COLD CASE LIVE UPDATE: Rosemary Rodriguez (Kilgore, Texas)

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good evening everybody um we are in kilgore texas with the daughters of rosemary rodriguez i don't know how many of you actually figured that out dan was on the live stream with us the other night and accidentally let it slip that we were going back to look for rosemary so uh with this let me introduce you know the two of these we have uh francis is francis hey and as well as lita are the daughters of rosemary and just uh real quick now not everybody knows your case because we've not yet released the video um you know on your mom and with her case so if you just kind of want to bring everybody up to speed real quick as to a time frame what she's missing in and let everybody know who you are good okay um we're we are the daughters of rosemary rodriguez i'm her oldest and this is my younger sister francis um our mother has been missing since october of 2019 she around the time that she went missing um i don't know how to how to explain it really um uh she was in an abusive relationship and she just sort of disappeared off the face of the earth um it's it's not like her to do that she's never taken off before so it leads us to believe that something has probably happened to her and we have spent the last year and a half um exhausting every angle we can to get her story out there in the hopes that maybe somebody out there might know or have seen something without maybe realizing it that could help us find out what has happened to her and you guys have been a big blessing to our family and we can't thank you enough for coming out um and returning again this time um i can't begin to describe the feeling and i'm yeah you know and you're welcome on that you know but you know we really have everybody that's here tonight you know right now we have you know 3 000 people are on you know but you know the other 100 000 people that will end up watching this that you know will become more involved in your story as we continue this search for your mom and with this you know we couldn't be doing it without them and as you guys well know you've seen some of our other live streams and you see why we're actually why we're not actually able to come back so quick but let's just kind of bring everybody up to speed real quick as to our last um time that we were with you a couple weeks ago and then what we saw that actually brought us back and what we you know what we found today on that one and so you know initially we had met francis and you know their grandma as well as leta and their family what incredible family that you guys have you know your hospitality to us i don't know where we're getting some feedback at guys but we should be able to get through it um so you know and with this you know we have a couple things we you know we have a cell phone that was taught it appears to have been tossed off a bridge the magnet fisherman had found um you know he was questioned you know like yeah and he was later cleared of any wrongdoing in this one that you know this is a case where we don't normally take on cases where foul play is suspected but once we're involved with you we're not going to leave your side on this one you know and that's where we're at now is that we have a set of tire tracks that went in the river and that's why we're so heavily focused last time that we were here a couple weeks ago on that area looking and when we went back and we reviewed the footage we were getting ready to release that video this week and dan and i and sam saw something on there that just didn't sit right with us at all that said you know this is you know six by 12 and then we shared that video with you we've shared the pictures with you in the entire family on this one francis and later and you know it was weighing so heavy on us because we were not able to clear this area and give you that 100 you know this is or is not the answers you're looking for but today you know with everybody being back you know we got jacob from chaos divers here you know that brought his trade because sam and i we end up flying into uh for this uh so so jacob you know thank you for coming in um and he brought down his trailer with all of his gear so pretty much it was most everything that i i have in my trailer um he had most everything i needed in that one you know we got brock the rock here that showed up today and he came down 15 hours we got kevin with the nomak you know experience hanging out in the background um here as well because you know we do have some safety concerns on this one as well for what this story and what this case has turned into um lita and francis that we just don't know that you know normally we're looking for the the where which is you know why we're here but this has also turned into a we're not investigating the who or the why and this one you know it does not appear to be an accident it does not appear to be a self-checkout it almost appears though like you said there's stuff that's you know from her previous boyfriend that you know we're just not for us right now we're not going to really share that or get into that we're going to have the videos that will come out that we'll talk a little bit more about that um but at the end of the day you know what we can now say to leeda and to francis and you know to all of you for you know being a part of this is is that today with brock going down on the area that we you know we started off our morning with throne and fishing magnet in into this location into this target that um that was weighing on us and once brock went in there in fact brock you went down there so why don't we just bring you in here and kind of explain you know what you went down what you saw the first time you went back in a second time you know you cleared the area and then i'll kind of jump into what um jacob and i ended up doing throughout the day yeah so i uh dropped down the line went down there was a uh it appears to be like almost like what used to be a catwalk maybe about six foot wide and about 10 feet long on the one side it was about a 