Soi Fon: THE BETRAYED | BLEACH: Character Analysis

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this week i'm analyzing siphon's character my first impressions of a character were not really that positive i just couldn't get myself to really like her that much but after analyzing and studying her character for this video i now understand her motives a lot better and she isn't as bossy aggressive and annoying as i thought that she was so in this video i want to analyze and explain why soy phone's character is very well written as well as going into the different quirks of her personality as well as this i'll be going into the dynamics of the relationships that she forms with the various different cast members of bleach so let's break down and analyze why soyphone's character behaves and acts in the way that she does and what experiences from her past have heavily impacted her character scifon first appears in chapter 81 and in episode 24 of the anime the petite shorthead captain of the second division is not to be underestimated as she is also the chief commander of the unmeet sceeto which is the soul society's stealth force she has great eyes and notably black hair with two long braids which are tied together by a white cloth siphon is very outspoken and she doesn't hesitate to share her opinions she is very loyal to the soul society and to the on mesquito in addition to this she is very loyal to the previous commander of the unmitsukido and the prior captain of the second division yuroichi shihon in the past yurichi used to be siphon's mentor because of this she had always looked up to her and desired to be as strong as her one day soifon's character shared an incredibly strong bond with yurichi and this is why it leaves her utterly shocked and confused when yurichi abandons the soul society after the exile of kisuke urahara and it is also for this reason that she has a dislike for urahara as she believes that he made yurichi choose him over the soul society and her nobility and high ranking positions within the soul society this anger and confusion eventually manifests itself into determination when saifon decides to surpass a mentor and to prove that she is a better and more worthy successor than yurichi as we know through her incredible hard work saifon was able to attain all of the titles that yoruichi had held because of the departure of a mentor her personality and character changes a lot there is a notable change from the soy phone that we get to see during the turnback the pendulum arc and the character that we see as a captain of the igote 13. in the past she was naive and very dependent upon yurichi but when that bond was ripped away from her she was left on her own this caused her to harbor feelings of resentment and anger saifon feels like yurichi had betrayed the entire soul society including her in my opinion i believe that this is the trigger that causes soy phone to become more cold-hearted so let's start to understand more about a character by going through her backstory and then analyzing her various different chronological appearances within the bleach story with paying particular attention to how her relationship with yurichi changes over time in chapter 159 we get a flashback during soifon's battle against yurichi we learned that saifon is a member of a lower ranking noble family that is linked to the shihoen noble family she was the youngest of her six siblings while she was a child she was told about yurichi being the princess of the shihoen family and that she was the head of the unmitsukido soifon was told that a duty is to serve your ichi she is to be her arms and her legs and if it is required of her then saifon should be able to give a life for yurichi she describes the feelings that she felt when she first laid her eyes upon her she describes yuroichi as a goddess in the flesh the family that saifon had belonged to were known throughout their generations to be executioners or assassins the individuals who are born into the fun family are destined to serve and give their lives for the unmitsukido to soifon's family strength meant everything individuals were unfit to join the unmitsquido were disowned soifon happened to be the 9th generation member of her family when she was born she was given the name shaolin fan but upon joining the onmitsukido she had taken up the name saifon after her great-grandmother she had joined a division of the unmitsukido called the force it is a remote secret squad it is the highest ranking squad of the five found within the unmetskiddo the function of the force is to get rid of comrades who have broken the law and to act as scouts who can detect hollows before everybody else to be a member of the force is very taxing and this is proven to be true as all five of siphon's brothers were killed on various different missions she had felt sadness for losing them but more so than sadness she had felt ashamed of their lack of strength saifon had admired yurichi as she was the 22nd head of the shihon family and she was the first female to rule saifon admired yurichi's skill in hand-to-hand combat as it was unparalleled to anybody else she had felt that yurichi was noble elegant and frighteningly strong she was everything that siphon had wanted to become you have to understand that saifon's feelings of admiration were incredibly strong and eventually instead of being in awe of her she had began to worship her after working incredibly hard for seven years she joins the