Building a CAKE Factory in Hardcore Minecraft (#19)

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so I decided to make a cake Factory in Minecraft why because I can if you want some cake all you got to do is like this video and press subscribe and a huge thanks to the roughly 3000 legends that have subscribed since the last video welcome to episode 19 of hardcore minecraft [Music] [Music] I'm gonna build a cake factory and this video shout out is coming from Instagram thank you to this person you're an absolute legend get it guys my name is woodsy and welcome back to hardcore minecraft you guys know the drill first things first we gotta add another 200 melons to the farm and you know I think for today's episode I'm just gonna do a quick jump cut so here we go alright and just like that I've added another 200 miles to the farm as always if you want to see how big this farm ends up getting make sure to subscribe and who knows maybe one day I'll do an episode just fully dedicated to growing this melon farm to be the entire bye and or something crazy like that anyway now let's get into the rest of the video alright so the concept for today is we're going to be building a cake factory but before we can start getting into any of the farms or intricate parts of it we need to build the cake factory building first and there's a few materials I'm going to want to get from the Mesa biome a lot of episodes back actually I don't remember how many but we built at portal do the Mesa biome in the nether so we could get there easier and today I'm kind of just trying to remember where I built that to be honest all I really remember is it was just somewhere in the nether in this direction a through here makes sense to me okay I'm recognizing this I remember coming this way I'm pretty sure under here this is where things may get a little confusing I was just said we can't just like brute force our way to this portal it's gonna be somewhere around here right yeah yeah I know where we are we've nailed this I think I think we've nailed this up here and then somewhere down here which should be our portal right right yeah we found it right so he successfully remembered our way through the Mesa now what I'm here to pick up is actually this the block yeah orange terracotta here too just mine a bunch of an orange terracotta I figured this would be way easier than having to die terracotta myself so I need a bit over four stacks of this stuff I'm just gonna tear up this whole mountain oh yeah this is the stuff hit the jackpot here zombies why do I hear zombies it's daytime now we can make our way out of here we don't need to tear up the Mesa anymore all right off we go Oh golly I might be lost hey we made it all right good to be back around the only other material we need which fortunately we have quite a lot of is a bit of red wool you'll need a bit of white wool that's plenty and now we can get building all right so the inspiration for this build today is gonna come from this cake here we're just gonna build a giant cake that's that's all we're gonna do is build a cake [Music] now this abilities icing [Music] [Music] it's looking pretty sweet haha sweet [Music] now just to add the little the little cherries you know the little cherries on top [Music] [Music] and that should be it I think that's the top of the cake decorated I think I've missed any little spots anywhere wow I'm so talented look it's a cake this actually it doesn't look this looks awful whatever it'll do aggression I've forgotten to light up inside our cake so now we have created a cake mob chamber [Music] [Applause] Wow sorry spider but you have to go now we have reclaimed our cake so now we just have the steps of transforming this thing into a cake factory because right now it's just an empty cake shell we need to make it a cake factory alright so it would be impossible to fit like the entire cake factory in this tiny cake so what I plan to do is just build a stairwell down so we can start building underground and just have tons more room to build all the stuff we need to build but as you should know there are four ingredients you need to make a cake you need sugar eggs milk and flour so we're gonna have to allocate for four different spaces to provide for each of those ingredients materials and preferably have like some sort of hopper system that's the plan that's the idea we'll have to wait and see right so it's gonna be our center room here fittingly enough I've made it a circle alright alright so let me show you the game plan as I said there are four ingredients we need to put into each cake and therefore that means we need four different parts to this cake factory the first step will be the automatic trigger cane farm which will go here it should work 24/7 providing us with sugar and will be dragged through many hoppers back to the Center room the next ingredient is wheat we need three pieces of this for every cake so we're gonna need quite a large wheat farm that leaves us with eggs and milk eggs is super simple all we'll need is a bunch of chickens in this room over here which will lay eggs into some hoppers and then a cowl station in the middle here where we will have infinite milk and that's it alright let's get building this thing alright so here's the basic design for our fresh sugarcane farm here so we're gonna have a powered railway that goes like so then above that we're gonna plant some sugarcane pretty simple the redstone I'll just show you what I've got in mind so we'll just place an observer at the top so an observer at the top facing in towards this block piston here one line of redstone here and then whenever a sugarcane which will be planted here grows well this tall the piston will push raking that sugarcane and then it should drop down here be collected it'll go into a hopper hopper will be funneled through here and it will come out here so that's the design probably not the most efficient thing but for once this is my actual own design instead of following a tutorial six and a half hours later just place our sugar canes like so so we can easily put our observers into them there you go that works that chest yeah all right let's get this thing rolling so that should roll forever fill this all in with glass that is complete now I understand that is the scale of this sugarcane farm is like tiny and in order for this to be like an efficient cake farm I would actually need to have like a giant enormous automatic shuriken thing but this will do this is my creation I make the rules alright so all we're really going to need to automate like the production of eggs is just a bunch of hoppers and well a bunch of chickens as well how I might do it to give it more of that humane factory feel is I'll do a line of hoppers then I'll have like to separate it separate like spots so then if I just get a bunch of chickens and I put them in each of these cages I mean this works it's scuffed but this works but it's gonna take us a while to wait for these chickens to grow up so what I think we should do well I'm not really doing too much with these chickens here so I might as well let these suckers