CLEANEST Dragonflight WoW UI ★ FREE WeakAuras & ElvUI ★ ALL Classes

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over 400 000 people have checked out my free weak Aura and UI packages for World of Warcraft at the past one and a half years and many of you have asked that I released them for all the 38 specs for wild dragonflight and I'm really proud to say this video marks the launch and release of every single spec week alright UI for the 13 classes in dragonfly that's been massive improvements based off my previous releases for instance now you can customize the sequences and abilities to track by just dragging and dropping the abilities within the groups even the number of icons per roll the height and the width of the icons you can adjust them with mirror sliders no coding required I'll cover how to do them in this video it's all time stamped and for the first time ever I'm also releasing dedicated healer UI profiles that shows your missing Health in red unit frame that changes color depending on the percentage of Health as always I'll keep all of these updated for free for dragonfly if you'd like to support my efforts in maintaining this user interfaces throughout all the patches all I ask you to do is just to hit that subscribe button on this video your subscription to the channel will cost you absolutely nothing but it will mean the world to me now with that out of the way this video will be split into the following parts in the first section I'll cover the design principle of the package so you understand how this user interface profile enhances your wow experience and in the second section I'll give you a quick rundown of all the components of each wikora package you download for your class and it will help you understand how that makes you a better player and in the third section I'll cover how to install my UI in three simple steps and in the fourth section of this video how to customize the various parts of the user interface from the height of the icons the sequence of the abilities to the type of abilities and trinkets all within seconds without breaking the look of the package and in the fifth section I'll cover all the frequently asked questions I've gotten in the past two years of maintaining uis and weak auras for the wow community and as I go through the earlier sections of this video I'll flash footages of the UI for all 13 classes on screen so you can get a good sense of how it works but if you don't see the spec that you play in particular don't worry I assure you it's all included and all 38 specs are covered in my package all right let's begin with the first section the design principle of the package and I like to cover the purpose of why I'm releasing these profiles as the title of the video suggests it's meant to be the cleanest and most minimalistic free user interface you can find for all 38 specs in dragonfly it is designed to be able to show you all the necessary information related to your class and spec in the most compact manner so you can better enjoy and react to what's happening within the actual encounters and the fight itself and this will go a very long way in helping you become a better player if your user interface is Compact and centered near the middle of the screen where most of the action occurs you spend less time moving your eyes all over the screen trying to react to products juggling your rotation and while also having to dodge and do mechanics I also believe by using the same layout for your main and your alts it builds muscle memory that makes you a better player for instance if you always place your interrupt or your offensive cooldown on a specific spot on the screen regardless of which spec you play whether New or Old to it you instinctively know where to look out for the information you need now what is clean as a UI is also subjective and this package comes with all the tools you need to customize everything to your exact taste this includes sequence of icons the number of icons in each row the height and width of the icons the tracking of new abilities and trinkets all these customization options will be covered in the timestamp sections in the later part of this video another Core Design principle is the ease of installation all you need to replicate the same look I have on screen right now is to install three add-ons firstly we call out to track all your class related matters lvi for unit frames and details for damage meters the details installation by default contains the font I use for my package accidental presidency and that is all you need no additional add-ons beyond the three add-on once I mentioned is required to achieve the look and feel of the user interface it also then keeps my package lightweight in terms of system resource usage furthermore you only need to install a single week or a pack for each class and it will work for all the specs of the cars there's no need for multiple weak Aura groups for a single spec like you did way back in Shadow lens now let's move on to the second section of this video I will run you through where everything is located within the week Aura pack and the purpose they serve now for every class we got your import just know that depending on your selected spec the package will load the correct set of weak auras so when you swap specializations it automatically loads the correct recourse now draw your attention to the middle of the screen where you see those weak auras there's really four groups of weak auras that you will see when you import your weak arrest for each class the first two groups relate to the two horizontal rows of we got our icons the top roll track skills related to your core rotation and the second row below it tracks your utility these offensive and defensive cooldowns now keep in mind these are not meant to replace your action bars it doesn't track every single ability only those with a cooldown because for those without a cooldown for example your filler abilities they are always available for use there's no need to track them visually in order to minimize the amount of noise and clutter on your screen now you might prefer that certain icons appear on the first row or the second row and even the order