Save Terabytes of Disk Space Using H265 & Tdarr

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Does it work with Intel 10th and 11th gen yet?

I was a patreon supporter for ages but never managed to convert even a single file.

I really like the concept but the execution and implementation with the server + node system and lack of proper quick sync support turned it from a fire and forget system into something which requires more work than its worth for the average user.

A pity as it's almost perfect otherwise. Quicksync support, a single docker for those who don't need multiple nodes and an easier/better more logical UI with some good premade configs for average Joe would help this project enormously.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EvilTactician πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

In our current market storage is cheap and CPU cycles are expensive. Does it really make sense to go H265? I have a reasonably beefy server and even a single H265 transcode can basically throttle my machine.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hclpfan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've been unhappy with unmanic and the last update broke it for me. I've been wanting to use this instead so just in time!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VegasVator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Tdarr! The learning curve is steep but once you get it running, it’s amazing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/csimmons81 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've been running this for about 2 months now, and its saved me 7TB of space. I do notice some lower quality things every now and then, but its worth it for the price of a hard drive right now.

Highly recommend

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/XxNerdAtHeartxX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is it possible to setup a Tdarr node on a Windows machine to encode the files and send them back to the unRAID server?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thepumpkindidit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have two GPUs in my server I would like to use for the initial processing of my library. I tried adding a 2nd node and renaming it, changing port, etc. but the node flashes as recognized vs. not recognized.

Any thoughts/ideas on how to get this setup to recognize a 2nd node?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EnonGator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awesome! Thanks to YOU I am halfway through ONE library and have saved almost 6TB!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DCPDad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Works great. Unfortunately it messes up filename structure. All mkv and nfo files have same file name prior to transcoding. After the transcoding the file gets renamed. The renaming is very limited. It would be preferable if tdarr would just replace h264 with h265 during renaming. Not sure it matters to Emby or Plex but it seems to confuse radarr.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gfish69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi guys and welcome to another video do you want to save terabytes and terabytes of space on your server if you do then h.265 tda and this video might just be for you so when we first build our server we feel we've got loads of disks and tons of space and we're never gonna run out but as time goes on we get more and more stuff on the server especially if we're running things like plex or mb our media collections just grow and grow until one day we just say man there's no space left what am i gonna do so we could ask our wives and girlfriends for advice vanessa what do you think we should do why don't we just delete some of the old stuff like the tv shows that we'll never watch huh what do you mean like battlestar galactica i don't think you'll ever watch that again ah no no give me the mouse give me the mouse oh vanessa don't do that please you scared me what do you mean you think i'll never watch that again i'm gonna watch it loads of times even if i have to wait for you to go out i'm gonna watch it so maybe you've had that kind of discussion with your partner before and it's not really the advice you want to hear so the obvious solution to having low disk space is just to buy another disk and put it in the server but hard drives cost money you guys might remember a few months ago with the chia cryptocurrency which uses something called proof of space which needs lots and lots of hard drives hard drives prices skyrocketed i think they're a bit better now but they certainly aren't cheap so being able to gain extra space without buying a hard drive would be awesome and we can do just that and the great thing about not having to buy another hard drive is not only the saving of the money also it's one less drive to go wrong in your array and it's one less drive to power so your server is going to use less electricity than if you had another drive so you might be wondering just how we're going to save all of this space well what we can do is re-encode all of our video files into something called h265 now this is a modern video compression standard being the successor to the older h.264 standard and for most people you've probably got all of your videos on your server encoded in h.264 in my opinion h.265 is far superior to h.264 offering some major improvements now i'm not going to go into too much detail but with h.264 the pictures split into macro blocks and these are all fixed at 16 by 16 pixels the h.265 the block size can vary from eight by eight to a maximum of 64 by 64. so this can give video quality enhancement over the older h.264 so the image quality of h.265 is good and the compression ratio of h.265 is anywhere up to twice as good when compared to h.264 because h.265 can encode the same information with much lower bit rates but the same video quality so this can result in file sizes that are up to half the size of that that they would be if they're encoded using h.264 now you might not find you'll get a 50 reduction with every file it really depends on the source media but when i re-encoded my library i actually saved a considerable amount of space saving 11 terabytes in total so if i was to