How to Create Macros | WoW Macro Beginners Guide

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hey there and welcome to dungeon coach gaming we are talking about macros and this is gonna be the one macro video to rule them all because I have watched so many macro videos and I've still been confused I've dug through so many research on how they work the scripting and all these things and I feel like I have to be a professional coder to be able to understand it but I'm here to break it down for you in the most simple way possible so you can make any macro that you want all it for all intents and purposes unless you're going crazy out there most any macro how they work the general functionalities of mouse over macros at player Target macros at cursor macros to be able to just hold your cursor somewhere and put something there it's super super simple and the way that you organize it and how they work off it makes it super super easy so first we're going to talk about how macros work in the conditions and certain things like that as far as like whenever you're thinking about what you want to do and what kinds of words you would need to do to use those because a lot of times you're going to save yourself a lot if you can just really watch this video and understand and learn it you're not gonna have to dive through forums and all this kind of stuff and also if you do need to dive through forums you're going to be able to understand what it is you're looking at because I now can look at a macro and be able to break down what parts of it are what I want and what parts of it don't and even switch them around to make it how I want it exactly and then we're going to make some macros here also live so let's get into it so first up we're going to tap slash m here and that's going to pull up your Macros you have General macros which you have a bunch of right here and then you have specific macros to your character in general I like to have a lot of my default templates here as you see a bunch of question marks here and then specific ones just for my character you can you can obviously uh put there as you see here the very first macro in this thing is a one shot a one a one button One-Shot macro which we'll actually we'll talk about that too but for now let's make a new macro when you first open up this thing it has every single image ever so in general I just press spacebar and then okay and that's going to let the automatic pilot stuff be able to plug in something right now it's just the default question mark I always start off my macros because I usually put my macros down here you can see all my my keybinds are down here this is my weak horse but my actual buttons are all down here this is Domino's overlay but I'm going to type hashtag show tooltip well everybody always understands that one and I'm going to press just press enter I if you say show tool tip and then you say a specific spell name then you could totally do that and in fact even just to show you right here you can do show tool tip and I'll just do Smite and if I if I press save you're going to see that this now turns to Smite and you can see the actual Smite icon here also as a quick little tip here if you hold down control on your keyboard and press backspace it Backspaces one word instead of just one letter so if I if you have Smite there instead of pressing backspace backspace backspring all the time you can just have hold down control and there you go but that's shorthand for most keyboards so show tooltip if I don't want to type it or if it's something a lot longer like a leap of faith and I don't want to type out leap of faith hold down shift left click and it puts it in for you and you can just save yourself some time there if you want to have your spell book open and then just be typing these things in there and now if I click save it pops it to leap of faith so if I put this down here on my bar let's just put it right here if I Mouse over it it shows the tool tip down there in the corner leap of faith awesome great and you can see it just keeps it's showing it right there bottom right corner awesome great but I don't really care about leap of faith right now we're gonna just have and I held down control and backspace too much but anyway that's what show tooltip does after that if you don't put anything here it is going to smartly figure out what spell you're trying to show the tool tip for and do it for you so as you see for a lot of these macros I have show tooltip and it shows the war of Shadows but I didn't actually put show table tip door of Shadows here you just don't have to it'll smartly be able to pick up what kind of spell that you are want to show the tool tip for next you're going to type slash cast which is going to be if you want to cast a spell and I know yes if you're a warrior and you're using an ability that is a slash cast it's going to be what you use 90 of the time or you can do Slash use if you want to do a trinket so if you want to use a trinket you can open up your character page you can hold down shift and press your trinket and it types in that right there A lot of times you could grab these Trinkets and put them on your action bars but if you don't have that tricking equipped and you press this it equips it for you and I don't accidentally want to equip wrong trinkets so I like to use a macro for that instead Slash use that and there you go but let's start to get a little fancy now so let's go back to that slash cast Smite situation so I have Smite click save now it's obviously Smite capitalized Smite you should be capitalizing things the macro doesn't like it when you don't so if I were to take this macro I'm going to put it down here I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna move my my buttons around here for a second I'm going to put it on my R button here I select the target I press r it casts Smite how crazy is that y'all look at that I'm using a macro to cast Smite