How Storage Auctions Work.. I Buy Abandoned Storage Units #37

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this play button pushed that means the video is about to start hit the thumbs up button we have some crazy big storage unit storage unit storage locker abandoned storage unit boxes I'm going through the whole encyclopedia here Waku hey guys thank you so much for joining I'm loving this camera please give me feedback are you guys really loving the new footage I think it comes up a lot more clear no more blurry vision no more white-ish videos and I get help on box which is good cuz sometimes I have a half a worker alright so that being said crazy video for you today guys we have a lot of stuff it's probably gonna be a longer video so get ready for this got grandma of interest here ready to open this stuff up and before we get started remember there's four things you can do basically the YouTube algorithm the YouTube computer pushes our videos up if you hit the thumbs up button and if you share the video to Facebook you can right below the video you can click share and share it to Facebook another thing guys is comment all you lurkers out there if you can comment that'd be great that's like the biggest thing with the face now with YouTube they see a lot of comments and they're like okay let's let's recommend this video because there's a lot of activities so love you guys let's get into this and let me pan you over to the Steam's the famous the Poshmark grandma question yes what's on your shirt what's that say this is a company that the business shoe company that authenticates shoes all right let's open the box and as you know guys I saved her time we have not peaked but I did open the box this is an old I do mean old fantastic for lunch-pail superheroes Marvel Comics okay I'll let wait open the inside and show you you're my assistant oh it's not this is cool and this says 1976 1976 guys Wow oh my gosh this says 1973 oh that's about right so it's a little older 73 oh and there's a little creepy doll in here is that a great year I graduated high school Wow this is Hong Kong on it it's got they lined it yep multifunctional dethklok why am i showing all this stuff because you get closer to the camera and that's in there that camera isn't showing up too many things I can't get close oh stop it that's what you said everything okay so what Wow this may have to go on our auction how do we open it it is drawer after drawer of embroidery floss a lot of colors and there's a lot of it in there [Applause] Oh down here that is tape that you don't want to mess with all right all right well they get the idea what's going it's everywhere - wow that's a lot of colors this thing is packed and this stuff's not cheap is it no embroidery something floss embroidery thread oh okay now here's another one of those things but it has odds and ends of everything in there including erasers what is this one second guys let me there we go it's a little of everything yeah I see a little rope a little erasers all right why I'm opening this you want to do another box this is gonna take me a second it's a lot of teeth what is in there large black bear fragile and breakable I love those bears to have their jewelry in there this is a sample as free there's jewelry in here weird there's all kinds of stuff in there I see buttons aah what just happened nothing nothing little sound effects this is different kind of popcorn than I've seen them used before and it's not the other way okay you're the janitor here throw some more oh they got it from the craft warehouse oh we did not do that no gosh darn it man I'd bury him in the dirt a little bit have his feet in the dirt he'd look cute though yeah in a yard I think that's something to do I'm just covered dirt around that broken area oh yeah he'd be cute laying under your tomato plants that's what I'll do all right what are we all got next dance collection boxes okay they don't say fragile what collection oh my gosh of course oh they're empty aren't they oh it better not be well I hope not cuz there's a Disney box that one's not it all right what's that magic artists to do business [Music] we're looking and organized these are heavy first time we've seen red hometown my heart's beating if it's going on grandma ventures Poshmark guides link below if you want to buy any of this stuff they know they know here comes another one I'm not dropping the lid this is a TW haul number 233 it's never Wow this one looks amazing guys it feel like would know it's something different probably five or six inches I wonder if it's this is a TW I don't know what do you got your I'm hurryin I'm hurryin I don't want him to have to wait this is the butcher shop oh shoot this looks like that gingerbread house I used to go to on the way to the Detroit Lake we'd always stop at hardwood yeah for hardware she's in clue they all have lives and they're all separate oh yeah they'll have lids but not on the last one oh look at that love that oh it is the whole thing is from them right that is so cool and it's got a lady fly-fishing wow this is another one all right we have a random old train as well in their ice cream shop nothing all right why store empty boxes yeah that's true oh this says two houses I'm assuming that's just padding that bear looks pretty cool sitting there with this broken feet though yeah he will go in the garden bed he will go all right this one yes in which manner oldie classic Oh green which matter right Tudor Hall we love our tutors