BLEACH: Ruined Reputation | Documentary (2020)

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great video.

i really hate that fucking supereyepatchwolf video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tari101190 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think you should upload the first 18 minutes as a separate video to be honest.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tari101190 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The video is very well made, good job!

My only issue is the "Vasto Lorde transformation" thing. Ichigo did not become a Vasto Lore during his fight with Ulquiorra. Vasto Lorde is the highest level of Hollow evolution, it is not a transformation or a temporary form and it is not related to White Zangetsu's/Ichigo's growth in power.

That form is simply a Full Hollowfication.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Roface πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I and seven others would like to Thank you for taking the time to do this. The question is how many of y'all actually watched the video?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jalen_Ash_15 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

glad this video is made. sick of these haters using SEW's vid as a evidence for bleach's fail. even SEW himself apologized years later for unintentionally spreading misinformation and more bleach hate.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nanasema πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Bleach's fall is a catastrophic failure the likes of which have never occurred in Shonen Jump before however what Ichigo is very much missing is something that is essential to almost all major Shonen protagonists, which is a desire when Bleach started out so strong, started out so promising being just another riff on Dragon Ball was never really going to cut it this.. this is where Beach begins to unravel as a story leech came in dead last dead last place and this is not the first time that had happened a lot of complaints people been having bleed to born recent dragon now a lot of people have been going in on bleached Tati kuba began his career as a mangaka in 1996 however he would not gain major recognition and success until the publication of his manga series bleach in 2001 he had the desire to draw a series about Shinigami who were black kimonos having this concept in mind he quickly drafted a character concept design which would eventually become Rukia Kuchiki Kubo decided to name his new series bleach as the name would evoke thoughts of the color white which complements the black kimonos that the Shinigami WA bleach run in weekly shonen jump from August 2001 to August 2016 running for 15 years the series spanned over 74 manga volumes following the success of the manga series an anime adaptation began in 2004 the anime ran until March 2012 adapting all but the final arc of the manga bleach has sold over 90 million manga volumes in Japan and over 120 million copies worldwide bleach is ranked as the 10th best-selling manga series in history with all of this success an obvious appeal of the Bleach media franchise why is it that I bring attention upon its reputation the misconceptions and myths infer that the popularity of Bleach dwindled with time the sales diminished the Bleach anime series apparently was canceled the author became lazier with each passing chapter plot lines were apparently recycled by Kobo and the most damning statement claiming bleach has little to no character development all of these claims are stitched together to force through a sensational narrative that bleach fell from grace this video will directly address the misconceptions which are spread throughout the anime community regarding Bleach I in no way by making this video claimed that the series is without its flaws I love this series but I can list off several plausible issues that I have with it as I can with one piece Naruto or any other series everything should be open to fair criticism in my opinion I do however draw a line when it comes to ill-founded myths and misconceptions which push a particular narrative which negatively impacts the series in question the extent of the misinformation and myths spread about Bleach have inspired me to create this video through this my aim is to answer was the tarnishing what exactly tarnished the reputation of bleach the initial complaints would surface during and directly after the conclusion of the arc which ironically skyrocketed bleaches popularity to astronomical levels the arc in question is of course the Arrancar arc the arc concluded with the defeat of Aizen the main antagonist of the series which the story was heavily reliant upon many people began to criticize Kubo's writing through how he wrote Aizen as a character some examples of criticism include how it was just as Aizen planned or how it was according to aizen's plan all along whenever Kubo needed a convenient plot point to occur during the Arrancar arc the artwork by Kubo would quite notably be criticized for the first time for having a lack of background artwork fans began to notice the increasing white space that characters were occupying on manga panels at the time I vividly remember fans feeling that aizen's final form felt very uninspired and lackluster the critiques of the Arrancar arc coupled with the arc which directly followed it all served as the perfect breeding ground for excessive criticism and hate be fullbring arc was negatively panned by the majority of fans and critics even to this day he is considered to be the least favorable arc in the series the widespread opinion of which were still however salvageable as the series would begin the thousand-year budva arc a story arc which revitalized the interest of many fans however after the halfway mark of the thousand-year blood war it too began to receive criticism by the time the arc had concluded and the series ended it was felt that the final arc had unresolved plot points and areas where it squandered his potential I said earlier that I have my criticisms of the series and they primarily stem from the conclusion of the thousand-year blood walk I could understand the frustration of fans and relate to some of their concerns all of this criticism frustration and eventual