buy another hard drive of an equivalent size i'll be looking at a 12 terabyte and in the uk i'll be paying about 300 pounds for that so it's most definitely worth doing and another thing to consider is it's not only the media you've got now every single piece of media you add to the server in the future if it's not already an h.265 then it can be automatically converted to h.265 so therefore it's going to save you space not only now but in the future okay so all of this sounds pretty good but just what are the downsides are there any well of course there are everything has up and down sides but the downsides may not affect you at all so one thing to consider is the power of the client that's actually playing back the file to play back an h.265 video on a client takes more horsepower than an h.264 so that's something to take into consideration take for instance something like the nvidia shield which in my opinion is the best client for either plex mb or jellyfin it handles everything with ease and the new versions even have the benefits of ai upscaling i own both of these models here the pro on the left and the basic one on the right and to be honest for video playback i can't tell the difference on either you really don't need the pro if you're just using it as an mb plex or jellyfin client anyway if you're interested in buying either of these you'll find a link in the description below now before you go and convert all of your library to h.265 i suggest just converting a few movies and shows first playing them back on your system and seeing how it is now also remember if you do have some clients that can't playback h.265 natively your plex mb or jellyfin server will transcode them on the fly to these clients anyway now another thing to note when you're transcoding your files to h.265 is it's never going to be better than the source file you put in so whilst in my opinion h.265 encoding gives a better picture quality it will only be as good as what the source file is so if all of your video files are in h.264 don't expect converting them to h.265 to improve the picture quality it won't with that said it won't degrade the picture quality either it's going to be exactly the same pretty much as your source material so if you had a good quality h.264 then it's going to be a nice quality h.265 i couldn't tell the difference between my old h264 so when i converted it to h.265 except i'd saved a whole bunch of space now one thing i should say about tdar it's a really good idea to have an nvidia gpu and do the transcoding on that yes you can use your cpu but it's really not very efficient for example if you had a gtx 1050 ti that would transcode your files far far more quickly and much more efficiently and also using far less electricity and it would for example using a modern threadripper cpu to do the transcoding now i have another video that i'll be uploading soon where i compare transcoding between various different graphics cards and the results might actually surprise you okay anyway i think i've been talking too long so right as arnold would say enough talk let's get on okay so here we are today not on my server but on a friend's i thought as i'm going to set up tida why not set up on his he's been asking me for a while to do it so i thought i'd make a video while i did okay so let's see what he's running in this server so it's a ryzen server on an x370 motherboard with an eight core cpu and 16 gigs of ram he already has the nvidia plugin installed you can see here that's because he's using this graphics card here the p1000 to do the transcoding in plaques but we can use it as well to do transcoding for tdar to convert our library it's no problem using a graphics card with multiple docker containers that's absolutely fine so before you install tdar make sure you got the nvidia plugin installed and if you want to see more about the nvidia plug-in and using it for transcoding and things like plex mb or jellyfin then see my video about that here okay so if you're using an nvidia gpu once you have the driver installed you can go across to the apps tab and do a search for tdr and when you search for tdar you'll see two results come up you'll see the main tdr app here and also the tdar node here so why are the two apps and why do we need them both well the main tdar is basically like the controller it controls all of the nodes and the nodes are basically what does the transcoding and tdar in fact can use multiple nodes and obviously those nodes don't need to be on the same machine and in fact when i originally converted my library i used three different nodes two that was on my main server using two quadro gpus and another quadro gpu on a different server on the network and obviously the reason i used three nodes to do my transcoding is that i wanted to do it quickly and i managed to transcode all of my library in just over a week now we will look at using multiple nodes later on but for now we're going to set it up just basically with one node as i'm sure that's what most people will be using okay so the first thing we need to do is install the main tdr app so click on the icon to install and then we need to fill out the templates and the first thing we need to fill in is the server ip here and this is obviously the ip of the server that you have the main tdr app installed on if you're not sure what your ip is that's easy to find out just go to settings network settings and you'll see the ip of your server there so pop the ip into the template next we need to look at the paths of the container and all these three parts here these are all in to do the app data for the container and these don't need to be changed and when we install the node in a moment we'll see that these app data paths are the same so our last monster to remember these for us yeah okay thank you monster you can go us you're going to be in the way i'll call you back later so the next path here is to where our media's kept and on this server all of the media is kept in a share called media this share having different subdirectories for things like movies music and tv shows so obviously that's the path i'm going to choose for the media here now if you have your media in different shares such as tv shows in one share and movies in another just like i do on my server in fact if we go across