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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/prtj1617 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
yeah what's going on live from the basement the right way let's get it let's get it let's start to start the show we're in the secret location right now whatever you're asking not to see me on the run eating your eyes are not deceiving shout out to nori on the right ear right now making it happen what's up y'all it's been a long time i know y'all missed us let's get the good brother ian dunlap in here market mondays we back it's monday right big big big show what is it today is the 9th happy august 9th shout out to everybody that was uh in attendance for that versus battle shout out to him shout out to the versus battle man shout out to you know he was in there there was no other way we had to be in it shout out to the family jim jones styles p we're going to talk about that in a minute but um congratulations to the locks boy i think i heard it 914. stella stella performance and uh shout out to dip set too man they put on the show man i hope that whole battle was just epic man so uh shout out to jimmy kim we got a chance to be there with this front row uh it was a it was a dope dope dope dope bob yeah legendary night legendary night absolutely a historic night hip-hop shout out to uh everybody in uh dc i pulled up out there real quick shout out to my man hector he invited me to his juve event i was pleasantly surprised turnout was crazy the vibe was crazy i definitely will come i wasn't ready i wasn't ready i had fresh kicks on they're like now we gotta throw paint on you man i said that you're not not mad no shout out some of the kicks you got no i said no next time next time uh so shout out to the whole dc shout out to hector shout out to the trinity master shout out to the jamaican masturbation everybody in the caribbean shout out to all y'all uh it was it was festive it was definitely faster yeah how was how was your vacation here amazing man god is good you had a good time yeah you said what so the picture you putting up man they looking classic i'm working on my ian scorsese thing you know trying to practice shadow time shout out uh alex media like go get the reps in so you know we got to continue to diversify and that's one thing about being an entrepreneur you have to be able to do some of everything create content slides be humble gracious network like i'm learning that from y'all like gotta network kiss babies shoot content so yeah gotta gotta do some everything yeah man shout out brothers at eastside gold oh yeah shout out to eastside avoid uh elijah wanna earl man we got some legendary situations cooking up with them um so yeah i mean y'all yeah so we are in atlanta uh this week if you notice the change of uh background yes that y'all setting up early huh this that is a stripper pole in the back it's not our house not our house but we are in atlanta so it's very fitting yeah yeah rashad gonna want to wrap up super early today [Laughter] gotta go 15 out there yeah grand opening grand closing yeah real quick oh man uh we got a lot we got a lot to talk about today but before we start just some announcements everybody has been asking for a toro episode it's been a number one requested episode for months now so you can stop asking it's finally here shout out to my boy maddie j tomorrow eight o'clock eastern standard time the toro and even bigger than toro how to start a car rental business something that a lot you don't really realize the how profitable that can be and how useful that is until you start to think about it like you know it's really practical most people don't drive their cars or all day um you can rent it out and uh actually make money just like airbnb think about airbnb but for cars so um that is tomorrow at eight o'clock a whole whole lot of game um classic eyl type of episode where we just give game for like 70 minutes straight so yeah check out underrated as hell too like yeah matty's acumen is crazy he's a brilliant mind and he's a brilliant man so they have the ability to sit down with him and we was i mean we probably had this probably the most questions we ever had in a episode we just was laying them with the questions and he was just answering them back to back to back so a lot of y'all gonna take a lot away from this this episode and like you said it's one of those things people keep asking about and i think we mentioned it on the breakfast club so people like wait i need more of that can y'all tell me that's yeah while it is here tomorrow tomorrow at eight i'll make sure y'all check it out yeah and here's the acumen go now go ahead okay i got it now i want to give like his credit to on the marketing side to be able to draw attention in some of you may see his ig page and think that he's like actually with the clothing and all that but he is great at taking that attention and funneling it right into business yeah like i can see there's not like he loves to get fly but i can see he's doing it to grab to gravitate and pull an attention like the pt barnum thing and then monetize it so for my entrepreneurs you see derek grace do it like he'll come out with the 92 gold braces and then the guns and be like hey i got this investing thing i'm like job well done so even in that you guys need to start to look at people's content to see what they're doing inside of the actual thing so i i agree he he made a post today about how his hat is an asset maddie's at maddie's now he's one of one he's a one-on-one the boots yeah um so special announcement um being that we was at the versus battle last week and we got a chance to see you know the legendary live first legendary dips and you've seen like styles and and uh jim jones was really like trolling each other for like three weeks they were the main ones you know it's all about relationships um you don't know who i know so so of course styles and jim jones were both eyl alumni both great guys so we're having the best in atlanta um and they're both entrepreneurs jim jones and kryptos thousand and um health with the juice bars and juice pharmacy for life so versus part two we are putting jim jones and styles on a panel together health and wellness panel where they're gonna be talking about entrepreneurship they're gonna be talking about crypto they're gonna be talking about health um and yeah we're just gonna do that for the culture like and what day would that be for everyone who wants to attend that is sunday the 29th that's the same day that you're you're going to be on just saying i'm just saying this is like that this is when we talk about the evolution of hip-hop like this is it we're watching history i know somebody said to us make sure we document these moments make sure we are present in these moments because they are historic man these are two dudes from the streets that actually it has nothing to do with music it actually has to do with everything that they're doing outside of music so it's beautiful make sure you then i think that's gonna be dope too because everybody's sort of they're actually really great guys they're friends um but outside of the music you know they've grown as entrepreneurs and business people so we sort of battle on stage with music but now we can hear them speak about business investing and you know things that you might not necessarily you know know them for so and they love talking about it too so that's great yeah so shout out to both of those guys man uh you know invest fast just keeps getting better and better literally we i don't even want to say anything else we might have it's top secret stop seeing it's called top secret i don't even want to say it's called the managers need to answer their phone a couple artists need to let me get my favorites real quick there's something cooking or something well yeah so if you're interested go to investfest.com um check it out i think the pre-sale ends on thursday so you guys got a couple days for that um but let's get into this man i don't want to talk to you yeah we didn't let's just run down with a quick ebio schedule so wednesday we got a class of virtual events in uh virtual commercial property with a conundrum uh shout out to her she's one of our professors in our professor series she's always does an amazing job yeah she's incredible uh shout out to my brother mg he has his breaking bread on thursday at seven wellness health and wellness club on friday at seven and then you got your financial planning class on saturday at 12 p.m shout out to everybody that was in the book club yesterday and shout out to mature earners who are part of that as well um every day is something man every day it is your calls on 12 p.m on saturday yeah master investor will be in the building all right troy let's read this yeah yeah man well first and foremost this episode of market money is brought to you by ally financial allies an option if you're looking to bank or invest ally is a leading digital financer financial service company with passionate customer service and innovative financial solutions they are relentlessly focused on doing it right and being a trusted financial service provider to both customers and communities so get with that lie to make the most of your money so you can save invest and spend on things that matter to you uh so shout out to our good folks at alan i got my disclaimer really quickly let's get this out the way so number one you know how this works do your own research our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only it's very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances you should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with or independently research and verify any information that you find on our show and wish to rely upon whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise this is a message brought to you by the good folks at indonesia he's a good brother in dunlap the master investor aka two stocks record your game is incredible too segway game impeccable we're working on it the floor is yours yeah thank you i appreciate that let me know if you guys can see my screen yep i got you all right so let's go i love you guys uh first i want to say happy belated birthday to my grandmother to my family um i love you dearly man like i want to tell you guys that time and your tribe is the most important asset please put that in chat as you get older one of the things that sucks you know for those of us that are in our 30s we then become the the front line for our family and sometimes as you begin to lose your elders you wish that you would have spent more time and have more conversations and uh man some of that fire cooking that your grandma or granddad made so i want you to text your family members right now and i want you to also call your grandparents um when the show's over because it's crazy to think that i don't have any so if you have yours please reach out to him um man this broke my heart wrestling piece to my god lucky um i went to know it like lucky was one of the most charismatic people i've ever met in my life so like shout out to everybody from 219 i'm gonna do like a two on nine things and i'm gonna move on real quick but like when when jilla and skrilla was like the hottest thing on earth at the crib and cca and grind shouted to see lucky was the one like yo jill is the one and i'm like man like his love for rap music and entertaining everybody he had one of the like most charismatic energies like he was like tupac-esque in that way um and i was coming back off the trip and i saw my friends posting that he had passed and i was like man life is so short like and i know we said at the end of every show but i think we all and me especially we need to make more time to reach out to our friends because you never know when uh the last time you'll be able to talk to him so rest in peace to dear washington um lucky man i love you and to the family please reach out to me love you all um disclaimer please do not copy remix reproduce any of the material without written permission because the lawyer gonna do the lord thing we don't want that all right y'all gotta quit playing get market monday is the number one and number two this is what i'ma do i'm gonna give away a thousand stock clubs scholarships five thousand snipers scholarships and ten thousand dollars cash to one lucky winner please put market monday's number one or two please in chat i gotta incentivize y'all to do this so in this week's episode of i told you so seventy percent of warren buffett's portfolio is concentrated in just four stocks everyone's like how many should we have 20 listen i can't tell you what to do consult your advisor but if you want to run it up you probably should only have four or six you can only know everything about