disdain for the series would erupt when a video titled the fall of bleach how it happened was uploaded by super eyepatch wolf in August 2016 this video was uploaded two days before bleaches final chapter was published the timing was flawless the video aims to piece together how bleach fell to his knees claims of diminished manga sales a canceled anime and a shorter than expected final one of the manga alleged apparently Kubo was only given three weeks to end his 15 year long series all of these statements pretty much lay out the video's premise I remember watching this when it was first released and not having done much background research I believed most of what was being stated but objectively looking back at it now this video has several problems which I wish to address the video generally served to push an agenda which members of the larger enemy community had launched onto it became the cool thing to hate on bleach this was especially the case after the anime had ended in March 2012 bleach was stereotyped as the black sheep of the big three a trend emerged where content craters would speak Pali of the series but would also post contradictory videos to gain views from announcements of new novels games or a bleach spin-off manga I am NOT saying that superhitch wolf is responsible for this but his video certainly helped to spread misinformation about the series which served no other purpose than to tarnish the credibility of bleach people jumped onto the bandwagon with outlandish statements like the series had no character development acclaim which super eyepatch Wolf's video also focuses on now let's break down the flaws in the arguments that this video presents starting with the whole backbone of this video the video uses the data from the shown engine ranking system to compare how the popularity of bleach declined in comparison to one piece and Naruto to base the argument of your video on a ranking system which truthfully in the end has minimal to no input from the target audience renders this video baseless in my opinion super eyepatch wolf claims that as time went on bleach was pushed further into obscurity into the back pages of shown and jump but the order that new manga chapters appear within the pages of jump does not necessarily represent the popularity the ranking system was constructed by the jump editorial team to promote whatever relevant series to the front of the magazine this ranking system is entirely decided by Jones chief editor the order that the series appear in the pages of jump are not decided by readers who mail out surveys which are attached to the back of the magazine even if they were firstly by the time the readers received the surveys fill them out send them back and for the editorial team to assess the results several weeks will have passed the data from the surveys will be based on chapters which were published weeks ago the purpose of the surveys is to gauge what series readers are finding interest the reader surveys play more of a significant part for newer series despite much speculation nobody but the chief editor will know the real reasoning behind why the series appear in the order that they do this is the first argument of the video dismissed super I Apache wolf continues by saying who bows artwork declined with time he confuses his personal preferences to Kubo's artwork with its alleged dropping quality he makes it clear that he likes Kubo's art style at the start of the series but then says he doesn't like it as the series progresses I honestly think this is mixing up personal preferences with objectivity looking at it objectively others may prefer the change in his artwork that doesn't mean it as declining quality just because you don't like it anymore he also mentions how kuba drew fewer backgrounds as the series progresses he pays particular attention to q-ball's panels which have no backgrounds he says the lack of prominent backgrounds negatively impacted Kubo's our pupil has gone on record to say that he enjoys placing emphasis on the mood of characters and that backgrounds are less important to him especially when a new character is introduced he chooses not to draw a background so that the reader can feel the mood that the character is giving off this technique of utilizing white space of manga panels is seen in several other Shonen series it is also used as a tool of emphasis and impact Kubo truly knows how to combine his character designs with this technique the end result a manga panels which feel truly impactful as bleaches story progresses Kubo's art style evolved and changed similar to any other respectable artist he still drew excellent backgrounds in the latter portion of the series these are examples of backgrounds which everyone seems to overlook this artwork is not only well detailed but it shows the real skill of Kubo as an artist reading through bleach as a whole you will see examples of backgrounds which helped to bring the series to life they aid in giving the reader a sense of atmosphere to the locations that the characters are in choosing not to place a background in exchange for purposeful emphasis and impact does not make you a lazy artist in fact it makes the artist come across as thoughtful in respect to the way that they are visualizing and portraying their manga this next point is probably the point that I disagree with super eye patch wolf the most on it is his description of each go as a character who has no defined goal or purpose this apparently makes him less relatable to readers especially when he is compared to characters like lufia Naruto who each have their goals hammered through to the reader throughout their respective series but to find goal is not really required to create an interesting character the most defining moment of each girl's life which would shape his character in the series is the moment that his mother dies while protecting him as a child he was powerless and unable to protect her but now that he has the strength and power ichigo's resolve is to protect his loved ones this is the context behind why each goal is the way that he is he doesn't have to follow the cliche Shonen tropes to be an interesting character based on this logic then it would be reasonable to assume that any protagonist who does not define that goal is clearly