How To Level From 10-60 In Only 3 Hours!

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hey folks I recently set a new 10 to 60 speed run world record in only 3 hours and 21 minutes using the new dragonflight chromie time within this video I'm going to show you the exact route that I used so you can run it for yourself also while my world record was completed on a horde character I've done extensive testing and speedrunning for the alliance so this video will contain a route for both factions first and foremost if you're not leveling an Allied race you need to reach level 10. while every race will be presented with multiple options I would always recommend choosing exile's reach the other racial starting zones will either provide you with too little experience or they'll lock you into a questline until well past the point where you've reached level 10. however exile's reach was tailor made by blizzard to get your characters exactly from levels 1 to 10 and it also happens to be relatively easy to complete if you're playing a Demon Hunter or a death knight your only option will be to level through your class starting zones and this will put you well past level 10 by the time you finish don't worry though because my guide has been structured in such a way that you can jump straight into the level 10 section and not not lose any time speaking of which once you've reached level 10 you'll want to do a few quests to acquire a dollar on Hearthstone this only takes a few minutes and you'll save a lot of time over the course of the 10 to 60 leveling process to kick things off you'll need to speak to chromie and begin the legion questline if you're unsure where to find her head to the Orgrimmar or Stormwind Embassy depending on your faction and look for a gnome sitting on a big hourglass if your horde you should now run outside of the Orgrimmar Gates and talk to holgar stormax Alliance players will head to the storm and docks and speak to recruiter Lee each of these NPCs should have a dialogue option that starts with I've heard this tale before and you want to select it in order to skip the broken Shore introduction once you've reached dalaran you can turn in the nearby quest to receive your Dollar on Hearthstone from here head to your factions section of the city and take the portal back to Orgrimmar or Stormwind it's worth noting that the process I just described is not needed if you're playing a mage monk vulpera dark iron dwarf or some combination of the two each of these classes and or races have abilities which completely remove the need for for a dollar on Hearthstone lastly if the Darkman Fair happens to be active while you're leveling this is the ideal time to swing by and grab your 10 experience buff now you should be ready to start the round but before we dive into that I want to quickly touch upon a subject that is really important for both The Horde and Alliance that being rare mobs throughout the 10 to 60 leveling route you'll have the chance to encounter many different rares within the cataclysm revamp zones each of these rares gives roughly a quest's worth of experience so it can be extremely helpful to hunt for them while you're leveling in order to help you find all these rares I've uploaded a companion video which goes over the location of every single rare that you might encounter while following the route and you can find it linked in the video description below that being said the zones mentioned to my guide will still be faster than any alternatives even if you don't manage to find a single rare mop first I'll be discussing the horde 10 to 25 route once you've reached the Orgrimmar portal room take the portal to Silver Moon and then use the orbic translocation behind lore thermar theran to reach tirosval glaze from here head to Silver Pine Forest and begin the questline this zone is deceptively efficient as it has a lot of unskippable cutscenes which appear to make the whole questline take a really long time that being said the last two-thirds of Silver Pine have incredible Quest density and minimal travel time so you'll very quickly catch up an experience Midway through the questing experience you'll get sent down to gilneas Don't Panic this is simply an extension of the Silver Pine questline within the first area you'll see a giant edit named korok The Colossus and you should kill him in order to receive a hidden Quest from here continue along the quest line in gilneas until you get returned to Silver Pine around this point you should hit Level 20. when this happens set your Hearthstone to the nearest In which is either the Sepulcher or The Forsaken front and then use your Dollar on Hearthstone to portal hop over to Orgrimmar at this point you can learn your riding skill and activate War mode if you're a volpara place your Camp before you then TP back to it as previously mentioned Majors or monks can use portals or Zen pilgrimage respectively as a replacement for the dalaran Hearthstone towards the end of the Zone you'll reach the quest sewing Discord which tasks you with killing a camp full of elite dwarves it can be fairly difficult to solo these mobs as their Auto attacks hit extremely hard if you find yourself struggling with this Quest I'd recommend dragging the mobs over to Lord Godfrey and waiting for him and the other NPCs to whittle the dwarves down immediately afterwards you should kill one of the nearby crocodiles as he begins a hidden Quest once you've completed this Quest you can abandon Silver Pine Forest and move along to Hillsborough Foothills the final two quests in Silver Pine are full of unskippable RP so they're not worth completing for Alliance players you'll want to start by heading towards the storm and flightmaster which is located in the Southeastern corner of the trade District use the toy scouting map to modernize the provisioning of the Eastern kingdoms which unlocks all the major flight points across the continent if you don't have this toy you can unlock it permanently from the heirloom vendor for 5K gold talk to the storm in flightmaster and fly to Eastvale locking camp in Elwyn Forest from here walk to Tower watch which can be found just past the border to Red Ridge Mountains and begin the questline continue normally until you reach the quest prisoners of War which you'll get shortly after reaching Camp everstill the quest from here on out are sparse filled with RP and take a while to complete so I do not recommend finishing them at this