows   explorer there's multiple methods if you want to  use something like crusader as a file explorer   inside the unread system you can do that  too or any other method that allows you to   get to the share or get to the folder to  copy and create folders and data inside   of it so export set to yes case sensitive  names we're going to leave that as auto and   under security we're just going to set that to  private go ahead and click apply so we've created   a share we've set the security to say you know we  don't want just anybody to be able to get to it   and we have our admin account here that's us and  we're going to say read write permission that's   pretty much this part done so we'll go on to the  next part which is windows explorer okay guys   we're in windows explorer now and we've basically  just gone backslash backslash the ip address of   our server or the hostname if you want to connect  that way too and it should bring you to here it   may also prompt you to log in and if you need to  log in it's the user that we have down here that's   the user that you'll use to log in once you've  done that you'll see our shares you'll see our   data share that we just created so let's go in  there it's going to prompt us for our credentials and we're inside the folder so now that  we're inside we want to create some folders   and i'll show you exactly how it's going to look   so go ahead and create a new folder  and we'll call this one torrents underneath torrance we'll create one called usenet  now whether you're going to actually use usenet or   torrents you know you might as well just make  the folder guys then it's there ready for you   then we'll create one called media so with  those three done we have torrents usenet   media go into torrance and underneath torrence  create a folder called movies create another   folder called music create another folder  called tv head back to data and under usenet   we're going to do the exact same thing so the same  three folders so i'll skip ahead we go back to   data and under media we do the same thing again so  if we go back to data you should have data media   torrents using it and in each one of those folders  we've got a music movies and tv folder pretty   straightforward so far right again we want to keep  everything lowercase because it is still living on   a linux system so let's keep it all lowercase now  that we've created the folders we need to add our   apps now if you're not familiar the big apps that  we use for your media automation are sonar radar   lidar and a torrent application there are multiple  other applications that you can use as well those   are the main three and those will get you started  and so we're going to be using those now today   so back in our unraid we haven't got any docker  apps like i said we've got nothing so we'll head   over to the app store and let's start with our  torrent application if you've recently watched   my cubic torrent video i like that qubit torrent  and i like how it works so i'll probably end up   just using that to be honest so let's go with that  as you can see there's plenty of different options   if you want to use one with a vpn use one with a  vpn there too but again we're going to be using   hoshio's repository he's got some great stuff so  let's give that a go so go with qubit torrent for   a start and we'll click the default release which  is by default the latest now that we're in the   template we'll go ahead and start filling in some  stuff since i've changed over my server we've lost   our custom network that i like to use so we're  going to go ahead and create that now in the   top right just click this icon here to open up the  terminal in the terminal screen go ahead and type   docker network create and the name of the network  now that that's done close the window and you'll   notice this doesn't show up straight away so we  actually need to refresh it so we'll go ahead   and refresh it and there we go we have a custom  network there so we'll select our custom network   and we'll look at the ports now by default the  port is 8080. this is a fresh server like i said   so that that won't be in use if you wanted  to check just click show docker allocations   as you can see there's nothing there once you've  set the port then you want to look for the config   now by default it's already filled in for us  with this location for our app data config   and we're going to go ahead and add a new path so  as you can see we've got the path for our config   that's perfectly fine that can be in app  data but we don't have one to map to our   data share that we just created so  go to add another path port variable   and under here go to path you can just call this  data the container path we're going to call this   data and torrents now you need to understand that  inside the container this is what we'll put inside   the container on the outside of the container it's  asking what we want to map it to in our unread   system and here you'll see our share for data that  we created and then torrents so under torrents   we'll just leave it exactly like that go ahead and  click add so now that that's done if we just copy   this make sure you copy the slash data torrents  and go to apply wait for that to apply and then   we'll go back into qubit torrent so now that  that's done left click and go back to the web   ui we'll sign in it's still the default which is  admin and then the password admin admin all right   