but now let's say you want to do a mouse over macro and let's say if I if I have this targeted over here this is the main target but over here there's something I want to cast the spell on I can Mouse over it you see that it's mousing over if I press r i want to cast it on that thing oh but it casts it on my target ah dang it here's where the meat and potatoes of this macro thing comes in here this is Smite this very basic way to cast Smite but instead I want to put something before it slash cast I'm gonna put a bracket this bracket is to the default no shift commands it's right next to p on the keyboard this bracket is going to tell me I'm going to even close the brackets you see I have a bracket with Smite there slash cast there's a open and a closed bracket there literally nothing inside it just touching for the sake of this example and then Smite inside of that bracket is going to be what conditions you're telling this macro to do in order to work the way you want so let's get into these conditionals the first thing before we get into fancy stuff like Mouse overs I'm going to talk about help and harm I'm going to type in harm in here alright cool save and now if I cast smite I I'm targeting an enemy and I can cast Smite that is absolutely redundant you don't need that but what's interesting is if I do if I type in here and I press help this means this is an ally harm means enemy Health means Ally and it is saying I'm gonna cast Smite at an ally what what so this is not gonna work here watch and you even see the the tooltip disables I pressed Smite here and and I am targeting it I said slash cast Smite and it's not working because I put a conditional of it must be an ally but you can't cast Smite on an ally right so I'm trying to show a very obvious thing here to show you why this would not work now if I backspace this completely and go back to just the bracket bracket which that bracket bracket will meet make sense here in a second okay I can cast the game because I haven't put any conditionals out there it's just like hey cast my I don't care now let's go back to some conditionals here let's say that I want to put it at my mouse over so now I have a condition I have to have a mouse over to cast Smite so if I click save and if I don't have a mouse over you see how my my mouse is over nothing right now I'm pressing R nothing is happening because this macro says slash cast I'm going to cast the spell warning it has to be a mouse over you have to have a mouse over Target and then you can Smite the mouse over Target that is the conditional it is restricting me that I have to have a mouse over which this is not a good macro right now but if I hold my mouse over it now I can cast Smite again so I have to have a mouse over that's the part part so a lot of times you can put comma and you can list off multiple conditionals that have to happen in order for the spell to cast there's there's a ton of different thick conditions you can put in here but Within These brackets first priority is going to be a mouse over Target within that bracket a lot of people like to put exists here so that the target actually exists and you can't cast Smite on a dead body or something that's actually not there so a lot of mine have exists in here or you could also put no dead that just means it's not dead currently so a lot of times if you have like certain macros that you want to like Shield or other things you want to put on things you don't want to Shield a dead body you got a powered Shield or cast spells at a dead body or whatever if there's a pile of bodies and you want to click like this one and then they get in the way it just helps clean up that and get that out of the way let's go ahead and just keep this I'm gonna have this be exist so the target has to exist but the problem here with this macro is I have to have a mouse over and if I don't have a mouse over I can no longer cast the spell no mouse over now I have a mouse over I want to be able to cast this spell without having to have a mouse over at my target I do have a Target selected I want to cast this at that but I can't so how can I do that you have to ask yourself priorities it's going to do a priority here of what's more important it's going to do the first one this macro is trying to cast Smite and the first priority we've told it is it must have a mouse over and if there is a mouse over then it will cast it right there's a bunch of if then statements true false statements basically it's looking for the first true statement it comes to and what I mean by true statement is a yes it's asking questions is there a mouse over Target if the answer is yes it's going to do that if the answer is no it's going to do the second thing so the second thing we're going to put here is after these brackets I'm going to put a a bracket Open Bracket and then close bracket that might seem really weird and looked like I made an error there but I'm going to click save now and you even saw it activated so now what this is doing there's two priorities each bracket is a priority second priority third priority so the first priority it's saying is I'm going to cast Smite but the first priority is a mouse over Target and it's going to ask itself do you have a mouse over Target and if the answer is yes it's going to cast my the mouse over Target because that's the first priority first in the list but if the answer is false or no there's not a mouse over Target like right now I don't have a mouse over Target it's going to keep going down to the second priority and the second priority is who cares just cast Smite like we showed in the very beginning and then I can cast my I'm going to Mouse over this guy over here now I'm going to press my macro oh my gosh it's smiting my mouse over Target but as soon as I lose my mouse over Target it now defaults to my target here's the thing just to make this fully make sense if I were going here and I backspace that and I go to