Unohana Retsu: THE FIRST KENPACHI | BLEACH: Character Analysis

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so over the last two months i've been analyzing and breaking down the hunter hunter story and i said that once i was done i was going to start analyzing highly requested bleach characters ever since making my kimpachi's rocky video people have been requesting for me to analyze unohana's character so in this video i'm going to be going over everything that we know about unohana's character including her relationships with her lieutenant and the members of her division as well as how she interacts with the other members of the gote 13 and most importantly i'll be analyzing and breaking down her relationship with kimpachi next to head captain yamamoto she is one of the oldest members of the gotei 13. as far as we know they are the only existing members of the original gotee 13 who are still holding positions as captains upon initial inspection you may think that there is not much to really break down about a character because she appears so little within the anime but thanks to the events that occur within the thousand year blood war arc we get a new sense of appreciation for our character as we start to realize how kubo was subtly foreshadowing a darker more menacing side to her character an alternative personality which was dubbed as the most diabolical criminal to ever exist within the soul society let's find out the difference between una hana retsu and unahanayachiru unohana makes a debut appearance in chapter 81 and in episode 24 of the anime her deceptive youthful appearance would lead you to believe that she is one of the younger captains within the gotei 13. but in actual fact he is one of the oldest and original members of the gotei 13. due to her long tenure as a captain even other well-respected captains like shinsuit and ukitake referred to her as senpai upon seeing a character the first things that you will notice are a blue eyes and a long black hair which is braided to the front in chapter 523 we learned that her braided hair has been covering a scar that she received during her first battle with kimpachi this scar that was on her collarbone was a reminder for her of the joys of battle that she had experienced when she had fought a younger version of kimbachi for the longest while she had become bored of holding a zampakto because she had longed for that joy of battle she was bored with fighting the same old opponents and repeatedly winning in the same way this is the curse of being the strongest and this is where we learned that unohana was in actual fact the first captain of the 11th division she was the first shinigami to have been given the title of kimpachi the strongest shinigami but these are aspects of a character that occurred in a distant past as the unohana that we see at the start of the soul society arc is a completely different character when i think of unohana's personality i see two versions of her there is a side that is gentle compassionate and caring an individual who heals others indiscriminately whether if they are allies or enemies during a time in the series we have seen a heal vizards humans arankas and even ichigo and his friends after they had invaded the soul society she is more than willing to heal anybody who needs a help and this is how she leads as the captain of the fourth division who specializes in fulfilling any medical requirements of the gote 13. this is a far cry and a contrast to her previous position as the captain of the 11th division which is known for combat and swordsmanship basically inflicting these very injuries that she is now healing despite having a past which is very combat centric we only see her battle one person within the series as the captain of the fourth division she is very soft-spoken and well-mannered she chooses to address everybody with respect whether if they are her enemies or people who are younger than her or her subordinates as the captain of the fourth division she has a strong sense of duty we see this in chapter 128 when she reprimands hornataro because he assisted the intruders of the soul society which resulted in them causing serious damage to it unohana tells him that because he is a seated officer within her division his aiding of the intruders cannot be overlooked so after covering some basic points about her character let's now look at the past of unohana and then delve into her early involvement into the bleach story as we analyze how kubo foreshadowed an alternative side to her personality one that was very different to the caring and gentle captain that we thought we knew during the thousand-year bodwell arc we learned a lot about the past of unohana's character before she had joined the first ever iteration of the gotei 13 she was believed to be one of the most notorious criminals within the soul society she had incredible command over zampakdo and had mastered several different styles and it is for this reason that she had given herself the name yachiru which translates to 8000 styles which is of course in reference to the several different styles of swordsmanship which he had mastered yachiru unohana was personally selected to become a captain by head captain yamamoto among the captains of the first iteration of the gotei 13 she was considered to be the best amongst them during this time she was the captain of the 11th division the very squad that kimpachi's iraqi is now leading she had founded the values of ruthlessness and combat that the 11th division are well known for were founded by unohana and it is for this reason that unohana is referred to as the first kimpachi a title which is bestowed upon the strongest shinigami in chapter 517 when the royal gods arrived to take ichigo and the others to the soul king's palace we learned that one of the