guys if you're like me and you had some problems  logging in to the qubit torrent the reason for me   was that i was in firefox so i've switched over to  chrome now and we'll continue with chrome for the   rest of the video but if you are having problems  logging in please try switching to chrome so   now that we've signed in we're going to set up a  couple more settings so click the little gear icon   and in the gear icon we need to change the  save path so in here you've got slash config   downloads well we don't want that we want to go  into the specific path that we just set earlier   we'll change that to the one we just mapped it  to which is slash data torrents if you wanted to   change any other settings you can feel free to  do that so we'll actually clear this completely   and then uncheck the box so the default save path  is going to go to our torrents folder perfect if   there's any other torrent settings that you like  to prefer any sort of ports that you want to map   anything like that this is the time to change  it go ahead and change it scroll through each   tab make sure it suits what you like we're happy  with all this no problems the next thing to do   under web ui just make sure we change the default  password guys it's not very secure so we'll change   it to something that we like a little bit more now  if you're like us and you like view torrent we've   done a video already covering view torrent thanks  to hoshio's amazing docker container it's actually   already installed with qubit torrent so all we  have to do is check this box and then go ahead   and click save the next thing you'll notice is  view torrent now kicks in and the new ui is live   so go ahead and click login and we're in to our  torrent application and that's all working so we   don't have to do anything else the torrent part  is complete if you're using a usenet client the   instructions are going to be pretty similar again  the guide is still there and we are following the   guide but i'm just going to use torrence just to  get you started so we've done our torrent the next   thing is what's called the rs so the sonar radar  and lidar sonar allows you to get your tv shows   radar allows you to get movies and lighter allows  you to get music or allows you to manage them i   should say and that's what we're going to do now  let's go ahead and go to the app store and we'll   look for sonar under sonar again we have hoshio's  repository here go ahead and click install and   then default on the template we're going to pick  our same custom docker network we want them to all   be on the same network just so that we can make  sure we keep them isolated with themselves and   that they can refer to each other with their host  names rather than ip address if we wanted that so   we're happy with the default port for sonar which  is 8989 we've also got the app data share there   that's perfectly fine now we just want to do the  same thing and add our data share so go ahead and   add path under the path call it data the container  path we're just going to go ahead and call it data   under the host path we're actually just going to  go to data and leave it there the reason for that   is because the media management apps like sony  radar they'll need to be able to see everything   so they need to be able to see the download folder  as well as the media folder and anything else so   that they can move stuff around and hard link  things which is what we're trying to achieve so   just leave it limited down to data the actual  share itself go ahead and click add go ahead and   click apply and wait for that to install that's  finished we'll click done and then head back to   docker again we're going to flick the auto start  switch to make sure that starts up if our server   reboots and then we'll left-click sonar and go to  the web ui once in the web ui there's a couple of   settings we'll now need to apply go ahead and go  to settings under settings go to media management   and we're going to add our root folder  so go ahead and click add root folder   and you can see here we've got a couple of  different options go ahead and click data   and then you've got your media so media tv click  ok so that should be forward slash data forward   slash media forward slash tv at the top make sure  you click show advanced and scroll down to where   it says importing make sure that you've got the  use hard links instead of copy option tick once   you've got that option checked that's pretty much  sonar setup for hard linking there's a couple more   things that you need to set up to be able to have  a fully function media management so we'll go to   system and it'll actually tell you what we need so  saying we've got no download client and we've got   no indexes let's head back to docker real quick go  to the app store and in the app store we're just   going to search for jacket in jacket once again  we've got hoshio's repository click to install   default select our custom network we don't need to  map anything else you can just go ahead and click   apply the purpose of jacket is to index different  sites different locations where you are trying to   source your content from so without going into  too much detail it just allows you to find the   content on specific areas and it tells things  like sonar and radar where to pull them from   head back to docker and now we see we've got  jacket ready to go so left click go to web ui   now everything's pretty much