the very front of this whole thing so after cast if after cast I do my bracket bracket now that bracket bracket who cares cast Smite no conditions whatsoever if that's in the front then nothing else after it will ever happen because it's going to go to this first priority and check it first and it's going to be like who cares just cast Smite it doesn't matter and it's just gonna cast Smite and right here I'm casting Smite I don't have a mouse over Target right here you see I'm see it see how it's casting at my Target and I go over here I'm mousing over this I'm mousing over this but it's still casting on the first thing because it's just cast and smite who cares it's on my target whatever it's like the default casting of smite a bracket bracket is literally if I went to my spell book here out of my spell book click Smite where's freaking Smite there we go if I literally targeted this and click smite that's what this bracket bracket is doing it's not fancy at all it's just Mindless and simple so the very first priority here is bracket bracket that means it's never going to even care for the mouse over macro because about the true false thing I talked about it's going to see first priority is this true yeah just go for it so if you get a yes you're never going to go down the line to the other priorities that's why you have to think about the priority system here so I have to put this at the end of the macro so if I go down here to the Smite okay cool bracket bracket there we go now we're back to normal and I can go over here and it's checking do you have a mouse over Target oh I oh you do okay cast Smite there and it's going to cast Smite at that Mouse over Target and then if I simply move over here it's gonna be like do you have a mouse over Target and it's going to check and it's like oh no no you don't have a mouse over Target okay then default to the normal smitecast and we Smite at the normal Target I hope that makes sense oh my God timeout people I just learned something here within this video and I'm sharing it here immediately with you guys this is amazing as you see here in this macro I've been playing around with no dead and exists but here's the thing as you saw in my macro whenever I had exists here let's put exist here it's asking does the mouse over Target exist and if the answer is yes it casts it at that Target but if I'm over here and the mouse over Target does not exist let's keep it the same I'm going to Target this guy and we're Mouse in over here if the mouse over exists it casts at the mouse over but if the mouse over does not exist it casts it normally here's the interesting part though if we take out exists you need exists in there and I did not know this until just now if I take out exists I thought that would work great because it'd be like do you have a mouse over no okay go to the next thing but here's the thing it's saying Mouse over and it's just saying no no you're going to cast it at the mouse over so if I right now it doesn't work I just broke the macro just with that exist tag in there I just I broke the macro because it's trying to cast Smite here at my mouse over where there is nothing so you need the exists thing in there because there's all the conditions for it to say no you don't have a mouse over stupid macro keep going so if I sorry sorry this person's just disrupting the whole video here [Music] so if I Mouse over over this and I have a mouse over here it does it casts it at the mouse over great but as soon as I lose a mouse over Target now the macro is broken right so that's why you have to have in here exists so I put back in exists and the macro is now fixed again I don't have to have a mouse over to be able to cast Smite at the Target I currently am select let's keep going just so you can fully see what this whole thing's about I want to go in and add a third layer here also what if I also want to add a focus Target into this whole situation it's where if I have a focus I want to cast it at my focus so I'm going to put in another bracket here I have my mouse over exists and I'm going to put bracket I'm going to open up a bracket I'm going to put at Focus sending it at my focus is the target the mouse over is my target the focus is my Target and then who cares is my target which is the last thing here so at Focus if I close this bracket I now have three brackets I have a mouse over a focus and the who cares the normal cast mind so right here if I go here I now have broken my macro again wait what the heck how did you break your macro I thought it was just working so it's checking for a mouse over and if I do have a mouse over I'm mousing over that far one it works and it's fine because that first condition of the three is saying does there a mouse over yes there is and it'll cast it at the mess over as soon as it gets that middle part here where it says Focus it's a if I don't have a mouse over so now that first condition is a no I don't have a mouse over and it goes to that second condition for the focus and it says is there a focus and the answer is no so the macro stops but if I put a focus let's target this guy I'm gonna make it my focus and my add-on you can see an arrow pointing down to this this is threat plates I have a whole video on threat plates now that is my focus Target so now let's go we'll Target this middle guy right here I'm going to Mouse over this guy and it should work because my first condition is mouse over and it sees that and I'm mousing over okay cool and now if I take out the mouse over it should cast and it sure is it's casting at my focus Target it's casting at the Target dummy that's my focus let's say I want to cast it here and let's say I don't have a focus and I remove my focus so let me escape and I move my focus I don't Target anything I remove my focus and no more Focus here and then I want to cast mine to my target I literally I literally can't cast mine to my target accidentally Mouse over there and