royal gods tenjiro kurinji had taught unohana everything that she knows about medicinal technique when he meets unohana again he asks if she has mastered all of the healing arts that he taught her which she replies of course the real reason behind why she had learned medicinal techniques was so that she could heal herself so that she could lengthen her time in battle in chapter 524 we learn about the first encounter that unohana and kimbachi had where a younger kimpachi had fought unuhana and had felt fear for the first time and during this battle with unohana yacharu he had also experienced joy while fighting for the first time this early encounter was so impactful for kimpatch's character that he had started to admire una hana the true extent of the battle that occurred between the two of them is shown to us in chapter 525 we see unohana wandering in the pouring rain around rukongai as one of her subordinates tell her that despite how hard they have tried to look for an opponent they couldn't find anybody who was as strong as her somebody who will truly satisfy her with battle she had been trying to find an individual who would rival her strength under the guise of eradicating vandals on the outskirts of rukongai in order to maintain the peace within the cerete her search for a worthy opponent was so extensive that she had made a pile of dead bodies which is a visual representation of the size of her dissatisfaction gradually day by day this pile of bodies grew larger that is until one day a young boy had decided to stand on top of the pile staring at her with his eyes fixated upon una hana he charges at her it was evident that the two of them were bored they were bored of fighting these same old opponents and winning in the same old way they were both wanderers in search for somebody who could satisfy their bloodlust who could satisfy their urge for battle the two of them were drawn to each other and it was inevitable that they would meet one day unahana had no expectations going into this battle against this young boy when he had first appeared upon the pile of dead bodies she had looked at him with the same bod expression she had no idea that he would make her feel the unparalleled joy of battling a worthy adversary the young kimpachi apontinga had immediately attacked una hanna on her collarbone the fact that she was able to be cut by such a young boy resulted in her being able to enjoy fighting once more but because of this battle from the past a terrible consequence had occurred her encounter with a younger kimpachi had resulted in kimpatchi restricting himself and putting limitations upon his own power during their first battle they had both felt incredible joy unohana makes an assessment of the young kimpatchi as she says that all of his opponents up until that point were all weaker than him he had not encountered an enemy who was able to test his true skills his battle against unohana yachuru was the first time that he had encountered someone who rivaled his own strength unhana admits that against this younger version of kim party she was weaker than him in actual fact despite this fact she was the first person that this young kimpatchi could have truly considered as an enemy kimpatchi had become afraid of losing that which she had longed for after encountering countless weak opponents he had desired to fight against someone who could truly challenge him and he had finally encountered unohana if he had killed unohana during their first battle then he would not be able to experience that same level of joy from battle ever again and it is for this reason that he had subconsciously suppressed his powers unohana reveals that she was disappointed at her own weakness which resulted in kimpachi suppressing his powers if only she was stronger during their first battle he wouldn't have had the need to have suppressed his powers even to this day unohana admits that she is incredibly strong but she is not as strong as kimpachi saraki she feels responsible for weakening kimpachi and she claims that this is her sin ultimately unohana was declared the victor of their first battle but she was well aware that her opponent has succumbed to his own fears his fears of losing una hana a worthy adversary and it's for this reason that she realized that this young boy that she had fought against was more suited to the title of kimpachi it is not revealed if she had immediately resigned from her post as the captain of the 11th division after this battle but some time after this fight she had become the captain of the fourth division you can speculate that after her battle with kimpachi she no longer felt that she was worthy of the title of kimpachi and it's for that reason that she resigned from the 11th division she may have lost interest in combat and swordsmanship after experiencing a battle against a worthy adversary as the captain of the fourth division she focuses her efforts now on medicinal technique as she is now responsible for treating the injured shinigami within the gotai 13. it is ironic because the current 11th division are known to bully and look down upon the fourth division considering them to be a weak medical team despite this most of the members of the 11th division are still afraid of una hana because some of them remember her past we can see from this backstory that unohana feels a heavy burden for causing kimpatchi to place mental barriers upon himself which made him suppress his own powers he had done this so that he would not surpass the person that he admires the most it was because of unohana that he was not living up to his full potential and we see the results of kimpachi stunting his own growth through the various different battles that he has in the series unohana realizes the consequences of a sin as she recalls because kimpachi restrained