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my mind is actually blown i've just gotten done reading the 73 page bleach special chapter that was just released the final chapter of bleach was published in august of 2016. five years later to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the bleach serialization we have received a totally new chapter and in my honest opinion it has blown all of my expectations out of the water and i cannot believe that kubo has come up with such an incredible way to continue the bleach story now this video is going to be spoiler heavy so go and read the chapter and come back and watch this video i'm going to waste little time and just dive straight into the chapter and try to analyze and break down every piece of information that kubo reveals within this chapter so let's get into it this is my review of the 73 page bleach 2021 special chapter the chapter begins with this incredible color spread of ichigo renji and the other captains of the gotei 13. immediately from the onset i could see how much fun kubo was having coming back to the world of bleach this is such a creative piece of art with an excellent composition and each goal looks incredible in this the first page begins with a monologue that some people assume is khazri speaking to himself the chapter begins with this narration stating that when he was little he had owned two goldfish and he was incredibly fond of them but suddenly the larger goldfish had died one day this had resulted in the remaining goldfish feeling lonely after observing the goldfish she had also fed lonely but from a particular day the little goldfish that he had assumed had stopped growing started to grow bigger and bigger eventually this lonely goldfish started to become healthier and this had made him feel much more relieved to the point that he felt glad that the larger fish of the two had died it's a very strange way to begin the chapter but the imagery of this first page is very important of course on the top we have the two goldfish swimming in their tank but in the next panel we get these bubbles that are floating in the air and it is only much later on in the chapter that we learned that these things are called will or wisp now we'll explain where these things are from when we get to that point in the chapter but for now what we need to know is that they are here and they are on the first page of the chapter so in the next page we see this huge fish which is just floating across the sky we see the sign for the bedroom of kazui and khan as the story takes us to the world of the living within karakura town orihime makes a very brief appearance noting that she is glad that kazui is asleep and she thanks khan for playing with kazui today but suddenly kazuy then wakes up in the middle of the night and both him and khan have a very cute interaction here as we learn that the two of them spend a lot of time together this is a great way to reintroduce such an old character back into the story as kazui is leaving khan tells him to wait he is the voice of reason here as he tells him that he had gotten into trouble yesterday and he should behave today and just go back to sleep but the curious kazui states that he had promised that he would go out today khan reminds him that he had also promised his mother that he would actually sleep tonight but kazuri remains persistent stating that he had made this promise first and khan is left with no other choice but to follow kazui it's funny seeing khan get frustrated with the child of ichigo as he describes him as being so hard to handle and it's very ironic for con to say this since he is so hard to handle throughout the majority of the story kazuy tells khan that it's okay and he doesn't have to come with him but khan insists and follows him kazuy tells khan that he should have just stayed asleep and pretended not to notice kazuri leaving just like his father we see that kazui is gone to visit the soul of an individual who was departed we see a middle-aged man crying as kazooie tells him that he has come to play it is evident that this soul is feeling alone and kazui is keeping him company kazui then apologizes to him and tells him that he doesn't think that he can come out tomorrow to which the man expresses his sadness because he's going to feel alone but kazuy tells him that it's okay because he is going to take him to a place where he isn't going to be feeling lonely he ends up leading both khan and the old man to a shrine it is definitely an eerie place and it makes khan and the soul feel slightly uncomfortable now while they are at this shrine it appears that these spherical objects are accompanying them we don't entirely know what these objects are but i'm sure that they are related to the events that occur at the end of this chapter while at the shrine kazuy starts to perform a ritual where he claps his hands three times and takes a bow twice and ends with one final clap after doing this a portal opens up as we see hell butterflies emerge from the portal we don't entirely know where this leads to but it can't be good kazuy then reassures khan and the spirit that everything is okay because he is here from the onset of this chapter you can tell that kazuy is a very gifted and special child after all he is the child of ichigo and orihime he is a