I Made One of EVERY BEACON in Minecraft Hardcore

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in a previous video i spent six months collecting ancient debris just so i could make a full netherite beacon in minecraft why have i done this why why have i done this following that i spent three whole days mining for diamonds so i could make the diamond beacon look at that and in this video i'm going to complete my collection by making a full iron gold and emerald beacon therefore making one of every beacon in hardcore minecraft now i'll be honest these beacons didn't require an insane amount of effort but still if you go on to enjoy today's video do not forget to leave a like and also subscribe because we are getting closer and closer to 2 million subscribers and also don't forget to go back and watch the other two videos once you're done here g'day guys my name is wadzie and welcome back to hardcore minecraft this is the next episode in the beacon saga and in this episode we're going to finish off making the beacons we made the netherite one then we made the diamond one and today we're gonna finish off by making the emerald the gold and the iron but before we can do anything there's one thing we have to do and that's plant more melons right melanie yes all right and just like that i've added a quota of 200 melons to the melon farm for today if you want to see how big this melon farm ends up getting make sure to subscribe and with that let's get into the rest of the episode so as i've already mentioned today we're going to be making three beacons instead of just one and that means we're going to have to fight three withers in this video but the problem is i didn't have enough wither skeleton skulls to do that so prior to starting this video i went over to the nether and spent some time in my nether fortress looking for some wither skeletons and i was going to need to find another eight skulls to bring our total up to nine so we would have enough for this video well i missed it when i got my first with a skeleton skull but we're back here hunting for with the skeletons we're gonna have to find eight right now because we have one oh my god that thing bounced higher we have one left over back at home and we're going to need three new beacons for this video so oh what the hell that's two that's three oh god damn it we go that's number four so that's halfway we need another four and then we can go home really come on it's been so long since i've got one six and a half hours later oh there we go finally number five oh there's so many wait what the hell are you doing down here come on just drop the damn head oh my god what the this game is what is this bug oh finally number six only two more to go oh let's go number seven that was fast okay i'm happy one more one more just like that oh we got a couple here there we go number eight we're done so now we had the nine with the skeleton skulls we would need to fight three withers throughout this video but again before we start making these beacons there was still one more preparation i wanted to make so to start off with this episode what i'm actually going to be doing is building the additional platforms for the beacons we have left to make so for example how i made this extension for the diamond beacon i'm gonna make three more extensions for our iron gold and emerald beacon so yeah let's get to work on that all right so that is platform number one over there that will be where we're gonna put our emerald beacon now i'm gonna do two more on this front side and the back side and they're gonna be at a lower level than those as you can see obviously the nether right beacon is gonna be the highest then we got the diamond and the emerald then we're on a lower level we're gonna have to gold and the iron because they're a bit less impressive [Music] all right and i think that's how low i'm gonna put the gold in the iron beacon because i don't want them to get too in the way of you know our pride and joy i was considering maybe putting it one layer higher i think i'm happy with it being there i'm starting to realize making this iron beacon or this platform for the iron beacon might be a little bit of an issue [Music] all right well i guess that's all we have to do for the iron beacon but uh that is disgustingly ugly so what i'm gonna do is try and terraform the land and make it look natural all right i think that looks a lot better all right all right now that we've got all that finished it's time to actually make some beacons but spoiler alert this is going to be really easy all right so starting off with the easiest beacon first we're going to be making our iron beacon and the funny thing about the iron beacon is with the whole process of getting a netherrite beacon i spent so much time afking all the way up there that way i would be getting gunpowder from my uh gunpowder farm but uh you know our iron farm is right next door so the whole time we were afking for gunpowder we we were also getting iron and we have a fair a fair bit of iron so there's literally no need for me to go get more we have enough iron here to make a hundred beacons but there was still one thing we needed to do before we could make this first beacon and uh this is gonna be the first with a battle for this for this episode oh come on i got withered straight away [Music] come on let's go i'm getting worse and worse at these weather battles man i am now crafting yet another beacon now let's just grab some of the many many thousands of iron blocks i have and let's go put this iron beacon down one layer two layers three and four layers and that is our first beacon of this video the iron beacon alright so now we have the netherright beacon the diamond beacon and the iron beacon next up i think is going to be gold the thing with the gold beacon is we already have enough gold to make that one as well it's scattered all over the place but if i run around and collect all the gold that i have so as you can see right here we have more than enough gold if you've been paying attention you'd realize not only in the first project where i made a netherride beacon was i able to collect quite a lot of gold in the nether but also in the last video while i was strip mining for diamonds i ran into quite a lot of gold as well so again we already had all the resources we needed to make this beacon but that's really boring so what i thought might be kind of cool is if we raided an ocean monument first for a couple more gold blocks before we can make the golden beacon so uh yeah here's our thing let's take it on wait where's the entrance get me in this sucker wait i can just loot the gold now does this count did i just win i didn't even get mining fatigue i could technically just leave right now i've already won all right now come on we gotta kill some big fishes first oh hello there's one there we go that's one all right we got two more of these things to kill all right now let's go let's drink a water breathing potion just to make our lives easier i get so lost in these things oh hello hello there's the big boy that's two down we have one more to go oh it's the last one there it is we've conquered another ocean monument so