Ukitake Jushiro: THE WASTED POTENTIAL | BLEACH: Character Analysis

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before my ukitake character analysis begins i have to let you know that 82 of the people that watch my videos are not subscribed i release character analysis videos based on subscriber milestones and i want to do a ichigo kurosaki character analysis on 50 000 subs so if you subscribe and help me reach that milestone i'll make one of the best videos on each go to ever hit youtube this week i'm analyzing the character of ukitake yushiro alongside shinsui yamamoto and unohana he is one of the oldest captains of the gotei 13. throughout the story of bleach ugitaki was hyped as one of the most strongest shinigami an individual who we had longed to see take part in a battle but unfortunately the way that the story punned out ukitaki's character was negatively affected by a lot of the events that occur in the story in this video i'm going to talk about a lot of the wasted potential that i see for his character in order to do this i need to cover the backstory that we learn about ukitake then following a brief explanation of his past i want to go over all of the events that occur within the story that surround his character i want to thoroughly go through the way that kubo has written ukitaki's character and examine the relationships that he forms within the gotei 13. so if you're of the predisposition to believe that i only praise bleach then this video is going to be proving you wrong i personally thought that ukitaki's character had a lot of potential but i just feel that it wasn't utilized properly so let's begin my analysis so that i can explain my reasoning behind my stance ukitake first appears in chapter 23 of the manga during ichigo's battle with grand fisher while rukia remembers words from her captain preventing her from going to assist cain in order to protect his honor and these events take place in episode 9 of the anime but its formal appearance where we get to see his character occurs in chapter 116 where he is introduced as the captain of the 13th division he is told about the supposed death of eisen and is determined to investigate what is going on later during this arc he arrives to prevent bayakia from killing gandushiba from the exchange between the two captains we can see that ukitake is more easy going as he tells bayakiya hasn't inflicted enough damage upon gandu you can see the contrast between the two captains as biakeau remains very stern and serious it is here that we learned that ukitake is the captain of rukia kuchi so we can see that even he has personally invested in the execution of rukia he questions why bjakir has drawn his zampakdo here as it is forbidden but biakya tells him that they are currently under a wartime exemption while ukitake questions biakia's excessive measures whether if it is necessary for a captain to draw a zambakdo against a weak intruder ugitake is a very kind and forgiving man like how i described unohana as the maternal figure of the soul society i feel that ukitake is the paternal figure as he cares a lot about his subordinates and he gives respect to even his underlings and it is his attitude which makes it so easy for other shinigami who are lower ranked than him to come to him to seek his advice at the start of the series his personality is very similar to sasuke eisen as they are both very kind and gentle he is so kind to the extent that you may feel that he is harboring ulterior motives and this is thanks to eisen who is instilled within his trust issues after seeing how kind he was to momo the most notable features of ukitake's appearance are his green eyes and his long white hair you can see that his hair wasn't always white because of his black eyebrows and it is strange for him to have white hair which is commonly associated with old age considering he isn't that old relative to the lifespans within the source society there is a reason why ukitake has white hair and i'll go over this when i talk about his past i have briefly spoken about ukitaki's personality but among the captains of the soul society he is one of the most well respected he has a strong sense of morals and will not let any harm come to his underlings and he follows through with this even if it means breaking the rules of the soul society which he demonstrates first hand by opposing the execution of rukia and along with shunswi he orchestrates a plan to destroy the senkai mon in addition to this ugitake is a very good judge of character and we see this through his assessment of ichigo and his friends as he doesn't deem them to be a threat to the soul society and he is able to distinguish the difference between ichigo and genjiokugo the previous substitute shinigami and i'll talk more about this when i speak about the forbring arc and ukitake's involvement within the story of that ark ukitake also cares a lot about the well-being of his underlings and we see this when rukia is training with orihime in chapter 231 he was perceptive to the fact that rukia had been feeling very lonely but ever since she had began a training with orihime he notices that rukia is no longer feeling this way now one thing most people note about ukitake's character is that he is always ill or party during the entirety of the series there is a very important reason for this we find out about the chronic illness that ukitake was born with during a flashback within the thousand-year bloodwa arc so let's now begin breaking down and examining his character by starting off with his backstory which is revealed to us in chapter 616 