very carefree curious kid and you can see that he is getting himself into trouble without even knowing what he is doing and i definitely wonder if kazuy's actions impact on the story that unfolds within this chapter we cut away from kazuy as the title of this chapter is revealed to us as this chapter is titled bleach no breeds from hell the chapter then cuts back to three hours ago within the soul society as we are taken to the official housing district where members of the gotei 13 reside just as we have been familiarized with kazuy we are now familiarizing ourselves with the child of renji and rukia we see ichiga attending her martial arts dojo as we learned that she's being taught by ikaku madarami they have a very playful banter as student and master as they both held insults at each other and each god tries her best to catch ikaku off guard ikaku questions ichika whether if her abilities have gotten rusty and questions if she has gone on many expeditions to the world of the living to which ichiga blushes and replies that she hasn't gone and she has only been given permission to go on long breaks within the human world ikaku then comments on how she must be feeling lonely he assumes that she must be longing to see the child of ichigo and this really flusters ichika and is really funny to see as she says that she doesn't want to see him as she adamantly professes that it's not like that between her and kazui desperately hiding that she might have a innocent childhood crush on him she calls ikaku an idiot for taking the conversation in this direction it's funny because you only asked a simple question and ichigo had dragged it out into all of this in this chapter we see the return of a lot of familiar faces and most of them have a change of appearance a perfect example of this occurs right here as we see the introduction of yumichika he interrupts their training and calls ichigo cute and then questions if ikaku has forgotten what he has to do today we then cut to the abari household as we see that renji is on the phone speaking to somebody he is speaking to ichigo as he questions renji on what is the seoul funeral festival renji explains that it is a ritual that takes place 12 years after the funeral of a captain that had died in battle so we get to immediately learn that the events of this chapter take place 12 years after the defeat of juha back and thus this chapter takes place approximately two years after chapter 686 ichigo responds by saying that this is the first time that he is hearing of such a festival to which renji replies that he hadn't heard of it either since it's very rare for captains to die in battle he goes on to tell ichigo that the ritual for head captain yamamoto had occurred the other day and then after that they had done the ritual for captain unohana and today it is time for the ritual of captain ukitake ichigo asks about the specifics of this ritual what does it entail to which renji replies that they are ordered to capture a hollow in the world of the living and they have to kill it in front of the graves of the captains understandably ichigo like us is quite surprised by this but renji states that it is an old custom of the soul society after explaining the basics of this ritual renji questions where ichigo is since it's noisy on his end of the phone here we get a brief glimpse into what ichigo's friend keigo is getting up to as it is revealed that he has opened up his own ramen shop called spirit ramen ichigo and mizuhiro have made a trip to the ramen shop in order to support their friend since he doesn't have much customers and you can see that the dynamic between these three friends from karakura town hasn't changed much and in this chapter we get our first real frontal shot of adult ichigo and you can see that his hairstyle isn't this typical post time skip shonen dad hairstyle it has a lot more volume to it than the hair that we had seen within chapter 686 and kubo has done a really good job of transforming ichigo's appearance and making him feel like more of an adult now when ichigo is about to get his food he is going to cut the call to which renji tells him to wait as he tells ichigo that it will be right for him to attend the ritual of ukitake renji tells ichigo that only captains are usually allowed to attend the spirit funeral festival but renji tells ichigo that he wasn't an outsider when it came to captain yukitake after all it was him who had given ichigo his substitute shinigami batch and he had somewhat of a connection with him as opposed to his bond with yamamoto and una hana a recommendation was made for ichigota attend by two individuals head captain shunswe and ruki akuchi and just as we say her name she appears in the chapter as we see that even she has had a change of appearance as rukia is wearing a ponytail to the side of her hand and is dressed in a captain's garb as we get the appearance of rukia she admires the new saw reaper communication device that was created by the research and development institute you can see that of course it's modeled after smartphones and she is impressed that she can see the face of ichigo as renji was facetiming him apparently a moment that made me laugh out loud was when rukia had grabbed the communication device and was tilting it sideways trying to see more of the surroundings