UNHhhh Ep. 152 - Disappointment

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"Looks like fear got the best of you" and Katya's reaction made me cry laughing for the first time in Unnhhh history.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/H3000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The bit about Todrick killed meπŸ’€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/perpetuallawstudent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Some of their best work

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mykonos96 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trixie looks the best she has ever looked. We get a new entry into the Drag lexicon. Legitimate tea spilled.

What an absolute MINT episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iwillattack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Poor Pete got steamrolled lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Adam_ax πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] the greatest regret of my life has to do with just generally the concept of not fully exploring topics and then not engaging again in a sequel i don't do sequels you don't just equals no no actually you could think of all-stars as a sequel yeah jody foster doesn't do sequels that's why she didn't do clarisse again clarice you're very diane sawyer right now you think barbara ryan sure you're diane wawa baba wawa 60 minutes i can't do her i said that did that that's my baba wawa well we have fun oh oh whoa hey fellas do you like big juicy trixie mattel you didn't know did you guys a masters okay follow her give the big girl some shots go to juicy fellas do you like big juicy trixie mattel and you will never believe that i am the only woman to own and operate a gas station katya and welcome to the show where we talk about whatever we want because it's our show and not yours disappointment disappointment disappointment when was the most recent time you're you're like not devastated but disappointed well here's the thing i can be very disappointed by very little oh i know depending on the mood i'm in like the other night i ordered taco bell in the middle of the night and about 30 minutes into waiting for it it got cancelled [Music] i was in a pretty good mood i didn't care if that had happened to me on a day where i really needed that food to get my mental psyche together disappointment deep disappointment devastation devastation that's the lizard brain this is your lizard face i hide my human brain in the hair i can't think of the true i mean god i would say losing drag race was probably one of the biggest disappointments in my life you what are you talking about when i first lost it like susan said oh you were never gonna win that though i didn't know that oh come on roll the tape i have no way of knowing um yeah you're right looking back yeah i mean delusion but it turns out this is my arena you cannot judge a fish by its ability to transcribe that's the proverb that's the problem you can't you can't judge a witch by its ability to suck jesus mary i'll one-up you on that i'm having to look down the very clear and um present barrel of going home second that was crazy there's gonna sound so dramatic so gay so ridiculous so hyperbolic that was absolutely the worst moment in my entire life i don't blame you when you know you're going to bomb and there's nothing you can do about it you're so disappointed in this moment that's not even real yet and then you get re-traumatized by the actuality of it getting imprinted ammunition it was crazy it's like fear thank you mother goose thank you brother goose left field 742 episodes never a comment from the peanut gallery we just looked over here i was like is there an old man in a trench coat and a flashlight reminded what about live events things you've gone to see shows movies anything that you've had big expectations for and then what oh no are we about to be honest at the gig i'm about to tell the tea at the game like mama i went to see chicago who was in the cast i went for our very talented friend todrick oh who was great okay many other people in the show i thought were not great and i left it in her mission and then after the show todrick said you want to come to the stage door and i said why can't i already laughed and i've been living with this lie ever since i felt so bad today was one i've seen todrick in kinky boots i've seen he's amazing very talented very talented and then the other girl i just was not you got goosebumps in the secret oh my god my six-year-old can you not come clean did you tell him at least are you lying right now no he doesn't know he doesn't know true this is piping hot teeth i know and by the way i think i will say this did you lie do you say i have diarrhea what did you say it might even been a cop ticket well i mean i'm i you did what you did and at the end of the day it is what it is about i mean one of the ultimate disappointments everybody's a liar on the internet now go meet your fave at beautycon actually go meet us at drag con you'll be disappointed you'll be like oh my god talk about pulling away the curtain and like like rubbing away the veneer of gloss and glamour what a disappointment is to meet a drag queen in real life dry queen should be met the way god intended not at all we're drunk it's a club it's loud there's smoke or through a confession window we have to talk about sex when you take your clothes off do you worry about them looking and seeing that fried chicken and jumping out the window [Music] you worry about them seeing the coke of on and jumping out the window [Music] last week's birth bending over and peeping that croque monsieur or that crocodile once they get a whiff of that best they are going to hit the port and you say yeah no no once they get into that steak freak no no cis they look up on that palm to tear they're out of your do you worry about the nudity do you worry about the reveal because you don't like to send nudes no i no because my body feels good no no no no no no seriously so my body might not look good without a tan no no no i'm serious i'm i'm i'm white and pasty and irish it's it's at any given point it's not translucent yeah yeah it's not something that's attractive