I Built a Wither Skeleton FARM in Minecraft Hardcore (#39)

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in this video i'm going to be building one of my most complex farms in hardcore minecraft yet the wither skeleton farm all so i can get infinite coal infinite bones and most importantly infinite stone swords but seriously this bomb is really cool but it did take a long time to make so if you do enjoy this video please consider subscribing and join the wawa army we're going to be taking over youtube this year but we can't do it without your help also thank you all so much for 3 million subscribers anyway enjoy the video [Music] g'day guys my name is woodsy and welcome back to another episode of hardcore minecraft i'm here chilling on my ocean monument which i built in the last two episodes this was one of my largest projects yet i spent a long time draining it out and then decorating it like it was a jungle biome and i think it looks awesome and i hope you guys do too so if you want to see how i made this make sure to check out the last two episodes i also have a guardian farm now but anyway today is a brand new episode but anyway today is a brand new episode so that's enough about the ocean monument let's get right into planting today's melons [Music] so you guys know the drill at the start of every hardcore episode we plant another 200 melons to this giant melon farm honestly just for a bit of fun just to see how big we can uh end up making it and it's it's definitely it's definitely getting huge if you want to see how big this melon farm ends up getting make sure to subscribe so you can keep following along with the series and now we can get into today's project so in this world already i've done a lot of building but most of it is kind of pointless as you can see i'm standing on top of a floating island in the sky so today i actually wanted to do something that wasn't pointless and build something quite practical and that is a wither skeleton farm now this build could be and will most likely be one of the most painful farms i've had to build but uh we'll see now obviously if you're going to want to build a wither skeleton farm what you're going to need is a fortress and we don't have too many good candidates for this farm so i'll show you what what we've got over this way is fortress number one you may recognize this fortress because this is where i've done all my farming for wither skeletons already in this in this series this one is it's honestly not the best now we've got another fortress somewhere out this way which is i guess another option which at first looks like it would be alright wait a minute allow me to properly explain what i'm looking for a good fortress for the farm i'm about to build would be out in the open surrounded by open space and preferably over a large lava ocean because this will save a lot of time on a later step so my first two options aren't the best as you can see because they're both surrounded by a ton of land so i really only had one other option i'm gonna try and find a better one i'm gonna i'm gonna do my best to fly around this world and try and find a fortress that is over a lava pit and which will make our lives easier [Music] whoa oh wait a minute oh this this is it yeah this is it this is the fortress oh this is so perfect this is incredible i'm so glad i went looking to make our lives easier i can uh get rid of these blaze spawners because we're not trying to make a blaze farm today oh god so now that i had secured the fortress i could get started on building the best wither skeleton farm ever our first step would be to choose an intersection as our center point for where we want to build this farm i think probably the best oh where's the best intersection here honestly here maybe this one and now this is where the fun begins because i would have to go 128 blocks in each direction and cover that entire area in slabs to prevent all mobs from spawning this is going to take a lot of work so let's just get started yeah let me try and figure out some coordinates in like areas i'm gonna have to uh you know spawn proof i spent roughly 10 minutes flying about trying to figure out the boundaries for all the area i'd have to fill in i then quickly went home and filled my inventory with as many slabs as possible and then it was time to get to work now one thing i'm not sure of at this point is if on top of these red blocks i need to put slabs i don't think you do i think they're not able to be spawned on but i'll definitely double check that because yeah it'll save us a lot of time if we don't have to do that [Music] i mean now that i've started doing this here i'm so glad i didn't settle for trying to do this at one of the other fortresses because i realized just how long this takes okay that gas just disappeared come on move please thank you yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna spawn proof on top of these blocks as well this this bit may be a waste of time i'm not 100 sure about this all right now i'm fairly positive i have now completely spawn proof that little corner that looks all done to me now with that all done we can travel across this way i love working in the nether just free food infinite food source [Music] so again only a smaller section i need to work on over on this side as we get further in this way that it starts getting annoying as we're gonna have to take on an entire bastion as i carry on with this project there's gonna be a lot of annoying little sections like this i'm gonna have to discover and deal with it's all a part of the process it's when you discover little like sneaky caves like this that you really realize just how much effort it is to completely spawn proof an area this big [Music] all right so i've now used all the cobblestone that i brought with me um so so far this is our progress update starting from this corner i should have now covered everything i'm pretty sure yeah from there that's our corner i should have now covered everything to about this point here so we obviously have a long way to go and we're going to need a lot more