maybe five to seven companies if you're really good if you do this for 11 maybe 15 but six is a sweet number please put six is the magic number um this brother put this amazing post on ig and i have to share it um time is what the wealthy acquire please put that in check time is what the wealthy acquire majority of people think that wealth is about money and it's not to be true when actual money is time and time as well cash is only 50 percent of wealth i would argue a third because wealth is health cash and time please put that in check health cash and time dividends get reinvested or spent and a principal amount should be designed and protected towards growth assets by time by sourcing people's needs the cash will buy us more time so the number one reason i'm like hey don't worry about flipping 200 sounds great until you have two or three kids a mortgage two car payments and then you're like man it really wasn't enough you wanted i'll tell you guys a big secret that that i'll go into detail at invest fest which i'm put on the show for but you want to have your money working for you indefinitely but i'll give you a hack on how to do that tonight um and somebody pointed out on date of roma and i'll do a full breakdown on this next week but um when i was talking about the ownership so 723 for vo it was an ownership rank not the number of people who owned it so when i'm wrong i have to come out come out here and do a little bit of straightening on myself um so if you go look at square you can see the ownership rank was really high vol was long uh lower than square so i wanted to make that statement to make sure i got that corrected um a week or so ago or two weeks ago amazon dropped to a really low price and kudos to stock club i gave you guys a great price but i want to ask you in chat did you use the 200-day moving average to get in on an amazon drop write this down please use one year in the day chart so when i ask you how long do you want to go out look at one year use the day chart as your way to get in if you go look at it right now that ema would have put you exactly on the price of where to get in and you would have probably had three or four dollars worth to draw down so because a couple saturdays ago when i was on a call people was like well i don't know how to get in i'm gonna break down all five ways to get in tonight but i've given you more than enough ways to get in just use the ones that we give 200 is one way these are 11 tips to make your life better and this is one rashad has been stressing like hell for the last year and i'm finally listening to network your network is going to be so key it doesn't matter and you've seen it in kobe's career you can you can be the greatest at whatever your endeavor or your field is but if you don't network with the right people and continue to continuously build that base you're going to be at a disadvantage opposed to someone who is networking more and you see trey rashad going all over networking kissing babies they're going to be in zimbabwe next week then come back for invest that's like you have to build that base of people two get up early if you want to be a millionaire or make half a million dollars a year you're not going to do a waking up at noon i don't care what software you build what kind of automation you have you have to get up early stay focused watch less tv read more books i know some of you hate reading but every damn secret that you want in life in a field has been written in the book you have to dig through them avoid time wasters invest in your health take calculated risk write down your goals work smarter at scale and do something that you absolutely believe in um kudos to one of the stock club members we talked about modern last week for getting um 1 193 return on modern if you have not invested in modern yet please put not yet but over the next two or three years i think it would be wise for you to do so um another person here got a 258 return on moderna and then from the free info which we do every week bitcoin ethereum eta which kayla calls bay bitcoin um ada and ethereum these are some nice gains ethereum has been running like crazy if you've missed your spot i'll be sure to give you guys a spot in ada later today um bitcoin recovered in 63 days and i told you guys and i know it sounded crazy right when i said it will it recover in 63 days but this is the lesson that you have to know using your setup to get into the market for every asset that you trade and every stock that you invest in you have to know once it hits that low how long will it take to recover grab your notebook i can't show you my notes from the best so grab your notebook and for every stock that you're invested in so i know you guys are going to listen and not go over six so on average i want you to go through five years and once it hits a dramatic low how many days does it take to recover you will have your own formula for apple amv tsm nvidia starbucks draftkings everything to know how long it will take to recover that will also give you a guideline for how long you need to be patient in that stock ada we call 103 before a hit i went up i'm going to go on the record again with the dream team and caleb to say ada a good acquisition target is 103 please put 103 in chat um next week we're going to give you some exciting details you know what i'm gonna launch it at invest fest come sunday after gym and i want jim kicking styles and styles pulling on jim but after they get done i'm gonna talk to us about collectively investing in crypto no there's no management fee any of that because i don't believe in that but i'll reveal at invest fest how you can invest in crypto at scale with us if you guys want a live trading room with the dream team it's something we were talking about today put yes and chat and if we get enough yeses it's something we'll consider doing in the mornings on mondays and fridays uh crude fell apart like crazy last night now i want you to take this into consideration because we talked about it last week when our esteemed a guest from investopedia was on that fell apart and then gold also had a flash crash now they said it's partially because of technical reasons which if you look at the all-time high and you draw fibs which we talked about from high to low gold uh gold did get to that fifty percent retracement and then kind of slid back right and they said there was some liquidity issues but anytime you have two major assets like that fall within a 72-hour period there is a bigger more pressing issue that is there that is not being talked about please keep your eye on that because we could have a dramatic drop um sunday august 29th when i present i'm going to be going over long-term investing swing trading and day trading i need to know from you guys though do you want me to cover more gems on long-term investing or more on day trading futures this past saturday i spent six hours working on my outline i was in the zone i felt like jada i'm like i gotta get prepared like i talked to uh jamal and shoddy i was like yo jada put on the clinic i gotta be dialed in i'm not gonna wait till like three days before outline is done but let me know if you want me to cover more of long-term investing or uh trading futures and this is a great gym that i need you guys to hear from the legendary tim grover the greatest inner circle individuals are so small distance becomes their best friend distance from their competition okay distance from others everyone tries to fit in a group okay you're growing up i want to be part of this fraternity i want to hang out with these people i want to hang out over here who do you idolize the most the ones that stand alone the ones that create distance between you and the competition and everybody else okay you have all your friends they may have all started off together what happens is when you they know they can't keep up okay you create distance you want them to come with you but they don't have the ability to they don't have the discipline they don't have the sacrifice so distance has to become your best friend in order for you to achieve the best at what you want to do i know these are completely different thoughts than what other people tell what other people tell you surround yourself with positive people you know what that means that means life faith so i can feel good about myself and i don't want you to cut off all of your friends on this journey because we'll see those posts and cut off the five people like you have to keep your friends that that are your day ones that have been supportive but a lot of times we want support to go to where we need to go but we don't want to do it alone that's why when you guys like hey i need an accountability partner i'm like no you need to be accountable because if your trading buddy makes a 300 000 trade with you they're not going to split half that money with you i'm telling you that um this is the reason why most people fail i thought this message was absolutely amazing the reason most people fail is because they give up what they want most for what they want now the reason most people fail is because they give up what they want most for what they want now if that was one message it'd probably be that like people don't fail because they're not talented or skilled or whatever it's like you give up what you want most for what you want now and how many of us have ever given up what we truly want for the short term we all have let's make the adjustment going forward um it's 2021 it's crazy in nine years you'll be in a new decade 2010s went by so fast let's make the the choice to be dedicated and not give up the long-term goal for the short term and then for men in your 20s um let your uncles and us give you some advice um check these tips out real quick and then we'll get back to the investing gyms if you can give one piece of advice to a guy in his early 20s what would it be do not move out of your parents house until you saved up at least 25 grand make friends and don't date don't date travel move out of your hometown get very acquainted with a primary care professional get a therapist buy a gun and get really good at using it get a passport and get really good at using it go to a gym and work for an eight pack you really have nothing but time pick up a sport and get good at it stop eating like a damn ninja turtle drink water wash your ass daily buy three suits a black one navy blue heather gray each one should be tailored buy life insurance the younger you are the cheaper it is most importantly find and protect your peace remember that you were a man before her you were a man with her and now you'll be a man without her good luck no kevin samuels but fellas go ahead i'll put this in stock club i want to be on a record for this um and it's going to be salacious and i know people going to say that i'm wrong the peak for apple stock will be november 3rd 2035. so a lot of you are like hey when does it run i know y'all gonna be like dude crazy he don't know and he's just making up now i'm not apple's peak november 3rd 2035 i want to be on the record hey which was a good album on the low shout out tonight but if you guys go copy this i'm coming up to the station if one of y'all say this on tv love y'all um uh for those of you for futures i know it may be difficult but put this in check your target for the bond market should be 33 ticks here's why it takes the same amount of energy to hit a big target as it does a small target the great thing is that zb pays more um so kudos to his brother who with his target but with seven contracts and i want you guys to multiply 500 times seven that was the initial investment into the market the payout was 7218.75 great job 33 ticks should be your primary target for z and you um accountability at one point on the show i said amd would dip to 67.56 it didn't get there i stopped at 72.50 the crystal ball was broken i don't know if i didn't recalibrate it or i should have put it out when the moon we had a full moon didn't get there my bad sorry i was off by a couple bucks ian doesn't know anything right so i want to be accountable and say that it didn't get there but for those you got in in the 70s great job and hold for the long term going forward a good spot is 102.62 for amd to hold long term either five or ten years put old 102 62 in chat please and kudos to my sis deborah i've been telling you about it she's been holding since 11 when it hit the all-time high that's 11.13 x from long-term investment only no options i want you to put in chat right now long-term investing is the wave now go ask any day trader that you know and ask them have they made 11 x on a trade most have not you can get the same kind of gains long-term investing with a great setup that you can from day trading and have the money working for you at