Ultimate Eldritch Knight Build Guide | Baldur's Gate 3

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today we're creating a legend the legend of the Venom Knight a dark and twisted character that unleashes a toxic Onslaught but what makes this build so unique let's find out I've been tinkering with a unique build idea for a while something a bit different than what I normally do many of you have requested I do some themed builds for those of you who really want to get into the roleplay of it all plus I've been wanting to do an elder KN build for some time now and I got to say this one turned out better than I could have ever expected let's get a little background shall we this Knight is a master of acids and poisons and you often find them in Camp coating their blades in deadly toxins wielding toxins and Magic it specializes in melting its targets inside and out whether in one-on-one combat or against multiple enemies every aspect of it synergizes to weaken its targets and keep them that way ensuring that it always has the upper hand starting with leveling it's straightforward focusing purely on fighter let's dive into the specifics we're going to go with dueling as our fighting style so we can get that extra two damage for the ability points we're going to go with 16 in strength 12 in dexterity 14 into Constitution and 16 in intelligence at level three we get our subclass and we're choosing the Eldridge Knight of course for canant trips we are going to select acid Splash and poison spray for spells we want chromatic orb and Mage Armor don't skip the Mage Armor here if you plan to follow the same armor setup because you'll need to boost your armor as much as possible now if you want to wear some heavy armor and mod the build a bit you can feel free to pick any other spell here or expand spells Ray of sickness is a perfect thematic fit at level four we get some more spells and this time we want to Select Shield we want all the defenses we can get as damage won't be an issue we also get our first feat here and we are going to go with ability improvements and add two to strength at level six we get another feat for this one I recommend tough as we are going to be a bit squishy and we need all the survivability we can get this will give us two extra hit points per level at level seven we get two more spells and we're going to choose M's acid arrow and darkness as they not only synergize with the build but they are also on theme at level eight I recommend false life for an extra survival Edge aligning with our theme but honestly we're going to be mostly casting cantrips as they'll hit like a truck so it doesn't really matter which spell you grab here pick your favorite we also get another feet Point here and we're going to bump strength to 20 at level 10 we get another can trip and we're going with bone chill it's on theme and it's a really good cantrip to shut down healing on a single Target for a turn we get another spell here I chose shatter but nothing's on theme so it doesn't really matter once again just pick your favorite level 11 gives us another spell I'm going with Thunder Wave here but once again pick your favorite level 12 gives us our last feat and for this one we want Savage attacker this will put the icing on the cake for the build helping to ensure that we do as much damage as possible every turn now let's cover all the items you'll need for the head slot you want the DM of Arcane Synergy I guess that's how that's pronounced no idea you can see it on the screen this states that weapon attacks deal additional damage equal to the affected entity's spellcasting ability modifier this gives us three extra damage per weapon attack the cloak we're using is the flesh melter cloak it states that every time we get hit we deal one to four damage to whoever hits us this synergizes perfectly with our gloves of choice which is the Icarus gloves they state that when the wearer deals acid damage they also inflict noxious fumes on the target which is an AOE effect that gets triggered by the acid damage on the cloak and Deals one to four damage to anything that stands in it every turn this makes us very toxic to hit our chest slot is the poisoners robe which states that when we deal poison damage with a spell we also deal one to four additional poison damage now I want to point out here that this States for a spell however this works on canant trips too a lot of other things in this game when it states spell it doesn't necessarily always work on cantrips but I verified this this does indeed work with our poison spray cantrip that's why we are wearing this and not some random heavy armor it's on theme and it boosts damage for our boots I chose I'm not going to pronounce that name you can see it on the screen which prevent us from being affected by acidic surfaces and we also have resistance to acid damage the necklace you want is the necklace of Elemental augmentation which says that when we do Elemental damage which in this case is acid with one of our canant trips we add our spellcast modifier to the damage we do this helps to increase the damage we do with acid Splash we now have a situation where acid Splash gets a bonus from our necklace and poison spray gets a bonus from our chest armor the two rings we are wearing are ring of Elemental infusion and costic band costic band is a pretty self-explain explanatory it deals acid damage when we hit a Target and because we deal acid damage we create an acid Cloud which damages the Target and weakens their armor the other ring gives us Elemental infusion which says when we deal Elemental damage in this case once again its acid damage it infuses our weapon until the end of our next turn and we