Secure Self Hosted with Authentik | Traefik & NGINX Proxy Manager

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hi guys and welcome back  to another ibra corp video   absolute pleasure to have you guys back here today  thank you for coming and checking out the channel   we really appreciate you and today we've got a  really exciting video for you something we've   been working on in the background for  quite some time with our ibra beta team   thank you to all of our ibravada team and  our admins for helping this one come together   this is episode 2 in our authentic series now  authentic is a beast of an application and can do   many different things but the most notable thing  that we're going to show you today is getting   it to protect your self-hosted apps using all  self-hosted technology and making it easy to use   now we have the instructions for both unraid  and docker compos on our docs now finally ready   and it will be linked in the description below  for you so you can follow along depending on what   you want to do we've also given you the docker  compost file and everything you need to know   about it in our docs page so you'll find that in  the description below now if you guys are fans of   orthelia which we love orthelia here we still use  it for a lot of things and we're just starting to   scratch the surface with authentic then you will  love authentic and it does offer some other very   notable features depending on your setup that you  may be interested in i'll make note of those as   we move along with the video as usual guys if  you like what we're doing what we're doing on   this channel the videos we're putting out please  think about subscribing and hitting that like   button it really helps the channel a lot and we  really appreciate it thank you very much for 15   000 subscribers what a huge number so the topic of  today's video we want to protect our self-hosted   applications something like sonar radar or  plex with authentic so that all requests are   redirected to it for authentication and then sent  back we're going to show you two different reverse   proxies to get this working you'll be able to do  it with internetx proxy manager as well as traffic   so we're going to give you both in one place  right here right now as well as in the docs   that we'll link below so make sure you follow  through and check out the chapters if you think   you need to skip over anything so that we don't  waste your time of course a couple of assumptions   one is that you have authentic started up and  running if not like i said we have the compost   file there for you and the previous video  shows you how to get it up and running you've   logged in you can authenticate successfully and  you've got authentic ready to go just basically   just waiting there for us to actually use it so  without further ado let's just get stuck into it alright guys like i said we're looking at  the second step in our authentic series   which is to use a reverse proxy to  protect our self-hosted applications   now don't be confused authentic offers various  different ways to both authenticate and authorize   your requests and make them easy to use so today  we're only concentrating on the identity provider   being ourselves and of course it's going through  our reverse proxy which means that when we type   in an external address like or  whatever your domain is that the reverse proxy   forwards that request to authentic authentic asks  you to sign in and then it's passed back to your   reverse proxy but there are other methods that  authentic does offer and we will cover those in   upcoming videos for example we can use oidc or  saml so that we can authenticate with something   and be single sign on which means we sign on to  once and it signs into those applications for us   if you want an example next cloud is the perfect  example we can also use third-party providers to   authenticate so if you wanted to use something  like google or github whatever the case might be   we can try and use that method as well but  we thought for the interest of most of our   self-hosters we want to keep that data in-house we  want it to be protected with our own knowledge and   we may only have one or two users that possibly  could be affected by it if you are running a very   large business or something like that you might  want to look at some of the other options but   i think for most people using a reverse proxy  authentication is going to be the most common   uh use case that we could think of so i'm not  going to go through all of this guys we did it   in the first video feel free to check that out  again like i said it's really important to give   you some background but here are some of the  alternatives that you might see and some of   the differences that authentic can offer you i'll  leave that up to you to decipher however you like   we're just here to show you how to get it working  so without messing around any further let's go to   our setups and get this going first and foremost  we're going to be looking at traffic so here we   are in code server and we're just looking at our  docker compose files for traffic and for authentic   now we're covering docker compose we'll also show  you unread in a moment as well so if you are using   docker compose this is essentially what your  docker compose may look like for traffic as you   can see we have our api middlewares which is auth  now that if you're already using orthelia will   already be in there so you don't have to change  anything there per se i just wanted to show you   for example and keep in mind any of the tokens  or anything like that i've obviously changed so   nothing to worry