around ichigo as she questions if orihime is with him and not too long after this we get some comedic banter that occurs between rukia and ichigo as she questions why he has left orihime at home to do all of the chores she teases him by saying that that isn't the morally right thing to do anymore within the world of the living to which ichigo questions how is it that she knows about that and then rukia reveals that the soul society has recently developed televisions which can pick up tv shows from the world of the living we learned that this is thanks to urohara who is now more involved with the soul society's research and development institute after the war he was pivotal in the development of new spirit devices we don't really get to see urahara's character within this chapter but i am glad that he was at least mentioned within it after this we then get the long-awaited appearance of mairie as all of us have been wondering how his appearance is going to look like and sure enough it doesn't disappoint as he is wearing a ridiculous getup maiori reveals in order to relay a emergency message to all of the lieutenants he tells them that it is tonight that the soul funeral festival's preliminary ritual of capturing a hollow is going to take place so he orders all of the lieutenants to head towards the world of the living we see several divisions make preparations but the most notable is the seventh squad now this squad was previously led by komomura but it is now being led by his then lieutenant tetsu zaimon iba the new lieutenant of the 7th division is an individual that we haven't seen before he questions where the lieutenant is and he refers to him by his name which is revealed to be a towel now this individual has messy curly hair and it appears that he has a fondness for animals initially he did appear to me to look like a very younger version of chad but we'll talk more about this character as the chapter continues after this we get to see the 10th division as hitagaya makes his appearance within the chapter and so does rangiku so this portion of the chapter ends with ichika having eavesdropped on mayuri's emergency announcement she says to herself that it's not fair for them to all go and play in the world of the living without telling her as she now understands where renji and her master ikaku are going to we then cut to the world of the living as ichigo accompanies all of the lieutenants they are making the necessary preparations in order to capture the hollow for this ritual rangiku speaks to ichigo and renji and confirms that they should get the ritual over as quickly as possible so that they can all go out for a drink when they question if ichigo will be able to go out with them he says that he still has some time until his deadline is due to which rangiku asks what is it that he is working as again to which we get this revelation that ichigo is working as a translator now it has been previously confirmed that ichigo went on to study english at university and most of us had assumed that he was a english teacher but it seems that he is working as a translator it is here that renji ends up introducing ichigo to the new lieutenant of the seventh division we learned that atau isn't able to speak but he is able to read individuals lips so he knows what they are saying and then immediately after this we are introduced to another brand new character the lieutenant of the eighth division she is called yayahara yuyu she is the lieutenant of lisa's division she is a very outspoken and easily excitable individual she immediately rushes towards ichigo and tries to take a selfie with him dubbing him as the hero of the great quincy wall so while ichigo and the others are floating in the sky above ichika ends up making her appearance and this is where the mood and the atmosphere of the chapter completely changes ichigo is glad that she was able to get to the world of the living without getting caught but when she looks up to the sky behind her father and ichigo she notices a large skeletal structure behind them and she is surprised that nobody has noticed it then suddenly the skeletal structure moves and is about to swat towards renji and ichigo's direction ichigo warns her father but it's too late as renji is hit by it after renji is attacked ichigo is next but he demonstrates that his powers have not become rusty as he immediately destroys the arm of this strange creature everybody is wondering what on earth this thing is as they question if it's a hollow and how nobody had noticed it among the commotion kyone who has now become the lieutenant of the 13th division is cut down and it is revealed that she was attacked by hollows who appeared to have chains wrapped around them and the other difference with these hollows is that they have these hooped circles attached to the outside of their bodies it's as if the hollow holes within their chest have been sealed and instead the holes had formed on the perimeter of their body when renji gets up from the rubble ichika rushes towards her father as she apologizes to her father for being here but she is just so glad that he is okay you can tell that she is a very emotional child as the lieutenants begin to battle ikaku states that their opponents do not appear to have a riatsu and he doesn't think that they are ordinary