I Accidentally Found a Woodland Mansion in Hardcore Minecraft (#13)

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imagine I just found like a woodland mansion on accident instead that'd be crazy how uncommon is it to find a woodland mansion without getting the map yeah that's gotta be super uncommon welcome back to another episode of hardcore minecraft today I decided to finally take on an ocean monument however in the process of doing that I may have stumbled upon something else pretty cool now do me a favor if you go on to enjoy this video smash that like button but also 1000 percent of people aren't subscribed or whatever so hit subscribe because only the most advanced humans can be subscribed to the WOD z channel and let's get right into the video and this video shout out is coming from youtube thank you to this person you're an absolute legend g'day guys my name is woodsy and welcome back to episode 13 of hardcore minecraft and that's right in today's episode we are going to take on an ocean monument and i'm gonna show you how i can easily decimate an entire ocean monument with just a couple stacks of wood before we do that though you didn't think i forgot did you you of course we need to add another 200 miles to our melon farm i actually forgot my buckets how did I forget my buckets [Music] all right and there you have it yet another 200 pounds added to the farm you want to see how big this farm ends up getting you know we're constantly adding 200 melons every episode we do make sure to subscribe and in fact while I'm here I might as well collect all the wood we're going to need to take on this ocean monument today so I'm just gonna grab like two stacks of wood or something a big amount I'll grab a fair bit all right so now that we've got all the wood we're going to need we'll just do a few final preparations yes since we're going into the since we're going into the ocean into an ocean on monument under water I figured we'd make some potions of water breathing in fact we've already got a couple here but since it's very own brand of me to be well over prepared for anything I do I'm gonna make a few more well there you know we now have five potions of water breathing which is equivalent to 40 minutes of water breathing in fact well the whole plan is that we don't need potions of water breathing because the whole plan with the wood is that we're gonna make a bunch of doors which is gonna make it so much easier for us gotta be as prepared as possible because worst-case scenario we need to survive this is hardcore minecraft we cannot afford to die I now have the task of finding myself an ocean monument because I actually don't know where the closest one is I know there's a lot of ocean to the right of me in fact there's a lot of ocean kind of in every direction but let's go let's go on that hunt so the task of finding an ocean monument was proving to be more difficult than I had first thought I could have sworn just by flying around the ocean I'd find it in seconds however I didn't so I had to make a few stops along the way well so far no luck with the ocean monument that I have found this this ship which is above water hey there we go and their first buried treasure or where's he gonna be I predict Danny to have a look what have we got what have we got first of all we got gold also got diamonds emeralds a little bit of iron heart of the sea that's the main thing II there yeah that's our first buried treasure discovered hello village the funky-looking village I don't have ever seen a village like this there any loot we can steal oh oh yeah I'll take some obsidian oh and also while on the way to the ocean monument I said something pretty interesting so just remember this imagine I just found like a woodland mansion on accident instead that would be crazy how uncommon is it to find a woodland mansion without getting the map yeah that's gonna be super uncommon and then with a ton more traveling around I eventually switched to a boat to save damaging my allatra wings any further and with a bit more time we found exactly what we were looking for oh my god finally finally we have found our ocean monument that actually took way too long I will now we're finally here I'm ready let's take on this thing and we're going in taking on our very first ocean monument in hardcore minecraft let's go break3 and now we're in you want to make just a couple of doors now the fun begins and even though I do have water breathing right now this is how easy it is to not even need it alright so I've got my three stacks of doors let's take on this thing and see what happens [Music] this is what doors are so EP you want to break the chain they have closed the door I can't even lie door thing there's a lot more tedious and boring than I thought I've got you in my sights that's this room cleared we need to find ourselves the Elder Guardians know where they are I think I found my first LD got in this is how easy it is no water breathing potion needed all you need is some doors [Music] hey we found ourselves another elder Guardian I wet our LD where'd out of Guardian go I'm having too much fun man too much fun [Music] shore-leave dead there we go another older guardian defeated when they have one more to go only one fish to go but too sure the last elder Guardian is usually like up somewhere in like the very roof like this hole isn't meant to be here is it where the hell am i this does not seem right oh hello I want to get this fish completely out of water if I can student being trapped go anywhere okay I think that's literally it now we just gotta find the sponge room and the gold room we found the gold room already somewhere around here yeah cool well now we just gotta wait for our mining fatigue to wear off and we should be able to take the gold from this place all right the gold is all ours yeah that's all of this effort for a stuck in a bit of gold was it worth it hell yeah now where's this spawned room I know there's a room usually feel this sponge yes what does come in handy so I can start breaking stuff now I'll just drop my pickaxe that is a bad bad idea they're gonna start breaking walls now gonna make exploring this place what easier oh I think I found it how do you mind