not a good character now this is obviously a ridiculous statement and an ill-founded argument to present within the video which has nothing to do with the fall of bleach it's just another case of mixing opinion with objective facts super eye patch wolf personally doesn't like ichigo's lack of a defined goal he was unable to see ichigo's growth as a character but then assumes everyone else failed to see his growth also Ichigo has several character defining moments within the series later on I will be covering each of them and their significance to the larger plot that's being told this particular point is used as the basis of many illogical arguments that each girl has no character development this could not be further from the truth Naruto and Luffy possess goals which serve themselves the fact that they have such a selfish goal needs to be written out by introducing characters which bring depth to their personalities like luffy's Nakoma or Naruto's team 7 ichigo inherently already has this depth his friends and family are well established but they are not needed to make ichigo feel grounded since his desire already does that his desire to protect his friends and family is where he derives his power and strength from this is ichigo's motive to gain strength to protect others Ichigo has an internal motivation stemming from an emotional past his is a selfless desire whereas protagonists like Luffy are Naruto have external motivations like Hokage or pirate king these motivations are unrealistic and not as grounded as ichigo's Ichigo serves to help others with his desire whereas Naruto aims to seek acknowledgment by attaining the title of Hokage Inoue he wants to be the king of the Pirates due to pure stubbornness the difference is that ichigo burdens himself with protecting others however his Shonen contemporaries have self-serving goals just because each gos desire is not grandiose or self-serving does not mean that it should be locked or it doesn't exist the difference between Ichigo to Naruto and Luffy is that he lives in the real world he is a average teenager who is at a crossroads in his life at the beginning of the fullbring arc he even states that he is not sure what he wants to do after school like most of us we never really know until we get there Naruto and Luffy on the other hand live in worlds which are constructed around their self-serving goals Naruto wants to be the Hokage in a ninja world luffy wants to be Pirate King in a world of pirates and Marines that goal is something which will affect the nature of the world that they live in if we use an analogy Luffy and Naruto are like the x-men who desired to change the perception of the world to accept mutants ichigo isn't just a Shinigami he has a life outside of his ability to protect others adding to the analogy he is like spider-man being the friendly neighborhood wall-crawler is Peter Parker's side job he still has to go to school manage relationships and work a job similar to Ichigo their worlds are not constructed with purposeful barriers for them to overcome they play a juggling act and serve to balance the plates in order to live their most fulfilled life a bit like Buzz in real life ichigo's desire is also a relatable one people would like to protect our loved ones it's a desire we can relate with if you have had anyone pass away or be hurt through no fault of their own then you too will be able to relate to each of those desire next up is bleach has a template cyclic alot so admittedly the Arrancar ark had some similarities to the soul Society Ark but it had considerable differences which made it stand alone as an ark of its own there is a reason that the popularity of bleach was at an all-time high Jove deorum kok d claimed that bleach follows a template cyclic or plot structure is plainly just wrong the ark that follows the Arrancar ark is the fullbring ark and this has a totally different story structure to the past ox i think super rh wolf confuses the structure of the story with the way that it is executed the structure of most of Cooper's plots are set in three phases first there is an initial encounter which doesn't fare well for the protagonist secondly the characters undergo training and develop their abilities and lastly after training is completed there is a final confrontation that is the basic structure of a bleak story arc there is nothing wrong with having a similar story structure as long as the execution is different in the Arrancar arc Kubo begins it with the earrin cars coming to character and having a scrap with Shinigami but in the thousand-year boudoir arc it begins with an absolute massacre of the soul society the training in the Arrancar arc focuses heavily on the development of ichigo however in the thousand-year budva arc several other characters are given that opportunity for training and growth the finale of both of these arcs have a final confrontation which is reliant upon Ichigo in both of them but in the thousand-year blood walk he teams up with several of his allies to take down the antagonist the key point I want to drive home here is that the execution of the story is far more important than the structure it follows through the execution you get the unique attributes which set each arc apart as its own independent story a cyclicals story structure was bad then one piece can also be criticized to the same extent wasn't it one piece that had multiple rescue arcs initially the rescue of Nami then Robin and most recently the rescue of Sanji why is it that bleach has the finger pointed at it when its contemporaries do the same thing in Naruto there are multiple attempts to rescue Sasuke and not to mention the rescue of Gaara with all due respect the typical structure of a one piece arc is as follows number one the straw hats arrive at new island and explore it number two they meet someone who informs a straw Hut's about how evil the leader of the island or area is movie has an initial confrontation with the villain and loses and lastly Luffy and company beat the villain the second time and saved the people of the island and as a result they make a ton of new friends this doesn't make one piece a bad series just like the arc structures of Bleach don't make it a bad series I must give credit to super eyepatch wolf as he has apologized