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Aun no vi el video pero de ante mano aviso, le voy a poner todo el rgb en stock y nadie me va a detener de cometer tal delito.

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/AzucarSama 📅︎︎ May 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Si a mi me está costando decidir que placa madre comprar para un 5600G. Ir con un básico A320 ($7300) , B450m ($9300), B450m TUF ($14500) o gastar mucho mas por una B550m ($16800). Vi varios posts y todas esas placas mencionadas sirven para un 5600G.

Mi duda es la misma que el video de Jay, es realmente necesario gastar 17mil por una placa o una básica A320 es suficiente?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/PatoP011 📅︎︎ May 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Un capo el Jaime , miro sus videos a pesar de que no tengo un sope para la PC

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Dude_WithWiFi 📅︎︎ May 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Hace años que no armo una maquina y estoy bastante desactualizado. Hace dos días me compre la 3080ti. Y ahora empieza el proceso de actualizar todo los componentes que la van a rodear.

Y aunque sigo entre el i7 y el ryzen 7 esto ayudó un monitor entender como cambio el mercado en los últimos 8 años desde que arme la pc que tengo ahora.

No saca, que soy un nene grande y me quiero comprar todas las boludeces.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/KounetsuX 📅︎︎ May 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

alguno me hace un tl dr porque no sé mucho ingles

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Amantedelacomida53_ 📅︎︎ May 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

No vi el vídeo pero aprovecho para decir que es exactamente lo mismo jugar con un mouse/teclado gamer que con uno de oficina medio choto, yo estuve un año jugando con mouse y teclado vomitivos, cambie a unos gamers de marca redragon y están buenísimos pero posta, por lo menos para mí no cambio nada en como jugaba, a día de hoy sigo con un mousepad del estado que dice algo de las empresas agroalimentarias jajaj

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Scolter45 📅︎︎ May 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

