Unraid 6.12: Review, Tips & Tricks | What We Learned

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foreign and welcome back to another ibra call video what a  pleasure to have you all here thank you for coming   in and checking out the channel today a massive  massive massive thank you to all the subscribers   on the channel we're at 25 and a half thousand  subscribers if you're new to the Channel please   like And subscribe and it really does help the  channel out thank you to our members who are   supporting the channel as well by being a member  and to everyone in our Discord who's contributing   to our great Community we really thank you as  well something that a lot of people have been   asking about in the comments especially from our  last video which you guys seem to have loved you   know seeing the new build seeing all the different  stuff we've done with it provided your own ideas   and and ideas on chassis and even feedback on  the actual Silverstone chassis that we use if   you didn't if you didn't see that video be sure  to check it out because we went into some great   detail on building a server with ATX components  you know those consumer computer parts and how   you can repurpose them into you know I say this in  quotation but a Enterprise server to serve you at   home now on that server we set up unrate and so  today I was going to take you through our unread   setup show you where it's at what I've done with  it what I haven't done with it and it's going to   lead us into the next video that we're going to be  doing in the next few days I'm hoping in the next   week it'll be out for you guys but basically  this video is just going to chat about where   our unread server is now now that I have it in a  nice calm space you know I'm not really messing   with it at the moment I'm happy where it is and I  think all of you self-hosters can agree it's hard   to find a spot where you feel happy with where  something is and you're not messing around with   it every day but once you get there you know it's  really nice to be able to say the server is just   so self-sufficient I don't have to mess around  all the time so let's just jump into it so what   you're looking at is our Osiris server this is  the guy that's living in the chassis that I showed   you in the last video so we're on the home page  and you can see we're on underage 6.12.3 latest   stable release big changes from the previous  unread versions but I must say the transition   was very smooth there's a lot of new features  and improvements especially in the UI front   you can just see how clean it is the ability to  move stuff around has been incredible so if I just   uncheck that you know unlock it you can just move  stuff around which I think is really beneficial I   think it's one of one of the very big improvements  I've enjoyed out of this version from the unread   team so well done guys really really like what  you've done here and the ability to just switch   them around on the Fly is Handy especially for  those who'd like to fine-tune their their UI the   benefit there's obviously huge well server's  not doing too much at the moment it's not   working very hard we've only got one stream that's  currently running as you can see but usually uh we   get a tour what do you reckon I reckon we get to  about eight to ten streams at some times and This   Server doesn't even stress honestly it's not even  stressed so you can see I've gone with the very   kiss approach keep it simple stupid very clean  very simple and I've been working with a client   lately guys that if you if you don't know we are  starting to do some one-on-one work if you need   that extra help with something specific and and  you want to use our time you can book us email us   at support.io and we'll book a time with you and  we can help you out but I've been working with a   client lately one of our subscribers and you know  I've helped him clean up his server a little bit   but he's got ways to go still and I showed him  my server just as an example I'm not saying my   service perfect but I can definitely show you my  server from a cleanliness point of view it's not   too bad right it's pretty pretty straightforward  it's pretty clean you can see exactly what's   happening on it without being too stressed and  carrying a lot of baggage you know from your   previous builds and that's the best part about  building a new server or rebuilding a server is   the ability to improve on what you had before and  just realizing how much extra baggage you might   have accumulated over the years so this server's  been up for five days and that's because I   recently just you know updated it but um otherwise  the server's been completely stable I've had no   issues whatsoever pretty happy with it one of the  main things I'll show you if I just switch over to   our main tab is I've improved my cache capability  so I've got two terabytes of cache it is much   better in terms of the overall speed I've found a  good balance between how long it sits on the cache   and how long it goes to the array and having a  two terabyte amount of space has been really good   I think I would probably recommend that moving  forward maybe not for everyone but definitely for   me that seems to be a good sweet spot I haven't  had to update any disks but one thing I did learn   in the process is shares settings you know I  thought I knew everything about shares which   I obviously didn't because one of my shares for  the media location wasn't configured correctly the   automatically split directory setting wasn't  configured correctly so what it meant was my   disk you can see in this disk here it's corrected  itself now but that got down to about 50 gig free   or less actually and it bottlenecked the disk now  that had ramifications down the line because I had   a lot of other things that were trying to happen  at the same time once I corrected it it balanced   itself out and started using the other disks the  way they were supposed to and we'll touch on that   now so let's go over to shares and this is what  shares look like in version 6.12 so they've done   a great job of making things a little bit easier  to understand because previously in older versions   there was a lot of comments about how exactly  does the share settings work what does Private   mean what does cache only mean or case yes sorry  they've