Discover the Secret to Cloudflare's Dynamic DNS Setup

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hi guys and welcome back to another ibracorp video   before we begin today's video i want to  say a quick thank you to everyone who has   subscribed to the channel liked our videos  we really appreciate all your support so far   you know we're nearly at 700 subscribers which  honestly i could have only dreamed of just a   few months ago the feedback is that people  are happy with my explanations of my videos   the format in which it's presented and look that's  the way i like to learn so i'm glad that there's   other people that like learning the way i do just  makes it so much easier when you can just cut   straight to the point and to the bare minimums  in some cases is the best approach because   you can really get over convoluted when  you've got too much information to work with   so today in light and in fashion of everything  that we've done so far i want to try and keep this   as brief as possible because honestly it's one  of the quickest things i could probably teach you   if you've been following our cloudflare  videos and following our progress so far   on setting up our virtual environment  and our virtual home lab that we've   been working with together this is going to  work in perfectly for you and our scenario   so i've had several people ask me to do something  on dynamic dns and we're going to keep it simple   if you're interested and you have used cloudflare  and followed our cloudflare video to set up your   domain then this is for you if you haven't  used cloudflare to set up your domain   this might still be an option for you i'll  leave that up to you but i highly recommend   checking out our cloudflare video and seeing if  it works for you if it does jump back in here   after and we're going to go on to the next step  so without further ado let's get stuck into it   so guys you're interested in dynamic dns what is  dynamic dns you might ask when we first set up our   domain over in cloudflare we had to pick an ip  address that was our public ip address so that   when someone typed in cloudflare knew  to send to this particular ip address   where the server is living  i'll show you that real quick so here we are on cloudflare  and if i just go into our domain then to dns in this field right here you will see an ip  address that's the ip address that you had to   put in for your public ip address it is a record  and it says the domain that you're trying to   set up the ip address for then you have your  sub domains that we've set up so we've got   one for overseer for example proxy ipa et  cetera et cetera you might have a lot more   and you're telling those subdomains  to point to or they are   a sub-domain or alias of  so for example usually you would see an ip address here i've  blanked it out because obviously for privacy   we can't have our peer address on there  but you will have your ip address on there   so just imagine where your ip address would be  there okay the problem with this setup is that   many people around the world don't  actually have a static ip address so   your ip address that faces out to the world  especially in a home and internet environment   is dynamic and it changes it could change daily  it could change monthly an issue these causes is   obviously this address that you've put in here  this ip address will no longer be accessible if   your ip address for the server changes because  cloudflare won't be able to send your content   to that ip address or the request i should  say what dynamic dns does is installs a client or an agent on this level here or in  our case it will be on the internal server   and that agent will actually continue to check  what the ip address is and then go ahead and   update the dns entry on cloudflare so you  have constantly the same ip address being   transmitted between both locations i've done  a quick example here a quick image for you   because honestly it doesn't need to be  complicated here's our unraid server we have   all of our stuff installed on there we  have our router and our router is what   detects our external ip address given to  us by our isp or internet service provider and cloudflare has our a record for  or in our case with an a record   with this ip address so if our isp changes our  ip address this will no longer work this is   basically a dud and just won't get us anywhere  anymore so by having a dns agent here instead   this can communicate directly to cloudflare  and constantly update our ip address whatever's   been passed on from here will constantly  be fed back to cloudflare for us now there are some videos out there setting  up duck dns and to be honest with you i've   been using duck dns just up until this  week okay no word of a lie just this week   so this is not me saying that this is a better  option than that i will say it is a better option   if you are using the cloudflare setup that i have  taught you this is definitely the better way to go   but if you want to use the duck dns option  that still works with a cloudflare setup   so if you are following space invader ones  videos for example guys they still work   they're still applicable and by no means  am i saying that this is better than that   without his work i wouldn't have learned all  this but i'm saying that if you are using the   cloudflare setup this is a better approach  the reason why is because it actually uses   your container here with your api from  cloudflare so that it is logged into