cobblestone the fly over here you'll see there's still a lot we got to cover in the middle we got to cover most of the fortress we got a lot to go [Applause] we are making great progress on this look i don't know how much i have left or how long it'll take me but spirits are high at this point sometime soon i'm gonna have to um end up going into this bastion and you know completely spawn proofing it i'm not looking forward to doing that at all [Music] all right it is time i've put it off for long enough it's time to start spawn proofing this bastion and this is gonna be so annoying because you know the mobs and there's just so many little layers and corridors in this thing i'm gonna be at it for a while hey what is this you leave me alone buddy you leave me alone i think it would be a good strategy to start from the bottom start from as deep as we can go also this is interesting we've got ourselves a chest oh we got some pig step in here all right well this really wasn't all that bad at least so far maybe when i go into this area over here it might be a little more annoying but there's been barely any mobs and honestly covering all this space isn't that challenging [Music] oh baby we got some ancient debris oh also if you're wondering why there's no uh piglet brutes running around this thing it's because this was likely this part of the world was likely loaded in before the pigelum brutes were even a thing oh yikes that probably also means underneath this is a massive ancient debris hole all right now it's time to do this part of the bastion and uh yeah this this bit is going to be a lot more fun of course that is sarcasm this is not going to be fun at all [Music] guess i'll uh yoink this gold [Music] there is like 100 like a million spots i've missed on this thing like for example right here i've missed this i'm probably gonna be at this for a while just like double checking triple checking that i haven't missed any layers still plenty of spots over there we need to fill in we are so close though like very very close to being done i spent a while longer trying to cover up anything i'd missed i can almost guarantee i've still missed some spots but it shouldn't really matter in the end as long as i've got most of it so now with the bastion all complete i can get a move on and keep covering the rest of the nether i'm gonna carry on going this side of the bastion for now and just complete this little area here which hopefully shouldn't take us too [Music] long [Music] all right and with that this whole side here is now completely done all across here all through the bastion all down into that corner now all that's left for us to do is probably a bit more we have any more underneath our fortress or have i done all of that as well i think all that's left is like this corner and up into the walls here still a lot but we are making great progress and i am now going to begin from this corner over here so let's get back on to the grind just to give you an idea of how long this takes at this point i had spent all day just putting slabs down and i still wasn't all done so please if you're enjoying the video so far please leave a like so all my suffering wasn't for nothing all right it is day two i uh i had to go to sleep i had been working on this for like four or five hours but uh i'm back i'm back and i'm ready to finish off slab in this whole [Music] area [Music] damn look how cool that looks kind of looks like it's like the whole thing has been snowed on it looks so epic now of course i don't have that much more to do i mean actually i kind of do i have quite a large area i have to do all down the front here i have to do all on top of the fortress and there's probably a few little caves around around here that i need to get into and uh cover up as well all right let me roam around here for a moment and see if i can see anything i've missed all down here should be done yep all right that looks fine that also looks good oh missing a fair bit around here actually oh what's this i've found oh no why the blaze coming for me [Music] as i fly along here you can see every single little corner of this space i have covered in slabs it took forever but now there's actually something i got to do and i'm kind of nervous about it i need to investigate whether or not underground here is my ancient debris mine because that will be a giant issue oh look i think we might be in the clear i think we just might be fine i mean as far as i can tell there is not a whole bunch of empty space underneath here now all that's left for me to do is to actually cover the fortress now i had done this very backwards because now that i had slabbed up everywhere else it meant the only place mobs could spawn now would be on the fortress i'm trying to cover up also i've i've completely run out of cobblestone now i've had to revert to using wooden slabs and i hope this stuff doesn't burn up [Music] ow yeah this is gonna be an absolute war [Music] zone [Music] all right well i've done that half of the oh gosh i've done that half of the fortress now so now this is our center point we just need to do everything on this half of it all right now it's time to conquer the hardest part of this whole thing which is these hallways which have both an inside and an outside and there's mobs spawning all over it this part is going to be tough there's just so many oh it's it's ridiculous [Music] yeah i think this is going to be a matter of battling my way through an area and then quickly slapping the whole place up so no more mobs can spawn i've got a bit of a a break here it's really nice i need to make the most of this oh my god another skull i think i'm finally done so i don't know how many hours i put in to slabbing up this whole place but it's it's been worth it i think this farm better be awesome so now that we've completely spawn proof the entire area now we can move on to actually building this farm but first let's just properly appreciate all the great work i've done [Music] all right in order for me to make this with a skeleton farm i'm going to need a lot of wither roses which is a very