point you should head back to the flight master in Lake Shire and fly to darkshire in duskwood once you reach duskwood you'll want to complete almost the entire questline there including the hubs on the western side while duskwood does have a lot of travel time between its hubs the overall Quest density is high enough to make up for it the only Quest that you should not complete is the final one which tells you to kill more lot in as it requires a ton of travel time for a minimal reward upon reaching that Quest and completing all the other ones return to Stormwind at some point within duskwood you should also hit Level 20. when this happens set your Hearthstone to darkshire and then use your Dollar on Hearthstone so portal hop over to Stormwind you should then learn your riding skill and activate War mode before returning to duskwood as previously mentioned Mages monks and and dark iron dwarfs can use their abilities as a replacement for the dalaran Hearthstone by now you should have reached roughly level 25 but it's okay if you're a few levels higher or lower horde players should now be entering Hills red Foothills and you'll want to complete the quests in the zone until you reach level 30. at this point you can set your Hearthstone to the sludge fields and then return to Orgrimmar in order to learn flying unlike before you will not immediately be using your Hearthstone to return to Hills rat you should head over to chromie and select the Warlords of Draenor questline you'll be directed to speak to an NPC called Vanguard battle mage who can be found on the bottom floor of the Orgrimmar portal room talking to this NPC will cause you to be teleported to the Blasted Lands and from here you'll need to run all the way to the dark portal and complete the wad intro contrary to popular belief the wad intro is actually one of the most efficient questlines in the entire game and if you skip it you're doing yourself a huge disservice upon reaching frostfire Ridge complete the entire questline to set up your Garrison as this provides you with a Garrison Hearthstone you'll also want to finish the next few quests to where you kill ogres gather supplies construct a barracks and Rescue all in umberhide after completing these four quests use your regular Hearthstone and return to hillstrad Foothills Alliance players will follow a fairly similar route after leaving duskwood and returning to Stormwind you should speak with chromie and begin the Warlords of draenery questline you'll be directed to speak to an NPC called Vanguard battle mage who can be found just inside the entrance to the Stormwind Mage Tower talking to this NPC will cause you to be teleported to the Blasted Lands and you'll need to run to the dark portal in order to complete the wad intro once you reach Shadow Moon Valley complete the entire quest line and set up your Garrison as this provides you with a Garrison Hearthstone you'll also want to finish the next few quests where you kill pale Orcs gather supplies construct a barracks and rescue Kiana Moonshadow around this time you should receive a quest in your Garrison from cordana felsong named meet us at Starfall Outpost complete this entire chain up until the quests Soul shards of summoning and cleaning up golvar as things slow down immensely from that point onwards you should now fly south and completely bloodthorne cave bonus objective along with the nearby Quest a matter of life and death once this is done fly further south to just outside the entrance of spiers of Iraq where you'll complete the zorker's fall bonus objective in talidor you'll now want to enter spiers and begin the questline there you're going to be questing here until you reach level 35. at which point you should finish up your remaining quests and immediately return to Stormwind the reason for this is because spiers of Iraq is a peculiar Zone because while it does have fairly High Quest density early on it falls off significantly towards the end after you reach Southport you can construct the stock train Brewery which gives you a 20 increased experience buff within spiers of Iraq as well as a localized Hearthstone ability on a separate cooldown while this buff is nice to have it's nowhere near as impactful as many people seem to think it is by the time you get this 20 XP buff you've already completed most of the efficient quests in the zone so it doesn't end up helping you that much while you quest keep an eye out for Treasures called offering to the Raven mother these give rested experience on top of the normal pickup XP so they're extremely efficient you'll also want to pick up The Wanted quests from a poster within the Stockton brewery as they give great experience and can usually be completed alongside other quests as previously mentioned when you hit Level 35 you should abandon spiers and return to Stormwind the next section of this guide will cover levels 35 to 45 but if you're a monk you should complete the entire peak of Serenity questline at this point these quests are really easy to complete and give fantastic experience which is one of the reasons why monk is the best leveling class in the game board players should have just returned to Hill spread Foothills and you'll pick up the quest line exactly where you left off while completing quests within South Shore run east along the shoreline until you find an area filled with Naga killing one of the Naga will give you a secret quest which tasks you with killing 15 more once you reach level 40 set your Hearthstone to Taran Mill and return to Orgrimmar in order to learn Master riding you can then immediately Hearth back to hillsbrad and continue questing until you've completed the entire Zone the only two quests you'll be avoiding are stag witches and a haunting in hillsbrad the former is an RNG nightmare as you'll rarely be able to get the quest items to drop without wasting a lot of time the latter is a quest chain that's fairly isolated in the Southeastern corner of the zone so it tends to be a waste of time to complete it it's worth noting that some quests in Hills grads such as yet of us the yeti Lord or the dernhold challenge are Elites which are designed for a group of players for most classes these are extremely difficult to solo but it is definitely possible I'd recommend trying to solo them once if you're feeling confident but if you can't manage it just ask for help in general chat there's usually a few people who are willing to group for it Upon returning