but before i speak about this chapter i want to talk about something that is mentioned about ukitake in the bleach character data book called souls this book was first published in 2005. this is important because we learn important information about ukitaki's character and it reveals that these elements had been planned from the very beginning the character data book states that ukitake's hair had turned white because of the lung disease that he had contracted when he was a young boy and it is because of his lung disease that he frequently misses captain's meetings because he is typically receiving medical treatment for his condition chapter 616 is titled mimi hagi during this chapter we see a flashback where we see people praying to a shrine calling upon a god called mimi hagi to save their child it is revealed that this child is the three-year-old ukitake at this very young age he had been suffering from symptoms from a serious condition called consumption the hair of a patient turning white is a side effect of this condition his medical condition was so serious that he was supposed to have died when he was three years old mimi hagi was apparently a god that was worshipped on the outskirts of rukangai ukitake tells the others that divine protection is given to those who offer everything to mimi hagi the true identity of mimi hagi is that it is the right arm of the soul king it had fallen from the heavens a long time ago ukitake states that in the past his parents were very superstitious and after the doctors had given up on ukitake they had gone to mimi hagi's shrine they prayed to the god to offer up ukitake's lungs so that in exchange ukitake's life could be saved and it is thanks to that prayer that ukitake became well enough to even become a soul reaper and a captain so this explains why ukitake was always coughing up blood or generally sick throughout the entirety of the series mimi hagi had taken over his lungs we get to learn more about the bond between mimi hagi and ukitake during the thousand-year blood war arc so in exchange for saving his life ukitake had acquired a whole new illness and this is why he was often bedridden or coughing up blood and even receiving medical care which would disrupt his duties as a captain in chapter 155 while ukitake and shunswe are facing off against the head captain we learned that they were one of the first graduates of the shinigami academy set up by head captain yamamoto they were also among the first people to become captains after graduating during this time head captain yamamoto had taught ukitake personally the head captain described ukitake while he was young as being frail but he was generous and well respected by others this led to him being the center of attention and when it comes to battle both sunsweet and ukitake are described as being transcendent and nobody could match either of them ukitaki didn't take his new lease on life for granted he was ambitious and he trained endlessly and it is through his dedication that he had became a captain the head captain even considered ukitake to be one of his own sons through the way that he had nurtured his talent during the ten back the pendulum arc we see ukitake at the shiba residence as he speaking to cayenne at the time i'm sure khain was his seated officer and he had been requesting for him to become his lieutenant for a very long time but kain refuses to be his lieutenant because he believes that there are others who deserve the promotion more than him before rukia had to become the lieutenant of the 13th division their position had been filled by kain shiba due to ukitake's illness preventing him from fulfilling his duties as a captain kaine had fulfilled okitaki's duties under his guidance the bond between ukitake and heinshiba is explained between chapters 134-136 which revealed the circumstances that unfolded which eventually led to the death of cain okitake is present when kain learns that his wife who is also the third seated officer of ugitaki's division had been killed her entire unit was killed by a hollow when kain rushes off to get revenge ukitake stops him and tells him to calm down because they don't know anything about the enemy but cayenne doesn't want to wait on the combat unit to take out the hollow okitaki reveals that they do know some information about the holo that the hollow doesn't migrate to other areas as it has set up his nest in a particular location and it hunts for prey from this location and ukitake also knows the location of the hollow so together along with rukia they go to the nest of the hollow cayenne requests to ukitake that he wants to go alone and fight this makes ukitake a question to himself why didn't he try to stop him despite looking concerned he agrees to his request kaine appears to have the upper hand until he touches the hollow's tentacle this activates the ability of the hollow which destroys kain zombokdo without the use of his zampakto he battles using his bare hands when it appears that the hollow has the upper hand rukia tries to intervene but ukitake stops her she pleads with the captain that she has to go to save him but the white hat captain drops one of his most iconic speeches as he tells rukia even if khain is saved what will become of his pride if rukia were to go to save him she would only end up killing his pride and this is where ukitake tells rukia that there are two types of battles that shinigami engage in the first is a battle to protect life and the second the one that kaine is engaging in is a battle to defend honor kyan is fighting for the fallen chinegami that the hollow