his own powers he had barely lost to ichigo and this is why he had barely beaten nytera to the outsider it may have appeared that kimpatchi had struggled against them because his opponents were incredibly strong but unohana had known the truth she had known that it was because kimpathi was limiting his powers to their very limits chronologically the next time that we see unohana is during the turn back the pendulum arc where she plays no significant role the next time that we see a character and get to experience this alternative side to her personality is during the soul society arc what you have to realize is that throughout the entirety of this series this character who is so experienced in combat and is supposed to have learned 8 000 styles of swordsmanship only battles against one person and that battle occurs in the thousand-year blood war arc so who is the character of unohana that we get to see from the soul society arc up until the fulbright arc this is the person that i'm going to now be covering the unohana that we know as the captain of the fourth division in chapter 109 she examines the supposed dead corpse of sasuke eisen she confirms that the body is no longer breathing but she does say something which may be overlooked by a lot of people she says that they are looking into the possibility of a gee guy being used as a disguise but without any investigation for now they can confirm that eisen is dead she reveals this information to tozen and komamura from that one line where she states that they are investigating the use of a possible gee guy you can tell that she has a doubts about the death of eisen looking at this retrospectively you can see the years of experience that unohana has she may appear to be a simple healer to the first time viewer but if you have experienced the entirety of the story you know the kind of character that unohana is it is evident that she had a suspicions about the death of eisen but this doesn't stop her from fulfilling her duties as a captain as she orders one of her subordinates hanatro to be imprisoned for aiding the intruders in chapter 128 in chapter 149 at rukia's execution the head captain tells her that he will pardon the intruders and let them leave the soul society unharmed but unohana's lieutenant isane tells her captain that it is cruel for head captain yamamoto to be telling rukia this because he has no intention of letting them live but the more understanding unohana tells her that the head captain is being compassionate because at least this way rukia will be able to be executed with some peace of mind she won't be worrying about the fate of her friends in her final moments this shows the insight that unohana has an ability to put herself into other people's shoes as somebody who regularly looks after patients she knows how other people feel and i'm sure if she was in the position of the head captain she would have done the exact same thing in chapter 154 we see una hana relisa zampato it is called minazuki and it resembles a manta ray the manta ray has swallowed several different shinigami who have been injured at sokkyoku hill after she leaves the injured shinigami to a subordinate silver captain she asks her lieutenant isane to come with her to the central 46 chambers we can see that her suspicions of isen faking his death have come to fruition she is well aware of where eisen is and it is for this reason that she is heading to the chambers of decentral 46. we see unohana again in chapter 171 when she calls out eisen as a traitor and refuses to refer to him as a captain anymore her expression is of deep concern she reveals that she was well aware that eisen had gone through extreme lengths to fake his own death she deduces that he had used an elaborate doll to conceal himself eisen corrects her by saying that he didn't use a doll but instead he had been using his zombucto's ability kyokasugetsu to put them under complete hypnosis eisen had lied to them and the other shinigami about the true ability of kyoka suigetsu for this reason and in addition to unohana having seen eisen shikai she had fallen for eisens kyokasugetsu maybe this is why she puts emphasis upon ichigo not having seen and shikai when they are traveling together from huecomundo in order to go to fake karakura town she knows the extent of the advantage that eisen has if an individual is under his kyokushigatsu spell because she has experienced it herself and this is why eisen reveals to hana the extent of his betrayal as he states that kaname tozen is also working alongside with him before eisen leaves to retrieve the hokyoku from rukia he does praise una hana as he states that she had examined his body far more thoroughly than anybody else and this is because she had a hint of suspicion this suspicion still existed even though she was under the complete spell of kyokusuguetsu when you think about it this is an incredible feat and even something that eisen commends if anything it realized her as how much skill and experience unahana truly has after eisen leaves she asks her lieutenant to relay all of the information that they have learned about eisen's betrayal to all of the other shinigami meanwhile she is focused on saving the lives of captain hitsugaya and momo who have been injured by eisen when she returns to sokyoku hill she asks who is left to heal her subordinates tell her that ichigo and biakia are the only people who remain to be healed when she sees orihime healing ichigo she is surprised by the ability that she is using her expression is indicative that orihime has an incredibly powerful healing technique so much so that she is comfortable with leaving ichigo in orihime's hands in chapter 179 when she eventually starts to heal biakya she tells him that he has been reckless she is like the maternal figure of the soul society