changed a lot of that around so now just   at a quick glance you can actually see what what's  what's happening so updater storage cache simple   as that we know that it's going to stay on the  cache that's what we've set it to backups it's   going to go on the cache first and then it's going  to go to the array uh isos it can be on the array   and then move to the cache media on the cache and  then eventually the array that is a much clearer   way to look at it compared to the way it used to  be now if I click on updater here and we have a   look and you can see now in minimum free space  we can actually set a percentage so previously it   was just a size uh now it's a percent well which  is really good then you've got your settings so   primary storage they've changed that wording  around like I said primary storage where do   you want the primary storage to go after that the  secondary storage where do you want that to be and   the move I will do its thing now we also have more  settings with the Mover action and if you're using   the move a tuning plug-in you know lots of updates  there worth revisiting as well if you haven't been   using it we've done a video ages ago I know it's  a little bit outdated now but a lot of the plugins   that we're using in unread I'll show you that  here today anyway what we're using for plugins   users nothing special there for us today but if  we go to settings have a look at this so we've   kept it pretty slim here pretty lean and there's  a reason for that my methodology which I explained   in the last video was this server is going to be  just unread it's going to be El Nas it's not going   to be our VM powerhouse it's not going to be our  container Powerhouse I don't want it to do any of   that stuff anymore that that is gone now if I want  to run those things I'm going to run them on a   different server you know that serves a different  purpose keeping it Purpose Driven means I can   focus on what it's actually supposed to do as its  primary use and not over extend its capabilities   so something worth visiting is the docker settings  I know a lot of people have commented on where   you should probably keep that and one of the best  changes I've made is changing the default update   of storage location so on mine I've set it to  directly go to the cache now this this avoids   having to hit the share and letting the share do  the work signing where it needs to go I already   know that the updater is a cache only location so  why not just set it as the default I'll show you   why that benefits us once we get to the docker tab  back in settings maybe some other stuff might be   handy to know is our user utilities so we've got  our backup and restore now the old version's gone   this is a new developer who's taken it on big  props to them and please support the developers   here if you enjoy anything we'll show you and you  come into our plugins and again nice and clean not   too much going on not over the top we're trying  to keep anything that's you know up to date and   is regularly being updated as well Dynamics one  probably doesn't need an update but might be worth   visiting and seeing if we can we can probably get  rid of those as well if I just scroll down some of   the handy ones I've found is Plex streams pretty  cool little plug in there and it'll just display   streams on your dash home uh here in unread  we scroll up a little bit more and you'll see   some of the other Dynamics ones which are very  handy and disk location I find very handy as well   over to our Docker tab now you'll notice my Docker  folders my fancy Docker you know organization   folders are gone and that was because it broke in  the latest version of unread I'm not sure if it's   been updated yet I'll have to revisit that myself  but I decided for now I'll just leave it off I   don't have that many containers all I've done is  organize them in in order of you know importance   and start a procedure and I've kind of just left  it at that and you can see I really don't have   that many containers especially compared to a lot  of people out there all you can see is nginx proxy   manager our tail scale for our VPN we've got  cloudflare they're running our tunnel Plex and   remember this is order of dependency so I try to  start them you know my networking stuff is coming   up first next is Plex and then all the stuff that  supports Plex comes after so we've got our media   automation tools here we have our Prowler and  then we have our requests so overseer tortuli   Plex Mana manager and a couple of the other apps  there as well now Notifier is probably one of the   most important and I have a big update on that  which is going to be our next video coming out in   the next week to help set up this all of our media  automation stuff and Plex in one go and it's going   to be using the trash guides okay so that's going  to be our next video I will show you all that   um and everything I learned out of having to  do this again to help speed up the process the   other thing you'll notice is we're using the  trash guides recommendations which we've done   a video on before be sure to check that out if  you haven't but if you look at our shares here   you'll notice a bit of a trend they all follow a  very similar location this allows us to take full   advantage of our trash guides recommendations  and the atomic links that we get so by having   them like this out our transfers are instant  as soon as a file has completed its download   it's instantly in the location that it needs to  be for something like Plex to pick up so you'll   notice a little bit of a trend where they all  kind of point in the same location here and   there and that's by Design I'll explain that in  the next video though for this video something   worth noting is again because we change that  default location if you haven't done it yet   it's worth having a look into changing the app  data location to the cache like I have now if   you go to apps and go to previous apps you should  be able to reinstall them this way so if you hit   that reinstall it'll take you your latest settings  that you've used to install it and put it back on   okay but just make sure you back up anyway just  in case so anyway there's our containers nothing   too crazy going on there like I said I'm trying  to keep it real simple VMS I don't run any VMS   on This Server we've got