UNHhhh Ep. 132: Texting Etiquette

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

By FAR the best #WoWHelpMe segment finally. So much better than the usual bullshit questions that they clearly don't care about answering.

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/Doppleflooner 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

For real, though.

This cold calling thing is annoying to me too and I'm a millennial.

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm a millenial and I started cold calling people I'm really close with since the pandemic especially if I'm driving for a little while. Maybe like a couple of times a month. I never expect anyone to answer but it's nice when they do and they're actually free

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/ohh_fiddlesticks 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Katya better come through with that 80s prom fantasy. Loves it.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

That cold calling thing irks me to no end. We fucking grew up with phones on the wall ringing and we just picked up, and suddently ALL my friends get anxious when their phone rings? I hate having to waste time checking if they're "inclined" to pick their phone up.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Ikkian 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

These two are like the only two brain cells I have

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/macromi87 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

unhhhh is my therapist

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/A_S_H_R 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
can i ask a very honest question who can take me [Music] it takes two to make time it takes i can't define pornography but i know it when i see it they said the camera adds 10 pounds they didn't mention it being all free [Music] can you hear me does the quality of my voice uh inspire erotic feelings yeah something's burning down there hi i'm the guy who didn't text you back who you caught left you on red handed trixie mattel and i just discovered that if you submerge your toddler in a dirty lake it is an alternative to vaccination katya and welcome to the show where we talk about whatever we want because it's our show and not yours that's right i think that last i have a confession to make please while i recognize texting is important i hate it what do you think about friendly tech like depends on the mood i guess sometimes it's like what are you up to i'm like don't worry about it but then sometimes i'm like um you know what it's funny because i usually don't want to be if you're not going to make me laugh or cry or go then just don't even bother honestly the way you and i text i mean let's bring the receipts wait no i'm not going to show what you just texted me today you could show are you talking about this i'm talking about that baby too hot for tv i was in a deep squat admiring myself and i happened to notice that a little piece of bubble gum had traveled outside the perimeter and i got the text and i said oh this is the perfect example of a text i received from trixie so i haven't heard from her maybe a day and then it said can i ask you something important first thing is like okay accountability i need to be accountable for my actions okay and i said shoot she said should i be doing porn with a picture of herself looking great did i really yes what about this sometimes katie has interesting typos this says i just made blueberry ice cream is it good i sent a picture she says looks amazing are those horror chocolate chips white i meant to say white white chocolate chips she said are those horror chocolate chips oh is that that horror juice for [ __ ] okay i recently saw a verna herzog documentary short film about texting and driving it was three vignettes about automobile accidents i mean i was sobbing you ever go to one of those like a christian haunted houses no i'm dying to debbie thought it'd be cool to send a text and then it's like a teenage actress like finger skin played like dead in a way that no car would ever do the devil's dancing over her body stone today yes it makes no sense guess debbie didn't know that she'd be flayed alive phil thought one puff of a marijuana cigarette would be fine then he was decapitated toby thought being a gang was cool now he's head of the united nations they showed a suicide a teenager committing suicide that's like as like the big sin and i'll never forget it it was a girl gun in the mouth right and we're watching we're watching a girl do this this is a haunted house for the family wisconsin and gun in the mouth gun pulled and they hit they hit the lights dark and water sprays down so you as a viewer feel like there's blood on your face oh my i was 16. oh my god that is traumatizing it was so traumatizing and at the end you meet jesus oh we agree with big god if i have to go through all that i need to be free by jesus and then take it to a nice dinner i you know what i find is what i find fascinating is that i've been reading a lot of articles on the web and uh most gen z considers it completely hostile and aggressive to cold call some of you know what like you have to do a text like hey are you are you available for a chat or whatever and then call what which to me is nuts i'm me me and my close circle of friends are pretty i will cold face time sometimes i'm like i'm in her neighborhood i'm just gonna stop by and i was like oh no okay you don't just knock on the door it's a respect thing you might as well kill my whole family before you do that and guess what my actually when i was growing up my mother had to confront our neighbor super nice very nice people but they were the type who wanted to be like pop over whenever for some tea you know unannounced my mother was like no we don't do that you will not come over here which then started a risk so we became like you know don't talk to us the crotchety white yoga family and we loved it oh what's your favorite emoji let me see your wait get your phone let's see your most used emojis i want the truth it's going to be interesting to see the [Music] boots mine are probably gonna um identify a psychopath yeah like what's the last ten let's say okay so thumbs up uh clapping i use clapping and then this one oh really yeah and then hands in prayer um the sun and then a check mark i'm very positive i love check mark yeah i also okay i don't know if i'm a murderer but mine are skull uh-huh i've got that knife yeah i've got the head exploding okay it is pride so rainbow ugh no okay oh i don't want to be a pervert but the water spring which i think if you're gay and you're talking about sex it's like why don't you come over water spray girl do you ever remember being confused by something like lol brbe i remember originally thinking