blank there's a lot  more to this guys but my main purpose of today's   video is managing the hard links and atomic copies  so i'm not going to go too much detail into this   but pretty much if you go to add indexer you'll  be presented with a whole list of things that you   can then select to add so we'll just pick one  just for the purpose of this once you've added   an indexer we'll need to put in some details into  sonar so go to sonar go to settings go to indexes   click on the plus go to toursnab under the name i  like to put the name of the actual indexer that we   want to use you can enable all the settings  that you want for the url so copy the feed   and then paste that in the url field  for the api key it's the one up here   and then you can go ahead and test it once you get  your tick you know that that's working so go ahead   and click save and that'll be the pretty much the  same process for radar so the next step is setting   up our torrent application so we haven't set that  up yet we'll just quickly go into download clients   on the left hand side click the plus find the  download clone that you want to use most of them   have templates so qubit torrent is ours i'll  just call it qubit post is the server address   where qubitarian is leaving then the port number  which is over here if you forgot it 8080 and it's   there by default username and password will need  to complete and the category now you notice the   categories there just highlight that and copy it  and inside your torrent go to settings go to tags   and categories and let's create two categories  the first one we're going to call tv sonar   click save the next one we're just going to call  radar click save again and then save down the   bottom back in our settings here that all looks  good we're happy with that click test gives us the   thumbs up everything is looking good go ahead and  click save and you're done so what have we done   just there we've set up our torrent application so  that you can manage the downloading of the files   we have our indexer to find the files and sonar  is now set up so that it can manage all the media   and your locations so now that that's done i'll  just restart sonar and make sure that it picks up   all the changes we've done it's always recommended  that you go through all the settings guys and make   sure that it matches what you want so now that  that's done let's go ahead and go and add a   new series and see what that looks like so in our  case we'll just say uh so we'll type in the stand   it's found the new one so we'll click on that  and we'll just make sure that the root folder   is exactly what we want so the root folder should  show forward slash data media tv followed by the   show name that is perfect that is exactly  what we wanted so if we go ahead and click   add the stand we've now added it now we didn't  search for it so we'll go ahead and click search   and as you can see it's searching with the one  indexer that we've set up and if we get a hit   then we should see it in the torrent application  next all right so that looks like it went through   let's have a look in view torrent and there you  go it started straight away and that's managing   it for us now depending on what settings you set  in sonar you can you can set it to rename files or   change the name of the folders that they're in  all sorts of stuff guys it's such a powerful   application so big big credits to the developer  of sonar radar and lidar please give them a big   thumbs up as well but as you can see that's pretty  much fired off so we're done with that beautiful   now if you're wanting to set up radar and lidar  the process is pretty much exactly the same guys   so just go ahead and repeat the process that we  did with sonar and just allow it to link up to   our already existing jacket torrent everything  like that each thing is pretty much the same   except with radar instead of going to our media tv  in the root folder so if i just go to that again   real quick so for the root folder in radar instead  of going to tv you would go to the movies one so   data media movies and done so while we're waiting  for a download to finish we'll go on to the last   final step which is setting up your media  player so we've set up how to get the media   set up how to manage the media and now we  want to be able to actually watch the media   so depending on your preferences you might want  to use plex you might want to use mb jellyfin   bazaar whatever whatever your client is we're just  going to show you how to set up the template so   that you can have the whole atomic linking set  up so go back to the app store and let's search   for plex flex comes up we're going to stick with  our main man hoshi on this one and click install   default again underneath here we'll set it to ibra  proxy once again for our transcode we like to keep   things on the cache so in that case we'll actually  go plex slash transcode and get it to create a   folder for us there underneath the plex claim  we're just going to skip that go ahead and click   add another path and in the path give it data once  again in the container path we'll go forward slash   data forward slash media and in the host path  we want to go to our data share then into media   because obviously you want plex to be able to read  all these folders underneath so we'll allow it to   see the top level folder and then click add once  that's done go ahead and click apply while