me puse a ver el video porque estaba pensando en armarme una pc, de ahí a que haya presupuesto es otra cosa.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nitoram 📅︎︎ May 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Ayuda a la comunidad, hace años no compro pc y hay tanta variedad que no sé como armar una. Necesito prestaciones medias a altas para edición de foto-video y para virtualizacion de SO. Por esos requisitos entiendo necesito principalmente para virtualizar hilos de cpu (i5 o i7), Ram (16-32Gb) y buen disco rígido (creo que hay algo más rápido que ssd no?), para foto video algo de GPU (que no sé qué hay) y que me sirva para algún que otro juego. ¿Qué combinación se puede armar más o menos que me permita a futuro agregar ram o cambiar a más cpu? Entiendo que para definir eso lo principal es definir el Mother. Si me dan una orientación con algún setup se los agradecería (que no supere los 200k). No me interesan todas las cuestiones cosméticas gamer, necesito algo potente y equilibrado al menor costo posible.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/vr19_dudu 📅︎︎ May 27 2022 🗫︎ replies
so while everyone else is bombarding your inbox with all of the crap that you can't afford or not going to buy anyway when it comes to computex i decided to go ahead and kind of flip the script a little bit i'm going to tell you guys about all the crap you don't actually need that they're pedaling nzxt's build is a quick and easy way to get a new gaming computer and right now they're proud to announce expansion and availability to australia the netherlands france and italy build a gaming pc on your budget using the built-in configurator and see exactly how your favorite games will perform want to build your own pc but still have the nzxt peace of mind warranty then the new bld build it yourself kit has what you want buy it and build it yourself and nzxt has you covered to get started configuring or building your next gaming pc visit the build link in the description below so every time there's a whole new platform launch if you're not even up to speed of what i'm talking about computex is pretty much so before computex you have the pre-computex show because all the brands want to get their information out before all the noise causing all the noise before the show which means it's still noise and you're still probably not going to pay attention to it anyway but there's a few new uh things coming out of computex right now am5 being the biggest one and again if you're if you're not familiar with amd's launch it's the pre-launch it's the soft launch actually take that back you have to go back even farther months ago there's the teaser then there's the teaser teaser there's the pre-launch and there's a soft launch and then there's the hard launches isn't the real hard launch because things aren't actually available on shelves so then the real hard launch comes later which is when typically everyone's gonna buy it all out and the scalpers will raise the price and stuff anyway so i think we're like phase two of amd's like 17 phase launch system uh moving forward with new platforms always comes new feature sets new things to talk about and stuff to really sort of dangle a carrot in front of your face to say hey come by our crap even though you don't actually need it so that's sort of the the premise of today's video now i've done this multiple times and every single time i do this the the list sort of changes a little bit on features you absolutely positively do not need now we're gonna start this off in no particular order but the latest one being the fourth time we've actually talked about this since you know pcs have been around and that's pcie gen 5. well j why isn't it the fifth time well because you all need pcie gen 1. you need the first gen to have any additional gen so this is the fourth update of pci or pci express pcie gen 5 uh comes much sooner and much closer to pci gen 4's launch than 3 and 4 did 3 was around for a long time pci gen 3. i mean anything that connects and needs to talk to the cpu needs a pci express lane to do it if it's using pci express bus to talk what has made pcie gen 4 popular is the fact that although graphics cards being also pcie gen 4 in both latest rdna technology rdna 2 nrdna1 for amd and 30 series uh graphics cards for nvidia uh they do not come anywhere close to saturate saturating the pci express bus so gpu discussions aside anyone that tells you you need pcie gen 5 or even pcie gen 4 for graphics for this matter run away from them like a wildfire because they really have no idea what they're talking about the one or two percent is not going to make a difference anywhere near real world tangible differences that you could even notice it was storage and storage speed and 3d nand and nvme that made pcie gen 4 even exciting because of the fact that we're finally getting up over 000 megabytes per second read write well read speed and then write speed uh pretty close to 5 000 megabytes per second obtainable and achievable on pcie gen 4. pcie gen 5 is just a sort of a forward compatibility thing because right now there are absolutely no consumer facing i should say consumer grade pcie gen 5 technology to even be had so you'll have this shiny new pcie 5 lane that right now nothing can utilize so although that's going to seem like a feature set that's nice to have right now it makes absolutely no difference to you whatsoever in fact even adopt pcie gen 5 you would have to buy a latest platform whether it be intel 12th gen or now the rumored 13th gen which is right around the corner or am5 so my point is if you want it because it's the latest highest number you're buying a shiny thing right now that has zero support and by the time it's supported you'll probably see next-gen cpus or even the tick tock stuff that intel's been doing and amd sort of doing the same thing now you'll probably see next-gen cpus come out before pcie gen 5 products are truly available you'll see pcie gen 5 graphics cards you'll see pcie gen 5 storage storage should be the