The Ultimate Unraid Overseerr Tutorial: Best Requests Unveiled

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hi guys and welcome back to another IBRACORP  video thanks for coming back and tuning in   with us today we hope you've been enjoying  the content we've been putting out recently   it's been uh very busy and we've been  putting out as much as we possibly can   on different subjects that our members have been  suggesting which has been really really good   if you would like to make suggestions for future  videos need help or want to help support the   channel feel free to subscribe to our website  subscribe here on youtube and then join up into   the discord we've got plenty of members in there  who have some knowledge that they're happy to   share and help those that are struggling including  myself so if you're interested all the links are   down below in the description for today's video  we're going to be covering overseer which is a   request management application it's free and  open source it's still pretty new and at the   moment it's considered in beta but by now  you've probably heard of it or you've seen   it around here and there and it's meant to be  similar in the sense of application like ombi   it's pretty clean i think a lot of people will  appreciate the style that it's been designed   with as well as the integrations with plex making  a very very smooth experience for those wanting   to try something a little bit different for their  quest management software so if you're interested   you want to give it a try or you just want to  know more stay tuned and we'll get stuck into it alright guys so welcome back we haven't really  covered requesting software too much here on the   channel yet so overseer is an application that's  currently in beta i've used it as a secondary   request system for my members and the feedback has  been good there are some features that i wish it   did have but i'll cover those as we go so here  we are on the main website which is   that's double e double r and as you can see we've  got a nice screenshot here of what it basically   looks like it allows you to request tv shows and  movies one of the things i really like about the   application is the built-in recommendation and  suggestions system so you know if you don't know   what to pick you don't know what you want to watch  it's got those recommendations built in there with   integrations with rotten tomatoes so that you  can see all sorts of reviews and things like that   so it kind of moves us towards a more in-depth  request system rather than someone just going in   there typing in something and clicking request it  can actually be a more of a user experience where   they come in they might browse a little bit stay  around see what they find if they like something   then they can request it so it allows them to have  a little bit more of a experience if you will when   using the application which i really like it's  very easy to request stuff we will get into   this of course here's a quick snapshot of what  that looks like so you can put a request through   individual seasons individual episodes using  a server you want to run it on you've got the   option there and here's some of their highlights  so easy request management okay we've got that   beautiful granular permissions also very important  when you have a large user base or member base   and you want to restrict certain things to  different people now that's pretty standard but   as long as it's providing us that here that's a  very important feature dvr integration so it's   fully integrated with applications like radar and  sonar and it supports activity monitoring within   overseer itself now that's pretty cool because  rather than just sending the job off to sonar   and radar you can actually track it as well it has  4k support it can scan your plex library so this   is a big tick here for overseer notifications uh  the agents included are email discord push bullet   push over slack and telegram so very very useful  you can have it hooked up to your discord server   the mobile friendly experience looks great on  mobile no argument there and you can apply limits   to requests so in case you're wondering here's  a couple of faqs before we get started it's got   multiple languages you can create local users so  if you don't want to have to rely on plex you can   just create local users that can log in directly  to the app it supports all the new and old plex tv   agents and movie agents it has full support for  anime agents as well as we already know it will   allow to use your radar and sonar and you can  import your plex users and of course you've got   the installation and documentation here as always  i would like to highly recommend that if you enjoy   something that we show here on the channel  and you want to help support the developers   please always go to the links that i put up in the  description or in the video and show your support   for the developer this is free and open source  so someone or some people are taking time to make   this and if you like it help support the project  they're offering something really really cool for   no money so that's pretty much the overview guys  pretty straightforward let's just get into the   install and we'll start it up and we'll run a  end-to-end request and we'll see how that looks   so we've logged into our server we're here on  our main server zeus today and the reason why is   because i've already got all the media automation  stuff set up i've covered a little bit of that in   one of our previous videos was the utorrent as  well as the atomic moves and hard linking video   which we showed you a little bit more in depth  with sonar and radar settings so the first thing   we're going to do is head over to our app store  if you don't have the app store i have a video   showing how to do that so now that we're in the  app store just go ahead and search for overseer   you'll see it pop up here in the autocomplete and  we have multiple different options to pick from   pretty straightforward now there's a couple of  options i'm going to go for the hot io option   or hoshio is all i call him i think we've become  friends now so i'm just going to keep calling him   hoshio until he corrects me otherwise go ahead and  click install and click on default now i've got   option here that always turns on advanced view you  may not need that so we'll just flick that back to   basic view we've got our networks we want  to pick our custom network here so we can   have them all talk to each other and we can have  them using their host names you'll see that we   have the pre-configured section here for your app  data config goes to config now the sections that   we don't see however are our media library and we  need to map that ourselves so let's go ahead and   click add another path port variable we'll call  it a path and we'll just call this media in the   container path we're just going to call this slash  media i was going to go ahead and call that media   and then we'll map that here in our server to  where we have all of our stuff so our media folder   and then we can pretty much have that map there  now if you haven't watched my last video which was   about using hard links and atomic moves i suggest  you do watch that video is very important to the   reason why we have these paths okay we've moved  away from the whole separate shares from movie   tv etc we want things to load instantly so it's  really beneficial for you to watch that video   before you continue once we've mapped that we  can go ahead and click add and that's pretty   much ready that's really all we need to set  up of course make sure your port is free 5055.   