BEST Tank for YOU | WoW Dragonflight Tank Tier List Ranked

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so you want a tank in dragonflight but you don't know which of the six tanks to choose from maybe it's been a while since you've played any of these tanks and they've gone through a bunch of changes in dragonflight you want to see what it's like to play them this video is not about what pink is currently doing the most damage or taking the least damage or most optimal and Mythic Plus or rare none of that this is how do you play this tank specifically how it feels to play the stake what's it like to do this you should play the tank that you have the most fun with whether you're brand new to this game or you're coming back to tanking whatever it is which tank is the most fun because they're all viable across all parts of the game I have not seen a video like this where it's talking specifically nothing about meta nothing about all these things it is how the tank actually plays so what I've done is I have seven different categories that I have given each of these six tanks a rating of one to five things like Mobility how much area of effect spells that they have displacement of moving enemies around self-healing defensive cooldowns utility all that a rating of one just means it has the lowest possible of that type of thing in the game a rating of one and Mobility would mean it's the slowest class in the game not in relation to other tanks because if I want to play a mobile tank I don't care how much more mobile or less mobile that tank is compared to the others I just want a mobile tank so a ranking of five would mean it's the most possible Mobility you could have in the game as far as the tank goes and that is the scale a three would be a solid number so how's this going to work we're gonna go through each tank one at a time giving them each of the rankings so you can really think about each of the tanks I'm also going to give you a feel of what it's like to play them what is it like to use your abilities I'm not going to do an analytic rotation breakdown of what moves to do in what order it's the big picture how does it feel to play what kind of things do you have to do while playing this tank and start to chop these tanks off your list and pick your top two or your top one then at the end we're gonna take a big step back and look at all these tanks in a big huge beautiful chart that I had made for you guys that I also worked with in collaboration with dark Mech dark Mech is Another World of Warcraft content creator here on YouTube that has extreme knowledge of tanking we bashed our heads together to come up with these different rankings his numbers are a little different than mine we kind of collaborated talked about back and forth to give you all the best possible numbers so shout out to dark Mech he also has a tanking video that a little bit more mechanical Focus he talks about the pros and cons of the class actually some mechanical things of what's looking like so after you get the big picture of which one you're wanting in this video maybe watch both videos back to back and you will definitely be able to pick your tank so thank you to dark mic for collaborating on this video with a link to his channel will be down in the description all right here we go first up is the warrior I felt like that was an appropriate first starting class to do with this thing for this breakdown so the first category is mobility and the Warriors get a three Warriors have a couple things they can do for movement at Baseline is first is a heroic leap you can literally jump into battle you little speed boost afterwards that's awesome you can actually charge an enemy charging in there like that there's also a talent for a shield charge to be able to run in even better and if you want to Target an ally you can charge to an ally and intervene to them next up is melee AOE what I mean by melee aoes I also have a second category of ranged AOE which I'll show right after this melee AOE is in melee range to the tank what is your melee AOE like do you have a lot can you keep spamming it out there most tanks have a solid AOE and fact the lowest score is a four so this this category is either going to be a four or five in this far as this goes basically looks like this Thunderclap is a melee AOE around you then you have Revenge spams that you can use your rage and Spins your rage to hit enemies around you with your rage cooldowns and then Thunderclap again lots of stuff going around you you also have things like challenging shout to be able to taunt all enemies around you to attack you and even your talents have things like Shockwave and thunderous Roar to be able to really hit out a bunch of damage around you but what if you need to hit things that are not a melee range what if you're over here and you are tanking a bunch of packs right here and there's some enemies over there and some a group of enemies comes in you gotta go grab them Warriors I'm gonna give their ranged AOE a two out of five it's not the best there's lots of class that have better at this uh this is what I'm talking about Spear of Bastion is it talent that they have you can throw the spear over there and that's gonna get you but then that's kind of a problem because now they're tethered and the Spear of Bastion ties into that location super cool ability but trying to grab things and pull them into you not in not the best there and really their best ranged AOE is their heroic leap to jump in there and then damage them but then that problem is maybe I wanted to stand over here and I didn't want to move over there they also have a talented ravager which you have a ranged AOE over there and you have a heroic throw that can bounce even further but in general just not the best and speaking of not the best the fourth category is displacement being able to move enemies from one spot to another the best example of this is the death knight spoiler alert they got a five okay but Warriors only have one single displacement which is Spear of Bastion it's on cooldown right now but it tethers enemies to a single location which is technically displacement it keeps pulling them to the center in that one location but that's not as versatile and it's a talent so moving on to the fifth category is utility how much utility does having a warrior in the group compared to other tanks you possibly can have what do they bring to the table I have a list right here Warriors specifically bring battle shout as a group buff to give to the group that's very nice intervene is being able to kind of help in allies take less damage rallying cry gives everyone around you a boost of Health you do have AOE stuns single Target stuns a shield charge stun and AOE fear some decent utility but not as good as some of the other tanks on this list next up now we have self-healing this is huge for you being able to keep your own health bar up if your health bar goes down how good are you at getting it back up if the healer's busy the Hitler's occupied whatever else is going on how well can you take care of yourself and how Reliant are you on heels self-healing for the warrior used to be down into one but now we're at a three so what do they got they have an impending Victory which is talented but it's really high up in the tree and you can heal yourself immediately for 30 percent of your maximum health that's pretty good and you can spend rage on ignore pain which gives you an absorb that you can actually build up and you actually have it be a nice little buffer which I would see absorb Shields as it's basically healing they also have a lot of healing baked in that are Talent points that they just have passive healing from dealing damage and stuff and now for the final category and warriors are shining the brightest here in this one our defensive cooldowns these are how many options do you have of defensive tools at your disposal you're about to take some damage you're currently taking some damage you just took a bunch of what kind of cooldowns can you use to best manage the