UNHhhh Ep. 129: Drama

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šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/AutoModerator šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™m blessed to know how to read russian (just read, not speak lmao)

And that text that appears around 0:11 is, of course, fuck my pussy with a rake mom.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 92 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/cranewifeswife šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

"i could suck on some dude's ass until the cows come home and i'll suck on their asses too"

time of death: 4:48 PM.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 36 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/TannerthePale šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Trixie and Katya finally address the drama

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 49 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SlouchyGuy šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

So... which drag legend doesn't like Katya?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 48 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/boredgerm šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

That intro was magnifique!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 14 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/CanILickYourButthole šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

This was an A+ episode IMO

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 7 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/speppers7 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 01 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] that was good i'll show that let's do one more intro really quick okay um hold on wait one second let me think oh go wait wait wait wait wait just give me one moment i'm the 99 people in the room who don't believe in you and the space between the cushions of your childhood that used to run for dingling inside and i'm the only surefire way to disengage your temporomandibular joint doctor [Music] ready okay hi i'm the monetized drama video you keep re-watching even though you hate that trixie mattel and i'm so sorry but i still can't find my husband katya and welcome to the show where we talk about whatever we want because it's our show and not yours [Music] i am over the voice are we doing drama it's drama classic last words for anybody involved in drama i'm not about the drama the person who says earnestly and with total conviction mama i do not entertain notions of drama good good vibes only yeah goodbye the person who says good vibes only is has a bloody knife behind their body yeah they're struggling to form one positive thought in their brain at all times you know i will say this famously alyssa edwards of drag race canon said i don't under change drama chaos confusion and madness yeah i once had i wouldn't say a beef with her i was on a show called hey queen i said something unbecoming of something i may be insinuating she told backstage t yeah i still backstage t and you would think alyssa would be about the drama she called me on the phone oh and she said you know what i i heard there might be beef and i'm just not that girl so i just want to talk it through and squash it same thing no drag queen would ever do that to me i wish everyone would uh same thing she called me right away and it was so direct and it was not confrontational yeah but it was like i appreciated that so much every time i hear through the grapevine i'm always like they have my number yeah well what is the t i couldn't relate because you don't have my number no because i've never said anything behind your back drama listen i have never i've truly never been about the drama okay because there's nothing cooler than being above the drama it's about the sound of me cashing checks and counting paper money stacks yeah that just drowns out those voices when the people writing the checks have drama with me that's drama yeah but mary sue down the street no yeah she can live forever or die tomorrow yeah but with the drama i find when it's like it can be insidious because you could be planting a manipulative seed and that person you're trying to start to i also i also do kind of like drama though like i'm thinking of times where i've heard tea about a tour i'm not even on yeah about two queens having a fight or this queen always walks in and claims a dressing room or this queen was too drunk to stand or like i i do like to hear it even though it's nothing to do with me i like to hear about it t because i will literally be in full on um hermit isolation mode ignoring text from family friends um like responding to emails as soon as the text comes in about a piece of little gossip drama i'm like what happened it's like i'm all i'm on it i also i don't watch any of the drama stuff but i also know that there's entire channels on youtube dedicated to drama reporting on the sidelines reactions reactions to reactions reactions to react analysis of reactions to reactions of the analysis it's like crazy it's crazy i tried to bait those gay rags by having a twitter beef with myself i remember you guys have to dig it up you were like i brought receipts you were like show the receipts and it was a picture of your receipt from pavilions or something and then you said i have beef and it was a picture of me squashed it though but i think that's the nature of drama is is uh there's a a key ingredient of denial which for like adds to the flavor because if it was just drama you'd it would be aggression yeah you know straight up aggression you killed me you killed me killed me did you kill me i heard you killed me this is a true story the technician on spectrum the other day literally said um if my husband leaves me i'm going to throw myself off a cliff and i tell them i tell him that once a week your your internet tech told you that yes in the room because i told her i told her i was like if this doesn't work in the next 30 minutes i'm going to kill myself it's just like oh don't say that well my husband i mean and she went she was hysterical and she got it working that's fierce that's drama that is absolutely drama some people are just natural perpetuate drama um we know people i mean listen we work in drag and i'm just there are it might surprise you there are big personalities and sometimes drag queens we know somebody drag queens will fight for so long that they don't know why they fought in the first place that's the best thing holding on to a grudge so tightly that the dust of it has long like blown out of your fists it's like what was it what are this it's like it's like feuds like when do these families start hating each other we don't know we just do and look at sometimes it has detrimental effects look at romeo and ghoulia dead ghoulia not ghoulia i was the original producer we're for arthur romeo and ghoulia from mail and ghoulia um drag queens notoriously will like um while