sponge is it a hoe it is there's a hoe okay well that's sponge secured yeah I don't know I think I think we're done here we just gotta find our way back out and yeah we're done it was actually too easy the whole door thing was more of an inconvenience than it was a good strategy hey we're out of here do you later things go on home where did I almost forgot very close to forgetting I left my shocker box in here with all the goodies alright now we can go home dude what what did I what did I just say in this video imagine I just found like a woodland mansion on accident instead that would be crazy how uncommon is it to find a woodland mansion without getting the map what did I just say I can't what what dude this is gonna look so fake I legitimately mentioned like finding this thing haha well we're in a woodland mansion now I mean is stupid you fun chests under this wall or something I don't know if that's a thing hello all these chests gonna be empty surely not oh okay I guess these are all empty that's cool maybe this maybe this is the one item find a chest inside maybe old lapis okay but you can like break through walls right there's like haha there is hidden rooms these chest rooms let's go upstairs let's see what upstairs got for us all right we got a librarian here no chests okay sure where's the chess set there's gonna be some looting these things right this looks like it might be something surely come on whoa oh one of these guys now huh I did think these things got a lot more dangerous than this though okay maybe something I'm missing there it is there is we another chest diamond ho you know what I'll take it for the memes wait this is literally it that was the whole mansion so after exploring through all floors and tearing through every single room that was the entire woodland mentioned conquered and I must say this was deeply disappointing I expected a lot more action and a lot more loot from this mansion I did all of that for a single diamond ho let's just say I'm glad I didn't have to travel with 10,000 blocks to experience that all right well if there's some sort of farm or something I can make out of this woodland mansion let me know but otherwise that is now the woodland mentioned done I'm out of here all right now the next thing we want to do in this episode before we end it is I actually want to go back to the ocean I want to see if I can find myself a trident we're literally just gonna have to swim around the ocean explore underwater until we find and kill enough drones holding trident I've never actually gotten a trident or I've got a trident in Mare craft before but I haven't got it in a like a let's play or anything like in just in a survival world this will be fun well here's our first round but not holding a trident [Music] all right now we're getting a few droughts to spawn this is more like it diamonds hello this feels like Mara crafts all over again dammit dude I thought this code might have been holding a trident he's holding a fishing rod oh that's our first one we found our first drowned holding a trident will we get lucky and get the drop first try it does not look like we did still no trident come on damn dude oh hello but a little bit of a ruin Danny hmm and it looks a bit boring but wait I hear trotting huh yes well this one's enchanted - please this has got to be the one no these guys are spawning a lot more regularly than I would have thought no Trident I heard another Trident where is it is it the little one it is it's the baby damn it we found another ruins maybe we can find some treasure must say the loop in these underwater things is not not really worth it at all I guess the treasure maps is demanding that [Music] hello there we've found it a trident a trident wielding drowned damn was there another one oh hang on this one this one's got a nautilus shell at least I'll take that there is another one dude we managed to find number 10 will this be the lucky one no no way back in an ocean ravine and more diamonds it's just that easy we found a fun twin oh my god another vein hello it's gonna say we managed to find 20 diamonds we managed to find 35 diamonds so far alright it's been a while since our last discovery and this one has not even dropped us rotten flesh well at the very least we've been out here for a long time at least we found more diamonds well hello there please I'm not gonna say anything but this is the one all I'm gonna say it is finally we have our very own Trident with Riptide one oh it's fun we can grind stone it I don't think I want Riptide it's very low durability so of course I need to make sure I get mending and stuff on that thing before I use it at all do not want to break it cuz this took so long just to get one Trident yeah I am I've got the Trident now took us a while but I think I'm gonna leave the enchanting and stuff for the next episode in conclusion we had a very successful episode today from this ocean trip alone we not only got our very own Trident finally but we also came home with 40 diamonds for Nautilus shells and to heart of the sea and that is all on top of taking on the ocean monument and also accidentally finding a woodland mansion so if you enjoyed today's episode make sure to let me know with a like rating and also subscribe if you want and I'll catch you in the next episode of hardcore minecraft she is what was that you've just finished watching the video and you don't know what to watch anymore well why not head over to my second channel what to eat where I post wacky blogs and stuff and awesome videos yeah I'm just self promoting that's all hope you enjoyed the video
Channel: WadZee
Views: 4,486,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Accidentally Found A Woodland Mansion in Hardcore Minecraft, Accidentally Finding a Woodland Mansion, finding a woodland mansion minecraft, Raiding a Woodland Mansion, WadZee, Hardcore Minecraft, Minecraft Hardcore Survival Lets Play, Finding a Woodland Mansion without a map, WadZee Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore Minecraft has never been easier, Hardcore Minecraft is too easy, WadZee Ocean Monument
Id: 5ZkpeXJTEtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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