I Built a Giant DESERT PYRAMID in Minecraft Hardcore (#33)

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in this video i built a giant desert pyramid all from scratch in my hardcore minecraft survival world and the end result turned out so good so make sure to watch right until the end to see how it looks also if you're going to enjoy today's video and you want to see how this series continues make sure to subscribe and join the wawa army we're going to take over youtube this year but over 50 of you aren't subscribed and we can't do it without your help so please press that subscribe button anyway enjoy the video but before this episode properly starts i just want to show you all what i got up to between episodes alright so i have no idea what this video is going to be but since the last hardcore episode you guys have been screaming at me to make a silk touch pickaxe so let's make a damn pickaxe so to begin with i'm obviously looking for the silk touch enchantment let's try level three okay that didn't quite work before i started recording i enchanted a lot of books and you can see my levels are a lot lower than usual so i've gone through a lot of books and i haven't seen silk touch so i don't actually know if you can get silk touch on a book okay silk touch okay cool that's a great start there's a couple things we need to add to it one let's get that up to efficiency five we should have there we go we have another efficiency for book here there we go efficiency five now just one last thing we need to add to all of our tools that we want to use quite a lot of mending there we go awesome i have a mending book left over let's add these together only cost three levels now it obviously is only diamond for now it doesn't need to be netherride for any reason but maybe i'll make it nether right in the future but uh i guess let's just do some mining with our brand new silk touch pickaxe this way i get the stone and i don't have to smelt cobblestone anymore wait oh my god i get redstone ores too i mean obviously i knew this it's just i never use silk touch so it's like it's weird for me oh some gold doors oh gosh this is what we needed some diamond ores baby well now we've got ourselves a whole bunch of different oars now we can go right ahead and use some of these oars to spice up our builds a bit [Music] and now what you've all been waiting for the diamond oars i've i gotta make sure to spread these out quite a lot right there that that's nice and visible it has to go here all right and there you have it i've now made this little cave here look a little bit better maybe there's too many oars around now i don't know oh and one other thing i did a bit more work on our floating island i've added some leaves to act as vines people were asking me to add ores into the bottom of this thing as well but i think doing the vines was enough of a pain as it was i can't be bothered this build is done so now that we're all caught up it's time to focus on today's build which is the giant desert pyramid g'day guys my name is woodsy and welcome back to another episode of hardcore minecraft in the previous episode i built this floating island up here in the clouds so if you're interested to see how i built this thing make sure to check out that other video as well this is what it looks like and it's pretty damn epic anyway of course before we can begin this episode we need to add another 200 melons to our melon farm and look this is just getting massive anyway let's get started [Music] all right and just like that we've added another 200 melons to the melon farm for today and if you want to see how big this melon farm ends up getting make sure to subscribe and with that out of the way let's get into today's project so here's the plan we're going to be building a giant pyramid inspired by the pyramid structure found in minecraft so of course before we can start building we're going to have to collect a bunch of sandstone and coloured terracotta this would be our first step so i've come here to the desert to collect some sandstone and some sand well actually mostly sandstone but we're gonna need a lot of blocks so for the first part of this video it's just gonna require me to be digging up a bunch of sandstone look i don't know how much sandstone i'm gonna need but i bet it'll be a lot [Music] [Music] isn't it funny how i started coming to this biome just to dig up sand and now i'm here collecting sandstone if i keep going eventually this entire desert biome is just gonna have no blocks left all right well i've been at this for about 10 minutes now and i've already collected almost a shulker box full of this stuff hey you know it might be fun if we try and get a music disc right now come on skeleton no wait a minute oh damn it all right we got this we got this boom hey we got a music this oh it's a boring one oh we got another one well there you go mall and far two more music discs to our collection anyway uh time to get back to digging up sandstone i guess oh boy is this fun is that new can't tell if that's a new music disc well that's two shulker boxes full already not a bad start at all i get the feeling this is gonna be really satisfying oh my god yes oh this is so much quicker the whole thing is sandstone it's so nice why did no one tell me that the mountains the little sand mountains were just full of sandstone oh this is just the best thing this is so much faster than like picking out all the sandstone between all the stone all right and there you have