Minecraft One Block Skyblock, but it's HARDCORE!

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once upon a time there was a legendary minecraft series hey guys my name is and welcome back to a brand new skyblock journey but just like all good things it had to come to an end to be ending this series just because of how much it's done for me but i don't want to prolong it if there's not going to be any content but i never could really escape it no matter where i go i cannot escape it i see it around every corner it haunts me in my sleep it doesn't matter what i do it all comes back to these three words hey what's he when are you uploading one block skyblock again these words what could they all mean at first i thought they were all nonsense but but wait what if that's it that's got to be it we're back baby one block skyblock is back on the channel and this time it's hardcore meaning we can't afford to make any silly mistakes because just one death will end it all if you're new here and you want to see more of this content make sure to subscribe and join the wawa army i promise you won't regret it it takes two seconds now let's get right into this new video and this video shout out is coming from instagram thank you to this person you're an absolute legend g'day guys my name is wadzie and yes that is right we are back we are back on the one single block one block skyblock it's back let's just do it i mean this is a series i just i cannot escape i cannot do anything without you guys just begging to see one block skyblock again so let's do it let's make it happen it's bitter bit bugged why is it so so slow ah yes my favorite invisible blocks i love this game there are 10 phases okay yeah map i know do you know who you're talking to here i know what i'm doing [Applause] oh we got another chest got some eggs just what i needed thank you thank you game put your items into chests ah you again you'll lose your items if you fall not only will i lose my items i will die if i fall this is this is over all right maybe it's time we did it a bit of expanding stupid guys forgive me i've made a square hello hello mr pig i am not your friend i want you dead welcome to the world oh you have no idea just you and me mr pig you and me hardcore one block skyblock we're taking on the entire world let's do it mr pig no god please no all right there's one more thing we gotta do we have to do this it's tradition we need to wait for some grass to grow this fool is distracted it's time to strike [Music] mr pig mr pig you're trying to kill me [Applause] finally i regret i regret doing that so much that is actually ridiculous that took so long all right well now that our grass has grown let's get back to playing the game how it was intended to be played more grass grew as well i'm hoping that we can get some saplings soon full come on chess please i am disappointed okay mr pig yes i know our island looks very sad right now we just we need some stuff i'm sorry look i hope you can forgive me this is not over watsy i need to be more careful mr cow we need to expand we need to expand soon alright look guys just reason with me here just for a second i'm gonna use these disgusting looking clay blocks sometimes you just you need to make stuff look ugly before you can make it look good [Music] yeah that's right mr pick i'm over here this this is going to be your home [Music] chicken all right well we're getting all the lovely animal friends the issue is we don't have enough room on this island another chest we got some saplings all right and right here is where i'm going to place my tree maybe it's about time we made ourselves some tools you know maybe like an axe and a shovel sheep we got all the animals chest hello okay we got some more flowers kind of pointless there we go sunflower field out here all right look i know this looks disappointing now but i promise promise we'll make it better another pig it's mrs pig oink another pig another pig gotta keep expanding i kind of get in places no rip shovel more pigs okay i don't even know which pig is mr and mrs pig anymore perfect the diversion is working we've got too many pigs yes that's right go there nice now if we uh push our and now i don't want to risk it we're gonna try and push them up over here they'll come over here in their own time like pig what have you done she was not willing to cooperate what have you done to betsy betsy no betsy's back we need some wheat or something so we can move these animals because once they're in here they're not smart enough to walk around here i wouldn't imagine so they're pretty much trapped in there also it's turning night time right now which is kind of scary i'm hoping no mobs spawn around here oh a gift we've got another chest again as i said it's going to look ugly now but we'll we'll make it look good later right now we just need to get stuff done oh we've got birch saplings as well wait i don't remember getting the birch saplings we need to get those planted as well i'm going to plant our saplings here all right so far so good this is going great honestly may as well throw our eggs in here as well maybe we can get an extra chicken yes yes what is this luck boom there it is upgrading we've finished our very first phase just kind of very scary because now we're on to stone many monsters roam the world's underbelly time for us to face some mobs i don't know if i'm ready anyway let's let's get started on this second phase now that we have to be super careful and i don't know i guess i should mine from about here because if creepers are gonna spawn we need a quick escape plan oh gravel gravel gravel all right we need to go under the block just for a second and right there boom dude why am i so scared i'm actually so nervous i know what this map's got coming for me so wait cold call since this is hardcore i think we have to be super careful with letting mobs spawn out on our island let's light up this whole area betsy oh my god that's actually perfect we've managed to capture all our animals in here [Music] oh hello now my inventory is getting full we need to deal with this we've got another sapling so it's probably pretty important that we plant another tree because wood production is going to be super important so temporarily let's place another