Kyoraku Shunsui: The Laid-Back Captain | BLEACH: Character Analysis

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this week i will be analyzing shinsuke kyoraku a character that has been highly requested to analyze by all of you the laid-back captain does not take things too seriously he prefers not to battle but if he is requested to fight he does not turn down the offer out of politeness i personally love his calm and relaxed nature and he is a breath of fresh air in a series that has its fair share of egotistical hotheads shouting at the top of their lungs about how powerful and unbeatable they are there are very little videos discussing shunswee's character so in this video i will be going in depth into analyzing his personality powers backstory and the overall journey that his character goes through [Music] shantue first appears in chapter 81 and in episode 24 of the anime the tall grey-eyed brown-haired shinigami is the captain of the eighth squad he notably wears a pink flowered kimono along with his signature straw hat he is one of the strongest captains amongst his peers but he does not let this get to his head not allowing himself to become egotistical just because of his strength shansui shows integrity through the principles that he lives by as we see in chapter 329 he refuses to battle with a woman or in the presence of a child shun sweet generally doesn't like to fight and he demonstrates this during his conversation with love in chapter 375 he says that someone may owe you or you may owe someone but the moment you start a war you're both evil you can assume from these words that he deems both participants in a battle to be wrong in some form this shows that if he can avoid fighting then he will try his best to as who likes to be wrong escalating a conflict to the point of fighting is clearly not shunswi's style this character trait is demonstrated when he agrees with stark that he would prefer not to fight with him but under certain circumstances he will fight when he is duty-bound to do so he refuses stark's offer to pretend to fight while letting the others do the real fighting thanks to shunswee's calm and level-headed approach he does not allow his emotions to overcome himself in chapter 108 he defeats chad and learns from his lieutenant that eisen has been murdered nanao offers to kill chad assuming that he may have been the one to kill eisen but not only does shuntsui deem this not to be a job for a young lady he also does not think it is right to kill chad based on a assumption through some of the descriptions and examples that i have given we can see that he is a peaceful soft-spoken man he is also well-mannered and respectful to his superiors and his underlings sunsui is tested through responsibility when he is pushed into a position where he must shoulder the burden of the soul society during the thousand-year blood war arc his resolve and determination is put to the test and he is forced to step up into a position of leadership no longer can you wait on the sidelines for the dust to settle he is put into the forefront of the action and leads the soul society against the quincy's during their second invasion i want to now look at the past of shansui seeing what information we can learn about his roots through his backstory trying to understand how his past may have influenced his behaviors and his actions the most information about the origin and backstory of shunswe is revealed between chapters 651-653 the key information that we learn is that shuntsui had an older brother who he did not get along with he was the second son born into the kyoraku family who are considered to be a noble family within the soul society his relationship with his brother began to improve after he married a lady from the ise family shuntsui remarks how his older brother had mellowed out ever since he got married his brother does not seem to think so but says if he has had any change than it is because of his wife's kindness that may have had an effect on him he began to visit his brother more and found it more comfortable to be in his presence after his marriage shun sweet is present when his sister-in-law gifts his brother with a hairpin from a pair that she has saying that she has the other one and would feel comfortable knowing if he had the same thing as her while he was out fighting hollows shen sweet is later entrusted with these hairpins after the death of his brother and his sister-in-law it is revealed that shunswe's brother had married nanao's mother after his brother passed away his sister-in-law trusted him with a zambocto belonging to the isse family it was believed to have been a cursed sword as all the men who married into the issei family had died early due to the ise family curse the family bloodline is continued by the women as on record there have only been women born into the family they adopt sons into their family to marry their daughters in order to continue their lineage however nanal's mother attempted to break the family curse by marrying out of her family into the noble kyoraku family her attempt to break the isse bloodline failed however as her husband too had died noble families tend to cut their bond with the widow after their sons die so she was ordered to return back to the issei family after her husband's death despite her best efforts she could not escape her family even after she decided to never return to them after her marriage she admits that an ise woman cannot escape her family's curse after all she believes it may be due to a zombuk doe the curse may also be contained within this sambucto the isi family is one of priests they don't individually own zombucto so only one sword exists and it is inherited from one head of the family