20 20 inch drop off of it cleared all around it you know double checking it popped up you know filled you guys in what it was dropped back down and then went up river um about 15 20 feet just double checking and going over everything just to make sure that area was clear up to where there was a tree and cleared under it and around it so i mean i i definitely say that it's cleared um sorry yeah and so you know from there you know we still have the tire tracks um that was why are there tire tracks here and what is it that we're missing and you know this continued to weigh on all of us today didn't it francis yeah yeah i definitely um it was just intense and you know there have been other people that have said like you know maybe you should take a little further down river and you know i had mentioned that to you guys and but yeah it's very emotionally like oh okay like yeah yeah yeah you're gonna find something and then you don't yeah it's just intense the everybody was intense so yeah you know and one of the things i want to kind of touch on with with leda or with you francis as well as you know everybody that brings forth these cases is you know the and i felt kind of bad when i heard that you know mark was telling me like hey leta or it was jay that was telling me you know haley francis kind of didn't want to tell you that a median had you know a couple of different meetings have given her some information and and i want you to know that you know and we discussed this a little bit earlier today at this point in time no media has ever placed us on name you know hey this is where you're going to solve this but it doesn't mean that i'm writing them off all i'm saying is hey you know in your heart and that's why we then continue down the river and we went and checked everything for you because here's the here's the thing at the end of the day francis yeah as well as leading your entire family you know we're here in town today to help you and to help follow your heart you know in your gut and whatever it is that we can do for you and you know and that's what we ended up doing for you today but i also want everybody else you know the other cases and you you know bring things forward to us that you know i'll say that although no meeting has ever put us on the spot we're not writing them off but you know that one median that by chance happens to someday put us on that spot guess what we'll end up using that medium forever i'm not saying they work i'm not saying they don't so that's where i'm at on medians right now but you know what has worked is for us in the past are those little signs you know like um you know lita today you know you were talking about in fact do you mind sharing that story about you know the bird um sure um i i work in a drive-through and um on monday this week uh while i was sitting in the drive-through um a eastern bluebird uh flew straight into the window like right in front of me and smack the window pretty hard and he fell to the ground and was kind of stunned and just sort of panting laying on the ground and i was worried that someone might run over him if they drove up so i i ran outside and i i picked him up and i i got to hold him for a couple of minutes while he recover enough uh to catch his breath and to uh you know be able to fly away and um i just feel like uh you know that some people believe that you know birds coming to visit you could be a sign and when i looked it up you know the uh what a bluebird visiting you could mean it it said that you know some people believe that they would bring good news so i was very hopeful today that uh maybe that bluebird coming to see me would have been a sign that we would have gotten some answers today um even though you guys weren't able to give us any answers today it was still overall a very positive you know experience today we we can't thank you enough for you know just including us in this whole process it's uh it's it's very satisfying to be able to be an active part of looking for your missing loved one and that's that's something that you guys bring to families that unless you're missing somebody you you can't really understand like how people feel yeah i've always told me like you don't understand until you're in the situation um in our you know experience it's our mother like um yes you're supposed to lose your parents growing up you're supposed to grow old and they die and you bury them and you go on but like not this young like we we don't have kids neither of us like we weren't even able to make her grandma before she disappeared and she's always talking about it like i need grandbabies like constantly and so you know that weighs heavy but my grandmother who i'm named after her name's francis as well like to lose a child and we don't have answers we don't know what happened to her like i could not imagine leave like losing your child um in any in any age you know but especially in older age like you're they're supposed to bury you you're not supposed to bury them you know yeah you know and and with this i mean we're not done with this either yet i mean so jacob and i we've spent the next time and i know we definitely got sunburned out there today you know because you know we were on the water you know 10 o'clock this morning and i don't think it was you know until after 5 5 30 before we pulled off the waters the sun's you know was getting ready to set you know and we covered you know three four miles of river and just didn't only cover it but i mean we doubled it we tripled it i mean i wanted to 100 you know say to you in in our in the first video they'll be coming out you know it's like to you francis was like hey i'm 99.9 sure but then we had the videos like i'm not sure but now for me and my heart i can say to you francis you lead it to your family you know that we are very confident that i can say 100 this section of the river is being cleared and now we have a game plan you know moving forward from here is that you know you guys we talked about this with you today is you're going to start putting together a little you know list in the map we're going to