for the misinformation that was spread as a result of his video despite this video being 3 years old the misinformation is spread has not ceased amongst the larger anime community the point of the video was to look at the sales and data to put together an argument that Bleach had fallen from grace but it ends up being a confused video with a mix of personal opinion as fact which serves to only portray Bleach in a negative light which I'm sure was not his attention when he set out to create the video hopefully this highlights that popularity rightfully has no correlation with quality which is the argument that we were presented with here now that we know what damage was done to the series I want to further address issues that people have with a pot of bleach let's look at what each story arc brought to the table and its significance to its characters and the larger story being told are the criticisms related to its story arcs and character development justified what exactly was the story that bleach was trying to tell arc by arc I want to attempt at briefly describing the events and critically analyzing what occurred I will be paying particular attention to the themes within each arc and their larger significance to the ongoing narrative of the story I don't either so my god Shinigami Nina the first arc of Bleach introduces us to Ichigo Kurosaki a 15 year old student who has had the ability to see ghosts ever since he was a child Ichigo becomes a Shinigami when Rukia office to lend him her powers so that he could protect his family from an evil spirit called a hollow which is attacking them ichigo encounters other hollows and the series follows a monster of the week former initially that is until we are introduced to the grand fissure we learned that this is the hollowed that is responsible for the death of ichigo's mother the grand fissure uses a girl as bait to trick and eat humans who have high enough spiritual pressure to see the girls Ichigo as a child run out to the grand fissures there thinking that it was a girl about to fall into the river his mother shielded him from the grand fissure and ended up dying while protecting him during ichigo's battle with the grand fissure he sustains heavy injury from the fight ultimately the grand fissure gets away leaving Ichigo frustrated that he could not avenge his mother's death he then asks Rukia to the MBA Shinigami for a little while longer up until this point the story heavily focuses on Ichigo as a character his abilities and the reason for why he is the way that he is ever since he was a child he could see ghosts how does this affect Ichigo well when he was younger he found it hard to distinguish them from living people others would often see him talking to thin air when he was questioned by Tatsuki if he could see ghosts Ichigo denied having this ability Ichigo could see ghosts as clear as day so it was hard for him to distinguish them from real people he often talked himself out of strange questions people asked him as he didn't see it as a big deal having this ability the death of ichigo's mother was a significant plot point it cannot be understated how much her death impacts Ichigo and his family Ichigo describes his mother as the center of their family she wasn't seen to be mad or upset Ichigo assumes this is because his mother knew that her troubles within her heart would be passed on to her children so she didn't show that side to them ichigo's need or desire to protect others is formed when his father describes the meaning of his name to him he tells him that Ichigo means to protect one thing so he decides to protect his mother as she was always protecting him initially wanting to protect his mother he found the number of people he wanted to protect increased with the birth of his sister's he began training at a dojo as a young child for the sake of protecting them his impulse to protect a girl stood unsteadily at the river's edge caused him to rush to stop her from jumping into the river Ichigo passes out and awakens to his mother shielding him from whatever had killed her each of y'all could have understand the cause but he knew she saved him the mother who was the center of their family had been taken away and each of her felt responsible for this there is a lot of emotional weight and significance conveyed through the early installments of Bleach these plot points are vital to understand the story of Bleach the beginning of bleach excels in explaining each cause desire to protect his loved ones and where this stems from Ichigo is made to face his past with his newly acquired powers he aims to right where he feels he did wrong he couldn't save his mother but during this encounter with the grand fissure he wants to avenge his mother's death unfortunately he wasn't able to avenge her but he is able to protect his sisters his new powers have also given him the strength he needs to protect the spirits he conceived he is aware that hollows devour their souls he knows sometimes they go missing leaving behind traces of fear with the newfound abilities of a Shinigami for the first time he decides to use these powers to not just protect the people he loves but to protect others also after several false alarms Rukia and Ichigo can't seem to find hollows at the locations they are being alerted to we learned that earlier Ishida is killing hollows in kuru kuru town he criticizes Ichigo on his inability to sense reiatsu and his lack of control over his own spiritual power who are you and each vote developer rivalry who you is a Quincy so he naturally hates Shinigami Rukia explains to Ichigo early on in the series that the Quincy were eradicated by the Shinigami 200 years ago thus making you the last of the Quincy's the decision to destroy the Quincy was to prevent the destruction of the world who you in Ichigo resolve their differences when you remembers the words of his departed grandfather who wished for Shinigami in Quincy to work together the next day Ichigo returns home and realizes that Rukia is gone but she has left a note she employs them to go into hiding or not to look for her Ichigo ignoring this request changes into a Shinigami form to look for her ichigo finds two mysterious Shinigami called renji abarai and byakuya kuchiki as Renji is about to deliver the final blow