to the next the blade is believed to have the power to challenge gods shunswi was given this song to hide in the hopes that nanal would not be burdened with the curse of the ise family he was the only person that she could trust outside of the family during his time at the shinigami academy he is told by a younger ukitake that his sister-in-law was executed for misplacing a treasured family item the tragedy of shinsui's past is that he feels responsible for her death in an inner monologue he says that it is his fault that she was killed because he was given the responsibility to hide that treasured family item even before his brother passed away he gave him his hairpin to look after he questions why is it that the people dear to him pass away and entrust to him their most treasured possessions he wonders if they are aware that he is not comfortable with shouldering responsibilities i feel a lot of sympathy for sunsweet he does not complain or question being given additional responsibility but rather he accepts it in order to ease the worries of others he is a good man and demonstrates he is more than just a laid-back lazy captain here despite trying to live an easy going life he is pushed into situations where he is burdened with the worries and problems of others we see this firsthand during the thousand-year blood war arc and i will cover this later on in the video in chapter 155 when shunswe and ukitake are confronted by head captain yamamoto he describes the two of them during their younger years as being in a class of their own he says that shuntsui may have had a weakness of chasing girls but he was wise and ahead of his time for his age describing him as being very thoughtful during his formative years he further comments on ukitake and shuntsui's skill in battle saying that the two of them were unmatched and incredibly gifted shinigami they were the first shinigami to graduate and become captains from the shinigami academy that head captain yamamoto had founded they reached this level through spending endless hours training and honing their skills fueled by ambitious attitudes they were able to make the head captain proud of them as if they were his own sons during his time at the shinigami academy he befriended ukitake their friendship results in the team up of two of the strongest captains in the gotai 13 facing off against their mentor head captain yamamoto during the soul society arc now that i have covered what we know of his past to the best of my ability and we can see what kind of character shinsuit is and how his personality was formed i feel now it is time to look at specific events during the series which develop and grow his character and challenge him to take up responsibility in one of shinsui's early appearances in chapter 106 he appears before chad comically with his lieutenant dropping flower petals above him to ensure he makes a memorable first impression we see he is light-hearted and enjoys our laugh even with his opponents chad determines that shunswe does not seem like a bad guy and wouldn't prefer not to fight with him the two of them share their desire not to fight but their duty prevents either of them from stepping down ashonsui says he cannot let him pass and request for him to retreat in order to prevent that encounter from escalating further but chad refuses this moment perfectly demonstrates how he battles as a final result and genuinely means it when he says that he does not want to fight staying consistent with his laid-back attitude even after chad refuses to back down shuntsweet gives him a second chance to take a seat with him over some sake stating that it won't be too long before his comrades are subdued by the other captains shonsby once again would rather that others worked hard while he barely has to lift a finger trying to persuade his opponent to give up in order to sit and drink with him while his friends are battling chad refuses his peace offerings and requests that he moves out of the way before he makes him move chad makes the first move and attacks which leaves sunsui unscathed we get a glimpse of how outmatched chad is here ashuntsui is not taking his opponent seriously at all chad even understands through his shocked expression he realizes that his attack was taken head-on and deflected with one hand by the captain all of his subsequent attacks miss his target from shuntsui's facial expressions here we can see that he is bored and effortlessly evading their attacks despite chad's attacks being powerful and quick very human they are no match for a captain rank shungsui once again tells him to give up and go home he is persistent with his desire to subdue his enemy with words rather than by force is he being compassionate or just lazy it is hard to tell but either way he would prefer not to hit the outmatched invader and at the same time desire not to exert too much effort shun sweet only draws his two zombucto after he ascertains the reasoning behind chad's resolve and his desire to not give up upon being questioned chad says that his purpose is to save rukia shunsui says that he can't have known her for that long and questions if she is really worth risking his life over he has the patience to question the inexperienced opposition and understand why he is continuing to get up despite being so outmatched chad affirms his resolve by saying that he has accompanied ichigo who desires to save rukia he states that if he is willing to risk his life then so will he shun tsui now knows that chad has not come due to fickle reasoning and respects his opponent enough to no longer try to talk him out of his decision he makes chad back up his words through his actions by not disrespecting his opponent and through honouring their resolve