Fix Ryzen 7000 Series High CPU Temperatures

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what you guys got another video on how to fix the ryzen 7000 series High CPU temperatures and high wattage usage now if you've just built yourself a brand new computer with a ryzen 7000 series CPU in it you're pretty much gonna soon find out that the temperatures are running pretty hot now AMD have claimed that this is pretty normal for this particular type of CPU but if you're like me and you don't want to be running a CPU at 95 Celsius then this video is for you you can run this at a lot lower temperatures and still get pretty much the similar results as you would get with high temperatures compared to low temperatures so I know which one I prefer also you're not using as much power with this particular type of setup so I'm going to show you how we can do this now you can see that I am putting a water cooler on here this is a previous build that I have done if you haven't checked that build out it's on my channel just go to the main page or see it right there and that is the build that you're looking at right here now it seems to be the case that all these ryzen processors are causing issues with high temperatures and this is nothing new because the ryzen 3800x also had similar issues were yet to mess around with the voltage to get a much more stable CPU so we're going to be using HW info here we'll get this installed on the computer and we'll also run a cinebench and you'll be able to see what these stock results are for this computer we're going to run a cinebench uh score here so we can get a good idea of what we would get with the stock temperatures and also the wattage usage and things like that so let's go ahead and start this up and straight away you can see it jumps straight to 94.4 and you can see here that is getting pretty hot but they say it's pretty normal now we're up to 95.1 and you know to me personally that is way too hot for my life making 95.3 and again this is a brand new build and it's under a closed loop wall called system so it should be a lot cooler than that we're not getting any thermal throttling here which is also a good sign which means A and D say that this is pretty normal so when you look at the CPU package power here you can see it's 145.514 Watts there running on this system so all in all I'm not too happy with those uh particular temperatures there and I'm going to bring these down without losing too much power on the system and without losing too much performance and that's what we're going to do so we've got 19 594 score running on cinebench here so let's dive on into the actual uh bios here and we're going to make some changes to try and bring that down now I've been fettling around with this for a while trying to get it uh to my liking I'm going to go into AI tweaker here and basically what you're looking for is precision a boost overdrive here once you go into here you'll see that this is set to Auto and you can change it to enabled enhancement manual and it's also an AMD eco mode inside here if you want to give that a try you can do so let me go ahead and we'll get this set up I'm going to do a bit of testing here so we can see whether we can bring these temps down to a much more manageable uh sort of level really so if you look inside here there is one called manual and there is also one called enhancement which the enhancements does have some presets inside here if you look level 280 Celsius you can see there is some preset ones inside here if you want to set it up via this method so choose which one suits you and uh have a little mess around inside here you're not going to blow up your computer you just need to to be a bit careful and just check some of the settings as you go because what's going to happen is if you've got this wrong it's just not going to boot or you're going to end up with some crashing and things like that and then you're going to have to keep coming back into the BIOS and making changes to you find a happy medium for your system no CPU is the same some people are lucky and get a really good CPU and uh the silicone Lottery is real and some people end up getting a really good one where they can push it and some people have to come down a little bit more than the others so once we're inside here I've got it set to enable for now we're going to go into the area here where it says curve Optimizer inside here you'll see this is set to Auto you want to put this onto all cores here so set this to all cores and you can see it's set to positive at the moment so set the all course curve Optimizer signed to negative and then we need to go to all core curve Optimizer magnitude now the number inside here is going to differ from CPU to CPU now we're running a 7700x here so the maximum you can put inside here is 30. now some people have got away with running with 30 and some people have had to go too low as 15 and some people have got away with a nice sweet spot of 20 but we're going to start off with 30 which you should start off with 30 and go and do a bunch of tests and see whether that's stable if it is then you can leave it at 30 if you find it's crashing or it's not booting you need to come back in and change this to a lower number maybe 25 and or then 20 until you get that sweet spot now once that's done and you found out that your number is what it is you can leave that in there I'm going to go into this one here which is uh platform thermal throttle limit we're going to set this to manual and we're going to then set this to 85. this is the thermal throttle limit of 85 and that's what I want to set mine to I don't want to go any higher than that so that's where it's going to sit at now just a minute ago we was looking at the Precision boost overdrive and we had that on enabled or you've got enhancements there so depending what you want to set Yours to but I'm going to set mine to a manual setting but if you wanted to you can see level 80 Celsius here you could set this to something like that and you can also set the thermal throttle limit to whatever you need down there but I'm going to put this on manual because I want to set this to uh an 85 setting on the PPT so let me go ahead and we'll get this set to manual but if you want to use the presets you can do but I'm going to go more manual for mine because I've got manual uh platform thermal throttle limit to 85. so now we've got it set to manual I'm going to set the PPT limit to 85. so PPT stands for package power tracking this is the socket power consumption and we've got this set to 85. so we should be good there and uh down here as you can see we've got everything how we want it now and what I'm going to do here is I'm going to save these settings and we're going to restart the system and then we're going to test to see whether we get any problems like crashing or anything like that so go ahead and you can save your settings and reboot now I've already done a bit of testing so I do know that this will work but just for the video I'm going to run the test here and show you but I have booted backwards and forwards to the desktop and run multiple different tests to save you time so I'm going to run a cinebench here and we're going to open up HW info here so we can see what happens with those temperatures so let's go ahead and run the Benchmark key and you can see already the temperatures are 67.3 uh 67.9 and that is it it's not going any higher than that you can see down here the CPU package power is also at 87 and Watts or 87.103 Watts which is pretty good and that's the maximum that it's going to so it says just a couple of little Watts over now again this HW info is not going to be 100 accurate so there's probably a couple of degrees difference there so that is probably bang on the 85 and you can see here the score eighteen thousand nine hundred and twenty eight now this will obviously change every time you run the Benchmark but you can see here there's not much difference between this and what it was when it was really erratic at 95 and 96 Celsius so we've managed to lower our temperatures and we've also managed to get our uh wattage down and we're also getting a pretty good score still so I'm happy with those results you may not be but I'm pretty happy with those we are going to take a little hit just a few hundred uh points there again in my opinion it's much better to have a much lower temperature on the CPU that means that is not getting too hot also we're running less wattage on there as well and we're not getting any thermal throttling or anything like that we're getting a pretty good performance from our CPU let me know in the comments section below what sort results you've got if you have got a ryzen 7000 series uh chip now this does affect the ryzen 7 and the ryzen 5 and the ryzen 9s so it's not just this processor it does affect all ryzen 7000 series CPUs and you will need to go into BIOS and mess around with it if you don't want to run it at the stock 95 or 96 Celsius temperatures that AMD say is perfectly fine to run at anyway I think that's going to be about it hope this video has been helpful let me know in the comment section below what sort of results you've got I'll be happy to read your results and my name has been Brian from just want to say a quick shout out to my YouTube members I appreciate the support and I'll catch you in the very next video bye for now foreign [Music]
Channel: Britec09
Views: 58,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to lower cpu temperatures, ryzen 7000 high temperatures, how to lower temperatures on ryzen 7700x, how to lower power consumption on AMD Ryzen 7000, AMD Ryzen 7000 undervolting, How to make AMD 7950X run cooler, How to make AMD Ryzen 7000 run cooler, How to make AMD Ryzen 7000 more efficient, AMD Ryzen 7000 Reduce Temperatures, AMD Ryzen 7000 Reduce Power Consumption, AMD Ryzen 7000 Optimization, AMD Ryzen 7000 Optimizations, Optimize Ryzen 7000, britec09, britec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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