How to set the BEST keybinds for any class | Dragonflight

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hello and welcome and today we're going to be addressing keybinds more specifically I want to talk and address new players in general so if you have a new player that is looking to set up their keybinds for the first time or if you're the one transitioning from clicking and you're trying to go into keybinds hopefully I can help you out here today we're going to go over a few different things such as why you should use keybinds we're going to be talking about what bad keybinds look like and that way you know how to avoid them for specific abilities and then how to look at your keybinds uh and how to put abilities to those keybinds and for that part I'm going to be giving you a few simple questions to think about whenever you're setting up keybinds for a new character or if you're just starting out it'll get make it uh setting up your abilities a little bit easier why use keybinds so it's going to save you time it's going to optimize your gameplay a little bit more it's going to streamline how effective you are it's going to give you a little bit more consistency as well and remembering good keybinds makes it a lot easier so typically you want the abilities that you hit regularly you want those to be very easily accessible whereas if you hit a defensive cooldown by accident that's kind of a big detriment to you like on Warriors it's going to be a big ticket ability like Shield wall you don't want to accidentally hit Shield wall you're going to be missing out on a huge defensive cooldown so making that a little bit harder to hit is going to be super helpful for you while playing through the game whereas you want to make something like execute revenge or Shield bash you want to make those very easily accessible and if you bump them by accident it's not going to affect you negatively really you can't really put them on cooldown if you don't have a close enough Target so it's not that big of a deal if you hit that and that includes something like ravager where if you hit it it's going to pull up a circle usually unless you have a macroed it's going to have a circle that you have to place if you just hit something else it's going to cancel that or if you write like it's going to cancel that ability you can't accidentally really press that button and lose out too much uh just while we're riding off of that topic we're going to be talking about bad keybinds and what they look like and what you can look out for you don't want something like Shield bash on a war career which is something that you press every eight seconds or whenever you have a proc you don't you don't want to have it on an extremely bad keybind uh just to go to The Relic streams to give you a really bad example control y would be pretty ridiculous to have Shield bash on it's something you press very regularly and making your hand do gymnastics just to press that button it's a little bit ridiculous so you want it on something pretty easy to hit but there may be a instance where you have an ability and big enough hands that control y isn't that big of a deal if you hit a defensive or an offensive cooldown something as simple as hitting shift Z that is going to be still a little bit difficult hit uh your your hand kind of doesn't want to do shift Z very easily it feels a little bit weird you're typically hitting shift with your pinky and then Z with your ring finger it kind of just feels a little bit off whereas shift X is a little bit easier to hit in comparison right you're not really tucking that finger in under everything the same way that you would be with Z so I'm going to be putting something like I have battle shout on shift Z right it's something I have to hit once every 60 minutes it's not that big of a deal if I can't really hit it right this second because I only have to hit it once every 60 minutes and then finally we're going to be talking about how to look at your keybinds and how to put abilities to those keybinds and the three questions that we're going to be wanting to ask how valuable is the ability how much value do you get from using that ability at the right times Etc if I accidentally hit this ability how much of a detriment is it how how negative is the impact or how positive is the impact if I accidentally hit this ability right and thirdly the question that we're going to ask ourselves is is this ability something that I can hit quickly and accurately whenever I need it so what is the value what is the impact of that ability and am I able to hit that ability quickly accurately right as I need it if we look at something like Shield wall for warrior what is the value of the ability right so it's a huge defensive cooldown down and it has a very long cooldown so it's a three and a half minute cooldown but it gives me a forty percent damage mitigation or damage reduction so if I accidentally hit this ability it's a huge negative impact it's a three and a half minute cooldown and if I hit it let's say right after a pull is finished that's gonna suck right I won't have that ability for the next pull it's kind of a big deal right but uh if I'm able to use it at the right time then it provides me a ton of value when I place it on a specific key is that key easily accessible quickly and accurately right so for me personally I have I I put Shield wall on the tilde key right below the Escape key uh the tilde key is going to be that one right above Tab and Below Escape that is a button that I can't really accidentally hit uh for me personally it's a little bit harder I have to really go out of my way to hit it as compared to hitting one it may not look that way but it does feel a lot farther for me in my hand um hitting the tilde key versus the one key for me that ended up working out so that's an ability that I can quick and easily and accurately hit whenever I need it and it's a lot harder for me to accidentally hit the other thing that I want to mention as well is is there a follow-up ability that you end up using so Shield