Best of Scared Grumps - Game Grumps Compilation

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hey I'm not suger the grass Jason's got all these [ __ ] tools what why not um I think I still like we're not get in the car can I do that I don't know you just ran by oh [ __ ] but then I'll be really easy to find but harder to kill Oh what does that mean is that Jason's nearby Oh Jason I'm scared you can probably survive that a lot of people have left the game that means they got [ __ ] killed [ __ ] get away from Jason well I don't know man look who I [ __ ] face what's going where's it going where we both screamed like children oh I'm not in here I'm not in here oh there you go he just ran by ok ok cool he's busy I can't I can't mom's broke oh good stupid cuz you got caught in a bear trap what am I supposed to do I'm helpless this must be what it really feels like to die bye Jason I'm getting out of here I'm going to call my parents ok parents I'm scarran's I have seen I immediately don't like this took like two seconds to remember why I hate these games so much Oh something's making the game go crazy maybe I got a whine Papa scary thing loading that actually did scare me [ __ ] Wow become scary [Applause] what am I doing wrong I don't know man you're not doing very well I know I'm not doing very well I'm trying but I can't figure it out nah oh it hates to be ignored sorry so don't turn your back on it okay Jesus [ __ ] ah stop okay cool I didn't like that at all I think you're alright he's in the dark over there is he yeah I thought he went up the stairs yeah yeah I do hello who is my friendly dear friend make him like lead him outside and I mean the elf fate's water okay and the deer hates to be ignored I hate this oh I hate this heron I absolutely hate this this is Petey all over again that's what this is oh my god oh god give that kid a bottle please just ah who's my special dear guy maybe just closed in jail but he's following me out that door can open doors no no stop following me you [ __ ] dear I don't like its silhouette against the shine sucks uh out of here hello shooting anymore oh okay that didn't do anything could you could you could you could you please she's just [ __ ] not it didn't seem to I was looking at him it didn't seem to spook me I mean like this game like I'm you know the water gun oh good it didn't work the [ __ ] water didn't work at the elf at all next time I'd game grumps god [ __ ] damn it we can we just confirm with each other that was real [Music] [Laughter] mr. Wilson oh Jesus it's like a mirror Oh - [ __ ] the deer house Aaron where you going I don't know I don't know this is the front this feels French oh [ __ ] no this sucks I know this is bad sucks dick very awkward this sucks this is the [ __ ] worst this is the is for the birds there's a gazebo oh come on sure you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] you Oh God oh is it okay now okay I guess I'll see you later okay I can't go this way dude okay okay okay we've already survived an hour and a half oh I don't want any water man [ __ ] [ __ ] deer man knock me off deer not a fan not a fan not a fan in the old year dear dammit stupid deer [ __ ] he is cute whoa that's Krampus that's Krampus Oh what is he doing I don't know he's [ __ ] green stuff oh he didn't see me okay all right you know what Aaron I don't think I could do it I don't this is bad for my health but what if you gotta see what happens what you mean I gotta see what happens I see what happens Krampus I don't know I think I'm good yeah yeah finger D my underground city penis but [ __ ] hate these things [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did she say run scariness is happening oh [ __ ] what is what is all things that are not good are happening I don't know oh jeez Carrie he's scary spooky oh I'm scared uh I'm gonna look away oh man come on okay all right I'll do it you got to be a part of this with me okay yes you got to take this on with me can we touch dicks oh I'll have more inner strength if we touch sticks I can one up bag and I can do one better okay we can make out with our dicks yeah so you make out with my dick and I'll make out with your day I think you scream scared sorry sorry it's less scary in the second time oh don't let up for the creatures will catch you all right slow him down I guess he's tactics he wants you touched it Oh [Music] cutie pie markiplier oh god this is worse Oh Marc is fast as [ __ ] and why did you jump why did you [ __ ] run out of there there [ __ ] is he's pure white yeah I think I'll go too oh you can't go oh come on man this sucks by the way that what you're doing to him does nothing to his life laughing at all I'm hiding I'm hiding excuse me I'm hiding move on please I mean hello silence [Music] [Laughter] it's disorienting please find the building the building there's moving as well my credit I'm okay rednecks are down to change oh god yes okay oh [ __ ] this game dude no more no more I don't want to play this game anymore it's really weird about this nothing that's gonna require some Dre now Oh gross oh that is some eraser head [ __ ] dad is disgusting this is disgusting and there's a mirror in it you wanna chill the [ __ ] out baby whoa hey everything spa institude oh don't worry I was just a weird shape shadow okay it's fine it's fine is that it oh yeah uh okay now go back to the front seat and look out the window to see a Rorschach creature oh that's gonna be scary I'm trying okay let's see look at the window I can it's all I see a message will appear in the window which one I don't know the front window Oh God it says kill be will be will be will be or it will be over soon Oh can't it you gotta you gotta set your keyboard to Indonesian good I choose Hamburg that was no she wouldn't the other one she wouldn't okay [ __ ] damn it I promised I wasn't gonna do that just died Oh God turn around turn around get her