Old Mountain Cabin Exploration With Metal Detecting And Spooky Tales

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what needle fireplace or jimmy wow hey can you walk up here todd did you this trip well thanks for joining us today i am with todd of appalachian history detectives and we are uh in the mountains of west virginia in marion county now this is the area well actually we're standing on the very ground where todd is from um well he wasn't born here but this is his uh ancestral family's ground i think he's still in the family actually this is a log cabin that you don't know what it dates to um but uh we hope to find that out today that's kind of one of the reasons we're here is try to figure out when this thing was built uh you had like grandparents living in here and great great yeah and there's no of course no electricity and uh no water still standing which is amazing and what i can't believe is the fact that it's like in this little gully right here right next to the stream i would have thought they would have built it up a little higher but i mean it's been here a long time it's still standing uh you can see how the hauler goes down that way and there's other log cabins down that way too uh they're really uh falling down hard to get to so we probably won't get to detect those but we are going to be metal detecting here soon i want to do those let's go ahead and take a quick look at the house uh while todd's getting some pictures and then we'll get to uh get the decent detection here now as we're doing that i want to share with you a story that todd told me that apparently back in the day like 1920s his grandmother great grandmother or something who lives in the house just down the hall or here just a couple hundred yards saw a man we'll run down through the hauler and up the side of the hill and they chased it with a gun and stuff and she thought it was like a grill or something from a you know uh circus on the train but we think it might have been the same quench the thing is this is long before no sasquatches were in the news i mean she didn't even know what a soft sasquatch or sam scranch was so um kind of weird isn't it that this those stories go back even to them i've seen those kind of creatures another weird thing too well it's not weird it's kind of tragic yeah but your uncle very gentle great great he's the one that he raked yeah he died yeah so we just came up past uh another little homestead down there and apparently fairly newly married yep yeah and uh it was out raking hay with horses this is 40s 30s 20s yeah well back back when they used horses he's right you had a hay rake and in the early 30s maybe late 20s yeah and they didn't come in for supper or something so it was uh you know 21. yeah so his bride goes out there to look for him then come to the chopper finds them impaled on the hay rake you know tine's sticking out of the hair right yeah dead apparently they think he got thrown from the horse and died just like right down here which is you know tragic and kind of spooky damn scranches he told me one or two other stories too but yeah oh yeah ghost is a hollow up here that the family said the ghosts come down and have forever so um of course family's been here for you know how many years four generations four generations which in your line is a long time all right so let's take a look at he's looking very somber this is very this is very somber yeah it's hombre you haven't been here what 20 years 20 years yeah all right let's take a look at the house what do you say cool old cabin it's amazing it's still standing after all these years i guess this have weather boarding on it at some time todd you know or let's take a look inside what do you say a little place though in it wow nice blue mason jars [Applause] there look at that you can see it or not it's a little medicine bottle or something so what that's probably turn of the century 1900s this uh you can see how that bottom log there is pulled away the wall is going to fall down before long i'm sure it's interesting how they put the you know the mud chinking between the logs of course award just to fill in the gaps and the mud chicken that was their insulation and how they held the thing together it's hard to walk my steps [Music] yeah i bet there's some uh might be some looks rattle there might be some stuff up underneath here we're gonna look forward a little bit later too um unfortunately don't have my flashlight on me but i can go get it pepsi bottle neat little fireplace there and todd has an interesting story about the fireplace what was that all about your grandmother yeah um my great great grandmother would sit there in the corner with her in a rocking chair and all the kids would sit here in front of the fire and she'd read them the family bible her husband the one who died down here at the age of 46 was a school teacher and professor at fairmont state and he kept his books here so he made sure he had a nice bookshelf fully stocked with old books and my grandma my great great grandma had quite an old book collection when she passed away and they both were voracious readers this is the bookshelf over here and in the trays you may capture this in your store oh yeah yeah yeah tell them about the trays dog that's kind of another almost sam scranchy story uh the the dea came flying in a helicopter up here and they saw that there were marijuana plants being grown up here on the farm and this was back in the 60s and they came in here and here there was a squatter living here growing marijuana and he was living in this house unbeknownst to anyone in my family and those trays right there are his where he got his seat started in you're lucky you didn't lose the farm well nowadays so yeah so there are authorities up here to root him out here isn't that funny yeah whatever happened to him with local guy i guess so don't know yeah you never know what you're going to find up in these haulers do you thought i hope i may get out of here all right let's go upstairs what