the same time once again i want to say scores of new jp morgan please hold for the next 10 years here are the top 12 reasons that most traders fail and please write this down most don't have good risk to reward ratios so you want to risk one to make 11 write this down or risk one to make 50. so if you're risking two percent of your capital in a trade your target would then be 22 or if you're risking two percent and you want a 50x you would be going for a target of 100 if you stay within that ratio and you only take 48 trades or less per year as damn near impossible if you're trading with the trend to be able to hit the target if you want a full breakdown a great book on this is called the complete total traders by michael coville go to chapter five and six if you read those two chapters and never deviate you'll be fine a lot of traders end up blowing up their money in their account going for a one-to-one risk to reward ratio and taking too many trades number two most have unless unrealistic expectations so when i asked a lot of you like how many trades are you going to take for the year you like 800 i'm like you can't take 800 trades on a year you can't take 500 and at a high level rashad troy like in your options how many trades have you taken this year oh like three i probably did three yeah and you guys can say whatever you go here rashad go ahead and say it no not a lot for me not a lot and arguably they're humble about it i'll say it for for them to not trade all day every day because they running all this other media and like they'll bust your ass [Laughter] trade selection is everything like and if i can be honest with you guys when you guys are like in my comments like what you don't know and you can't do i'm like i know and we'll get to the emotions part but if you don't have your emotions in check then therefore your trading plan is not in check i know you can't beat me because you can't stop over trading you know the people that are really good at trading like go watch bonowin's interview bonus did not care anything about what i said what troy said he stick to his plan put on a nice grin go about his business one of the greatest traders i probably ever encounter those that are good at their craft don't have to declare to anybody else but if you can stay within a sweet spot of 24 to 48 you'll be good third most can't manage emotions if you can't i'm telling you fasting is the way to go or do the 10 miles a day most don't do any research you need to know the stocks or features that you're trading like the back of your hand i could tell you everything about esgb ub crude russell nasdaq nikkei swiss franc future up and down in my sleep if only had one hour of sleep you need to know like the back of your hand that is going to give you your edge um if you're under capitalized you need to take even less trades and then also work more to build more capital because being under capitalized puts you in a position to have to take riskier trades to build up your account and that's only going to favor your broker most quit too early i hate to say it you're not going to be good in three months like that's why i'll go back and show you i was talking about this 12 and 13 years ago before it was cool it's going to take you maybe two or three years to get really good to be great it may take you five to seven it's like none of you at nine years old start playing basketball i'm like at 14 i'm ready to go to the league as great as mikey is i don't think mikey is ready for the nba this season and he's probably one of the greatest high schoolers ever right you have to get acclimated with the market enough to know what to do but once you have that not many will be able to beat you most undisciplined is the number one reason why people lose arrogance is a big factor in it because it's not really about the indicator it is about your risk to reward ratio please put in chat risk to reward ratio is the greatest indicator of all time your rsi doesn't you got like rsi if rsi matters that much take the charge off and just trade off rsi when it gets to 30 watch how much you draw down short at 70 and see how well it does your risk to reward means everything delusion for the all of you who are like hey i'm gonna get 88 000 return in a year highly unlikely and then ego is the biggest reason why most people end up losing as traders i figured i'd give some content before i get into the ad stuff trying to get value first um if you want to join the stock club you want the four best stocks for your retirement the best growth stocks to invest in the best places to get caught out in the market by me um the two best places where to buy 28 bonus picks on a year and additional uh interest in the algorithm athena uh you can click the link and chat the fellas will put the link in there for stock club if i've ever made you money with stock club please put dollar sign in chat for all of you that joined on a flash sale between the first and the third i appreciate you so much if you have not gotten your login please go to join redpanda.com and the team there will be able to help you i appreciate you so much um if you want to join the crypto club you want the five safest cryptocurrencies to invest in a bonus call with me and a dream team the three best prices were to get in three bonuses every month and three surprise bonus picks on a year you guys can go to the site and get it uh we'll have a private trading retreat coming very soon so we'll announce that soon trading after dark will return in september um i miss doing that with you guys and because you guys were asked some amazing questions about um on every call we normally have our stock club called at 9 p.m but we're going to have it at 3 p.m tomorrow subscribe to my youtube i'm gonna once we get to 100k we're going to do a big giveaway so if you guys want these bonuses let's run those numbers up and i want to go into business with 10 people of you with 10 of the stock club members this year so if you have a business idea or you have a business currently that you need an investor for please send me a message and telegram if red pandas made you some money please put red panda in chat please so if you guys had a big win today please write this down only use four percent of the capital on your next 20 trades let the euphoria of your gains wear off what happens and we all get the big hit let's say we get a fire win on amd we get a fire win on microsoft to tsm and then we'll go to the deep end of the pool and be like man this one company in china has 28 customers but it's gonna be the new tesla and guess what we do we take all of our money we place it there and we burn through a bunch of our capital risk mitigation is everything only use four percent of your capital once you have an amazing trade this is a great quote that i want you guys to see many have ambition few follow process the process is everything it didn't work in philadelphia but in trading if you stick to your plan i promise you you will see the results that you want to get sticking to process without ambition will still lead to success uh excuse me to successful outcomes and you see it and us and how i execute and content you see it in troy and rashad every week you see it in trap you see with john henry's you see with maddie j like everyone if you go through the post and content you can see everyone's following a similar plan to get to what their measurement of success is and then trading you have to do that to the t in investing um how to level up in life help other people and i hope that i've helped you if there's anything i can do better or do more of to help you please put it in chat um but i thought this was very poignant eventually you'll help someone out who'll help you back a thousand x and that's true even in like the the development of the media content that we do here on market mondays you're always giving out free for a long time then i you know did episode 70 i'm like great hope it went good shout out my idea like hey he's a rashad posted like hey we want to do some podcasts i was like yo yeah right here right but there was probably 9 000 people that i helped with investing before then so you don't always get your blessings back from the people that you help but sometimes when you give those blessings and help in advance they'll come somewhere else and that's a very big key to being able to level up um who we are with is who we become so select your friends carefully when i was going through my notes which i'm excited to give to you in full at invest fest this is one of the things that i went through and that i had to remind myself of like so i want you to be very careful in the five to ten people that you acclimate yourself with and surround yourself with to make life better for you angel investors and venture capital firms please send me a note because i'm ready to begin investing in a space um but this is the only true way to assess the market please write this down number one you have to understand the macro environment first so now with a possibility of a shutdown i don't think they will shut down but if we go through a shutdown again stocks are going to float lower number two then you have to go through the fundamentals of the business then who are the biggest macro buyers so right now vanguard and blackrock are the biggest buyers of damning everything in the space real estate stocks derivatives etc then technicals most people are debating fundamentals versus technicals it's not versus it is you have to use both so once you know what environment we're in what the fundamentals are of a company who are the biggest players that are going to prop those assets up then you can get to technicals once you have that it's incredibly hard to lose so let's take alibaba great company good technicals decent macro buyers the macro environment in china is terrible and then we saw two weeks ago a bunch of chinese stocks slid so you have to have safety in all of these areas these four areas before a stock can be a buy for you if that helped you put yes in chat and we talked about this last week um but i want to reiterate it again because it's the last time i'm going to say it the stocks that you invest in long term should also be the ones that you trade they should also be the ones that you swing trade and they should also be the same ones you have options on people will say this is um not good because you won't be diversified go look at go google right now warren buffett's quote on diversification i'm going to be real anybody who knows how to invest well or trade very well they are hyper concentrated hyper concentrated you won't see a fund manager that has a bunch of money in the market who's very good at investing in trading have 90s or 50 positions they're going to be leveled down to probably 12 or 13 max the ones that do really well probably eight um and i've said it before you can only know everything about five to seven stops please put in chat what are the five stocks that you know the most about once you have supreme focus you can get supreme gains which will help you build supreme wealth and you have the right to do whatever you want to do and go about it a different way but if you do the results may not be that good um i want to stress the golden rules of retirement once again i want you to spend a block of time four hours with your family and friends four hours working on the things that you love four hours on your health and then four hours on creativity please do not let people rob you for time here are the five ways to get into the market please screenshot this the 72 ema the 200 ema the 400 ema now the 400 ema is like a proverbial load to boat area so if it ever drops that low that's where you can get in fibonacci retracements we gave you a couple places the 23 6 and the 50. kayla don't worry i won't give out her custom levels and then the yearly open i also gave away another one on the mark cuban episode that i swear i would never talk about again and then also one way that we always talk about rashad brings it up probably every episode dollar cost averaging or just think of it buying every month so two saturdays ago people was like hey i don't know how to buy here it is but even if you do nothing else but just buy the ones that you love that you know are gonna do well every month you will be good but stop thinking that you need more information to be able to execute and buy because you have everything that you need what is going to happen what i don't want to happen is from 2021 to 2025 you miss out on investing and you look back and like damn i could have been retired now had i been adding to these positions every month because i'm gonna tell you when rashad gets to that number and troy did that go to number hey i don't know maybe jamal did interviews but hey they get to a certain