our app store pretty  straightforward as well and you'll notice that   a lot of new apps have been coming up under the  Uber Corp repository name that's thanks to stern   bear one of our admins he jumps in and creates  these templates for us most of the time and gets   them out to you guys to try so big thank you to  stern bear really appreciate you doing that for   the community we'll probably do a video here on  xeroxy very soon but we thought we'd put it out   just for you guys to have a play with and see what  you think so feel free to drop some comments on   that if you do have any uh tips on that one we've  got the Plex streams plug in here showing up like   I was telling you so that comes up here for us  and it also comes up on our dashboard so just here   and the other one is the disk location so  obviously you guys know we have a big chassis now   takes up to 20 discs so I went ahead and started  using this uh plug-in so that we can keep track   of where these discs are in our physical array if  I look at the front of my server I know exactly   what disk is in there and if I don't know it gives  me some really cool abilities if you go to Trail   locations and I hit locate what it's doing right  now flashing the read light on the disk on the   chassis itself on the front so I can actually just  physically look at it and I know exactly where one   is supposed to be now I know where one is because  I've already set this up but when you're first   setting it up it's not going to be in this order  it's going to be in any of these it's going to   look like this so that just helps you locate  them and organize your trays you know so if I   had to pull something out I can set the purchase  date how much warranty it's under any additional   comments change the colors and then go from there  so that's probably another one actually I highly   recommend as well the stats plugin that comes  from our Dynamics plugins and you can see it's   pretty useful just to give you a quick snapshot  of what's going on your array system stats as   well how that's handling things next is you come  into this the tools section here you'll find some   you know pretty basic stuff here there's nothing  too exciting most of the stuff's in the settings   though I mean the docker settings is really  important how much you set up here what kind of   format you want it in you know all very important  stuff the default networks so yeah guys that's   where the server is at the moment it's doing a  fantastic job our automation tools are doing their   doing their job doing what they need to do getting  stuff on there nice and quick our arrays managing   itself pretty well temperature seems really good  I've got no complaints about the chassis except   one thing one thing and I did see some comments  online on how to resolve it it's a lot louder   um I think it's probably self-explanatory but  being such a big unit it does produce a little bit   more noise being in an office that I'm actually  working out of which I'm recording this video   in right now it's a it's a little bit louder and  that adds a little bit of a challenge if you know   not used to it I think I've gotten somewhat used  to it now the only time that it kind of shocks me   is when I actually have to shut the server down  and you realize how quiet it is without it on   or if the temperature goes up in the room by a  significant amount like I've got the heater on   the fans will obviously spin up as well and to  address that pretty simple a lot of people have   just gone and gone and nocture fans that fit into  the chassis you know brought that noise right down   and that's something I probably will do eventually  I just haven't got around to it but that's where   we're at with the server I hope to answer some of  your questions that I've been getting on the last   video some people asked about electricity I would  say electricity costs went up I would say five   percent using This Server Chassis but something  very important to note is that I'm not using all   my discs yet so I'm not using 20 discs flat out  okay if that if that was the case would be having   a different conversation but right now I only  have about three discs with content actually on   it that's actively used and at any one time maybe  only one or two of those discs are being used at   the moment but that'll change over time the more  content we get and it's spread over different   discs you know obviously we're going to have a  bit of a different problem but um hopefully that   gave you a bit of an idea on how you can set Yours  up and if you do have more questions drop them in   the comments so I'm happy to answer them for you  um and like I said if you want some one-on-one   help reach out to us and we'll book some time  together and help you out maybe your server is   absolutely perfect and if it is send us a message  I want to know about it because there's probably a   lot of stuff we can learn from you as well that's  about it guys hope you enjoy that like I said I'm   looking forward to pumping out a new video with  Notifier we're working with the developer Mitsuwa   over on our Discord and our chatting with trading  with him to get a new video on Notifier for you   which I think you'll really enjoy it's going  to make your automation Journey a little bit   easier the new format of the Notifier website is  Ace and one of the best things that's just about   to drop is the ability to not have to open any  ports to allow it to communicate with your client   on base I'm going to explain all that in the new  video but keep an eye out it's going to be really   exciting until next time guys hope you have a  good day we'll see you in the next record video enough
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Keywords: ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, unraid setup, unraid tutorial, unraid guide, configure unraid, unraid setup 2023, unraid tips and tricks, unraid 6.12 setup, unraid 6.12.0, unraid server 2023, unraid basics, unraid, unraid vs truenas, unraid zfs, unraid plex, unraid 6.12, unraid vm, unraid plugins, unraid docker, nas server, unraid for beginners, unraid setup docker, home server, unraid nas setup, unraid review, unraid server case, spaceinvader one unraid, unraid server
Id: M62Tg_PC1PY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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