Ryzen 7 7800X3D Upgrade! The Fastest Gaming CPU vs #StutterStruggle

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okay so this one well what can I say Alex um for a while now you've been using the core i 92900 k for your high-end PC game reviews and um I think it was at Gamescom where we met with AMD and we said we said to them come on guys if you've got the 7800 x3d and it's the fastest gaming chip out there why don't you give up you know slide one in Alex's Direction go on go on I remember sitting at the table I like look at like Frank gazor I'm like you know Frank um yeah that was pretty great and this yes ' come through and they've come through they're AMD they they put the you know they do everything they need to do they're great people at AMD when it comes to these kinds of things so yes AMD sent over to me a 7800 x3d uh so the latest and greatest from them for gaming performance obviously if you were going for you know productivity workloads you look at a different Ryon they love uh 3D by the way in their CPUs there was 3D now which I mentioned recently and now there's this yeah but I don't even think anything supports 3D now anymore which is really funny it's dead dead it's deadd now is dead and the the the um main board that they also sent with it too was uh which is also very kind now you don't expect to get a main board if you're Supply at any sort of sample at all uh is the gigabyte aurus how do you pronounce that ausus orus xus x670 e master um and for this board this is funny I posted that online with the picture of it and people are like oh no not that board so I'll I'll figure this out over time if there is an oh no not that board kind of thing but um setting it up was pretty easy if you go back in time there's like a video I did of what was it uh flight simulator 2020 where I showed off the uh the uh rig sent to me by origin which is like this cool water loop rig using a Corsair water cooler and loop and it really great that was serving the 10900k then then I changed out the heat sink and I put in a 12900 K in it and for this for the um for the ryzen 7800 x3d all I had to do was take out the heat sink put on a different bracket on it which already came in the Box for the heat sink by the way and I then just slid over it it's like so easy to change I didn't have no problems at all uh installing this thing putting it in the case uh little bit tight there that's just because new motherboards have these like massive heat sinks that connect to like the io on the back like that's one thing that has changed over time is just like how how much like more monolithic boards are there's like less like visible uh capacitors and less like more space for your fingers and hands to work with it when you put it in the case you you have to do everything out outside of the case now it's very different um so I plugged it in installed it I didn't have any member training issues at all mostly went in all fine the only issue that I had and I've had this before um with other boards too is that they don't like outputting to HDMI always initially uh they prefer things like display port uh to Output initially too and I don't know what exactly that is if that's a GPU thing or if that's a board thing it's really hard to know uh I didn't want to test that the theories there I just wanted to get the board up and running so I got it up and running threw it in stock uh updated the BIOS uh turned on dop is it right it's not called is it docp it's yeah that's right yeah it's basically the version of um xmb for AMD right yeah yeah yeah overhead cam something like that I don't know um but that was and I used the exact same memory that was powering the 1200k system which is 6400 MTS uh cl32 good memory G skill and I like it a lot and I was curious about what does this actually mean because you go underneath all the comments of my videos people are like whenever I cover any sort of game that has problematic things like stuttering or CPU related issues there's always a comment saying like but Alex is using a two gen old CPU is this a reliable review uh I'm not seeing any of this on my CPU which is better than Alex's CPU all right so I've got the best CPU on the market now well you know Alex what could I say you know basically a 2-year-old CPU just can't you know it it just it just doesn't doesn't cut the bastard it just doesn't anymore when you're dealing with uh uh you know anything up to a 200 millisecond pause yeah that's it's allp a CPU that's 2 years younger that's the state-ofthe-art that that's just going to go away right it's it's all on the CPU there definitely um so if you guys look at it uh I also dropped a video of all the little benches I did I did some benches and these are nothing like uh like your Gamers Nexus style benches or anything like that this is stock and stock for both of these systems I'm not doing PB o shananigans I am using the I Ted that online today because I was curious to see what people doing about that PBO sh Shenanigans this is just all mostly stock with the memory put up to the way it should be I disabled the IG GPU as well on both systems I don't think that