only reason whatsoever that you would even consider pcie gen 5. it's just a way to upsell and continue the artificially inflated prices of components now like i said in no particular order large coolers on mid-range graphics cards this is another way for aibs to artificially keep the prices high on graphics cards we've talked about this a million times yet i still see every time i say you know submit your systems for our jay what do you think series i'll see 30 60s 3060 ti's with strix coolers or big for the wind coolers or whatever galax has or whatever msi has and i think to myself you know at the 100 to 150 premium that you've paid for that cooler on a fairly low wattage efficient part you could have had a 30 70 or a 30 70 ti for that matter that would outperform now a 37 or 30 70 ti with a more base cooler on it by the way because you obviously would be paying for the more expensive cooler as well on the 37 dti if you got say the equivalent strix for the when whatever models are out there there becomes a point where the cooler is absolutely positively overkill and that is the case for almost every single um 6600 xt 6600 6700 non-xts even xt's 30 60s 30 60 tis 30 70s these parts do not consume a ton of power now yes so 3070 has a 250 watt part but you don't need a 450 watt cooler on a 250 watt gpu it is a way to keep the prices high now i i feel like if more people were willing to buy a more base end model graphics card they would get more for their money without spending a ton of money on the big giant lavish coolers in my opinion over the last four or five years this has been one of the greatest scams of all time when it comes to keeping costs high for graphics cards i it's basically like having a ferrari but when you pop the hood it's got like a standard honda 2.0 or 1.8 1.5 motor inside of it it's kind of like it looks cool but it only goes as fast as the engine itself that's inside of it and it's just unless you just want to look cool you're paying for nothing at that point so do yourself a favor consider getting the lower end tier of the hierarchy of graphics cards because all graphics cards themselves are gonna have five six seven eight nine ten available options in that range and if you take a look at the price gap between the entry level one and the top tier one it can sometimes be as much as a graphics card itself it's ridiculous so do yourself a favor stop buying these super massive giant overkill coolers because they're making up a solid 25 of the cost of the card itself when you just don't need it so speaking of high temperature parts and you know graphics card coolers and such let's talk about motherboards for a second here the latest trend is to just put as many power phases as you can on a motherboard you guys have noticed the trend over the last couple generations of motherboards right remember when a 200 250 motherboard was considered high-end and expensive now you can't even find baseline motherboards that come with you know feature sets worth talking about for less than 200 a 700 motherboard from asus like the hero can be considered like three or four models from the top where you can buy two thousand dollar motherboards now it's insane it's absolutely insane but the reason the one of the ways that motherboard manufacturers are keeping the cost up and this has very little to do with you unless you fall in a very niche category is by putting tons and tons of power phases and we've seen like 14 17 18 power phase motherboards imagine taking a 17 phase motherboard like an intel motherboard and putting like a 12 600 k on there the thing about power phase is it's about stepping down the power cleanly and neatly to whatever is drawing the power which in this case is going to be the cpu it costs money to design implement manufacture those power phases and it's just a way to keep the price up if you are not going to look even if you're getting a 12 900 k if you are not planning on trying to overclock that cpu in fact we've showed you undervolted under volting it actually takes some stress off of those vrms as well undervolting the cpu gives us the best result in terms of temperature and then still maintaining all of the intel turbo boost clock technologies but when you have 17 phases in there it's things that you're paying for that you don't absolutely need because if you're not going to be overclocking the cpu using ln2 or some sort of a chiller or your subzero cooling on the cpu to try and push the clocks as high as you possibly can you're never going to come anywhere near needing that type of technology in terms of the power delivery system on your motherboard there's a there's a rumor slash kind of a mantra that goes with the higher the end like more phases the higher quality parts put into the power delivery system that is true we're talking solid capacitors japanese capacitors um more gold content in the socket all that sort of stuff but you know what's funny is i've never once experienced a cpu that seemed like it was being held back by putting it on a low red motherboard versus one of these motherboards that have all the bells and whistles and tassels and dangly things that would make you think that you need it so if you're building a new system especially now with am5 coming out a lot of people are going to be buying building new systems from scratch upgrading same thing with the new intel stuff don't think that you need any of that stuff the manufacturer's going to do the best they can to advertise it and say you need all of these things but the point here is to say these are things that are nice to haves not need to haves that kind of moves me onto the next point here which are the which is cpus themselves we are in this like core count race we've kind of gone as far as we can in terms of the silicon that we have the processes of course are getting smaller am5 is based on five nanometer which is absolutely insane and like the gpu stuff now that's on there is like six nanometer like because now we're actually seeing rdna 2 make its way onto the cpu die itself so no