Beating The NEW Hardest Minecraft Difficulty! (cursed)

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g'day guys my name is woodsy and uh welcome to hell yeah welcome to hell all right well everything seems uh completely normal oh god what the hell is that what is why am i dying they're so fast they're so fast leave me alone leave me alone please please all right just going to go for a nice little swim over there why am i dying why am i dying get me out get me out get me out get me out get me up oh oh my god no we just need to get ourselves some blocks what what why am i hungry oh no why do you have to make these noises oh my god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh great now there's ravages here oh god shut up sheep cool famous youtube guy slimecycle recently made the new hardest difficulty in minecraft and today i'm going to beat it i've done a lot of difficulties like this in the past but this is by far the most chaotic one i've ever attempted with over 150 different changes to the game i've spent a long time studying all the changes and strategizing for how i'm going to beat this and to summarize it all for you guys trust literally nothing if you go on to enjoy this video and you want to see me suffer more in the future maybe consider subscribing it's absolutely free and i promise you won't regret it as i post amazing content just like this all of the time anyway enjoy the video [Music] all right welcome to the most cursed minecraft difficulty i've ever played there is so much going on and i probably won't even be able to explain it all but uh yeah let's uh let's just start yep breaking wood gives you sticks it gives you apples because wood and leaves have swapped their loot tables so now when you need logs you just break leaves i honestly like that this is the best change in the whole thing but yeah obviously our mission for today is to beat this difficulty and that is no easy feat as i start exploring you'll see exactly why oh this this is night okay wait no let me alone i want to look at this pig this completely normal pig oh yeah just regular minecraft things that's actually so helpful though wait which direction was that was it this way yes here we go yeah that actually is going to help us out quite a lot because we oh god no coal coal withers you i forgot about this ouch ouch okay avoid coal okay honestly we've got everything we want from here okay so a few things to note you know first thing you do when you uh start up a new minecraft world usually try and make a crafting table right well yeah the fun thing about this difficulty is cobblestone crafting table but wait it gets better it gets so much better i can craft mutton but then i can craft it oh god i'm starving i can craft it into buttons which are edible that's normal also these polar bears always want to kill you and they will chase you just everywhere in your world also whenever you pick up dirt you become infinitely hungry until you clean yourself off in water but when you go in water it hurts you i forgot about the coal i forgot about the coal so anyway back to what i was explaining now i've got my crafting table i place it down you know completely normal let's just try and craft some thing it's a furnace wait why am i smelting that that's dumb wait hang on no sorry ow ow ow i forgot oh my god so yeah crafting tables or furnaces furnaces are crafting tables when you interact with the furnace while it's smelting you burn which honestly makes sense where did i die hello oh my god no how are you all getting in the trees oh my god free iron dude this is a mess i can't even explain what's going on oh let me learn ah okay let's craft some buttons let's eat our buttons oh no that's fun so another thing is buttons are technically me it's it's you know how funny mutton and button rhymes anyway if you eat too much meat in a row you just die i didn't realize it carries on even if you die like i didn't realize it continues stacking but uh yeah we're gonna have to find we're gonna have to find a food source that isn't meat if we wanna eat something and not just die so yeah there's a lot of issues right now that we need to solve i just wanna get back to my crafting table so the way you make a crafting table is you smelt a wood block and then you get a furnace and this furnace is my crafting table that's so cursed oh another thing is we can make something called the meat sword which is a great weapon honestly cheap to make does a fair bit of damage meatsor does more than an iron sword okay cool oh yeah cows float by the way what do i get if i kill cows oh i get meat that's decent food we can smelt that let's put down our furnace let's smelt our meat i hope this doesn't do anything bad when i eat it oh god wait what did that make a sound you've entered the beef zone what the hell i guess i could keep breaking wood for apples apples is good food and it's not meat oh by the way every night it it storms why [Music] found a desert though this could be huge deserts are great deserts we can find villages we can find temples we can get loot we need to find a village and we need to sleep what is that oh yeah by the way endermen are turtles yeah enemy are turtles there's no reason for that they're just yeah they're turtles found a desert pyramid but we didn't find oh god it's so loud we haven't found a village yet what is wrong with this guy all right