if i was to go show all docker allocation and we  go control f we type in 5055 i can see that it's   not being used anywhere else in here so we've got  all the information go ahead and click apply and   click done now if we head back to our docker tab  and we'll scroll right down you can see i've got   overseer here now so we'll left click and click  open in web ui so now we're in the main web ui   so we basically have to get set up so the first  thing you'll do is sign into your plex account   okay i'll just click sign in with plex i already  had my plex signed in so now it allows me to just   continue basically so we'll click refresh here  so they can try and retrieve our server by itself   drop down the list if you see your server in there  i'm going to pick the local address so that it can   talk locally to our plex server what we don't  really want is for this application to reach out   to the internet to get to plex and then back down  again so i'm going to pick the local address i've   just picked it from the list shows up as local  it's got the default host address that i've set   up with and the port that i've set it up with as  well do we want to enable ssl i'm not going to   because i don't actually have ssl on local um if  i was coming in through the net and it was through   the reverse proxy then i would enable it okay and  click save gives us a nice tick up here that tells   us that the connection is successful scroll  down a little further and it basically wants   to know your library so if we just click sync  libraries there's our two libraries go ahead and   tick yes and yes how easy is that so far pretty  straightforward and now it basically wants to   have our scan done now we can do it in about 24  hours or we can just start it ourselves so we'll   just go ahead and click start scan and it's going  to go ahead and start scanning our library now we   don't have to wait for that we can just continue  with the setup so go ahead and click continue   now we want to basically set up our radar and our  sonar so let's go ahead and start with radar we'll   say it's the default server for movies uh we don't  have 4k we'll go ahead and click 4k as well and   we'll start the server name so we'll just call it  radar now this the benefit of this we'll just call   that radar now the benefit of this is if you have  multiple radar applications or instances running   you might want to give them different names i've  only got the one so i'm just going to call it   radar put in the ip address so this is the ip  address of the server which radar is running on   so i can see the port here is already there  we'll put 7878 we don't need to put ssl but   it does want us to give the api key so let's go  to radar go ahead to settings go to general and   then you can see your api key so we'll copy that  and paste the api key in here for the base url   we don't have one configured once we've got all  that information in there we should be able to   connect to it so let's go ahead and click test and  now let's grab some more information from us in   the quality profile select the profile that you've  got configured the root folder which is pulling   from radar settings that's correct and the minimum  availability so you can have people request stuff   that has been announced and maybe it's three  years away or only in cinemas only released etc   etc so i'm going to go ahead and say announced  i don't mind stuff being in there for a while   with our tags we don't have any tags set  up so we don't have to worry about that   if we want a external url we have an  external url but do we want to put it in here   not really because i just want people to use  the request service and not go directly to radar   but if you did you could just set that yourself so  then we'll click enable scan and that way it can   communicate with radar and scan what radar has in  this library as well and uh that's about it so if   we just click test everything seems right go ahead  and click add server now you can see i've just got   a warning here that's saying if you only have one  server and you've ticked it for both 4k and non 4k   they should not be designated as the same thing so  i'm actually going to go ahead and edit that and   i'm going to untick 4k click save but if you did  want 4k it's asking you to basically set up as a   separate server and then we're going to repeat the  whole step over again for the sonar so there's our   sonar radar set up pretty straightforward that was  really easy and we'll go ahead and click finish   setup now it's going to start loading up and you  know we're away and going so that's working which   is awesome so in order for us to test this now  we really need to request something uh before   we do that though i'll just take you through the  interface and we'll have a look through all the   settings so let's say over here we've got recently  added so it's already picked up stuff that's been   recently added to my server looks really good  you've got recent requests obviously there's   none we've just set this up now but here's  the great thing if we come down you can have   a look at what's trending so what are other people  watching at the moment you know have a look maybe   something interests you you might want to check  it out you know it looks really good no worries   let's go down a little further you've got genres  you can go through as well which is really cool   you've got the ability to search by studio you've  got popular series so stuff that's ranking high in   the ratings and then you've got networks as well  now i should note as well that this is in beta   so guys anything you see here that may not look  correct may not look right it's probably still   being worked on and if you would like to