Uncle Roger get Makeover - ft. @ling.kt

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- I give you 40. Best, best offer, 40. - Sorry, I cannot do that. It's rough. - Haiyah, Western world cannot haggle. (color bars beep) This video sponsored by Wondershare Filmora. Niece and nephew, nowaday, video editing is the most important skill. Uncle Roger 50 year old now. I only own one t-shirt, but I still know how to edit video. Wondershare Filmora is editing software built for beginner people, so simple. Uncle Roger use many editing software before, they are so difficult, so many button! Uncle Roger don't even know what all the button do. Spend so long learning all the button function. That's why Auntie Helen left, because Uncle Roger spending more time with button than spending time with her. (sighs) But don't worry, Filmora so easy. See, you just drag and drop, and then the clip is in there. You want to cut, use the scissor. And you can crop to show the best part of your video. With Filmora, you can also find so many cool thing, like text template, filter, animation, and free music. Nobody have time to make your own filter, your own text template, just use what Filmora give you. Life is short, don't waste time. So save your relationship, use Wondershare Filmora now. Click link in description below, and you can try Filmora for free before you buy. And now, we start video. Hello, niece and nephew, it's Uncle Roger. - Hi, it's Niece Ling! - Today, Uncle Roger hang out with my Niece Ling over here because Uncle Roger wanna do makeover. A few day ago, Auntie Helen call me and say she want to meet up. So Uncle Roger wanna impress ex-wife Auntie Helen, show her what she missing. Niece Ling here gonna help me makeover my whole style and everything. - We are gonna turn Uncle Roger into Daddy Roger. I'm a makeup content creator. - Haiyah, makeup artist, when you gonna get real job? - I have more money than you! - You say you have so much money, but why you dye your hair, (Ling groans) can only afford two strand? Usually people dye the whole head. (static hissing) Yes, Uncle Roger love this. What you think? What you think, it's so nice, this vest! - I think this would be nicer. It's still orange, it's still you. - But this one like, waterproof. - We are trying to turn you into Daddy Roger! Not Uncle Roger! - Oh, it's-- Uncle Roger polo, but it's with crocodile! I want this, let's see how much. Haiyah, 80 pound, no thank you. Just put it away. 80 pound for the same shirt? - It's not just the logo, but it's all the texture, and the manufacturer of the polo. - The texture of polo. - Yes. Lacoste was the first that invented the polo. - Oh, Lacoste first to invent polo! - There is invent the polo, yes. - And you haven't moved on from the polo? How many year now you invent this? - 70 years? - 70 years and you haven't moved on? You one-hit wonder. - We haven't moved because-- - Lacoste one-hit wonder. This is like Uncle Roger make one egg fried rice video went viral. And then I keep making egg fried rice video for rest of my life. This is your brand philosophy. Are you saying this polo better than Uncle Roger polo? - Well, you haven't tried yet. So, you're gonna go to try it and feel it. - He is good salesman. I don't wanna buy anymore. I just wanna buy sticker. Put it on my old polo. How much for one sticker? - So unfortunately, we don't sell it separately. What we do, you can basically choose your polo, online because you can customize it. - Uh no customize. I just want that one, - Yeah yeah. - The one on the left. - This one, yeah. Unfortunately, this one are just for display only. - Okay. How much is the polo? - The polo is 80 pounds. - Can I give you 40? I give you 40. Best, best offer, 40. - Rules are rules. - You know, - I can't break the rules. - The shop down the street, they sell me for 35. But I like you so I come here. - Sorry, I cannot do that. I don't know that store by the way, which is it's name? - Oh it's just a shop in Chinatown. They sell me 30 pound and you wanna charge 80 pound? - It's rough. - Haiyah, Western world cannot haggle. I bought it, this salesperson too good. Lacoste is my favorite brand now. This is like Chinese restaurant, the lazy Susan. You spin thing around and you get your own food. But for this one you just get shirt that look like tablecloth. You know you can buy tablecloth at IKEA for like 2 pound? Then you just add some button and you get this shirt. What is this? - It's Pokemon! - Pokemon? - Yeah! Look how happy Pikachu is! - Is this the show where they just like, trap these animal and make them fight each other like dog fighting? Is this a dog fighting show? I remember this cartoon. Uncle Roger love dog fighting so Uncle Roger love Pokemon. - Uncle Roger to Daddy Roger. - Oh, this is nice! - It's 3 pounds guys, it's so cheap! - Oh my god, sweatshop are amazing! 