of the icons but don't worry I'll teach you how to customize them all later on so hold on to your horses now moving above the two rows or icon that's the third group of weak auras tracking us resources these are weak or us men to track any player power be it rage holy power a number of shots you have as a warlong number of icicles you have as Frost Mage the Mana Is A Healer the percentage stagger is a brewmaster the Runes of a DK the energy of a rogue you get the point this component also comes with reminders as well when you forget to buff yourself with certain class Buffs so when you forget to summon your pet it will nag and you via tax reminders moving further up to the fourth and final group this is your buff bar this buff bar will show any form of procs offensive and defensive cooldowns and the duration of them as well as the Healer externals that you receive from your healers and for certain specs the important debuffs that is on your current Target alright now let's move on to the third section I will teach you how to install my recora and UI packages in three easy steps so before you begin make sure you have three add-ons installed the first is weak auras the second is lviewi the third is details and if you need help getting the links to download them just follow the description below find the class that you play and all the information can be found on those links once you're done installing those three add-ons your screen should pretty much look exactly the same as what you see here very messy and actually I'm using a brand new tool to demonstrate to you how to install I will go through it step by step so for starters just close off all the alerts here alright once you've clicked away all the alerts your screen should basically look something similar to mine right it'll be very messy things all over the place but don't you worry let's go through the steps together and the very first thing that I want you to do is to import my lvui profile and how do you do that you basically open your chat box and you type slash EC press enter and the lvi configuration pattern will pop out next I want you to click on profile close to the bottom left here and then you click on import profile this box will basically appear and it prompts you to basically pay certain strings here now follow the links in the description below to find the relevant classes on my personal website and once there under step one click on the relevant link to obtain the elf UI profile string now note that if you are a tank or a DPS spec you will use the same profile if you are a Healer you'll use a different lvi profile and that's because for healers I have a special profile that allows you to track stuff like missing Health based on colors of the unit frame and other great quality of life but don't you worry lvui is smart enough to let you assign profiles to each spec so it will automatically load the correct profile when you switch specs and I'll demonstrate that to you in the later part of this video in the FAQ anyways on my personal website you will have access to the strings for the lvi profiles you want now Ctrl C to copy the string now tap back into the game and press Ctrl V to paste the string you copied make sure there's no spaces at the very end here and simply click on import now now after it has loaded you will see that your screen is actually now way tidier you can see the unit frames are starting to take shape and that's exactly what we want now keep in mind my lvi profile is the same for all classes so you don't have to repeat this step if you have other classes who want to use the same UI importing the profile once is enough but if you play healers on top of tank and DPS you probably want to import the two profiles separately again I'll cover later on how to assign profiles to each spec so lvi automatically changes the profile when you swap specs now secondly let's install weak auras for your selected class and similar process here I want you to open your chat box and type slash wa and that brings up the weak Aura configuration panel as you can see next up I want you to bring your mouse cursor to the bottom right here and click on import and it will prompt you for a string again now similarly follow the link in the description that you opened previously for that specific class page on my website obtain the weak arrest string for the specific class press Ctrl C to copy after you've tapped back into the game press Ctrl V to paste and it will prompt you that you are importing quasi dragonfly Paladin and this naturally will change depending on the class you're importing click the button import and you will start seeing stuff pop up on screen let it load for a while and when you close the configuration panel you can see that everything is now according to plan the bouncing text is just a reminder like I said to use certain class Buffs like Devo Aura for paladins a quick reminder when you're pasting the string make sure there's no spaces at the end when you hit import it's really important now let's move on to the third step what if you want your details meters to look exactly like mine same thing you open your chat box and you type details space config and this panel will appear click on profiles in the middle here and then click on import profile it will prompt you for a string exact same thing here if you're on the link on my personal site you'll find the string for my details profile Ctrl C to copy turn back into your game Ctrl V to paste and you see the string appear press OK and it will ask you insert a new name for the profile I will call it quasi details you can name it whatever you want and you will see your details meter now looking exactly the way it was in the demo of this video and that's really it those are the three simple steps to import my profile my recourse but hold your horses the remaining components are really important as well take the time to go through all of them it'll teach you everything you need to customize what you've imported alright let's move on to section 4 this video customization of your user interface firstly let's start the abilities being tracked in the first two rows of weak Aura icons I always get the question how do