had killed and most importantly he is fighting for the honor of his wife that was killed by the hollow for the sake of his own honour and what he holds dear to himself he is fighting against this hollow this is more than just foolish pride despite ukitake feeling exactly the same way as rukia he is restraining himself also as he is allowing kain to fight this battle alone ukitake completely understood why kaina requested to fight the hollow on his own when they arrived at its nest as you know eventually the hollow does possess cayenne when the possessed kain tries to attack rukia okitaki defends her ukitake is trying to buy some time to think above a way to drag the hollow out of kind's body the hollow tells okitake unlike a human possession a spiritual entity possessing a spirit causes a fusion of the two which means that the hollow can never be separated from kain's soul he tries to taunt ukitake by saying that he's going to spend the entire night eating kind soul from the inside the experience and maturity of ukitake results in him making a very difficult decision aziz decides if their hollow cannot be separated from kind's body then he will kill both of them he decides he would rather kill cayenne than let the holo have his body while he is fighting ukitaki's illness overwhelms him and this allows the hollow to strike ugitake he tells rukia that she has to kill him telling her that the person that she is facing off against is not kind anymore ukitake watches as kind regains control of his body and impales himself onto rukia zambakdo the compassionate and caring captain watches both rukia and kaion as kain shares his final words with her kain thanks ukitake for allowing him to fight the hollow ukitake is speechless as he witnesses his lieutenant's dying breath this moment that occurs in the past impacts rukia heavily and it is ugitake's words that ruki remembers when ichigo is fighting against the grand fisher early on in the series when you think about it ukitake is a very pivotal character as he is the captain of rukya the one who is responsible for her actions this is what leads to him not being able to stand aside and allow the execution of rukia he is among one of the captains who actually questions what is going on and we even see him question biakya in the soul society arc when he tries to disassociate himself from rukia and shows little to no care about her well-being when ukitake tells biakya that the date of her execution is being moved up he tells bayakiya in chapter 134 and he's surprised to see that biakya is completely fine with this decision and he tells ukitake to not bother him with such petty matters because of how much he cares for rukia and he is able to put himself in her shoes he calls bjakir heartless for his lack of compassion he questions if rukia's execution even means anything to him he tries to convey to bjakir the severity of the situation as he says by tomorrow noon his sister will be killed but through overly exerting himself out of passion his illness once again overwhelms him which results in biakia advising him to look after his own health and not worry about somebody else's even while ukitake is in pain and he is clutching onto his chest he tells biakia that once you allow one of your own to die then two or three or even more will make no difference he has contempt for the way that biakiya is behaving and it is at this moment where ukitake wonders what would kain do if he was in his position and he realizes that kain would have chosen the path of greatest peril and i am sure that it is this train of thought that leads him to oppose the soul society and had captain yamamoto in order to protect his lieutenant in chapter 149 we see the extent of the actions that ukitake is willing to undertake in order to save rukia since the central 46 had ignored him he was left with only one choice we learned that ukitake is in possession of the shihoen clan's shield we learned that he has unsealed it in order to use it as a weapon to destroy the sokkyoku in chapter 151 he arrives at the execution site shortly after ichigo does together with the help of shansui the two captains destroyed the sokyoku in chapter 153 they faced the consequences of their actions as head captain yamamoto confronts the two of them he describes ukitake and shinsui as captains who have dishonored their position shangsui knows that fighting head captain yamamoto is futile so he tries to run away from him as expected the head captain catches up to the two of them he tells okitake and shun sweet that it is a pity that they have gone against the soul society as the head captain is left with no choice but to eliminate them ukitake tries to reason with the head captain but he tells him that there is nothing left to discuss the only option that is left for both ukitake and shinsui is to draw their zambok doll the head captain is disappointed that the two of them have not released their zambok dough they tried to reason with the head captain but he reminds them that he raised them in order to not disrupt the peace but they replied that it was the head captain who had told them to fight for justice ukitake even mentions that it was the head captain who had urged them to get stronger for the sake of justice much to the frustration of ukitake the head captain is stuck in his stubborn old ways as he states that a personal justice does not supersede the justice of the soul society as a whole this response angers ukitake as you can tell that he isn't the type to just blindly follow the rules what is another interesting point is you can see the contrasting dynamic