to Stormwind Alliance players should take the Deep Run tram over to ironforge Mages and Dark Iron Dwarves can use portals or a mole machine respectively to reach ironforge as it's significantly faster than taking the tram unlike the previously mentioned skips monks will not be able to accomplish this by using Zen pilgrimage once you've arrived in Iron forage you'll want to fly to the southern section of Loch modan and start the questline in the valley of Kings from here you should complete every single quest in lockbodan as it's by far the most efficient leveling area for the alliance throughout the Zone there are six interactable objects called stolen explorers League documents and they'll give you a quest whenever you interact with them a few of these are directly in your questing path but many are off the traditional route so you'll have to take a bit of a detour to pick them up on screen now you can see the locations of all six explorers League documents this may seem pretty trivial but each of these objects gives full Quest XP for minimal effort so it's absolutely worth going out of your way to pick these up also just like before whenever you hit Level 40 you should set your Hearthstone to felsimer and return to Stormwind to learn Master riding when this happens you can immediately Hearth back to lock but on and continue the questline we've now reached the final section of the guide which covers levels 45 to 60. both Alliance and horde players should use their Garrison Hearthstone Upon finishing lock mode on or Hills rad Foothills respectively however the exact route you'll take through wad differs a bit for each faction word players will fly in a straight line until they reach gorgond and from here you should follow the questline until you arrive in beastwatch at this point you'll be prompted to choose between the Savage Flight Club or the lowlands lumber yard the fight Club is a significantly better choice as it gives you access to a ton of extremely efficient quests from here go north and complete the quests for Stonewall Arena and Grand Canyon while completing the quest a harsh reminder in Affliction Ridge Round Up a wide variety of mobs and pop your Champion's honorability this spell has a hidden effect which causes Quest starting items to drop while you kill certain enemies with the buff active under the Draenor exploration tab there's an achievement called prove your strength which can help you keep track of which Quest items you've already collected ideally you should use this buff only when you've rounded up a few different mobs of at least two different types in order to maximize your chances at getting Quest items after you've finished all the quests within this area continue along the rexar quest line you'll want to use your Champion's honorability once again on the basilisks and steam Furies that you'll encounter during the quest on the mend later on you can use it again while killing ogron during the quest fair warning after you finish the quest chains of iron you should complete the nearby bonus objective Valley of Destruction Upon returning to beastwatch you'll receive another Quest named strike while the iron is hot but this one is extremely inefficient and should be ignored now you'll want to complete the miscreet mire and razor Bloom bonus objectives just south of beastwatch while you're here make sure you use the Champion's honorability on the nearby packs of wasps and ravagers if you have leftover time in the buff after getting the wasp and ravager items you can try to get the orc Thorn and botany Bloom drops in case you're still missing either one finally head east and complete the entire Crimson fan questline and Upon finishing it return to beastwatch to hand in all of your remaining quests you should now leave Gordon and travel South towards talidor but on your way there you should complete the bonus objectives ruins of the first Bastion and tail Thrasher Basin continue flanks out the talidor and construct the Arsenal in volgens Pride do not complete any of the other quests here as the main purpose of unlocking the Arsenal is to gain access to some really efficient bonus objectives speaking of which you'll want to complete the bonus objectives mogron logworks zangara and aruna's desolation in that order after picking up the nearby Treasures head even further to the South and complete the zorker's fall bonus objective from here head to spiers of Iraq and progress through the quest line until you reach level 60. as previously mentioned Alliance players should use their Garrison Hearthstone to return to wad from here fly West to talidor and complete the aruna's Desolation bonus objective you can then head north until you reach Fort ring and you'll want to construct the artillery Tower to unlock the zengara bonus objective ignore all the remaining quests in Fort Rin and head east to complete the bonus objective when it's done fly north into gorgon and complete two more bonus objectives to help Thrasher Basin and ruins of the first Bastion once they're complete you can head to the Eastern section of the zone and start the questline continue along until you reach high pass and at this point you'll be prompted to choose between the sparring ring or the logging Camp the sparring ring is a significantly better choice as it gives you access to a ton of extremely efficient quests from here you'll head to Affliction Ridge and follow the exact same path as the aforementioned horde route at some point along the way you should hit Level 60. now that you've finished leveling in chromie time you'll need to get from level 60 to 70 in the dragon Isles if you want to learn more about the fastest 60-70 route in dragonflight you can check out my guide which is shown on screen now
Channel: Harldan
Views: 1,010,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeon, wow, world of warcraft, speed leveling, speedrun, speed run, fastest leveling, fast leveling, level, 1-60, dragonflight, dragon flight, 1-50, 50-60, speedrunning, alt, alts, chromie time, leveling, df, warlords of draenor, wod, 10-60, dps, horde, silverpine forest, hillsbrad foothills, gorgrond, intro, world record, 10-50, guide, guides, strategy, strategies, spires of arak, talador, pre-patch, prepatch, pre patch, faster, loch modan, duskwood, redridge mountains, route, routing, invasion, invasions
Id: uLXS2nupv2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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