UNLIMITED GOLD in Minecraft Hardcore! (#35)

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in this video i made a gold farm in my hardcore minecraft world and i also made an automatic piglet trading farm meaning i now have unlimited gold and an unlimited supply of a lot of items and i'm now the richest hardcore minecraft player ever maybe also if you aren't already subscribed and you do go on to enjoy today's video please consider subscribing and join the wawa army we're trying to take over youtube this year but we can't do it without your help also you can always change your mind later anyway enjoy the video [Music] g'day guys my name is woodsy and welcome back to another episode of hardcore minecraft i'm here standing on top of wadzie tower in the giant city well part of a city that i made in the last episode of this series so if you haven't seen that video i highly suggest you go check it out because as you can see this build is just awesome i love it but in today's video we have one simple mission and that's to get rich at any cost necessary even if it requires breaking the minecraft law of course i'll explain all that later before this episode can really start what we need to do is plant some more melons [Music] now as i continue to plant more and more melons every episode i'm starting to realize at some point we probably need to actually do something with the melons i mean look we've kind of got a lot of melons here so like i'm thinking maybe i should build something or like i don't know i gotta do something with these melons otherwise i'm kind of just planting all these melons for no reason so if you've got an idea for what i should build out of melons leave a comment down below and maybe sometime soon we can do an awesome build out of nothing but melons [Music] all right and there you go we've now planted another 200 melons to the melon farm for today and as always if you want to see how big this melon farm ends up getting make sure to subscribe and now we can get on to the real job for today alright so as i already mentioned in today's video the goal is to get rich and now you may be thinking wodzie you already have a netherright beacon and a diamond beacon and an emerald beacon you're already so rich but you're wrong we need to get more rich so in my world i already have an iron farm which gives me infinite iron more iron than i'll ever need but there's one thing i don't have infinite of and that's gold so today we're going to be building a gold farm that's right we're going to be doing some more building but this time it's actually going to have a purpose all right so for what we're about to do today we're going to need a lot of blocks a lot of which i've already prepared but one of them which is exciting is tnt i'm hoping we don't need that much we really shouldn't we should only really need maybe ten uh but now i've got all the blocks we're gonna need let's head over to the nether and let's do something illegal all right so here we are in the nether now what we need to do is we need to make our way all the way up to the nether ceiling all right well i need to go up so let's go [Music] up [Music] oh we're nearly there we're nearly there okay cool cool this is a long way up oh my i did not think this would be as hard as it is oh all right there we go bedrock bedrock now we just need to find a specific place in the bedrock where we can get up wait that might be it all right now i must promise what i'm about to do break so many minecraft laws but here i am on top of the nether but the law breaking doesn't stop there for my next trick i am literally going to break bedrock please do not ask me how this works i don't have a clue as you're about to see i'm about to break bedrock this may take a couple of tries but let's see first try let's see i don't think that worked no all right this time this time this time damn it okay focus focus okay we only have 21 more tries at this damn it dude [Music] wait wait we have done it we have done it we have broken minecraft we've broken the bedrock all right so for the longest time i've wanted to make this gold farm but i was so terrified of coming up onto the roof of the nether because i thought maybe i'd be dumb enough to get stuck up here and then this series would be over because i'd have no way to get out but i'd seen this trick around on the internet heap so i figured if i just break the bedrock there'd be nothing to worry about here i am up here always have a way in and out of the top of the nether now for our very next step what we're going to have to do is actually start building our gold farm because if you don't know you can build up above here on the nether and you can go quite high so for our next step in this video we're going to have to collect all the blocks we're gonna need to make this gold farm also i am aware i could have just built a portal on top of the nether but i do think this is a better solution all right so for this build there's one block in particular that we're gonna need quite a lot of the magma blocks fortunately when i built this massive nether base quite a while ago we dug up a lot of these magma blocks but i don't know if we're gonna quite have enough alright so it turns out we need 45 stacks and i have just over a fifth of that so safe to say we're gonna need to go do a lot more digging well fortunately this stuff isn't that hard to come by and it comes in large quantities should only be a matter of time before we have enough only fun bit is if i stand on it it's very annoying [Music] oh my what is this i've just hit the jackpot look i'd like to think that this stuff is just like really hot honey it really looks like honeycomb to me like i know it's magma but my brain is just telling me i can eat this stuff doesn't it just look really tasty this has been a lot easier than i had first thought oh oh no love it no why did i have no idea how common this block was and you break it so fast this is chaos [Music] oh this is not good okay maybe we leave this this stuff alone [Music] all right well now that we've got a bunch of magma blocks we've got more than what we need the next block we need to collect quite a bit of is glass we're going to need about 600 blocks of glass as well so let's go ahead and go collect all that look i probably most definitely already have enough sand back home to do this but any opportunity i get to come here and dig more sand i just i have to take because destroying this desert just more and more is just i don't know it's so funny to me eventually there'll just be no sand left in this biome and i'm here for it oh yeah look that's definitely more than enough sand all right so all our glass is done smelting now i think and for bonus aesthetic