help  contribute to feedback make sure you go check   out the github page by clicking this link so if  we come down to requests now this is the request   interface we can see that this is where request  would be we don't have any then we've got users   and here's me here's my little self and then we've  got settings so in the settings you've got your   api keys and your application url now if we're  going to reverse proxy this now's the time to do   it so we'll go ahead and type our address now i've  already covered this in the nginx proxy manager   videos so if you're interested in finding out  how to reverse proxy something please watch that   one this is assuming you already have so that's  our external url so we can go ahead and click   save changes there so some other settings that  we've got as well we've got our enable proxy   support so if you have a proxy that you need to  get through you configure that here you can set   external api access to read only so if you want it  to be a little bit more secure in that sense hide   available media you can tick that allow partial  series requests so if somebody wants to request   a series do you want them to grab just one part  of it or do they have to grab the entire series   so that's a nice function as well in our users  settings we've got enable local sign in so that   if you want to set up users you can do that the  default permissions they have when they do join   whether they have auto approval anything like that  you can also set the limits as well then you've   got your plex settings so we've gone through  this when we actually set it up so nothing too   crazy there head over to services that's where you  configure your radar and sonar which we've already   done you can then configure your notification  settings so if you wanted to set up emails   this is where you'll put your host name i've made  a video with gmail on how to use that if you want   to use it for free there's other options out there  as well if you wanted to use discord this is where   you would set up your discord so you can have an  avatar url the username of the bot the webhook   so in discord go to server settings integrations  web hooks then you create one and you just put the   url in here and you can put what messages you want  the bot to send out it's pretty similar for the   rest of them so you've got all these other ones  here as well including webhook itself then you've   got the logs so you can monitor what's happening  so you can see it's really nice and clean   really easy to read any jobs that are currently  running or have run or scheduled to run are in   here as well and if you go to about you've got  your time zone your version any other information   that you might need so let's test an end to end  here so let's go ahead and request something   so i'm going to request the movie that isn't  currently available so you can see with the tikia   we've got it available already so let's go ahead  with something that isn't currently available   let's say this one here the marksman that looks  interesting we'll click on it you see as it loads   up it's giving us a nice overview it's giving us  the blurb we've got reviews you know even how much   it costs to make the movie i mean i don't know how  much information you need but it's got it there   easily watch a trailer if you like you've also  got an options here on the side so you can see   whether someone's already requested it or not and  we'll scroll down you can see you know the similar   titles maybe you saw something that you liked  so look i'm happy with that let's say i want to   request it we'll go ahead and click request it's  going to give you some options here and for me   because on the admin it's approved automatically  so we don't have to worry too much about that we   don't have any tags the user that i'm signing in  as the destination server the quality profile and   the root folder so i don't really have to change  any of that because we've all set it up when we   added our radar server so we can pretty much  just go ahead and click request that says it's   requested successfully we'll go back to radar now  so in radar we can see that it did put the request   through and the search began and i basically added  it to our queue so from here we can see that the   request does work and it looks quite clean when  you're looking at the requests like this as well   at any point under requests we can go ahead and  delete it or we can just go through and see what   it is that um the person has requested as you  can see we've refreshed the page now and it's   sewing as processing so it is actually currently  processing and we'll be able to see how it's going   you can see here recent requests looks really  good as well comes up there for you so it's on   the main page for everyone to see if someone wants  to sign in you they can see that it's already been   requested as well so that should help cut down  on the double ups that you see a lot of the time   it doesn't have to be over complicated you  know it's meant to be nice and easy to use very   friendly to use and on mobile it's very mobile  friendly when you go to open this up on your phone   if you're reverse proxying as well it should look  really really good so i hope you enjoyed that guys   it's really neat little application i think it's  really worth checking out if you're interested   if you have a request system that you are  currently using you want to try a new one if you   have a preference for a different one or you have  the suggestion for try a different one drop it in   the comments down below and i will get around to  checking it out we've also got a video request   channel in our discord so you can put anything  that in there that you might think you'd like   to see a video about i hope that helps feel free  to check it out please don't forget to like and   subscribe it really helps the channel out and i  appreciate every single one of you for continuing   to support us and our work hope you have a nice  day and we'll see you in the next hibricorp video you
Views: 60,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: configure unraid, docker, home automation, home server, ibra corp, ibraco, ibracorp, jackett, jackett setup, lidarr, media server, nginx proxy manager, ombi, ombi request, overseer, overseerr, overseerr plex, overseerr request, plex, plex media server, plex requests, plex server, prowlarr, radarr, request management system, sonarr, sonarr setup, spaceinvader one, unraid, unraid 6.9, unraid for beginners, unraid install, unraid server, unraid setup, unraid setup 2021, unraid tutorial
Id: f9uEnz6Ebx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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