your account   and directly makes the changes to your  dns entry on the cloudflare website   and it means it's automated so you don't have to  be involved at all so let's get to the install   and i'll show you how simple it is we're now  back on cloudflare and you can see we've got   our a record here that's going to ask  you if you're sure you want to delete this we're   going to go ahead and click delete and that's  gone you may also have another one called www   guys that's the same as seeing a subdomain here if  it's pointing to your ip address get rid of it so   all we're left with is our subdomains that we've  set up okay now if you try to go to these they   obviously won't work because there's nothing to  tell cloudflare where your actual domain is living   that's fine we'll just leave it at that for  now and now we head back to unraid you can   see we've got engines proxy manager organizer  and overseer running head over to the app store once you're in the app store type in  cloudflare now you're going to see   a bunch of different options and look  all of them have a similar or varying   intention on what they do but the one i can  definitely guarantee for this video for what   we're doing is just going to be this one here  by the self hosters unraid discord repository click to install and you're going to be  faced with this template to install it   i'll walk you through that really quickly you  can see there's not many fields here to complete the first thing you'll need to do set your network  type if you are not using your bridge and using   your own docker network in the email field  enter the email address of the account that   you want to use so in our case then it's going  to ask for your api key head back to cloudflare in the top right corner you can  see my profile click on my profile head to api tokens under global api key click view it's going to  ask you to enter your password or your cloudflare   account and do one of these stupid captures  that ask you to pick from a bunch of images   and then click view once you see your api key  click to copy it will then copy the api key   we can then close this window head back  to unraid and enter that information here this is a very sensitive piece of information  so make sure that you have it secure   and that it's masked or that you  don't leave it in your clipboard   for the domain enter the  domain so in this in our case it's you can enter subdomains but in our  case we're just going to leave that   okay you can enter sub domains here  but as you can see it's optional select whether you are proxying through cloudflare   now if you're not sure head  back to cloudflare your dns and you can see here that it's proxied okay if  you're using cloudflare more than likely you   will be using proxy because that is the main  function of cloudflare to be honest with you   so head back here and cloudflare proxy we're going  to say true for the records leave it as a record   now that you've entered that information  hit apply and just wait for that to install once it's done you can close that head back  to docker and you'll see that the agent is   now running or the container is now running  we're back in cloudflare now we'll just refresh and there you go i know you can't see my ip  address but there is an ip address there and   an a record that's been created so that's created  it for us and i don't know what else to tell you   guys but that's pretty much it you've just set  up dynamic dns that dynamic dns will continue   to update your ip address with cloudflare as soon  as that changes anytime that changes it will then   update it here in cloudflare so you can always be  sure that the ip address is the same between your   home business wherever and in cloudflare  so that the two communicate harmoniously   the other thing is you're eliminating  the extra third party such as duck dns   you know why add that extra layer trying to set  it up with duck dns when you can just have it   communicate directly with cloudflare especially  if you're using cloudflare as your dns provider so that's pretty much it guys i said that it was  going to be a quick one and i hope that that was   really enjoyed showing you that i  would like to give a big shout out   to one of my community members for  showing me this in our discord so   big thanks to intel who joined our discord  and shared his findings with the community   and that just really helps the whole community  out so it's worth making these videos because   it helps everybody out so thanks to him and  thanks to everyone else for your support   your ongoing support is amazing you know we're  really trying to hit that thousand subscriber   mark so please if you like the work give us a  subscribe and give us a like and a big thumbs up   so thank you very much i hope that was helpful and  we'll see you in the next ubricorp video cheers you
Views: 38,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: authelia, cloudflare, cloudflare cdn, cloudflare dns, cloudflare dns setup, cloudflare dns tutorial, cloudflare dynamic dns, cloudflare dynamic dns unraid, cloudflare on unraid, cloudflare setup, cloudflare ssl, cloudflare tutorial, cloudflare unraid, ddns, duckdns, duckdns docker, duckdns unraid, how to setup cloudflare, how to use cloudflare, ibracorp, setup cloudflare, spaceinvader one, unraid 6.9, unraid for beginners, unraid install, unraid setup, unraid tutorial
Id: mfxooyveGSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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