I swap the sequences or abilities in this case let's say I won by Avenger Shield to appear before my judgment what should I do very simple open weak Aura against by typing slash WN chat under the class we call group that you imported in this case the Paladin click on the plus sign to expand the groups and in this case I know that the icons that I want to swap Avengers shield and judgment it belongs to row one click on the expand for Row one and it's as simple as holding left click on Avengers shield and dragging it above judgment and lo and behold guess what you see Avenger shield now appears before judgment so this is how you can arrange all your icons super simple no coding needed and by the way my weak Aura groups have every single ability that is in your spec and your class now the next question is what if I don't want to swap the positions I want to track something brand new how do I do that let's just say you cannot find the ability in all these roles that I've dedicated for your class let's just say for whatever reason I forgot to try Divine Steed right so I deleted that and you want to be able to track Divine Steed as an ability it's very simple you right click on anything that I've configured for you click on duplicate name it whatever you want in this case let's call it Divine Steve the first thing that I want you to do is go to the trigger tab here and where it says cool down and charges and count in the name of the spell just type in the name or the spell you want to track in this case Define steed and I press enter you will notice the icon here is updated and there's one more step you need to do click on the load Tab and actually specify the class inspect you want it to track if you wanted to track for multiple specs you can also check for them this way and then scroll down and make sure under spell node instead of the original spell name it Divine Steed or whatever ability you're tracking and lo and behold you can see Divine state is now being tracked and you might say wait hang on a second what if I wanted to track trinkets instead of abilities well it's really simple same thing here right click duplicate and let's Call it Whatever trinket you are tracking let's call it wet stone for instance which is basically this trinket you see on the top left it's an all new trinket with two minutes cooldown after you duplicate click on the trigger Tab and under type change it to item and it should say cooldown progress or item and you say what is the item you're tracking and you simply just need to input the name in this case win scar Wet Stone is what I'll type press OK and you can see the icon here is updated and then go to the load tab uncheck whatever spell known is here this is now gone and if you want you can scroll down set under item equipped to the trinket you are tracking this case WinStar Redstone press ok now let's say I want it to appear before I of tier right and you can see it now appears before eye of the year to the right of divine toll as this icon and guess what happens when I press Wet Stone on use it starts tracking the cooldown over here it says 1 minute 55 seconds remaining it's as simple as that and this very same logic even applies to the buff bar let's say I want to track a brand new buff let's say for whatever reason I forgot to include a certain ability let's take for example Divine shield in order to track something new like that I right click I duplicate I name emit whatever I want in this case Divine Shield same thing go to the trigger tab where it says what are you trying to track in terms of buff if you have the spell ID you can put in the exact spell ID but if not just check names and type in what you want to track in this case Divine choose the buff I want to try and then I click on the load tab I scroll down and when I say spell known make sure you are putting whatever you are now tracking in this case Divine Shield is the buff I want to track close that and now notice when I press device you it starts to track over here it says there's four seconds remaining on the buff all right next up some of you might ask well how do I change the size of the icons maybe I want it to be flatter I don't want it to be so tall same thing here press slash w a bring out the config panel I want you to basically close all the groups so it looks like that and let's just say that for the first row here I feel like well they're too squarish I want them to be more compact in terms of height click on the group here that says row number one rotational under the display tab I want you to look for position settings and where it says width and height let's say you think that it's too tall you want it to be shorter let's call it 20 for whatever reason right let's say you like the look of something so compact obviously I'm using an extreme example after you change the height to 20 press enter you will see that they changed here and now you notice hey there's some gaps here what should I do well when you click on the group here you can basically use the arrow here and nudge them upwards you can see them moving up here that's how it works and now the second row is now too far below so I want to nudge it upwards as well I click on row two and I simply move it upwards like that right another way is to basically use the Y offset here you can input whatever values you want and you will move accordingly and now you basically close the gap so you get the point right you can adjust everything including like the width and the height and everything that you want same thing for row number two if I wanted to be more compact let's call it 20 I can do the same you can see they're all 20 height now and if you don't like how zoomed in they are you can configure it other extra options you can put like the Zoom to be call it 10 right so now there are more you know zoomed out you can see more of the icon it's really up to your personal taste I'm teaching you how to customize the look and appeal of your own user interface all right next up what if someone says well I don't really like 10 icons in a row what if I wanted only um eight icons to show at the second row and you can also do the same for the first row right depending on how much icons