3 pound, I take the whole shop. Oh no no no Niece Ling, we don't take the first item. Asian people, we don't take first item. We always take the one from behind. Because it newer, less fingerprint. Everybody touch the first one. When you go shopping for milk, do you also take the first milk? - Yeah, 'cause it's right there in front of me. - Why you so weird? All the disease is on the first milk. Now we come to Asian people favorite brand, LV. And Asian people, we always call it LV. We never say the whole name, Louis Vuitton. Because we don't have time to say all the syllable. We don't have time for Ouis Uitton, we busy working. Do you have any LV, Niece Ling? - Yeah. - Oh, what you have, what you have? - I have a hoodie, tracksuit bottoms, boots, two jackets, two bags, and I'm still growing my collection. - Okay, so Asian. Uncle Roger like. But are they real or fake? - It's real! - Real LV, so many! - Yeah! I bought it in France, I spent like 10 grand. - 10 thousand pound on LV! You think money grow on tree? - [Announcer] A few moments later. - Haiyah, too expensive. Everything a few thousand pound. Go to Chinatown, I get LV for 5 pound. We spent all day shopping today. What do we do now, Niece Ling? - You're gonna come to mine and we are gonna give you a proper makeover. - Makeover, what are you gonna do? - Well we're gonna fix your eyebrows, sort your hair out. I got you some outfits, Daddy Roger's coming. - Oh my god Niece Ling, you have so many makeup thing. Coming to your house is like going to Sephora. Oh my god Niece Ling, is this you on box? - It's me, yeah that's me. - Oh you are on box now. So if you want to be influencer, one day you will be on box. Children now, they want to be on YouTube, want to be on TV, but Niece Ling be on box, glamorous life. - So before we try on the clothes, I'm just gonna give Uncle Roger a little face makeover. - Face makeover, why? Why, what wrong with Uncle Roger face? - You know, it just needs a little something something. Okay, we'll use the headband on you. - No no no haiyah, don't want. I not wearing headband, no way. (Ling giggles) Niece and nephew, better smack the like button. Uncle Roger wearing Hello Kitty headband for you. - Bit of Fenty Beauty, you know? - Fenty Beauty. - Mhm, and by Rihanna. - Is it like Tiger Balm? That's the only cream Uncle Roger use, it's Tiger Balm. - Tiger Balm's the medicine! - Oh. - Now we're gonna tweeze your eyebrows. - No no no. Ow ow ow ow ow, torture! Hurting Uncle, ow ow! Send her to jail, send her to prison. It's Guantanamo Bay level torture. I have no information for you, ow. Is it like something dirty? - No! - I think Uncle Roger saw this on the hub before, if you know what I mean. (Niece Ling laughs) (Uncle Roger groans) - I don't know where the money is, stop torturing! (groans) - [Ling] Oh my god. - Niece Ling has a lot of experience catfishing people. - No more Gucci bags, yes! Can we just like, appreciate how good his skin looks now? Time for the lip balm! - Oo, taste like sriracha. - It's watermelon! Halfway through Daddy Roger makeover! - Only halfway through? This so much work! I sit on this chair four hour already. Haiyah please let me go back to my family, Niece Ling. - No. - [Announcer] Two hours later. - So Uncle Roger, I want to upgrade what you're wearing. So you're gonna wear the exact same thing, but just an updated version. So I'm gonna give you this that you bought today. And then I'm gonna give you some skinny ripped jeans. Yes. - Ripped jean? Why this jean have hole? - It looks cool! - Why you buy things that are broken? Haiyah, you pay people money for them to break things for you. Just give