and have a look at that now you can see that my shares here movies is in one share tv shows is in another so in my tdart template my media library is mapped to the root of the shares forward slash mnt forward slash user because from that location i'm going to be able to see all of my shares from within tdar okay so let's go back to the other machine so when you've mapped your media next we need to map to a temporary location which tdar will use as a transcoding cache now with things like plex and envy we often map this location into the ram but for tdar i wouldn't recommend doing this that's because when plex and mb are transcoding a stream to a client it doesn't keep the whole file there but just chunks of the file as it goes across the network to the client so it never really takes up a great deal of ram but tdar's different when it transcodes the file it'll be the whole file there which after which will then be moved after it's been transcoded so obviously this will take up a lot more space imagine if you're transcoding three movies at the same time and the final size of each one is say 10 gigs and that's going to take up about 30 gigs worth of ram so i don't really advise using ram to transcode unless maybe you set tdar to only transcode one thing at a time i think it's much better to set the location to somewhere on an ssd i'm going to set up a dedicated share for this on the cash drive i'll call the share temp and set it to use cash prefer okay so to create it i'm going to click add share and so now with the share created i can go back to the template and add it there so for the location i'll just browse to that and add it in okay and so that's it for the main container all we need to do now is click apply to pull it down and when that's finished just click done okay moving on so we've installed the main controller container this one here so now we need to install the node this is the container that will actually do the transcoding and this is the one that we're going to have to add our gpu to so let's click the button to install the template and just as you'd expect this template is very similar to the other one the first thing we need to fill in here is the ip address of where the tdar main container is this tells the node where the actual controller container is located now you might think it's strange we have to put this in but remember nodes can be on different machines and the node isn't necessarily on the same machine where the main controller server is but in this case the tdar server and the tdar node are on the same unraid server so i just need to pop in the unraid servers ip here and on this container we also need to specify what the ip is of this node again because the node's on the same machine as the tdar server this is going to be the ip of the unraid server and also we can give the node a name i'm going to call it quadro p1000 after the name of the graphics card that's going to be doing the transcoding in this node okay so moving on let's take a look at the container paths and we can see these app data locations are very similar to the other container in fact let's call monster back so we can compare them monster come here so as you can see here the tdar node stores its configuration and its logs inside the main tdar containers app data okay thanks monster okay so moving on to the media library and the transcode cache now it's really really important that these are set exactly the same and mapped to the same locations as they are in the main tdr container if you don't do this then tdar won't work so basically how tdr works obviously the main tdar and the tdar node communicate with each other the main tdar container will tell the nodes what to do it might say go ahead and transcode that movie and the location of the movie is here it will say the movie file is in forward slash mnt forward slash media this is the location inside the container which is then mapped to the media on the server so if these two locations aren't the same in each container then the node won't better find the movie that the main server tells it to look for so when the node finds the media file it has to transcode it transcodes it it puts it in the temporary cache location then tells the server hey i've finished here's the finished transcoded movie in forward slash tmp so again it's very important that these locations are mapped to the same place otherwise the main tdar server won't know where that finished transcoded file is so this is something very important to think about if you have another tdar node that's maybe on another server but we'll look at that in a moment but now let's have a look at adding a gpu to this container so we don't have to use cpu transcoding so now we need to click on to add another path port variable label or device and from this drop down here we're going to choose variable and for the name we're going to put nvidia underscore visible underscore devices all in capitals and we're going to paste exactly the same in for the key this variable allows us to specify which gpu we're going to use and we put the id of this gpu into here where it says value and to find out the id of your gpu i'm going to pull open another tab that's inside the unraid gui as well and then go to settings then to nvidia driver here you can see here there are two nvidia gpus i want to use the quadro p1000 so i'm going to copy its id here onto the clipboard and go back across to the other tab and paste that in here for the description i'm just going to say gpu and with that first variable done i'm just going to click on to add okay so there's another variable that we need to add so let's click here again and you guessed it yeah we change conflict type to variable and for name we're going to put nvidia underscore driver underscore capabilities again in capitals and paste in for the key and value we're going to type all in lowercase and for the description i'm going to put capabilities and with that done i can click add now there's one more thing we need to add to the template so if we scroll up to the top in the top right hand corner if it's on basic view toggle to advanced view then scroll down here until you see extra parameters here and here we need to put hyphen hyphen runtime equals nvidia now of course all of these things the variables and what you have