now that we had completed that little side mission i guess it's time to make the beacon but not until we had done yet another wither battle [Music] yeah it's been a clean battle we're going down with a going down and now to craft our second beacon for this episode time to make this golden beacon we're just we're so damn rich [Music] and there we go our fourth beacon in this world the golden beacon beautiful and this just leaves one more beacon for us to complete we've now added the iron we've added the gold now it's time to finish the emerald beacon which is going to be the hardest beacon for this video all right finally a beacon which is actually going to require some work but don't be fooled this is still going to be pretty easy so to finish the full emerald beacon we're going to need 1 476 emeralds and lucky for us we've got a bit of a head start six and a half stacks which is a fair head start so here's the plan the easiest way to get emeralds is obviously by trading with villagers and we've got a lot of those so i'm simply going to use a variety of trades and see what works and you'll be surprised just how quickly you can make an emerald beacon if you really put your mind to it alright so why not trade number one let's do some carrots let's see how many emeralds we can get from this carrot farm all right we need to find farmers that take carrot carrot deals hey this guy looks good [Music] all right so we're done with the carrot trading and we managed to get another 40 emeralds just like that that quick that easy so let's put those away and now let's move on to maybe a different trade staying on theme of trading with farmers i think what might be cool is if we put our melon farm to good use and actually trade melons for emeralds and nobody's ever done that before right guys and yes i know i should be using silk touch for this but i just don't have a silk touch axe so all right so i've harvested almost half a shulker box of melons i would go for more but i thought let's just see how far that gets us we don't even have too many farmers that have the melon trade so we're gonna have to try and level up a few of these guys first to see if we can get them to have it hey there we go that's a brand new one where are they the biggest problem here is i have no idea which villages i can trade trade melons with oh okay this should be one oh this guy should be one for sure oh i just traded with you maybe you hey there we go hey that's another one all right well from that trading session we managed to get another 85 emeralds so we're close to nine stacks in total of emeralds now the melon trade would work better if we had more farmers that were leveled up to the melon trade that's kind of our only issue at the moment but it's gonna take too much effort probably to level up all the farmers so for now i think i'm gonna leave the melon trade and let's move on to the next trade so while i was doing a bunch of strip mining for my diamond beacon i found a bunch of coal so i figured i could use this to trade for emeralds but as well as that we still have a bunch of iron which we could use as well all right so starting off with the coal trade hey there we go wait where's our armor is we have barely any armors in here well i'm noticing just how few armors we have in here [Music] well of coal alone we just got 100 emeralds and we use barely any of the coal we brought now let's try and use some iron on these guys i don't think many of them have the iron trade that's kind of the only issue we have coal and iron was by far the easiest trade for us to exploit and get a ton of emeralds fast the only issue i was running into was there wasn't enough villages with the colin iron trades so i went ahead and created a bunch more tool smiths and from here i might have gotten a little carried away alright so now that we've added a bunch of new uh toolsmiths around the place if you level them up to level two they're guaranteed to give you the iron trade and i'm thinking it might be worthwhile leveling them up even if we have to spend a few emeralds because then we can just make a bunch more emeralds back let's just let's just give it a try how many emeralds you have to spend to level these guys up 10 emeralds but then they level up and you get iron trade and instantly get your emeralds back with this method we've already got what this is like 200 emeralds bring us now to probably about 50 of the way there to an emerald beacon but it gets better i spent literally only five more minutes running around in circles trading iron for emeralds with these villages and by the end of it this is how many more emeralds we had found i mean that's another 200 emeralds just like that uh all right this is kind of stupid it's been like not even five minutes since the last clip we have 325 emeralds that it's uh it's ridiculous hey let me do the math on this we have 21 stacks i think you only need 23 for a beacon okay so we went a little overboard with the iron and cold trades but that was fine i only needed just over 100 more emeralds to have enough for the full emerald beacon so i decided to finish it all off with my personal favorite stick trading after cutting down a few trees turning all the wood into sticks and trading it into emeralds it was only a few moments later and we had done it this should be the last emerald we need to have enough emirates to make the emerald beacon of course the only thing left for us to do was one more with a fight [Applause] all right here we go crafting the final beacon that we need and now it's time to craft our 1476 emeralds all into blocks that's one stack that's two stacks and that's the rest 164 blocks of emerald this is actually it this is the last beacon we need to complete one of every single beacon you can in minecraft definitely not the most impressive beacon but it's still pretty cool a full emerald beacon alright there it is and the final block to place and our beacon collection will be officially finished there it is the emerald beacon done so now we have the iron beacon the gold beacon the emerald beacon the diamond beacon and most importantly the netherride beacon and that is one of every beacon in hardcore minecraft you know just just a subtle flex cheers look if you haven't seen the previous two videos in this beacon series i highly recommend you check those out now they are much more impressive than this one but also thank you so much for watching and thanks to all the new people subscribing to the channel hopefully soon we can reach 2 million subscribers
Channel: WadZee
Views: 3,016,012
Rating: 4.9550543 out of 5
Keywords: I made one of every beacon in minecraft hardcore, I made every beacon in minecraft, making every beacon in minecraft, wadzee, wadzee hardcore, I made a full diamond beacon, I made a full netherite beacon, wadzee netherite beacon, wadzee diamond beacon, wadzee every beacon, I made a full emerald beacon in minecraft hardcore, wadzee emerald beacon, wadzee gold beacon, Making an emerald beacon in minecraft, netherite beacon, netherite beacon in survival, netherite beacon legit
Id: C2vA9AgZqLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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