as she scolds him for pushing himself to his limits she then asks rukia to come to speak to biakya she is present while biakya is speaking to rukia and revealing the reason as to why he had supported her execution at the end of chapter 179 we see unohana on the evening of rukia's execution after all of the events that have occurred that day she seemed to be sat under the moonlit sky this is the first time that we see her hair platted from the back but it is a very brief look so we cannot really see the scar that is present on a collarbone but either way after spending time with oonaghana's character within the soul society arc it is very difficult to see her as a swordmaster she is far too caring and compassionate and i feel like this is a signature trait of kubo as he likes to surprise his audience by flipping his story or his character's 180 the last person that you would assume to have been in the position of kim party would be unohana i say this because of her actions and her mannerisms and in general how she is a pacifist we have not really seen her anger to the point of drawing her zambocto for combat instead she draws a zombacto in order to heal others during the huiku mundo arc una hana is one of the captains to arrive to assist ichigo and the others in huikumundo she clearly states that her purpose for arriving in huikumundo is to heal the wounded and not to get into any fights i assume that the fighting has been reserved for yakya and mairi who have also arrived alongside wither in chapter 299 she tells her lieutenant isane not to pursue the enemy as once again she emphasizes that they have not come here to shed blood she does say something surprising next as she states she's going to heal chad and the pre-round espada who has also been heavily wounded i said this earlier on in the video and this scene clearly proves this that she's indifferent when it comes to the individuals that she heals whether if they are her allies or her enemies in chapter 381 we see unohana accompanying ichigo back to fake karakura town on the way there she asks ichigo how it was like to face off against eisen at sokkyoku hill he tells her that he was really strong and that he had beaten him without even using his shikai unohana of course says that this is a good thing while she is listening to ichigo's response her eyes have a subtle change as before she appears to look very concerned but now she has a very cold and stunned look to her eyes a look that we get used to on a character while she is facing off against kimpachi in the thousand-year blood war arc with this cold and stern look she tells ichigo that it was a good thing that there was so much of a gap in power between himself and eisen she explains why it is a good thing that ichigo hasn't seen aizen's shikai because out of everybody in existence ichigo is the only person who is able to confront aizan now and this is because he has not seen the released form of eisen zampakto kyoka suigetsu so he is not going to be under the influence of eisen's ability unohana informs to ichigo that kyokusugetsu's power can only be activated if eisen's enemy has seen his shikai as we know everybody who is currently involved in the battle in fake karakura town has seen eisen shikai una hana is stressing to ichigo that he is a vital part in their plan to defeat eisen even with ichigo not completely healed unohana detects that his riatsu is comparable to that of a captain's after having read the final arc we know that she is very experienced in battle she assesses that ichigo not having seen eisen shikai is the most important advantage that they will have in this battle and it is of utmost importance that ichigo does not lose this advantage because if he does then the battle to save the world will be lost she sternly looks at ichigo and tells him no matter what happens he cannot look at eisenshikai looking back at this very brief exchange i see the shift in her personality as we can see when una hana retsu is speaking and when una hana yachuru is speaking and this is even subtly foreshadowed by the way that kubo draws unohana's expressions and in particular her eyes in chapter 382 we see the two of them still traveling he is creating a path using his riatsu for una hana to follow him but the path that he is making is extremely weak and falling apart this forces una hana to politely intimidate ichigo to take the lead we see the scary persona of a character here as ichigo is scared into submission when she takes the lead the path that she creates is sturdy and very different to the path that each girl was making ichigo assumes that it must be because she is a captain but unohana tells him that isn't the case because they have similar levels of rayatsu una hana assumes that both ichigo's riatsu and his wounds have completely healed and maybe ichigo isn't cut out for tasks that require refinement of one's riatsu but ichigo disagrees with her and states that he could have created a better path if only his reaction was completely restored unohana is confident in the assessment of ichigo's riatsu but ichigo emphasizes to her that when he activates his bunker his clothing changes he tells unohana that his shinigami shihakusho while he is in his bankai form is a visual representation of his riatsu and since less than half of his shinigami shihakashu remains that means he has less than half of his spiritual energy right now he tells her that orihime's healing ability is really good at healing wounds but it is very slow at restoring a person's riatsu this completely surprises unohana she is shocked that even at less than half of his spiritual energy it is comparable to a captain's spiritual energy unohana is completely taken aback by this fact she now suggests that she will restore ichigo's reaction back to its maximum capacity she thinks to