longer is it apu they're actually considered like a discrete graphics that's built onto the cpu but you guys can watch all the am5 coverage to know more about that i'm not going to go in that today but once we got about five two five three single core performance um that's about as far as the silicon is able to be pushed with non you know standard cooling that's available to the consumer easily and reliable um and again the power delivery systems of the motherboards the cpus and all that sort of stuff so what they've started to do is now instead of pushing the boundaries of speed they're now pushing the boundaries of core density so that's why you're seeing these thread ripper count cpus now on mainstream desktop where back in 2016 if you wanted a 16 core cpu you had to go thread ripper or you had to go intel extreme which was an 8 core 16 thread now you can get 24 cores and 48 threads on a mainstream desktop cpu currently with 5000 series amd or 16 core 24 thread cpus on intel do you need that many cores that's the thing just five years ago a four core eight thread i7 intel cpu was like top of the line that was like that was that was what you needed that was the best for gaming the high core count stuff was again on alternate platforms like x 299 for intel or threadripper for amd and the only people that even considered needing more than four cores and eight threads was anyone doing content creation photoshop video editing lots of virtual machines or anything that was high core count cpu intensive which was always going to be professional workflow wasn't gamers it wasn't personal computers at home doing random stuff now i see people post pictures of their system and they're proud of like their 12400 f which again is a like a four core eight thread cpu and people dog shooting on it because of the fact that it's not high core count so again it's like this this whole idea of you need all these cpus and stuff is completely or these these processors and high core counts is completely bogus i mean right now four core eight thread with hyper threading on both intel or amd amd client simultaneous multi-threading not hyper threading is more than enough to meet like 90 plus of the average consumer out there in their workloads when it comes to games and such if you think you play a game that is highly multi-threaded and you think your cpu is being pegged just actually open up task manager and take a look at your course and see what the active cores are and i bet you'll find that none of the threading like the hyper threading or simultaneous multi-threading cores are actually truly being touched it's the main core on any of those nodes or those chiplets or whatever you want to call it that's doing something they're being passed around to the main core and the hyper-threading core is sitting there idle so you think and you probably won't even see four maybe six of those threads being utilized in a high cpu usage game you play any other game like any sort of shooter or whatever you'll find a world thread that's probably pegged at 100 passing around and a couple of other threads doing things which is more than likely your system tasks in the background so you don't need expensive high core count cpus which then circles back to what i said about motherboards not needing all of those super high massive count vrms uh because of the fact that that are power phases because of the fact that you're not even going to come close to needing it so it's about balancing out your system and it's easy to overspend in one area meaning you won't have the money left to actually benefit from something in another area if i were to make my choice i would pick something mid-range on the cpu get something mid-range low end on the motherboard and get a better graphics card like that's the way i would personally balance it which kind of brings us now to ddr5 it's it's obvious all the new platform stuff from intel and amd is based on ddr5 currently with 12th generation 12th gen intel you can choose between ddr4 and ddr5 it's more than likely though on 13th gen you're not going to be able to choose ddr4 ddr4 is going to be phased out ddr5 is the only place that you're going to have a a forward move but ddr5 is one of those things again where we saw a doubling of the data rate we saw a doubling of speed and it's it's just again completely unnecessary to utilize ddr5 if you're on an older gen platform means that you're gonna have to upgrade everything and i have no doubt someone watching this video has probably already gone through this where they upgraded their system they wanted ddr5 once they finally found ddr5 and then have to mortgage their house to get it they built their system and then at the end of the day they scratched their head because they went i don't really notice a difference that's because unless you're doing something that actually utilizes a crap ton of system memory you're not going to notice so don't waste money right now on ddr5 if you don't do anything that needs it if you're sitting there on a 3000 series ryzen cpu i'm telling you right now am5 is looking very enticing it's looking very i want ddr5 i want or i want am5 i want ddr5 i want a 4 a 40 or 40 series gpu it's all going to be i mean look we're enthusiasts right those of us that are want the latest and greatest but at what cost because you'll find that there's a huge diminishing return on even trying to utilize this latest stuff and actually get a cost benefit out of it it still comes entirely down to what it is that you do my recommendation honestly would be upgrade to a 5000 series ddr4 system from amd it's super solid it's been around long enough to have all the kinks worked out plenty of uh bios revisions and stuff for motherboards that have made them super stable with the latest memories and stuff go and peruse the intel forums when it comes to 12th gen on like reddit or whatever and and read about some of the issues that are coming about of ddr5 compatibility um the weird wonkiness i said don't take our word for it i mean i'm the only one