UNIVERSAL Keybind Groups for ALL Characters | WoW Keybinds Grouping Guide

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you should 100 be using keybind groupings across all of your characters in World of Warcraft if you don't know what I'm talking about please stay tuned listen up because it's going to make you playing this game and your experience playing this game much smoother and easier to pick up new characters you've never played before you will go from not knowing where to put certain key bindings or certain key bindings feeling weird and clunky to being obviously they should go here what's up people I'm the dungeon coach I'm here to coach up your game to be more optimal and efficient that's the big thing I love here in keybinds are a huge passion of mine I have a video Linked In the description for part one of this video of talking about where the keybinds go I will show and talk about the different places of what buttons we should put but there are four different tiers of the efficiency of buttons it's a lot easier to press buttons like the button R than it is to go out and press the button six it's more of a stretch to press certain buttons that philosophy of where to put buttons also will play in here to what I'm talking about so if you do want to see that video of where the button should go that one is part one this is technically part two but you can watch them in whatever order really well keybind grouping is is taking different types of abilities across all characters and grouping them into a certain category and then similarly binding that category of button to the same things for example on my Villages Demon Hunter if I press my mouse button over here one of my mouse buttons it puts sigila flame right there now I'm on my death knight I press that same button and it's death and Decay the same type of ability with the same exact button across different characters you see where I'm going with this on my guardian Druid Mouse will scroll forward is charged it's a feral charge now on my warrior that same button that I use for Sigil of flame and death and Decay that same button uses Spear of Bastion and area effect area right there and my druid that was Mouse will scroll forward on my warrior Mouse will scroll forward whenever I press G it's always an AOE ability around my character R is always a single Target hit in front of me usually my main main rotation ability that I use the most often Q is usually a ranged throw attack that's always throw glaive Avengers shield heroic throw for the warrior Z on my warrior is my Elite my Demon Hunter Z is my infernal strike another leap type of ability and guess what mouse will scroll forward is felt charge the same thing and G is the area of effect around me immolation Aura R is my spammable ability Mouse will scroll back is my defensive tanking cooldown of demon spikes on my warrior it's Shield block and my druid it's iron for you get the idea so now whenever I play a new character or any character I play them similarly and if I want to play and jump around different characters it's not a huge my brain doesn't have to explode every time I do it whenever I try because I do want to play all six tanks I want to make videos for the tanks and all this different kind of stuff maybe the healers too maybe who knows right but I want to be able to jump and I can jump around from tank to tank from dungeon to dungeon every time and I feel fine and if Z is my number one jumping Mobility type of thing and I I play a mage I picked up a mage I wanted to play a mage I never really leveled one I leveled one up and then I got blink where do you think I put blink on Z now real quick timeout for colorification here um here's my keyboard I I've said some things about using G and R and z and stuff like that I use esdf for my movement I'm not going to do a whole thing on it I have a whole video about why you should be using esdf for your movement I talk about it also in the keybinding video but that's why Z is very simple for my movement R and G are very simple for an AOE ability and a single Target but now here's what I just want to show you this is my spreadsheet now this is only this is a limited version of the spreadsheet this is my death knight this is my Demon Hunter and this is my priest I wanted to kind of get this is just the different versions of it a disciplined priest the blood Death Knight and the Vengeance Demon Hunter these are my abilities and how I do this yes I have a spreadsheet yes I'm a major nerd I know I get it it's fine I have these spreadsheets for every character I just want to show you all a little snippet here of what you want uh for my patrons I show all of these different types of things and documents and all these other stuff the behind the scenes that I I give that to my patrons help support what I do here and whatever they ask for if they want to see what my bindings are or whatever update it all that good stuff so if you want to check that out links in the top of the description uh to help support what I do here appreciate you but here we go this is the big picture of everything so what I've done here I've set up my different categories this is the category and this is the same thing across the board if you see all of my characters on button number one is the health stone for everyone so if I want to press a health stone it's the same on every character if you don't have hellstone is the same on every character tell me why because that's that's just the problem number two is potion now again I say it's not a problem and I'm not making fun of you for this and I'm not looking down on you for this in my live streams I help people with keybinds all the time and I love talking and helping people with this it's just gonna be better you're gonna have a better time playing this game so two is always potions you get the idea but before we get into that here are the different categories of keybinds first type is rotation and there are different types of these rotation things because each button and however many buttons you have in your rotation are going to be a little bit different some of them might be range you might have some sort of thing where it's part of your rotation like paladins have arranged Avengers shield they throw that it's part of the rotation so in general my range throws are in a certain spot like I said mine is on cue so I know that that is the easy button to press I go on cue and I hit that for my throw but even if it's not part of my rotation I might still put my throw just like heroic throw or throw glaive or whatever on that same button just so I keep everything Universal then you have a spammable button this is the one that you're going to be probably pressing the most often I usually put mine on