herself if ichigo's reaction is only at half of its maximum capacity then he may well be the savior that the sole society needs right now she does a part by healing the rest of ichigo's riatsu and ensures that he is ready to face off against eisen thanks to orihime healing ichiko's physical injuries it made it easier for unohana to restore ichigo's riatsu in chapter 389 we see that unohana has also arrived in fake karakura town as she is lending her assistance and healing any of the wounded we don't really get to see una hana again until chapter 422 which is after the defeat of eisen we see her helping hurry and the other wizards after she has done a job shinji thanks her but unohana questions him as to why he is thanking her it isn't necessary because she considers the wizards as her friends and she doesn't need to be thanked for healing them you can see that she is very accepting even to the vizar's apprehension they feel shamed that they have been merged with hollows and they hold a grudge against the soul society for everything that had happened so many years ago but unohana reminds them of their past when she refers to them as her friends this statement even leaves shinji looking on with a very somber expression during the fullbrink arc in chapter 461 unohana expresses surprise at the head captain that he is willing to agree to kisuke urahara's plan which is to break the rules and the traditions of the soul society in order to return ichigo's shinigami powers back to him unohana as we know is very strict when it comes to following her duties and this is why she is surprised as to the head captain agreeing to break the rules of the soul society the head captain orders all of the gotei 13 lieutenants and captains to share their riyatsu with ichigo in order to restore his shinigami powers during the thousand yablador arc in chapter 497 when una hana learns about the steinwater's ability to steal bankai she can sense from these spiritual pressures that the captains of the 2nd sixth and seventh division have all had their bankai stolen from them in chapter 507 the captains noticed that yamamoto has arrived on the battlefield and he has activated his bankai when isane tells unohana that her skin and her lips are feeling dry all of a sudden oonahana lightens the tension by saying that that is awfully ladylike of her while she feels the bankai of the head captain she hopes that the battle ends quickly before he destroys the entirety of the soul society after the first quincy invasion unohana and her squad are trying to help as many casualties as they can isane questions why the fat squad remained within their barracks isane is saying this because they could have helped more people but unohana reminds her not to be so short-sighted because she is letting her emotions overwhelm her isane is well aware that unohana would have wanted to go onto the battlefield to heal the wounded more than anyone she didn't because head captain yamamoto's final orders were not to leave the squad for barracks despite how badly she had wanted to help her comrades she was compelled to listen to the orders of the head captain the last thing that had captain yamamoto would have wanted was for the sole society's medical team to have been destroyed so his final order to unohana was to save the medical assistants until after the invasion was over so that squad 4 would not be suffering from any casualties so that they can maximize their efforts in order to help their comrades in chapter 517 when the royal guards arrive and they try to take renji biakia and rukia to the royal palace unohana objects as she says that they are in no condition to leave the cerete but her former teacher who had taught her how to heal tenjiro cringy tells her that it is for this very reason that they are taking them he tells her that under her head they will never return to their previous selves and this is especially the case when it comes to biakia who's been severely wounded in the battle if he does not receive urgent medical care from the royal guards then he will die tenjiro korenji bluntly tells unohana that she cannot get the job done and he will personally heal them in this exchange he also says something very fascinating to her and it is the first time that we get a direct mention to the alternative sign to her personality as a former teacher tells her that what she needs to focus on right now isn't healing after hearing this we can see unohana look to the ground with a somber expression and in the next panel we can see the newly appointed head captain shunswe look over at her like he is fully aware of what unohana must do now in chapter 520 we see shinsui speaking with the central 46 as he tells them that kim pachi's time has come and they must train him in order to get stronger while discussing the matter with the central 46 he invites in unohana and he tells her that he wants her to handle the business with kimpachi he refers to her as captain unohana but then corrects himself and refers to her as the first kimpachi called yachuru unohana and we see that same cold heartless expression in her eyes that we have seen earlier in the series in various different moments the foreshadowing by kubo has finally paid off as we get to learn about the alternative side to unohana before leaving to train kimpatchi she leaves a letter behind for isane who we see is crying and this is the first hint that we get that unohana may not return after this encounter in chapter 523 we see that kimpachi and unohana have arrived at the seoul society central underground great prison they are at its lowest level called muken the space within muken is infinitely large and it is completely closed off from the rest of the world shun sweet and the central 46 had decided that there was no better place for the two of them to swing their