after chad charges towards shuntsui he predictably avoids the attack and takes him down and he even apologizes after defeating him this brief encounter shows a battle between two opponents who are on the opposite end of strength and experience shun sui whose level of strength at this point is unknown and shrouded with a veil of mystery yet we assume he is far superior to the inexperienced young chad this battle is great to demonstrate shuntsui's level of restraint and his laid-back personality he doesn't take the fight too seriously yet he pays enough attention to his opponent giving him the respect that he deserves despite being vastly stronger he doesn't boast about this and patiently allows chad to charge at him eventually subduing him gracefully with little effort i love that he honored the naive fighter's determination and didn't brush him aside like a waste of his time shuntsui has little to no ego and this makes him really likable once again i will describe his appearances like a breath of fresh air in a series that spends a lot of time focusing on the clashing of characters egos a great contrast to this battle is shunswe and ukitake taking on the head captain chapter 138 foreshadows his battle against the head captain by saying that he will be scolded by old manyama as it appears that he has sided with the intruders who are opposed to the execution of rukia his motives are affirmed as he and ukitake destroy the sokyoku shonsui decides that battling the head captain far away from the others is the best decision azir does not want anyone to be hurt through their exchange expecting that their encounter will be incredibly destructive their father figure who taught them and felt pride at their every success feels betrayed by the actions of ukitake and shuntsui this entire encounter is symbolic of the clashing ideals of the old and new generation the strict conservative head captain against the liberal captains who are against the wrongful execution of their underling in his battle against chad he was up against a newcomer however this is the polar opposite scenario we see shunswe up against the most experienced shinigami both situations helped shine a light on his character revealing how he respects the weak and does not underestimate the strong at the beginning of chapter 155 we see shinsuke characteristically smiling as he always does uncontrastingly we see his close friend ukitake seriously looking on both of their expressions are drawn by kubo with a hint of nervousness that his art style succeeds in conveying to us their behavior leaves the head captain with nothing to say to them as he demands that they draw their swords and face the consequences of their actions the head captain condescendingly questions why they think that they can battle against him without releasing their zombocto shuntsui smiles asking if there is really no other way to resolve their disagreement once again he lazily tries to resolve the conflict with words but the old and stubborn head captain refuses to listen to any of it shun sweet justifies his support for ichigo and the others by saying that it was the head captain who taught him to always fight for justice as he believes that saving rukia was the right thing to do and is worthwhile to fight for the head captain demonstrates his conviction to the rules and orders of the soul society by activating his zambocto's shikai release which visibly leaves sunsweet and ukitake stunned in chapter 156 we see shunswe activate his shikai release alongside okitake we learn that the two friends are the only known wielders of tube they did zompakto before they clash with the head captain they both share the same somber serious expression as kubo only shows us one clash which leads to a large explosion during their brief battle in chapter 172 we cut back to their battle as it is revealed that eisen is a traitor we have shown ukitake and chun sui's faces with blood running down them and clearly looking like they have exerted a lot of power during their short battle shunswee characteristically advises that they shouldn't be fighting after all considering what they have just learnt he initially tried to talk his way out of the battle but stopped after one attempt however against chad he tried several times to stop their fight he only agreed when he respected and wanted chad to follow through with his resolve he respects the head captain enough to not test his patience more than once after all in this encounter he knows that he is the one who is disadvantaged against his old mentor so far we have studied how shuntsui reacts when he faces off against a strong opponent and a weak opponent how does he react when he battles against someone who is similar to himself shunsweek faces off against stark in chapter 329 it is established from the beginning that the two of them are very alike not only in appearance but in attitude also stark suggests to sunsweet that they should just play around and not fight at their best saying he would rather pretend to fight and let the others do the real fighting okitake is surprised by this but these words resonate with shunswi to the point that he exclaims that he likes it however as we know his sense of duty compels him to take the bout seriously and not talk his way out of this jewel like he typically would have done in the past we can see the seriousness of shinsui earlier in chapter 316 as he asks okitake who the strongest espada is he appears to have come to fake karakura town prepared to fight and not hold back this time it is his opponent who is trying to talk his way out of fighting it is really ironic and enjoyable to read but chun sui is literally battling against himself in a sense here he asks stark if he will take that fight