to put here is in the description so you can just copy and paste it with that done i can now click on to apply pull down the tdar node and then we're ready to start okay the container's downloaded so i'll click done okay so whilst i'm on the docker tab here so i don't forget i'm going to set this container to auto run or both containers in fact and if i toggle across to advanced view here you can see at the moment these containers are hardly using any cpu resources at all just 2.4 on this one and under a half a percent on the main container we'll come back here later and see what the difference is when we're actually doing some trans codes but now let's open the tdar web ui and have a look what it's like inside now we could click on web ui for either of these for the main tdr or the node one it all goes to the same place and this is what you'll see when you first open tdar it comes up with a change log this is just the various different changes in the various different versions you can just close that now at the top here we've got the server overview this shows us things like the amount of memory being used and the percentage of the cpu being used these figures aren't just for the container but for the host and in our case the unraid server that's his total memory usage and its total cpu usage at the moment in the first section here we can see the nodes overview as well this just tells us what each node's doing how many cpu and gpu transcodes and the same for the health checks now if everything's working correctly you should see your nodes here you can see in this section here it says all or what looks like quad drop 1000 hey i've got a quad drop 1000 card everyone maybe i should have made that a capital p when i name the node and that node obviously relates to this container here the tdr node now obviously if you had other nodes running then you should see those as well okay so moving along the top here there's a tab here called search this allows us when we set up our libraries to search for various files by properties you know things like mp4 mkv and also by the file size so next the tab here that says stats this is the one you're going to be coming to all the time because well obviously it tells us our statistics it tells us how many trans codes there have been and how much space we've saved in fact that gives me a good excuse to go across to my server and show off how much space i've saved okay so here we are on my server now i've managed to save 11 330 gigs and i've had 28 929 transcodes and we can actually look at the individual statistics for each library so if i clicked on tv here i've got a library called tv i've saved six terabytes here and if i click onto movies i've saved five terabytes here now under tdas status here it tells us some information about our transcodes how many have been successfully transcoded how many errors how many things were not required now you might be wondering why there's so many files that i've got in my library that weren't required well actually all of these were actually transcoded by teda but when i'd finished the transcoding i just rescanned the library again so then it just said these ones weren't required and the other ones where it says transcode success are the ones i've done since when i first rescanned the library so basically i messed up my lovely pie chart and if we scroll down a bit further here this is quite interesting it tells us the various codecs of all of our media you know what the containers are whether it's mkv mp4 and here the resolutions you can see most of my movies here at 1080p 2422 of them 390 720p and a few here at 480. if we scroll down a bit further then there's other statistics here that we can see if we get the pro version of tdr which i'll show you later on when i register mine okay so let's go back to the server we're setting up tdar on and go across and look at the other tabs so obviously here on this server there's no statistics here yet because nothing's been set up so let's move across to the next tab at the top where it says libraries so this is the tab where you can add your various media libraries such as movies tv shows or really whatever you want as well each library can have its own separate settings for transcoding and obviously we'll come back and look at this properly in a moment the next tab is plugins here we'll find all of the plugins we can use for transcoding such as all of the h.265 here h.264 in case you wanted to transcode into that and hear all of the nvidia h265 and nvidia h264 okay so next options here we can change the themes it's on medium gray but there's also dark coral and medium blue there's various other options here such as things are setting your resolution boundaries all of these i leave as default next here logs this just shows us where the logs are stored so for us this will be in the app data folder the next tab is help here where we've got various links to things like github and reddit okay so next have backups tdot will make backups of all of its configuration and statistics etc from time to time here and now finally here releases this shows us the releases and the various release history okay so that's a brief look at all of the tabs now let's go ahead and set up a library and get some transcoding done okay so back to the libraries tab and we need to click on here library plus to add a library and the first thing we need to do is give the library a name i'm going to call it movies because this is going to be a movie library and here in this section we can see various tabs here we're on the source tab here so now we need to add the source of where our media library is where we mapped our unraid media to inside the container is the location forward slash mnt forward slash media and once we put that location in we can click show browser then if we scroll down it will show all the sub directories of what we just put in so i want to map to the movie subdirectory so i'm going to click that and it will automatically put it in now back up in the top here you can see it says folder watch now what that will do if we toggle that on any new files that are added to this folder as well in the future it will recognize they're there and then transcode them so i'm going to leave that on okay so now we need to set the transcode cache location so the