number it's gonna be over with certain decisions hey it's been earned so i'm just telling you please invest save for stocks once again google and video shopify twilio i lmn and intuitive service require are amazing um the dividend stocks that i like lowe's costco mcdonald's nike uh visa starbucks and of course apple gives a small dividend as well so please screenshot those now this is a secret that i want you guys to know and i will not even talk about this at invest fest so i'll talk about it here and be done you need to use your day trading setup to get into your long-term positions just for my traders who really trade so if you trade off the 15-minute or the 30 minute right or let's say even the four hour opposed to using the daily chart to get into let's say a microsoft apple vo vti vgt that's a scholarship microsoft amd nvidia right tsm look at the high time frame and step one for true direction once you know true direction you know which way to go then you want to look at the day chart if there's upper mole movement excuse me upward movement um on the day chart and there's a bunch of green candles you're good then look at your day trading time frame so let's say you're trading a 72 and a 20 and you're doing a golden cross so when a 20 period moving average goes above the 72 you want to buy but instead of trading it and i know you get more margin if you do intraday trading but you need to build your base so you can have wealth use the 15 minute or the 20 minute or 30 minutes to get into your positions long term and you can hold those for 10 15 20 30 years the purpose of becoming a day trader is to become a great investor that where you get sharper entries and the reason to be a long-term investor is for wealth but it also helps you see the macro picture better a lot of you can't trade well because you have nothing long-term going so you don't know what true direction is it's not in a five-minute candle but if you do a 15-minute chart and then you start with the highest time frame which i told you already then day then you execute on the 15. voila you'll get the the joy and you for the update trading and the back end benefits of wealth if any of you have ever day traded a stock or an option and you wish you had it for six more years longer please put six years longer in chat i want to give you um a site that i love to be able to research stocks and give you some ideas so go to wall street zen i want you to then click on stock ideas and then you can click on dividends you can click on founder-led companies but the area that i really like is exceptional growth if you go through this site and dig through really deep you'll probably have 40 or 50 different stocks in which you can analyze and add to your watch list that will help absolutely amazing there's a fee for it but even the free version is absolutely amazing go to wall street zen and you'll lock it out knock it out i'm going to say this please listen to every every episode if you want to be rich like we i think we've answered and covered almost everything that we could but if you go back in particular listen to both of bottom ones episodes listen to the mark cuban episode and a mike novogratz episode and start there you will have everything that you need only thing that you need to do there is then execute um here's some lessons from peter lynch that i think are incredibly important so you want to look for a company's cash position on the balance sheet a strong cash position affords a company the financial stability and can represent a built-in discount for investors on the stock right that is that is so key lesson number two from peter the debt factor check to see if the company has a significant long-term debt on his balance sheet if it does this could be a considerable disadvantage when a business is good or bad because it can't pay the interest expense back so those are two factors in the macro of the fundamentals that you're doing that you want to consider when you are evaluating a company and uh some of you have been asking me because of the drop that we had in china is this the death of chinese stocks no but it's clearly the reason the main reason why i've been saying for weeks that i do not love the space i think alibaba is amazing i even think 10 cents should probably be way higher than what it is but because of the macro environment there and the way that the country and the continents run it's it's kind of scary to invest there um there are some great swing trades there but long term i would not touch chinese stocks yet will we shut down again i don't think so um but probably some states will will it have an effect on the market yes we'll probably have a three or four percent slot as a result it'll be a great opportunity uh buying opportunity for some and if you can hold on for six months you will be okay are there any chinese stocks that i like right now no how do you buy stocks without using a calculator so please write this down you can do 90 off 75 off 50 off and 10 off more likely than not you want to set your prices at 50 so if the company gets cut in half you never have to worry about charting you never have to worry about charting at all so you don't have to pull it up and be some great technician in order to be able to get the gains that you want and get into the companies that you want at a great price but this is the formula 90 off 75 15 10 that's all that you need the biggest lesson um in a lot of revelations that i've had since my birthday but for men in particular the biggest lesson that served me and i've had this conversation shout out to my goddamn um we were having before like everything in my life is my fault good or bad and fellas the quicker that you pick that up the easier life will go like every interaction every encounter um when i back in the day when i closed out zoom on accident then one time because i got excited because the presentation was like everything is my fault once you have that extreme accountability and if you go look at uh jocko willing's book that will help you a ton once you begin to have extreme accountability like that things will begin to go in your favor where would the next big ipos come from and i'll give you a secret that i always look at i need you to guys go look at y combinator and go see that the companies that they have invested in that have eventually went public there are a couple vc firms they are one of them sequoia is another if you want to know the comp companies that are going to ipo in 2025 and 2027 that are going to be amazing you need to look at y combinator and sequoia first to see what their track record is and dig in there in this era i would be i would kindly and peacefully remove myself from any person thing entity that wants to argue excluding no one the one thing that i want to do as a community is not we can watch verses but i want us to stop engaging in drama taking in any media which is a part of our diet that is not healthy for us and troy is a great example of this like troy's house can be on fire but like bro how you do bro it's all good god bless like every like he really lives that troy joy thing to the fullest and i want you guys to take that in because the more peace that you have into your life the more prosperity that you're going to be able to let in piece of advice heal any traumas that you're dealing with now for more inner peace if you need therapy if you need to remove yourself from certain things please do so please do so put in check i deserve peace and happiness i want everybody to put this because a lot of times some of the games that you that you want to have from the market are not coming because of all the turmoil i've talked to some of you and you may be engaging in arguments with family and friends every single day and you're like man my trades aren't going well i can't concentrate to get into the market i'm like it's hard to have productivity and peace and a vacuum of toxicity that's tough um and i want you to take this to heart don't give to me and it's something i learned from troy like troy any time i get to tripping they have straight me and rashad ass too like hey just stay focused on the mission everything is going to work out and i'm going to say this as i wrap up man i've given you guys six ways to get into the market please put in chat what is your favorite if you watch this show more than twice you have everything that you need to get into the market you don't need my blessing you don't need troy's blessing rashad jamal shout out mike like you don't need anyone's blessing if you've done your research and you use that 200 400 fib a dollar cost average and you have everything that you need you just need the confidence to just push the button by at the price in which you've written out beforehand and you will be good what are my thoughts on coin actually i like uh the probability of coinbase going up i'll give you guys a price because i know you're gonna ask if it gets back to 230 or one i like it and two 1836 i like it um i would not go too heavy past those prices but at those prices i think they are it's a pretty solid bet a mentor of mine told me to use my money to start a business first instead of investing do you agree or disagree unless you have an amazing business idea and you have an amazing business acumen yeah i think you should always invest first because let's be honest it's hard as hell to acquire customers um what keeps you calm when a stock is going to drop this is my favorite method for staying calm i write my prices in a journal like this when the market is up before i get in it gives me salvation to look at that and like once it comes to that price i'm good and then i close out the computer after the trade has been entered here's a freebie i told you guys about fico and i posted this in 2019 you can add moody's to your long-term portfolio as well in unison with and i know some guys uh at the early leisure brand said this before networking can get you into doors that degrees cannot the biggest thing i think that keep especially if you're an introverted entrepreneur it does not matter how talented you are if you do not know how to network it will be the biggest detriment to your business like i know and i know some of you that may be aspiring to do the same thing as trainer shots you may be like hey man i i got the same camera and the same lights wise and but you don't see and that's why i tell you guys like when people are out don't think that they're just partying that's why i asked i asked them saturday i'm like how do you guys get on a call at nine o'clock in the morning and i know you were out working before it's a part of the gig too so even for my introverted traders investors you still need to network because the connection that you need may come from a person that you don't know and three lessons that i wish that i would have replied that i'm going to apply going forward i want you to reach out to a few people every day i want to tell you this amazing story about aria emanuel from endeavor um probably one of the greatest agents in hollywood's history but for years for decades every morning starting i think the lesson was at five o'clock he will reach out to like 30 people 30 of his clients every morning for decades and say hey are you good what do you need help with it may not have the biggest benefit in the first 20 days but what do you think after two years because let's be honest we all do business with people and we don't hear from them until it's time to pay how does that make you feel but if people are constantly checking on you it makes a hell of a difference reach out to family and friends every day and then send out thank you cards and or gifts every single day it will have a tremendous impact on you time is what the wealthy acquire and is the only non-replenishable asset so the money part especially if you're struggling i know it's hard to hear the time is more important because you need the money now but i'll tell you when you go to a funeral and i've said this before you won't be thinking about money invest in business any of this you would have just wish that you had more time with people that you love in late 2018 roku fell from 73 to 27 uh bucks those who sold missed out i have to tell you please hope for 10 years or 30 years for a maximum gain please put in chat long term investing is the wave for my entrepreneurs you need 28 streams of revenue um i found this fascinating i'll talk about this more next week than some at invest fest but the vatican itself owns 5 000 properties so when people are like hey four revenue streams is not enough look at what the biggest entities are doing not what people on instagram are saying um marijuana this is not financial advice but if you are a big believer in marijuana now is the time to start building the base before national