running 12th gen right now in the studio because we need our systems to be as reliable as possible so phil is on the complete opposite of ddr our ddr5 and intel 12th gen he's still on threadripper with ddr4 and couldn't be happier but just don't take our word for it go and read what the other people are saying another thing too that you can completely and utterly waste money on our expensive fans look fans are kind of like the the latest thing to become sort of a bragging point in your system it's like look at all these lean uni fans that i have look at all these corsair sp 120 fans i have yeah i look at my maglev bearings and look at my rgbs and all that stuff but you know when you you compare the performance of like it 10 years ago a 4.50 120 millimeter yate loon fan was like the most popular fan that you could put in your system because performance to price this predates rgb around then the best you could hope for is finding either a white a blue or a red or possibly a green led fan which again just were leds that lit up with the fan but you had to choose the color but as time went on manufacturers found way to squeeze a lot of money out of the consumer by adding a lot of bells and whistles to fans here's the thing they're still just like the four basic sleeves or bearing types when it comes to fans and the ultimate reliability of the fan itself is going to rely on that bearing type the rgb you know the the adjustable rpms or some fans you know zero rpm now capable all that stuff is is just extra that doesn't provide any sort of increase to the user experience rgb is an arguable thing because a lot of people love the idea of rgb most people hate rgb because of the marketing behind it not because of the you know the product itself but thirty dollars for a i when i started youtube my white water cooled system that i had that had two radiators and it was in a giant switch 810 case i didn't even have 30 worth of fans in the entire case let alone one fan that's 30 bucks now you look at like a three pack of some of these rgb fans or a hundred dollars or more which is absolutely ridiculous and do you think that those fans fail at a lesser rate i got news for you i we have had five dollar fans that are still going and we've had 35 dollar fans that failed on us and had bearings that started wobbling and started making ticking sounds or are they because they're spinning we've all experienced it it's still a fan it's like you can strap all the to it that you want but it's still just a fan and then for honorable mention we're gonna talk about rgb look rgb should not be something that you seek it should be something that you end up with what do i mean by that if you go i want this rgb thing it's it's it's a terrible way to shop it should be the last feature that you look for in a component if you buy high-end graphics card if you buy a high-end motherboard if you buy a high-end case you're gonna get rgb with it it's it's a given it's an automatic you should not shop at that upper echelon of pricing thinking that you're getting necessarily more for your money depending on what your use case is now that theme holds true for every category i've said today but i've seen i've seen someone like on twitter i remember exactly when it was but they were asking like hey who has the best rgb and that's a that's a question i had never actually seen someone ask before but it really got me thinking like everyone's implementation of rgb is different in some way you've got the jst connectors you've got the standard connectors you've got 12 volt 12-volt rgb is kind of like disappearing now it's actually hard to find 12-volt rgb which is the four pins and it's just straight up all the leds do the same thing everything's addressable now and you're finding that with that becomes uh proprietary controllers and such where well they've got to use their control box or whatever fortunately if they use a jst connector like i showed with my system then they can be converted to the to the three pin motherboard header rgb which will allow you to be able to kind of control everything uh with one system in my case it's going to be asus hora but you've got asus aura you've got mystic light you've got um well i guess this through precision x is how you control evga's rgb lighting you've got corsairs iq oh you've got lienly lconnect you've got so many different types of rgb in fact my my system at home has four different rgb softwares to control everything and it's a pain in the ass but at the end of the day once i take the time to set it all up i love the way my system looks but rgb should absolutely be last on your list of concerns or something that you're seeking because you're going to automatically get it if you shop at like a certain price point and above anyway with all of the news of computex happening right now um i want to give you guys something different in your inbox that wasn't just the same boring ass material regurgitated 15 different ways to give you guys something to think about when you go oh wow i want this new thing maybe hold off and save your money for a little bit and just sort of wait unless you absolutely have to buy something now it doesn't mean you should buy the latest gen in fact we have a whole video about what to expect when you buy something latest gen cutting edge bleeding edge technology there's some food for thought there too so make sure you guys go and seek out that video and see we had to say about that what are your absolute wastes of money that you think nobody should ever pay for or shop for put it down the comments below and maybe i'll heart the best ones that way they can be pushed to the top so you guys can get some recognition for those opinions thanks for watching we'll see you the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,463,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc, pc building, gaming pc, pc gaming, intel, nvidia, amd, am5, 4080, 4090, 4090ti
Id: K007--xD8DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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