it that's the aftermath of the collecting of sandstone we've done so far it looks like we've done fairly well i've collected four shulker boxes full of sandstone so that should be hopefully enough to complete the build but at least enough to make it very decent start but the collecting isn't done yet but first we gotta go home and we gotta repair our pickaxe and our tools 2 000 years later all right so now for our next location i am here briefly in the nether i hope i remember where i'm going we are heading out this way all the way up to where i should find a portal to the mesa biome and down behind here yep there it is so i'm here in the mesa because i actually want to collect some of yeah perfect this orange terracotta i don't need as much of this as i do sandstone but i'll still need a fair bit i think so i don't know if it spawns naturally in the mesa i doubt it does but i do want some blue terracotta as well because obviously these are the blocks that are used in a desert pyramid so all right look at these pro strats now i only have to mind the orange layer i'm a genius i'm the smartest minecrafter alive [Music] ah what the hell is that no no no no no yeah i'm just gonna mind my own business nah yeah i'm good actually all right so now i had collected all the sandstone and terracotta where we're going to need to build this pyramid all we had to do now was start building [Music] all right so now that we've collected all the blocks we're going to need the first thing we have to decide is where we're going to build this thing and yes i do want to build it here at our spawn i kind of want to do all of our building projects around here because it'll just make the area look cooler and cooler the more we build so i'm thinking maybe over in this direction we could do it there first things first as always we just got to clear out the area give some space to build and then we'll get started welcome to building pyramids with wadzi the first thing i decided to do was build up just one corner from the ground up so i could get an idea of how tall i wanted this thing to be and where the peak was going to be eight nine once i had decided on the height of my pyramid i could then go ahead and start creating layers using our framework and now it's time for us to build up this pyramid just like the great egyptians did starting from the top starting from the top and working our way down and that's exactly what i did adding layer after layer after layer after layer so this is what we've got so far obviously we're going to have to clear a lot more land and trees i did run into some issues though and i had to chop down a few trees but really that was the whole process so for the next while this is all i did is it big enough yeah i think it's big enough that's impressive right all right and there we have it we have now successfully built our pyramid and it's looking giant and grand my only issue with it though is you can see i got a bit lazy with it so what i might actually do now is i'm going to blend this into where possible i'm going to blend this into the earth because it should make it look a lot better from all [Music] angles [Music] maybe i should have tried building this somewhere which was a bit more flat but [Music] all right well for now i think i'm done terraforming the land with this pyramid i think that looks natural yeah i gotta say this does look much more impressive from up here now obviously right now it's looking very plain and i do plan to change that because the next step now is to add the details and to add the stuff that's really gonna make this look great all right well let's let's get started all right so that's our first detail added we've got a nice little staircase we'll have to sort out the interior later the next step is going to be our two some towers at the front all right so for this next step we're going to finally need some of this orange terracotta uh yep that's looking perfect so one finishing touch we have to add here's a little dot there and a little dot there now if we just go in the gaps with some smooth sandstone all right so now i just have to repeat this pattern on this side of the pillar as as well [Music] all right and that's pretty much the beginning of one of our pillars here so now all we have to do is mimic what we've built here on the other side so let's get started with that [Music] all right and there you go we've now completed the start of two of our towers so if we take a look from a distance that's what it's looking like so far which is pretty cool i'm going to do another layer on these towers and make them a little bit taller but for now the next thing i probably want to move on to is some sort of building piece over the top of our entrance here i think we can work with that now it's just a matter of trading yet another sandstone outline around this thing using our stairs and slabs and everything this is where it gets fun i had to spend quite a lot of time playing around with this shape in order for it to work and at one point i broke the whole thing down and started completely over i don't even know where i got the idea for this because if anything this shape is a letter from the greek alphabet which doesn't really belong in a pyramid but anyway i knew it'd look cool all right well i had to play around with the shape a lot but i think we may have finally got it [Music] all right and with that detail done we're pretty much done with the archway over the door we just gotta figure out what we're going to do