legislation could possibly go through in 2031. this would be a good time to build a base now i'm not 100 certain in 2031 it would get passed nationally but soon come so if you're a believer in that space go ahead and i want to end uh uh in here there's never a next people always going to say a company is going to be the next apple the next tesla the next eyl the next massive invest there is no next you have to find the company if it's even robin hood i know people don't like robin hood but they make investor easier for millions of people there is a reason that the stock is moving the way that it has and honestly i haven't seen that kind of excitement behind a stock in a long time at ipo probably since facebook um coinbase is similar but i i don't hear people talking about coinbase in the same fashion which they do robin hood so when you guys are like give me the next amd the next nvidia they are going to be as different the new thing is going to be as different as the iteration before there is no new microsoft there's no new apple there's no new me no new eyl there's no new moderna you have to find the next thing in the space and that's why i say if you go read y combinator sequoia calicanus those in the angel space and those in that vc space it'll give you the breakthrough that you need in order to find the company that will be that next it thing in 2035 and 2040. love you guys hope you enjoy it put your favorite gym in chat love you and i i miss doing this live so i hope you guys enjoyed it if not i'm gonna go back to recording love y'all over and out you're crushing them miami or colorado well i lived in colorado but i was about the bars when i was in jada went crazy man like we low key need to do a breakdown on one day about mastery of that performance that was one of the greatest performances and in terms of preparation my god like it goes to show when you prepare and be locked in and i don't know what you're doing in atlanta but i know what y'all do in atlanta like it's going to be magical at the end of this month so i appreciate y'all appreciate you so was that was that inspired by jdkids to go um not uh pre-recorded live well you know i like when my vocals be like guru master levels but um yeah i wanted to do to switch it up and then like like i said that saturday i probably spent six hours working on i was like playing the best of d block and rougher out of volume one right like for real six hours zoned out i could have been at the beach i'm like nah i'ma kill this so i'm aiming to have the best presentation in invest fest hands down so yeah i love you guys yeah real quick i'm just doing the earnings report cause we're coaching nine o'clock hour and one of the things you said in your video right that we should be doing before 30 is by life insurance so this earnings report is brought to you by ladder right it makes sense why people get life insurance especially term coverage which surprisingly is affordable why not pay a little bit each month to protect the ones you love now if you're asking yourself that question i want you to check out ladder that makes it impressively fast and easy to get covered you just need a few minutes and a phone or a laptop to apply a lot of smart algorithms work in real time so you'll find out instantly if you're approved nobody in fees cancel any time since insurance cost more as you age now's the time to cross adopt your list so check out ladder today to see if you're instantly approved go to ladderlife.com marketmondays that's ladderlife.comlife.com and we we mentioned it and um i'm glad you said it a bunch of times coinbase so on tuesday reporting i know what like we said when we invest in these companies at ipo we want to give them about six to eight months yeah i'm framed with coinbase obviously we saw what the crypto space is doing and assuming we'll touch on that a little bit uh and then thursday y'all know i am huge and i saw somebody in the chat accident disney disney will be reporting as well as b and doordash and one of these chinese companies that i told the story of badou in 2007 where i invested and um i sold it and they split 11-1 and it was like i didn't even know what a split was but it was educational experience and so those companies will be reporting uh yeah those are the ones i'm looking at and hopefully you got some on your list that you're looking forward to too you are a segway king too i guess we could just go into questions um try to get a couple questions answered you have anything you want to talk about before questions yeah yeah i mean well just do a couple of things um and i'm not sure if everybody saw it because it kind of happened right before we came on but amc obviously reported their earnings this afternoon and surprisingly they said they're going to accept bitcoin as a payment by the year's end so by 20. all right and so when we thought amc meme stock can't do anything here they're making a play into the crypto's currency field so that'll be interesting right now you can go to the movies uh and use bitcoin as a currency to pay and they just struck a deal um to uh exclusivity deal right so the movies have to be in the theaters i think 25 days some number of days before they can release on streaming services so that was a huge one for them and this is uh small great news and then ethereum i know you're big on ethereum like crazy it's running like ridiculously yeah so people have been watching bitcoin and watching ethereum um about a month ago we had bitcoin at twenty nine thousand it's up at forty six uh there i haven't even so like every week i update my crypto um tally on on my ipad and so i'm looking at last week we had uh ethereum at 2200 i typed it in today it was 31 almost 3 200. and so for those happening to know on thursday uh ethereum had an upgrade it's called the london hardcore uh so what that does is uh it's it's a fixing the issues of stability so a lot of the issues that people been having with ethereum is that a lot of traffic gas fees are like a lot pretty high all right so the gas feeds the cost that you paid to make a transaction so with this new hard fork um it kind of solves that issue um and so the lanes are now bigger so if we think it was a highway let's say it was a three-way highway right now the lanes are moved to seven lanes so now you can have more transactions the blockchain is a bit bigger um so you can have a speedier transaction and in addition this is key i want you to circle this date circle this date ethereum 2.0 right so they're moving from proof of work to proof the stake uh that will be happening that they said last it was supposed to take place in september 2022 they have now moved that date up to december of 2021 and so that is a big move because you won't be able to mine ethereum right you won't be able to sit at your computer and compete with algorithms you actually when it's proof of work you actually have to have a state meaning you have to have ether in order for the transaction to play so you're putting your stake up obviously proof of stake uh to complete a transaction and so we saw that with that news and obviously we see that ethereum is on a run and i see so all types of crazy projections eighty thousand a hundred thousand um and so i told shawnee today i was like look i got the signal and so uh my signals have hit by and i'm like okay it might be my time to to add to the ethereum portfolio um so that you know i'll let you guys for those who want to get a good grasp um if you look at backslash eth and think or swim you can look at uh ethereum futures give you some good insight but yeah my price in 18 months is 62 70 21. so 6 one in eighteen months now from the shout out to alex that he's in here he uh they had the crypto club friday um so shout outs yeah allison is the man so he breaks down things in such a simplified way um because obviously cryptocurrency is a very complicated place and you can get lost even for us it's like a new every day there's something new that's happening so we have to continuously learn um and update our our roller decks when it comes to the space uh yeah uh ibb is also on fire recently another company i invested that i'm invested in and um we spoke about a few times on market mondays uh biotech industry and i think four dollars today it's been on a nice um run uh these are some big games for a conservative investor good job so you might want to keep that on your watch list or you know other biotech funds if you're interested also in addition uh and we said this um a couple of months ago but but we see the cryptocurrency field rise um obviously there's etfs that you can get into and obviously we said block um and i admit i said it on our group chat that i got in it at the wrong time but i'm in the position block obviously has moved is up 13 over the past week and that dapp another one of these cryptocurrency etfs um is up 24 over the past week and so both inside of those you have companies like square coinbase microstrategy riot um a lot of people have invested in these in singular positions but if you want to you know save yourself um the exposure this is a safe way to be in the space um with a little bit of protection so uh dapp and black are two i guess crypt i could say cryptocurrency etfs you know i see you you're already calculating the prices go ahead give it to them yeah what prices you get in the block uh it's a hold on set it's on this on my computer you're gonna be good though yeah yeah i have it long term um but i was down on it oh i could actually do it from up four five six yeah they've had six positive quarters yeah yeah you'll be good i mean if you guys want a price 4117 is decent um if it gets to 33 i'll be elated that would be like a low to bold price but yeah if you got in even in 50s you'd be good give it like end of year we should be at 63. yeah i did i actually did a call for uh seventy dollars for december oh you'll be good yeah and dan said he's averaging i think dan said he's averaging at 25 bucks yeah shout out to ernest that's killing that shout out to them he's in the chat going crazy yeah uh you want to open it up yeah let's get some questions let's do it let's do it this is a new name right here dj singh we coming to you i'm yourself you've been on muted what's going on oh man yes oh man i'm really on eyl man that's crazy shout out to y'all been listening since april of 2020 yo you got that deep pop smoke voice i said anyway man so so i'm gonna break down what it is so i've been this question might be all over the place so what i do is i don't teach but i encourage people to invest because i'm not a financial adviser but and i've gotten like four people to invest so far and i want to continue to do that but i don't know as of late it's kind of been like creeping up is sort of like i got like a fear of getting pushed back like if the like if people make a bad trade or if people don't really follow the advice i'm giving them today i'm the one that's going to get some pushback and so y'all been doing this for a while and y'all really get good at it all three of y'all so i just wanted to know if y'all had any pointers yeah i don't go every shot i think the first thing is to um i mean it's a good question because you never that's why even to this day i i'm very leery about the advice that i give people um even like friends family like they'll hit me like i got five thousand dollars what what should i do and i'm like i don't know i don't know what you should do really okay that's a great answer right to make a to make an investment and then it doesn't go the way that they expected it to go and then they blame me i never want to lose anybody money so first thing i would do is i would encourage everybody to make decisions for themselves educate them on investing fundamentals but i would stay away from giving them um picks i would stay that's just my own personal opinion because you don't want to be responsible for somebody else's money especially if you're not a fiduciary um that's just not a road that you want to go down that's just my opinion and then the second thing is i would um you know just leave by example you don't necessarily have to tell them but you know if you you know you can kind of talk to them like look this is the play that i'm making i'm not saying that you should do this but you know let's just see how this works out for me i did that with crypto when we first got into crypto in 2017 um we had a group chat all of my friends troy mike every a lot of guys that you see us with now earning alicia and um i was the first one to invest in crypto and i put like six thousand dollars and i put three thousand in bitcoin i put two thousand in litecoin and i put one thousand in uh ethereum no two thousand eight three and one thousand like coin so i told them like look i'm not telling y'all to