battlefield and how much damage that you're taking and a warrior in this category is a 5 out of five this is a top tier amount of cooldowns you have you have that rallying cry a Last Stand both of which boost your health pool to be a little bit bigger Shield wall is one of the best tank and cooldowns in the game uh demoralizing shout to reduce the damage you take from enemies a spell reflect for spells Shield block all of those things are not taking into consideration also these defensives are separate from the self-healing I'm not considering those I am separating those into two the best case defensive tank would be a five in both which no tank has death Knights got close but anyway Warriors have a ton of options as far as tanking goes and different stuff you can do to manage your damage so now the big picture of warrior what does it look like on the screen now is going to be all the rankings that you got here to kind of be able to take a big picture in of what this Warrior is like as I'm explaining this Warriors use rage did you see this rage pool building up here you build up rage and then you spend it on lots of different things that's your rage pool you take it get taken damage you use things it builds up your rage and you spend it that's their spender and what it feels like to play is you charge it in all over the place you got an ally over here you're charging to got an enemy over here you're charging into you're leaping around really awesome it feels really like a warrior your builders in this case are things that you build up Rage with is Shield slam and Thunderclap you can see right here I have a shield slam up there's a shield slam and you are basically managing that and shield slam can have a proc where it resets its cooldown immediately just like that and then you have thunder claps and shield slam and your main thing right here is Thunderclap and shield slam you're also going to be keeping your Shield block up at all times and getting Shield block up do you see this little Shield the zombie now it's blocking the next damage is coming in Shield block costs rage as you see I'm using rage for this another thing that costs rage is this absorb Shield of ignore pain you can put an absorb on yourself that really gives another layer of Defense on yourself and you can spend your rage on all these defensive things or if you want to go a little offensive I really do love the choice that Warrior is having this way building rage back up you can choose to spend your rage on an AOE Revenge which is a swing around yourself for AOE damage or you can get if the enemy gets low Target dummies can't get low so you can also have execute which comes online at 20 you can dump your rage into dealing heavy single Target damage so the play style is honestly really fun you have procs of The Shield slam that you're hitting in there AOE damage going out you can choose what to do with your rage in four Dynamic ways of Shield block and ignore pain for defense or Revenge AOE spam and execute for offense and lastly for the warrior every tank has an active mitigation that you use this is not like Shield wall pressing Shield walls a three and a half minute cooldown for 40 damage reduction that is not active mitigation active mitigation is this Shield that I put on my shield block my ignore pain all those things so what it feels like for that is you have the rage like I just said to spend and you can choose the keep up Shield block which is usually a priority number one you're spending range on Shield block and if you take extra damage you spend ignore pain those your active mitigations both feel dynamic or if you want to trade it in for damage you can there's the warrior moving on next up on the list is a druid which I can share shift in an instant button and fly around that's just worth mentioning you have an instant fly button that is just it's just pretty great has nothing to do with tanking but okay let's go back to Bear form now here we go I'm gonna go through the rankings a bit quicker now because you understand what the overall concept of each of these categories are and then give the big picture of what it's like to play a druid druid's Mobility you would think that because they can fly around like this they'd have higher Mobility but no uh they you can't be in travel form while tanking so it eliminates things you also can't be in cat form while tanking that would not be a good idea so sticking in Bear form you don't have as much Mobility they have a three for Mobility they also have a charge just like Warriors do which is great that's awesome cool there are other only other Mobility they have is a stampeding roar which is a group Dash which affects your entire group it's really nice it's on a very very short one minute cooldown and you can give it to the rest of your group so honestly that part of it is part of the utility which Druids are really shining in uh but it is as far as Euro Mobility it just is you feel like a little tubby bear that just can't really get around all that much in comparison to some of the other classes again a three is not bad because you also have a cat Dash that she's going to be in between pulls if you're fighting this and you're in Bear form and you're inviting in Bear form and then you want a cat Dash over here okay cool but you better shift back into bear form before things get real and then you can Dash on in there for melee AOE they're about the same as a warrior they get a four like I said in most tanks that aren't going to be in anything lower than a four here swipe is a constant spam you have an infinite you have no cooldown on this swipe is one of the only tanks that has an infinite just swipe swipe swipe AOE AOE AOE all around you and then you have a thrash which is a bigger harder hitting with a bleed on it lots of AOE going out around you and then you have a tank and cool that lets you spam your even better AOE cooldown all the way around yourself you just become a whirling blade of claws but now on a very sad note and this is actually the only zero on this entire list is ranged AOE Bears get a zero for ranged AOE if I am standing here and I want to have fight something over there my best shot is just spamming Moon fire on each one of them yes it's a range thing and that's my best bet to be able to grab those things bring over here taunt uh sure I could do those things but there is nothing no sort of ranged AOE which from in my case and my personally as a tank I like having ranged AOE yeah for lots of reasons but uh Bears have none and then for displacements they do get a little bit they have typhoon which is the big pushback thing and ursol's Vortex which is similar to Bastion or whatever yeah a little swirling Whirlwind both of those though are talented and you have zero displacement if you don't Talent it so I might even put Druids out of one here but they do have two different options and typhoon is pretty good to be able to shove them back for utility now though Druids get a four like I just said you have a group Sprint buff that's constantly happening and in Mythic plus if you're trying to run things very fast that's very very useful and another thing that Druids get as a tank which is nice is a combat res you get rebirth as a druid and you are able to combat res while in Bear form all that kind of stuff and you have Mark of the wild which you could also cast in Bear form I didn't know that until recently but another great buff to give your group they also have the ability to remove curse while in Bear form I did not know that she could remove Kershaw and bear form and you can soothe while in Bear form this is also something worth noting kind of like the really cool travel form which I guess isn't going to come in to play in dungeons but you can also stealth you're the only tank that can stealth as far as in cat form you get stealth up to my boom I'm a bear and there you go on a side note they also do have hibernate cyclone innervate and Nature's vigil as far as talents go very useful moving on to self regen so self-healing they have two options here