to Uryu Ichigo intervenes Renji and Ichigo begin to fight each girl gains the upper hand until byakuya stuns Ichigo and appears behind him he stabs ichigo who falls to the ground persistently ichigo argues against them taking Rukia away until Rukia tells him to know his place she tells byakuya she ready to leave before she leaves telling Ichigo if he tries to follow her she will never forgive him she tells byakuya to not deliver the final blow as he will bleed out anyway they leave as each girl lays in the rain contemplating what just happened urahara saves Ichigo and early and takes them in to heal their injuries horahora proposes to ichigo he can send him to the soul society but only if he trains with him for the next 10 days he also reveals to Ichigo that byakuya destroyed the source of ichigo's powers and he must restore this Ichigo eventually regains his Shinigami powers they are completely his own this time and not borrowed from Rukia after completing his training Ichigo along with Orihime Chad Yuri Ichi and you head to the soul society to save Rukia from execution during those early episodes Rukia leaving was a dramatic turn in the story it is unclear initially as to why she left in the manner that she did but it becomes clear that she didn't want Ichigo on the others to get caught up with a situation with the soul society despite Ichigo coming to save Rukia after reading her know she is the one who ultimately ends up protecting Ichigo by agreeing to leave with byakuya and Renji how is it that Ichigo can now let her go to be executed Rukia was the one who shared her powers with him so that he could protect his family once again she protects him by agreeing to leave for the soul Society where she will be executed for sharing her powers with Ichigo Rukia selflessness coupled with ichigo's inherent desire to protect others compels Ichigo to want to save her the mystery surrounding where Rukia has gone to as well as the true extent of yuckiest power were definitely the strengths of this portion of the story how Ichigo was taken down so quickly he was totally unaware of what happened to him is this the caliber of people who awaits Ichigo in the soul Society after Ichigo is healed by urahara he impatiently wants to go to the soul Society to save Rukia but or ihara tells him not to use other people as an excuse for wanting to go kill himself placing more emphasis on the fact that the soul society is not to be underestimated urahara is a mysterious character himself there is so little that we know about him at this stage we also have no idea what Ichigo is getting himself in for by training with him despite all of this Ichigo undergoes intense training with urahara he severed ichigo's soul chain which causes him to undergo an internal struggle to either become a Shinigami or allow his soul chain to croud all the way into his chest thus turning him into a hollow we see the conflict between Ichigo becoming a Nogami while the hollow transformation is taking over during his training Ichigo is turned into a hollow and dragged into his inner world and it is here that we meet zangetsu for the first time he explains to him that byakuya only destroyed the powers that Rukia gave him but Ichigo has his own Shinigami powers within that he can call upon these are the first few hints that we have of the mystery relating to the origin of ichigo's dormant Shinigami powers Ichigo attains a Shinigami powers but quite notably he has a hollow mask on his face which he promptly removes urahara during their final lessons helps ichigo to understand the importance of knowing the name of your zanpakuto Ichigo neglects to call out a sambucas name fear has covered his ears he cannot hear his zanpakuto which is calling out its name the first arc of Bleach concludes once everyone heads out to the soul society the multitude of unanswered questions along with not knowing what exactly is awaiting for them on the other side of the gate makes this arks finale very suspenseful even the seen way ichigo's father ition Kurosaki hands him a protective charm that his mother gave him it adds to the suspense things like this gente is father knowing what is going on but it is never explicitly stated which I love about these early chapters the mystery and intrigue of what is yet to come makes the story flow better in my opinion and keeps the reader interested to find out what the outcome will be for Rukia urahara also plays a pivotal role by facilitating ichigo's training and creating a portal to the soul society for them Ichigo although determined to save his friend still has a long way to go especially when it comes to understanding the powers within him arriving in the soul society Ichigo Orihime Chad Uryu and Yuri Ichi begin that invasion to save Rukia from execution they enter the Sarita where Rukia is being kept the gota thirteen are all alerted to intruders entering into the seireitei ichigo first faces off against ikkaku madarame ii after an intense battle ichigo defeats ikkaku the ikkaku wants ichigo that if he is the strongest amongst the invaders and his captain Kenpachi Zaraki will be looking for him as ichigo is on his way to Rukia cell he is confronted by Renji the lieutenant of squad six Renji tells Ichigo even if he defeats him there are 11 more lieutenants and thirteen captains for him to defeat ichigo with conviction tells him anyone who comes in his way he will cut them down Renji unleashes his full power against Ichigo Renji questions if this is how bad he wants to save Rukia Ichigo tells him he doesn't just want to save her he has to save her ichigo begins to struggle as Renji takes the upper hand after slashing ichigo's chest ichigo remembers his training with ohhara why he questions why he is running away or ihara chases him down leaving Ichigo and no I left to run to he tells Ichigo that all he feels from his plate is fear he explains to Ichigo what it means to truly have resolve when you dodge resolved to not get hit when you protect someone resolved to not let them die and lastly when you attack resolved to kill to have determination to battle without fear ichigo remembers this and puts all of his will into defeating Renji Ichigo raises his sword up in nia and increases a spiritual pressure he slashes Renji across the chest Renji is defeated in a