swords freely in chapter 523 we see this menacing look to una hana one that is so far removed from the character that we have seen up until this point if anything in highlights kubo skill is a masterful illustrator as he conveys sinister malice emanating from a character who we had assumed was the maternal figure of the soul society it is evident that this is no more the caring and compassionate unohana ratsu this is indeed unhana yachuru after the two of them continue to converse unohana notes that he is awfully talkative she tells him that every time he speaks it causes the scanner collarbone to ache the same scar that kempachi had given to her as a young boy finally the battle between the two of them that has been building up for centuries begins while unohana is training kimpatchi we see sunswee who apologizes for referring to kimpachi's training as a lesson in swordsmanship because he knows that once unohana and kimpachi cross swords only one of them would survive at the beginning of their encounter unohana clearly has the upper hand as we see her fighting for the very first time in the series we see her elegantly evade kimpachi strikes she takes advantage of any openings to kimpatchi's stance and precisely strikes him without mercy all the while she retains the same expression on her face she does commend kimpatchi for arriving to the battle without his eye patch but she says that with his eyepatch removed his full capacity is evident we can see that she is not impressed and she is relaying this to kimpatchi by taking advantage of his weakness and striking him repeatedly she even calls him weak una hana uses a dagger with her free hand to land an attack on kimpachi and she criticizes him as she tells him for somebody who swings his sword around with one arm she is disappointed that he is not using his other arm for any other reason she questions if he is even enjoying the battle but kim pachi refers to her dagger as a cheap trick he tells her that she has changed from the person that he had admired which angers una hana as we see her shouting for the first time she scored kimpatchi for admiring the enemy while in battle unohana states that she hasn't changed at all since their first battle which implies that kimpachi has instead become weaker he asks if he is going to die in this battle without ever having beaten her what ends up happening here is that kim pachi starts to feel fear for the first time in a long while the last time that he had ever felt fear in battle was against unohana when he was a young boy the feeling of fear is so potent that kimpatchi feels like unohana's blade has just pierced his throat and kubo illustrates this sense of fear that kimpatchi is feeling masterfully as that battle continues unahannah tells herself that kimpatchi will not die here instead he will go stronger because he does grow stronger after every battle that he survives but she says that this is the flaw that he has put upon himself but this is also her sin and as we know from unohana's flashback that first fight had caused kim pachi to subconsciously restrain his power and unohana feels responsible for this so in this battle she is going to remedy a sin by restoring him party to his full strength but she is all too aware that the price that she must pay for the sin that she committed is to give her own life while continuing to strike him party she admits that she is stronger than anybody except for kimpachi and this is exactly the reason why she will try to kill kimpachi as many times as he has to and she will hear them repeatedly bringing him back from the brink of death and she says that she will do this until kimpachi returns to his original form back when he was a young boy where he wasn't suppressing his power the same individual that she saw so much potential within who she had even dubbed as the new generation of kimpachi una hana lives up to her word and repays for her sin as she brings kimpatchi close to death hundreds or if not thousands of times and after every time she heals him back to his normal state and she does so until kimpachi has completely surpassed her in power in chapter 526 we see unohana use her bangkai as she calls upon her zambokto minazuki the name of her shikai and bankai is exactly the same when she activates it we see blood pouring from her surroundings and even a clothing it visually represents the level of bloodlust that she has after activating her bankai as she still retains that same sinister cold expression in her eyes she charges towards kimpachi as he begins to feel incredible joy from the battle so much so that he can feel himself melting away in ecstasy thanks to unohana kimpatchi was once more able to feel the true essence and joy of battle something that he had not felt for centuries he had been desiring to experience the same level of joy that he had felt when he had fought unahana as a young boy throughout his various different encounters in the series he was chasing after this thrill of battle but it just wasn't the same we understand the dynamic between the two characters here as the two of them loved to fight kimpachi on one hand had learned to restrain himself in order to enjoy the thrill of battle for a longer period of time while unohana had learned to heal herself in order to fight for longer but in her final moments she is convinced that the power she had gained to heal was for this particular moment it was destined to be used to heal kimpachi from the brink of death repeatedly until he had returned to his original self and it is for this reason that there can only be one kimpachi that can only be one shinigami who can be named the strongest unohana says that when the strongest shinigami finds their successor then they can no longer use their zambocto to protect themselves she says that the tip of the sod should