don't we back in England did you guys watch that show tutors on Hulu or Netflix sorry yeah do yourself a favor if you haven't seen tutors go check it out it's like a really good long time you have to see that a lot of seasons what else we got over here oh nice let's do this box last up to this box last oh this one's heavy this is random really oh I'm gonna let you open is it this one go ahead what do you got another one you might have more than one Wow and this one's in better condition look at this another another one in there dang it this one is a really good condition guys it's a target collector doll and that's in a really good condition oh those those other things open and eat that'd be great for something that's happened for sketchy if you guys wanna learn more than 6-thousand okapis now 6,000 sketches but there is a lot in there they may be self-taught hope it's not right please nope it's a punch here Emily there's something really old in there [Music] okay so this doesn't have anything in it I mean it's a beautiful little cabinet but I'm flora floral arranging here are you making a beautiful Oh beautiful arrangements coming up just give me a second my kind of floral candles smell in there oh this is a really this is 1989 genuine figurines made in Italy mmm either the best how did they get the best smelling candles that stay that way for 11 years I don't know I've got a couple of them in my house that is really cool guys [Music] pretty cool take two of them out there's about ten of them in there you notice I put verbs in each of the arrangement yeah that's so beautiful that's so beautiful I got a new job I love it I've always wanted to do this actually but you can see I'd have very little talent all right well we have a lot of camp lotus smell good candles in there that wasn't a bad box all right so what do we got here all right what read with us is it says fragile glass ceramic cup so let's be responsible here well we'll lift up the top so we don't scratch anything can you guys hear the ring and you can do it oh look at that pretty one okay this is a beautiful one it's got some butterflies different things and we have ducks oh I thought it was heavy I've had these I used to I would see the cannery and collected them cuz AAW was down the street these are actually old this says nobody gets between me and my morning coffee nobody gets between me and my morning coffee rock bottom restaurant never heard of that oh it's a brewery hey wait yeah would you show them your muscles again by getting me a stool oh you need a stool but you're gonna show them your muscles with those heavy boxes off of it the whaler in motel in Newport and I'm sure that's Newport Oregon because I recognize the whaler Oh little bear bear on the farm mug he'll lift them up for thank you wait they're on the farm this is the some sort of motel on Newport oh okay you go first no oh oh that's a Christmas no money yep now that is cool this is not recommended for dishwasher and use but Wow and it's I think it's an older one but that is really cool they like that place maybe that for all the soap and you're not just taking soap you're taking mugs from the place oh wow what the heck is this I've never seen one like that before is that one where you put the teeth let me look you put your teabag there and then you don't take it that doesn't go in there oh maybe you did you set your teabag there and then when you your kid gets a little weak you add more water you take your tea bag out I'm making all this up I do not know I'm using my fantasy mind storyteller if you were gonna win a million dollars without fear final answer I'm guessing that's my gift so random let's see there's two of these [Applause] it matches my bows Wow oh so glad I didn't list them yet yeah have you set that like 50 times oh I'm afraid to cuz I've already listed the other Moose ones and found more stuff you have a whole collection every video you get like a piece of your collection number two or three I need at least four come on guys we want another one yeah it's right here you know I am getting attached to this set I have to admit yeah you may want to keep it I may buy time I'm not gonna do anything with it that we're done with every box cuz I still need the plate and I know there's I bet they are they've got to be here somewhere [Music] there's another one oh that's all I recognize the color the man died tore the paper what's that okay all right snow let's do this next next next next next next that was a good point what oh this is the set the personal stuff in it so I did this box broke guys you can see it right here but maybe it didn't have the personal stuff okay this is different okay yeah okay that's what I was looking I thought well it might be personal but what I did one of them does so it has a name on it those are those letters that you buy the fabric and then you sew them together I made all my kids their name in pillows when they were little right there does not put lace on theirs because I didn't have a girl oh nice little sweatshirt this is the police synchronous synchrony key I can't say it darn it I was hoping I could I can get that's the police group yeah I know the place oh they do a pretty amazing song I'm trying to pretty little dish towel I miss a lot bright and cheery a lot of in here guys Oh baby fabric ooh some old baby fabric does well baby fabric used to be the queen that's on us stuff uh posh market I haven't been the queen of anything I haven't even been queen for a day remember