gain 1 D4 more damage of that Elemental type in this case acid on our next attack because we can cast a cantrip and then attack we can easily charge this and attack in a single turn most gear is available in act one with a few unlocking in act two I'll link to a page on the wiki that allows you to easily search and look up the locations of all of these items it's way faster for you to do that than it is for me to put all of them in this video for our weapon and shield I'm going to cover the endgame setup first then we will talk about early game options your endgame or act three weapon is the flail of Ages this thing is nuts not only does it do good base damage it also allows you to transmute it and add acid cold or fire damage once per day this adds an additional 1 D4 of that damage type on top of giving you a plus one enchantment bonus our Shield of choice is not going to pronounce that name you can see it on the screen and it gives us plus three to our armor as well as reflective shell and spell guard spell guard allows us to have advantage on anything spell related that is used against us so attack rolls and saving throws now let's talk about early game unfortunately there are not many early game weapons that do acid or poison damage at least none of they're very good so I suggest the banful this is a pretty good sword and it's made for Eldridge Knights and warlocks it's kind of on theme and once we get to act two we can ensure we get that acid bonus on it with another weapon which I'll talk about here in a second so once this weapon is bound to us it gains favored weapon this gives it a plus one to enchantment and it's attacks have a chance to cast Bane on the target you hit with it this makes it harder for them to hit us because they take a 1 D4 penalty to their attack roles but the really fun part here is they also take a 1 D4 penalty to saving throws which makes it easier for us to poison them and hit them with spells though it does synergize rather well with the overall build for an early game Shield I highly suggest the admen timee shield as it prevents us from taking crit hits less damage is always good once you get to act two you want to get your hand on the Drake throat glaive as soon as possible you can use this to enchant your sword to give it 1 D4 acid damage you'll have to do it every long rest but it's the best way to get acid damage on our sword of choice until we get to act three and can get the flail now before we move on to how it plays I do want to talk about an honorable mention for a necklace and that's the brood mother's Revenge if you don't want to deal with dipping your weapon in Poison although that is part of the theme and role-play part of of this build but if you don't want to do it brood mother's revenge is an excellent choice for an alternative necklace that sticks to the theme of the build it states that every time we get healed our weapon becomes coded and Deals one to six poison damage on hit and that leads me to poisons you want to always be carrying poisons with you you're the Venom Knight it's kind of your thing if you know you are going to be in a fight you dip your weapon before you get into the fight if it's a surprise fight dipping your weapon should be the first thing you do depending on on the fight will depend on the poison you use that's going to be your choice when it comes to it but be sure you have options because of this I would suggest having a transmutation wizard in your Camp to help you maximize your resources this is because when they craft stuff with Alchemy they have a chance of crafting two of said thing using a hirling is the easiest way to accomplish this and you always want to be buying poisons when you see them in shops playwise it's simple dip Your Weapon cast a c trip attack next turn attack three times next turn cast a cantrip and attack rinse and repeat the rest of the build just works and you do massive amounts of damage once you are max level if you attack first without casting a cantrip you get three attacks as Fighters get the improved second attack and if you use a canant trip first you can give yourself bonus damage on a single hit if you use acid Splash because you are an eldr Knight you have the ability to attack once with a bonus action after using a canant trip as for the canant trip to use and win you use poison spray to do more damage from the spell alone and you use acid Splash to weaken the targets armor making it easier to hit them as well as doing some damage and boosting the damage on your next melee attack by 1 D4 and that's it that's the Venom Knight build if you found this guide helpful or informational hit the sub button for more awesome content and if you're looking for some more balers gate3 content you can find a link to another one of my videos on the screen right now I want to give an absolute massive shout out and thank you to all of my Channel supporters for helping to keep these videos a sponsor free you all are absolutely amazing people if you would like to become an official Channel supporter check out the links in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and share your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 26,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 Build Guide, Eldritch Knight, Baldur's Gate Build Tutorial, RPG Strategy Guide, Baldurs Gate III, Baldur's Gate3 Builds, Baulder's Gate 3 Guide, Build Guide BG3, Eldritch Knight BG3, baldur's gate 3 eldritch knight build, Baldur's Gate 3 Eldritch Knight, Baldur's Gate 3 Eldritch Knight build guide, baldur's gate 3 best eldritch knight build
Id: n3BTqZ_0ZVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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