do you say anything spooky up there todd maybe it will be needle fireplace or jimmy wow hey can you walk up here todd did you i have this trip i felt um todd i don't know if you've been up here but it probably doesn't look like it did you know 20 years ago what do you think i don't know if you walk over there or not i mean it looks like a sway back go down like three feet in the middle yeah it does oh you're fine i think this is where i'm going to end it all dawn just give me credit for the video if you post it post a copy on my channel this is probably people are hunting deer i guess we have this chair here that's where the buzzards come in and see the maneuver and shoot low deers coming out there huh smoke me some beers as old man wines used to say old man wines was a a neighbor of mine oh man of mine he's much younger than i am now but when i was a kid he was from the hills of west virginia and uh lived up where i lived um uh but from the central west virginia and uh we used to go down the deer and all the time he always just it was a hillbilly a real hillbilly now all the talk he always talked with like one eye closed and uh it's always drunk and a real nice guy that when he's always that dust they'll put the smokes to him when he's shooting deer put the smokes to him he was a good guy he taught me a lot all right what do you say anything else you want to see here you see the squirrels tried to chew holes in here well they did you all they were successful yeah there you go there's a uh buzzard feather they must nest in here during nesting season old box a part of a dresser i guess [Music] those bricks on top are not very old so they could have been added naturally when i say not very old i'm talking like they're you know probably 1880 or later probably much later actually there were at least four or five kids that lived in this house well let's take a look at the outside i don't think we were really going around it yet so i of course saw this around the back within a porch there naturally oh let's look up under there i wish i had my flashlight that's probably where all the yankees are buried because they could have been yankees i don't know oh there would have been yankees but could have been pro northern look at this crack right there that's new some old machinery oh there's a well todd yeah you see i don't can see what there's water down in there all right what do you think neato bandido i think so all right i'm gonna grab the detective well let's look into the house and grab these so i'm getting ready to look under there and i just happened to glance at the uh dabbing over here look this charge a glass stuck in it could you imagine trying to you know kneading that stuff and push it in there and using mud with glass here probably all right let's look underneath real quick all right what do you see i spy with my own eye um not a lot it's one canister a little bit of metal there metal there could be some barrels i don't know um there's a bottle right there we should go look and see if you can grab that it's probably broken now i'm almost right there i'm almost certain that will be broken i'm not going to bother with it season we can just bring some bottles in there though all right let's detect see what we can find what do you say i'm ready okay i will be using the uh the gear apex today and i'm just going to keep it in the relic mode uh just pretty much the factory settings on it and uh just start with that but i'm going to let you listen to the ground so you know what i'm hearing oh i haven't ground balanced it yet might not be able to actually with the uh we see a lot of junk in here yeah that's hopefully that scrum balance let's see what it sounds like i have iron audio on so you hear the iron too this might be a porch here as well you can see there's some type of timbers here and um there's uh some rocks that would probably pillar to another porch or something right in here or another part of the house maybe all right i'm gonna put my headphones on now so i can really concentrate and i'm gonna dig the first signal together then hopefully a whole bunch more after that they're mostly made out of silver and gold i don't think so up here okay there's the well right here and we're right next to the house we're going to dig this very first target together and uh then we'll go from there and in the 60s more or less i'm going to set you up and let's dig it together all right you should be able to see that bare fingers and um let's put the pinpoint on there i should dug the hole actually so you know how deep it is that's how it's too deep what is it it's a big rock there but there's something right here let's move that to the side all right pretty big i think it sounds like it has a pretty big footprint hopefully we still see that i think it's like a can or something maybe i don't know of course that might not well might not be what we heard squeaking so um let me get the uh metal detector back uh just make sure we're in the right spot digging away on this hole and there's a lot of iron in here but i do have the squeaker not sure what it is it looks like full little lead or something um it could be like uh thinking like it could be like a bale seal almost but i don't think that's what it is let me set you down a second all right hopefully you can see that a little better let's unfold it see what we got in there looks like it was folded on purpose yeah it's just a strip of lead all it is now gold coins wrapped up in it ah pretty cool all right let me show you the um iron this is the other stuff i was getting some of the other stuff was getting out of the hole um like just this generic piece of iron and this is a uh this is part of a wood stove one of the doors on the side all right what i'm gonna do i'm gonna set all the stuff uh up in the house there of course i'm you know i'm gonna give everything to todd uh since this is family place but we'll go ahead and put up there and look around the yard some more hopefully find something that we can tie