UNHhhh Ep. 114: I'm in My 30s

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look look at that monitor I mean I am so look at these lashes against the stain they're completely insane you know I love having these teeth - do you love it you look at me and drag yep yeah they look great did you get the bouncing - oh it's sort of like you know my brought my breast augmentation I got breast augmentation they feeling more confident look like just a feeling more like me the best augmentation breast augmentation hey another sponsor oh my god all right let's do it hi I'm the fashion accessory that gives you confidence in that time of the month shoulder pads Trixie Mattel and I'm Betsy face Sharon and I'm a now get the out of here Katya and welcome to mmm the show we talk about whatever we want because it's our show and not yours I think I love hi everybody it is Brooklyn Heights from season 11 of RuPaul's Drag Race the queen of the north and I watched you two get your tickets for LA Drake on May first second and third it's gonna be amazing I'll see you there bye [Music] I gotta tell ya I gotta tell ya mm-hmm I turned 30 congratulate not super recently like two months ago yeah congratulation and it is no big deal but I'll just say this I remember being 21 and thinking I'm gonna be some thirty-year old drag queen what a sad life you live old man and wig yes but I think I always said 44 year old drag queen cut to two weeks from now do you like being in your 30s I mean listen age ain't nothing but a number well I went from being on like the very tail end the old 24 the youngest 13 than the 30s I'm a baby my 30s I'm a 30-year baby she's a baby if I snatch this wig off right now I have one curly Q with a little people wanna call you daddy yet I will not accept that we accept mom mom no I'll slap them and ground them Oh step in here me step aunt step in is not a thing are you gonna be called daddy do you like that no because I'm babies what about people who lie about their age I bet it'll I don't stupid have your life no wha why what is so sweet and he looks so good for your age why would you lie because your your bragging point is yeah I'm 37 tom is so dumb Jeff from our editing team is 43 23 looks he looks 27 27 [Music] yeah yeah Tony said so might as well topically or 43 yeah it's just so crazy this is you know what though if you're gonna start lying about your age do it young I'm 11 when I say you're 11 when you're fully 19 start young yeah I just turned 30 what's the advice you've got seven years of experience in their name I would say there's nothing no there's nobody there's no advice there's the I like the thing that I like about the 30s is that people say it's like it's all about me okay let's say you're 20 okay you start shooting a 25 year old okay let's say you're 20 you starting at 25 year old you like my boyfriend's older and yeah older boyfriend older boyfriend and now it's like I'm 30 if I was single and I did it at 40 year old I wouldn't think twice about it I don't think about when I was 25 I licked the grounds of a grandpa I was 65 years old do you want to know something though how did you know he was a grandpa mama listen we sit down the chair I gotta tell you I licked it and I ejaculated I did and I did not wait for him to finish because at that point I did not care and he already passed I asked you don't think it's so nest if you were sitting with someone yeah and you realized in the middle but on the way to your climax they put a bigger cast on would you stop no because I'm in my 30s I'm all about me okay oh so you've got the consent yeah Alyssa you seal the deal it's all in writing or whatever and that's making it freaky yeah because listen and how about we go how about this the body's still warm you got heat in the house no problem and guess what's gonna happen in about two and a half hours rigor mortis mama yeah but I was 24 on drivers that's so young you were 13 32 okay 32 that's old you look the same now yeah because you were 32 right right right right yeah yeah there's not really any difference between 32 and 37 oh yeah so I don't like being treated like this reverse accelerated Benjamin Button just because I sleep assess found me before my second puberty reverse accelerated yes I went from everyone's hot new yellow toothless concentrate to mama rose planter people used to like have a house and babies at 20 my mom had three kids in a house by the time she was 30 that's crazy yeah some people have four kids right now at your age could you imagine no and then you're supposed to know all that one time my mom she had like me like I said when she was 29 or 30 she had three kids one day she screamed at the top of her lungs and then left for China for two weeks your mom - yeah she just left the China she she rode her bike in China she said I'm out yeah her name have you ever had a mug shot no I wish I had a mug shot it's never happened yet a lot of our drivers sisters have had them Tatiana just don t I just got one it's yes she looks better crying in a mug shot yeah I do not either time there's actually a pensive you know I got arrested to drag like Uncle Fester cross-dressing again as the bad I would be they would cuff my legs the cop car would drive by and no one would see a heart they would see two Louboutins and cuffs sticking out the back seat there's a lot of there's a lot of old people things I want to get into you know like a high five of Metamucil well since I became a homeowner now I like things like antiquing home decor you don't my designer told me yesterday what curtains are the eyelashes of a room does that mean that eyelashes are the curtains of the face because that's what that would be bangs bangs are the curtains of the head bangs are the curtain of the head which is the eyes - this windows to the soul men have a second puberty around 30 do you know this they make a second puberty around 30 when did my nerdy happen a lot of things happen that's when people start getting here here that's when people that might have no titles and changes again your sleep patterns change your sex drive changes everything changes like 30 again Oh for you mostly negative boards or is it you have from office it works yeah no no it's not did you think oh you would think it was gonna be like hormone replacement therapy you were gonna get her into a teenager become a boy again do you think when you take that care of yourself you look worse I know I do because I can see it yeah yeah I can't remember stretches of time in your life since I've known you where the outside was telling a story of the info oh yeah everything a skin color eye color yeah like but for you unchanging teeth color is almost annoying I don't get it irritated I swear to God I feel like that was your second puberty yeah I must be my I feel like there's um there's like a witch's Hut in my mouth I just feel like there's some like I I like tripped and fell and they're in theirs magic tablet large then I want only like how do you get your teeth so white and I want you to pull on your lip and show like a black magic inscription I love older men I do too I think I would the oldest I've ever been with was when I was 20 I slept with like a 33 year old that's 13 years but that's 13 years at the time okay that's the oldest sheep I'm went 65 that grandpa was there yes it was absolutely surreal story I look I gotta ask you when you were taking his clothes off I wasn't taking what did you take off his cardigan his she knows I just hope that as they get older I've looked older for a long time so I hope that if you look old young you hopefully look the same longer and maybe therefore like when I turn 40 people like look the same you do when you're 30 I see a third period for you what happens or you know we go back I think my knees go back the other way yeah like that backwards like yes yes what did you know stop doing drag 50 are we gonna be like funny and Coco per elected could you guys imagine us really all of doing it well I here's this is the thing I will stop doing drag when it's not fun there's nothing more depressing than another drag queen who doesn't want to do it I do think sometimes like okay it like let's say by 35 if I'm back like lip syncing for tips I don't know if I would continue mm-hmm only because I would be trying to look for something a little more substantial yeah I'm just gonna go back into the woods [Music] and if you're in the hot tub at the gym and you need to you're 30 you just let it go somebody comes in and I'm watching this I put a little sail on my turtleneck I'm watching it go across the table I go I'm 30 [Music]
Channel: WOWPresents
Views: 5,121,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of wonder, world of wonder productions, wow report, rupaul's drag race, unh, trixie, katya, tracy, tracy martel, trixie mattel, katya zamo, katya zamolodchikova, season 5, unh season 5, unhhhh, women, thirties, 30s, thirty, 30, aging, puberty, age, benjamin button
Id: OilvWfWkaaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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