seriously if he draws both of his swords however he is told that he is strong enough with one blade shunswi wastes little time by drawing his second blade much to the displeasure of stark who really does not want to exert any effort during this battle when stark asks soon sweet if his bankai is stronger than hitsugayas he replies by praising hitsugaya and saying that he is very gifted even saying that in a hundred years his bankai will surpass his own he wasn't boastful and arrogant he humbly gave his opinion and complimented hitsugaya stating his belief in his future potential admitting that he will surpass him one day stark finally gets serious and activates his resurrection trying to prompt shuntsui to show his bankai while shuntsby responds by releasing his shikai he is persistent in his desire to see shunsui's bankai but he refuses to show him since he is just using seros which he can deal with without the use of his bankai when ukitake intervenes he says that he helped as it doesn't look like shunswe was going to activate his bankai but he admits he was going to but then ukitake talks him out of it and tells him that he shouldn't use it in a place where everyone can see it this just makes you wonder how powerful his bankai truly is especially since it was teased so much during this entire battle during this fight shunswe uses dirty tactics while trying to kill his opponent like trying to attack him while he is caught off guard attacking him while he is in the middle of talking stabbing him from behind while he was hiding in his shadow or in chapter 374 when he throws his captain's coat at him to disorientate him helping him to land the final attack which defeats him shuntsweet displays the true tactics of a samurai here we can compare his actions to the real knife legendary samurai miyamoto muzashi who often used tactics that would confuse his opponents in order to create an opening so that he could take advantage of his disorientated enemy and kill them the true samurai way demonstrated by miyamoto musashi emphasize the importance of winning under any circumstance it is those who win in battle who get to live notions of honor only hold you back and limit your abilities while you are in a life or death situation this is why stark tries to pull up chun sui on his underhanded tactics but he clearly is focused on surviving the encounter by defeating his enemy as swiftly as possible after defeating stark chun sui tells love and rose that the moment you start a war you're both evil he says this after love tells him that he has no manners when he came to help them and involved himself in their fight against stark chun sui then speaks of the samurai philosophy i just spoke about he says that losers spend too much time focusing on means and lose sight of the real purpose of a war which is to win the means that shouldn't be used are certainly considered to be dirty but what does it matter when you are in a war where both participants are inherently evil in a matter of life and death any tactic which will leave an opening for attack will lead to survival this is the mentality of a true warrior who doesn't wait around for their enemy to attack first i talked more about shunswee's battle with stark in my stark character analysis so check that out if you want to know more about their encounter from stark's perspective so far we have seen shunsui battle as a captain with little to no responsibility but how does he change his approach to battle once he has the burden of the soul society on his shoulders shun sweet is one of the characters who has the most development and growth during the thousand-year blood war arc i mentioned earlier that shuntsui was forced to step up during this arc and take up the leadership of the gotai 13. i want to now go into his growth during this arc and see how he deals with the threat of the quincy's sunsweet is one of the first captains to encounter the invading quincy he meets his opponent readied with his shikai once again the opponent he is up against is a gun wielder called robert acutron who shoots his hat off and then shoots his right eye he for the first time admits he felt as though he was calm but it appears that he is flustered during this encounter explaining how he lost his right eye in chapter 505 when he feels the head captain's spiritual pressure rise as he joins the battle he says that it feels like old man yamamoto is scoring him as though he is questioning if you raised him to be a coward who has difficulty with an enemy of this low level after sunsweet senses the death of the head captain he is overcome with emotion and yells out his name causing him to be caught off guard and shot multiple times by robert after the first quincy invasion chonsui wears an eye patch covering his right eye that he lost against robert he immediately tries to reign in control of the gotai 13 who appear to be arguing with each other he spends little to no time mourning over the death of the head captain who he was in a way raised by he immediately begins to take up the responsibility of calming the other captains after a distressing invasion where so many of their comrades and underlings were killed and left in critical condition shuntsui rightfully reminds the others that the gotai 13 does not exist to mourn or cry about the damage inflicted upon the soul society it exists to protect the soul society he advises that others to look ahead and move on in order to fulfill their responsibility to the soul society in chapter 520 shunswe opens a letter where it reveals that he has been assigned as the successor to odman yamamoto and is now the head captain and the captain of squad one he reacts in the way that he normally does by expressing his dissatisfaction for