surprising turn of events he desperately requests Ichigo to save Rukia as you remembers his history with her he admits that he didn't have the courage to speak against the noble Kuchiki clan he even tells Ichigo despite training tirelessly every day he is no match for akia rescuing Rukia would be futile Ferengi shamefully he has no other choice but to ask ichigo to save her the following day Ichigo is healed of his wounds during this captain of squad 5 sosuke aizen is found dead the blame is put on the invaders ichigo then faces off against Kenpachi Zaraki kim Pacis desire is to fight incredibly strong opponent Ichigo is unable to hurt kampachi as his Reyat su is not strong enough Kenpachi is disappointed by ichigo's performance Ichigo is clearly outmatched by kampachi he stabbed through Ichigo son buck toe and drives his sword into ichigo's chest saddened by how easily he won kampachi walks away from ichigo's collapsed body xanga too appears while Ichigo is desperately asking for his blood to stop pouring out of his chest for his body to move as he has to save Rukia zangetsu walks towards Ichigo asking him if he wants to fight or live but Ichigo yells out he wants to win Ichigo speaks with his zanpakuto's and gets ooh he agrees to allow zangetsu to lend him his powers ichigo gets up unleashing incredible amounts of reacted he attacks kampachi the battle resumes both of them are evenly matched this makes kampachi feel excited as he takes off his eyepatch which had been holding back the extent of his true power now that a is unleashed kampachi intends to kill ichigo but now that Ichigo is fighting alongside zangetsu he affirms that he cannot lose to somebody who relies only on his own power someone who doesn't even know the name of their own zanpakuto they both unleash their air to towards one another in a final attack the battle results in a draw Ichigo is then saved by Yura Ichi who intends to train him so that he can use his bankai the first half of this arc features several confrontations that are very significant for ichigo's understanding of what it will take to save Rukia his abilities are questioned with ikkaku his determination is questioned by Renji a nasty his strength and endurance are both put to the test by kampachi ichigo's rematch with Renji is a significant reminder for Ichigo that he cannot follow through with his determination if he is fearful Ichigo is not fighting with all of his will he is reluctant for whatever reason he may be afraid of her in the opponent he may be afraid of gangue her he may even be doubting himself if he has what it takes to save Rukia as he remembers or ahora telling him about determination Ichigo remembers his will to fight and places it into his desire to defeating Renji the encounter with Kenpachi is relevant to affirm each goes bond with his zanpakuto as he is facing an opponent who has no relationship with his own zanpakuto Ichigo only knows his zanpakuto's name but nothing else when he falls and sees kampachi walking away his desperation to continue to fight forces on getsu to appear before him he takes Ichigo into his inner world why he hands over an ax Suchi a nameless saw to Ichigo this is the first time that we see the inner hollow with Ichigo he appears and takes each go zanpakuto zangetsu Ichigo is tested here to see if he is worthy of wielding zangetsu his opponent that he has to defeat is himself hollow Ichigo real zangetsu and uses the sword bucket is second nature to him Ichigo is scolded for assuming just knowing the zanpakuto's name was enough Ichigo is told that he has never opened his heart up to zangetsu he doesn't care about his zanpakuto Ichigo is hearing this from the hollow version of himself he is being shown the error of his ways and while this is happening he is up against a version of himself who is using zangetsu the correct way Ichigo realizes that during this whole time he had never tried to understand son ketsu he was no different to kampachi who he criticized for the very same reason Ichigo humbly as son gets you to fight alongside with him again Ichigo wants the chance to understand son gets you sincerely just as Ichigo says this their blade switch hollow Ichigo now has an ax tsuki while Ichigo regains the trust of zangetsu the battle with kampachi continues while within each of those worlds and gets you and holo each go converse son gets who apologizes for troubling Kali which you go to which she replies that he is the king of this world after all we need him to win but then he foreshadows his beta involvement by telling zangetsu to help Ichigo get stronger as eventually the hollow within will be taking this power for himself rain is constantly mentioned within Bleach and we get another mention of it when xanga who says is inner monologue about ichigo's inner world this moment carries a lot of emotional weight zangetsu tells Ichigo that he hates the ring he shares with us that it rains within each goes in a world - when each of you gets upset the skies become cloudy and when he is sad it begins to rain zangetsu mentions the terror of feeling rain in this lonesome in a world that he inhabits if something son gets you cannot bear he tells Ichigo as long as he trusts in his power he will never allow rain to fall in this world rain is mentioned several times within the series arraigned on the evening of ichigo's mother's death it rains when Ichigo is defeated by byakuya and Rukia leaves rain is used throughout the series and is always symbolic of Ichigo sadness this emotion associated with the rain is consistent throughout the series who will even requests for some manga volumes to be read on rainy days in his author notes the soul society arc continues with yuri ichi training ichigo so that he can use his bankai while Ichigo is training divisions form within the go ty 13 those who want to save Rukia and those who end up assisting the invaders work together to stop the execution Randy tries to save Rukia but despite unleashing his he is defeated by his captain byakuya yoruichi explains to ichigo that attending the bankability is a requirement to become a captain in the go tae 13 Bangka is the second release of a zanpakuto once a Shinigami has attained the first zanpakuto release called shikai it can take at minimum 10 years of training to attain bankai yuri