you have a rage spending frenzied region it only costs 10 rage so when I just turned into travel form no no you have a rage spinning or frenzied region right here which is a nice very cheap you have two charges of it 32 health over three seconds it is a really great passive 11 000 tickling Hill on to myself and you have a talented option of renewal which is a very big 30 instant heal so they don't have a ton of options but it's very frenzied region is just very nice constant healing that you can easily spend rage on low cool down constantly getting a little bit of heal then for defense of cooldowns I'm going to give The Druids a three so their self-healing gets a three and their defensives also get a three they have bark skin which is a nice little percent damage reduction and survival instincts another percent damage reduction which you could talent to have two charges of for some great percent damage reduction and then of course you have your active Mitigation Of Iron fur which is a very simple kind of like Shield block like we just said with Warriors they spin their rage and then they can iron fur and you get little stacks and you get a very nice percent boost you get a very nice chunk of armor boost every time you use iron fur and it Stacks so you can really be using a lot Druids also have heart of the wild for a little bit of a tank and cooldown kind of you deal more damage you get more healing and stuff uh Incarnation which is a amazing cooldown to be able to do and you can just literally spam uh your main thrash cooldown which is what I will get to here in a second but it is it feels great to be able to run in there and just Spam thrash like a madman and talents like Rage of the sleeper also helps with that self-healing as well which kind of fits into both categories there so overall a double threes for self-healing and defensive so what does it feel like to play a druid whenever you're playing a druid you're gonna be shifting well let's see you don't really shift all the time you could there are some talents that gives you Mobility after you shift in the cat and everything so that is a possibility if you want to be careful with that but don't get hit while in cat form uh but you're gonna be basically uh get thrash is going to be your main uh AOE swiping situation around you lots of it puts a DOT on your target so you're going to be using that off cooldown mangle is a proc that you're going to single Target hit a mangle and then you have your your moon fires you're going to be hitting out and that's really going to be the main thing that you're doing you have a DOT that you do have to keep up on the target which in general I hate having to keep dots up on targets so that that's for me personally I don't like that as much but in general you are going to get procs as part of your rotation that's going to kind of keep it up to where you don't have to really pay attention to it too much unless you really have multiple targets here that you really want to kind of keep it all up on while you're doing it managing mangle procs managing your moon fire procs getting thrash off cooldown and then spamming swipe in between which swipe is your AOE just constant spam AOE now for spinning rage this is does not feel as good to me as the warrior so you have three options you have iron fur which is going to give you that percent armor big chunks of armor on yourself you have the frenzied regen which gives you that trickle healing which those are both very great defensive cooldowns but the offensive side of things is Maul and Maul is a single target attack on a Target I'm trying not to be too opinionated here but it's just a single Target damage attack on one Target and it's just I wish they had some another AOE rage spender but we get models so in general you're going to probably be spending rage on your defensive cooldowns which just means you're going to be pulling more pull more AOE stuff and spin that rage on your iron Furs and your self-healing and just pull more and you'll do more damage because you're constantly spitting out aoes Druids do have great constant AOE around themselves so I can't complain too much about the whole Mall thing so there's Druids now let's move on to the next one also something real quick I wanted to point out here uh wow at night is another really great content creator here on YouTube with as far as tanks go he has lots of content on tanks check him out as well he made a great point that totally agree with and I've organized this video in this way and the big picture of this game you have offensive tanks and defensive tanks which in general offensive tanks can be more offensively oriented you can do things more offensively and trade defense for offense whereas defensive tanks are really more prioritizing that I think that's a great mind thought as far as the separation of tanks and you also have simple moderate or complex tanks how hard are they to play I purposely started this video with the two most simple tanks Warrior would be a simple defensive tank and Druids would be a simple offensive tank and then as we go through the list here paladins are going to be a moderate so we're upping the difficulty by one but they are defensive whereas demon Hunters are still moderate but offensive and then for the complex tanks you have two simple two medium and two complex as far as the skill difficulty of how hard it is to play and how much is going on and then you have offense defense offense defense offense defense for both so demon Hunters would be that moderate medium difficulty level of an offensive tank and then we have complex defensive for that for death Knights and complex offense of four monks so the big picture we have two simple tanks with Warrior and Druid Warrior being defensive Druid being offensive we have two medium level tanks between Paladin and Demon Hunter Paladin being defensive Demon Hunter being offensive and then two complex tanks with death knight and monk death knight being defensive monk being offensive I thought that was a cool differentiation between everything so here we go here we go so from Mobility for paladins they get a get a fat one they get a one it's the lowest of all the tanks yes including death knight they have the worst Mobility possibly in the game uh the only thing they have is divine Steed which is this it's you summon your mouth for half a second and then you and then that's it I have talented this thing to have more duration to have more charges and that is all that they get and uh it's just not the best their melee AOE is a four they have a lot of stuff going on in fact most of their abilities are AOE consecrations to AOE they have a blessed Hammer that swirls around them even their active mitigation is an AOE in the area around them and they have some talents that are also AOE based that have some sort of blast of energy around you and then now for ranged AOE ranged AOE they also get a four it is worth noting that in general one of their main rotation abilities of judgment is ranged as a 30 foot range for their normal one of their normal attacks which is honestly pretty nice in that regard but your Shield your Avengers shield is just bounces all over the place it is really a great range a bunch of groups come over Avenger shield and it's on a decently short cooldown and you have a talented Divine toll which does it again and look at all this and they're over there too oh my gosh so much AOE and Avengers Shields back up so I can throw it out there again great but what's not great is their displacement their displacement is also a zero there's actually a two zeros on this list I missed this one uh they have nothing to displace any enemies whatsoever but we follow that zero with a five for utility their utility is a five they also now have a combat res that that was a great already the most useful uh class as far as utility goes and they also now have a battle res they have an aura that affects the rest of their group they have blessing of Freedom that they can use to be able to Free People if they're slowed down or rooted in