invest in this but this is what i'm doing i'm still learning about the space if you're interested this is just what i'm doing and then you know they all ended up investing in cryptocurrency but i didn't tell them to invest in that i just let them know what i did so that would be my life but yeah you definitely want to be careful yeah i think that he nailed it it's really just leaving by example even if you listen to the things that we say most of times we'll tell you what we're actually doing not that you should these are the things that we're investing in a lot of times people feel very cautious they feel apprehensive about doing things and so if you see somebody do it and have success you're more likely or inclined to do it and so we're very careful about that and even in our group chats like we'll slate yeah this is what we're doing um these are the places that make it not saying that you have to because everybody's situation is different but it's just like it's a form of guidance without actually saying do this yeah yeah i feel it yeah i appreciate y'all i'm trying to i was trying to start young why do you want to tell them where to get in or what to get like what's the motivation behind it before i answer what what i do is okay so um let me get a little look back i'm only 19 and i've been i've been doing this since i was so i've been doing this since i was like 16 but what i've been doing as a recently as i've just been like um like i put up i put presentations together and i'll tell people like this is what i look for in a stock and i got the three c's that's something i came up with current competitive edge and cash that's what i've been trying to do and i try to give away from giving pics like i'll use examples like the main example i use is nike and yeah like i don't really try to tell people where i'm just trying to get people into it because i was i found out about investing on accident and so i know it's important now and i'm trying to get other people in to realize that this is a way i'll tell you this um even with market mondays like for me my motivation to do it was to help the back end was career-wise so like being of a darker hue when i went to certain meetings people were like you didn't know so i'm like if i tell you every week and make these calls and tell you where is gonna go the meetings go a little bit different i will tell you though you have to be careful and like look at rashad's face play this back when he was like i'm very leery of why the downside risk of getting sued is tremendous that's why even like from a strategic standpoint it will take the act of god for apple and microsoft nvo to go out of business at the same time the pro like i've calculated it is less than half of one other half of a percent certain i will not say publicly about what i like when he's like hey what do you like me oh listen no the best advice i can give you is to execute and do because even the ones that you were going to reach they're going to be inspired by your success you can push them all you want to it's great generational wealth you see me say it every week and how many people do you know still be like man i like apple microsoft if they can see my baby's account though be different but make sure that you're doing it for you and putting in a working investment of your own and if someone asks to see when you show them that face will light up and they'll do it but don't focus so much on teaching focus on the doing like i'm a terrible teacher the execution part is the part that i have now that's the only part that matters and people people don't forget you can make their money a hundred times and then the one time that you lose money that's them that's what they yeah yep that's how it always goes but that's but that's great man 19 years old man it's dope that that's incredible i wish i was like tapped in like that at 19. don't keep up the great work shout out to dj sing just focus on the impact of your work bro just keep focusing on 19 they're gonna see they're going to see let's try this let's try this uh dan yeah i'm gonna come to you on youtube what's going on i hope i said that right and low key i need to ask troy some more questions because he beats the investing but i want to put his business out there about y'all oh man don't do that don't do that she went to the fridge to get some ice hmm no fish break we're going to jeremy jerry we're going to jerry jerry my guy what about now yeah you're good you're good here's some trout to take your title for best questions last week what you gonna do man that was a good question that was a good question um here's my guy let me ask you this can i ask a question for ian and then can i ask a question for troy and rashad all right let's see all right i'm gonna hit you with a trading question kind of long-term investing uh i wrote it down loss okay how do you think trading would be different if people could only cash out their profits every five years and then for troy rashad if you were to go back to your investing journey what would you do differently to balance relationships with like obviously a significant other but also with everyone that you come in contact with with your investing journey so how do you balance relationships with trading and then for ian if people could only cash out their trading profits every five years how do you think the game will change you want me to start yeah yeah you can start oh i mean our investment is jerry especially where we come from man you can ask anybody and i'm sure there's a bunch of people in here i'm i'm an open bookman and i'm a teacher at heart and so anything i learned i'm calling people like listen i gotta show you this come up with my house and sit down let's go over this because i want them to see it number one like we said successful inspire others and so i would have been more patient earlier as an investor but i would have taught more earlier too right because that would be that's the true test now um and every week we get to test what we know um so i if i could go back i would learn more and try to teach more like i'm doing now because i could have helped so many people um and i could have learned from so many people at the same time i'm sure obviously if i met ian 10 years ago you know who knows what my investment portfolio would have been now you know what i'm saying so as soon as i learn i try to teach and so like that's my strategy now i've had other people come over and shy send a bunch of people over to my house just come sit down with me so that's it man teach learn teach learn i think he acts on relationships like how do you manage relationships with investing that's a good question just in general business relationships for me um i would have focused more i would have focused more on investing in my than any relationship because none of the relationships that i've ever had ever lasted so [Laughter] yeah yeah if we're going to talk dayton for real i'll tell you guys every fellas most of the women that you were gonna be cheating on you anyway yo invest the money bro i'm gonna be real with you like we want to have a real conversation probably like hey uh nikki might clip this up for real like you should put everything that you think is going to work out with unless you're married put that money long-term into the market i'm going to run over your point but go ahead rashad yeah that's it i mean you know if you find somebody that you can get married to and it works out that's great but a lot of times you spend a lot of money and you spend a lot of energy and relationships that don't go anywhere and um looking back on it that's money and that's energy that's time that you could have been uh using to improve yourself so high size 20 20 but uh are you ready you got it you know yeah and we're not saying money over relationship so don't you know i know cancer coach going like yo i care about it no we're not saying that just most relationships don't work out um and then there are things that we need to do watch i'm about to like keep for the crowd there are things that we need to do to be better men to have better relationships too right but that's why that advice in your 20s early 30s you should be focused on the mission before you're ready because a lot of times like we're not ready for the relationship that we say and it becomes easier it becomes easier when you have money that's something nobody wants to talk about easier either it's true my grandmother used to tell me there's no romance and i without finance baby you not that fine that was my favorite quote shout out to my grandma rose she's i'm like nah and i had more when i was broke but i'm being real hey that's a true ass quote like it takes money to you can have the you can have the relationships on the back end yeah it's a lot easier and you're going to have more fun because you have money and then you're going to be able to enjoy yourself even more yep you see the stripper pole in the back who about to wrap if you could only take our profits after five years of trading there will probably be eighty percent less people in the market and more people will be more disciplined but the excitement in euphoria that is for the benefit of brokers uh and we're talking about it on a dream team called like look at what how much money coinbase is making of not only transactions but staking and then how much money robin hood is making off the back end from selling the data and then trading institutions and platforms make from the excitement that arbitrage of not being disciplined the all the real money interest that's why when you guys are like hey i want to trade education business i'm like you're shooting at the wrong basket the real basket is hedge fund my like hyper acceleration fund or platform because all the money is made on the lack of discipline so if people are paying you to not like trading is you're paying your money to not be disciplined so another company can take your losses and then invest it long term yeah yeah shout out to danny said all relationships are transactional not true no transformational remember that there's gonna be somebody that comes in your life that shares your vision shares your passion shares your genuine care for human beings and for you and that could be amazing so love you bro yeah all relations i'll give up every dollar i have in every suit jacket on earth for one week with either of my grandparents i like i'll turn everything in that's just me though you know our relationships are not transactions and i'm gonna be real like once you guys get enough money you can be lonely with money and not have friends like the thing that makes life great is people that you love that's why i take like even if things are messed up with your family when they go on the ground like some of you haven't been to 20 funerals some of you haven't had your friends killed and instead of doing it that's when like some of y'all be like yo you didn't dm me back like i should have been on the phone with bd and lucky instead of telling y'all what to invest in keep it a thousand i should have been on the phone with them that's why i'm like go execute i'm taking time like from people that i love that knew me before anybody else knew me and knew i was on his way when nas esco was the hottest thing on earth with lauren the first time and i was brushing my hair trying to get them away from chicago like yo and they're gone over jealousy and hate you don't get those moments back no i give all that up to get my grandmother back in time with like my cousin rick like like one of my cousin's rich friend don passed last week and i'm like like some of us are too young to be dying too young don't take any of this for granted no relationships are not transactional i appreciate you jerry appreciate it uh thank you oh my god all right let's go let's go let's see who's ready let's see who's ready let's go uh let's go here let's go ahead uh joy we're coming to you joey ellington we're coming to you i'll mute yourself you've been on muted what's going on joy hey y'all hey how you doing what's going on yeah oh everything's good so um i lost a lot of money when i was investing because i was undisciplined and doing a lot of options calls and puts and um yeah so i lost thirty thousand dollars so um i wanted to ask y'all about my new strategy that i have i'm mainly investing for you know how y'all say like revenge but it's strategical so what i'm doing is um i i tried it out and it was working on paper i do the high volume stocks just every morning i pick two good ones and i let it run until either 10 a.m or 1 p.m depending on how the day goes options not options just straight shares because then i have more security there because then i could just wait for it instead of not never getting it back and so um it's doing all margin um sometimes