Uncle Roger money, I break your clothes for free. - And then I got you a new updated designer phone bag. - That phone case? - Yeah! (Ling laughs) - What is this outfit? Why the jeans so tight, haiyah! This jean so tight, I think Uncle Roger can't have children anymore. - Oh it's upgraded Uncle Roger. - No this is like if Uncle Roger were fuckboy. Why you wear sunglasses indoor? - Okay, so finishing touches. - No no no, what is this? - (laughs) I bought you a gold chain. - Uncle Roger feel like I run a nightclub. I feel like a pimp. I feel like I run two brothel. Uncle Roger, successful brothel owner. Ling, would you like to join my team? - No! (laughs) - You sure you don't want to join Uncle Roger brothel? - No! (laughs) - The benefit very good. - Shut up. (laughs) - Health insurance, and pension. - No! - No more makeup influencer, just join Uncle Roger brothel. - I was gonna nail this outfit, in all seriousness. Like I actually thought it was gonna come out nice. - Hello niece and nephew. What you think, what you think? This look is so nice, I call this the unemployed Steve Jobs. This pant also very nice. I think, Niece Ling you love tablecloth. Everywhere you go you think of tablecloth. You are like Auntie Hersha with colander. When you go to restaurant with bare table, do you judge them? Do you say, "Where your tablecloth? Why this restaurant so shit, no tablecloth? You eat on wood? What are you, poor? Why you so poor, eat on wood?" This how you go through life? - You're like one of those international Chinese university students. - Yes yes, hello (speaks in Mandarin). Can you speak Chinese, Niece Ling? No? Haiyah, why so white, so white? Maybe instead of learning to catfish people you can learn some Mandarin. Duolingo, everybody can download. What the next outfit? Show me. - Okay, so the next outfit is, I got you a suit! - Oh, a suit! - And it's orange! Yeah! - Orange suit, oh my god. This is Uncle Roger favorite color. This outfit is fire. - Oh my god. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. - Hey Ling, where you going? - No no no no, I feel uncomfortable! - Please come back, come back! What her problem, why she leave? - [Mike] Uncle Roger, you're meant to put something under the suit. - Oh. Niece and nephew, thank you so much for watching. - Yes, let us know which outfit you like. And if I did a good job at turning Uncle Roger to Daddy Roger. - I think this is my favorite outfit. - Yeah, with the shirt on. - Yeah, with shirt on. Always wear shirt under your suit. It's hard lesson Uncle Roger learn today. Uncle Roger gonna wear this outfit, go to the park, go do tai chi with all the auntie and it's game over. - Oh. - I'm gonna get all the auntie phone number. Niece and nephew, go follow Niece Ling. She got good YouTube channel, teach you how to catfish. - It's a makeup channel, but yeah please, subscribe. Follow me everywhere! - Go buy Niece Ling brand of eyelashes. You can get it at all your favorite drugstore. Like Superdrug and Boots. - No not Boots, just Superdrug. - Not Boots? (Ling laughs) How 'bout Sephora? - Not Sephora, just Superdrug. - Haiyah, not successful enough. See you in my next video, bye bye! Hello niece and nephew. (Ling snorts) Don't laugh. (color bars beep) My niece, Evelyn don't approve. (color bars beep) - This is much better. - Yeah. - Upgraded majorly just by wearing a tight shirt. Like first you was down here, now you're like, okay. - Oh! - Now it's got potential. - You know it's just a character. (Ling laughs) (color bars beep) - Haiyah, always covering Uncle Roger face. If you think Uncle Roger ugly, just say that. - Your face is so big, I'm like, wow. - Big face need more surface area. - My face is like so much smaller. - I think my face so big I use up half your product in one go. (color bars beep) Where has this been before? Are you sure you don't need to wash it first?
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 4,272,579
Rating: 4.9610977 out of 5
Keywords: uncle roger, nigel ng, mrnigelng, mr nigel ng, nigel ng uncle roger, nigel ng comedy, uncle roger makeover, uncle roger ling kt, ling kt makeover, ling kt makeup
Id: 3vf2qM3rpdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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