this new promotion which will only give him more work and responsibility that he cannot avoid sunsweet later meets with the central 46 where he begins to accept his duty as the head captain by immediately assigning himself with two lieutenants who will fulfill all the duties of assisting him in his first task as the head captain he orders that kempachi's rocky will be taught sanjutsu his justification for this order seems to be as a backup in case biakia and the others in the royal palace do not return safely under these circumstances shangsui believes that unleashing kampachi's full potential is critical he cannot be left the way that he is the central 46 object to this order believing that if kempachi is allowed to get any stronger then they will not be able to stop him if he opposes them in the past head captain yamamoto had tried to teach kimbachi and stopped only after one day despite their disapproval shunswee stays firm in his decision he simply tells them if they were to be invaded once more by the quincy then the source society would not be able to withstand the attack it is not the central 46 who will be able to protect the soul society it is the gortai 13. so shun sweet deems it necessary to make this risky and rash decision for the sake of their survival he appoints unohana to oversee kimpachi's training as he reveals her to be the first kimpachi the weight of this decision is immense for sunsui he is aware of the cost of having kenpachi train with unohana knowing that one of them would die as a result of them crossing their blades in chapter 523 we see his somber expression as he is on contemplating the outcome of his first order as the head captain in chapter 545 sunsweet appears in the world of the living to speak to ichigo's friends something head captain yamamoto would not have done himself his purpose for speaking to them is regarding a farewell to ichigo when keigo puts the blame on the soul society for mixing ichigo up in their affairs shunswe humbly admits he is right they once again must rely on his powers to protect the sore society the concern is that the new powers that he may acquire in the royal palace may affect the world of the living if you were to return to it if that is the case shunswe bluntly tells them that they cannot allow ichigo to return to the world of the living however the possibility of this occurring is one in ten thousand the growth of shinsuke's character is so evident here something with such low odds of occurring causes him to feel compelled to inform ichigo's friends he says that it would be wrong to keep his friends in the dark about this even if the chances are low stating that by telling them he is doing right by ichigo and honouring his efforts he has no obligation to do anything for ichigo's friends but he gives them soul tickets to come and visit ichigo in the soul society whenever they like he reassures them and does what any great leader would do and gives them hope by saying that they will see ichigo again he promises that he will ask ichigo to come back after his training to spend some time in the world of the living before the second battle with the quincy's his actions on orders so early in this time as the headcap to improve how well he has adapted to his new role and his acceptance of his responsibility over the soul society losing odman yamamoto and then being given the position without time to mon places a huge burden on chunsui however his decisions and actions demonstrate how well he has coped with the loss and honored head captain yamamoto by continuing his work to protect the soul society when shuntsweet returns he quickly witnesses the total invasion of the soul society by the quinces he is met by hushwart who lays out their plans to quickly exterminate the shinigami later he meets with the central 46 for a mysterious reason we learn in chapter 616 chun-sui visits eisen in the underground prison he has a set of keys and is allowed to undo three of the several seals placed on eisen he uses one to undo the seal placed on eisen's mouth but shockingly he removes the other seals and walks towards shun sui azen asks him that he has two more seals he can use to which he immediately uses them to free eisen's ankles and his left eye this moment is significant as it shows the extent that this new head captain is willing to go to in order to defeat the quincy threat he does not hesitate to undo the three seals that are placed on eisen he did however take a precaution or was forced to before entering muken to free eisen he hid the key to the prison within his heart so if eisen kills him then the gates to muken would be permanently closed this was the condition that the central 46 imposed onto shunswe to allow him to recruit eisen to battle alongside them he persuasively tries to convince eisen by asking him wouldn't he want to breathe the air up in the soul society he is not even asking him to help the soul society because he knows that aigen shares this similar interest in not wanting you watch to rule over all of reality there is a relaxing error about the way that shin sweet is persuading eisen from his several appearances we know that he is not confrontational and prefers not to escalate matters he takes the necessary precautions and persuades eisen through teasing him with thoughts of breathing fresh air or being under the light of the sky despite their history they share a common enemy at the moment he asks for his help not for the sake of the soul society but rather for the sake of eisen's own ideals he must agree that you watch taking over reality is not what he would desire even if his own plans to rule over the soul king had failed when eisen reaches the surface he is met with shock and anger from the other shinigami