then I could that's a bad macro so if I go here I need my focus to exist again there's this key word here slash or a comma exists and now I have fixed my macro because now if I hold the mouse over it will Mouse over and then let's go ahead and put this guy back to my focus if I have a Focus right now I'm targeting this thing but the macro says I'm going to cast Smite at my focus and there it is I cast The Spine in my focus but then if I don't have a focus and let's back all the way out of this thing if I don't have a focus anymore I don't have a mouse over right I'm not mousing over anything I don't have a focus nothing's focused then it just cast Smite at my dang Target and there we go it makes so much sense so now let's look at some more conditions and some other macros here so I'm going to go to something very simple light now that's a little bit too complicated there we go so this is my master spell I have my master spell here and it says show tool tip okay and it's going to obviously be whatever spell that's cast later on and there's a show to it now here I'm just gonna be a pet peeve right now I'm going to add a space there I like to have spaces in between um so I can really see it better because it's already confusing enough slash cast and now the condition I've set is my cursor the target is always my cursor it's not going to and if I if I go in here if I remove this whole cursor situation just so you can see what this the default of this thing looks like if I press R it pulls up this targeting reticle lots of spells death and Decay lots of targeting ground area effects I have this whole situation it's very inefficient to hold my cursor press R and then have to click my God that's inefficient no thank you so it might be weird to get used to but trust me you're gonna like it open up a bracket oops sorry slash cast space open up a bracket it's now at cursor cursor close the bracket now it's only going to be at my cursor so now it's going to skip entirely it knows the target it knows where to go it's right here so whenever I press r so whenever I press r what the heck I misspelled cursor it wasn't working I was like oh my gosh what's happening here it's cursor there we go cursor okay so whenever I press R now it just cast smash the spell at my cursor how simple is that now we're going to transition into modifiers on these macros to be able to embed modifiers as conditions right we have cursor conditions we're about to get to player conditions here in a second in fact this would be better if I go over to my death knight alright this is the perfect time now here on my death knight to have a targeting reticle thing and to break down I found this macro online on the internet and I found this months ago before I now know what I know and hopefully you can dissect this with me look at this tool tip this is the one I found off the internet and this is the one that I've created this one is more efficient and you can even see it's just more efficient than this one because this just can get a little clunky and this one's nice and clean in the same way that I've laid out here so let's dissect what this actually means show tool tip everybody knows what that means now slash cast and the condition that they're saying the first condition here there's also two slash casts the way that this person's organized the macro isn't wrong it's just I think of it better in the way that I have the first slash cast that is true is going to be the one that it does so like I said with all these different brackets that we have I am just concept they have separated it out into different slash casts in fact if you want to see the the Smite macro I had a second ago here's this Smite macro if I were to go into this Smite macro and break it down and do slash cast each and every time I can do the exact same thing as this slash cast that would be the same thing it's just a very unnecessary now some people might like to see that better and they see the cast that's the first condition the second tier and the third tier see what I'm saying here in fact I wouldn't even need these brackets here because it's just saying slash cast Smite right so anyway that is kind of what they're that's what they're doing here with this I'm going to be a little bit more efficient here with how it looks like there but again up to you if you want to type it this way they are saying if there's no modifier held down of the button shift it's going to be at the cursor it's death and Decay that just doesn't makes a lot of sense to me it's saying that they're looking for if there's a shift bonifier held down or not and the answer is no so if there's no shift modifier down it's going to cast death indicate the cursor and that sure is what it does and so the Q it's going to cast death indicate okay at my cursor no problem but if I hold down shift now and press that same button the targeting reticle appears because the second condition there says modifier shift death and Decay but even this is still just was a little weird and confusing to me so I did some testing around and I made this macro which I'll now put in place of that and this macro makes a lot more sense to me it's slash cast all right we're talking about death and Decay slash cast if there's a first condition if there's a modifier of the button shift held down past death and Decay just like you normally would because there it is it's pulling up the targeting reticle and here it is right there now I could left click if I wanted to really pinpoint accuracy where this whole thing's going but if I don't hold down shift and I just press the button like normal it'll cast it like normal because that second condition just says at cursor which is what we just talked about with the mask the spell thing so from the macros perspective if there's not a shift button down it skips that first one this first little thing that says mod shift it says Nope there's not a modifier shift on to the next