that show yeah that's cute Easter basket it's a sewn Easter basket yeah that's I think that's one of those fabric things you buy - look at that they probably hand it down right probably on its own every little egg is in there back in the day I mean look at that guy's oh we lost the chicken is this little sweatshirt soft stay there okay next next next next next next next I can get that thing I'm strong I know what is here used on a craft store what is there I even sold fabric Batman - but it was crafting fabric it was all cotton these are these are vintage fabric pieces America and you can tell they're vintage I recognize him from back in the 70s he loves me not we may want to piss a little seersucker a little bit we may want to put this on our option I think so wouldn't be swales there's some polyester paisley print Wow this thing keeps going for days it's vintage vintage fabric and there's a lot of it in there it still feels nice there's some plant already cut out and that's the skirt a plaid skirt oh this is really old vacuums for a quilt I mean there's a lot of it in here guys muslin I drew a blank here's some cotton really old cotton now this would be okay for making quilts that would be too mmm-hmm there's a lot of it here okay okay we got some vintage fabric and we have it's just been asking for it but uh yeah I hope they like it yeah from the 70s yep that was the best time right here more fabric and more fabric that's Impala yester this is in the package oh I want to see what's in this package oh it's a pattern all cut out this is the gun in this it's all cut out ready to sew it's all here Oh weird it's a dress I told you I thought they made those trusted somebody might want this it's a size 14 that's a random what is this that's not like all right okay get your soda machines out I'm trying not to breathe sleep in seal free whoa Oh corner right the thin whale corduroy yeah the thin whale corduroy so professional over here padded padded okay this is heavy let me see what it is is it denim denim yes it is it's strike denim nice smarty pants making fun of me today no she's the fantastic I can see how she owned a craft store oh he's now he's trying to borrow you know quit some of this old denims in though that's not denim that's quarter right then are sorry corduroy some of its it people are wearing now right I almost went on my youtube-channel last night with the picket signs oh ha ha but he went he got a little upset so I didn't but I might yes she wants more stamps I was gonna say I will work for stamps and nothing else but and have you guys back me up when you list your stamps you have you can have more stamps there all done is it better Barbie the bottom all well she helped all right we don't have any more and speaking of stamp we don't have any more stamps oh let's go over here anyway I thought if I did that you guys would stand up for me and well we don't want we don't want a rebellion so we got we have stamps ok all right here you go open yours you mean it for now open yours right now alright this wood says brownies dogs clocks film what's your say my said the quarians supply part but obviously it's [Music] and you did say they're mine you did say that fur now they're yours ok Oh wonderful they have never taped the box top just before oh we can't really say that we've had some pretty good okay let's show them yours first there's a lot of them in here yeah and there's Wow yeah they're and they're big they're big ones they're all brand new guys oh you're gonna love yours your box wait but I'll take this if you don't want it I'll take any box this is from the 90s and guys there's there's probably fifteen thousand dollars from the stamps on this unit wouldn't you say there's like fifteen thousand or more I have I could never ever I mean look at this there's just so many of them in here all right somebody else go get water coca-cola don't choke on the camera I mean look at this this is a massive one guys beautiful stamps they're packed in here [Applause] I think it was the death from the Bradbury I could have been the fabric cuz even I got a little dusty when that came out hard for me not to talk yeah it's hard they look at that one there buddy people these are big those that's a box of big stamps and they're really nice ones they wanted 14 bucks for this stamp guys just one step and that was back in the 90s mine like that I've already gone well that's a good people like those yep these old images what are they out there out there no longer in circulation airway fired holes in them oh look at that they put holes this is a beautiful slot here well the holes are so they have holes in the pitch wall I've never seen him to the wood though I mean but you notice a lot of them have sunflowers in him it's really a sunflower theme three units she loves Oh save the cup save the cups if all else fails I mean guys we could be here for a year showing these stamps right we will be here so we got they're all in there but you gotta show them some of these animals people love animals too well I think that's a frog crawling in the window but it whoa we're making a person I love old cars old cars a lot of this is kind of like Victorian you would think and my dad's first old car which is really old this is 90 years old now his cars down and display at a gas station look at this you know it's got them wow this is a 90s Mona Lisa okay I need to know I like trivia insert was there a real woman that he painted the first Mona Lisa after or was it his imagination