either be pointed towards killing the next strongest or to even nurture them we know that una hana did not use a zambocto to battle anybody and she had only drawn a zambocto when it came to fighting against kimpachi we clearly know the option that she had chosen she had chosen to nurture kimpachi as a successor she had decided this when kimpatchi was a young boy she looks at him and says that this child is worthy of the name kimpachi and from that moment onward she had refused to use a sword to protect herself instead vowing to only use assault to nurture him pachisaraki in chapter 526 we see kimpatchi finally restore to his full strength as the fear that caused him to suppress his power is actualized his incredible strength results in him killing the person who had made him feel joy unohana accepts her death and relinquishes her title to kimpachi he is her worthy successor after this exchange we learned that the character of unohana retsu the medicinal healer was born from unohana relinquishing using gazambakdo for herself in chapter 527 in her dying breath she congratulates kimpachi she tells him that there is nothing for him to be upset about she tells him that he is not that young boy who is going to feel boredom after regaining his strength because right now he has worthy opponents to fight against and he has strong allies which can rival him and most importantly una hana reveals to kimpachi that his zombocto has been activated after their exchange before dying she says that everything that she has gained until now she has given to kimpachi she no longer has anything even the title of kimpachi that she could not properly pass down to him back then she is now handed over to him unani dies after passing on a legacy to the next generation she dies with a purpose fulfilled this moment and in fact this character dynamic has always reminded me of a dynamic that i found in one of my favorite games i am referring to metal gear solid 3. if you are aware of the game then you can probably compare the similarities between kimpachi and una hana and the boss and naked snake as both the boss and unani had given and taught everything to their successors the boss says that there is nothing left for me to teach you while unohana states that everything that i've gained until now are given to you they are both killed by somebody who admires them naked snake admires the boss as his teacher while kimpachi admires una hana for being the only person to make him experience the true joy of battle you may be able to feel the parallels between this comparison through this short clip that my editor has put together there is nothing more for me to give you all that's left for you to take is my life by your own hand one must die and one must live no victory no defeat the survivor will carry on the fight it is our destiny the one who survives will inherit the title of boss for fans of mgs3 i hope that didn't make you too upset when it comes to unohana's character she was central to the development of kimpachi and she had the largest influence on him out of all of the cast of bleach she definitely has a dual personality and i still stunned by the fact that i would not have assumed that she would be the first kimpachi if i hadn't read the final arc of the series there were subtle foreshadowings of a character having an alternative side but they weren't enough to rob me from the surprise that i felt when i learned that she is indeed the first kimpachi after having fought the yonkimpachi she had completely changed the character it was like she was reborn she relinquished her old self so that she could nurture the next generation the only time that she drew her sword was to nurture kimpatchi all of this had begun when the two of them had laid eyes upon each other with kim party standing on top of the pile of dead bodies which represented her disappointment he charges at her and leaves a scar in her collarbone and through that same scar which unohana had as a constant reminder of her successor kim pachi pierces through it in order to regain his power and to maximize his full potential and after doing so unanna feels content as she can die after having accomplished her life's purpose so is the case with every bleach character video that i do i didn't intend for it to be this long but there is just so much to discuss and talk about when it comes to the characters that kubo has written and the subtle nuances that he sprinkles throughout his story so i now hand over the discussion to you what do you think about unohana's character is there anything that i failed to mention in this video and lastly did you learn anything from this video and has your opinion of unohana's character changed after watching this i would love to read your comments and to learn more about unohana if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more like it then please consider supporting my channel on patreon i have multiple tiers with rewards including access to an exclusive discord server video scripts as well as being the first to know about unreleased upcoming videos thank you for your time and whatever you choose to contribute i will appreciate and it will mean a lot to me [Music] you
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 1,166,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, unohana, unohana retsu, unohana yachiru, unohana bankai, unohana first kenpachi, unohana vs kenpachi, first kenpachi, unohana death, bleach analysis, bleach character analysis, unohana analysis, unohana character analysis, unohana explained, unohana past, unohana backstory, history of unohana, unohana retsu analysis, unohana bleach, bleach 2021, kenpachi, unohana vs aizen, unohana healing ichigo
Id: HYxqCt9ms8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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