some way blessing Freedom takes them out of that blessing a sacrifice reduces damage that somebody else takes blessing and protection protects them from physical attacks they have a single Target stun repentance as a CT and they can cleanse toxins and diseases uh there's a lot it's a lot self healing now goes back down a little bit of a roller coaster here self-healing I would give them a two the only real thing they have is word of Glory word of glory is a holy power spinner we're gonna get in the Holy power here in a second but they only have a a which I guess we'll have to get into right now how palens work is they have holy power that you build up right here you build up up to five holy power and whenever you have three you can choose to either use it on Shield of the righteous which a we smash in front of you blast the little holy magic and shield Slam in front of your target or you can word of glory and in that case your active mitigation is Shield of the righteous you the thing that you use on yourself to keep yourself alive is Shield of the righteous so it'd feel really bad to heal yourself you're taking a bunch of damage and you heal yourself but now you can't use Shield of the righteous because it's the same cooldown so you have to choose between healing yourself or taking less damage which that part just in general feels bad but they do have uh it's set up to where there's talents that you're going to be picking where every third Shield slam so I do every third one of these I get a free word of Glory which that in general is is fine so there you go the third one pops up now I have a word of Glory I can just freely feel myself just for free and that's really their self-healing is a proc based on a third cast of an ability which in general compared to something like death strike where you just in general have the runic power you spend it and you heal yourself you have to wait for a proc or sacrifice a defensive cooldown to heal yourself which that part just feels bad I originally set a one but dark break wanted it to be a two so I was like okay but it still just feels bad but the end on a high note is another five for the Paladin is their defensives they have so many defensive cooldowns it was honestly overwhelming when I first got back into playing Paladin of how many they truly had Ardent Defender is a damage reduction guardian of the ancient Kings another damage reduction lay on hands is a full health heal for 100 of your health that's crazy it's a seven minute cooldown but still really good and signature and you can use it on other people Shield of the righteous were already talked about which is your act of mitigation blessing and protection which you can use on yourself as well Divine Shield which is immunity these this Paladin's pretty crazy uh e and eye of tear which is another damage reduction on your enemy so the the the offensives that paladins have are honestly crazy which is why I would slant them more towards a defensive style of tank but overall pretty cool so how does it feel to play a paladin we already talked about it they do have mana and if you if you purposely like cast healing spells or something your Mana does go down as you see like the healing just absolutely demolishes your Mana but you don't even have to worry about Mana whatsoever unless you're casting hard heals in yourself which you shouldn't be uh so really everything is about holy power all of your abilities you're just trying to use your abilities and just keep them all off cooldown get your holy power build up your holy power and then spend it on Shield of the righteous so you can keep up that active mitigation and that's really the whole play style also consecration you want to be standing inside of your consecration if you leave your consecration lots of different things you lose out on so you want to stand in your consecration use all of your holy power Builders off cooldown so that you can spin that Holy power on that Shield of the righteous so that then you can proc the word of Glory heal on yourself for even better stuff you truly do feel like a holy Captain America throwing out your shield and bouncing around and coming back to you you're the leader on a Battlefield so there's a lot of cool stuff going on with paladins and but overall the mobility I'll save my opinions for the end moving on Demon Hunter is now a full disclosure this is what I'm going to be maiming in dragonflight so I'm going to try not to be too uh biased here but uh here we go so starting us off with the mobility they get a 5 out of five monks came close with a you'll see in a second but they are the only ones with the five they have a jump two leaps both with damage on impact on a two charge cooldown that you can reduce down with talents to be stupid low and it has two charges absolutely crazy and you have the ability to uh offer and you can jump and glide you have a double jump and a glide on top of that Mobility uh just which is faster in general and I can fail blades which is a talent you can Dash in there you have another Talent vengeful treat to do a backflip out of there and another Talent called The Hunt to dash back in and put a huge damage and a DOT on your Target and in general you have movement speed that you gain whenever you you run and different things you do that you have higher movement speed as well and master increases it too with talents stuff but now next up is melee AOE which is another five out of five you have a lot of AOE going on around yourself first of all you have an aura of immolation aura that is a constant burning Aura around yourself better than a consecration because you move and it stays with you all of your spender abilities so in in general uh demon Hunters use pain it's basically the same thing as rage I don't know why they don't get rage but it's basically the same thing where you use certain abilities and it builds up this Rage which you only really get pain from using abilities you don't get them from Auto attacks in that way so that's a little bit of the difference there but once you have all of this pain built up you have two ways to spend it Soul cleave which is a cleave in front of you an AOE around you or Spirit Bomb which is another AOE around you that's even better that you build up souls for we'll get to how the play style Works in a second but all of your Spenders are just AOE nukes around you and you have another spender of a breath attack that turns you into a demon for a second and breathes fire in front and does a ton of damage and you have avenge for retreat this ability also deals damage at the Target location and you have an AOE stun that deals damage and stuns targets around you so tons of AOE and if you thought we were done on AOE we're not they also have a 5 out of five for ranged AOE again I'm not being balanced impartial here that's attracted by dark Mech he's I I promise you this is not too slanted they have the best ranged AOE they have sigils sigil I can put down on the ground and it explodes at the Target location also gailing uh ticking dot damage over time throw glaive is also similar to Palin where it bounces against the additional targets Paladin's Avengers shield is better but throw glaive does bounce and it is kind of nice sometimes infernal strike just like Warriors heroic leap also deals damage to the Target location but you get two charges of it so in in some kinds if I'm over here and I wanted to I could leap over there smash on them hit him for a second and leap back and talented you have Elysian decree or uh fodder to the flame both of which huge aoes but now to get into displacement here is they get a one on displacement the only thing they have is Sigil of change which is actually really hard to get to and in general you don't get so really for all intents and purposes they might be a zero here if you don't pick up sigila change but you could if you wanted to in Mythic Plus or whatever then for utility they're really not the best here they're actually the worst the lowest utility for a tank is a three they have in prison which is nice