r or whatever it is whatever that button is you hit all the time Builder and spender is different types of things in your class all they're all different certain things you use use use to build up a resource system some kind to then spend it a lot of times I like to put those on opposite sides of my hand so if I use R for Builders and W for Spenders that kind of feels good maybe you use R and stuff like that for Builders and then four and five for Spenders or if you like to use one two three four five then maybe your ones and twos or Builders and four and five are Spenders and then there's also AOE any sort of AOE type abilities I like to put that in the same button for me as G and if I have a secondary AOE ability I put that on T maybe a third one I put that on V all close to each other on the keyboard so it thematically makes sense then you have rotation cooldowns which are a part of your rotation but they're on some sort of 30 second to minute cooldown that you do want to use off a cooldown but it just has a cool down on there so you're not going to be pressing it as often so it would be on a different tier of the tier list as far as key binds which you should check out my other video for here's the quick little sneak peek from that of the different things green is tier one yellow is tier two purple is tier three red is tier four and I also do have in that video a wasdf version for uwsd people which actually probably are the majority of people so be nice to me and anyway offensive CDs are cooldowns that you use to deal more damage in the moment you're not necessarily using them off cooldown they're a little bit more situational and they have certain burst Windows where you want to capitalize on defensive cooldowns are the same way but if you're getting damaged and you're taking damage and you need to use them situationally to survive certain things or you're really low on health utility cooldowns are very situational and kind of different for each class that varies the most across all classes for all of these things movement is just the general movement abilities that aren't on that long of a cooldown 15 seconds 30 seconds something pretty quick that you'd be using a little bit more often movement cooldowns are things like Druid stampeding Roar Druids Dash things that have a longer cooldown but are still a use of mobility and then you have your interrupts which are very important button to press because when you need to interrupt you need to hit that now and quickly so it should be a little bit higher priority because of the urgency to it but you don't press it as often that's fine and then in that similar category are crowd controls where you want to crowd control something now in PvP crowd controls are going to probably be a little bit more important compared to a PVE there's the big picture now we're going back to this chart so you can see my personal version of this so you can start thinking of this for yourself because by no means do I want to say that all of this stuff for you you should buy and use my keybinds I'm showing you in this video to kind of help you challenge your brain a little bit and think about what you got going on you might like some stuff I say use it you might not like some stuff I say don't use it so the biggest thing I want you to pay attention to is this type of thing in this column over here because this is universal more so than tanks damage healing whatever it is is usable for everyone yes I'd usually tank more often but you can still use these tips and tricks for yourself so one hellstone 2 potion three is a self-heal of some kind priests have a desperate prayer where they heal themselves and themselves only death Knights have a sacrifice your ghoul death pack type of situation demon Hunters don't really have anything so I literally on my Demon Hunter I don't have anything bound to three because they don't have some sort of instant personal heal but if they do in the future through some sort of Talent OR ability or maybe a trinket or some kind I might move where I normally put my trinkets onto that if it makes more sense in my brain four and five are usually some sort of tanking cool down but has to do with more offensively and damage so four and five offensive damage stuff and it's it's off the screen right now but shift R shift T and shift G are always my tanking cooldowns and those are the defensive cooldowns that I used for my oh buttons If I'm on my Mage shift R ice block if I'm on my hunter shift R Fame death you get the idea next up is caps lock yes I do Buy in caps lock I talk about in the other video it's a little long story uh but a and cap stock are really nice paired next to each other again if you don't use wasd so I usually have those buttons be similar versions of one another so for a death knight it's dancing Rune weapon and then Tombstone which is something you use in correlation with dancing Rune weapon usually as part of a rotation you would use dancing Rune weapon and then you have you gain a ability from it and you press the tombstone to explode it and they kind of go together in the same way with my Demon Hunter fell Devastation I had used this breath attack that turns me into a demon that's very nice and then if I use caps I turn into a demon similar mental things going on here moving on through Q 2 is always my ranged rotation part of the thing death's crest for a death knight throw Glade for Demon Hunter as you saw W is usually my tank heal or spender in some kind whatever I'm trying to use to keep myself alive Warriors have an impending Victory Demon Hunter Soul cleave death Knight's Death Strike all that stuff R like I said is my spammable Builder I'm going to spend I'm going to be pressing this button the most out of everything T is usually more slanted towards AOE it's made it's a situational AOE ability like revenge for warriors or something that's more a proc based I like to put procs on T that's another thing so for Demon Hunter Spirit Bomb you only use Spirit Bomb if you've accumulated enough of a certain resource and then you use it so tea is a nice little and I use it as a proc-based thing G is always my AOE ability of some kind around myself Z is always Mobility X is a secondary Mobility C is always taunt from all of my tanks C is taunt you don't always taunt that often but when you do need to use it I just pull my finger down press c v is always a dispel of some kind like dispel magic Demon Hunter is a consume magic but uh death Knights don't have anything like that Warriors don't have anything like that so a similar thing I saw that Warriors and things that don't have dispels do have this version of is a slow so that is one difference if I'm playing my warrior or death knight V is slow chains of ice or