ULTIMATE Multiclass Tier List (Caster) for Baldur's Gate 3

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multiclassing is a huge part of balers Gate 3 from Theory crafting to build making and just simply playing the game taking advantage of the blend of one classes abilities with another allows you to make some truly devastating combinations such as the dreaded beden or the all powerful Tempest sorcerer in this video today we're going to do a tier list off of the best Caster multiclass options for bg3 I already did the melee or at least Marshall version as it's also includes ranged and that will be linked in the description and pin comment below before we get started let me lay out some ground rules we'll only be looking at these classes strictly as a dip into them as a multiclass and what I mean by that is at Max four levels anything beyond that sort of blurs the lines and it's hard to rate individual multiclasses off of their merits because classes become stronger with each level the focus here is to help you in deciding which multiclass options are strong in almost all cases like the fighter or in particular hyper Niche cases like say the Barbarian lastly this is all opinionated your tier list might be different and this all comes from anecdotal experience so if you see a class in position that you know makes you doubt playing that one don't do that this is a singleplayer narrative game have fun with it however the hell you want not in the way someone on the internet tells you to if this is your first time my channel the way I do things is by upfront the knowledge of my videos so you can find the complete tier list Linked In the description below from there you can just simply Jump Ahead to any of the chapters in the timeline and description to any of the specific te to find out my justification for certain multiclass options or what have you but if you've taken a look at the list and that's all you wanted to know please feel free to just shut the video down and head on out before you head out please don't forget to like comment subscribe all that stuff does help me out in a huge way I've gone from like 89% to 80% unsubscribe viewership and every little bit helps if you need help too with any other subject in balers Gate 3 check out my playlist linked below but let's get started here on my Caster multiclass tier list for balers Gate 3 so to start us off let's talk about the bottom of the list the D tier and I think a lot of these are going to be kind of without saying and if you've already taken a look at the list you already know what's going to happen here but the first one is going to be Barbarian now barbarian's really cool right you have a lot of really cool capabilities with it and the wild surge or wild magic Barbarian whatever to one it is um is awesome because it can replenish spell slots but the problem here with the Barbarian as it pertains to a Caster multiclass is that you cannot do all the fun things of being a barbarian and cast because you cannot maintain concentration spells while enraged and you can't cast spells while enraged so I think it's kind of a natural pick here to be in I would actually say this is the only one that would probably exist in its own tier of f but I have actually thought about really cool ways you could take the Barbarian and mix it with the four elements Monk and and I'm kind of working on a build guide for that if that's something you'd like to see go ahead and let me know in the comment section below but it basically would be nine levels or eight levels in into Barbarian and four or three levels into the um four elements monk because four elements monk all their spells are not cast as spells they use key points they're not they can cast while silenced so you can cast them while you're enraged so I think that that's like the only way I could finally that that I could I could find this um to Be an Effective multiclass for a caster and even then a four elements Monk Is is a very Niche pick when it comes to the monk itself now another one here is the Ranger Ranger I think is a really cool class like I've said before it's my it's my main character on my personal playthrough but I think that what it offers or affords any of the casting classes is just too minimal especially with four levels dipped into it sure yeah you get a lot of really fun things with hunter or gloomstalker but that assumes that you're also going with some sort of melee or range um hybrid into your casting and even at that I'd rather go with any other Marshall class that can pull more from it the Beast Master does get a really good minor summon but again I'd rather get the Warlock summon instead because it can just do a little bit more for me it can go invisible it can fear things stuff like that so I think the ranger kind of sits unfortunately in a really awkward position especially because it does pull from wisdom so if you're going with the cleric cool maybe you get some spells that you wouldn't get otherwise like Halo Thorns or good Berry but if you're going with a druid it's just you're just going to get better versions of those on a druid so I think the ranger unfortunately sits down here and unfortunately too also the Druid sits down here because with four levels of of Druid action you're just not going to get enough I I do think with the um land Druid you can get access to you know hold person Missy steps Spike growth all those pretty quick in the game right three levels in that's when you get those and that's a pretty great little jump but I just don't see them as if I'm going with a Caster I can pull it in from a wizard from a scroll if I'm a warlock I'm going to get it there there's just so much more access to a lot of the spells that you're going to get access to from the landid in a bunch of different ways if you look at the spor Druid the spor Druid doesn't provide enough survivability to really justify the four levels all the really fun stuff from spor Druid