into his family i think that would be sweet i'm glad i didn't spend a whole lot of time with this one with you guys pull tab it's actually down the waves too which is kind of odd oh well well another pull tab still next to the house and i signal here dug it up and it looks like it's circular i suspect it's going to be a lit off of something though yeah unfortunately it's a little iron lid with a hole in it i suspect that's what i was hearing right there well actually some more beeping so i'll just keep digging i guess that poor house is falling down in it oh well what can you do right hopefully we'll try to try to get out with one hand real quick oops not like that could be the rest of that can yeah there it is right there so it's probably a more pcs piece of a mason jar lid unfortunately so it's going to be lots of little pieces of this one in there uh that lids i'm not even gonna bother unless it's a nice high squeak higher than the man sorry guys we'll find something we'll find something to make a smile although i'm already smiling aren't i just nice to be out fell in the backyard and i had a nice little squeaker here dug it up and it appears to be a small brass buckle yep of course it's hard to date these things um this is probably you know late 1800s 1900s probably off a harness or something but yeah i had a really nice squeak but she's gone i don't guess another one's gonna grow back is it well i had a nice little signal here and you can see what it is not the greatest of fines unfortunately that is a mason jar lid packed with dirt it's falling apart of course but there we go that's the uh insert it's got some writing on it ball mace it's got a patent date let's check that out rub no just i guess this just says all mason or whatever and uh the lid of course we'll take that out of here this is zinc they make really good signals missing a small piece but i'm not gonna look too hard for it i'm just gonna avoid this hole well i guess i'll share with you my first modern pistol or rifle cartridge that's a 22 magnum nice little cartridge for squirrels well it's kind of big for squirrels but that's what i use or i used to use back when i was uh hunting squirrels all right todd says he has some kind of coin over there and sounds pretty excited so let's go check it out 1919 oh that's this it's chewy it is nice it is a wheat cent you can see a one cent right there are you that excited or are you just cold are you scared you think sam's going to get that i'm sitting in an uncomfortable position right here yeah yeah i'll have to clean up see what the date is maybe it's a 1909 yeah svdb 1919. hey i'm calling it right now nikoi 1919. that's all right all right let's get back to it finding a lot of these uh in this little area right here's a little tiny 22 bullets or 22 shells that's probably 22 short it could be long i guess but it's not the long rifle oh well there's tiny little squeaks there's more in here somewhere but i'm going to get those signals for now on [Music] it's a brass buckle kind of hell it is i mean it's got a iron pin but it's brass nonetheless that's a nice little fine man yeah yeah i'll take it awesome yeah but it sounded good too didn't it yeah all right i'd rather dig these in bullets oh you mean like modern cartridges yeah yeah i'd rather take some more bullets so i moved away from the house just a little bit i saw this little body of water uh with a solid stone rocks and stuff and it looks like you know they could have uh used this for something maybe washing clothes or you know whatever and i thought i'd come over just look around actually didn't get that many uh signals in there well there's nothing worth digging but in the bank over here it's kind of interesting we're starting kind of washing out look right here um this first thing i saw was some window glass sticking out but it's also some there's like a little barrel band or [Applause] i guess that's a uh that's a fork or a time for a rake or something maybe a hair like a hero type thing and uh what's that is that a uh marble or some type of gross creature that's a gross creature right there look at that looking jelly yeah that's pretty disgusting look at that uh yeah so it's hoping we might see some bottles or things sticking out of the bank we could dig around and find a few things but i don't really see much more than just that imagine there's a dump around here somewhere but i haven't found it yet all right let's get back to it and find uh find some more history what do you say i want to find something with their name on it you know the people that lived here i think that would be really cool for todd we're working my way down through these little dry stream houses right there and uh seeing lots of nails and stuff coming out of the bank that's a round nail there square nail here round squares lots of nails slipping them all in here it's loaded must have been something that fell apart right here i guess where they threw some more wood we might take let's take a little dig around in here a little bit with uh shovel see what else we can come up with um coal just looking for stuff that might come i'm out seeing too much down through here all right yeah we're running out of dirt we might look around down there i'm going to run the machine through here too and check it but i'm going to dig around with these nails because you'd be kind of interested in trying to find out why those nails are there was there a building or um something like that that we can piece together a little more history of the area there's a bunch of wheels here too look a bunny here so much out snakes okay kind of funny i just was pulling the leaves back to set those nails down that i just found so i can find them again you walk us up here now see how that's dark like that i'm pretty sure that you will find out that uh i'm pretty sure they do that when they get in a fire later you can see how that has that little manufacturing like sprue thing right there so i'm pretty sure there's a machine made i don't know the