each he makes ichigo undergo a faster but more dangerous method to attain bankai but within a much shorter period of time ichigo's determination to save Rukia gets him through this intense training rukia's execution ceremony begins as the execution is underway ichigo arrives to rescue Rukia the captain's kyoraku and akitaka destroyed the sokyoku but a challenge try had captain yamamoto ganryu sign for that betrayal ichigo throws Rukia to Renji and tells them to run byakuya strikes ichigo while he is defending Rukia and Renji from oncoming attacks at long last the rematch between byakuya and ichigo takes place during his battle Renji keeps running with Rukia Ichigo um byakuya began fighting but they are equally matched ichigo taunts him to use his bankai but byakuya deems him unworthy to see it and unleashes his shikai senbonzakura Ichigo launches a blue stream of retsu called getsuga tensho towards byakuya's em on Sakura after enough taunting rakia finally releases his bankai zem bonds occur Akagi Yoshi Ichigo avoids the tiny blades from via Kia's bankai release but to no avail even gets get ensure is blocked by byakuya ichigo is left with no choice but to unleash his own van Chi byakuya is stunned as each go unleashes his bankai tensa zangetsu ichigo's bankai is too fast for byakuya to keep up with his Zen bonds a kurohagi Yoshi is powerless against ichigo byakuya wanted to end the battle then reveals his bank heist true form Sankar Pyaar kiya manages to outpace Ichigo with his sanke ability rakia has the upper hand on someone's assault from his surroundings to stab ichigo's right for surprising Ichigo and dealing him a lot of pain byakuya then uses harder number 4 byakurai to damage ichigo's right shoulder Ichigo seems like he is at his limit he is stunned by the situation and he tries to move his body to avoid the final blow he begins to struggle mentally with what is going on but suddenly a hollow mask forms in ichigo's face his inner hollow tells him that if he dies then it is a problem for him to hollow Ichigo takes over and attacks byakuya through hollow Ichigo taking over the battle is now in ichigo's favor as byakuya struggles to keep up ichigo however rips the hollow mask off of his face he doesn't want to defeat byakuya with his hollow power the two finally clash one last time with both of them wounded by the final exchange yuckiest blade is broken by the battle so he cannot continue to fight thus ichigo is finely victorious the soul society arc concludes with the revelation that sosuke aizen is still alive and along with captain's guinea Chi Maru and Kaname Tosen they are traitors to the soul society they manipulated members of the soul society in order to obtain a restricted item called the hogyoku they achieved this with Aizen zanpakuto which has the ability to put people under complete hypnosis as long as you have seen his swords shikai release Aizen makes his way over to Rukia and Renji Aizen defeats Renji but as he is about to deliver the final blow ichigo saves him but Aizen quickly dispatches the both of them aizen's intention is to merge Shinigami with hollows in order to surpass ordinary Shinigami power he intends to do this with the help of the hogyoku urahara had created the hogyoku and concealed it within Rukia soul Aizen removes the hogyoku from Rukia despite everyone's best efforts Aizen Ginn and Towson leave for hueco mundo the soul society arc ends with Ichigo officially being given a substitute Shinigami badge and is acknowledged by the go tae 13 the confrontation between Ichigo and Rukia is a battle of two conflicting ideals byakuya seeks to adhere to the rules of the soul society whereas Ichigo seeks to protect Rukia he even tells byakuya if he was in his position then he would use all of his power to oppose the law in order to protect his sister during this battle we also see hollow Ichigo trying to take over when Ichigo begins to lose the battle hollow Ichigo appears and says if you die then that would be a problem for both of us when his inner hollow takes over it criticizes Ichigo for not correctly using this bankai although Ichigo takes over and uses each of those abilities more effectively this moment is significant as Ichigo rejects the help from his hollow side hear the impact of this moment will carry more significance into the next arc but each of your thirty does not want to rely upon this power that is dormant within him when the conflict concludes byakuya acknowledges Ichigo and his abilities he understands that Ichigo wasn't personally holding anything against byakuya he was just opposed to the laws which were being enforced upon Rukia byakuya knows that they weren't enemies during this exchange this really explains the nature of each personality throughout the conflict he maintained his honor he even apologized to byakuya for when the hollow took over he wanted to defeat his opponent on his own terms without an external force helping Ichigo wasn't up against an opponent he saw as an enemy who had to be killed Ichigo just needed to defeat byakuya so that he could escape with Rukia Ichigo even complements byakuya's techniques and byakuya complements Ichigo and accepts his apology for the intrusion buys in a hollow rakia even makes a deal with Ichigo that he would tell him why he has supported rukia's execution and not tried to save her only if Ichigo wins though this was clearly a conflict between two individuals who grew to respect each other through combat and it makes the rematch between them feel so much more satisfactory it concludes without any animosity between them Ichigo didn't talk his way into being as good books he earned the respect of Ryoga through battle the conclusion of the soul Society arc sets in motion the next ongoing arc of the series as Aizen declares his departure from the soul society he becomes the main antagonist of the series this moment carries a lot of emotional weight as the reader assumed Aizen had died there on top of that not only is he alive but he is a villain Aizen mentions the HOH kioku which is a forbidden item created by kisuke urahara this item was sealed within Rukia soul Aizen had planned for all of the events leading up until now through the ability of a zanpakuto he planned for Rukia to be executed so that the sokyoku could destroy her soul