comes at level six so it just kind of sits again in a funky position if you look at it with a monk it's different right but then again you're taking a heavier investment into monk making you more of a Melee character even if we were the four elements Monk and and a and a cleric or um a druid here it's still a little bit more of a of an interesting dip that I just don't really justify and a moon Druid then four levels of moon Druid you can't do any casting aside from concentration abilities or stuff you would do beforehand and with four levels of mid you're going to very quickly outpace what the mid can do because every couple of levels the moon Druids wild shapes get an increase to their health but those levels are not character levels they have to be Druid levels so I think uh Druid exists down here in D tier as well let's now move into our C tier now C tier affords some pretty fun utility but it doesn't really offer a whole ton that the other classes just don't do better or whatever it is remember C is still average right it's still a pretty good kind of by uh uh class multiclass list by comparison the first one here is the Monk and monk as far as open hand or Shadow monk goes maybe isn't the best but it can afford you some unarmored defense it can afford you some uh quick reflexes actually at four levels that's I think quick reflexes at level six um but it could increase your movement speed it gives you some unarmored defense as it pertains to wisdom so if you are going with a cleric you can just not wear armor and take Monk and get a huge increase to your AC that's a kind of a cool little stick you can go with um and even then too a war cleric with the Open Hand monk four levels that's a real potent combination but I think unfortunately when we're looking at all this that still kind of strikes me as more of like a Melee character right but still even though you can have a lot of fun with cleric casting spells you can do a lot of cool things with monk but I think that monk ultimately wants to be up close and personal even with the four elements monk it still wants to be an up close and personal type of character and I think somewhere in the world the four elements Monk and I I bring this up a lot because the four elements Monk Is my personal favorite monk but I think that it just needs a lot more level investment to make it really feel strong and Punchy four elements Shadow what have you so when it comes to Casting I think it still stays down here and C because it does have some application especially to kind of help out with the other casting classes that maybe gives them a little AC or movement but other than that I think it's fine right down here now the other one at C is kind of a i juggled between this being in b or c um it's maybe like a c plus B minus depending on because we're only taking four levels right song of rest though is great jack of all trades is great it doesn't give us a ton of extra points when it comes to skills that we don't have a Proficiency in but it's still that kind of helps out you know you didn't plan on making an Arcana check and now you got to do it or you didn't plan on making um a survival check and now you got to do it Jack of all trades is just going to help you out with those little tiny things and in addition to it as well you get an additional proficiency now with four levels you do miss out on the uh baric Inspirations being uh replenished on a short rest you miss out on magical Secrets if you're a lore Bard but you still get the ability to take advantage of Bic Inspirations when it comes to cutting words so I think a lore four levels into another Caster is still a very very very strong multiclass because cutting words is amazing way to kind of tip something over the edge that they just barely saved or what have you I I really struggled between putting this in C or B but I think all the things in B felt so much stronger than a than a Bard multiclass that it sat down here at C for me and I think too it also depends on right like if I'm looking at a Bard as it pertains to a sorcerer or a warlock yeah that's super strong but if I'm looking at it as it pertains to a cleric a um what's the other one called a druid a wizard it doesn't feel as strong because I'm going to have to kind of navigate things and what we're going to start to take a look at here as progress up this list is multiclassing other casting classes that have different spell casting abilities and it's important to note that even though it has a different spell casting ability it doesn't mean that it's a completely wasted class right like if I were to take a a Bard and a a wizard intelligence and Charisma if I put six levels into both it doesn't really matter because if I'm taking spells from The Bard class that don't require um rolls then it doesn't matter what my Charisma is and what I mean by that is um you know maybe I'll use a better example here with wizard wizard if I were to take magic Missile it doesn't matter if my intelligence is eight or if my intelligence is 22 magic Missile is an attack role if I'm if I were to go ahead and go with um meaning it's measured against their AC uh if I were to take a healing capability a lot of times that is more often than not not based off of your spell casting capability a buff such as death Ward uh resist poison heroism those are not dependent upon your spellcasting ability so when as we kind of go through this list and you're thinking about how how I can I add that class into mine that multiclass just think that it doesn't always it's not always a bad thing if there's two different spell casting abilities if you pull from different portions of their kind of spell repertoire another good example here would be the wizard and the globe of invulnerability one of the strongest spells in the game there's no spell casting really like DC required of that requirement to that you just cast it down it's just there for you so uh kind of think about those things