yeah i will use the margin all right i'm going to cut you off don't do anything on margin because what if you're day trading high volume ones and that's what i talked about earlier and then your long term portfolio and what time frame are you using to do your setup well i my time frame is hey check out the stock in free market see if the vacuum has gone up by the time market open watch the uh candlesticks and if it's headed up bank on it jump in i'll give you a strategy right now to help you so you don't lose another 30. okay yes take four stocks that you're gonna invest in for the long term trade those take 12 trades on a year and i know i know what 12 sounds like this sounds like damn boring or too long yeah right but if you if you're going to gamble i'd rather you go get some celine or go go get some christian dior if you just want to blow your money what the 12 trades would do i know if i give you 12 trades you'll win 11. i can hear the hustler in you you'll find some more money to be able to offset them losses but you you're not going to make it back do you know that most retail traders if they take 45 trades on a year that 95 percent of people lose um well yeah i can see that and what i lost but i was mostly losing because you know the expiration dates were too short-term and then you know once that if you trade it on margin the expiration date is even shorter how how how is the day trading working out for you um for the past 60 days i've been doing it and i had a gain um from my six i went to 22 000 but then i went back i had another options thing and then i went back to seventeen leave the options alone and it's not hate it is not hate i i'm telling everyone go listen to that bottom one episode bono and loki from a technical trader standpoint had the best episode that's why i was like rashad one more troy one more question you put on the clinic go listen to that that's why i told you guys like majority of the options trades you have to even limit those so if you do four to eight you have to be good with being up four hundred percent and not needing three thousand because at a certain price is going to break now if you can get to a place where you win 95 or 98 that's what i'll tell everybody in dream team you can take as many trades as you want to once you get 95 past 95 percent win ratio joe you trade in singular positions when you're doing these trades are you trading each you have some options oh always singular and mostly small cap because those where that's where it's mostly a lot of pump and dump so i just try to catch the pump and i'm gone before 1 pm so so when you were doing options so so you're doing you was doing small cap individual options as well oh no when i was doing options it was more strategic i was kind of like um i would literally just follow what cnbc what the analysts say on there and knowing that the crowd would move with them i would kind of just like okay i'm a basketball i've chosen that because i love everybody shout out mary i love you really i appreciate you daily nice day right and the only two people at cnbc that would devoutly listen to is josh and bono yeah i love you i love goddammi i love pete nigeria like love them deal alice probably pete too it sounds like she bought one it sounds like to me every now and then the volume calls yeah i'm like okay good thanks pete good advice right yeah you can't trade midday yeah you can't and it's sad because um i really been advising my son he's 20 now to really get in it and i was too honest with him and now he's like mom you crazy if you think i'm going to invest and i'm like i did it the wrong way so just learn from my mistakes so i want to take him to invest that's like let me just let you see like a seal you know be in the room he's like man but you know how it is with kids kids only want to emulate what we do if it works well yeah the one thing that i learned in life from um even working out right you got some people that work out that um don't use weights some people only use weights some people do long cardio some people do short cardio um but they can all be in shape so my thing with investing is like you can make money day trading you can make money long term options short term option futures as long as you actually know what you're doing you study discipline taking advice now i'm not i'm not knocking you because i have a lot of people do this taking advice from somebody on television is not really an investment strategy um so you no it's not it's not you can make money doing a variety of different things but you have to dedicate yourself to one discipline at a time it's like it's like martial arts you can't do jiu jitsu and karate and muay thai and be the greatest grappler yeah yeah one discipline you gotta focus focus on one discipline at a time so if your discipline right now is day trading focus on mastering that um but also you should have long term your portfolio this is diversified that's something yeah oh i do i do i have for my 13 and two year old i have long term i have three um microsoft neo and disney i got it neo it actually got a neo at 17 but then i sold it 30 and got back in at 40. but um doing good there yeah you know but this thing i talked about i mean to cut you off queen use your day trading setup for a long time you would kill it you would where did you get into disney uh 172. you were destroyed where do you think disney gonna be in three years it probably at 240. i know and that's for my two-year-old 13 year old so i'm not fooling with it but i do i did learn about the hard way like the big drop around um labor day so i'm kind of i have kind of like a trail stop on there for like a five percent or something but i'm just gonna reinvest it all i'm not you know catching up i want to thank you for being so brutally honest because there's a bunch of people i'm sure in the chat and definitely on youtube that would not be as honest as you are about some of the things that you're going through because there's a bunch of people going through it so i want to thank you for being so honest the best thing about losing money is that um it's a learning experience absolutely it's hard to advance you know you feel like god talk to you like hey do it this way don't do it this way my child all your biggest lessons every lesson that i got from the market came from me losing like stop build is my worst sound i hate the most we all take losses we just saw that clip right what was that you know yeah he was just saying that everybody takes losses even even to this day you know we might do something that doesn't work out um so never be ashamed of your losses but the key is to learn it's okay to take a loss as long as you're learning from it yeah it's not okay to lose if you're not learning and then you're just gonna repeat the same mistake yeah don't make the same mistake compounded mistakes yeah and just to make it every um absolutely clear for everybody if you think oh she had a lot of money i didn't um i had about 20k saved and my at the point when i lost the 30 um my regular bank had like 6 000 minutes and my kids savings was halfway gone and they had like four thousand so i couldn't afford to lose it at all i i appreciate it i wouldn't recommend it right not recommendable but uh enjoy joy can you do me a favor yeah are you coming to investment i am coming but okay no ain't no butt to it i'm i'm coming i got a general mission you're gonna email info at earn your leisure right and tell them yes put your name in and we're gonna make sure your stun's there with you yeah okay okay thank you because mg the mortgage guy was like if you don't get a vip you playing yourself and i was like yeah and this is what i'll do for you when you come if you come to when i speak on sunday just stand up raise your hand say i'm joy let me see your son i'll put your if you're there for free oh what is okay that's the vip what is sniper no no no sniper is our trading group that's the trading oh yeah it's different oh okay okay i definitely will we gotta get this this over trading thing under control and does it make sense why every week i'm like long-term first instead of trading yeah it does and i and i and i hear it and it's just like when you hear your grandparents giving you that and i know you don't want to hear when i say it but they come from experience they come from experience all right thank you uh we was in asia 2017 i'll never forget i was on a boat with jamal and um put everything in crypto put everything in crypto i said i said this time next year i'm either going to be balling out of control or i'm going to be effed up it didn't work it was the ladder it was the last it didn't work didn't work i survived it we all have big losses like that shout out to all the snipers if you ever heard stop loss or stop feel on your trades and it made you cry put cry in chat let's give her some support because there's other people that's going through the same thing they just didn't have the balls to say it like we've all had a lot that's all like when i did that one episode there's some lost not in crowd over like if y'all haven't cried you are better than me like i didn't get to trade from the boys in the hood crying to that point i mean think about how encouraging it is right she lost that amount and she didn't say i'm done i'm never doing this again yeah yeah back in there i'm getting ready crazy part we can hear she knows how to trade i bet you have some trades she just got in too late i got in at the wrong time because i can hear in just her formulator i'm like she knows what she's doing but that's that discipline part of ha and not and i'll talk about it investors you guys need to play the calm app or something calming when you're trading because all that chatter and noise is not for your benefit it's not for your benefit that's what i'm like silence like hey i telegram you out there apple microsoft amd told you in modern you should be up 700 on modern or 1100 like my like nvidia like would tell you what will crash like doge has not been above 39 cents since man y'all said it was crazy and just hating being no no mike said i know like come on man i'm trying to give you the back like i'm throwing you to oop and you won't jump and dunking on a seven foot rim just apply the discipline you're good or you can do whatever you want to but when we get the sail in the way i'm like hey it's been good you know troy with these segways charlotte y'all need to sign up for 15 years because what they gonna be worth next year all right being saint patrick has spoken yesterday yesterday's price not today's price is what it is shout out to joey cracks ey alumni shout out to fat joe man it's not today's price best story time okay let's take one more question if we can carry on we're coming to you i'll mute yourself you've been on youtube what's going on carry in i don't have a fire question tonight ian it's more of a commentary troy i'm mad at myself but i can't be because it was my daughter's birthday that you happened to be at hooky this weekend and i was like oh sorry fudge but man is out there and i'm not there to beat him i'm annoyed and also on last week you mentioned global foundries i want to remind you guys that we said we were going to have like a symposium type thing on it and we still haven't done that [Music] so yeah because we still have to have that conversation about um about how they're gonna well what intel's trying to do with them that that was a thing i read in july when i was still in hawaii that intel's trying to buy them and i thought about it i was like it kind of makes sense but if i was global foundries i'm not going to intel bro y'all are singing yep so i don't see how they're going to try to make that work even if they went with like all cash offer for them yeah yeah shout out to and so the global friendlies conversation i was actually having it with um uh baba who's actually that doulas who was an eyl ad is his younger brother he's a cornell student and his internship is at global foundation so it was interesting i'm having this conversation with a 20 year old about this future manufacturer should manufacture like this look how conversations have changed we used to just argue about basketball and now he's having an internship at a company that could be huge um when it ipos and so yeah i'm glad you're reading up on it as well well i found out about them probably about 2015 because my background i'm an engineer by trade but i have an i.t background and they were when they were first opening up in baltimore they were doing a mass hiring that was the point where i was like am i going to stay in new york or am i going to move to the dc area where there's more you know there's more opportunity for in contracting to make the bigger bag and i took the ladder but at the time global foundries was