between shuntsui and okitake's character shinsui is still visibly calm and laid back while he is engaging in conversation with the head captain while ukitake is visibly frustrated he is straining himself in order to get his point across you can see this through how he is raising his voice in opposition against the head captain but one thing is for certain when the head captain releases his zampakto both shunswe and ukitake react with shock okitake wonders to himself how long has it been since he had seen the head captain in this battle stance they are left with no choice but to release their own zampakdo against the head captain ugitake is the first to release his zambocto as we see his shikai in chapter 156 we learned that there are two elements to his zombucto as he states waves become my shield lightning become my blade having activated his shikhai we see that ugitake is also a dual zambocto wielder we learned that ukitake and shinsui zambakdo are the only dual bladed zambocto within the entire history of the soul society after all three of them have released their zambocto they once again charge at each other which results in a large-scale explosion prior to them clashing you can once again examine the facial expressions of ukitake shinsui and the head captain the head captain looks stern and stubborn while shun sui visibly looks calm and laid back with his crossed eyebrows ukitake focuses his gaze onto the head captain not underestimating his opponent even for a second this is a battle that occurs between three of the strongest shinigami within the seoul society and it is a shame that it happens off-screen as we only cut back to their fight when isane reveals to the entirety of the soul society that eisen is still alive in chapter 172 like all of you i would have loved to see the three of them showcasing their abilities and in particular ukitake considering that we don't really see him engaged in any other major battles throughout the entirety of the story but i will talk more about this point later on in the video when i explain why i believe that his character had a lot of wasted potential in chapter 178 after eisen has revealed his true intentions and he is escaping ukitaki voices his opposition against him he questions the motive behind his actions how far has he fallen in his pursuit to see greater heights eisen tells him not to kid himself because he intends to dethrone the soul king and to stand atop of the heavens as the new ruler of reality he firmly relays his motive to ukitake and what is interesting now that we have hindsight is that eisen is speaking about dethroning the soul king to ukitake who has a piece of the sorking within himself it is moments like this that make me think that kubo had planned a lot of the story beforehand why is it that ukitake's character is the one who challenges eisen to learn about his motive the one who has a piece of the soul king within himself eisen intends to replace the soul king while ukitake had sacrificed his life in the thousand-year budwa arc to become the new soul king in order to restore balance to reality as yuhabaka just killed the soul king we next see ukitake in chapter 181 in a very brief moment where he hands over to ichigo a substitute shinigami badge ukitake had given it to ichigo and told him to keep it close to him because it will be useful in various different circumstances the badge will allow ichigo to transform into a shinigami without relying on any other means while he is explaining the purpose of the badge uryu is seen to be thinking and he questions whether if he is overthinking this and it is a small detail which hints at the fulbright arc where it is revealed that the substitute shinigami badge is indeed a tracking and surveillance device which the soul society uses to monitor individuals and through this small panel where we see uru contemplating to himself and questioning if he is overthinking it you can see that he is making the logical assumption that it is a tracking or surveillance device and it is even more obvious after you have read the entirety of the story and you come back to read this moment ukitake's involvement in the soul society arc was very refreshing in my opinion when ichigo and the others were encountering various different members of the gotei 13. each one of them was very hostile towards them but it is ukitake who actually stands up and protects hanatoro and ganju against byakuya and we quickly learn that ukitake is actually in opposition to the execution of rukia and it gives us some hope that there are at least some captains within the seoul society that don't agree with rukia's execution after eisens betrayal we learned that ukitake had been investigating the great archive of the saw society and he made a discovery he discovered that a lot of literature related to the hokyoku had been accessed but he had also found that eisen had accessed documents that were unrelated to the hokyoku as you know eisen had been looking up information about the ocean the key to the soul king's palace in chapter 230 we see ugitake watching orihime and rukia train and he expresses how he is happy for rukia that she has found herself a new friend hisagi who has joined him questions if it is okay that she has become friends with a human but the kind-hearted ukitake tells him not to say that ukitake values the concept of friendship even if it is between individuals who live in completely different worlds he even says something really surprising as he states that ichigo and his friends may one day become shinigami once they reach the source society in chapter 