bash Revenge those end up being abilities that I end up using pretty interchangeably as well as Thunderclap or Whirlwind right so those abilities I need to be able to hit pretty easily and quickly after each other if I'm in an AOE grouping so I need to pretty easily be able to hit Thunderclap and revenge uh one after the other without too much downtime I'm gonna get it I'm usually going to Thunderclap and then I'll get a proc of Revenge so I need to be able to hit that pretty quickly so for me I have Z as Thunderclap and then two as Revenge so uh going from Z to two it uses two completely different fingers I'm not going from Z to one right Z to one it uses the same finger so that'd be a little bit more cumbersome so I'd end up using my ring finger for both of those uh whereas Z to two I end up using my ring finger and my middle finger they don't really overlap they don't twist up or I don't have to quickly move one finger to another key one short duration after another which Z to one is not that bad but if I was going Z to shift one or Z to uh to the F1 key right that would be a pretty big jump that'd be much harder to hit so I want to be able to think about those things while playing the game after I'm more used to the class uh so as you kind of get used to setting up keybinds and you start to play with your keybinds do not hesitate to change them up further even though you might have felt like you just got used to them and you might need a little bit more time to get used to these keybinds if something feels awkward it's probably always going to feel awkward to you so changing that up and make it a little bit more com make it a little bit less cumbersome for you that's going to help you a ton in the long run because that's going to help you on all of your your classes not just the class you're playing currently and the reason that I mention that is that across the board whenever you're playing multiple classes you're going to be wanting to put similar abilities on the same Keys as each of the classes my R ability I know is going to be a stun on my rogue it's going to be kidney shot I'm my warrior it is going to be Shockwave f is my charge ability on Warrior F on my rogue is going to be Shadow step so once you get kind of used to having all of your keybinds set up like I mentioned the three questions uh value impact and accessibility of that key and ability so judging your keybind and ability combo if you have something like Q you want to put that on something that you hit fairly regularly and it's not that big of a detriment to hit by accident again your fingers could shift off of w and you accidentally hit Q what is that going to do to your gameplay you're not likely to hit an accidental shift Q that's going to feel more deliberate right you're going to really be going out of your way to hit shift and Q but accidentally hitting Q is a lot easier just keeping those sorts of things in mind but then there's those weird quirky keybinds that you can think about with the modifiers like for myself I have control spacebar that is my Mount so on every class uh every character that I have control space is always going to be my Mount I also have the shift s that is another Mount ability this is going to be the non-dragon riding mount for me just things to keep in mind there are a lot of keybinds that you can be using you have one through five that are pretty easily accessible then Q through T that minus W because you're gonna have that as movement Keys most often so that gives you a few keybinds and then Z through V those are all great keybinds um you can also hit the tilde and then you can hit shift and control of all of those pretty easily if you're not new to playing an MMO or just computer gaming in general if you're playing first person shooters hitting shift is going to be pretty easy to you because you probably hit that ability for Sprint right and control is usually Crouch your pinky strength if you've been playing PC games previously should already be built up but if you're new to PC gaming entirely you're coming from consoles let's say uh or worse yet you're coming from phone gaming um good for you big jumps there if you're coming from any of those other options for gaming outside of PC gaming with a mouse and keyboard hitting shifting control is not going to be as intuitive to you and it's going to feel like your pinky just kind of gives out on you after a few hours so definitely give your hand plenty of rest if you're still getting used to and building up the muscles for your pinky to hit those abilities alt is kind of an outlier it's a lot harder to hit for a lot more people that's something that you end up having to hit with your thumb it's just generally a little bit more cumbersome but it is something that you can definitely use on uh keybinds or keys that you don't hit very regularly they're kind of out of the way you don't really need a keybind for those abilities right so that that sort of thing can be thought about with alt um or if you just used everything else and now you're looking at uh alt keys so I know a lot of people though use uh shift control and ALT as uh either party frame selectors or Arena they'll do it as uh Arena one two and three right so shift control and ALT it'll be Arena one two and three um specifically so you have a ton of options and flexibility across the board for any of these keybinds um so hopefully you're able to send this video to that player that you've been trying to convince uh to stop clicking or just get into PC gaming in general and they have no idea how what keybinds even are so that's the ultimate goal for this video um and I hope I was able to help feel free to leave a comment below uh if I did Aid you and like I said if there's any other videos that you want to see from me please let me know as well uh whether it's in Discord or the comment section take care
Channel: Kahzey
Views: 19,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xBpAzicEP4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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