one which that second one is at cursor and then there's my cursor and it casts death into k at my cursor so now let's have some fun and let's make a new one I want to go crazy here and make a new one here so I want to make a macro right a four death and Decay we're going to do show tool tip slash cast Okay I want to make a macro that if I just press it it casts it at my cursor but if I hold down shift it's going to cast it at my feet now in the game if you do at player that is the target being the player it casts these ground reticle things at your feet like a priest Angel feather could be cast at your feet anything that's directly on you so the more specific thing with the more details to it is going to be the first thing I do because I need to have that be a no and then I can just cast it as how it normally wants so the thing that's more specific like the mouse over thing that's more specific and I'm purposely targeting something I want the mouse over thing to be first because if I put the mouse over thing last it's never going to happen because the things that come before it are always going to happen so I have to put the whole myself thing so what we're going to do is we're going to bracket mod colon shift so that means if the shift modifier is down comma at player so that is going to be at the player so that's the first condition if I hold the shift modifier down and in fact I'll go ahead and do uh death and Decay okay so putting this macro in here you see there's still a question mark but that's fine we're going to put that question mark in here and if I hold down shift so the modifier of shift is being held down and I'm going to press that button and it puts it right under my feet you see my character is at the center of that reticle I am the center of that so if I'm like running around I don't know where Mouse is I can just wobble and I can put it down right at my feet very very convenient for Death Knight sigils or even Master spell I have that as an option for my priests and stuff that's awesome and that's great but I want to be able to cast at my cursor over here and if I press the Q button nothing's happening right it's off cooldown death indicates off cooldown nothing is happening because I don't have a normal cast of this death and Decay anywhere that I can just actually do so my second condition here my second condition bracket and I'm going to do at cursor close bracket and now click save oh my goodness and you see how it activates now it's almost like we know what we're doing it activates now because the first condition is very specific I have to be holding down shift and it casted at me and if I if I'm not holding down shift then the answer is always false false false false and nothing's ever going to happen right but if I have a second condition where the first one's false again I put the more specific one first because it's going to be saying false unless I'm holding down shift um the second condition is cursor and I always have a cursor it's fine so save the macro and then I press q and oh my gosh it casts it way over there at my cursor but now let's say it's coming off cool down here let's run in here I I don't have a cursor I don't know what's going on I don't know what's going on uh and sometimes and I don't know if you've ever had the seven if your mouse is way up here and you hold down right click and you don't know where you're going and you press an ability that's at cursor and it's just like way off in a distance you have no idea what's going on uh that's another thing that I like here for this if things get a little crazy so let's say I want to cast it at my feet I run in here my mouse click is right down I'm going to hold down shift and press it it doesn't matter I'm a cursor is because I've just passed it at my player around my player's feet back to the priest and even making this video I see all these old macros that I had where I had this old template so this is mind blast macro which is regular casted a damaging Spell slash cast at Mouse over exists harm okay great uh harm probably you can only cast mind blast out of harm so that might be unnecessary but we're gonna leave that out there but you still have that mind blast colon mind blast this is all this is instead of doing this instead of doing this what we now have have now if again if I just did this this would not be good I would need a mouse over I would have to add in there the bracket bracket and that bracket bracket is the next condition I would like to say so I like to have the format of Slash cast my brackets in as many brackets as I need the last bracket being a bracket bracket just to cast the spell as usual and then mind blast okay so I looked this up for you guys these are Target modifiers for macros at player we already talked about that's where you cast it centered on you at Target cast it at your target but in general I don't use those unless I have a really complicated macro I want to make and somewhere in that middle conditional where you have one two or three things you want to have a Target in there somewhere for all the true false checks you could throw in a Target there Mouse over very awesome very popular especially for healers cursor very popular that's what I talked about casting it at your cursor at your focus possibly useful for if you do use focus a lot especially maybe Arenas or something we'll get to Arenas right here because there's Arena 1 which targets the top one of Arena ONE Arena two Arena Three if you have Gladius or even the default UI it has the positions on there and you can have macros entirely for that I don't use those in PvP I just use Focus macros but that's a whole nother story this one's very interesting I did not even know about this one at boss one because if there's the boss and you don't even have to have the boss targeted whenever you start a dungeon encounter a raid encounter whatever at boss one targets the boss how brilliant is that so that