as we progress up and let's now go into that b tier so with B tier we're going to get some fun things add it in the first one is going to be that Warlock and warlock is really really a fun class you can just do so much with it you can go in so many different directions do you want to go into a blade lock whatever it is but both the pack of the toome and pack of the chain afford a lot of really cool things for any kind of just generic casting character just simply four levels into it is a really cool way to jump into things even just two levels my uh honor mode playthrough was a two-level bardlock um so two levels into warlock with the Packa of the chain to get that summon to help me out to do fears be invisible it can use whatever it needs to do in those circumstances but mainly what that did for me was give me a really strong C trip in Elder blast and using my Elder invocations turning that ability into uh Elder blast at adding in my Charisma modifier and devil eyes so I am never able to be blinded right so those capabilities alone are just so strong and if I go with a great old one warlock now my crit strikes fear things doesn't matter if it's from a spell if it's from a weapon whatever it is a crit strike is going to fear something that's a really great capability to add in and if I'm a wizard yeah maybe my charisma's not as big of a focus so that doesn't feel as strong or same thing if I'm a cleric or a druid but still having the capability to my crit strikes fear things have um access to puberty have access to spells like armor of agathys that isn't going to be based off my Charisma right it's going to be based off of my spellcasting um what's it called spellcasting spell flot the spell slot that's being cast with it right having access to these capabilities that aren't necessarily tied to my uh spell casting ability are are really great Boones of being a warlock having just a cool summon having the ability to to jump into some fun stuff is I think what makes this a really good be tier and one that spices very well too especially if we're looking at something like a sorcerer or or a lard um stuff like that like I said my lowb 10 lowb 2 warlock was a really strong combination and people were kind of looking why only just take two levels into warlock because again devil sight and then having a very strong canant trip eldrich blast is with with that uh uh the increase to its Charisma is such a strong cantrip because cantrips remember they don't use spell slots so having basically a reliable really solid thing that you can do on an action every turn without exhausting a spell slot is so huge with a Caster so having that on on demand is great so that's why I really kind of uh put that here at B now the other one at B is a cleric and it's it's B it's because the cleric can really just go every direction you can be anything with a cleric you can be a Melee character you can be more of a kind of like Bic character with a knowledge cleric by adding in a lot of proficiencies and fun spicy stuff there you can jump into more of a druid route by going the um nature cleric you can go more of a rogue route and go trickery so I think that the cleric adds a lot of fun direction for the class and even moreover you can do a lot of really fun things with cleric because you can amp up your thunder spells right you can go to Tempest cleric and you can lean in harder to your sorcerer or your wizard capab abilities and I think that that is such a it's such a potent combination with the cleric and at level four too you aren't getting a lot of the really good spells that you would get at level five right but still at level four you get plenty of good spells to to to to tango with if you go into a life cleric you're going to add a lot of healing into maybe your offensive spell casting so this gives you a lot of viability in a lot of ways to kind of differentiate and spice up your character and like I said too a lot of the healing capabilities are not necessarily based off of your career your um wisdom now the life clerics capabilities they their actual Channel Divinity stuff it might be but we don't need to worry about that if we're just trying to kind of have a little bit of spice here and there a little bit of buff here and there from the cleric now we're getting into a lot of the Heavy Hitters here the guys that add a lot of character to a lot of the spellcasters and the first one is the Paladin now the argument can be made here that what I'm about to talk about is a Melee character and that is true but I in the melee video I talked about the Paladin being a really good multiclass because of the Marshall capabilities that it adds in and something that I didn't talk about with the cleric that the Paladin does do is just add in so many proficiencies to your character if I'm going to play a cleric I now get medium armor and shield proficiency that is huge now I can use a staff and a shield that Shield can be the one that increases initiative it's the one that can give me fire Shield whatever it is I get that as a paladin and then moreover I can jump into heavy armor and still cast spells so I can be a juggernaut in heavy armor with an abjuration wizard that can just take all the damage in the world but one of the most important things of Paladin is it smites right and your Smite is not based off of your charisma it's based off of the spell slot used so two levels into Paladin and 10 levels into sorcerer a sorcadin is a very strong character two levels into Paladin 10 levels into sword barard is a barded in but you could easily go lore Bard if you wanted um you don't really get the benefit of doing the flourishes right but you could go with that and still use those still be an offensive Melee character but have all the casting capabilities of the lore Bard jump into two sets of magical Secrets at at six and at 10 as a 10 level lard but then have all these spell slots to also Smite things you have your wizard you