next [Music] yeah there you go then you've got this raised platform here to like support the pillars at the corners [Music] it also might look quite good if we were to add some stand stone walls makes it a little more interesting i think i'm going to mimic this platform on the other side now [Music] so here's what we had created so far and as you can see things were really starting to take shape all right so this is the front of our pyramid here and it's where we're going to put majority of the details so we're pretty much we're close to being finished here the next thing i want to do is add some extra height to our two front towers here and maybe do something with this blank side of the wall all right what does that look like can we make it taller maybe it's too short all right maybe let's try making something slightly different on this side and see if we like it better and then we'll keep whichever one looks better [Music] i decided to go with the second option that i built since it looked much cooler and it also incorporated the original design from the desert pyramid which i liked so after fixing that up i added a few more minor details and filled in some blank space and then finally the front of our pyramid was complete now i just had to work on the interior for our next task we're gonna have to fill in this entire room i'm realizing i might have to chop down the trees inside my pyramid here yeah these these might be an issue [Music] i've got this intersection meeting in the middle here the next thing i actually want to do which will be a fun little detail to add some stairs in the floor yeah to get these little channels in the walkways on each side fun little detail on the floor i like that all right another detail i want to add to show that this is also based on a you know regular desert pyramid i want to add the same floor pattern in the middle all right and with that i think we are done here all that's left for us to do now is to fill in the rest of the floor so let's just go ahead and do that [Music] all right well now i've got this floor sorted out we need to figure out the next details [Music] all right and there's one final detail that i want to add to the outside which is kind of a layer that wraps around the back here something that goes a bit like [Music] oh i know it might be cool but then if we add a little doorway out this way [Music] all right so i've now created this like back door exit comes outside here and then we'll come up here and then wrap around all the way around to the top layer i just need to work with blending this in [Music] all right now i think that's done let's uh let's take a step back and see what that looks like is it hopefully not too busy nothing i think it looks cool so now if we wanted to we could come through the main entrance out the back way wrapping all the way around through the side and then we're on this upper layer yeah that's cool honestly i think all this might be missing now is just a few more details on the inside we've got all this blank space in the corners i don't really know what i'm gonna do with it to be honest how's that i mean that's a cool design i like that all right i have an idea of something that i might want to build right there you go i've created this little water pool here i think that's fine and then just on the outside here we could just add some more pillars all right now of course there's one final hidden little touch that we need to add what the what do you think you're doing in here [Music] all right and this final touch is we need to add a secret stash of gold down here underneath our pyramid all right i think we might be done building this pyramid and i'm happy to announce after hours of building we had finally finished building our giant desert pyramid managing to transform it from something boring like this to this incredible build if you guys do enjoy these building videos make sure to subscribe i really appreciate it and also make sure to let me know what i should build next and of course if this video inspired you to make your own pyramid make sure to tag me in your creation on either twitter or instagram and now let me give you a quick tour alright so here's the grand tour you come up into the main entrance through here got amazing symmetry inside cool and interesting patterns everywhere come out the back here and around up to the top layer come back down out this way we get a good look at our tower there oh and of course the best bit of all having a cheeky look into our pit of gold our secret stash all right very good i think that's it that's our giant desert pyramid and up from a distance it looks incredible that looks really good and now whenever i come out of my silly little house i just have this view of this massive desert pyramid all the way over there god it looks cool alright and that's all for now cheers [Music] bye
Channel: WadZee
Views: 4,899,067
Rating: 4.9552264 out of 5
Keywords: I built a giant desert pyramid in Minecraft Hardcore, Building a giant desert pyramid in minecraft, Building a Desert Pyramid in Minecraft, Building a Giant Pyramid in Minecraft, I built a giant pyramid, Transforming a Desert Pyramid in Minecraft, WadZee, WadZee Minecraft, WadZee Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play, Minecraft Hardcore Series, Minecraft, Desert Pyramid, Minecraft Pyramid, WadZee Pyramid, minecraft transformation
Id: qTZZnsxSmCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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