division which reports directly to yurichi saifon is very formal and uptight as she refers to yuroichi as commander but in a very laid-back and relaxed tone she tells iphone to just call her by her name yuri ichi doesn't like the stiff and rigid formalities she eventually settles to allow saifon to address her as miss yurichi yurichi explains to saifon that she had promoted her because she admires her skills and that she is expecting great things from saifon for scifon to hear this from somebody that she not only admired but worshipped is very significant she wasn't now admiring from afar instead she was working alongside yurishi this led her to feel incredible happiness even during battle or on a mission she was just happy to accompany yuroichi she would have died for her repeatedly she had sworn this to herself and we see that the bond that the two of them shared went beyond a student and a mentor hiroichi was very playful with saifon despite her trying to maintain her formalities while saifon was dependent on yurichi being around in addition to this she was very bright-eyed and naive as it was like yuri ichi was an entire world and nothing existed beyond it and this is why it comes as a heart-wrenching shock to her to realize that yurichi had left without any warning or without even saying goodbye to anybody she had disappeared from everybody's lives and it wasn't until the next day where saifon had learnt about these circumstances related to yurichi's disappearance it is revealed in chapter 159 that yurichi had decided to help urohara to escape from the soul society and the two of them evaded being arrested because of her actions yurichi is no longer the commander of the onmitsukito her behaviour was dubbed as a betrayal at such a young and impressionable age what was syphon to think the person that she had worshiped as a god had betrayed everything that she stood for this led to her losing all respect for the person that she admired she hated yuri ichi and she cursed out her very existence because of yurichi's actions saifon had desired to become stronger than her and to find and capture yurichi herself her feelings of resentment grew so strong that she's unwilling to forgive her i'm going to cover more about how uruichi had betrayed soifon's respect and trust when i discussed the battle between the two of them during the soul society arc but for now let's cover more of a past that is revealed to us during the 10 back the pendulum arc and even the bleach character data book souls during the 10 back the pendulum arc we see siphon working under yurichi in the secret remote squad yurichi is informed that urohara has gone to maggot's nest without permission but she appears to be quite laid back in her response as she says that it is fine allowing him to go wherever he wants this causes siphon to speak out but yurichi reassures her and tells her that it is fine since they know urohara won't be up to no good through the ten back the pendulum arc we learned that the unmitsukido was not initially tied to the gote 13 second division we learned that the shahoon family which yurichi belongs to is one of the four great noble families of the soul society they possess shinigami powers and have served as the directors of the unmitsukido for generations if the director of the onmitsukido is appointed as a captain of the gote 13 then the two groups become closely tied and this is exactly what happens when yurichi becomes the director of the unmitsukido and the captain of the gotei 13. now the second division is linked to the onmitsukito this means that the five divisions of the unmitsukido are now leaded by the seated officers of the second division this is important to know because after yuriji had abandoned the seoul society all of these organizations which were working together under her had become separated so soy phone worked incredibly hard in order to unify all of these groups once again we learn about this from the bleach character data book souls i am aware that we get some additional film material from bleach episode 206 which focuses on siphon spying on urohara trying to prove to yuroichi that he is lazy but because this is filler and not really mentioned within the manga i don't think that it is important to go into the first time that we get to properly see soyfun's character is within chapter 138 of the soul society arc where she is questioned whether if it is right or wrong to carry out rukia's execution she states that she doesn't care whether if it is right or wrong all she cares about is her honor and a duty as a captain of the gotei 13. she believes that anybody who gets in a way is an enemy and she has a firm belief that enemies must be killed and it's a impactful introduction to a character as we see this no-nonsense young lady she even goes as far as to want her own lieutenant omada that if he would get in her way then she would consider him to be her enemy also saifon is among the captains who are present for the execution of rukia she expresses shock and anger as she witnesses ichigo rescue rukia and ukitake and shunswe destroy the sokyoku within an instance she recognizes fellow captains and other members of the soul society as enemies we see this in chapter 153 when isane is knocked out we see her sister kyone runter aid but soifon appears behind her she throws kyone to the ground and pins her down with her foot referring to her as a dog she describes her actions as dishonorable to the gote 13. just as she is about to