315 we see that ukitake is among the other captains who have arrived at fake karakura town in order to stop aizen during this portion of the arc he teams up with shan sui in order to fight against stark and lilinet in chapter 335 ukitake is meditating as he takes a backseat allowing sunsweet to fight stark he has no interest in fighting against lilinette lilianette offers to fight okitake but he refuses this is because he considers her as a child and thinks that she shouldn't even be here even if her actual age exceeds that of a child he just can't bring himself to fight somebody who appears as a child he is slightly condescending to her as he tells her that she should be home playing with her dolls this only aggravates lily net as she now wants to make okitake fight with her lily net has a very futile attempt at trying to attack ukitake and he disappointingly just blocks her attacks he ends up using a keto spell in order to bind her to which she releases acero the very unamused ukitake says that he has seen hundreds of different seros and in comparison lily cerro is very underdeveloped it is not even comparable to the sero that is released by a menos through the expression in his eyes you can see that he has concern and compassion even for his enemy as he pleads with lilly ned just to go home because he cannot stand fighting her anymore ukitake is the only person who would have enough patience to entertain a weak enemy like lilinette he steals a zampato and repeatedly pushes her back whenever she tries to take it back off of him he even starts to have some fun as he begins to encourage her and push her to put her heart into her attacks and her battle cry it is very funny and entertaining to look at the absolute difference between these two opponents and how ukitake is entertaining her it really demonstrates the kind-hearted nature of ugitake who has no issue with being friendly to even his enemy stark ends up calling back lily net and merges with her in order to reveal his released form called los lobos ukitake watches on in surprise as he witnesses this transformation in chapter 362 and for the rest of the battle against stark we finally get to see ukitake zambakdo and its abilities he activates his shikai and he stands in front of shangsui as he defends him against several different serials that stark fires towards him we learn that ukitake zambakdo is able to mirror an opponent's attack and fire it back at them the mirroring ability of ukitake zambakdo confuses stark as he starts to think that ugitake had justified a serol towards him he justifies assisting shuntsui by saying that his abilities are more effective against an enemy like stark out of curiosity stark fires another sero towards ukitake as he wants to know how his abilities work he does this repeatedly as we see ukitake zambokto absorb stark's seros and fire them right back at him stark quickly descends how ukitake zambakdo works not only does it absorb and mirror back an individual's attack the five talismans that are hanging from the zampato adjust the velocity and the pressure of the redirected attack thus making it difficult for the enemy to evade the reflection stark states to ukitake that despite his appearance which i'm guessing is that of a very kind-hearted individual he has a very nasty ability stark then assumes that ukitake zambokto must have a limit as to how many attacks that it can absorb and fire back but while they are discussing the limits of ugitake zombukdo they are interrupted by shunswe who tries to behead stark from behind ukitaki's involvement during the fake karakora town arc is cut shot in chapter 364 after wonder whites arrives on the battlefield the iran car completely impales ukitake from behind he is practically robbed from being involved in any more of the fighting as he falls to the city below and we don't really see him until after eisen has been captured in chapter 423 it is revealed that ukitake is still alive and well as the eavesdrops on the head captains scored in kimpachi biyakia and sunsui for losing their captain's robes during the fullbrink arc some information about ukitake's character is revealed in chapter 474 genjio reveals to ichigo the true purpose of the substitute shinigami badge he reminds him that when ichigo was given the badge he was told by ukitake that when a substitute shinigami is deemed to be beneficial to the soul society they are given that badge but genji reveals to him that this is a lie udu follows up from his contemplation that he had been doing so many chapters ago and states that this is what he had assumed when ichigo had first told them about the badge genji reveals to ichigo that the true purpose of the badge is to monitor and control an individual because of this badge the soul society is able to locate ichigo at any moment in addition to this they have been able to control ichigo's spiritual pressure he further adds that the badge is used as a communication device to the source society it absorbs and analyzes the person's spiritual pressure he tells ichigo that all of the people from the soul society that he had trusted and thought would not deceive him have been lying to him this whole time the soul society had given him that badge so that they could monitor and control him genji reveals that the person who is behind this plan to use the badge as a monitoring device is ukitake he tells ichigo that he was fooled by the person who loves peace more than anybody telling him that the kind-hearted captain lied to him because the aim of the soul society is to monitor and control an individual the substitute shinigami