we're in the temple give me the epic loot please something useful golden apple wait you guys have no idea what i've just done we can't die we have to live we have to survive we need to find a village and fast dude we can't die we honestly no like you don't understand i have everything i need to beat the game uh savannas usually have villagers as well we'll go into the savannah oh oh my god i just got struck by lightning also by the way i have this amazing superpower where if i look at a bunny it dies please game just give me a village oh my god is that a fortnight that's a fortnight loot llama oh there's creepers multiplying around me oh another thing to note is chickens are extremely annoying we have to avoid chickens at all costs all right i guess we can eat an apple all right village we found a village oh it's happening we're beating the game that's a lot of creepers what is wrong with this game and i'm getting followed by ravager just get me to a bed i did it i did it i did it okay we've got a very important thing to do right now this is so important you have no idea we need to make a gold block or as i like to call it a glock we need to put this down and now for some reason when i throw a golden apple on this thing something very insane happens i uh i don't even want to spoil this let's just i missed uh uh yep yep uh so we've created a crater to the center of the earth that's fun now we just need to get down there oh you guys have no idea you have no idea what's down here it's ridiculous oh you can see it you can see it in all its glory get me down there please how is this in the game we've we've thrown a golden apple on a gold block and we have summoned a god sword a giant god sword how this is ridiculous what is this all right we need food before we do anything we need some more food and thank god we have this village all right we've got plenty of bread that's all the food we need now it's time to test out our god sword hey hey ravager hey you [Music] yeah that's what i thought so now that we have this item we don't have to be scared of a single thing we will one shot every mob in the game so it's time to get as equipped as possible i'm talking full iron armor everything everything and i know just the way to get some iron now you may be wondering woodsy why don't you just go mining for iron and gold well there's a specific reason for that and that's because yeah you only get nuggets from smelting iron and gold oh god where did you come from no no i need to break this up oh we're fully equipped i wish that i how do i shut villages up i wish the ravages actually gave you a decent drop or something because they spawn there's so many of them they just keep spawning just at least give me something cool oh leave me alone [Music] okay we got more golden apples some iron that's good thank you a bit more gold a bit more gun powder good good good good that's what i'm after all right let's get out of here all right well it's now time to do some more curse crafting so first of all the wob yeah this thing is kind of stupid but what we can use it for which is quite cool with a bit of iron and a bit of gun powder is we get a glock it's so dumb why am i playing this of course you need ammunition for your glock so now that i've got a bit of gold and a bit of iron and some gunpowder i'm being attacked i'm under attack excuse me i was explaining oh one other thing we can do this is important where my village is at now this is very important but we can for two year olds we can get the sunk poncho very important item because as you can see when i place down the sunk poncho yeah that that's it so now that we had full iron armor and literally the most overpowered weapon in the game our next step was to head into the nether and see what we could find there hey we found a lava pit now we can work on making ourselves a portal [Applause] all right we made a portal all right and we actually can't craft a flint and steel so in order for us to light this thing okay yeah we're gonna have to just put some wood on fire and hopefully this thing lights itself now you may also be wondering why i couldn't craft the flint and steel and that's because you need to use my right to create a flint and nether steel so uh yeah we had to find a different way to do that oh it's so close it's burning just light the portal yeah you can do it it's yes it worked oh yeah another cool thing about lava is um yeah you can just swim in it swimming in lava is absolutely fine yeah anyway let's uh let's go through to the nether change number 140 traveling to and from the nether plays way too many portal sound effects why also this is quartz i don't want to mine it i don't trust it rule number one don't trust anything wait what is it wait this is this is basalt why is this not why is this netherrite netherrack textured this is called suffer this is bath salts why are they all the same texture i need to get out of here man i need to like explore the nether but like i'm just stuck in these like caves this is taking forever okay so that's what money quartz does this is cursed everything is just netherrack oh god wait wait wait wait ah get off me stop being angry wait i've got gold i've got gold [Music] you're gonna die you need to die oh my you're so fast this place is just pure chaos hold on 000 years later i wanted to find a fortress but i just i can't our spawn sucks i'm getting