points i thought what i might do is turn it all into black stained glass literally no other reason than it might look cool and i've gone ahead and got pretty much every little boring block we're going to need there's only a handful of blocks left to get none of them are really too interesting besides one in particular all right and the very last block we're gonna need is some turtle eggs now a lot of you may have forgotten or maybe you just didn't know at all but i actually have the largest turtle farm ever in existence and it's been a while since i've visited these guys there's so many turtles here that the sound is just completely bugged and just double checking but with that that should be everything we need all right well here i am back on top of the nether roof i'm ready to build this farm all right so step one we need to build up quite a few blocks then we need to head all the way up there oh my this is really high up okay and this is only the uh the bottom of our farm this will be where the collection area is at all right so yeah this is the collection area so we'll start off with a couple chests there we go chuck some carpet on top of there all right and now i just got to build up quite a lot all right well now we've built this like dropper where all the mobs will go to drop and die and we will collect the gold down at the bottom there uh but now once again i'd need my blocks which i've left at the bottom uh yeah god damn it let's see if we can't head all the way up here and land oh this is really gonna test my flight skills i missed all right now we build up in such a pattern like this i mean is that one two three four right now i just need to place trap doors on every single block i've placed here all right turn oh god turns out i am a few trapdoors short a tiny bit annoying but it's fine i'm pretty sure i brought more wood into the nether here what are you doing up here how how now the final step that i need to go ahead and do here is place a turtle egg on the inside of each of these blocks all right and there we go so now i've created this pillar filled with turtle eggs and i've placed six turtle eggs because there's going to be six spawning layers in this build and that's where all the pigmen or the piglens the zombified piglens will spawn they'll be drawn to the eggs they'll be come to the middle they'll fall down and die and then we'll collect their gold so our next step here is we need to place all the magma blocks we spent time collecting all right well let's get [Music] placing all right and there we go i've now almost created an outline of the area i need to fill in here and i literally just need to place magma blocks for this entire layer and then i need to repeat it five more times above here and that's all we gotta do [Music] and as you can see it's already started working we've already got a few victims spawning and falling into our trap as we build this and it's only gonna get better the more layers we build [Music] all right and just like that that is one layer complete with one layer down we still had another five to build and we were going to be at this for a while that wasn't without running into a few issues on the way however oh my it's so efficient it's already spawning so many oh that is a big cubieboy oh that is not good oh no oh wait why don't i do that wait that's not good that's not good that's not good i'm dumb i'm dumb i'm dumb why would i deflect it you how did you get up here oh god oh god oh god wait am i done i might be done okay so now i've built the hollow shell of all of these blocks so that is why we had to do so much building in this pattern but as you can see we're not quite done we still need to do one layer above this out of glass to prevent dust from spawning because they are not what we want in our farm we got to copy this cross pattern we've created with the magma below us here because this is this is how you prevent gas from spawning on this build and the reason you use glass at the very top layer is because glass is a block that mobs can't spawn on but we also got to make sure we're getting rid of all the dirt while we do this because dirt is a block that mobs can spawn on and that would kind of defeat the whole purpose all right and there we have it we are now almost done we've completely gas proofed the entire build so we can be confident that no more gas will spawn here there is not a single block for gas to spawn on so that means all that there is left for us to do is to fill in all the empty gaps we've left l all out of blocks for the moment we've completed the very top layer almost completed the i guess fifth layer and we've completed of course the very first layer we built as well yeah i'm curious how much gold we've managed to collect so far i mean that's actually quite a lot i think about two stacks of gold already just in the time that i've built this and the farm hasn't even it hasn't even been complete yet [Music] oh my god wait i think that's it we've now completed every single layer there is on this farm so that's six layers of magma blocks oh oh my oh they are really coming all right and the literal last thing we need to do to make this farm as efficient as possible need to build up yeah there we go we need to build up to build height and then we just need to create a little platform up here for us to afk on all right and now for the sake of seeing just how efficient this farm is i'm going to afk up here on our platform uh i'm gonna stay up here for let's say one hour one hour-ish and we'll see how much gold we managed to get after that time is up [Music] so it has been about an hour we've got all of our gold and rotten flesh here it's time to do a count oh and my inventory's a mess all right i've tallied up all of the gold we've managed to collect in the last hour and it comes to a grand total of 100 and what is it 120 that's insane we also have like a bajillion stacks of rotten flesh which i'm going to have no idea what to do with so this isn't the most complex or insane gold farm you can make it was literally just the first result when i searched for a gold farm on youtube however i would still recommend it so i'll leave a link for the tutorial in the description if you're interested alright now you may be asking what use i have for infinite gold at this point in the game but it actually is going to help me quite a lot with food yeah a lot of you are probably curious on how i keep getting my food since i don't really have a farm close to home but i have this pig farm that i come to occasionally anyway now that i have gold instead of having to kill and farm animals i can just craft golden carrots which are arguably the best food in the game so i figured to make our lives easier