has any effect on anything um but these are mainly all the same settings there's one thing that is slightly different settings but we'll get to there and there's a reason why okay so first I start off with crisis can it run crisis so one thing I noticed when I was playing the game on the 1200 K uh originally uh is that you can definitely still get drops below 60 when you get near the town and as you can see in this video right here it's just like cruising along 5556 while looking over the town guess what not below 60 on the 7800 x3d it's about like 15% faster here overlooking the town and the thing with the x3d chips that you have to like kind of when you get one of these you have to like assume like not every game is going to benefit massively from this increased cash to the same degree it really depends on a it's a game perame basis otherwise you're looking at other factors like memory speed um if you have one of those xpd chips that has two CCX this one doesn't maybe you're like looking at like do I disable one of the CCX for this there's a lot of things that uh influence the uh the performance of a game but crisis just like 15% nothing too impressive but it's also a nice upgrade um after that I actually tried out something that I was really curious about and that was running Killzone 2 and rpcs3 so rpcs3 is interesting because it's I think dolphin does down too but they support AVX 512 and most recent Intel chips 13900 K 1400k don't out of the box support it the 1200k I had actually did uh if you disabled the EC course so this is a AVX 512 uh test of both of these CPUs and the funny thing is if you look at it they perform the exact same which surprised me and then I had to go up online I was like really and a lot of people are saying actually this rpcs3 in spite of it sporting ABX 512 is a bit more Intel friendly for some reason um and I and it may also be a perame basis thing there but one thing you'll see on the top is I had to use a different scheduler I had to use rpcs3 scheduler versus the system scheduler because whenever I use the rpcs3 scheduler on the 7800 x3d it brought a nasty stuttering and audio stuttering which I just I don't know why so I had to change the scheduler but it ran the exact same so so far I'm like uh this isn't that actually so super interesting of a CPU upgrade but now I'm going to skip ahead to something that I think was that was like oh I understand the 3D cach deal loaded up star citizens Alpha it's like 3.21 uh that just recently released I believe and that is notorious as you're looking over lorville here like it's just going to destroy your CPU and I've read online that this game does not like the latest cor series processors and really loves AMD stuff and that is exactly what I measured now forgive the time of day differences here I swear I'm looking at the exact same thing uh it's just like you load up a server and the time of day is different you can't do anything about it um but here I saw 30% roughly 29% actually it was a little bit over 29% difference in performance and a lot less stuttering while running and the servers were running at the exact same performance too here 30% for just popping in like a different like you know different board different CPU of course but like the exact same memory and I think that is a huge difference um I didn't see nearly always the same upgrades when I went 10900k to 1200k it was you know so that was one of those things that I really loved seeing huge upgrade there in performance uh obviously this game is still dx11 so it's going to run better in the future I hope uh and just to be a joker because everyone all those comments I'm like oh Alex you're talking about Shader stutter in this game I don't see any Shader stutter what are you talking about I'm running a 7800 x3d well I I loaded up one of the most consistent Shader stutters that I know of and it's like you open up ghost Runner or the demo to ghost Runner one and you start the game you the the headset starts up there's immediately stuttering you drop down you Katana the first dude to death huge stutter when you do all that um the thing you'll notice here is I'm running vent because I want those stutters to show up a bit better and like look visually very distracting um so what you'll see is that the stutters are the exact same more or less between the 12900 K and the 7800 x3d so that means once again like I've said and posited in all my videos regardless of how good your CPU is you're still going to see Shader comp stutters and interestingly here you can see that the length is more or less the exact same too so it was wasn't a big differ the cache isn't really helping against Shader stutters uh reducing their length but when it's not Shader stuttering notice how the performance is a big deal better it's 20% basically uh still below vent cap there at 4K 120 um so basically doesn't help with Shader stutters okay what about traversal stutters I loaded up um Jedi Survivor a game that I do not like at all and I load yeah it's not like you know like it you you watch my videos you definitely think this is my favorite game that released this year um on