location i chose on the unraid server it's mapped to the container path forward slash temp so that's the location i need to put in here okay so next tab output folder so by default tdar will just transcode a file and put that finished transcoded file in the original location getting rid of the source file now if you didn't want this to be the case you can toggle this and then choose the folder for the outputted transcoded files to go i don't want this to happen so i'm just going to leave this as it is but if you did want to choose an output folder the other two settings here copy to output if conditions are already met that will move a file if it's already an h.265 to the output file from the source and obviously delete source file if you're using an output directory that will toggle on whether you want to delete the source or not like i said i'm going to leave all of this off because i want tdr to transcode the files and then replace the original file with the transcoded version okay so onto the tab containers this tells tdar what type of media files to actually scan for and transcode media such as mpeg-avi mp4 etcetera by default all of these media types will be transcoded but if you wanted to exclude one for example.ts files just delete it off then tdot won't transcode that type of file so why might you want to exclude a certain file type well you might want to files because things like nbnplex record tv shows in that file type with things like sonar when a tv shows downloaded it won't be in dot ps or it's highly unlikely it will so you could have one library working on your tv shows that excludes the dot cs and transcodes using certain plugins and certain settings in the transcoding and you can have another library working on the same folder which only has the dot ts in so tdar will only work on those files in that library and then you can have a different plugin and different transcoding settings for your cs files so tdot is really flexible on what it can do but for me on this library i'm going to include ts files so i'll pop them back in okay so moving on to the next tab here transcode options here we tell tdot how we want the files transcoded and what plugins we're going to use to do that and by default there are three plugins that are already here two of which are enabled and one that isn't so the plugins and tdr they work in a top-down order and if one of the plugins can't meet the conditions then that file won't be transcoded now this first plugin at the top the reorder streams plugin you must have that plug-in there don't go disabling or deleting it as tdar won't better transcode anything that plug-in is essential but if we look at the one underneath it here we can see here that it transcodes using cpu and ffmpeg but the one here underneath it which isn't enabled this uses the nvidia gpu and ffmpeg to do its transcoding now if i was to enable this plugin without disabling the other one above it because tdar works in the top down order it would start transcoding with the cpu before it got to this plugin so because i don't want to do any cpu transcoding i can either disable the cpu plug-in or remove it entirely i'm going to remove it completely so now i need to configure this plug-in here under container we need to choose what type of video container for example mp4 or mkv i'm going to choose mkv next bit rate cut off here we can specify a bit rate where if a file is lower than that bit rate then tdar won't transcode it i'm going to leave that blank myself next we need to choose whether the output file should be 10 bit by default it sets a false which i'm going to leave it as for myself next we need to choose whether to use b frames or not now b frames will make a smaller file size but this feature is only supported on really modern gpus my quadro p1000 won't support it so i'm going to go with the default of leaving b frames on false okay and lastly force conform this is whether to make the file conform to the output containers requirements i'm going to keep it as the default which is false okay so with the plugin configured i now need to enable it by checking this box here now if you're not sure about some of the settings here there are little help hints for example if i click on the eye on the description of this plugin i'll see information about the plugin we can see that this plugin will not transcode something that's already in h.265 it will just skip it and also it says here it won't transcode things in the vp9 codec now when we looked at the plugins tab earlier you can see there are loads of different plugins that we could use if we want to add one of those we need to go over onto that section get its id number and then add it here so let's do that now so i can show you how that's done so in the plugins tab just choose the section you want i want h.265 here and scroll through and have a look at the plugins which one you want i quite like this plugin because it has different settings for each different resolution and this plugin there's nothing to configure because it doesn't have a configure box like these other ones here do so to use the plugin just click on the copy id box and copy its id and after we've got the id we just need to go back to the libraries tab again then back to transcode options here then we need to take the plugin id and paste it into this box here that says add plugin id once we've done that we just hit enter now we'll find the plugin in the list below so here it is and if you look at this description we can see that's the correct plugin so obviously if you wanted to use it you'd enable it put it in the right order you want and disable any other plugins you don't want i'm not going to use this plugin i'm just going to use the default one so i'm going to disable it now so now let's go back to the top and have a look at the tabs again now let's click onto health check here tdot runs a health check on all of your video files too well basically see if they're healthy enough to transcode there's two options here thorough and quick it's fine to leave it on quick don't worry that it says it's only available for cpu workers okay last tab here schedule this allows you to choose the timing of when this library will be transcoded you can set all of that here i'm going to leave it as it is so it can just transcode all the time