odd uh item to need but i'm going to need like over 300 of these things and the way you get them i think this is kind of a test right now oh look i thought the way you got these things was by an animal dying to the wither effect or do they literally just have to die to the wither all right well if i'm gonna get a lot of weather roses i need i need a way to make a wither kill a lot of mobs at once i don't even know if i'm gonna be able to do this with just spawning one wither my strategy is i'm gonna spawn a wither down here underground and i'm just gonna surround it with chickens so fortunately a long time ago i made this stupid cake farm which i've never really used besides filling up this whole double chest with cake but from this farm we have a lot of eggs so for once these eggs are actually going to have a purpose and we can use them all to get a great head start on our chicken breeding so we're aiming for over 300 chickens in one spot at one time i don't know if this is possible two hours later so uh yeah i kind of have a lot of chickens here i don't know if it's enough but i kind of don't feel like waiting and i kind of just want to spawn the wither in now i do have like five skulls so if i do need to do this again and spawn in another wither i'll only have to find one more skull so uh yeah this is it let's hopefully get a whole bunch of weather roses from this all right cool cool cool that's the wither down let's see how many roses we got from that it doesn't look like that many please be allowed oh damn that's only like half not even half of what we need we need to do that whole process over again all right we're just in need of one more skull so please just first try second try maybe all right this better not take too long 2 000 years later right three skeletons on here one of them's giving me a skull one of them there we go we got it oh finally now i would only really get one more chance at this and i needed to get at least another 161 roses from this next wither unless i wanted to go hunting for another three wither skeleton heads damn if only i had a wither skeleton farm right now the time has come i've got another bunch of chickens in here and honestly the more i get in here they start like suffocating and dying so i think this is pretty much the max we can get let's not think about it let's just do it 161 roses let's go [Music] all right mr weather please die please die please die there we go that's another wither down please please give me enough roses please oh we've done it easily easily done it this time around all right yeah so that's definitely more than enough roses and while i was waiting for that second lot of chickens to uh grow up and stuff i went and got all the other blocks i'm gonna need to uh to build this thing so so now we're prepared we've literally got everything now oh besides one thing actually the one block i'm yet to collect is a whole bunch of this nether brick so finally after that long mission for the wither roses we had collected every single block we needed and all there was left for us to do was to build this farm and now finally after spending so much time just preparing to get to this point i can finally start building uh but step one we got to start actually uh digging out a bit of an area and we need to go a few blocks down as well and now we need to dig out a 19 by 19 area and fill in the whole space with uh netherrack blocks all right so now this is our main spawning platform and the very next step we actually need to extend this area a bit more out this way and add a border of nether bricks around this netherax square [Music] now we can actually go ahead and cover this up with some carpet i'm not actually sure what the point of this is for the farm but apparently it makes it more effective so i'm not going to skip it right now we just need to do that around the hole outside [Music] all right now if i place carpet next to lava here will that burn okay yeah it will all right we're gonna have to go up with scaffolding to block this lava [Music] perfect oh that's a lot of blaze [Music] why can blaze spawn here not good blaze are gonna like burn my carpet see what no no no don't burn my carpet stop stop no this is really not good all right and now supposedly that is my uh spawning platform all complete i don't know how stuff how are you getting up there all right anyway with our spawning platform now complete we can move on to the next step all right so now i need to go get a piglet and trap it in the middle here and i figure i'll just probably find one running around the outside of our bastion here but i need to build a bit of a staircase which goes all the way up into our fortress all right now we can bait a piggling up this staircase get it to chase this all the way across this way and down here and then we can trap it in this little spot here all right that's that's our target that's the one all right that's it no you got this come on what just happened all right wait are we getting through are we getting through oh we got through oh all right yeah we got it we got it we got it right stairway to heaven let's go you and me piglen that's it keep it coming keep it coming yes right just straight off here nice now go in there just need a oh god that's it in there in there and a name tag success all right and now we've done that we can move on to the next step so we got to get rid of those two blocks and then carefully i need to dig away all the blocks around the piglen add some walls here and here and now with this all set up i can actually head underneath the platform now and we're gonna have to set up our collection area which is a lot more complicated than our usual collection areas and this will just be a temporary platform for us to work with all right we need to place 28 temporary blocks going underneath our pickling i've placed the glass here so when i have to remove these later i don't accidentally break it too fast and remove the netherrack because that'll be disastrous 14 15 16 17 18. all right so now we've got the bottom for where our the platform for our collection area will be