process or something yeah we'll dig around i don't ran out of them there's another one here okay now put them on the pod it's strange here it's the best piece of wood so there's a pile of nails and i haven't started digging up there yet i figured i'd come down to the stream because this would be all uh you know anything that was in here that fell down has been swept all the dirt's been swept away so we just look at the artifacts and yeah sure enough there are a ton of nails down here too i'm not seeing anything but nails unfortunately but why there's so many nails boy i don't know well there's something else these are junk that's pretty cool isn't it i think i'll uh i'm gonna dig through here a little bit see if we can't come up with a button or something i thought that was a building there it could easily be a button or something in here or a coin not just a million nails what i'll do is uh well just watch me for a minute i guess you never know what might come up next i can't take a metal detector over this and uh effectively discriminate out that many nails in that smalling area you know so we'll just have to eyeball for now now we'll we're going to the machine over when we're done man there's a little pocket there look at that [Applause] all the nails coming down just collecting in this right on the edge interesting but i'm going to go ahead and turn you off for a bit because i don't know you know not going to want to watch this you're probably already skipped out of it most of you i would imagine but this is what i do is i work on stuff like this you never know what else might be in here all right i'm going to uh i will turn you off now i'll let you know if i find something good and i'll show you my huge pile of nails in just a couple minutes so i gave up on the nails because it's all i was finding and it got a nice little squeak here and i dug it out and it should be in this loose mud somewhere hopefully you'll find it pretty easy but i guess not putting her out there so i can see a little bit of like around something there so that's probably what we're looking for well that's a mud ball that might be iron actually [Applause] i'm not sure if this is what i was hearing but this is definitely bigger yeah it's a big old heavy chunk of iron you can see it's all burned and kind of melted so it's probably part of a stove stove great yeah it's part of a stove grate that could be what we were hearing because sometimes those will give a decent signal but i'm hearing some more squeaks up here it says i think that's going to be a beer can lid looks over from here what do you think yeah come on well it's not actually beer candle i don't think but i think it's very treasureful um it is a piece of yeah i think it's going to be a a melted uh mason jar lid by looks at it because you can see some ridges right here and uh some mason jar that i'm 99 sure what's the fact that it's melted tells me maybe they burned a bunch of stuff right here that's why we're finding all those nails maybe there was another part of the house that they got rid of and or they had a big burn pile here or something that's definitely melted all right look around a little bit more a couple of things that todd said he found over here if you've got a beard can get an axe head all mushed up uh it says he has something good down there something interesting so i'm gonna well we're gonna follow him down there and kind of look over his shoulder as he does with you very very quickly i know it's probably to a pan but it fills copper and it is copper you can see the copper right there it's a different kind of handle on it there's a big piece of popper and there's some rivets right there nice copper bucket copper bucket copper bucket good signal great can i see it yeah yeah absolutely yeah it's kind of cool a lot of times you just find this part here you know uh-huh uh which has a big copper uh pop-up bucket or a pail those are you know the just the metal and it's kind of valuable so you don't normally find it because people wouldn't you know would keep it yeah it's pretty got the patina all over it it's gonna look good on your wall in your house main room when you as soon as you walk in i can i can tell you my wife would look at that and she'd be like what is that from hey where are you going to throw it all right it's actually pretty cool i like it man it might have been full of gold coins so look around their clothes for me it's it's my grandparents and my great-grandparents i mean they held this stuff they did so it's not just someone else's store it's my story on your wall great room just like that little hatchet is he is dreaming i know his wife he is dreaming oh wow pull it out of there see what it do with dates on it man let's watch out for the snakes insulation i bet it's uh we a flower yeah pillsbury sales pillsbury so they use that as insulation in there i guess jordan i were just talking about a couple things in the cabin that we noticed so we're trying to figure out when this was built we know that it was occupied in 1875 so it was at least 1875. but we were noticing that if you look here these logs and the notches they don't match up so we're at least i'm thinking that this has been a repurposed building and if you look over here i mean look at that i mean they're sticking out some of them they shouldn't really be doing that now i'm thinking that what they did in 1875 or thereabouts is there was another log cabin up here somewhere and of course they brought the logs up here and uh made another one it obviously wasn't a perfect match because the sides are sticking out and the notch is not matching up but it could have been from a much larger house where they combined a couple of them that's the window i suppose anyway that's kind of what we're thinking we're thinking that's kind of date to you know right around that period 1870s which would make sense you know find lots of these uh rifle casings which have been in the ground a good long time because they're very brittle yeah it's very