that's   installing we'll head back to view torrent and you  can see that we've got a torrent that's finished   here and it's set to seating if we go to the open  settings under the bittorrent settings set it to   the ratio that you like for how long you want it  to seed for if you're in a situation where you   don't have a lot of bandwidth guys it might not  be easy for you to share it you might want to set   it to a really short period in this case you can  just set it to minus one or zero um in other cases   you might have plenty of bandwidth and you want to  share and give back to the community please leave   it for longer it really depends on you personally  so once you've done that go ahead and click save   as you can see it's set it to done now once this  is done you'll notice that the torrent sort of   just sits there the reason why is if we go back to  sony go to settings go to download clients you can   see here completed download handling so we can say  remove the downloads from download client history   and click save change so then when sona is done  with it it can just get rid of the torrent from   the application for us i believe since this  one was done already prior to us knowing   we're just going to go ahead and click delete  but the future one sonar should automatically   kick them off for us but as you can see we've got  our file here and it's all set up ready to go so   we've gone back to the container guys for plex  and in here it says visit plex slash claim to get   the claim code so we've put that in and now that  we've signed in it already created a code for us   so copy that to the clipboard head back to  your template and put the claim code in here   once you've put it in go ahead and click apply  and just wait for that to process once it's done   launch it up again so now that we've set that  we can actually get started with setting it up   so go ahead and click got it and if you want to  plex pass you can look at that we're not going to   worry about it give your server a friendly name  we'll just call this ibra corp for today allow   me to access the outside the home sure no worries  now it's going to ask you to add your library so   the most important part obviously so go ahead and  click add library and you know what we're going to   add tv shows go next and then it's going to ask  you for your media folder so if you click browse   you'll notice that we've already mapped it  remember under media so under media tv click add   and then if you want any other further settings  you can change that otherwise click add library   we'll do the same for our movies so go to  movies next browse for the folder media   movies add and one last time for music so we go  music next browse for the media media music ad   ad library go ahead and click next and  then click done if you don't know this   with plex they actually do host their  own stuff that you can watch for free   with some ads of course but if you just want  to see your own stuff go to the more tab   and unpin all this stuff here if if it doesn't  interest you if it does interest you you can   keep it otherwise just unpin it go back and now  we can see only the stuff that we've got and as   you can see it's picked up our tv show straight  off our media file so we've set up the full link   we've set up how to find the media how to manage  the media how to download the media and how to   watch or consume the media that is now completely  automated so anytime you want to add something new   let's say you did the same with radar you would  just search for it and click add the next level   above that is something like ombi if you don't  know what omb is it is a request service that   allows you to put in requests for stuff or have  other people request for stuff and i can cover   that in a future video if people are interested  but that's pretty much the basics to get you   going and to help you automate your home media  and if we go back to our disks guys i mean look   the server's not even sweating honestly there's  nothing going on with the disc let's go to main   we'll switch the tab here you can see there's  barely any disk right read writing happening at   all and it was almost instantaneous to be honest  so if you're interested and that's something   you want to do i highly recommend checking  out the guide again the guide is by trash   and the link will be down in the description  so big shout out to him for his work on this   i think it's a complete game changer i  think people won't turn back once you   switch to this method and your hard drives  will be seriously thanking you for this so   big pat on the back to everyone involved  and a big thanks to the unread community   we love you all thanks for staying with us at ibra  corp and we'll see you in the next ebro corp video you
Views: 12,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: configure unraid, hardlinks, home media server, hotio, how to configure unraid, how to install unraid, how to set up unraid, ibracorp, install unraid 2021, media server unraid, pivpn, plex server, plex unraid, prowlarr, qbittorrent, radarr, rocketchat, sonarr unraid, unraid, unraid 6.9, unraid 6.9.2, unraid 6.9.3, unraid disk settings, unraid for beginners, unraid guide, unraid hardlinks, unraid install, unraid plex, unraid setup, unraid setup 2021, unraid shares, unraid tutorial
Id: AMcHsQJ7My0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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