Torrent Safely Over a VPN With This Simple One-Click Guide

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hey guys and welcome back to Jim's Garage one of the questions that my community are continuously asking me is how do I root a container through a VPN well in this video I'm going to show you how to deploy a VPN container that will connect to pretty much any of the big VPN suppliers and if it doesn't support it out of the box it is supported through templating I'm going to show you how to do this with nordvpn but there are instructions for all of the big players importantly on top of this it supports wireguard so not only does it support the more familiar UDP and TCP based vpns but also wireguard which as I showed in my last video has pretty much become the de facto standard for vpns it's lightweight it's fast it's baked into the kernel and it has all the benefits of modern cryptography so in this video I'm going to show you how to deploy a torrent stack more commonly known as an R stack this will include qubit torrent Prowler sonar and I've included a jacket if you're still using jacket the beauty of this approach is that we're simply defining how to root this traffic with a simple Network command in the docker compose file and that'll give you a clue as to how we're going to deploy this but the key thing here is that the principle for deploying a container through a VPN is the same so if you don't want to do this for a torrent you could do this for any container you are running on your network moreover some of your VPN providers might actually allow port forwarding so that opens up the interesting possibility that you could expose your services through a VPN which is great not only for hiding your location but equally maybe your ISP is blocking port forwarding and this could allow you to get around that so you might be thinking how can we do this simply in virtually one click well that's where our good old friend Docker comes to the rescue again and we can actually spin up multiple services within one Docker compose file so let's have a look the primary thing here we're going to use is a container called gluton I recommend you go and check that out give it a star it's a great container that works with pretty much all of the main VPN providers now you might be asking how does this work well again that's where the magic of Docker networking comes in what we're doing here is effectively spinning up four containers one of those is that glue ton the one that provides a VPN and the other ones sonar and jacket they are rooted through that container simply by specifying the gluton as the network access point in this case the network mode service gluton so with this setup all of those containers are on the same Docker Network and can communicate with one another and are still accessible locally sounds like a pretty good solution so let's run through each of the containers quickly to make sure that we understand the configuration so the first one is gluton and there's not really much to go through here we need to add net admin for the capability ad it needs special Network permissions to be able to set up and share this VPN we need to pass through the device Network turn we need to specify some ports now as you can see I've added comments here for each of the ports and which service they relate to you could obviously add to this Docker compose file for any other container you want to run through a VPN simply add the ports to this container and then redeploy it you can then access it through the IP of the docker VM and that port number or you could run it through traffic like we have done before and take advantage of a friendly easy to remember URL the volume mounts for this container are pretty straightforward this is where it's going to store the server list for your chosen VPN I.E I'm using nordvpn for this example and this is where it will store all all the details for all of the nordvpn servers the most important bit in this container is the environments section so in the environment section you can choose which VPN provider you want to use which type of VPN I.E wireguard UDP TCP Etc and then some credentials to allow you to access it with your account I've got this configured for wireguard but don't worry if your provider doesn't give you wireguard credentials you can choose one of the other protocols or I'll show you in a minute how to get wireguard credentials for nordvpn because it's not straightforward they want to force you to use Nord links which is basically their proprietary implementation of wireguard the next container is qubit torrent now you could change this for any torrent client you want to use Deluge transmission just change this the key thing here remember we want to specify the network mode as service gluten as long as you've got that and as long as you're mapping the port's okay you should be fine so cubic torrent is pretty straightforward we basically just need to specify where we want the config to live for qubit torrent and where we want our downloads to reside now now I've just mapped these locally but if you remember in a previous video I showed you how to map a network drive from trunas now it might be a good idea to save all of that to your true nuts because it likely has larger storage or maybe you want to keep it locally because you don't want your Nas getting hit by torrents which are usually pretty read write heavy the next container we're using here is jacket and that's pretty straightforward nothing special about this we just need to specify where we want the config and the black hole folder to be located so just map those to the right location for your setup and lastly is sonar again really simple to deploy just change those volume mounts to wherever you need them to be so let's head over to our Docker VM now let's create that compose file and the folders that are necessary to deploy this container stack so I've created in my Docker compose folder the docker compose which you can find on my GitHub inside here I've tweaked this to match my setup using nordvpn and wireguard and I've mapped all of the home directories to my user as I said you can add as many containers in here as you want and you can root those all through the VPN so once you've created your Docker compose file you're going to want to make sure that those folder structures exist for when you start the container and you can see that I have these folders created already so let's go ahead and start this and see what happens so if we log into our host let's navigate to our Docker compose location and then we simply want to deploy this using the sudo Docker compose op Dash D so that's going to go ahead pull down all of those containers and hopefully you should now be up and running let's go and have a quick look in portena to make sure that those all deployed successfully we could also Docker PS and just make sure in the command line so those all look like they're running and we can see here if we focus on the stack column that our rstack is up and running and is in a healthy State excellent so if we want to just double check let's head into the gluton logs and just make sure that everything looks right because if we don't have that VPN connection then none of this is going to work so as you can see everything is up and running we've got the you are running on the bleeding edge of latest and your public IP address is I'm coming out somewhere in Poland so that looks great I'm not in Poland let's check the other containers everything looks fine in there jacket looks good it's listening on the port that we told it to and lastly our torrent client is also running as well so let's go and verify that in the browser just to make sure so I've kept this simple without a traffic reverse proxy so I'm going to be connecting with the IP address and the port so my Docker machine and the ports we specified but this is just as simple to add the traffic labels and run it through traffic with a friendly URL if you want so according to our Docker compose file and the port that we can see that gluton has assigned to it we should be able to access qubit torrent on port 8085 or whatever URL you've given it with traffic let's check that out and there we go blinded by the lack of dark mode but we've got the qubit torrent web UI excellent and if we log in with the default username of admin and the password of admin admin yep goes without saying I recommend you change those we have the familiar qubit torrent UI perfect yeah it's running through a browser that's pretty cool so now that you're able to access qbit torrent it should be the same process for all of the other services that you're running so simply head to things like Prowler or sonar and then connect the apps together using the local hostname and the port everything should behave and act as if you're running the own specific dedicated applications so thanks for watching this video if you liked it please subscribe and give it a thumbs up and I'll see you on the next video take care foreign [Music]
Channel: Jim's Garage
Views: 49,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: torrent, torrent download, torrent vpn, vpn, docker, linux, proxmox, portainer, how to use torrent, how to torrent, qbittorrent, sonarr, prowlarr, jackett, tutorial, qbittorrent tutorial, best vpn, how to use vpn, docker tutorial, docker compose, nordvpn, surfshark, pia, private internet access, wireguard, how to wireguard, wireguard vpn, how to use wireguard
Id: 9dJPOd0XbN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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