hollows everybody engages in battle and kubo takes the time to showcase the new lieutenant to us as atau releases his zombocto and calls forth an animal-based attack as he yells out hawk several hawks appear from islambakdo as they easily disintegrate their target next up kubo demonstrates the abilities of another new character yayahara yuyu she appears to use her fingernails as claws as she takes down her opponents another excellent highlight within this chapter is that we get to see mayuri's lieutenant akon take part in battle and i don't think that we saw him showcase any of his abilities throughout the entirety of the 686 chapters of bleach so it was a welcome treat to see him take part in battle we even get to see izuru kira make an appearance and kubo successfully manages to squeeze everyone into these 73 pages when we cut back to renji we start to get an explanation as to what on earth is going on these chains appear to manifest from nowhere and grab onto renji's leg as somebody behind him expresses how they feel lonely this individual appears to know renji's name as he questions why he is in such a hurry to leave he goes on to say that he wanted to see renji's face on this auspicious day so he had gone out of his way to make an appearance now renji immediately recognizes who is speaking to him as it is revealed that the espada zylopodo is before him now picking up on the details of his appearance here his left arm appears to be burning and his body is covered in these chains and just like the other hollows he doesn't have a hole in the center of his chest or anywhere else on his body instead he has this circular hoop attached to the back of his shoulder the ispada is disappointed that renji isn't being accompanied by uriu or mayuri the two others were involved in taking out the xylopodo during the wicked window arc renji questions what is it with his appearance isn't he supposed to have died to which the espada says that this is correct he has in fact fallen to hell renji questions what is it that he means zylopodo says that hell is nice apparently you are unleashed from the hole of a hollow and the hole then moves outside of your body thus explaining the significance of this hoop that is attached to the shoulder of xy the potto and the other hollows that have appeared now emotions like hatred and pain flow like tears from the outside of the brain and it is here that we get a close-up shot of the spider we see that devilish horns are formed on the side of his head and a liquid-like substance appears to be dripping from them and we can only infer that this liquid that flows like tears is the hatred and pain that the ispada had spoken about at that moment zylopodo notices ichigo hiding behind renji as he questions what is that thing he notes that it is completely scared renji is speechless after the espada starts to question him on his daughter zylopodo goes on to say that he doesn't have to answer him since the warden of hell is all seeing he is aware that renji ibarra has a daughter and it says here that the espada proclaims that he is going to kill ichika paying attention to this panel we can see that xylopodo had manifested these chains and he unleashes several of them towards renji they end up impaling his body as if to have captured him but just at that moment when it appears that renji has been captured ichigo appears and severs the chains he tells renji to get ichika to safety and that he will take care of the espada zylopodo then sets his sights on ichigo as he tells him that he's going to kill him to which ichigo replies who the hell is he we then cut back to the soul society as these bloodlike bubbles appear to be floating around the air of the soul society siphon questions whether if they are reishi and why is it that they are not returning back to the atmosphere shinsui then reveals to us that these spherical balls are called willow wisp and they are from hell so iphone questions why is it that will or whisper here have they gotten to the soul society shinsui tells all of the captains to lend them his ears as he is about to relay to them a superstition which in fact may be true now this subject was spoken about within the soul society for a long time and it is something that shinsui had believed to be a superstition but within the soul society there is a word called ray which translates to spiritual authority now it is a unit of measurement that is utilized by the noble families of the source society now ray is used to represent the concentration of rayatsu that resides within reishi so the average shinigami within the gote 13 is said to have a ray grade of 20 while the grade that is assigned to lieutenants varies and it ranges from between grades four to five and when it comes to captains it is said that their ray grid is of 3 or higher now we all know that the body of a shinigami is made up of reishi so when that individual dies their body tends back into reishi and it returns to the atmosphere of the soul society but things are slightly different when it comes to individuals who have a ray grade of 3 or higher it is very difficult for their bodies to turn back into reishi and to return to the atmosphere because the concentration of their riatsu is too high and it is for this reason that the seoul funeral festival has to take place this ritual