you're on stage spray your wig with like spray adhesive so it's ruined pissing on wigs pissing on wigs to which i say drag queens 2 will have drama for no reason [Music] [Music] she did my song really huge she did my song she she did my she knows i have nikki in the third part of my mix and she went out there and did starships and she knew it yeah she knew it bad yeah drag queens have this thing where they try to be the first one to do a number because then it's their number well it's not your song oh okay okay you'll remember this so we're in toronto we aren't oh okay we're in toronto um there is this queen we do so we do a show um and then at the end we do a meet and greet and uh i'm not gonna call her out by name but she's a legend in the community she's a very uh an esteemed old pillar of the dragon tasha davis no she uh comes through the meet and greet uh line to like meet and greet she is so nice of me she's like i'm so happy to me it's that she was it was like nice for someone you don't know yeah yeah it was very it was very flattering and then she turns she turns to me over here i don't like you but then but then she goes and winked and i'm like is that does that mean you do like i was so confused it was hysterical it was iconic normally like you're pretty much universally liked which and it was so nice one day oh yeah and by like like an absolute legend of drag yeah it was so fierce what's the pettiest like drag race jump i don't i mean i don't want to like drag anybody no we we don't have to i i know all the bad things about me i'm just never going to change them [Music] give me an instance um not having to do with me uh that would um uh it's gonna say how much time do you have uh okay let me see uh say for example if we had any good drama no i mean i'm trying to think of stuff i'm trying to think of something that's not true yeah we have no drama or drama so big that it that like devastates but that's not drama that's uh trauma but did you have any like drama earlier on you know like i the only thing i could think of is sometimes i'd get frustrated that she would talk over me okay because there's nothing cooler oh i hate rapping you do i've learned all the negatives about myself oh yeah i'm a terrible interrupter oh yes you are i'm doing it now always making me feel bad about myself just like i do always i'm sorry but that's literally the only thing i can think of and i'm more than happy like it's i'm more than happy to be like i don't really care like i chuckle about it after and then i carve my voodoo doll to death but yeah everybody knows this we don't really hang out that much no watches we're both loners yeah so it's perfect i mean we'd say we talk on the phone probably every day yeah briefly yeah and facetime a lot but i mean what are we gonna do i don't play video games no you know i don't run the streets yeah she doesn't i don't have a screen for money yeah she doesn't scream at fine china and look at plates i would say that if we really did have a drama i don't i don't think we could because i think we would talk about it before it happened anything got serious at this point absolutely because honestly we've we've been through worse than i think the worst is behind us as far as like it better be i hope so better be but we've done this so whatever this is is so manageable yeah and because we've done this this can never really be this again no no the lesson is um if we're talking about the um online drama would you write this out on parchment with a quill that explains a lot of your tweets actually 2020 resolution for actors please show your weenies in movies i would say my advice is i promise you when it comes to drama the high road personally reaching out is game changing my relationship with lisa edwards changed forever from that phone call i was standing with hollywood and she called me and it was the drama was a non-existent and b squashed yeah it couldn't become anything because that horse stamped it out yeah she or did she she looked at the roach and she's sorry hi roach i'm the roach i know where i was going with that delete it roach although um uh if i think like if it ends up with a glass of uh chardonnay thrown in the face i think it's worth it uh i guess let's hear some questions using the hashtag wow help me from the world of wonder twitter i hope they're dramatic i'm very bored oh i get annoyed so quickly that i slowly think that it is no longer normal lmao what is your advice like what should i do that i will not get annoyed so quickly well mary give us some specifics yeah if you're like somebody's breathing yeah you're a if somebody's like i smell peanut butter this is you know like what if you are annoyed i guarantee at some point in your life you've also been the annoying person and let me tell this annoying people they don't know they're being annoying yeah also what's more annoying than um being annoyed an annoying person being annoyed just like [Music] yeah whenever i have like uh when i'm struggling to find immunity in somebody else or find them sympathetic i think of them as like oh if that's just my sister having a bad day you know i wouldn't hold it against her really smart thing to think about like oh you do have to sometimes go like that's someone's mom that's someone's bus driver you know that could have been the priest that fed me bread in my mouth with his hands and annoying people don't know they're annoying so their story is my friend from work or whatever just snapped on me today because she didn't know she's being annoying yeah she's not aware of that last straw yeah and people have weird quirks like tapping or you know um yeah people sometimes don't like this you know like i don't i find it rhythmic and soothing but you remember that guy i went on a date with who he cleared his throat all the time that was annoying but i was like he doesn't know but he did it every he was like yeah i um yeah and like every other word he needed a trach clean like he needed it and it was annoying but like i ruined him can't hear that uh i can't clear your throat but i can clear that i'm a bottom and i read someone because i'm brave do you enjoy not really really because i don't enjoy getting it but i love to do it i love to do it i could suck on some dudes until the cows come home and stuck on there [Music] and that's it we don't have any more things to say but we sure did enjoy that thank you thanks thanks you to you and to us if you've got a question tweet at world of wonder using the hashtag wow help me i used to have questions but now i am cool oh god wedgie um i wish i could give you a telenovela slap but we're six feet away try it okay that's the whole point okay oh
Channel: WOWPresents
Views: 5,233,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of wonder, world of wonder productions, wow report, rupaul's drag race, unh, unhhhh, drama, trixie, mattel, katya, zamolodchikova
Id: yinjqR4yQfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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