if you want to be able to stop and imprison something just to keep it out of combat if you're trying to skirt around some things in Mythic plus uh Sigil of Silence though Sigil of silence is absolutely insane you if talented it's at eight second silence which you could upgrade to a 10 second silence which is absolutely crazy amount of Silence that you can get there and they have an AOE AOE stun that we already talked about with the cast Nova now that's brand new to them and consume is a buff taker so not the most useful but they have a decent little stuff in their tool kit so not too bad next up is self-healing at a four a lot of things we already talked about they get healing from but one thing that I have not mentioned yet is Souls is a lot of these things are here whenever I'm attacking you're going to see this here this is it shows how many Souls that I have uh up around me I have four souls lots of stuff that I use with certain abilities increase the amount of souls you see these little purple things running around if I run over those I can can pick them up and get healed by them very similar to monks which we'll talk about them in a second but the cool part of that is a lot of my abilities consume those souls to deal extra damage and do other cool stuff and I get healing from that so not only do you get healing from The Souls you consume they get sucked into yourself but you get healing from the damage you deal with those abilities and you have talents and other things that let you be able to heal for fire damage you deal and Demon Hunters deal a lot of fire damage that breath ability that you get also heals you partially for the damage you deal there too and almost all of your defensive cooldowns of metamorphosis whenever you shift into your demon form you get a leech to be able to increase the healing there as well whenever you have soul Cleaves you have your talented ability that gives you a heal over time a lot of things you do have healing baked into them not a five out of five but at least you got that four right there next to the top of the king of the hill but then the last thing we got here is defensives which they are the worst at now is a two they're the lowest defensives other than that there's threes and fours and fives but they have a two in defense they're true tanking cooldown is fiery brand which is okay it's a DOT over time that reduces damage by 40 percent and other than that we have metamorphosis which is lots of different ways to enter in Metamorphosis and there's you gain Health you gain armor lots of stuff whenever you're in Metamorphosis which is nice uh and you can enter in Metamorphosis when you do your fell Devastation breath it gives you temporarily metamorphosis if you Talent it and you get little trickle heels from also the hunt too whenever you have those things so but that's technically self-healing so we won't count that so moving on to the next one next up is the death knight for this for Mobility they actually get a two deaths Advanced now pretty much has two charges whenever you Talent it but the path that you take you're probably gonna take it it's a decently long stays on you for a decent amount of time and that's just one charge and I can use the next charge to keep moving and there's talents that were the first part of the desk Advance moves even faster so honestly on a death knight I feel way more mobile than I feel like I should especially with all the Death grip stuff they can do which we'll get to they also have wraith walk which lets you another movement speed thing very similar to death Advanced but you can't be stopped as well that's another nice thing is that if there's things slow flowing around you you can use these abilities to even surpass that melee AOE is nothing special to get a four they have a passive blood boil heel around themselves they erupt disease and put a dot of AOE around them and your main attack ability your main spender has a cleave on three targets which also helps there you also have lots of things like Abominations limb as an AOE around you to kind of deal damage bone storm AOE around you deals damage decent AOE range to AOE is now a little bit of a different story they only get a two here now you would think with death and Decay and I originally ranked this higher but dark Mech is he Mains death knight so I definitely agreed with this point he made but if I'm over here and I'm tanking this them tanking over here I'm taking all these things right here and this Pack's over here and I want to grab them or just pull another group if I death and Decay I've now lost my death and Decay and a huge thing for death Knights now is standing in your death and Decay so using a death and Decay off to the side and just losing it like that is really bad for death Knights because you want to stand in it so if you're not gonna use it and then run into it then you might not you should do that now of course they do have ranged abilities just like all their classes do you can death grip them in so you're probably not going to feel like the ranged AOE is only a two because you can death grip them to you and then that solves the problem you also have graphene's grass lots of other things will get to in displacement here in a second it's not going to feel as much from that but it is kind of if you all you have to do is death in the game but moving on to this placement they are the only ones that got a five nobody else even got a four they are a five and that's the main reason why I even put this on this list to be able to compare to show that death Knight's truth they are a different breed when it comes to the death grip to be able to pull and death grip now is basically two charges that's crazy gorphine's grass pulling things in that's a talent Abominations limb pulling things in another talent but so much pulling then for utility things are still looking pretty good they get a four on utility where they have a combat res another combat resident tank gets that's pretty nice all the stuff I just said about the grips and pulling things in that kind of also counts for utility in some ways it is pretty useful in certain boss mechanics and it's almost mandatory in some raid encounters to pull enemies to certain locations even just grouping them all into one spot easily to be able to have your DPS burn them down quick is a huge utility boost on top of that death Knights also have a lot of anti-cc with the anti-magic shell anti-stuns here anti-fares and charms lots of different things that they can do to break those things and on top of that they have an anti-magic Zone which is nice if you get the talent which maybe you would get in certain raid encounters possibly a single Target stun and a cc with blinding sleet and other talent and now self-healing my goodness self-healing 5 out of five they're the only ones with a five on this one too so they are known for their self healing they have lots of different things to self-heal the main one is death strike and we'll talk about Deathstrike when we get to the death knight overview but death strike is a runic power spender that lets you heal yourself every time you hit with it based on the damage you just took so if you just took a big hit your death strike heals even more you have a blood plague disease that's on the target giving you trickle healing onto yourself you have a cool down for healing that increases the amount of healing you receive from others it's on a pretty short cooldown you have talents like blood drink or consume and you can sacrifice your ghoul to heal to and speaking of defensives this is the complicated defensive tank their defensive gets a four out of five as well so in the big picture this tank has a five for self-healing and a four for defensives totaling a nine technically and has the highest defensive score out of all the tanks a lot of the stuff I just said about anti-magic shell I found fortitude different defensive cooldowns they have dancing Rune weapon there's just something I haven't even mentioned yet and Bone Shield part of how you play a deathline