about there however the one part  you do need to take note of is the file config.yml   now this is your dynamic file config and it's the  same whether you're on unraid or on docker compos   and as you can see we have our middleware section  under here under middlewares we have auth that's   what we're referring to this as which is where  this comes from auth at file now under there this   is the entry that we put we have to put in this  entire section from all the way underneath up   until here the rest of this is from our previous  traffic guides so that is further explained in   those guides so don't have to worry about that  part this is the part that we're adding and we   need to have it underneath middlewares what you'll  notice here is the name of our authentic container   if you've installed our container from the unraid  ca store your container may simply just be called   authentic rather than dash server uh if you're  using our compose file we've referred to it as   authentic server so what we're doing here is  giving it a certain name that's the name of our   authentic container and the port that it runs on  by default it's 9000 for http so just update it   to match whatever the name of your container is  this is assuming they're all on the same custom   docker network if they are not you may have to  put the ip address of your server here instead   now the next thing i'll show you is the authentic  docker compose file now this is a huge file as you   can see for those who are not using docker  compos you still need to take note of one   important thing which is our labels if we look  underneath our labels and if you're using traffic   obviously then you'll have labels for your docker  setups now the next thing i want to show you is   the labels inside of our docker compost for  authentic now this is for authentic not for   anything else so let's scroll down and we'll see  the labels here you also have labels there as well   for authentic we wanted to go through traffic  so we have our two standard labels which is to   enable it and which entry point we're using  then we add this line underneath now this is   again guys in our docs for you so all you have to  do is copy and paste it as you can see authentic   that's the name of our rule and then we're  saying it's going to our domain now if you   don't want to use you might have whatever the case might be   you put that in here that's what you  want to use that's fine put that in there   in here we also change we do not  change anything on this side just leave that as   is and then we've got the prefix now what this is  doing is a two-step process one it's going to be   attaching this to the end of each sub-domain  that is protected by authentic and also tells   us where authentic lives so  now on unraid you would simply be adding   another label and that label would be this is  the key and this is what you put as the value   so with those two changes done we've added the  label to authentic and we've added the middleware   into the traffic file config we should be pretty  much right to go that's pretty much it from our   traffic point of view now we have to actually  make the change in authentic itself but we're   going to get to that later because now i'm going  to show you how to do this in nginx proxy manager   now big warning for your eyes guys it's going  to be a very white screen in just a second   all right guys so here we are in nginx proxy  manager and you guys know that we're a big   big favorite of nginx proxy manager we do prefer  traffic these days and there is very valid reason   for that it does offer us a lot of flexibility  especially when we're using docker compos but   for those who are still using nginx proxy manager  we wanted to give you something to use as well   now here at ibracorp we believe in community  spirit and as such the guide for the authentic and   npm section was actually written by a community  member on reddit his name is it's mevens and   we've given him credit in the documentation he's  given us permission to use his guide to walk you   through this so that's what we're doing right now  we've linked that all in our documentation as well   now basically if you're going to here we  should have a couple of different proxies   now in your case you may have 10 15 whatever  the case might be we need to create one that   is for our authentic container if we just click  edit we're using our host name now this is the   container name because they are on the same custom  docker network alternatively put the ip address in   there of your server 9000 is the default port  so that's what we're using we want to make sure   websocket support is checked you should also have  another application in here as well that you know   is working and works fine as it is so if  you were to click that it would take you to   your domain and finally obviously that you have  one set up for npm itself so you would have one   here for example like this and so we have our  nginx proxy manager reverse proxied as well   now similar to our orthelia instructions it's  not too far away from what we need to do there   when it comes to authentic basically find the  app that we want to protect so let's say sonar   we'll select that and click on edit go to  advanced and then you'll see we have this huge   configuration that goes into there now again  this is on the docs it's been linked and it's   published by a geek circuit which is all there for  you to take if you need it and as you can see all   we have to do is customize some of the links  so we've got some of our links here that point   originally to just the basic domain we set that  up to our auth domain that we've