hamstring and if I'm playing other classes like the have a dispel V is my dispel I don't have a class that has a slow and a dispel but if I did I'd probably put the other button on X or something similar or close or shift V that's an option too B is my transmog Mount and Y is always my extra action button f1234 or interface character panels because who presses F1 through four for stuff I use that for interface stuff now for my mouse button Mouse button right here is always my trinket one and my mouse button two if I do shift Mouse button is always shrink it to now the mouse wheel Scrolls is where I vary it up a little bit for my death knight scroll back is just too good of a death grip it feels great to Target something and scroll backwards and pull it towards me it just makes so much sense in the same way that scrolling forward to charge makes sense so that usually trumps what I'm about to say because usually my mouse Wheels scroll down is my active mitigation some way demon spikes something I quickly just flick my mouse and I activate that certain thing it's an active mitigation thing that I want to put on myself cool then we have all these Mouse buttons and it's going to be easier if I just show you a mouse here you go so this is the also image from my tier list Video Green is tier one keybinds yellow tier two purple tier three so clicking in your mouse button is a keybind scrolling forward and backward is a keybind and I also talk about if you're worried about your camera zooming in and out I talk about it in that too don't worry you shouldn't be zooming your camera in and out with your mouse button anyway and if you do you can always do control scroll in and out or alt scroll in and out you don't need to move your camera that much and if you do that's weird but anyway for my mouse always always scroll back is some sort of defensive cooldown scroll forward is usually a charge of some kind or whatever situational things make sense for the class middle Mouse button is always my trinkets this button right here is always interrupt if I have an interrupt it's right there always this button a stun always some sort of stun that I can single Target stun this crowd control some type of crowd control so all my CC's and interrupts are always right here no matter what I play and then these four buttons are usually my my cooldowns of some kind my offensive cooldowns now but number two was that death and Decay sigil flame Spear of Bastion the AOE reticle that I put on the ground that's always this button right here that is a little bit of a different thing it's an AOE I like to put on the ground right there but usually three is a big a big cooldown of some kind of way usually offensive same thing here say and this button number it's it's usually an AOE stun of some kind if I have an AOE stun this is a single Target stun this is AOE stun it just makes sense in my head you know what I'm saying uh and these are usually more situational uh cooldowns in some way and then these last three buttons I used to have them bound to other things and then I just have so many keybinds and I I feel like in general I have I'm very good at doing keybinds and hopefully this video is helping you with your keybinds as well and I'm fine on keybinds I don't need to have these three so I have chosen for these three to be a very good quality of life this is my mount button I press it to Mount I just my thumb's already right there and I press the back heel of my thumb and I just press it and there's my Mount super simple this array targets you know when you put the skull and the star and the X on the people that is the button I do for that I hold it down and there you go and there's the mark the skull if I press it once it's a skull if I hold it down our Opie ring comes up I'll have a video coming out about OPI as well and I talked about it in the last video and this is my my quest log my quest log slash map and it pulls up my map how many times in the game do you pull up your map to look at something put the map down map map and this is just a very simple so these are not in combat based but that's fine so I hope I really got you thinking about how to put your keybinds the first video talks about where to put your keybinds and this is pairing them together and organizing them in a group so you can play multiple characters or you're just your one character in the best way possible because if you have some of your rotation abilities in different spots and then your rotation if you imagine playing through your rotation and you're putting buttons here there and you're all over the place it's just gonna feel real bad and if you have a tanking cool down or some sort of long cooldown in a spot that that you never really press you should just move things around I would recommend getting an Excel spreadsheet writing down all the possible keybinds this is literally what I do write down all the possible keybinds one two three four probably don't put six seven eight on there that's crazy don't press those and you go all the way through you write down every single option you possibly have and then you also write down every single ability that you have that your class has go with your spell book write down all the abilities and then you can put and move them around and make your keybinds it's gonna take you like 20 minutes to do but it's gonna be so so worth it and you might feel weird doing it but it's gonna be okay give it a week give it two weeks and you're going to feel better and perform better and it's going to be a higher quality of life trust me it's gonna be better and if it is leave me a comment let me know if it's not you can come back like the video say you hate it I wasted your time and if I did I'm sorry I'm really trying to help here that's what I'm doing here on this channel if you want to help support what I do click the link in the description for patreon join in all of my keybinds all of my weak auras macro is every single thing I do I want to give back to my patrons to help me do this thing and have it be a reality and thank you guys so much stay creative think Inside the Box peace
Channel: Dungeon Coach Gaming
Views: 10,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeon Coach Gaming, World of Warcraft Shadowlands, World of Warcraft Dragonflight, WOw Dragonflight, WoW Shadowlands, wow addons, wow guide, wow tips, wow keybinding guide dragonflight, BEST keybinds for wow dragonflight, best keybinds for world of warcraft, wow keybinding tier list guide, wow keybinds tier list guide, wow keybind tier list guide, wow character keybinds, best wow keybinds, dragonflight keybinds guide, dragonflight keybind guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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