you want to show it's very simple expand the group in this case because in row number two I don't want that to be 10 icons right I simply click on the group under the group tab I can change the limit here let's say I only want eight icons to show I change this to 8 and you can see only 8 icons appear now so you can do any number like call it seven it can do that two and how it works is that my weak auras will show dependent on the limit the first seven in this case icons right so counting from top to bottom the first seven that will be loaded for your spec this is why avenging rough is literally the first icon here and this is why Hammer Justice is all the way to the right it basically goes from top to bottom and displays them from left to right depending on what you have loaded in this case it's not showing Bastion of light because I don't have the talent taken but you kind of get the point right other Defender Guardian ancient Kings I have these two therefore they are in the second and third place respectively and so if you have abilities at the bottom you can speed drag and drop them and they will appear much further higher right so you can see why it's so now higher up on the left to the right priorities and that's pretty much all the fancy customization options you need to know for this installation now let's move on to talk about the frequently asked questions that I have gotten in the past two years of maintaining weak auras and user interfaces all right the first question where the hell are your action bars like I said the weak auras here are not meant to be your action bars you can't click on them right the action bars are actually all hidden below you can see when I Mouse over them they appear below and the rationale is if you have played your spec and your class long enough you can actually already memorize all your keybinds you don't need to see them on your action bar it's just unnecessary noise on your screen but naturally there are people out there who want to show action bar and it's very simple to enable go to the lvi configuration panel type slash EC click on action bar click on Player bars and under the various action bars here where it says currently Mouse over checked unchecked Mouse over and you can see them start appearing at the bottom of my screen as simple as that next question how do I include the global cooldown swipe on the icons because as you guys can see as I'm using my abilities here it doesn't seem to show the global cooldown how do I fix that if that's a personal preference that I want to show same thing open slash w a go to the rotational row click on the group under the trigger tab look for all the triggers where it says extra option under spell and you just click show Global cooldown now do the same for the second group rule number two go to the trigger tab where it says show Global cooldown make sure you check it under extra options so expand all the extra options here and click Global cooldown show them and notice what happens when I drop consecration now notice the swipes of the icons I drop Consecration and you can see they all swipe to show the gcd now it's as simple as that right so any ability you use to trigger the global cooldown this is entirely personal preference I don't like to show gcds but it's up to you guys all right next up how the hell do I resize your weak Aura packages very simple type slash wa click on the main group that you imported here under the group tab where it says group scale you can simply just change this to make them way bigger or make them way smaller depending on your monitor resolution I am currently using 1440p as my resolution and 0.64 for my UI scale so depending on your monitor the size of it you might want different sizes for the scale next question how the hell do I move all your weak or as well you can simply click on the group and you can just simply drag and drop the group like that it's as simple as that if you want to move the individual components you expand right let's say I want to move the buff bar right I don't like it being here I want it at the top I can simply drag with the left click button put it at the top as simple as that rotation I can put it in the middle of the screen and now you know they appear on different parts of the screen as you guys can see like this is the buff bar this is the first rotation it's all over the place right everything can be moved in my user interface next question what are the fonts that are being used in your user interface these are all accidental presidency you will have this phone installed if you have details installed as an add-on another question how do I move your other elements such as maybe the mini map how to move the buff over here how do I do that type slash EC press toggle anchors and that allows you to move everything in lvi the minimap I can move it over here and if I click lock you can see the mini map appearing here right so everything is movable from your action bars below at the bottom of the screen to the minimap to basically everything that you see even your chat man all these things can be moved alright next question how do I use multiple lvui profiles because earlier you know in this video I talked about how healers have a separate elf UI profile well how do do I said it such that when I swap specs to a Healer it loads the Healer profile it's really simple slash easy click on profiles at the bottom check this enable spec profiles under protection and retribution DPS and tank I currently have dragonfly V2 so that's the tank and the DPS lvi profile now if you imported the lvi profile for healers it will be called something like heels lvi under the enable spec profile after you have checked it you have this drop down menu that allows you to select which profile you want so for Holy Paladin I currently have it as quasi Hills lvui this profile again is found in the description links and for thanks I'll use the default dragonfly one that I have and so I'm currently in protection Paladin right let's say I swap to Resto and rather holy I'm swapping to healers now you can see what's going to happen shortly the lvui profile was swapped to healers and how do I know a soft healer as well you can