configured and   pretty much if you just copy and paste that for  each proxy that you need you'll be right to go   so guys that's pretty much traffic and nginx proxy  manager set up and ready for us to start using   with authentic so now that we have nginx proxy  manager and we have traffic set up and ready to go   depending on which one you're on you should be now  ready to go with the authentic side of things so   we've set up our reverse proxies now let's think  about authentic so here i am on the signing page   and you can see i'm signing in with my username  and there we go we're now on the dashboard   and what we want to do is go to the admin  interface so let's go ahead and do that   now on the admin interface we're given a bunch  of different information this is all the stuff   that we can now follow through and carry  on to set up our applications in your case   you're not going to have anything because  you probably haven't set anything up yet   that's easy so let's do that now so let's say  in our scenario we want to reverse proxy sonar   let's go to applications click on create and start  filling it out and what we have here is the name   so we just call it sonar literally just sona the  slug for the url is sonar and then the provider   we need to create so in your case by default it'll  just look like that go ahead and click on create   provider of the options you can see that we've got  at least five options at this point in time now   you have a lot of different ways you can do this  like i was saying earlier we have ldap provider   so if you're using ldap that may be something you  want to use we have the oauth 2 as well as open id   we have a proxy provider a saml provider and a  sample provider using metadata for the purpose of   today's video we're going with proxy provider and  as you can see from the description it's if we're   using a reverse proxy so go ahead and click next  now for the name we can call it something like   sonar forward auth the authorization flow will  give you two options one is an explicit consent   and the other one is implicit consent so  basically explicit means no matter what it'll   ask you to go to the login screen and ask you  to confirm the request before pushing you over   with implicit consent as long as you're signed  in it assumes that you're allowed and that you   consent to passing through so it will just pass  you through now you can play between the two and   change them on the fly and just test it out and  see whether you like it it's not going to break   anything so let's start off with explicit just  so that we get confronted with that login screen   for the external host we want the  external address that sonar is located on   for example that's that we put  the fully qualified domain name into this field   there's one more step that you might be interested  in though here i am on the existing sonar one we   filled out if i just go under advanced  protocol settings and we scroll down   you actually have a section called unauthenticated  paths now if you know from our video in orthelia   there are certain paths that we don't  want to be authenticated and the reason is   they're our api endpoints or some sort of path  that is used by automation and so it's not going   to be able to pass through authentication so  here we go we have our api path as you can see   now this is taken from authelia but it's been  changed a little bit to match the syntax required   for authentic and we've put this list on our  docs just to make it easy for you guys as well   now this will allow all of our automation apps  to work through the api and not get challenged   by authentic it's really important you guys put  that in there you can ignore almost all of this   if you don't want to use it as long as you have  the api endpoint open for sonar and related apps   every other app though has different needs now  because this proxy provider is just for sonar   we don't really need all this other stuff we can  actually just get rid of that if we if we wanted   to and just leave api as the only unauthenticated  path so i'm going to do that i'm going to leave it   as api and i'm going to click update we've clicked  on create and now it's added that provider to   the list here we can then select it now just be  mindful even after creating it it won't actually   select sonar for you so you just drop down the  list and make sure you select it now scroll down   there's nothing else there unless you want it to  you can put a launch url if you choose as well   it's not important it's not mandatory as you can  see if you don't put one in it will use it based   on the selected provider and that's where we've  already put a link in there so i'm not going to   worry about it now that's all said and done pretty  easy so far right the next step we need to do   is modify our outpost so let's go to outposts  basically an outpost is as the name probably   suggests it's a deployment of authentic components  to support different environments and protocols   like reverse proxy so you can have multiple  different outposts if you so choose and this may   help with things like load balancing for example  by default you'll have the one authentic embedded   outpost ready to go so go ahead and click on edit  now by default none of these options are selected   in fact if you haven't done the previous steps we  just showed you there will be nothing in this list   so we've created these applications and now we  want to select them all so we've selected them all   we scroll down and in the configuration section  here there are some changes that you can make   as well i'm not going to get too much into detail  here but the most