kill a member of the gotei 13 she is taken away by a masked figure who grabs her and takes it away from kyone by using shampoo we immediately learned that this masked figure is of course yuri ichi who tells it to calm down while also stating that soifon's temperament has not improved since the last time she had seen her siphon's expression after seeing yurichi after so many years is of shock it's quite a contrast and it highlights the difference between the prior captain of the second division and the current captain of the second division they briefly battle each other while yurichi notes that saifon has lost a touch there is a exchange of playful banter saifon states that because yurichi had helped the invaders of the soul society the shihoen family may be banished from the four great noble families but yurichi ignores these taunts and questions why she is so talkative is she excited to see her mentor after all of these years or is she unloading all of the resentment that she holds for yuriji yurichi asks saifon if her shoes were too big for soykon to fill but sofon replies by stating that she controls both the secret remote squad and the punishment force and that it was only a matter of time before she had encountered yuroichi on a time to receive justice for abandoning the soul society has come when saifon draws a zampacto and stabs it into the tree yurichi is immediately surrounded by members of the punishment force saifon states that when the commander of the punishment force draws their zombucto then it signifies an execution once again she arrogantly states that anybody who opposes her will be killed and this includes the former captain of the second division and the former commander of the unmitsukido siphon explains to her that these measures are justified because yurichi had abandoned her position there is nowhere for her to run but yooichi proves that she is a master in the skill of shampoo as she takes out every member of the punishment force within the space of a minute you can see that throughout this exchange yarichi remains confident and very composed she is her carefree self while saifon appears to be getting visibly frustrated by yurichi soifon takes off her captain's rope as it appears that the true battle between the two of them is about to begin yurichi may be carefully and relaxed but she is not underestimating her former student and you can see this through her serious expression in chapter 154 after she sees siphon preparing to get serious she asks yurichi which one of them is the better warrior as they begin to fight saifon exchanges multiple kicks with yurichi as she blocks and defends against all of them it appears that the two of them have landed a strike on each other as it appears that they are evenly matched saifon then appears behind yuriji and reveals hashikai which manifests itself as a bladed tip on her finger it is named after a hornet presumably because of its resemblance to the stinger of a hornet yoroichi is able to escape from her by using shampoo but saifon is able to keep up with the speed and land an attack on her once again she tells yuri ichi that she is better than her saifon declares that she has not been going easy against yurichi and that she is the stronger one out of the two she criticizes yurichi for being away from the battlefield for over 100 years and she will pay the price for her actions with her life in chapter 158 saifon begins to explain the ability of a shikai as a bee crested flower appears on yurichi's abdomen where she was striked by saifon she tells her that this is a death crest which is carved onto its target's body during the time when urichi had left the soul society this ability was incomplete but soifon has had a hundred years to perfect it she states that if an individual is striked in the same spot twice then there is nothing that that person can do to survive it is a fatal attack two strikes in the same spot this is the highly lethal shikai ability over zambocto it appears that yurichi is genuinely surprised and taken aback as saifon confidently tries to get the second strike yuriji appears to be running away from saifon as saifon takes the opportunity to strike yuroichi while her back is turned to her yuriji attempts a counter-attack but it appears that saifon is best at her as it appears that yurichi is defeated as she has multiple crested flowers on her body siphon once again declares that she is better than her and that this is the end of their battle she then confidently states that she is going to defeat yurichi with an ability that she had just perfected a few days ago this fighting style combines hakuda and kido she arrogantly states that yurichi has not seen this ability before it is so new that she has not even developed a name for it but yurichi corrects her and states that this ability does indeed have a name and it is called shenko yaraichi explains that the outfit for the punishment force that saifon is wearing is exposed on the back and shoulders because of this ability when shunko is perfected a dense keto envelops the user's back and shoulders this energy is then drawn to the individual's arms and legs from which it explodes outwards she tells her that the moment that chunko is activated any fabric on the back and shoulders is blown off it appears that the person that was truly holding back was yuri ichi and it was soifun who was conceited this whole time she tells her that it is a shame because she did not want to use this ability against