allows for their reishi to return back into the atmosphere now this is what is officially taught within the shrinkami academy but this superstition that was spread amongst the soul society speaks about this very differently according to the superstition shinigami who have a reishi grade of three and higher cannot simply return back to the atmosphere of the soul society when they die this is because their reishi is too powerful to remain within the soul society so what is it that they do shun sweet goes on to explain the sickening real purpose of the soul funeral festival he states that this ritual is done in order to send deceased captains down to hell i couldn't believe what i was reading when i'd read this what a shocking turn of events and it's a plot twist that i couldn't have come up with even in my wildest dreams while shuntsby was relaying this information to the other captains it appears that xylopodo was also saying the same thing to ichigo finding it hard to believe the espada tells ichigo not to grieve as you should know that there is a price that must be paid in order to gain incredible strength souls that have lost a place to return to because of the immense power that they have are saved as they are sent down to hell the ispada says that this is the kindness that the soul society bestows upon their fallen comrades because of the incredible power that they sought while they were alive they end up losing their place to return to and the soul society figuratively saves them by sending them to hell rukia questions head captain shunswin whether if this is true could it be possible that they have sent captain unohana yamamoto and previous captains to hell shinsui responds by saying that he had only come to this realization now and after seeing the willow whisper within the soul society he believes this superstition to be true zylopodo questions ichigo does he find it so hard to believe the fact that the espadas in front of him should be definitive proof that the balance that is holding hell in place has been broken we get an explanation as to how this balance had been disrupted as xylopotto states that the tremendous reaction that was keeping the mount of hell in check has disappeared now this tremendous riatsu is referring to both the riyatsu of eisen and the reatsu of yuhobak it appears that their existence was playing some part in keeping the mount of hell in check and now on top of this the soul society had been sending tremendous riatsu down to hell one after the other this had allowed the mouth of hell to be forced open from the hell side now this tremendous riatsu is in reference to the founder of the gotei 13 head captain yamamoto it is also referencing the blade of death una hanaretsu and there is one more individual who was sent to hell only today before zylopodo can finish his sentence he is interrupted he ends up being impaled through the chest as the gates of hell appear behind him he ends up saying that ukitake has made an early arrival as we see that the blade that it impaled xylopodo was the zampato of ukitake ichigo is confused as he says that the ritual for ugitake was not completed they haven't killed a hollow in front of ukitake shrine to which the ispada says that the ritual was finished he states that they had just killed hollows from hell right in front of the shrine of ukitake and it is at that moment that ichigo learns that a substitute shingami badge that he was carrying with him acted as a shrine for ukitake asylum is dragged back to hell he departs some final words as he tells them that they should think to themselves haven't they ever wondered why the butterflies that end up guiding shinigami are called hell butterflies the gates of hell closed dragging the spider back as we see the final double spread of the chapter with kazuy walking along a road with hell butterflies around him as the chapter concludes with a promise that the story continues and with the revelation that bleach is going to continue with a brand new arc centered around hell most of us were expecting a very simple slice of life chapter this new chapter titled new breeds from hell throws us right back into the world of bleach now the obvious thing within everybody's mind is that hell was already covered within bleach movie 4 but if you've seen my bleach movie 4 review then you'll know that kubo wasn't happy with the end product of that movie all of the ideas that he had suggested to the anime production staff were not taken on board and by the time that he had gotten the final script of the movie it was too late to make any changes and i firmly believe that this is the reason why kubo had held onto these ideas and he is now creating a brand new arc and this arc perfectly ties into all of the deaths that occur within the thousand-year blood war arc i'm not going to lie when i had first read this chapter i had a sickening feeling at the bottom of my stomach after learning that captains like yamamoto una hana and ukitake were sent to hell what is their role within hell we know that ukitake zambakdo appeared and severed xylopolo's body and had dragged him back into hell do individuals who have a ray grade of 3 or higher end up becoming wardens of hell are they keeping the balance and controlling the individuals who are sent there or are these individuals also being