important part is the authentic   host as you can see we've put in the address that  matches all the other places we've put for the   address for authentic itself and we need to make  sure that's correct because after the pass-through   is complete it's going to send them through  to this link and if it's not there correctly   it's not going to work so make sure you update  that and you've selected the applications you   want to protect with this outpost once you're  done click on update now believe it or not   that's it we've just now protected an application  with authentic and let's say we want to test that   out so why don't i open this up in an incognito  and we'll see how it goes all right so sure   enough it takes us to our auth page there here's  our url it's redirected us on behalf of traffic   we put in our username and our password now  it presents us with the consent screen now   this is what we were talking about before whether  it's implicit or explicit consent and we've said   explicit sorry i need to actually give it approval  to pass me through so as you can see you're about   to sign into radar that's the name we gave it the  application requires the following permissions   email address and general profile information  i agree with that let's click on continue   and sure enough we're into radar now at any point  of course we can go back to the authentic domain   name and it gives us our little dashboard here  which gives you a little shortcut so you can   get to everything you need as well which  is pretty cool if we go back to the admin   interface i'll show you a couple of other things  as well if you go to directory and then users   this is where you probably want to create another  user now by default the default user is the ak   admin user that's what you need when you first set  it up as we showed in our first video now after   you do that you may want to think about creating  your own user account and start using that instead   of the default and that's what exactly what we did  here so we click on create you give it a give the   person a username the user's display name and  email address and whether the person is active   we can then add them to a group so if we click  on plus we can select the admins group so that's   the default group that's in there for admins we  can select that and then you can put any other   attributes in there as well using yaml or json  this is all explained in their docs by the way   so we won't go into much detail on the attributes  but they are quite flexible uh if you wanted some   more control over the users now something that  actually took me a couple of sign-ins to get was   how to set the password and then all of a sudden i  just clicked i just had to drop this down and then   we can actually set a password on the user helpful  little tip there save your logging in and out like   i did a couple of times whatever helps and also  just wanted to show you guys who are using unraid   if you're using unraid then you're adding these  labels manually rather than docker compos so to   do that you just click on the authentic container  you have click on add label path variable and   obviously choose label at the top give it a name  there's the key that we want to put in and there's   the value now again this is on our docs for you  so you literally just have to click and paste them   and you'll be right as rain and finally on  your admin interface you have a whole bunch   of information to help you keep track of what's  going on any failed logins whether your system   is out of date any warnings you need to know  about uh et cetera so you have so much details   there which gives you a lot of insight into what's  going on with your setup especially useful when   we come to multi-users so guys believe it or not  that's actually it we've now reverse proxied our   applications and protected them with authentic  for now i think that'll get most of you on board   and get you started using authentic to protect all  of your self-hosted apps using your reverse proxy   that you already have running it's going to make  your life a lot easier if you don't have nginx   proxy manager running we have a video on that that  will help you set it all up we also have a video   on setting up traffic it'll get you right from  start to finish i'll make sure i drop those links   down in the description for you just to make it  easier i highly encourage you guys to check them   out if you don't know enough about them and see  why it may or may not be a better option for you   really hope you guys enjoyed today's video i've  been so excited to get it out it's really really   cool to finally have this working and being  able to share it with you of course as well   if you liked this video don't forget to like and  subscribe we really appreciate it let us know in   the comments below what you think of authentic and  whether you'll be willing to give it a go that's   it for me today guys thank you for tuning in and  i can't wait to see you in the next apricorp video you
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Keywords: authentik, ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, authentik nginx proxy manager, authentik traefik, authentik docker, authentik docker compose, authentik proxy, authentik outposts, authentik applications, authentik installation, authentik setup, authentik unraid, authentik ubuntu, authelia, authelia alternative, ibracorp traefik, ibracorp nginx, authelia unraid, authelia vs authentik, authelia sso, traefik forward auth, traefik forwardauth keycloak, authentik setup guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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