or unattractive it's just that it's like marble wallpaper or something a peeled potato you know what i mean appeal feels pretty good because there's muscles there and you can feel it in the dark do you know what i mean like the musculature feels like oh this person's probably fit whatever so darkness greatly enhances my um or the lack of disappointment let's say i always found that i exceeded people's expectations and hardly ever people were disappointed i love yeah yeah because you say when you're in drag the men would always be like oh my god you're even better looking person i mean i've told you that men had the gall and audacity to to say to my face that i was an unclockable woman in the light of day see i'm all for compliments but at that point no we got to stick to reality no it feels like oh my god are you having a psychotic episode like are you detached i hope they were like wow i would never know you're not a woman to be fair it was extraordinarily dim and there was at least eight feet of distance but a tea light candle but that was in that apartment but mary it was post coitus where all of this was gone and i had a significant regrowth with this part of your face oh i mean ass mama like a motorboat two minutes in if they're clean and just and everything this is gone i don't even bother with the lipstick no point you can put makeup remover on the cheeks and then eat that and come out fresh so fresh and so clean give a little make up a little neutrogena panty with a an assless panty yes take two kotex pads soak them in mic cellular water and put them on the ass and go in or give them a little shoe a more oil cleanser massage yes which i think is chicken with wine it's surely okay when i realized i was gay very young i was rather disappointed around my teen years when i started to realize it wasn't gonna wear off i would tell myself like oh it's a phase i'll grow out of it i'll i'll get into girls when i get older and then when it i remember being like 16 being like like my uber that never showed up my straight uber that's that's deep sounds a little disappointed eventually i was like wow so this is like not something i can just not think about it's going to be a problem forever isn't that bleak i mean but probably a lot of people thought that 10 15 years ago i don't know anybody who ever thought that way i was in school trying to learn powerpoint man i think okay okay i'm gay though oh my god what am i gonna do happening right oh the other thing is because i'd be trying to type in my wrist yeah just too much oh honestly adulthood period can be disappointing because when you're a kid you have a very idyllic idea of what adulthood is where you think you know what you're going to know what's going on you think that you're going to be somebody who's like well i'm a grown up so i i don't worry about anything i understand everything the older you get the more you realize you'll never understand anything and wine will never taste good i think that's up for debate if it didn't get you drunk would you drink it it depends i always love my wines from usual wines my favorite time of day is nightmare i developed a grim technique when i was in my teenage years this is graham and i don't i don't suggest it i creatively brainstormed every possible negative outcome my anxiety was so much over trivial stuff that i was like what's the worst that could happen well let me list it and i went down the list how did the list help it in the end it doesn't because all you do is just end up in morbid fantasy but it was relief if you expect the worst it usually doesn't you know what i actually like that paint it to be worse than it could possibly be and then be pleasantly surprised but cumulatively what you end up doing is spending most of your time in morbid fascination of reality that doesn't exist but it burns calories that's true [Laughter] i've been disappointed when i talk about food let's talk about food mike and patty's sandwich shop at the corner of something and something in my neighborhood the bay village sounds rich oh no i it was like a four by four little sandwich shop on the corner it sounds like that i was kidding mike and patty's okay all right oh that's right it sounds it's not natasha admits you understand it was very affordable so they had this pulled pork sandwich with pickles on this bun and when i like something food wise i just ride it until the wheels literally you don't know about her like they skipped town but this this this sandwich it was so good and it was the perfect lunch it was the perfect lunch i hate lunch lunch sucks long story short they didn't have it one day and it was cried see you need to learn to tell stories like that you're like this was the year but there's kennedy was in the white house i was living on lampkin lane any advice out there for people getting through a disappointment i'm telling you i'm telling this is a this is a phrase that is what has blew my mind and does every day expectations are just premeditated resentments let that sink in it will change your life seriously it makes a lot of sense it is incredible do the work think about how you built up that to be what it wasn't in the first place and then don't happen again and then you can be delighted or astonished or surprised that's why in relationships when they end i think i'm never bulldozed because you're in the married in the bulldozer i'm not like well we're in love so everything works out yeah because i'm a grown-up and you're a realist yeah i'm a realist first things first easy drop this and let the whole world feel it oh is that igloo azalea yeah nothing's promised except for cubes those are common whether you like i you got a little pube in your head you a little cube in your little head look at your pew pubes oh i got a trim i look like a like a a lot full of taco meat oh my god it's like a carvel ice cream cake
Channel: WOWPresents
Views: 2,269,097
Rating: 4.9726658 out of 5
Keywords: world of wonder, world of wonder productions, wow report, rupaul's drag race, unh, unhhhh, season, six, trixie, mattel, katya, zamo, zamolodchikova, episode, nine, disappointment
Id: wqlZ0mLgDzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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