could be possibly useful and at Target Target that also would be a whoever you're targeting your target would be that person's Target so as a Healer if I had the Smite macro I don't have anybody to join my party right now but if I had an ally targeted and they were targeting some sort of mob or boss or whatever and I targeted them and casted Smite with this macro it would do that first and if my Targets target it would try and cast it at that and you can play around and use that as well so there's all your little conditionals and also sorry at pet Target the player's pet and this is the Players being you you have to Target your own pet you can't Target someone else's pet and there's another one on here that I've used before that I have not that don't see here is at Mouse over Target that's a very very interesting one if you have Mouse over Target and let's say this was an ally of mine this is just an NPC and they don't have a Target so I can't actually do this but if they were targeting this and I didn't have a Target at all let's say I don't have a Target at all and I wanted to cast Smite at whatever they were attacking and things were crazy and they were in my part unit frames right here and I have my unit frames right here and this little warrior was in my thing I could hold my cursor I could Mouse over because Mouse overs work on the person or on your party frames I could Mouse over the party frame and cast Smite at my own party frame and it would Mouse over Target whoever's who the target would be my mouse over his Target and it would cast Smite at whatever the person I was mousing over is targeting that could work very well in a lot of other kids situations as well and you could make some more complicated macros with that but in general here is the template that I really want to make sure that you understand fully is if I make a new macro space it out cool there we go I'm gonna do the the hashtag tools show tool tip and that's always what I'm going to have slash cast and I'm gonna have my brackets I'm opening up a bracket and this is where you put the stuff inside that bracket right there and then space and then spell name I mean that's it I'm just going to call it spell that is the formula and in fact I'm going to do one more thing to show you another cool thing with this with my death knight I've always wanted to make this macro it's on my list of things to do so I'm gonna do with you guys is the final little showcase all right I'm going to show exactly how I would do it here what I want from this macro is I have a button right here I have a binding a key binding right here on my mouse I want to press this button and whenever I press this button I want it to cast that's Advanced right but if I hold shift in that command I want it to cast wraith walk ability to another speed boost ability similar buttons on similar thing I'm going to have a whole keybind video follow for that subscribe for that whatever is uh it's gonna be a doozy uh gonna blow your mind I promise I want to have that same thing and I don't want to set up this keybind over here because some of my other characters I like that my UI for all my characters to share the same key binding so I can just very easily use it and if I want a solution I'm going to have this be the solution and put one button right here because I don't need to see it I don't need to see the tool tips for them so I'm fine with multiple buttons existing on one thing so I'm just going to make weak horse for it also these workers weakers are terrible don't look at them I'm going to create it in where I'm going to create it I'll delete that one make a new one here we go just pressing spacebar okay I'm not even gonna do show tooltip on this one because this is going to be two abilities in one so I'm fine with it so slash cast I want the more rare one the thing that requires more modifications the thing that's more specific I want to do that first so I'm going to do the shift command first so slash cast and make sure to have the space bracket I'm going to have mod colon shift mod shift if the shift modifier is held down and there are any other modifications I need it's myself it's me I don't need it's not a mouse over it's just a buff I'm casting myself that's it if the modifier is shift I'm gonna actually open up my Spellbook and show you the Lazy Man's way to do this thing then I want to cast wraith walk so wraith walk right here and then I'm going to do something I haven't done here before semicolon space semicolon is the button right next to L and all I'm going to do is press semicolon and this is saying slash cast it's already you only need to type slash cast really once ultimately slash cast and there it is and there's my semicolon and now I'm going to have my new modifier so this is now if the shift mod in the brackets if this is true do wraith walk colon and this is separating it out all the commas set out the small little conditionals inside the brackets the semicolon separates the actual different spells here so now new conditional new setup I'm just going to do regular cast Open Bracket close bracket Des Advance which I think is the Baseline right here just Advanced so I'm going to have it right there and then Dust Advanced there we go save it and we're going to put that on our action bars right here and let's see if it works I'm actually really interested to see if this works I've never made a macro like this before but now with everything that I know about it here we go so I'm going to press the button with the shift modifier held hold down shift press it ooh did not work okay after a lot of research not really a lot but after looking through this I found a macro that works I'll show you guys this in a second to to break it down to the code here if you look it says the modifier instead of shift the modifier is so that is a pretty macro right there so we're going to say shift s-h-i -f-t so the modifier being shipped let's see if