offering their their their their uh employment package was pretty nice it was like close to six figures and they were giving you like um shares in the company if you signed up at that point i'm kind of kicking myself because i'm wondering like what that would have been if i would have kept it if i would have went that route that route when is the ipo they haven't discussed the ipo yet but they're thinking about it they're saying like that within the next two to five years that they're gonna possibly ipo right here in new york yeah yeah that's that's amazing and very impressive um yeah appreciate that and thank you for adding to the conversation for everybody that's here and yeah hooky was incredible but it won't be the last time you see us after film so i just i just had to see what was going on but we'll be back they wanted me to come sunday they said that was the situation i was like ah i gotta get back home yeah if you would have come like two years ago when like they had kes the banner that that was a movie and that that was like ridiculous how i know now if i know you'll see me then you're going to see the whole team appreciate you carrying appreciate all right man have a good night can you get one more yeah let's do it you guys should add lit uh global x lithium battery etf to your list as well it's not a buy right now but i was going through the charts and let's do this let's go to julian julian dash what's going on i mean yourself you've been unmuted yo peace you hear me yes what up what up yo thank you for excuse me i've been listening for a long time um as always your your words always hit especially when it comes to the manhood thing i then lost like what 30k but taking it as like a deep lesson you know i put pretty much yolo my savings you know what i'm saying and just you know got my little 2k and just working that back up and them paying for school or whatnot you know what i'm saying what can i do uh straight up i just want to i just want to get the okay because i already talked to you one time and i wanted to get some cut i do cut and so denim and i got a little factory where i teach kids i teach kids because not a not a little factory you have a factory yeah i mean it's a real deal factory that is yeah and i work with the city of san francisco office of economic workforce development i create jobs it becomes my factory i made stuff for badou kevin durant i've done stuff like that but that don't really mean to me what i'm trying to do is just get this okay be a champion be a champion yeah i know i mean it's cool it did what it did but it didn't satiate my soul um had a little split up with the family or whatnot getting custody of my two daughters um that took things a little left time-wise you know what i'm saying so i'm building up my business business back up i put my business on the back burner put my family first finally hit the point that like i'm confident on how i'm handling my family and proud of how what i'm doing with this so now i feel like i can get back into business per se to keep it short um yeah i was saying if one of y'all knew about fiscal sponsorships i'm a llc and then um i work with the art gallery a prestigious art gallery and they and a fiscal sponsorship where i can act like an llc honey and my llc can act like a non-profit but in the midst of that after researching i'm um ideating a place of congregation for my next storefront and the place of congregation would have the premises of food clothing shelter uh financial literacy and culture and i'm doing that strictly as i'm talking to these people for the tax tax straight up you know what i'm saying and um i'm seeing if that even is like a feasible or realistic um endeavor to go into um yeah so you want to know if it's a viable industry you're going to nah nah just just to try to hack that the fiscal sponsorship to be fiscally sponsored in order to leverage that to become a church that's not my area of expertise man um yeah i'll send out some texts for you and dig deep to help with that but yeah i'm not gonna lie to you and tell you that i have to ask for that don't no no problem no problem okay that and then uh what medium would i be able to uh find out i believe in i guess i guess uh you're around like a 36 and an xl but i would i would for the um the reciprocation of the information i would be like more than thrall to make y'all cut custom cut and sell jacket and um jeans just like that i appreciate that yeah yeah just dm me on uh ig okay i'll tell you i'm a 34-34 jeans skinny still ready to play for the knicks so yeah i know i know they picked up kimball but if i need to back up all right i got you 3434 i appreciate you brother all right yeah i want no boot cut i like the locks but i ain't you know i ain't doing no my stuff is fly you guys definitely i know around on some of the people y'all work with and stuff so just be more you know it's more of a reciprocation what i do is i make the stuff for the artist but they might have touched my life and helped me you know these artists some of them haven't even been father figures or whatnot so when i get the for the chance to uh cross their path it's my my way of saying thank you with my art you know tell people your site and where they can contact you to do business with you my factory called holy stitch you go to holystitchdenim.com or julianprincedash.com where i slang my classes and my mentorship where i got my apprentice apprenticeships open right there um yeah it's not a little factory it's a real deal cutting so factory for just work yeah oh yeah i'm the i'm the plug up here for merch like anything cut and so um i i got another outlet that's a brother like me and you that got a factory um arizona um silk screen heat press i mean embroidery dme right now yeah can you put it in the chat because people are asking for the chat and then my man shop detroit what up though he uh said to google 3c l3c said google that you can know everything for real though yeah on everything what up l3c l3c word up okay copy appreciate you bro yeah likewise shout out to ken he won't inspire me to do my juice fast and that's my accountability partner but for real ken is the plug and four years if y'all see ken and the forbes i'm don't be shocked do not be shocked if you got to go to detroit man you got to tap in with that my god that's the relationship oh shout out to detroit shout out to my man chill he's uh he actually i gotta go chill um we gotta make our way back up there pretty soon any last gems on building relationships for those of us that are not as great at it the gyms y'all can give away not the add value see how i say this a lot but i think i can't say it enough see how you can be of help um as john f kennedy once said it's not what you your country can do for you it's what you can do for your country it's the same thing which is anything in life it's not what somebody can do for you it's what you can do for somebody else and if you have that in your brain you'll go far like how do you how can i help how can i how can i be of value um or something that's extremely important to to ask yeah with no expectations in return that's a good point yeah just want to ask just give you want to see people do better i always say that man just give and give and give how are you going to be report won't be your decision anyway that's not some of the beholders so just keep giving give your all pluck that's good having good energy when you do it it's cute i'm gonna be real like a lot and you guys you know juice fast all that's helped like but bringing good energy i'm not surprised the amount of stuff that they're able to attract by just being good energy because eight out of 10 people you come across don't have great energy like can it hit every morning hey brother i hope you have a good one late today i'll be like dawg how are you this jovio every day it's a different quote yeah i'm like bro like ken didn't text me today i'm like damn i do something bro how you feeling my bad like like no bro we good as you got busy i'm like all right like bringing good energy that'll help you work into a whole like i don't know if you guys watch dave but like be like gator like gators like dave's hype man like the more p people you are cheer on and champion the more blessings you have coming away like it's a huge gem and a lot of times people will give but they'll give in a funky way or like there's alternative energy or like an arterial motive that they have just do it with good energy a lot of things that come your way for real like even when i met with scuba like shout out to y'all for making the intro shut down chopped up gave him a game for two hours for free didn't ask for anything he came right back the next week like hey man here's how i can help you get it i was like bro i was just trying to point to you like give first that gary vee jab jab jab you know give and you shall receive thing and that's true so all right so the strippers coming through let's get off yeah here we go before we go man this episode obviously is brought to you by financial allies an option if you're looking to bankrupt ally is a leading digital financial service company with passionate customer service and innovative financial solutions they are relentlessly focused on doing it right and being a trusted financial service provider for both customers and communities get with ally to make the most of your money so you can save invest and spend on the things that matter to you man this has been an amazing one as always oh great advice yo he was like they just lock in no twitter no ig they just get in and lock and go to work like for him to be that great at investing like nas is probably going to take the space that kobe would have had if kobe wouldn't die as like greatest investor yeah nas is killing it um you know his investment portfolio is just immaculate man coinbase uh robin hood robin he's uh on fire queen's verse capital queens british catholic who would have thunk it 20 years ago like relationship working away into the rooms and that's why the networking is key can millionaire like chamillionaire love you bro when you come on the show a millionaire that's my god man i spoke to him he's in houston i don't know he's from no no he out there yeah yeah good dude um i think that's only a matter of time super talented i actually spoke to him you spoke to him before yeah we talked a couple times yeah i suppose so come on and hammer two on the low i know people had them hammer with broke jokes i'll play with him shout out to him man yeah all the guys out there that's uh doing anything in the investing world absolutely carmelo anthony he's making a lot of moves lebron james of course kevin durant of course um it's a lot a lot of people in the entertainment and sportsmanship ariana hit that billy but that's a fact congratulations to that girl that we need that conversation run this town run this town the song billionaires on the same zone right that's yours that you keep stay close but rihanna if you're listening um i've been a huge supporter fan for forever uh we have to make this happen e-y-l rihanna billion-dollar conversation yeah uh we're coming obama's yeah we'll do it be nice speaking into existence so you're gonna do like the snow rihanna mashup that'd be a hard matchup too though rock nation give us a call rock nation look i gave you all the oh low key and y'all do know what it like y'all should have turned capricorn the whole coin but y'all you know what what my black ass knows everything everything that's okay all right oh another thing i'll let y'all get to it i probably i know i can hear from y'all tonight so i'll call y'all tomorrow i'll see how the day went you know i mean party time red panda call tomorrow at 3 p.m uh not tonight um but yeah y'all enjoy i appreciate y'all all right y'all be safe love his love man as always reach out call somebody uh one conversation to change the trajectory of somebody's life including yours uh yes so you take advantage of that all right let me get that denim jacket right rest in peace to chuckie thompson rest in peace to chucky thompson oh wow yeah yes yes yes intricate in uh the sound of music especially r b and hip hop in the early 90s that's crazy that bad boy ever you know what chucky thompson is yeah i didn't even know that yeah yeah he passed away today so rest in peace and chuck the town uh condolences to his family and everyone that he's close to uh and his friends as well so love us be good to each other love on each other we'll see y'all next week peace
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 60,370
Rating: 4.9759641 out of 5
Id: 5YnU1P-edJQ
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Length: 106min 49sec (6409 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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