who immediately asked who would lift his sentence shuntsui steps up and takes full responsibility for recruiting eisen stating that they need his powers renji rookie shuhei and several other shinigami all disagree with this decision asking sunsweet if he has lost his mind and how he could be okay with this the wounds that eisen left are still very fresh and his actions are understandably irredeemable to the others the new head captain distinguishes himself from odman yamamoto who relied heavily on principles by saying that their principles may not allow them to accept eisen being there but the soul society will not be protected by principles alone sunsui says that he does not consider it to be evil if he uses one evil to defeat another his expression is stern and unmoving not doubting the decision that he has made later he is approached by byakuya who tells him that freeing eisen is an insult to them nobody speaks up to silence biyakia who is being very frank to his superior sunsweet knows his decision is affecting the others but he tells them that they can let their anger out on him later once they have saved the soul society head captain yamamoto would not have relied on anyone else let alone eisen to protect the soul society but we saw how his self-reliant principle-led approach resulted in his death during the first invasion shonsby who reluctantly takes up the head captain role shows us the lengths that he will go to in order to succeed something others would deem to be unthinkable he does not overlook as he does not care for principles or past history when it comes to winning i spoke about this way of thinking before after shuntsuite's battle with stark his words to love and rose echo this ideology the moment that you start a war you're both evil he adds to this when he tells the other shinigami that he does not think evil defeating evil is wrong in the past nobody would challenge head captain yamamoto the way that shunswe was challenged for his decision here this is because old man yamamoto would not have done any of the things that shinsui has decided since becoming the head captain making kempachi learn chikai in bangkai going to the world of the living to comfort ichigo's friends and family deciding to ask for eisen's help all of these things he does after careful consideration which is commendable as the threat of the impending invasion and the current state of the soul society don't stop him from calmly making decisions he is clearly a new head captain for a new era of the soul society however for this new era to be brought about they must first win against the quincy sunsweet who has demonstrated he follows the samurai way knows all too well about the lengths one may stoop to in order to ensure victory and thus survival who cares if you stab someone from behind or kill your opponent while they are travelling to your agreed place of battle this is the philosophy of the legendary samurai miyamoto musashi who i am reminded of when i see shunsui serious and determined to take down the enemy in chapter 623 sweet agrees to basby assisting them he wants to kill you watch for abandoning them this is once again another decision that shun sui makes which the prior head captain would not have entertained sunsweet later battles the stern ritter lil barrow the third gun wielder that he goes up against in the series he confidently states that he is the captain of the goti 13 during their battle affirming his acceptance of the newly appointed role his opponent knows everything about him and his abilities yet he knows nothing about him shuntsui however begins his battle by confusing his opponent with after images of himself the ability of shun sui zambakdo is to manifest children's games into reality he praises his own abilities describing them to be scary as you do not know when a game is about to begin giving his powers an error of unpredictability when now reaches the others to inform them that sunsweet is battling the enemy they want to go and help him but shinji likens shinsui to odman yamamoto by saying that if he were still alive and had to stay behind to fight then he would want the others to go on without him because to give your life for your underlings is the duty of the head captain these are incredibly powerful words as we cut back to shun sui smiling as usual while facing off against the stern return lil thankfully he uses his abilities to attack from the shadows and pierces his opponent through the chest but the stern with his abilities save him as it is revealed that shunsway's opponent was the last quincy that you watch gave powers to he is considered to be a masterpiece the best amongst the stern ritters this is a great callback to shuntsui's prior encounter with the best espada stark when lil activates his holy form shunsui is frozen in place and shot multiple times he retreats and is chased down but once he knows that the other shinigami have gone on further than him he finally activates his bankai for the first time in the series everyone in the surroundings can sense a chilling spiritual pressure that overwhelms their senses the first act of his bankai causes any wounds that are inflicted on himself to appear on his opponent also the second act takes place after lille begins to regret attacking shunsui this causes an incurable disease to occur it is manifested with several black spots all over lill's body the third act drowns the two of them underwater forced to stay there until one of their spiritual pressures is exhausted when lil desperately tries to swim to the surface shuntsui is reunited with his zombuc doe spirit who we learn is rather dismissive of him and his silver tongue lastly using his final act he cuts bill's throat appearing to have killed