run free let's go chickens come on and I'm just gonna figure out how do I get chickens to go down there does this okay with that that way a little bit surely we get them in just like that we have finesse their way into having a bunch of chickens in here it's order checkpoint you guys know the drill take a break pause the video go get yourself some water and let's drink together Cheers now usually at this point in the video I would self promote or something but I'm too lazy so let's get back into the video alright so up this way we're gonna have the wheat farm gonna have a semi-automatic wheat farm since you need three week per cake I figure we should probably make this fairly big so I'm gonna have this in two sort of tiers haven't quite looked up the redstone on this I might just freestyle something but pretty much it's gonna have a water stream at the top which we can activate with like a button which will stream down and put all that items into you know hoppers down here alright so we're gonna need the water on either side of this thing I'm gonna go grab all the redstone bits I'm gonna need I'm gonna try and figure out how to make this kind of automatic I have an idea but it might be a bit slightly outdated alright super basic redstone brain here but here's here's my plan here's my strategy turn that lever on for a second see our file and get our redstone signal to travel okay pivot that works then all it should take from here and then when we pull that lever down we deactivate all the redstone this piston will retract the water will then flow aha well we have ran into another issue the next part of this which we haven't quite done is we need to get their collection system this considers the first test let's see breath all right and we've made it one two long adventure that's all sweet now if we do the water now I'm guessing it will still be one short although that's now perfect because it'll yeah yeah it's actually perfect now we don't even need these annoying little pressure plates down here because the water ends here and everything just falls off perfectly into these hoppers all right and our wheat farm is now complete we haven't managed to go any weight while I was building this because the amount of times I've accidentally turned it on water's going everywhere and broke it been too many times but it's now done we don't have to tamper with it anymore we should be able to grow some wheat and that just leaves this middle room where we need to get a cup of cows to milk and we'll be pretty much done I will now have the fun little task of trying to find a couple cows I'm hoping there'll be some cows somewhere nearby I mean even one will do but don't care where where are your friends well you know what screw it one cow it is a second one [Music] we're so close we're nearly there right so and like so we now have two cows in here all right so I just want to like set up little areas in each of the corners here for these cows in there we've got two happy happy cows got our milk our sugar our wheat and our eggs and just like that we had every piece of our cake factory now complete and all that was left for us to do was to decorate the area make it look nice and would be completely done [Music] okay wait Big Brain idea big brown idea this is the biggest brain idea I've had in a long while it's a cake on a roof that looks kind of awful you know what I don't really like it but it's staying it's a cake on a roof and just a few moments later with a couple more magical finishing touches and the woodsy cake factory was now in business all right now the cake factory is complete so I'll give you a quick little tour so you come in here got this staircase some down here to the main area we've got you your cows to milk you've got the cake on the roof which I've grown to love you've got this lovely orange accent going all through the middle come across here you'll see that continues on in here in our chicken room and see we've got a lot of eggs across here you'll see our automatic sugarcane farm you can't really see much that's been kind of working like got a bit more for the thing that's been doing its bit and finally the wheat farm which isn't fully grown yet but I think for the sake of it let's just flip that lever all right now we've got all this junk we can come down here collect our wheat inventories a little bit full but that's fine all right now let's go ahead and let's make our very first cake with the brand new cake factory and I'm too lazy so I'm just going to do this now I might FK around here for a little while let our wheat grow but I sure you can grow we'll see how much resources we can get and then we'll see how many cakes we can make oh it's time let's make some cakes [Music] here's a strategy we just load our inventory up with all the resources possible let's craft some cakes [Music] [Music] now there you have it that's all the cake we have I mean not too bad all right but no cake focus video would be complete without one final thing and that's a cake stairway it would be wrong not to so there we go that's the first step that's gonna be the second oh no I need to get hungry so I can actually eat these stupid cakes so one okay so cake stairways gonna go this way no and it do this again all right if you haven't seen this before you should figure out where this is going by building a cake staircase two three memory truth will I finish the cake all that go down to one sliver perfect all right well that's that's one layer of the the cake staircase hang on let me show you where it gets really cool all right come on horsey all right now this is where the power of the cake staircase really shines feet it's so fun okay so that's where I'm gonna leave off this episode for today if you guys want to see me build this cake staircase right up until build height make sure to drop a like on this video and if you haven't already don't forget to subscribe as well I'd appreciate it a lot I post videos just like this one all the time so you won't regret it and with that I'll catch her in the next one she is alright alright this is Anna normal outro I know at this point of the video I'd usually tell you guys to go check out my second channel but today instead I'm telling you to go check out a video that my sister actually made on their own channel me and her we actually cooked a cake and it was kind of a disaster but you're gonna want to watch the video so I'll leave a link for that in the description go check it out right now seriously go check it out subscribe to my sister go [Music]
Channel: WadZee
Views: 3,989,934
Rating: 4.9615512 out of 5
Keywords: WadZee, Hardcore Minecraft, Building a Cake Factory in Hardcore Minecraft, Infinite cake, unlimited cake, infinite cake in minecraft, minecraft cake farm, WadZee Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play, WadZee Cake, How to build a cake farm in minecraft, Building a minecraft cake, Giant minecraft cake, Hardcore Minecraft 1.16, Minecraft 1.16 lets play, Minecraft Cake Factory
Id: 9dFS0avR5Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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