out of here diamonds why did i find diamonds alright hi it's me again here to explain yet another thing the reason i didn't use the diamonds when i found them is because well wait yeah diamond tools and equipment have a very low durability so a fun thing about this difficulty is um what you kind of don't need to go to the to the nether it's so dumb but uh yeah we have eyes of ender made out of saplings so the whole reason i did go to the nether though was so we could get some more gold and we could use that gold to make some more ammo for our glock that's the only reason i went to the nether oh that's a lot of saplings okay cool we've got plenty of saplings now we just need to get a bunch of seeds [Music] all right well we finally got enough eyes of ender now to uh to go ahead and beat the game let's go find our stronghold wait why is there pillagers here wait what wait what nah nah nah nah i don't trust that that's suspicious oh one other thing i just remembered we're gonna need some milk oh yeah float flute yeah perfect perfect we got we got it oh god chickens scare me please don't multiply thank you okay wait i've got an idea i've got an idea yeah perfect perfect perfect this is a lot of chickens oh this is a there's a lot of chickens this is maybe a bad idea this was maybe a mistake this was maybe a mistake oh my god it just we ran so far it just keeps going okay let's just go around the water perfect thing is though we found another village so that's actually so helpful oh all right so there's one more thing we got to craft and that's going to be a crossbow i've actually never really crafted one of these obviously the bows are screwed over and you only get one shot out of every bow which is just completely cursed but i did some research and you can actually use crossbows completely normally we're just missing some arrows oh please don't be in the ocean that would be horrible if this is in the ocean oh thank god it's behind us and here it's gotta be like in the middle it's gonna be like around here right yeah perfect all right perfect perfect nothing to be worried about we've got the god sword we're fine we've got this all right we're in we're in the stronghold gotta be super careful we don't want to die now after everything dude break that spawn and break that spawn and break that spawner oh my god we're actually here we've made it all the way to the end portal we're going to beat the game we may as well make more ammo for our glock let's give this a try okay so this is why i brought the milk because you get real bad nausea here in the end but through my research all it takes is some milk and we're fine also every block in the end here is pizza pizza time all right first question i need answered can i shoot crystals with a glock i can't i need to shoot him with a crossbow that's our dragon by the way that floating dirt block hovering around in the sky yeah that's our dragon limited yes yes yes oh angry bees angry bees let me alone oh i hit it it's time to get the dragon my glock's not working all right where you at dragon where you at i found you to face the glock why isn't it damaging it why did i go through all the effort to make this glock and i can't even hurt the dragon with it well you know what that means there's only one last thing we can do then [Music] these bees even are they angry at me or just the dragon they seem chill to be honest if i can't use the glock to beat the dragon there's only one thing i can use and that's the god sword or not there we go damn i was actually really expecting that to one-shot the dragon there's so many of them oh wait i missed i need a heal i need a heal this is it it flew off no it flew off you coward i still can't believe i can't use my glock on this thing i guess i'll just shoot the bees ha ha nice [Music] that's got to be it yes we did it celebratory bees yet another hard difficulty complete in minecraft the god sword kind of made it easy but if you're gonna give me a god sword like you expect me to just not use it or yeah i guess all that's left for us to do now is to go through the portal and thanks for watching oh yeah right uh going through the end portal also kills you that's fun thank you to slime school for challenging me to beat this difficulty i highly recommend going and checking out his original video if you haven't already because there's so much crazy stuff i couldn't show off in this video and also if you want to try out this difficulty for yourself there will be links for both of those things in the description and if you enjoyed this video leave a like and maybe consider subscribing as well so you can see more stuff like this in the future and for now that's it cheers
Channel: WadZee
Views: 2,829,129
Rating: 4.9526987 out of 5
Keywords: beating the new hardest minecraft difficulty, cursed minecraft, wadzee, Minecraft chaos difficulty, Minecraft impossible mode, impossible difficulty minecraft, Fundy, Slimecicle, The hardest minecraft difficulty, hardest minecraft, i made a new minecraft difficulty, Minecraft Cursed Difficulty, minecraft nightmare difficulty, i beat minecraft impossible mode, Fundy new difficulty, Slimecicle hardest difficulty, WadZee Hardest Difficulty, Minecraft, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft but
Id: 2Qa5uu8lRFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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