BIOS Setting That’s Ruining Your PC - Turn it Off Now

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this default setting is ruining your PC let's talk about it before that this video is brought to you by VIP cdk cdk deals is a website dedicated to getting you the best prices on games and software and right now you can get a Windows 10 Pro OEM key for an insanely low price just find the best price and apply my special discount code gpc2 for an additional 30% off you can also check out securely with PayPal and once the payment is cleared you should get access to the code both in your account as well as in your email in order to activate the new copy of Windows 10 just search activate under windows and type in your key so if you want to learn more be sure to click the link in the description below so this video initially started off as me testing if using your igpu to run your second display could improve performance as yes running multiple displays can technically harm your FPS but to be honest the results really weren't that interesting sure there was a couple of examples that did show a measurable increase by using the igpu but when we look at the average across four games well the difference is absolutely tiny surely nothing worth making a whole video on and I was about to throw in the towel and then I started digging around in the Bios and what I found I think is going to shock you and no it's not enabling XMP or doing any type of overclocking in fact I want you to put what setting you think I changed in the comments right now to see if you get it right as I bet most of you won't okay ready well we're moving on anyway because on my 7800x 3D system I actually disabled something that many people will tell you not to as apparently it can reduce the maximum clock speeds but I found this to not the case on my ack motherboard and that setting is C States now C States essentially control the sleeping or downclocking states of your CPU So in theory by disabling it we're making sure that the CPU is going to be running at its full potential at all times especially when you use it in combination with the windows ultimate power plan and set the processor's minimum frequency to 100% but does this actually work well let's go ahead and find out whether or not it really will improve our performance now real quick the system I'm using the test this actually has a 7950 x3d simulating a 7800 x3d by disabling the non-cash cores a py accelerate RTX 490 96 GB of dual Channel ddr5 running at 6,000 cl30 an 800 GB optained p5800 x boot drive and 4 TB Kingston Renegade Fury Gen 4 SSD which was sent to me by Kingston all running on a small form factor Corsair 1000 W power and the four games we'll be taking a look at are the finals balers Gate 3 Modern Warfare 2 and finally cyberpunk 2077 and first starting off with the finals a new game that I'm really enjoying and here you can see that yes I do have all the various different monitor configurations on here as well and strangely using the igpu actually made the 0.1% lows worse in this title so just moving to one single display on your Nvidia GPU did lead to a 19% Improvement and I'll also mention that whether you have the monitor unplugged or just turned off it does seem like it's basically the same so that's what I did with my C States results and here we actually got a further 8% Improvement which is overall 29% higher than our worst result but these results were a little bit weird so let's move on to the next game and in this game we can see that actually using the igpu did help but if we take a look at the SE States option it's actually giving us around 22% higher 0.1% lows versus the result directly comparable to it the Nvidia card with just one display and C States on but now moving on to the next game here and we have Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and strangely enough this game doesn't seem to really care what settings or monitors you use basically all the results are the same and yeah that's going to happen with some games from time to time it's just the way they're coded and it is what it is but moving on to the final game here and this one is cyberpunk 2077 and here the results do change based on your settings and overall the C States off does give us a 17% Improvement in the 0.1% lows versus the C States on but now moving on to the 4 game average and overall we can see that c States off is actually around 12% faster than the worst result when it comes to 0.1% lows although I will mention that the average and 1% lows are pretty similar between all of them and it does give us an 11% Improvement versus the comparable result of C States on using the same settings so yeah that's a decent Improvement but it's nothing you know too groundbreaking however if we do remove the Call of Duty results as those didn't really make any difference at all now we're talking about 14% higher 0.1% lows on the C States off versus C States on and overall 17% higher 0.1% lows versus the worst result and also here you can see that the 1% lows are actually noticeably a little bit better this time around but once again it's nothing too crazy so I think this does go to show that a combination of different settings to give you maybe 5% here and 10% there can definitely add up to be quite a bit in the end but also SE states can have a pretty substantial impact on your minimum frame rates or maybe the stuttering that you might see in a game it seems like for some reason using the 7800 X 3D not allowing it to go into those sleep modes does make for a more smooth gaming experience at least on my system I mean keep in mind everybody's system is different you might have a different build of Windows you might be on Windows 10 I'm on Windows 11 Pro for workstations you might be on Windows 11 home Windows 11 Pro Windows 11 Enterprise there's a lot of different factors at play here you could have a different CPU a different GPU so I can't promise the results will be the exact same for everyone or maybe you have a bloated Windows install or a very clean one of course all those factors are going to make a difference but it does seem like to me it probably won't hurt and it might help and in fact it might help a lot in terms of reducing your stuttering in game which is going to make the game not only feel a lot better but it could also lead to a situation where let's say for example you get a bad nasty stutter in the middle of a competitive game well that could actually throw off your aim whereas if you do something like this and it actually fixes the problem that stutter could be something that actually never even happens meaning that you could actually play the game better so if you guys found this interesting or helpful at all I would really appreciate if you dropped a like on this video put in the comments down below what you think the best settings are to get the least amount of stutter and of course share the video with your friends as well and if you have any other games or settings You' like me to Test please put that in the comments below and of course guys I will see you in the next video if you made it to the end of the video be sure to drop a like every time you do so AMD and Nvidia release new gpus also if you want to see more check out one of these related videos you won't be disappointed
Channel: Graphically Challenged
Views: 97,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BIOS Setting That’s Ruining Your PC - Turn it Off Now, BIOS Setting That’s Ruining Your PC, Setting That’s Ruining Your PC, BIOS setting ruining your PC, BIOS setting ruins PC, the BIOS setting that's ruining your PC, BIOS setting ruining PC, ruining your PC BIOS setting, this BIOS setting is ruining your PC, setting is ruining your PC, BIOS ruining your PC, BIOS ruining PC, ruining your BIOS, setting ruining PC, turn this BIOS setting off now, BIOS setting off now
Id: k_hjRa8smOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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