is getting bone shields on yourself which reduce the damage you take from the next hits and stuff but then you also have dancing Rune weapon which oh my gosh you gained 40 Parry chance while it's up and it's up a decent amount of time back in shadowlands it was up constantly which was crazy dancing room weapon basically doubles everything that you deal so whenever you deal of one attack it also mimics the same attack you do which is very great quality of life for all the different stuff that you play with which we'll get to in a second and it's a great offensive and defensive cooldown so now the big picture of Death Knight what does it feel like first of all this is the first complex costume going over and as you see here I have runes basically certain abilities cost runes to use and certain abilities cause runic power to use you have two different things which adds to a little bit of the complexity which honestly doesn't feel too crazy complex but that's probably because I played a death knight for years because whenever I started writing out what the death knight does I was like man this is kind of complicated but I'm not trying to do a full-blown guide on this but how you play a death knight is you see this bouncing zero in front of me that's a week or that I have of not be having bone shields on me because death Knights need bone shield on you this is your active mitigation you need to have this stack on you it does increase your haste while you have it on you and it can stack up to 10 times it costs two of these runes that we just talked about down here it costs two rooms to use and you're using it to be able to stack this 10. every time you get hit it does take one down so this is one thing that you're juggling as a death knight to keep up this 10 Stacks or keep up at least five stacks of bone shield on yourself sir it's one thing you're going to be keeping track of as these runes are coming off and you're going to spend your runes and as you spin runes you get runic power and then you can spend your runic power so as I spin around I get ruining power I spend around I get rid of power I spend a room I get runic power and then you can spend that runic power on death strikes which is the big huge thing that's going to heal you for a percentage it's going to heal you for the part of the damage you deal with it and it's also going to heal you for part of the damage you just received so if you can strategically which here comes the skill in here if you take a big hit and you immediately Death Strike you're going to have a much beefier heal for that Death Strike but some of the nice stuff is every time you use this ability called Morrowind you get three of these bone stack charges but if I use dancing room weapon everything gets doubled and as when I use dancing room weapon I get more stacks of it here is when I press it now it doubles the amount of what I'm doing so instead of three it gives me six and there's even things you can go to even go further than that but the big picture of playing a death knight as you can see it is a little complicated uh is I'm going to be moral rending to keep my bone Shields up if that's not a playstyle you want to be able to keep track of a buff that's on yourself it's almost like keeping track of a DOT now that I think about it that an enemy is attacking it off of you and you have to keep using this ability to keep it up on yourself that's like a game you're playing the whole time while you're doing this uh you're also spending runes to build up your runic power to be able to death strike and the important part there is you always want to have a desktop see your right now I don't have the ability I have to have at least 35 there we go now I can death strike you almost want to be sitting on enough runic power to death strike but then you don't want to cap yourself so you want to dance between enough to be able to death strike if you need to based on taking a big hit that you didn't see coming and you don't want to cap your runic power so that's another game you're playing with yourself and you also have blood boil which is that AOE that hits all around you to keep the disease on all your targets and you want to be standing inside of your death in Decay so yeah I mean this is kind of complicated compared to the the warrior so keeping up a shield on yourself to make sure that you have this bone shield on yourself casting a ability off cooldown to keep all of your dots up on the target spending your runes so you can gain runic power to then spin the runic power on heels to heal yourself while standing in death and Decay man that does sound like a lot but man oh man will you be rewarded for that as you are gripping things from all around the map to yourself spreading your diseases death and decays all over the place great defensives great utility big picture solid moves for the death knight and they're a little more mobile now too last step is the monk now so I'm gonna do this Monk and go through the whole breakdown then we're gonna do the big picture of all the tanks at once to try and truly help you find that final big picture for which tank you want to play for Mobility they get a four they have a lot of great Mobility at one point they were out of five but then when I got in the Demon Hunter they just have so much movement it's stupid how much movement they have I love it uh so I really just had to give them a four just out of respect for the Demon Hunter and their craziness but they do have uh another tool just like the Demon Hunter they have two charges of their move in this way this little torpedo Dash they have a strange ability that you really have to think outside the box to use correctly but I I love that about it you can put an anchor down over here and then you can pre and then switch places with it I absolutely love that and there's so many really cool things you can do with this teleport it's like a warlock's demon Circle where you put an anchor and you can teleport back to it lots of really cool stuff you can do there and they also have this weird it's almost like a death grip meets Warrior charge where you can charge to a Target but it they meet you halfway so if there's they're here and you're here and then you use it's called Clash you meet in the middle kind of cool and now going to AOE they have a five out of five on AOE them and Demon Hunters at melee AOE around themselves if anything maybe the monks should get a six because they are just absolutely crazy just to quickly list off they have a spammable I guess that was a lie earlier they do have a spammable like The Druids do they have a spammable AOE it does cost energy to you so maybe it's not truly spammable but it basically is they have a breath of fire that goes out in front of them they have a totem that they can put down on the ground that deals AOE damage another one that deals AOE damage and it's a easy Talent that's almost like the spinning Jade kick uh for more AOE and now for ranged AOE they do have a lot and I gave them a three on this I almost gave them a four but then the paladins and all of the throwing the Shields and stuff I really I give them three and a half maybe for for this uh monk here they have cake smash which is a great ability you have two charges of it if you're talented it's a ranged throw so if I'm over here and some mobs come in here I can easily just lob over a keg that way for throw it over it's not the best that's that's the range of it right here 15 yard range right there so it's not the farthest so again that's not the best but then they have my favorite cooldown in the game My Favorite cool it's it's exploding keg it's absolutely crazy huge amount of explosive fire damages it hits so hard it's it's really fun to use uh it's just a huge AOE nuke you also have a Qi wave ability that you can send out it damages and heals and bounces all over the place so overall pretty decent now moving on to displacement which is also pretty decent they have a clash which is the thing I just said about the the dash where it meets you halfway which kind of pulls