and now we can get into the nitty gritty and all the fun stuff all right this bit is so important i'm gonna make sure not to to bump these things because i could just push them right off into the lava right now that would be disastrous all right we've gotten to a point now where we actually need to bring some dogs into the nether which will go here and here uh so we actually need two dogs i'm hoping this bit isn't going to be as hard as i'm kind of anticipating it to be now what i'm about to show you all may come as a surprise to some of you if you haven't been following this series along properly but we finally have a use for some of our hundreds of dogs so we need to pick two brave warriors from this pile i'm thinking you and i'm thinking you and we're going to take these guys all the way over to the nether now i push you through oh they're kind of stuck oh that's really not good all right so now i'm hoping if i just stand up both these dogs and then fly all the way to my farm when i land over there they should they should teleport over to me i hope this works oh that's not good right what if i landed somewhere like like here that worked dogs please run please don't die that's only one dog where's my other one hey you know what one dog at a time whatever okay let's go dog so new strategy i'll have to run on land when i can to teleport the dog to me and then fly across to cover some greater distance awesome okay that's working right this is the journey of the dog [Music] oh there you are yes good boy now i'll land over here there you are okay bring it over bit by bit that's that's the strategy it's it's honestly not that bad and whenever i need a cross lava i can just fly off and uh rest assured my my dog will teleport to me no please don't die please don't die i don't have food you died didn't you live i can't feed you a bone can i i'm gonna go get you some food i'm gonna go get you some some much-needed food dog get over here all right let's see all right you're healed now i'll be ready if that happens again now i'm so glad this dog didn't die right there it is let's see if i fly from here over to our fortress will the dog land here there you are okay awesome this is so good i should be able to just fly down to our collection area now and the dog should go there and that'll be one dog down right that's awesome that's so perfect [Applause] and finally we got you here so that's two dogs in position now that's great now we can finally move on to the next step alright and this is gonna be it this is gonna be the last of the building and now it's just a matter of building up all the walls and all the glass all the way from down here to the very top up there all right so this is now the final step of the entire farm and what i got to do is uh start breaking these torches and planting a oops a wither rose on every single netherrack block in our spawning area and this will make it that only wither skeletons can spawn in this area which is obviously what we want for a wizard skeleton farm [Music] unless i'm mistaken our farm is done and we should have a completely fully working with a skeleton farm i really do hope i've done this right because this has been a lot of effort for me to get it wrong so what i'm gonna do now is uh fly down here to the bottom and hopefully it won't be too long before we see some skeletons fall down here i'm actually nervous that is such a relief it's fast too oh my so now if we want to we can flip uh both these levers and the dogs will automatically attack all the skeletons for me but otherwise if i am here and i want to do it manually it's better because then i can use uh looting three and i can just kill them all myself oh my it's so fast it's so fast so actually the main reason i built this farm wasn't really for the wither skeleton skulls although they do come in handy when i want them it's actually so i could have unlimited bones and unlimited coal that's gonna come in handy heaps in the future anyway what i might do is i'm gonna do a bit of an afk test as i like to do whenever i build an efficient farm like this so i'm gonna switch to dog mode and i'm gonna safely fk in my box for an hour and uh i'll be back to see how much loot we managed to get [Music] all right well it's been i think an hour i'm not entirely sure how long it's been to be honest but this is how many items our farm has given us well that's a lot hang on give me a second i'm gonna throw away all these stone swords so biggest thing in about an hour i got 62 wither skeleton skulls that's a skull a minute that's actually insane i can now fight 20 withers in a row if i wanted to but yeah i've also got a ton of bones which is going to be great for white dye and bone meal and so much coal yeah this this bomb is great i'm so glad i made this thing oh another thing to note is that most of that loot was with no uh looting sword so imagine just how much more loot i could get if i stood here and whacked them with my looting sword so now in this world i have a farm for infinite iron a farm for infinite gold and after today i now have a farm for infinite coal building this with a skeleton farm was a lot of work but it was definitely worth it so if you want to try it out for yourself there's a link to the tutorial in the description and also if you did enjoy today's video please consider leaving a like and also subscribing to beat the youtube algorithm and hopefully that way i can catch you in the next one cheers [Music] you
Channel: WadZee
Views: 3,542,294
Rating: 4.9758377 out of 5
Keywords: WadZee, WadZee Hardcore Minecraft, Minecraft, I Built a Wither Skeleton Farm in Minecraft Hardcore, Wither Skeleton Farm Minecraft 1.16, How to build a wither skeleton farm, How to build a wither skull farm, Minecraft Hardcore, Building a Wither Skeleton Farm in Minecraft, Building a Wither Skull farm in Minecraft, The Best Wither Skeleton Farm, unlimited wither skeleton skulls, unlimited coal, minecraft wither skeleton farm, minecraft hardcore
Id: 84GUEi-qrG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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