saifon she directs her shinko towards saifon and she tells her to beware because she has not fully grasped control of it yet she fires a blast of keto towards her as the area is enveloped in a explosion yoroichi proving that she is still stronger and more experienced than saifon asks her why is it that she never showed this ability to her before saifon is left speechless she doesn't know what to say as yurichi tells her that she didn't tell her about shunko because it was too dangerous explaining that she is not ready for this ability yet saifon tries to strike yurichi still believing that she's superior but yurichi stops her attack she does so by neutralizing her keto soy phone is angered by how easily yuri ichi was able to do this she begins to struggle with accepting that yurichi is stronger allowing her emotions to overwhelm her she continues to strike her stating that she should have surpassed her she assumes that for a hundred years zurich would have been isolated and not trained this would have weakened her and in that time soifon was training for those 100 years she is baffled by how yuri ichi can stand before her still stronger how is she able to so confidently outclass saifon who had been working incredibly hard to surpass her former mentor for the past 100 years after yuruiji had left the soul society saifun had lost all respect for her she had sworn to surpass her she charges at yurichi stating that she betrayed her respect and her trust but once again yurichi is able to neutralize her attack by using a punch which is powered by shenko her fist falls slightly short of punching siphon as she sees saifon finally breaking down the tough hard exterior finally cracks and we see the naive girl that saifon actually is she succumbs to her tears as she collapses onto her knees questioning why didn't yurichi take her with her you see just how much saifon had actually admired and loved yaraichi her feelings of anger and resentment harbored within her for 100 years she was not able to look past feeling betrayed by yurichi she had no idea why somebody that she respected and trusted had abandoned her some say that the relationship between the two of them is romantic i'm not too sure if i can get behind that because yurichi never reciprocates these feelings back to her but i do believe that on saifon's part it is a very obsessive relationship she clearly looks up to her and emulates her master but because she was so emotionally invested into this battle she was not able to see that yurichi was stronger than her this entire time she was so blinded by these feelings that she says that she is stronger than her multiple times you can see that yurichi entertains saifon for a while that is until her student is about to use a technique that she deems to be too dangerous for her to use an ability that she thinks siphon cannot control after she finally accepts that she has not surpassed yuroichi she gives in to her emotions proving that she doesn't entirely hate yurichi and she hasn't lost all respect for her as an attachment to yuriji is still incredibly strong and her feelings of betrayal are still as fresh as they were 100 years ago showing that she has not moved on in the slightest despite attaining all of these ranks and these positions they are meaningless because she wasn't able to surpass uroichi the person that didn't live up to the expectations that saifon had of them and for this reason she had sworn to become stronger than uriichi but she was not able to at the end of their battle a vulnerable side of her character is finally shown as we see her character regress from the commander of the onmitsukito and the captain of the second division back to a student of yurichi who is never really able to get over yuroichi abandoning her throughout the entirety of bleach this is probably the lowest point of soifon's character but aside from this she retains her dominant stature for the rest of the series as she demonstrates that she is no longer dependent upon yuriji that she is a strong independent woman who doesn't need to rely on anyone for support and it is for this reason that i believe that saifon is portrayed as one of the strongest personalities within bleach as she is very aggressive and self-reliant her strong character and opinionated nature often gets her into arguments with the other captains but this is just who soifun's character is and frankly it's a refreshing breath of fresh air to remember that she is still human and under that strong character is a naive and innocent girl somebody who had felt the raw emotions of betrayal and was never really able to get over them we see all of this in chapter 159 and it's so easy to forget about all of this especially when we see her later appearances so when i look back at this moment it really makes me appreciate a character a lot more after the battle between yurichi and saifon they're able to reconcile their differences and this happens fairly quickly as they learn about the betrayal of eisen both of them immediately arrive at sokkyoku hill and try to apprehend eisen but ultimately they are not able to detain him as eisengin and tozen all escape from the soul society the next time that we properly get to see sophia's character is during the fake karakura town arc she battles against the iranka jio vega the ispada baragon and even teams up with the other shinigami to group attack eisen during her battle with the iranka jio vega she allows the iranka to have the upper hand in order