average higher 15% performance when you see them running side by side and you can see in the average frame rate numbers but if you look at the frame time graph uh more or less all the stutters are there and this is a combination of Shader compilation stutters and as the usual traversal stutters when you just run through the Cobo Area and they're not that much of a different length at all so the thing that I kind of take away from this and ghost Runner is that really it doesn't matter how good your CPU is Shader compilation stutters are still there you're going to have to wait for much higher CPU speeds and I I um IPC performance to see larger differences over time so we're talking about like 5 10 years from now to actually see differ why the solution needs to be on the software side yeah exactly you can't solve these things another game that I was really interested in was um balers Gate 3 the third uh chapter in it and I wanted to highlight something that I saw here and as as well as in cyberpunk where as you see this benchmarks start out and I'm running through what is the heaviest area of this like Rivington balers gate opening area the lines are a lot closer than you would maybe think given the overall performance difference that I measured through the average of this Benchmark here which was 15% in favor of the 7800 x3d which is great um but at the beginning it's a lot closer but as like the heaviest area you move away from the heaviest area the lines Start Spreading apart a lot more and the bigger differ actually in terms of raw FPS happens later on uh that's a bit of a percentage wonkiness there but also the difference in terms of milliseconds is also growing towards the end of this Benchmark which I think is very interesting and it shows that whatever the thing that is limiting performance it is more similar across these CPUs than it is later on in the bench when it that that thing whatever it is is not limiting performance um and I saw the exact same thing in cyberpunk 2077 running that Ben through the heaviest areas of the bench had more similar performance than the areas where they're just like cruising along the highway for example and then we see those bars split apart again the line split apart on the frame time graph and as well on the frame rate graph um and cyberpunk 277 once again around a 14% performance uplift versus the 12900 K I added in there um I guess my overall experience here with it is only positive zero negative aspects to loading up the 7 800 x3d it was not like a terror or anything like that it was actually super easy install loved it um I also I mean I really do like now that the there aren't any pins on the the the processor itself so good way different than my AMD experiences of the past I really really loved that in terms of performance over the 1200k it's a little bit variable but it was pretty much always better which is what I exactly what I was looking for I think I would have seen bigger gains if I had had different memory kits lying around and for example like I would been playing the 1200 K with like a 5200 MHz kit or you know I see a lot of drop water on it I want to drop some water out drop some water out I definitely want to see some differences there um basically I think I would went into it with a good enough 12 900k due to the memory uh setup that was already in there and so I see less gains versus what when I you know throw the x3d here um but I think this is definitely still like a super Top Dog CPU and in terms of my coverage it'll allow for more really cool coverage of I now have a 4K 120 capture card I can actually do more reliable 4K 120 capture and which is show it on the channel at 120 yeah all this yeah we can totally do that thank you you uh but for like you know uh for for you know our patreon supporters they can get 4k 1220 videos from me from now on in a much more reliable fashion if so and all this footage that you've seen here which you can't even tell because it's YouTube was actually recorded at 4K 120 unless you run it it slow motion know uh but yeah I I I'm loving the x3d here better than the 12900 K uh I'm not using it for my workstation but it swipes the floor if you wanted to use it as a workstation like you actually have pcie Lanes you don't have to worry about any of that like it's like I have no idea what Intel is doing in that space like why they are so stingy with those pcie Lanes man it's so dumb it's annoying yeah I mean um the fact that you're still seeing the stutters there Alex I mean it is you know it is a debunking of yet another of the runs fine on my PC memes it is that we have there's a lot of them that you know there kind of like perceived internet wisdom which you know you just apply the basic rules of common sense to it it just makes no sense whatsoever uh you know basically if if you've got like a let's say you've got a 150 millisecond stutter on a 12 900k um you know what is a Shader compilation stutter doing it's compiling a Shader it's a it's entirely CPU based task so the size of that stutter is going to be essentially related to your clock speed and the capabilities of the architecture but