typical they're on these old houses this is kind of cool right here this is an old uh grindstone and this is for sharpening knives and tools and all kinds of stuff what you do is this would be uh usually they were like pedal powered you pedal pedal pedal and this thing would spin and you could sharpen your blades on here you know sickles and knives and things like that the concrete in it the rest of it right here is more to it pretty neat kind of a different perspective of the house um tosser there was a building here at one time in fact when you walk into here the team crunching underfoot and the structure of the garage neat can look at this i don't know if this is an old fuel can like a jerry can or something it was probably strapped onto a vehicle you know i found these a little chain this little copper chain that's kind of neat i don't think it's copper again i'm not exactly sure what this would have gone to but sure does look like some type of i don't want to have a divide or maybe sloshing so much i'm suspecting this is a fuel can i can't tell you 100 certainly i like it though i like it a lot just kind of poking around over here and found a cannon axle this is an axle through an old wagon uh probably not a really old wagon but a lot of more uh modern junk in here too i'm not really finding a whole lot that's the road we walked in on over there on the other side of that little creek you see the house is right there but this looks like it might be an older road as well i'm kind of wondering now if maybe they came in this way this was the original way in so it made a lot more sense than having to have everything on the other side of the stream and walk across uh not 100 on it we'll look around if we can find a horseshoe or two in this room that would tell us a little bit about it but just curious definitely some type of path cut in right there absolutely gorgeous fall afternoon there's a house down in there i came i noticed when i was looking up the hill it was like a flat spot and uh came up here to see what might be here not hearing signals but it's definitely a flat spot that i think these people made or someone made for some reason very steep coming up through here and all of a sudden bam nice level spot right in here that scoots out of the bank and drops down drops down drops down i don't know it's not really carrying a lot up here but they dug this out for some reason i probably never know why but you can see it's clearly been dug out might have had a little little building there or i thought it looked like a tent site almost like you see during civil war you see a lot of these civil areas see where they put the pence they'll just kind of scoop it out and flatten it like that on both sides interesting but i don't think it's going to add to the story so working my way back around to this water area uh feature and uh i got a signal right over here and dug it up was a little sliver of lead which i threw in my back already but there's something else down there might be more lead but i thought we might go ahead and dig that together right in here um at pinpoint i think we'll be able to just grab it pretty easily of course probably more that lead but we don't know until we look do we i don't know what that is um that is lead but it's uh dark the other piece i found was uh white colored so i'm not sure it's a little thing sticking out looks almost melted doesn't it i would guess it's probably a fired bullet of some sort but it does look melted i'm gonna look around here a little bit more anytime if i melt and stuff like that especially when it's not like right next to the house where the burn pile might have been is worth investigating it's about a big old old pit fork not much left of it but that's what she is all right so we decided we're going to head on out of here and check out a couple other things so there might be a few more clips after this uh wrap up uh i'll show you a couple things well you've seen everything i found pretty much just to give you quick overviews bunch of nails tiny buckle that todd has there so it's all yours over here some of the things todd found i guess probably haven't really seen much of this um it's got a nice ax that's really been beat up and of course you know a lot of pull tabs truck control it's got a couple coins you say you're 1914 and of course a more modern one a little buckle and so what yeah i think it's mostly lead and a little drain off or something and uh yeah that's about it oh and that thing nothing's pretty cool so i hope you enjoyed that little adventure and um we're off for the next one all right i want to be doing something else don't worry i'll rock you until i go to sleep she don't care if you're dying or if you're living or somewhere in between mother birth you are my lady my big round baby and i'll rock you until i go to sleep she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your cold chain and you'll like it mother earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity mother earth she's got her secrets she's promised to in her dirt or deep in her creek mother earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saying where it is or what it might be mother earth you are my lady my big round baby i'll rock you until i go to sleep she don't care if you're dying or if you're living or somewhere in between
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 66,501
Rating: 4.9394279 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, magnet fishing, river treasure, aqua chigger, aquachigger, beau ouimette, family friendly, outdoor adventure, west virginia, outdoor adventures, metal detecting coins, urban exploration abandoned house, abandoned house exploration video, abandoned house tour, family friendly videos, metal detecting for beginners, outdoor adventure documentaries, metal detecting videos, metal detector, metal detecting finds, abandoned places, metal detecting tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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