right finally we're actually ready to scan this library and start transcoding some files so we need to click on this green options button here and then click scan fresh on the pop-up window click onto ok and now tdar will start scanning that media library next we want to go up here to the tdar tab and if we scroll down to the bottom of this page we'll see both health checks and trans codes are queuing up but nothing's actually started yet because we need to make some changes now in the node settings here so click on the name of the node scroll down then click options then scroll down and click on allow gpu workers to do cpu tasks and underneath check always move failed transcodes to the error tab and also in this setting if you want to you can set a schedule for the node itself i'm not going to touch this at all because i want the node to run all the time and to come out of this section just click to the side of it and next we need to choose how many cpu and gpu transcodes and health checks this certain node does well i'm not using any cpu transcoding so i'm not going to select any of those but for gpu transcodes i'm going to select three i find this the sweet spot and you get more work done setting three than you would if you'd set one six or even ten this is basically because your gpu will only transcode a certain amount of frames per second and this frames per second has to be shared between all the transcodes that are going on on the gpu for example if you wanted to transcode 12 separate files it's not going to be quicker choosing 12 transcodes at once it would take about the same amount of time if you chose one transcode as well because choosing one it would do each one very quickly 12 times instead of 12 all at once a bit slower but in my testing i found if i set it for three transcodes it's quicker than if i set it to 1 6 or 12. 3 seems the sweet spot getting the most work done in the quickest time okay next here for health checks i'm going to put that to 6 and now if i scroll down we'll be able to see the work being done so now it's just a matter of letting tdar transcode all of these movies in this library and by the time it's finished they're all going to be h.265 and yeah like i said earlier you're probably checking that stats tab all of the time seeing how much space you've saved nothing much to see here yet does getting through the health checks pretty quickly and no trans codes have been completed yet so from the magic of editing let's skip forward a little while [Music] okay so that's looking a bit better it's done 161 transcodes and so far saved about 1.5 terabytes you can see now that there's two libraries set up one for movies and one for tv and something i didn't show you earlier is the libraries have different priorities that you can set and if we go to the main tab here we can see some tv shows are transcoding now and if i scroll down here we can prioritize health checks or transcodes or neither and here we can have library alternation so it will switch from one library to the next or we can have the library prioritization okay so now we've got some transcodes going let's have a look and see what the cpu usage is what we can see here is 15.69 percent and if i go into the un-raid web ui we can see here that's about the same and if i scroll right down here i've got the gpu statistics plug-in here and i can see here there's three processes which are the three transcodes in tdr so the gpu is doing all of the work and the cpu is hardly being used just what we want now before we wrap this video up let's have a look at setting up multiple nodes across multiple servers so to do that let's leave this server and head across to mine okay so here i am on my main server if i go to the tdar template here and scroll down the tdar media library and transcode cache it's very important in the other node these two paths here are mapped to the same files so now i'm going to go across onto the other server now where i'm going to set up the other node and you can see here i've mounted that location here's the transcode temp that's on the other server here and here is the root of my shares and this is mapped to my shares here again on the same server so if i go to the docker tab here and edit this template the first thing you'll notice here is the server ip is the ip of the main server it's not the ip of this server here but the node ip that is the ip of this server which is i've given this node the name ultra magnus 3080 and scrolling down here you see the media library is mapped to that network share so it's exactly the same location as in the main tdr server and also the transcode cache the same that's mapped to that location now obviously the gpu id is already put in so now if i start up this node and open the web ui this will take me straight into my tdar server and you can see now i've got two nodes i've got this p2000 here and also now the rtx 3080. both of these nodes are on different servers you just have to make sure the mapping is 100 correct otherwise it's not gonna work okay so i think that brings us to the end of the video wow it's quite a long video this one i hope you didn't all fall asleep and you found it at least a little bit useful if you did then do me a favor hit up that like button subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and if you know anyone who you think might like this video then please share it with them i just want to give a big shout out and thank you to the guys that make these videos possible to all my amazing patreons and supporters there thank you so much guys for all your support i really really appreciate it anyway guys it's getting late here so i guess i'm gonna go but whatever you're up to for the rest of the day i hope it's good and i'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Spaceinvader One
Views: 37,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tdarr, tdarr unraid, tdarr h265, tdarr nvidia, convert h264 to h265, save disk space, save disk space unraid, unraid 2021, tdarr docker, spaceinvaderone, convert media, h265 plex, h265 emby, h265 jellyfin, plex, emby, jellyfin, compress media, unraid, unraid tutorial, Save Terrabytes of Disk Space Using H265 & Tdarr
Id: U6UMjTlwrxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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