this works so we saved it now now I'm going to hold down the shift modifier and there's okay there's trouble some troubleshooting there and then if I don't hold down the shift modifier there's my does advance the macro works so I was correct on the first shot but because I understand how to read and interpret these macros I was able to look up this and in fact I'll show you the one that I actually found this was imported from first of all it was it was a death knight thing for a festering striking a soul Reaper with an ALT modifier which I don't like alt modifiers in general but first of all this would not work because you needed spaces between all of these so it would need to look like this and you'd need a space here and a space there okay cool first of all there's that also you would not need this because that's the end of the macro this would cast if you didn't have a modifier festering strike okay cool and then if you did have a modifier that would make this one fail and then you could be cast this one so that would work how I would write this and you see they had a little semicolon there is I would backspace out this cast because you don't need that cast right there slash festering strike oops festering strike and then I would put semicolon space and then now but if the modifier is All Soul report that would work and that's what I would use there and that's essentially what we've made here in this little format but again as you see this little Noma you don't need the no mod thing because it's smart enough there now if we add in the third condition and then we then you would need no modifier so that's to say if no modifier is pressed and so on so there we go I got my new shiny button uh it's right there already and I can take this off my bars and we are good to go and before I forget death Knights have a One-Shot macro right here so there we go this is pretty awesome show chill tip pillar of frost I want to specify pillar of frost here because there's a lot of stuff going on but how these work is when you have multiple things here now I I could probably rewrite this without all the little slash cast and I could put pillar Frost uh semicolon space I could do that and then list off all of them like this that is what you could do this is really clear and sees it like that so there's I'm not going to change it but it keeps going all the way through until it gets its first true cast so whenever I press whenever I press this it's going to keep casting these until it hits a global cooldown technically this pillar Frost I would I would put this at the very end of the macro I'm just going to do that for simplicity's sake so you understand the flow of everything so power room weapon off the gcd Abomination slim off the gcd using a trinket off the gcd and then pillar Frost there we go technically it also should be capitalized I made this a long time ago and also just got it off the internet so there's a couple things I would do differently here now but this would be good now if I started to do this and I did Slash cast obliterate that obliterate will never trigger because it'll keep trying to cast pillar of frost if you put some sort of conditional about like if it's off the global cooldown or something like that then maybe it could work but in general at this point what you were looking for before I break my own macro here pillar of uh Frost what you're looking for here is a cast sequence macro and if you're interested in casting crits macros I do have a cast sequence macro here on my on my death knight I would need to do a whole nother video on cast sequence macros if you're interested in that I was mainly doing this for at cursor and at player and mouse over and all that kind of stuff but this is a cast sequence following a cast sequence as far as reading this thing it says the conditional in which it resets sets so the cast sequence if you don't have any conditionals then you don't put anything you just do cast sequence and then you list off all the Spells and it will cast them in that order like a robot but if you want to put a conditional when it resets the the reset on this is 61 and that means 61 seconds because the cooldown of raised dead is 60 seconds so then it recycles every time for that so it'll always do raise dead then sacrificial pact and then it'll reset in 61 seconds or whatever so there's that and this is a cast sequence but I could do a whole another video on cancer so let me know in the comments what you guys want to see as far as uh different macro stuff macro questions you can guys help each other down in the comments I have lots of different stuff if you want specific macros try and do the best I can answer in the comments but if you do want some even Next Level extra support check out my patreon I do a whole bunch of stuff on there for people that are wanting to help out polish off their game whether it be UI key bindings macros all that kind of stuff so I hope this video helped I've never seen a video like this before and I wanted to make videos to help and fill in the gaps so that people can understand macros and feel good about it because I feel great about macros and I feel like I can unlock and hack the potential of my game now so I hope that helps stay creative I think I said the Box
Channel: Dungeon Coach Gaming
Views: 45,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeon Coach Gaming, World of Warcraft Shadowlands, World of Warcraft Dragonflight, WOw Dragonflight, WoW Shadowlands, wow addons, wow guide, wow tips, wow macros, wow macro, beginner macro guide wow, beginner wow macro guide, how to create macros in wow, world of warcraft macro guide, How to Create Macros | WoW Macro Beginners Guide, Simple macro guide wow, wow mouseover macros, wow focus macros, wow shift modifier macros, wow player target macros, wow targeting macros
Id: UIB37qaNDJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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