could jump into and and do abjuration with it whatever it is you can do cleric you can do Dr ruid it doesn't matter the fact that you're just simply adding a Smite in and having that smite do the damage that it does is a really great pick um and I just think too that the Paladin all those proficiencies added in it's just such a good solid option now the other one here is the Rogue and I actually thought about putting Rogue into B tier hear me out um adding an extra bonus action is really good it's always good thing to have extra actions in this game action or bonus action doesn't matter but I will say that the amount of characters that can benefit on from a bonus action in the casting realm are in my opinion smaller than the ones in the melee realm because I know that there are spells that are cast with bonus action and because in the melee realm okay I am a Berserker and I'm going to use my uh bonus action do another round of enrage damage or I'm using great weapon master so now I'm going to use use my bonus action to do another hit with my great weapon Master proc um I am a uh dual wiing character I'm going to use an extra bonus action to do another offhand attack or use the any of the abilities any of the weapons that give me a bonus action ability there are so many ways in the melee realm I can benefit from a bonus action but in the casting realm I need to to specifically take quickened spell from the sorcerer's metamagic in order to make my bonus action have the same level of punch of a Melee character now that doesn't mean though that it's bad right cuz um a dimension door I think is an action but uh Misty step hex um healing word those are all bonus actions suming spiritual weapon that's a bonus action those are still strong bonus actions to take Mobility healing uh placing another body on the battlefield reducing someone's are giving disadvantage on specific roles and adding in um hex or I'm sorry um necrotic damage from hex those are all really strong bonus actions I just don't think that the thief is the S tier that it is in Mele you can definitely disagree with me on that again I just kind of think that I get more mileage of my bonus actions in melee than I do in from a Caster because I if I'm not specifically a sorcerer then I'm not going to get the most out of it so that's my stance on Rogue right there but since we're talking about sorcerer it's up here as well in that a tier originally I had this in B but I felt like it just didn't make sense because sorcerer at um four levels gives me metamagic and metamagic is going to benefit every single Caster that I want to be if I want to be a warlock a wizard it doesn't matter because metamagic is not going to use my spellcasting capability it just simply uses my sorcerer points right and almost all of the metamagic abilities are one sorcery point twined extended distant careful one sorcery point and I'm going to get four sorcery points if I put four full levels into Sorcerer And that's great right because at four levels too I can tap into magic Missile M Mage Armor Shield Ray of sickness all really great spells and that's just one level into it and if I want to go with a subass like draconic bloodline I get the draconic resilience I get draconic hit points or storm sorcery is going to give me tempestuous magic so I can float around whenever I cast any spell it's not simply Thunder or lightning spells I can use a fly as a bonus action if I use any spell of tempestuous magic that's only two Lev levels invested and even then too that's going to get me access to knock scorching Ray shatter stuff like that or if I jump um actually level that's level five to jump into those but still four four levels gives me those four sorcery points gives me a feat I can have a lot of fun with that and of course too at that fourth level or actually it's third level you get it but you get Quicken spell where now I can use three of those sorcery points and cast a spell as a bonus action that would have otherwise taken an action so I think sorcerer adds a lot of really strong flavoring into any Caster but it's even stronger if I threw it in with a wizard right because I can use Arcane recovery to recover spell slots and convert those spell slots into sorcery points using the metamagic capabilities so these things work so well in conjunction with one another and you can probably see it's coming up in s tier but let's now move into s tier so our final two boys on the Block it's going to be Wizard and fighter of course right I'll just put them both up there there's there's no Mystique we know it's coming and these two add a lot right one level into wizard makes it so I can cast any spell that I scribe into my wizard spell book of course your wizard spell slots are going to depend upon your intelligence modifier plus your wisdom your wizard level so if I'm if I'm 10 intelligence in wizard level one I only have one spell slot but you can kind of you can kind of pick and choose what goes in that spot that spot so I could put in conure Elemental conjure my Elemental and then remove it and put something else in I can use the cely spell to summon a diva and then remove it and put conjure Elemental and cast that and put minor Elemental and cast that so you can have a bunch of different things that you can use with that single wizard spell slot and in addition to it too remember you can use stuff like globe of invulnerability which is level six spells level five spell slot but I can just put it in after I've casted all my my summons and then go to town so you can have a lot of fun using that wizard spell slot to tap to any spell within the game for the most part right you can't use Divine spells in the in the you can't scribe Divine spells so you have a huge amount of access there you do get Arcane recovery it does recover some spell slots it's it's not going to be as huge since you're not going to get a ton of use out of it but what I really like about wizard especially