Undervolt your Ryzen 7 7800X3D for more FPS and Lower Temperature!

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okay so you bought one of the fastest CPUs in the world the ryzen 7 7800 x3d however you want more out of it more performance more FPS or maybe you want to lower the already good power consumption and make it run a bit cooler well in all these cases this is the right video for you and now today we're going to actually take a look at how to do all of these with two presets so the first preset is going to be the higher performance one Dynamic one mostly meant for gaming and then the second one is going to be the preset for productivity and actually the lowest possible power consumption temperature Etc now little disclaimer this tutorial is actually going to work for every x3d chip of the 7,000 Series so the ryzen 9 1700 x3d and even the ryzen 9 7950 x3d now another little disclaimer today we're doing this undervolt on this wooden PC which I've built on the channel in case you're interested but we are doing the undervolt on a biostar motherboard now these motherboards are not so common but no worries because the procedure and the numbers are going to be the exact same for every motherboard out there be it a b650 an x670 even an a620 which we've covered on the channel but the naming is going to be a little different if you have an Aus an MSI a gigabyte or an azok bios so how can you understand the naming well first of all I will try to say a few different names for every setting to make it simpler if you go in my CPU undervolting playlist I actually we have a video with different CPUs but still AMD ryzen 7,000 so I have the 7700x 7900x and 750x and we have pretty much every brand covered there so the gigabyte is in the 7 700x the MSI is in the 7900x and Azo is on the 7950 X so if you cross reference with those videos you will for sure understand how to do this properly so sorry for the long intro let's get started but before promise me one thing if this thing ends up up working very well for you and it improves your day-to-day experience please consider dropping a like and subscribing to the channel as it really helps me let's go okay so here we are in the Bios now again bio star has a very unique I want to say bios but thankfully the options we're going to play around with are all in the same space in every maard so you want to go to Advanced and then you will find something that's called AMD overclocking now it might be a bit hidden in those options but it will be there AMD overclocking so now you want to hit enter over there and now hit accept it's basically telling that your PC is going to burn no I'm kidding this tutorial is safe but basically now we're going to do the first Dynamic profile then we're going to do the static one later on we want to go into Precision boost overdrive and then in here Precision boost overdrive you can select the mode and we want to select enhancement however uh depending on your board this might be called Advanced here Advanced is not the right one because it should give you like a termal limits and that's what we want to change okay so now what this do and and how to set it so we want to set it to 80 so I'm going to give you a preset and then I'm going to tell you how to improve it set it to 80 if you if you just want to copy my settings but if you want to play around with this this is basically the target at which the CPU is maximum allowed to reach now no worries this is not losing us performance because we're then going to undervolt it with a curve so it doesn't matter but basically the higher the better in terms of how much it can push however uh if you push it higher you will degrade the CPU a bit faster the PC will be a bit noisier you will have a bit more heat so in general you want this at 80 trust me but you can play around with it you can also put 85 and you can also put 90 but I recommend 80 now we want to go in curve Optimizer be careful not gfx curve Optimizer because that's the graphic card integrated in the CPU so we don't care about that so curve Optimizer and now here we want to put all cores because we are setting a single optimization for all the cores in our CPU and now we want to go and put negative and we want to put 20 so minus 20 now this is basically applying an offset to the frequency it's not as simple but we will call it that so how can you modify this to be better for yourself pretty simple so the lower this number if it's stable the better but the lower the number the harder it is to be stable now it is a negative number so uh in short the higher the number if it makes sense so for example if we put 30 and this will work on many CPUs the CPU is going to run even better but on many CPUs if we put 30 the PC is going to crash so I recommend you guys put 20 and if it crashes you guys put 10 okay trust me on this one with tutorials like these you then want to go into Windows run a proper stress test and check if everything is running properly but if you just want to copy it put 20 for most CPUs it's going to be fine and at this point you can actually just save the settings hit F10 save save it and close it if you just want to do the dynamic version but let's now move forward into the static version so before moving into the static you then want to of course just uh you don't want to do any of these so you just want to do the static so you want to for example restore the fals and put everything back to normal and then we can start with the static now the static ones is done in the tweaker section which might be called AI tweaker overclocking tuning something like that but here it's called tweaker now in this bios surprisingly there is no option to actually set a multiplier which is what it's called okay multiplier so um in our tweaker section we cannot just overclock the CPU we can just set a voltage so I will still show you how to do it so if you have a normal bias you want to put your CPU clock multipliers it's called the CPU ratio again double check with my other tutorials to 48 okay 48 and then if it crashes you want to put 47 and if you want more you can put 49 okay then you can try it out but if you want to just copy it put 48 here we don't have it then you want to go and find your CPU core voltage now in this motherboard it's called s so voltage but it's called core voltage on normal motherboards okay so CPU core voltage you want to pull it into override and now you can just input your value and you want to put 1.2 volts okay now this you can also do this without changing the multiplier like we've done here today and if you do this the CPU is going to run at like 4.7 which is still good because you're still getting the power benefits but you're not getting more performance if you do this if you don't change the core clock if it makes sense so here again the lower you go with the voltage the lower your temperature is going to be uh the lower your power limits are going to be sustained it's going to be just overall better but it's going to decrease the stability so if you're very lucky you might be able to get away with 1.75 but so far with all the CPUs I tested I have not been able to get 1.15 stable now if you want to go higher because you want to push more clocks you want to push like 49 or 50 on the CPU core clock you can go all the way up to 1.22 five uh but I wouldn't go higher because again this CPU has the Trad V cach stucked on top of it and that means that it's a bit more sensible let's say so you don't want to push this too much 1.2 to5 would be the maximum I feel recommending but The Sweet Spot is 1.2 for .8 GHz and it's going to run perfectly fine and this is the end of the tutorial guys so if it was helpful please remember your promise and drop a like And subscribe to the channel maybe drop a comment also if you have any issues please drop a comment and again if you want to see any more of my videos check out the channel we have cool builds like the wooden one you saw in the intro and much more so see you in the next one guys hopefully [Music] goodbye
Channel: ImWateringPSUs
Views: 39,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undervolt, ryzen 7000, overclock, more fps, more performance, stop overheating, stop throttling, reduce temperature, reduce power consumption, am5, x670e, x670, b650, gigabyte, asrock, ryzen undervolting, bios, pbo, curve optimizer, 7800x3d, am5 undervolting, fixed core clock, voltage offset, ryzen, pbo setting, tutorial, guide, 7900x3d, ryzen 9, undervolt ryzen 7 7800x3d, 3d v-cache, biostar
Id: BNAs3bl-yv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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