see that I now have this thing that is tracking my health and just demo it to you guys let's say I take some fall damage here right on purpose let's say I click off my Mount here I take some fault damage you can see that I am now tracking my missing Health as a rate um you know missing Health here and this healthier will change depending on the percentage of your health so notice the health bar right now right it's a healthy green and let's say I fall from this height I'm going to take sizable damage you can see now it's orange right so that's how you know that the Healer profile is activated and naturally in a party it will display all your other party members just demo to you guys is how you look right it will track the Buffs they currently have and the debuffs to the right so for example if your tank pops something like Divine Shields you will be righteous adults Defender they'll all track the duration over here and the debuffs over here and then let's say I swap back to protection Paladin you will see the lvi automatically flip back cool by default earlier it's as simple as that all right next question sometimes people ask me hey I just installed your weak auras and I don't see anything on screen at all what the hell is going on well one of the reasons might be this is a fresh tune of yours you do not have any form of specialization selected what do I mean if you expand the groups here you will see that all of these requires you to basically have a specialization so if let's say you just begun leveling level one character right and you don't have a specialization let's say the weak auras might not load because of that so just something to keep in mind you might want to install this package after you have reached max level or at least after you're sure you already have a specialization another question is well there's so many icons that you have basically developed here what if I want to track something that's really far down the list and I can't seem to find it I'll show you an example that's a Divine tool right whatever reason is all the way at the bottom and currently because it shows the icons from left to right Divine told a very important ability is not being tracked how do I find it Well you simply just click on the search menu here or the search bar type in Divine tool and it will basically locate the thing for you click click on cross and it will show you oh okay it's all the way to the bottom then all I do is just drag it to the top and just put it here as simple as that so now it appears after judgment now this then brings me to the next question what if I like my Divine tool to be at the second row I don't like it on the first also doable so what you want to do is you want to drag Divine tool and I scroll down and I drop it in group number two and you can see Divine tour is now at the top of group number two but if I just simply leave it like that it looks so weird Divine told has a bigger icon size than the rest of roll number two right because it was dragged from Row one to row two how do I fix that very simple so you can click on the group here right and click on the display tab and you can see that under width and height when I Mouse over everything currently says it's 35 height except for the first row Divine total at 40. so I just type 35 and under hide the same thing you can see everything else 30.63 defined towards 35 I just hit 30.63 I update now Divine tool is way smaller and it's consistent as simple as that that's how you move icons between the two rows and lastly I have a quick tip for you if you are learning a brand new spec what you can also do is you can click on Row one under the display tab you can click on two tip on Mouse over check this and go to Row 2 and check this as well what does this do well it allows you to Mouse over your abilities and it literally tells you what it does so you can learn a brand new spec by just simply Mouse overing and reading stuff and you can also do the same for Buffs here and you can start to learn what your spec actually does without actually going through your Spellbook so that's actually a Nifty feature as well another question a lot of people have also asked me how the hell do I get the same nameplates that you have on screen I really like the look of your name plates where well my name plate is entirely free as well I've made a video specifically for that on how to install the features of the nameplate that can be found in the description below and so folks with that I covered everything you need to know about weak auras and user interfaces in my dragonflight profiles for all 38 specs now in case you have any feedback for example I missed out on a certain ability or you like something added or tweaked you can raise your suggestions or ask me questions in my Discord Channel just follow the link in the description below I will be updating my weak auras and profiles for bugs and fixers in waves and I'll post the updates in the channel announcement on Discord now if you like my UI and weak auras just know they are entirely free for your use and if you like to show your appreciation do click on the Subscribe button on this video your subscription will cost you nothing but will go a very long way in helping me maintain my uis throughout the patches I also stream on Twitch from time to time feel free to swing by to say hello or ask questions a shout out to all my patreon subscribers for keeping the uis and we got for us free for everyone else you are the real MVPs enjoy the profiles I will see you soon
Channel: Quazii WoW
Views: 157,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow, dragonflight, shadowlands, quazii, quazii wow, quazii dragonflight, quazii ui, quazii weakaura, quazii user interface, dragonflight ui, dragonflight elvui, dragonflight weakaura, dragonflight tank ui, dragonflight clean ui, wow clean ui, elvui dragonflight, wow ui, elvui, wow elvui, elvui profile, wow dragonflight ui, warrior, paladin, hunter, rogue, priest, shaman, mage, warlock, monk, druid, demon hunter, death knight, evoker, elvui setup, weakauras, wow ui setup
Id: Ot27j2_EfqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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