be working with mike king and getting those cell phone records that we're going to talk about in an upcoming video and you know was her cell phone moving around for a couple of days after she went missing we don't currently know we don't currently have that information so we have a lot more that's going to be coming out on this case as we continue working this with you in two or three weeks we'll actually put out we'll go a back-to-back release on these videos to bring everybody up to speed as to you know our search you know and meeting your family and meeting your grandma and you know everybody that was involved the last couple of days or today i mean as well as you know a couple weeks ago when we met you so you know it is an honor for sure that you know you trusted us to come in and that you know you open up your heart you know you guys took the time to you know feed us as well and that you know we had a lot of you know you know a lot of love chats you know and you know throughout the day also is it what people don't understand is you know life does continue to go on and that we as searchers and that you as family members you know we don't just sit there throughout the entire day and you know it's just nothing but sadness you know we have those the emotional rollercoasters throughout the day but you know we shared a lot of laughs with you uh you know along the way and we do that with a lot of perfect with a lot of families and so we do appreciate you know everything you guys have you know participated in and like you said it was very um uh was what i'm looking for is law enforcement does not include families in the same way that we have included you as you know the really what you've said up to this and how much that means to you guys yeah for sure and the uh like you said the emotional roller coasters it is like you have good days you have bad days um but just to be involved and and like hey look no there there wasn't this it was this you know anything anything besides oh it's just an open investigation we can't tell you anything um it's nice for sure yeah well thank you very much and you know and we're going to be coming back to texas in september october so you know and whether you need one day from us or three or four days we're not going to know that until you have that list and you know then whatever amount of time you need from us what you know when we come back to texas we're going to give it to you and your family awesome so and we'll definitely be chatting before that in fact in fact we'll end up doing a live stream with uh the two of you so we'll release uh videos back to back on thursday and friday and then we'll do a live stream with you on saturday after you know everybody you know that's a part of awp everybody watching this is a part of adventures of purpose that you know this is one big community that is here to help you and you know and one of those just might have that little piece of the puzzle that one thing that says you know what i think i might be able to help find your mom and we we just never know so thank you everybody for being here thank you lydia and francis thank you to your entire family sam and brock for being here you know jacob um kevin no mock so if you've not yet subscribed to these guys the link is in the description please do so because you know they're here on their own dime on their own time away from their families as well and so every the entire community is here for you and francis yeah we just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated to you guys and made it possible for you guys to come back it it's overwhelming you know that that so many people not even knowing exactly who you're coming to help would would reach out and and care about our situation yeah and i can't thank you know your following enough thank you everyone everyone who's watching or um has gave donations to to get them here we can't thank you enough for sure yeah and we're coming back to i mean you would they definitely donated way more than what they made way more than they needed to and so when you use those proceeds to help other families and to come back and help your family as well so thank you everybody for being here tonight sam jacob rock any final words i just want to say oh go ahead sam no you go ahead first jacob all off it was a humbling experience to help you guys lead in francis and your whole family you know jared gave me the opportunity to come down with the equipment and know i you got a beautiful family and it was it was an honor to work for you guys and try to help bring home your mother and i'm sorry we didn't have the answers that we came here for today but we're not done yet so go ahead sam i just want to say i thank you to everyone honestly and and lena francis this isn't you know we're not done definitely do everything we can to help you guys out and i will definitely come back and thank you honestly for everything yeah i'm just uh just like you know everyone else is saying you know thank you for just big hugs watching you guys you know um we'll see you again so thank you for your hospitality you know your food your friendliness has been great yeah you guys are welcome anytime yeah good for you and smoke ribs you know down to texas the rooms are amazing so uh top three like i said those are top three in your lifetime ever so well thank you and thank you to everybody here this evening thank you for being a part of adventures with the purpose and um we have uh a good video that's coming out on friday for uh everybody which is you know us uh helping to locate antonio lopez and we're going to have you know rosemary rodriguez for uh francis and lita that you know with us you know looking to help their family we'll be coming out in a couple weeks so be sure to watch for that as well on that note that's all we have this evening so we appreciate your time thank you later bye
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 181,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -zypCIm5zbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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