alright she's trying to come at it now maybe but look what's now yeah months yeah take it yeah take it hey guys keep coming towards you yeah is so scarce with Jesus out of me it's don't you turn around there's a guy another one this guy spooky thing no no no I do it when it gets all janky whoa okay okay thank you all right you guys she's still behind you oh yeah [ __ ] yeah sure around get some distance turn around we're gonna need some serious red eye removal buckets out why do you want to go in the one room where she can good this is good about that chocolate I'll bet trying to get all of you for like three guys okay well now he's down here okay great next time on games whoa whoa what what is happening what why why what's happening what's it what's going on I'm chasing here yeah is that your danger think what's happening I think it's a yeah it seems like oh my god that was scary [ __ ] oh ah this is the most underrated classic gem yeah I have ever played whoa whoa just look at that scorpion walk cycle yeah it's actually not super bad no no oh God oh my lord you [ __ ] ho God scared me I yeah well I was genuinely scared there it is I'd awesome no that's a down [ __ ] I hate it [ __ ] man [ __ ] chicken in the darkness that's what I don't get oh there's something up there oh god oh oh that's the thing that's the thing that's a is it coming for me I think so [ __ ] it is it is coming oh well I got it no that's not where you want to go get out of there Aaron well I got it mmm yeah [ __ ] your phone right now well good something else mmm running towards something running towards something I don't know oh [ __ ] go go go oh go balls man [ __ ] bad time oh now you've done it no I got I gotta go to the stairs oh it's nothing in here there ain't nothing in yeah oh good oh hey document hey read it no no your phone oh my phone oh yes yes yes okay great yes it seems like just a flash for a short time can the flash oh good the face is right there ah ah tab flash tab hello how long can talk to the log good good job Aaron how do I get out of here I don't know is he getting up [ __ ] dude I don't know he will get up but we did that ladder ladder where right there oh oh yeah nice yeah yeah Jack good check I can't get up this no no [ __ ] okay goddamn another key Hey room key great oh that's great that's just awesome fantastic and here we go [ __ ] you got slice yo [ __ ] this [ __ ] it alright yeah yeah I'm like put the keyboard down I'll walk it out of the room I've I've done all the things I'm covered in my own fluids oh did you shoot yourself oh I mean I it's knowing look Aaron I can't believe you on so many levels right now all right I think I'm good Aaron happy Halloween Merry Christmas everybody yeah sliced oh boy wait flashlight [Music] what's the flashlight button okay they get me yeah I'm sorry I didn't mean to say it like that press the Y button to use the item oh my god they killed the dog what the [ __ ] was that like right away what the hell I hope you're [ __ ] happy Aaron no no craft of my dog Oh oh that's good that's real good you said this wasn't gonna be scary like this is gonna be kind of creepy that's because I saw the screenshots you lying second dogs dead it's five minutes a piece of [ __ ] oh no oh boy oh what the [ __ ] oh my god all right everything sucks there's another baby jelly bean with a face oh no no wait come on no no more please all right Oh what is that I can hear them calling from from Margaritaville is their battery power in this I don't think so cool I think I'm just [ __ ] okay I'm fine everything's good [ __ ] ow it's cow oh no that is a it's an upside down frog upside down it looks like if the the [ __ ] flood from Halo infected a frog and then it took a giant [ __ ] and then had put its eyes on the [ __ ] is a frog I thought it was a calf does look like a cow though oh geez okay are you controlling this no its cutscene all right this is taking are you kidding me with that don't make any noise she hears everything well I mean I'm in my room so she should like granny granny granny she was coming in already [ __ ] oh good great [ __ ] job sure like bail and run I don't know Wow okay now me do it I'm out I'm out I'm out oh good okay look you granny [ __ ] you granny [ __ ] you granny this is oh good all right day four I'm out oh I'm going to go to go to go and going okay okay okay well I guess we just learned an important lesson didn't we day five [ __ ] she's quiet keep quiet [ __ ] all right get to go into this relaxing room with a fret all right who is it my mannequin friend get in there get in there close the door it is closed hey sit yeah I'm just peeking oh oh that's the thing I fell down we're done everything's good okay we had a really great time happy Halloween okay now you're in the death basement that's good oh is this the key yes body thank you for melting in just the right way I can't do you want to make me go home crying the clown is the only place I feel safe I don't don't ruin that for me don't ruin it please just stop talking to Yuri play with me instead it's all I have play with me play with me you even locked a special poem thank you sure yeah oh boy I kind of a different I guess well I am NOT doing that oh my god oh god it's going back to Monica does it automatically oh boy Monica ven yeah sure oh well then it's like oh oh is that really the first time you're gonna introduce the sorry alright alright alright there is another room let me take you to it are you serious you knew about this the whole times another room go to
Channel: GameGrumpsMoments - GGM
Views: 821,775
Rating: 4.9530945 out of 5
Keywords: funny, scary, scared, jump, jumpscare, game, Grump, gamegrumps, video, games, dan, arin, scaredy, spooky, scare, spooked, compilation, comp, clip, edit, joke, ghost, horror, Best, of
Id: V4-h-InLBfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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