the point is it's not going to go away it's not going you're not going to get a stut ofree experience just because you've bought this particular CPU uh the other one which I find really funny which comes up a lot is uh the fact that FSR might present differently on an on a Nvidia GPU on AMD one you know it's a compute shade of its M so unless the you know unless they calculate maths differently from one architecture to another or unless there is actually something within the source code that says hey this is running on an Nvidia GPU I'm going to do it in a different way it's going to present the same way because it's maths 2 plus 2 equals 4 on on a both an AMD and a GPU video GPU that stuff man we have to deal with these myths all the time when I make a video but I you know I love the concept of the 7800 x3d but I love even more the concept of the 5800 x3d which is for the am4 platform which is kind of like the the the products that that sort of laid the groundwork for this whole x3d thing and what I love about it is the fact that AMD introduced bios updates for any board going all the way back to the original ryzen 1000 launch you know if you had like a 2018 2017 2018 class uh motherboard you know you could just do an up bios upgrade by this chip and suddenly you'll back up there with a 12 900k in terms of performance this is like this you know this is possibly the best thing that ever happened in CPU terms and the fact that they're actually now doubling down on x3d and actually putting it into the stack uh in their new product lineups I think is great as well I think this is just uh super superb it does kind of I mean the whole reason this works is basically because it's got more uh direct access cach right which means that it has to you know it can cash more it doesn't need to call on system memory as much um but that does kind of you know for every one of these games where you're seeing a 20 to 30% increase you kind of help can't help but think well what if that actually optimize the CPU path a bit more there yeah to fit within existing cache structures for for that that's one thing that I do think about sometimes it depend it's very game dependent um and like that's why the Shader compilation stutter thing is very interesting because if you know a Shader program it's not going to be busting cash usually they're a bit smaller unless it's like some massive Uber Shader or something like that but even then you wouldn't be doing that in real time like no one would be doing jit with that um so it makes sense the areas where it does have the bigger upgrades tend to be those games where like that's why I was I'm not doing a Gamers Nexus here I'm not doing a hub uh like spread of benchmarks I don't have CSO here CS2 here you know like or Dota 2 or anything like that like those games where you might see these larger huge differences and even in here there's a couple ones that I know like for for some reason scale really well on Intel like cyberp Punk is just like one of those few games that actually is okay with eor being in your system you know it it doesn't like tank I didn't uh do Lords of the Fall in here for example which runs worse with eor on you know I didn't do anything like that this is just like a it happened to run that way uh I think if I had a larger spread of games here we would see a bigger difference but that's the thing when you get one of these x3d chips it's going to be better overall usually but it won't always be so mind-bendingly better and that's one thing that we'll just see when I do more reviews over time what it how it pans out I think the other thing about your uh commentary on the various games here is that um you just demonstrate how hard it is to properly review a CPU because you know the CPU has so many different tasks to do within any given game within any different any given time slice of Any Given game that the results can vary dramatically and the differentials between CPUs could also vary dramatically I mean the Shader compilation thing is probably the most exaggerated point there where you know it doesn't really matter how much better this CPU is you're still going to have a crap experience with this game yeah yeah that's that's the one thing here like just saying the percentage numbers isn't really very valuable to anyone in spite of this being an interesting scientific ex you know thing to go through but like how it's more about like which one helps you get your performance Target more and and that's usually up to your monitor's refresh rate for a lot of people and in this case for example like very specifically in ghost Runner crisis remastered a little bit in cyber Punk and a little bit in bg3 like it is getting a closer to that 4K 120 that I could otherwise not be getting because the CPU is better but it isn't like it isn't like I'm immediately hitting the refresh rate now as a result of this new CPU it's like it's better it's better but it's not like it's not a generation little difference but it's really good
Channel: DF Clips
Views: 63,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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