to study the iranka's released form this information will prove invaluable for when soifon is inevitably going to be fighting against one of the espada she knows that her opponent is weaker than her so is taking the opportunity to study the enemy she scolds her lieutenant omada for stepping in and trying to protect her because he didn't realize that saifon was holding back during the fight she tells him that she has never told him to come to her aid she has always taught him that the loss of a comrade is an opportunity reminding him that the way of the unmeteo is not to get in the middle of two people fighting but rather to stab the enemy from behind in chapter 333 saifon decides to defeat the iranka but she does so by demonstrating a method of assassination demonstrating the true difference in power between the two of them she activates her shikai and strikes the iranka twice but immediately after the iranka is defeated she finds herself facing off against the espada barragan during a battle against the espada she tries to buy herself as much time as she can in order to understand the spada's abilities because every time she tries to attack barragan there's a change in space and time as everything starts to move slowly this is when barrigan tells her in chapter 356 that each of these spada embody an aspect of death and barrigan's aspect of death is old age which allows him to manipulate time itself he demonstrates his ability by touching siphon's shoulder and causing the bones in the arm to grow old immediately this results in an arm being broken at the end of chapter 356 barragan activates his resurrection he then activates an ability called respira which translates to breath of death this ability causes everything that it touches to decay the ability ends up grazing against soifon's hand as her arm starts to decay this understandably causes her to panic before the rotting spreads to the rest of her body she demands that a lieutenant cuts off her arm as we see that the flesh and muscle deteriorates leaving only bones behind of her severed arm in that brief moment where soifon was panicking barragan was able to see the fear of death within soifon she is truly being tested here she is facing off against the second ranked espada she tries to devise a strategy by asking a lieutenant to be a decoy and to draw the enemy closer to them in chapter 359 sophomore's plan is revealed as she has wrapped a cloth around the building several times that is attached to her we then excitedly see her activate her bankai in contrast to her shikai her bankai is far from discreet soifon did say that she had tried to end the battle without using the bankai because she feels like her bankai is not discreet enough it violates her policies within the unmet sceeto it would be virtually impossible to conceal something as large as a bankai and it is farty heavy to move around in and the attack that is unleashed from the bankai is far from subtle something that is not suited for an assassin who would much rather prefer to discreetly take out an opponent it is definitely a interesting contrast against ashikai it is very subtle it requires two shots within the same spot in order to take out an opponent but a bankai is best described in my opinion as aggressive and outspoken a little bit similar to sofon's own personality her bankai definitely represents a hot-headed nature while her shikai represents her lifetime of training as an assassin so these are two completely opposing aspects of her personality which are manifested within her abilities using a bangkai she fires a shot at baragon which results in a huge explosion both siphon and a mida are repelled by the force of the blast momentarily it appears that they have taken out barragan but in chapter 364 we see the ispada emerge from the cloud of dust appearing to have not been affected by her bankai in chapter 368 the vizard hachi joins the battle and assists soifon but she is reluctant to accept his help and even refuses to recognize him despite knowing who he is saifon doesn't want to accept any help from anyone who is associated to urahara the thing is hachi needs saifon's assistance in order to defeat barrigan barrigan creates a force field to contain the spada the only reason why barrigan had survived the attack from sophon's bankai was because he had used his aging ability he had reversed the time so that the projectile fired from sofon's bankai would explode further away from him saifon only agrees to help if hachi is willing to seal kisuke orahara in a force field for a month as a punishment hachi explains that if saifon's bankai is fired directly at baragon while he is trapped within this force field at a close range where the force field that hachi has made will contain the blast and barrigan's abilities will not be able to protect him leaving him exposed as a sitting duck waiting to receive the full force of sofon's attack after firing this attack siphon is understandably exhausted she states that normally she is only able to fire her bankai once every three days but the fact that she has done it twice in one day it was very taxing on her but then she is shocked to discover that barrigan had survived the attack both her and lieutenant escape to safety while hachi defeats barragan by using his own ability raspira against him in chapter 389 after ichigo arrives in fake karakora town she tells him to focus because he will only have one chance to attack eisen and if he is continuing to be anxious or