according to genjo are nothing more than pawns ichigo obviously reveals that he was skeptical when he had first received the badge he did indeed question what ukitake had told him but the fact of the matter is ichigo didn't want to be suspicious of ukitake so he just kept his suspicions to the back of his mind but he did ask himself why was he suspicious of fukitake after all the captain is a lot smarter than he is if okitake was really trying to deceive him that he could have done so without ichigo even knowing and this is what leads ichigo to believe that ukitake had given him the substitute shinigami badge for the reasons that he had stated but eventually ichigo had realized that the substitute shingami badge didn't do the jobs that ukitake had stated it would do ukitake had purposefully misinformed him to allow him to come to this conclusion after all he did tell ichigo to keep the badge close to him at all times he concludes that because ukitake had made him realize this on purpose he allowed ichigo to choose whether if he wanted to become a substitute shinigami in order to protect the people that he loved or turn away from the soul society and his shinigami powers as a whole and of course as we know ichigo's character he had always wanted the strength to protect people and it is for this reason that he had accepted the substitute shinigami badge as more of a token of membership to the source society rather than as a monitoring or surveillance device all of this comes full circle in chapter 479 as we see sunsweet approaching ukitake he tells him that ichigo had left with the substitute shinigami badge shinsui did indeed ask him about it but he reveals to ukitake that ichigo trusts them so he's going to hold on to it ichigo's very mature response leads the two of them to realize how much ichigo has grown as an individual there are different purposes for giving the substitution in gami badge ukitake had realized that genji was a dangerous individual so they had given him the substitution nagami badge in order to monitor him but in terms of the next substitute shinigami ichigo it was a entirely different case ichigo after all risked his life to save rukia ukitake had known that he wasn't a bad person so he had given him the substitute shinigami badge as a token of appreciation and this is what ukitake realizes in chapter 479 that ichigo was able to look past genji's deception and realize that the soul society are not against him ichigo is also right okitake is a very intelligent person and it doesn't suit his kind-hearted nature to deceive ichigo somebody who has been good to him and his lieutenant so when it comes to ukitake's character during the thousand yabudwa arc in chapter 495 we get a glimpse of ukitake facing off against one of these sten ritters we don't really get to see the identity of the quincy that he is facing off against because similar to most of ukitake's battles within the series they are all off screen so during the first quincy invasion the remainder of ukitake's appearances are all reactionary shots whether if it is him sensing the spiritual pressure of the head captain or reacting to various different pieces of information that are being relayed to all of the different shinigami in chapter 547 when the quincy begin their second invasion we see ukitake at a shrine his location is on the outskirts of rukongai and in hindsight when we look at where he is he is at the same shrine that his parents were praying to mimi hagi in order to save his life i feel like ukitaki's final moments in the story are very rushed and they unfortunately fall victim to the fact that kubo could not properly complete the thousand-year budwell arc due to his failing health we next see ugitake in chapter 605 we see ukitake speaking to sunsui as he states that a procedure called kamikake which translates to divine vow was successful and this was something that ukitake had done in anticipation for the quincy second invasion the only hint of kamikake that we get is this mysterious shadow that appears behind ukitake shinsui appears to know exactly what ukitake has done shinsui teases his friend by saying that maybe now he'll be able to push himself to his full potential while in battle in chapter 613 we see ukitake taking care of the casualties because of him constantly receiving medical treatment he had learned a lot about medicine and through using his medical knowledge he was able to assist the shinigami here by treating as many shinigami as he can so that they are fit enough to join the battle again so the big reveal about ukitaki's character takes place in chapter 616 and this is after yohabak has killed the soul king now that the soul king has been killed reality is now unstable and this leads to ukitake stating that he will take the sulking's place the shadow that we had seen earlier now forms behind ukitake's back he explains that the shadow forming behind him is called mimi hagi he tells mimi hagi that he is forsaking his organs like i mentioned earlier on in the video mimi had taken control of ukitake's lungs in order to keep him alive and the ritual that he is doing now is allowing mimi hagi to take control of all of his organs and his body this ritual is called kamikake now that ukitake has performed this all of his organs belong to mimihagi ukitake has become the right arm of the soul king ugitake reveals that he had been anticipating this moment from the day that he had found out that he survived okitake is more than content to sacrifice his life for the sake of the gottee13 it is a incredibly noble sacrifice that is until we get to