him shungsui returns to speak to his zombuch dough but surprisingly his body is pierced through by a blast from lil who refuses to allow a shinigami's bankai to kill him after seeking refuge his zombocto spirit advises him to run away requesting for him to rest while she carries him away stating that nobody would fault him for running away after he fought as hard as he did he closes his eyes and then is awakened by his lieutenant nanao who reveals that she is aware that her zombocto is being hidden by shunswe as he is still keeping his promise to her mother to this day he then returns a zombocto to her with little argument and now accepts that she will have to live with their family curse but she is okay with it being this way together they defeat the stern ritter as shunswi reasshawzner now giving her the resolve to defeat lil with her family's holy sword which was made to defeat gods thus after this fight he is freed from the burden of hiding the issei family blade and keeping his word to nanal's mother this battle shows us how he was willing to give his life as the head captain as well as some flaws in his character when he does not object to his zombucto telling him to run away it is nice to see that he has not totally reformed and still has his old laid-back nature within himself as this gives him still some room to grow it would be strange to see shonsui needlessly giving his final breath on the battlefield as he is the type of character to give it is all and if it does not work then he'll hold his hands up and admit that he did all he could do during this arc shunswe made very unpredictable decisions but ultimately he did what had to be done to prevent a repeat of the first invasion i said this before he remained calm through each pivotal moment of this arc even down to the invasion of the enemy's fortress after exhausting all options and his bankai failed to kill his opponent he continued to smile as he always does he put up a solid fight against lil and proved that he was the right choice to take over odoman yamamoto as the head captain of the gotai 13. he is open-minded and not as emotional or stubborn as the prior head captain in chapter 685 we see him sitting at ukitake's grave filling him in on the recent developments regarding the source society and its restoration he is interrupted by duties that await him as he has to appoint rukia as the new captain into the gotai 13. he says that he still cannot get used to how busy a head captain can be appreciating audranya momoto's workload and everything that he did in the past the people that he encounters and grows close to eventually pass away leaving him behind with responsibility we see this with his older brother his sister-in-law odman yamamoto unohana and then lastly his dear friend ukitake after they die he has little time to mourn their passing as he has handed down responsibility by his loved ones these responsibilities push him into situations he would have otherwise avoided he takes the hairpin from his brother he hides the isai family sword for his sister-in-law taking up the role of the head captain after the death of his mentor for the sake of honoring the dead he forsakes his laid-back nature he had many tragedies that occurred in his life through losing those dear to him including a tragedy i have not mentioned which is the regret he must feel after sending his former lieutenant lisa to the mission that goddard hollified during the 10 back the pendulum arc he suffers and goes through grief and regret but he never shows this to anyone he didn't get overcome by his sadness even though he has every reason to he instead remained smiling cheerful calm and kind to those around him despite many believing him to be laid back and uncaring he is one of the most considerate characters to feature within bleach the final arc of the series did his character a lot of justice also after studying him for this video he has become one of my favorite bleach characters he is the final member from his generation to survive now the oldest member of the soul society he continues to smile and joke around while leading the soul society on to a new era i didn't think that this video was going to be as long as it turned out to be so if you enjoyed it definitely let me know by leaving a comment and let me know your thoughts on shun sweet as a character once again the channel is reaching another subscriber milestone 20 000 subscribers for this milestone i want to analyze a very important character and one of my favorite characters in the series i am of course talking about kisuke urahara to make sure you don't miss the urohara analysis video subscribe and turn on the bell notifications if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more like it then please consider supporting my channel on patreon i have multiple tiers with rewards including access to an exclusive discord server video scripts as well as being the first to know about unreleased upcoming videos thank you for your time and whatever you choose to contribute i will appreciate and it will mean a lot to me [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 505,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, shunsui, kyoraku shunsui, kyoraku, shunsui vs stark, shunsui vs lille, shunsui vs chad, shunsui vs yamamoto, shunsui bankai, shunsui character analysis, bleach 2020, bleach character analysis, kyoraku shunsui analysis, shunsui explained, shunsui backstory, history of kyoraku shunsui, shunsui analysis, kyoraku analysis, shunsui past, shunsui bankai explained, shunsui bleach, shunsui TYBW, bleach anime return, bleach anime, kyoraku shunsui vs coyote starrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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