them a little bit they also have a really unique thing it's in their talents but whenever they taunt whenever a monk taunts with it's called Hasty provocation when they taunt the enemy runs to you very quickly almost like a death grip but a little slower and then there's Ring Of Peace which is it does not let enemies enter into it that is great on certain affixes and Mythic plus absolutely great and clutch moves very unique displacement absolutely good um utility is a four for monks they actually have some solid utility Tiger's lust is a movement kind of like blessing of Freedom it's a movement speed boost and they can use it on allies AOE stun kicked down for an entire group you have paralysis which is similar to AOE knockdown stun around your self paralysis as a CC on a Target Transcendence that will teleport thing blip around that's can be used in utility situations as well uh ring a piece also another utility and they also have detox like a cleanse type of situation so pretty useful not ultimately useful I think that's maybe maybe it could be like a 3.7 for that but overall good utility self-healing though is a two I'd put them down with the pallons as far as self-healing goes it just they have three different things they have a Celestial brew that gives you an absorb Shield that you can also boost in other ways they have two charges of a healing Elixir cooldown that's is a straight up 15 heal and then they have expel harm which in the same way like demon Hunters whenever monks attack they have things that have these little healing orbs that pop up around and these little healing orbs pop out you can go grab them or whatever or you can press expel harm and it brings them to you similar to a Demon Hunter that way so there's a little bit of healing there but overall in practice it just doesn't feel like that much healing so I originally did put this at a three for healing because they have a lot of options for healing so maybe with some tuning but who knows what's going to happen over the span of dragonflight maybe right now as you're watching this video the healing's not too bad so they do have healing options for defensives I would give them also a three they have a little bit more than Demon Hunter but not much they have simple cooldowns like damp and harm which is a straight up damage reduction and then fortifying Brew is actually really good it has Dodge chance armor chance increase your maximum health it's a very well-rounded tanking cooldown invoke nazao also increases your stagger which we haven't even talked about stagger because I'm going to save it for right now monks have stagger it is one of if not the best tanking thing in the game whenever you take damage you don't actually take exactly that damage right away if you were gonna get hit for ten thousand you wouldn't really get hit for ten thousand you get hit for the the math we're gonna try and get the numbers on it you get hit for less than that let's say you just hit hit for yeah it basically says you delay a portion of physical damage based on your agility instead of to and it spreads it out over 10 seconds right so so basically the damage you take you don't immediately take you take some of it maybe the bulk of it but then you have a DOT over time on yourself for the damage to spread out over 10 seconds making it a lot easier on healers so you're less spiky and you can't just get one shot out of nowhere because if even if you took a hit that would have one shot you it won't one shot you but then it puts a DOT on you that eventually would one shot you so it gives a little ticking timer on yourself which also plays into their active mitigation that I've purposely saved till right now they have something called purifying Brew I can't demonstrate this here on the target dummies but you have this little purifying brew that you can drink and it clears 50 of that delayed damage with your stagger so if you take a whole bunch of damage and you have this huge dot on yourself from all the damage that you would have taken that's being spread out over 10 seconds you drink this purifying brew and it cuts that in half so if you're not taking too much damage don't worry about it but if you take some spike damage in your stagger which also changes you have a debuff on yourself it's green if it's a little bit of stagger yellow if it's a lot of stagger and red if you have like a really big stagger on you because if you think about it you're getting hit a lot that damage over time could get to be huge and that's when you start drinking your purifying Brews and you reduce that kind of healing yourself no it basically is healing yourself you know what I'm going to give the monk self-healing I'm gonna give it back up to a three based on purifying Brew because basically you're cleansing off a DOT on yourself that it would have dealt damage to you which is basically healing but that in itself as I just explained is a little bit more complicated compared to a class that just takes damage or takes less damage you actually are taking damage spreading it out over time and having to actively pay attention to and drink a certain cooldown that has two charges to be able to reduce that stagger down because if you don't manage your stagger well and if you don't do all those types of things and other things is your rotation you will get so much stagger on you if you don't cleanse it off it will become unhealable and you'll just die so playing a monk what does it feel like feels like whack-a-mole it feels absolutely you feel like crazy it's the only class that I play this they have the most abilities in their active cool down rotation list they have cake smash that you're going to be smashing on your enemies and then once you kick smash you want to breathe fire on that which ignites the alcohol of The Keg smash that exploded on the people so now there's a fire dot on them you have two different kicks why are there two kicks I don't know why why do they have two kicks but part of the monk also is something called Shuffle which is using different abilities and not using the same ability over and over which is part of their play style which gives them even more tanky survivableness so again I'm using all abilities I'm going down the list I have my kick I have another kick I have an AOE spin around myself I have the bouncing thing I go around myself I have the spinning crane kick I can use oh but now this is back off of cooldown and now this is I know the kick this kicks up now this kicks back up now my spinny spins back up and now I'm going to filler with the I'm going to use my filler with a spinning kick oh but now the fire breaths back up and my kegs back up oh man literally you just feel like you are mashing buttons all over the place now there's there's a lot of room for air you don't have it's not like you have to do a certain exact you just mash them literally just you could probably get away with just literally mashing all all of the buttons in whichever one was up would be cast you really probably could but at the same time it leads to a high skill ceiling of actually using them specifically knowing how to shift that you have an AOE filler of this spinning crane kick and you also have a single Target filler of Tiger Palm so there's a lot of buttons at your disposal here there's a lot and that's part of the skill at this point is you need a lot of key bindings I have a whole key binding video that I've done on the channel I'm going to be coming out with more keybinding videos so stay tuned for that if you want help with that because I don't have problems with keybinding because I have very efficient keybinds and I actually I could I could get into that but keybinds aren't a problem for me on the monk so I don't feel that too bad and stagger and all of that I have weak Wars to track the Stagger because the default interface for stagger is not good as far as the game goes it does not help you manage your stagger well so you need a weak or to do that which I also have videos in week Wars so the cons for me of the monk are diminished in that way