you chapter 621 yuhabak ends up absorbing mimi hagi and takes all of its power as a result of this ukitaki's body collapses to the ground revealing that he has in fact now died in the end his sacrifice amounted to nothing now obviously i've talked at length about ukitaki's character for almost 30 minutes now so why did i say at the beginning of the video that i feel like his character had a lot of wasted potential as the story continues you can see that ugitaki's character was dealt with a short straw the first example of this is when he teams up with shunswe to battle against the head captain and i mentioned this when i spoke about the soul society arc but all of their battle occurs off-screen then during the whole aranka invasion and the huecomundo arc we don't really get any significant involvement from ukitaki's character that is until the fake karakura town arc where he is made to battle against lily net and of course this isn't a serious battle when he eventually does take part in the battle against stark it is really interesting and i wanted it to continue but then out of nowhere wunderwise appears and ukitake is out of commission until eisen has been defeated i feel like there was a real opportunity to have ukitake showcase more of his abilities against stark i wouldn't have even cared if he was knocked out by one hit from wonderwise but only if we had seen more of him engaging in battle in the very chapter that ukitake was knocked out the vizards appeared at the very end of it so i feel like some characters had to be gotten rid of so that the spotlight could be on the vizards too of course ukitake does have some involvement in the fulbright arc which is really interesting and gives a little bit more backstory but again he wasn't one of these shinigami who had come to the world of the living to fight against one of the fullbringers so during the thousand-year blood war arc i don't think things get any better for his character during the first quincy invasion his entire battle takes place off-screen and we don't really know which quincy he is fighting against and then during the time between the first quincy invasion and the second quincy invasion okitake goes to the shrine in rokonga in order to activate kamikake and we don't really get to see his character for a long stretch of time and of course like i said we get this big reveal about ukitake's character in chapter 616 but unfortunately even ukitake's final dying breath amounts to nothing he tries to replace the soul king but his efforts are in vain and at the end of bleach what is left of ukitaki's character but a gravestone i think that it is unfortunate that we didn't see ugitake take part in a proper battle we only got a glimpse of his shikai and thanks to his battle against stark we actually learnt about the ability of ishikai but as far as his bankai is concerned we never got to see it the strength and full potential of ukitake was hyped during the soul society arc when shuntsui and okitake were fighting against the head captain but none of this potential was actualized there were two routes that the story could have gone by the final arc ukitake actually getting better again or the second option his death actually amounting to something okitake was not a small character in my opinion and i feel like his character deserves a lot more justice and it is for this reason that i believe that ugitaki's character will be expanded upon in the anime adaptation of the thousand-year blood war arc if anything i would love to have more screen time with this character because most or if not all of his battles occur off-screen and whenever the action is about to get going ukitaka's character is just thrown to the side i did say at the start of the video i don't want people to think that i constantly praise bleach without having any criticisms i've mentioned it in the rise of bleach video and the ruined reputation bleach video i do have my personal issues with the series and okitaki's character is one of them bleach is not perfect but what series really is like i said it is unfortunate that his character was dealt a shot straw and that he was frankly missing in the thousand-year budwar arc but the negative aspects aside when it comes to his character there is clearly a lot to discuss i believe that this video has extensively covered the character of ukitake if you feel like i have actually forgotten to mention anything or you disagree with any of my takes then let me know by leaving a comment under this video if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more like it then please consider supporting my channel on patreon i have multiple tiers with the rewards including access to an exclusive discord server video scripts as well as being the first to know about unreleased upcoming videos thank you for your time and whatever you choose to contribute i will appreciate and it will mean a lot to me [Music] you
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 160,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ukitake, ukitake jushiro, ukitake bankai, ukitake death, ukitake bleach, bleach analysis, bleach character analysis, ukitake analysis, ukitake character analysis, ukitake explained, ukitake past, ukitake backstory, history of ukitake, ukitake jushiro analysis, bleach 2021, ukitake shikai, ukitake illness, ukitake jushiro character analysis, jushiro ukitake, bleach ukitake jushiro, bleach ukitake, ukitake bleach character analysis, bleach ukitake analysis, dbzimran ukitake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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