hesitant then he is going to squander his opportunity she reassures him that they are not fighting a lost battle nobody is attacking eisen with the intention of giving their life she tells him that they are fighting to live they are fighting to save themselves to save the lives of everybody including ichigo she tells him to not fall behind and to keep up with that pace in chapter 391 saifon along with hitsugaya and shinsuke launch a counter-attack against eisen in order to successfully impale eisen from behind but of course eisen had tricked them into attacking momo instead of himself eisen then takes the opportunity to knock out saifon and the other shinigami and they are pretty much out of commission for the rest of the ark until eisen is defeated the next time that we see siphon is in chapter 479 at the end of the fulbright arc where we see that the arm that was severed during her battle against barrigan has been restored now during the first invasion of the quincy within the thousand-year boudoir arc soifon arrives on the battlefield in chapter 496 to battle against the sten ritter bg9 along with biakya hitsugaya and komomura saifon is one of the four captains to have their bankai stolen from them during the aftermath of the first quincy invasion where the captains are dealing with the death of the head captain siphon is the first to break down she shouts at a messenger who has arrived to tell them about the status of byakuya and kimpachi eventually komomura and chun sui calmer down and bring her back to her senses in chapter 539 after having lost her bankai we see saifon training on top of a mountain in seclusion she is undergoing intense physical training to make up for her lack of bankai in chapter 549 soifon appears to assist a lieutenant who is being attacked by the steinwater bg-9 she arrives having perfected her shanko despite this the stan writer still has the upper hand as he has learned enough information on saifon shunko after taking a pill developed by urahara to holify her bankai she is able to tend the tables and defeat bg9 after she reacquires her bankai she fires a shot towards the sten ritter after she is healed of her injuries she doesn't really have any major appearances within the rest of the story she is just there in the background and doesn't really take part in any major battles so when it comes to my thoughts on sofon's character i did mention at the start of the video that i didn't really like a character too much but after studying and analyzing a character and in particular focusing on her past i do have more appreciation for her she is a great addition to the gotee 13 captains that we have helping to bring more variety to the various different personalities within the soul society as we know our character is closely linked to yurichi and it allows us to compare and contrast the two of them as they both have a very different approach when it comes to their duties within the source society and the unmitsukido it's quite easy to think of siphon as a hot-headed sunderer but there is more character than just this outward appearance and we get to appreciate this alternative side through learning about her past and the rare moments within the story when her outer shell cracks and we get to see what's beneath the surface one of these moments which i almost forgot to mention occurs within chapter 612 when she meets yurichi's younger brother who thanks her for taking care of his sister she totally blushes and fangirls over him which shows that she still admires and obsesses over yurichi even to this day saifon not only has a very unique appearance she has a very unique personality and i believe that kubo consistently writes her very well despite being stubborn set in a ways and strict when it comes to her duties at the core saifon is still that innocent naive girl who admires and worships uroichi and beyond that stubborn hot-headed exterior there are a lot of redeemable qualities about siphon at least in my opinion so after watching this video and analyzing and studying soifon's character what do you think do you agree with my take on soifon's character are there any points about her that i fail to mention or aspects of a character that you agree with me or disagree with me on i would love to read your thoughts on sophomores character so please do leave a comment under this video to continue the discussion if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more like it then please consider supporting my channel on patreon i have multiple tiers with rewards including access to an exclusive discord server video scripts as well as being the first to know about unreleased upcoming videos thank you for your time and whatever you choose to contribute i will appreciate and it will mean a lot to me [Music] you
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 95,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soifon, soifong, suifeng, sui feng, soi fon, soi fon bankai, soi fon vs yoruichi, soi fon vs barragan, yoruichi, Suì-Fēng, soi fon vs bg9, soi fon character analysis, bleach character analysis, bleach, bleach 2021, soi fon analysis, soi fon explained, soi fon past, history of soi fon, soi fon backstory, soifon analysis, soifon and yoruichi past, bleach soi fon, bleach soi fon analysis, dbzimran soi fon, soifon bleach, soifon character analysis, soi fon bleach character analysis
Id: bQAxg2aQHS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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