sapling down there hopefully that grows soon hello you are not what i expected at all welcome welcome aboard please feel free to wander over this way please alright well we are actually getting some iron now and maybe since this is hardcore it would make sense for us to get equipped now because we need to be as ready as possible to avoid any risk of death hey it's me the guy that plays the block game exercise checkpoint yeah that's right just when you thought this water thing was getting repetitive i switch it up i adapt this is an exercise checkpoint the point in the video where we all pause maybe we go for a walk stretch your legs maybe you do some push-ups it's up to you it depends on whatever you're capable of doing me personally i'm gonna do some push-ups let's go do them [Music] okay look maybe you didn't do any exercise now but this is just a reminder to maybe do some today maybe do some this week anyway if i actually made you do some exercise right now make sure to tweet me at what dyt and tell me what you did and let's get back into the video hello our first enemy bring it on pod bring it on alright first thing we're doing with this iron we're making a shield and we are making a sword spider happy spider you're my friend all right guys put your votes in do we kill the spider or do we do we let the spider be happy wow i can't believe you all voted for me to kill the spot i can't believe it another chest oh okay i'm actually so happy to see this one all right maybe it's about time we started trying to make this place look like how we want it to wait does that mean no it can't be is it really it's back [Music] a tree grew [Music] classic onesie back to his old ways it's circles or nothing all right take it or leave it guys all right so back here i wanted to put a bit of a chest room so we can start organizing our stuff a bit better hey another tree group all right and i really want these spruce trees to grow because i really want to get more of those saplings so we can do the two by two like super large trees that'll be super helpful stop playing [Music] oh it's begun oh it's begun i regret this no okay it's in the perfect position oh oh we did it we safely did it we got rid of a creeper i realize now that jumping behind this fence was probably the worst idea i could have possibly had in the end it didn't really matter that was a close one this is by far the scariest phase of them all just because of the creepers like the amount of damage a creeper can do to your island oh you're not too bad hey pal good to see you thanks for thanks for stopping by [Music] all right so we've almost completed the boundary of the center of our island here now i want to like really focus on trying to grow some trees and stuff now that can be our dedicated space to grow trees no all right we got this we got this it's just a creeper it's just a creeper nice nice easy another creeper dealt with another chest all right let's finish this phase let's just dig until this phase is over hey bud hello wait i have wheat now i have wheat now come to me nice nice [Music] hey spider you killed my father i am here for revenge oh you are not a happy spider another mushroom friend hello okay hello creeper what are you doing here please wonder how many more creepers we're gonna have to face before this phase ends a few moments later okay well that answers that question hello please leave me alone and we got a spruce tree to grow this is actually super exciting please tree give me enough saplings to make a mega tree okay don't even worry we're getting the mega tree we're getting a mega tree well now we just literally need one sapling from this [Music] hey good tree mega tree mega tree hello another chest oh it's friendly sorry even though you're friendly spider you're gonna have to go i can't have an invisible spider just running around here okay you are fine goodbye oh we got another chest it's going to be a good one what do we get what do we get i know i've played this before but i don't actually remember that's right okay boom this phase is over officially over okay well i guess first things first we need to make this infinite water source [Music] and now i guess we baby-proof the island a little bit i mean again this is hardcore so we gotta make sure we don't die if we die the series is over and i know you guys definitely do not want that so let's just place water everywhere meg tree mega tree now we got all this water down here we fall off we should be able to survive you would hope all right let's do this let's cut down the mega tree let's do it all right and that that right there that's why we have the mega tree we're actually like we're genuinely just rich now like we have so much wood it's crazy let's plant that again and i mean we may as well i have two mega trees what's better than one mega tree two all right awesome i love this development pause that's going to have to be the end of this video as this is the first episode as always this will be a test video depending on the response this video gets i'll decide if i will continue this as a series so i genuinely want to know what you guys think so make sure to comment your opinion down below and also if you do want to see more leaving a like will definitely help and of course don't forget to subscribe to the channel because we're getting so close to one and a half million absolute legends and as always i'll catch you in the next one cheers what was that you've just finished watching the video and you don't know what to watch anymore well why not head over to my second channel wadtui where i post wacky vlogs and stuff and awesome videos uh yeah i'm i'm just self-promoting that's all hope you enjoyed the video
Channel: WadZee
Views: 5,472,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one block skyblock, minecraft but you only get one block, Minecraft One Block Skyblock, Hardcore One Block Skyblock, WadZee, wadzee skyblock, minecraft skyblock but you only get one block, skyblock one block, minecraft one block, Hardcore Skyblock, One Block Skyblock but it's hardcore, one block survival minecraft, one block skyblock wadzee, one block, Hardcore, skyblock with one block
Id: 7iMps53n3pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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