punished and to be honest i wasn't expecting this chapter to end with a cliffhanger especially after knowing that kubo had ended the first season of burn the witch with a cliffhanger i'd assumed that his main focus would be on bernd witch and this chapter would have been just a nice little one shot catching us up to the lives of all of the shinigami but boy was i wrong at the start of this video i said that kubo appears to be having a lot of fun with this chapter you can really tell that kubo's health is back in top shape his character designs are as creative as ever and you can tell that he is having so much fun with the paneling and composition of the pages not to mention everybody who complains that kubo doesn't draw backgrounds is going to be eating their words after seeing this chapter not only do we have a very well drawn chapter we have a brand new story that kubo has apparently crafted out of nowhere and this story takes place two years after the final chapter of bleach i love that we got introduced to all of the cast members of the gote 13. the first half of the chapter was very light-hearted as we got introduced to the kind of character and personality that kazui has we can infer that kazuy is a special gifted curious child while ichika is a hot-headed emotional outspoken girl it was really fun seeing kazuy interacting with khan and ichika getting along with the other members of the gotei 13 seeing her being trained by ikaku madurami her reacting to the appearance of mayri like a little kid seeing him and calling him incredibly cool because of his appearance and not to mention seeing rukia having settled into a role as a captain going into this chapter i was mostly expecting ichigo renji and rukia having playful fun banter and i'm really glad that we got to see that within this chapter we quickly get to see that the relationship between these characters is still as close as ever now there are a few unanswered questions left by this chapter what do those two fish that were being narrated about at the start of the chapter have to do with any of this what is the true significance of the appearance of the willow wisp within the soul society what on earth was the ritual that kazuy was doing at that shrine that had resulted in opening up that portal what did he mean when he had told that spirit he was taking him to a place where he is not going to feel alone anymore i mean i can only assume that he had accidentally opened up a gate to hell and there are two questions that are left unanswered from the end of the chapter what is the outcome of the captains who were sent to hell what is happening right now to yamamoto una hana and ukitake and lastly what do the hell butterflies have to do with everything i'm sure that none of you were going to be expecting an announcement of a new bleach arc but here we are now i have no idea when kubo is going to follow up on this chapter and release additional material for this arc but i have some things that i've been speculating about that i would love to see i want to see kubo's take on hell i know that studio piro had their own idea of hell within the bleach universe but i don't count movie 4 as canon so i want to see how kubo is going to depict it within the manga now the first thing that comes to mind when you speak about hell is the return of old enemies now we got the reappearance of xylopodo are we going to see the return of other characters will we get other espada who are going to reappear or even some of the quincy from the thousand-year blood war arc the possibilities are truly endless i cannot believe that kubo has dropped a chapter like this in 2021 and i can't wait to speculate with all of you as to the future of bleach so i'm going to wrap up this video by handing over the discussion to all of you what were your thoughts on this 73 page mind-blowing chapter i want you to share with me all of your thoughts and your speculation as to where the story of bleach can go from here it's a very exciting time to be a bleach fan so if you want to be one of the first to learn about any new bleach news and analysis of the story then subscribe to the channel and turn on the bell notifications and i cannot wait to see all of you in my next bleach video if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more like it then please consider supporting my channel on patreon i have multiple tiers with rewards including access to an exclusive discord server video scripts as well as being the first to know about unreleased upcoming videos thank you for your time and whatever you choose to contribute i will appreciate and it will mean a lot to me [Music] you
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 249,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bleach, bleach special chapter, bleach continuation, bleach hell arc, bleach 2021, bleach 2022, new bleach, new bleach manga chapter, bleach manga, bleach chapter, bleach special, new bleach chapter, bleach analysis, bleach story analysis, bleach character analysis, bleach news, bleach updates, bleach discussion, bleach chapter review, bleach chapter discussion, bleach anime, bleach hell, hell in bleach, bleach hell chapter, bleach, dbzimran bleach
Id: yyzb-AfF0Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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