lol was lots of love oh me too yeah yeah lots of love yeah me too which that's just me being idealic i guess like the world is so full of love what about people who text lol when that you know they're not laughing they're they're sitting like this yeah the best is people with normal laughs being like i'm cackling and as somebody with a difficult laugh i'm like i know you're not very difficult i know you're chuckling and it's probably very attractive when you do it okay i have a personal question sexting no no absolutely no i like to i like to cheat the system i used to have a picture of me blowing bubbles if you'd be like i have a picture of me a guy it'd be me blowing bubbles i thought it was so funny or or the chimpanzee bubbles though yes absolutely oh my god i don't i was gonna say i don't have a lot of time i have a lot of time but my time is precious i love my time i love my life and i love me like i am not about to sit here and try to write a third rape damn young like romance novel to you i will go on my computer do that and i'll sell it [Music] do you like getting well do you like getting oh funny you say that absolutely not absolutely not i'll just send him a link to my website do you like pranks well yes i do because that's pertinent information i need to see that the area that i'm about to shove my face into for 45 minutes is to my liking it's too legit to quit yeah because if it's hammer time down there i'm not going up to bat no seriously so like i need to know i don't care like it doesn't need to be artful i just want to see a clearly well-lit picture of your brain right now in five four yeah you have three seconds i love pics i love the art of it um i hear a bottom well there was this website i followed to that i loved where they would judge kicks on not just not the composition the lighting yeah the lighting oh they're notoriously bad photos that straight guys oh straight guys the deal guys it looks like the last photo of them taken alive i send things without my face in it and i don't have any tattoos you have tattoos but i don't send nudes you love so you want to see their full ass but you won't send nudes probably i don't want people yeah it's three inches long on a good day you know what i hate what but thanks just it's just just showing so wait a minute do you ever take the pic people want the pic and it's you shove everything back and i have it i'm just asking that is a very specific request i love to send a pic and even though i'm a bottom i i'm just it's not my vibe to send ass or ass it's a big dilemma if someone comes to my house and they are again it's the the amazon down there i'm not going near it yeah i'm not going near it even if they come from the hot tub i'm not going near it you know yeah well sometimes you know like you've been you dance all night it's like let's go take this to the shower oh where i can clean you you dirty i know i love that you phrase it as like let's get a little more comfortable and make it wet let me squeegee yours i'm going to brillo pad the yeah your epidermis off yeah power you should do pressure washer just stand against the brick wall the fire hose well now i'm a different person i sometimes i just don't respond you know what form a thought think about it and if it's me probably don't send it like i think twice about it [Music] oh yeah ask him what the question is in french please uh civil play utilization wow help me a fair and tweet a few tweets do you refer to each other as trixie and katya which is brian is it weird having the same name hashtag will help me uh she calls me and i call her it's a really good question if i'm in public i'll call you brian and always in drag drag names yeah yeah yeah out of drag we say boy names right yeah you're the only person i do that with and we're also the same manager sometimes i say like the other brian yeah check with the other brian yeah like if i'm in public even if i'm like trying to impress a boy and someone says tricks that's not like emasculating yeah i would except for kids i would say tricks too yeah tricks or um bry brian yeah and tricks is foreign and no one's named trixie so that's not even embarrassing either it's not like you're calling me pamela right susan good question love that question oh my boyfriend has been using trixie's swedish voice ever since the clarinet episode how do i get him to stop hashtag well help me that's a gift sorry yeah i mean you say trash i say treasure so you need to flip the script can i share a little bit of information about that we actually did something with some of the people from klarna and um they liked it they did like it and i was like is did you guys what did you guys think of the swedish accent and they were like we liked it it wasn't swedish though yeah yeah like it was german but whatever yeah they were like it was funny but you couldn't touch my accent like i love a tanky thank you people say that all the time what do we say um oh the people uh they want i want you to do the shop yeah once the twice the face yes i said okay um i don't know what act i'm gonna go to a country somewhere and start a country and they're gonna be like what accents are they speaking yeah pedestal it's like i smoked weed and watched bull rat and then like listen to abba because i love like abba how they speak english but even in singing it's like um you can hear the accent singing i so there are some russian singers that i do if they have a song in english i delete it off my phone you're not not here for the lips i am not hearing that it's a every night and every day get it out of here it's awful apple would be like um it used to be so nice it used to be it's all good and that's that's where i think i get it i like that you do yeah i do anyway i think your boyfriend is really lucky to give you entertainment yeah slay this paper i haven't i still haven't seen greece the pl the music movie it's fun that's the hill i'm gonna die on yeah it definitely holds up it's ageless timeless and olivia newton-john is transcendentally beautiful and her voice oh my god remember how soft-spoken she was on the panel i was literally 10 feet from her she's like next up olivia newton i was safe i heard nothing yeah it's like what yeah hey good to see you this could have been a text this could have been an email which should have been a text which should have been you know i was just telling pete the new this could have been an email is this could have been nothing this could have been this could have never happened i could have never met you
Channel: WOWPresents
Views: 3,928,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of wonder, world of wonder productions, wow report, rupaul's drag race, unh, unhhhh, phones, phone, message
Id: -n9RbqpMVSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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