i'll grab a few carrots and i'll actually start a bit of a carrot farm closer to home all right and there you have it that's the start of a little carrot farm right there i um i plan to extend it in the future and i plan to kind of just allow it to follow the natural terrain i didn't just want to make a completely flat farm so i'm going to blend it in with the actual natural terrain and just cover this whole back area here just in carrots but for now that will do all right but besides food the other thing oh oh no the other thing that we can use gold for is for bulk piglen trading oh oh my god you've got a fire aspect sword okay no this guy is too dangerous anyway yeah now that we've got a bunch of gold we also have bulk piglet trading which may not seem that all that important at this point in the game but there's a lot of cool things you can get from these guys for just the small price of some gold for example obsidian crying obsidian that's a that's a good example all right so maybe in the future i want to set up like a giant piglet trading farm because if i did this if i did piglet trading in bulk i would end up with a lot of these blocks a lot of obsidian apparently when i first brought this idea up i was fully thinking i was going to do it in a future episode however i went away and did a bit of research and then i decided why not make the piglet trading farm right now all right so to start off with we're going to need a bunch of chests [Music] all right perfect so this is going to be our chest room and i plan to make it an automatic sorting system so we're going to actually begin by building that because it'll make our lives a lot easier if we just do this first so so that's our very complex redstone i should probably uh put in some blocks to try and protect it what i've built so far is our filter and the chest i've put around the corner here will lead into all the items that don't get filtered will come to these chests and then what i'm placing down right now is the track in which all of our items will flow through i think i've made that correct now i have to build my automatic piglen trading farm off to the side here but our filter system isn't quite done yet we need to rename some blocks giving them a different id to regular cobblestone blocks so just made a stack of blocks called filter then we need to put yeah the filter blocks in these four slots in all the hoppers going into these comparators let's just say this first one will be obsidian because that's something you can get from pickle and trading you'll see this number should go all the way down to 41 right and that's how you know the filter is working oh that's not good that's not good okay i'm going to start with a setup for five piglets [Music] all right thankfully we still got some glass oh god all right so this is our dispensing system which will uh give our piglens uh their gold and it will automatically give them another bit of gold as soon as it detects a trade has been made okay let's see how good our sorting system is where's our shovel gonna end up oh there it is cool so with most of our trading system built all we needed now was a few enthusiastic piglens to do some trading with us bill bob brad brett and brenda all right come on come on drop in the hole please yes brenda welcome to the family brenda [Music] what is what are they scared of i'm so confused yeah here we go here we go come on straight down the hole yes all right we've got ourselves bret why are they running i'm so confused what if i tempt you with some gold that's it that's it follow the gold no you've got the no come on come back you've got to taste the blood come on don't give up don't give up we have now successfully trapped brad i think what's scaring them off is all the zombified piglets which would make sense because if you're a human and you see a bunch of zombies around you're probably going to run away too there's too many do i just kill the zombified guys i guess i could it's really not that risky all right there we go okay nope they're still coming all right are you going to run straight in or are you going to make this difficult and that right there is bob okay that might do we give them gold we can push them push you push you push you push you there you go bill there you go right now i believe all we should have to do now is uh just fill this chest with gold right there we go there we go it's working oh god why is it doing that [Music] i feel i may have done something wrong all this gold shouldn't be dispensing like this it's working fine over here but in these middle ones it's freaking out i tried making a couple design changes following this but it was still a little bit weird look i'm not great at this redstone stuff but in the end all that matters is our piglet trading system was complete and working and all funneling into an automatic sorting system the one issue we do have at the moment though is it's just not safe multiple times i've been attacked by ghasts and i've just been terrified that it's gonna break some piglets free or something so for our next task we just need to cover it all up and create a bit of a building [Music] no no no no no no no no [Music] what is that why would it but the game hates me [Music] uh fun little fact i just hit 2000 days of hardcore minecraft just now that's kind of cool all right the gold trading facility is now done i mean sort of all the redstone and everything and our piglens are completely protected um as you can see the trades have been going great sorting system is working amazing we've got tons of items and that's the story of how i became even richer in hardcore minecraft with a brand new infinite gold farm and a complete piglet trading system there's so much cool stuff i have an infinite supply of now so this video has been just full of like technical building and it's been a bit of a mess and for that i apologize but hey now that we have a bunch of gold i figured let's just do a little bit of flexing and build ourselves our very own gold block house [Music] because why not we're rich thanks for watching cheers [Music]
Channel: WadZee
Views: 3,935,655
Rating: 4.9668407 out of 5
Keywords: WadZee, Unlimited Gold in Minecraft, Infinite Gold in Minecraft, How to get unlimited gold in Minecraft, Getting richer in minecraft, WadZee Minecraft, Minecraft, Minecraft Hardcore, WadZee Hardcore Minecraft, Minecraft Gold Farm 1.16, Automatic Piglin Trading Farm Minecraft 1.16, How to get infinite gold in Minecraft, Minecraft Gold Farm, I built a gold farm in Minecraft, Richest Player in Hardcore Minecraft, hardcore minecraft, wadzee hardcore
Id: bqoRZa767Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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