a little bit but it is a lot of buttons to press and smash and it really does when I think it feels like I'm like playing a piano or something very good aggressively all over the place I also think with the monk there's some Next Level plays you can make with this ring of Peace thing and moving enemies around the teleport thing where you can move over here and then teleport back to your spot you have a lot of mobility and they have the healing orbs that are around you you have the purifying bruise that you're drinking and uh lots of different stuff that go on with a lot of different options and a lot of buttons to press and a lot of AOE damage they have huge crazy AOE damage I know I'm not really talking about damage in this video but probably monk will have the best AOE damage throughout the whole time it's just so baked into their kit and they have so many things that's just going on and spinning around them and I actually see that as part of the complex offensive tank that I really love about monks onto the big picture now here we go the big picture of everything this chart is linked down in the description uh there's a link to my patreon and it is a free post on my patreon where I make things like this all the time for my patrons I have week orders for my patrons each of the each of the classes I just got on and you saw the week orders that I was actively using all of those are available to my patrons as a simple download as you can easily just go snag and grab yourself import them customize them tweak them around owls along with macros and lots of other stuff that I give my patrons to help support and make all of these things possible that I can do what I do so thank you to you patrons um but you can go pick this chart up over here also let me change this monk self-healing there we go and that should be on that chart there but this is the big picture and what I would say for you is think of what is important to you when you want to play a tank what category is the most important for you do you really care about having a bunch of defensive cooldowns and yourself healing or do you even want self-healing to be responsible for that because if you don't like self-healing you probably pick one of these tanks because they don't have to really rely as much self-healing themselves if you just want to use your active mitigation use your defensive cooldowns and then the Healer will take care of you cool Paladin would be great for that because you don't even really heal yourself that much and the Healer you you def you you basically become immune to so much damage that you might not even need heal so that's a totally different play style than death knight which also still has a lot of defensives but you're going to do a lot of self-healing so maybe Demon Hunter would be the opposite of Paladin where they have a lot of self-healing not so much defensives which for myself to add in a little bit there I'm personally fine with I like being in charge of myself and being in control of this so if I pug in a Mythic plus I don't have to hope that the healer is good I just know I got myself covered and the hope and the healers the Healer can help out another big one is mobility how important is mobility for you because for me Mobility is huge right so I was immediately drawn toward Demon Hunter and monk right and then I also I play Demon death knight for a very long time but I think the thing that got me away with that is this displacement here because you really can think of this this feels like more of a four to me whenever I play a death knight because I can just pull things to me I don't need to run to it if I just pull it to me you know because a lot of times in that situation where you're in a spot you got to pull things you gotta go grab those things if you have a death knight and there's just one or two of them you just pull it to you and then taunt the other one done and it's super simple so uh this order actually for the record is my favorite tanks in order this might change later on in dragonfly but this is my current favorite order of tanks from favorite to least favorite down here and Paladin I'm sorry but it's just oh it's it's rough but what's important to you AOE and how much AOE do you have this is important I love AOE I love Mobility I'm a Mythic plus tank so yes please this is exactly a Mythic plus tank for me I'm gonna zip around and grab everything and nuke it all down I don't need to displace it because I can jump to it and my utility okay maybe I can trade that off I'm sorry guys I'm not as useful but uh here we go I'll also change gears and show you this chart now which gets them all color coded so you can see where all the fives are who's got the fives and actually I should probably change this again here to the the yellow right there there you go so the reds are going to be zeros and ones about like they just really not good at that it feels very bad for me on a druid to not have that range day away and I have to just run around as this little bear that can't really dash that much because my Mobility is not that good I ranged AOE is not that good my displacement's not that good I literally can't play Druid for those reasons and that's why I've chopped off Druid myself personally a paladin I've chopped off because the mobility is just absolutely terrible and they have no displacement so again I'm in that same kind of spot but at least with the Paladin I have the ranged AOE to throw that around I personally have put palins at the very bottom for me because I don't like the holy power spender thing it feels like Rogue combo points it basically is Rogue combo points and I hate the combat combat points combo point system I just don't like it so that's why these two are down for me I really have gone back and forth with Monk and Warrior I love the mobility of Monk I will be playing these top three pretty regularly Warriors feel great now with the new changes from dragonfly and they really do feel so much like a warrior so I probably will play them too just maybe not as much and I've there's all the reasons I had for the other ones and now what you might have been waiting for is this total reveal here and there are the numbers four the totals added together I had to do it by no means am I saying that this is like who's better or worse and all that kind of stuff but I maybe kind of is and in my opinion I'm going to be playing these three I I like the I like what they got going on I think they offer a lot to the table and again this is patches will change and go up and down and stuff but I think these still ring true to how you play them what it feels like to play them it feels bad to play a druid for those reasons I just said it feels bad to play a paladin because they're just missing some things here if I had to play Warrior I feel like they're missing some things here who knows but let me know what you think Down Below on this tank video this is a very different tank video a lot of effort and work has gone into this thank you again to dark Mech uh for helping and collaborate in this way and I hope this truly truly helped you figure out which tank you want to play because I know I spent hours and days and days going back and forth and figuring out which one and I went through this entire journey and I hope that I condensed it into one video to help you through your journey so stay creative think outside the box peace
Channel: Dungeon Coach Gaming
Views: 43,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeon Coach Gaming, World of Warcraft Dragonflight, WOw Dragonflight, wow guide, dragonflight tank tier list, dragonflight main class, dragonflight what to main, dragonflight tank rankings, dragonflight tier list tank, dragonflight tank tier, main tank in dragonflight, dragonflight tank comparison, dragonflight tier list pve, wow dragonflight tank, WoW Tank Guide, Beginner WoW Tank Guide, WoW Dragonflight Druid monk paladin warrior demon hunter death knight
Id: d9LFx3xI2U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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