I do not know I don't know forever now someone out there knows you think so yeah I think this is dr. Seuss's uh the Grinch Stole Christmas those look like the people on the movie that could be well troll minutes in here okay all right well this one is one hell of a thing isn't it look how big this sucker is they're big ones and they're all all brand new I like all the pictures the rubber is fantastic on these suckers at the bottom okay so you show some of yours I'm gonna put this look like the Grinch Stole Christmas people let me get a little closer and look at our wires and dog a Dalmatian ooh one second we put this away I'll set some good ones out while you put that away okay that was a lot Oh summer in bags in bags that's the first time I've seen that yeah I think they go together oh wow this is a this is a wonderful pool yes I'm trying to get this these great big ones out for you but they're like Oh in there mm there were 11 bucks just for this little one oh that's cool oh film movies films and camera stuff those real fast seven bucks they went back like here's a camera it's a fix down another camera and you can stamp those and put what you want in the lens of the camera if I can cut a person to picture you want to dig in here wait there's a lot of small ones in this one no I think this might be one of those little people off that show trying to climb in a window look at this guy's the great all the little people down there in the Grinch village yes I wish I could think of their names this is Sally sue or something like that no that's from The Waltons look at these now you know who those are Saturday Evening Post aren't those moment awful pictures oh they are there's a bunch of them oh my god this may go for auction I have a feeling all of them I don't think I even have a box of stamps I think you just telling me I am so I won't pick it you guys might see a picket sign on my channel one of these days okay you'll you won't need it you'll give you one stamp one stamp here they get one of them what that's it Norman Rockwell stamp you wanted so these are 90s and they wanted seven bucks each I only get one stance I want to open all the boxes and see which damn if I want no oh they have they actually have what they are down below yeah those wait those should go separately from all others there's a lot of them there okay I think we got it there though oh look at the little puppy oh and it says September 20th 1958 that's when it came out yeah that's that is a cool set that's it now we got a bunch of clocks and feel alright I think we're good everything we have to show them every toilet paper what do you see a stamp no job oh we can show them the half used toilet paper we can't show them everything okay this is this has been a fun video yes you are gonna get your stamps okay just just so you're calm down then till the next video and I find out I know yes so I've got you as an audience as a witness you can this one there was a butcher I don't want that one okay you can have one of these I don't want that I don't want to break up you can have this pack all right guys that's been it that's been a wrap yeah anyways thank you guys so much for watching the video I'm overwhelmed this is a pretty major yes oh thank you my stamp so I get a full bar hopefully you guys enjoyed this hit the thumbs up button seriously we hope you guys have a heads up and doing well yes and they are opening up a lot more areas so hopefully you guys stay safe out there they could open up our area I'm not coming out ironclad okay we looked at storage units in our area there's only two of them going up in a 50-mile radius yeah you know so we're like we've got a lot more unboxing videos to do but that's why we're doing these auctions so we can clear space so when they do open up we can buy it right hit it cuz we want to do a video a day that's art that's our goal for the next this year basically a video Dave everyday this year don't hold this to every day though once this is done we're gonna try we're gonna try I would like to do a video every day so we'll try so help us with that make sure you join us a member right beside the subscribe button that helps with the channel and then share it to your friends and family on Facebook we appreciate you guys and I will give one boxes dance to Grandma ventures okay guess you'll see me again nope take it in here okay alright guys this isn't a closed Beach okay yeah he looked pretty surprised when I told him I was gonna do but Leslie was laughing but she was gonna stand with me okay all right that's enough for that see you guys what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got we're about 1,300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and Shop Wayne's Ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's Ventures YouTube right below or excuse me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 11,688
Rating: 4.9690642 out of 5
Keywords: How Storage Auctions Work.. I Buy Abandoned Storage Units, How Storage Auctions Work, storage auction, storage locker, storage unit, storage auctions, real storage auction, auction, reselling storage, storage, self storage, reselling units, reselling lockers, units, lockers, reselling 2020, Abandoned Storage, abandoned places, abandoned, wades ventures, I Buy Storage, I Buy, I Bought, How Storage works, How To, storagewars, treasure hunting, storage unit business, buy, sell, bid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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