when it comes to multiclassing as a Caster is being able to tap into the wizard schools so I can jump into abjuration and add a ton of survivability to any of my Caster classes I can add evocation which is great because if I just take the levels to get evocation uh Wizardry school then uh careful spells uh the sorcerer metam magic I don't need to use it cuz now all my evocation spells don't do damage to my friends it's the same thing if I'm casting them through uh a um what's it called not a life but a light cleric right I have fire wall I have hell or not hell strike flame strike I have Fireball I have all these things that could possibly hurt my friends not if I have the levels to make myself an evocation wizard so you have a lot of really cool fun ways that you can make all of your spellcasting better with a wizard involved in your multiclassing situation and lastly we have the fighter now the fighter kind of just on paper I think a lot of people look at and go oh cool yeah so action surge yeah action surge of course is going to be huge because while getting an additional bonus action isn't as strong in my mind getting an additional action is always going to be strong and what's nice too about a fighter which is similar to the sorcerer which I totally forgot to bring up in the sorcerer's uh portion is that both of the fighter and the Sorcerer give you Constitution proficiency meaning you're going to add your proficiency modifier either a two a three or a four depending on your level to any concentration save you're going to be making so I could start as a fighter one level into fighter get my I'd say let's say put two levels into fighter right put our first two levels into fighter get us action Surge and now we have Proficiency in Constitution we have a fighting style we can go with defense style to add more um plus one AC if I'm wearing armor and I can wear all armor I can use all weapons if I need to or want to um it it's got a lot of really fun stuff added into it and then it gets crazier once I put a third or fourth level into fighter because I can go with champion and now my spells will crit on a 19 and a 20 and if I want to get spell sniper my spells will now crit on a 17 no an 18 a 19 or a 20 or if I want to go eldrich Knight it gives me access to shield and Magic mistle magic Missile that either would not have had on another class or it frees up a slot on another class to use it right so if I have a sorcerer and I go with elder night well now I don't need to take Shield or magic Missile on my sorcerer I can just use them through the reactions built in from my Elder night so you get a lot of really good stuff that the fighter adds into every spellcaster do you need to go three four deep no not you do not need to do that at all you can just simply go two levels and get a ton of benefit you could simply just go one level and just get that Constitution proficiency and all access to all Marshall simple and uh armored and shield that's another big one too right so I think that fighter again sits there as king as the S tier of all um what's it called all multiclassing right it's like Melee and uh casting both benefit from fighter in it because it's as as good my bu my good old buddy rort says it's just like bacon right you're you're adding in action surge it's making everything better it's always going to just benefit everything across the board so in conclusion here is our entire list which we've now seen but I think that it makes a lot of sense the way these things are divvied up and I think you get a little turbulent as you look at the a through C columns um or row and kind of deciding where you know hey you know what actually I have sorcerer in a b or I've got barred up at a whatever it is I think that this is this is where it really kind of gets um messy is a through C but I think s and D are for the most part I think pretty well set in stone I I don't think there's many combinations I'd want to sprinkle in with these um at the level of impact we're talking about the penetration we're talking about of only four levels that dip just doesn't really justify the latter three versus the former two which are just so strong right but go ahead let me know in the comment section below do you really feel that you could put one of these D or C um multiclass characters character sub classes whatever I'm trying to say into another uh row let me know in the comment section below or conversely too do you think I've ranked something way too high that needs to be way lower love to hear your opinions as always guys because this is purely anecdotal it is me kind of looking at um very specific things in my own mind but maybe you've come up with a way better way of approaching this that I didn't even think of and remember too this is a single player narrative game so if you've looked at this and gone oh dude I was going to multiclass in with Ranger then do it who cares you're going to have fun you're going to be able to beat the game you're not going to run up against something go man if only I had not had four levels of Ranger I think my character would have really pulled through you have three other characters in your party so you're not going to be the one that drags everyone down don't worry about it have fun enjoy the game how you want to but as always thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 30,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 class tier list, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 best class, baldurs gate 3 which class to play, baldurs gate 3 class rankings, baldurs gate 3 all classes ranked, baldurs gate 3 multiclasses, bg3 multiclasses tier list, bg3 multiclasses ranked, bg3 all multiclasses ranked, bg3 multiclasses guide, bg3 best multiclasses, bg3 multiclasses i avoid, ULTIMATE Multiclass Tier List (Caster) for Baldur's Gate 3
Id: 1ho7D3L3Wrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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