while leaving the hokey oku intact as Ichigo interfered with his plans Aizen was forced to intervene by extracting the hogyoku from Rukia with a special technique Aizen chosen and gained three captains of the gota 13 all defect from the soul society aizen's betrayal is the unexpected conclusion of an already satisfying arc there is a reason that this arc is held in such high regard fans love it for the introduction of new interesting characters and its expansion on the lore of bleach the introduction of the gota 13 proves the talent of Kubo as an excellent writer and character designer each of the captains and lieutenants have their unique personalities and stances on the ongoing story their zanpakuto are all unique and interesting the establishing of ideas like shikai and bankai makes you feel intrigued to see the abilities of your favorite characters the world also begins to start feeling more fleshed out here battles do escalate with difficulty but ichigo convincingly learns and gets stronger so that he can face off against the neck opponent but at the end of the arc is humbling however when Ichi got was swiftly taken down by Aizen it confirms despite Ichigo gaining more strength he is still not strong enough to defeat this new threat currently the story is going from strength to strength and it ends with a perfect setup to continue to story with into the next arc so super easy later all of this when I keep on alive man the Arrancar arc is the third on longest arc of the bleach series they split up into three portions the initial Arrancar invasion the hueco mundo section and concluding with a final confrontation with Aizen the arc begins by introducing us to two new concepts the first is visoreds Shinigami who have obtained hollow powers the second are Arrancar hollows who have removed their masks and gained powers which resemble Shinigami two very similar yet opposing concepts the visoreds I explained through the introduction of shinji hirako and the concept of Aaron Koz is brought up through the reintroduction of grand fissure into the story shinji meets ichigo and shows him that he too can produce a hollow mask and control its abilities and offers ichigo to join his group called the visoreds as this is going on the grand fissure has now become an Arrancar he is looking for ichigo but ends up facing ish and Kurosaki Ichigo father we learned that he too is a Shinigami he defeats the Arrancar with one swift strike during the grand fish's demise ichigo ends up declining shinji's invitation adamantly he declares that he is a Shinigami and not one of them we learned that sosuke aizen is commanding the arrancars and is progressing that development from hollows to human-like beings via the use of the hogyoku these events leaders into the longest story arc of bleach sosuke aizen prepares his chaotic plans which foreshadow an impending war which will cause the mobilisation of various parties including the visoreds urahara ition ichigo and both his friends and enemies alike most importantly the involvement from the soul society is certainly guaranteed the setup is very enticing as a strong antagonist has been established with a promise of an impending large-scale conflict it is no wonder bleaches popularity was soaring during the story segments this was just the beginning as it would only get better through the introduction of new characters via the Espada Shinji explains to Ichigo that is in a hollow will eventually consume him causing him to lose everybody around him Ichigo realizing there is truth to Shinji's words begins to retreat inwards he can feel the hollow within him growing beyond his control he can hear the hollows voice haunting him it is consuming him with each passing second without Shinji needing to say ichigo knows it will consume him he feels powerless and his friends and family notice and expressed that concern for Ichigo two fully developed Aaron cars arrived to gather information on Ichigo they are Espada and I called yummy and Akira the Espada are the most power full and highest-ranking Arrancar within aizen's army ichigo arrives just as Yami is about to kill Orihime transforming interests bankai he cuts off Yami zom but his inner hollow disrupts the fight leading to Ichigo losing his edge resulting in or Ihara enira Ichi needing to intervene to save Ichigo and his friends Rukia returns along with other members of the soul society to keep watch over karakuri town and to gain experience fighting the Arrancar during a routine fight with a hollow she snaps sense into the rundown Ichigo questioning him on his failure to protect Orihime she encourages him to defeat his inner hollow another Espada called Grimmjow is introduced as he invades kuru kuru town with his underlings without aizen's permission grimmjow defeats Rukia with one fatal blow and he overpowers Ichigo without even drawing his zanpakuto as Ichigo counters his attack his inner hollow awakens once again when Grimmjow is escorted back to hueco mundo by Kaname Tosen Ichigo is left utterly defeated with this in a hollow taking over more he is left to finally consider shinji's invitation to seek out the visoreds the visoreds help Ichigo to control his inner hollow but it has no intention of being controlled by Ichigo his reason being that Ichigo has no instincts in battle eventually after Ichigo speaks to her in a manifestation of kampachi he is able to subdue his inner hollow Ichigo now controlling his hollow side trains to lengthen the time he can remain in battle with his hollow mask on through training he attains the ability to hold on to his hollow mask for 11 seconds during battle the soul society finally learns of aizen's plans he intends to use 100,000 souls from kuru kuru town as a key to enter into the realm of the soul King Aizen aims to become the new soul king everybody is training for the encounter with Aizen scheduled for the coming winter the ear on cars attacked the human world one more time giving Ichigo a chance to battle Grimmjow once again but once again he is defeated by Grimmjow while this is going on who cura threatens Orihime he will kill her friends if she does not leave with him to hueco mundo he gives her 12 hours to say goodbye just to one person who ends up being ichigo upon learning that Orihime has been kidnapped Ichigo Chad and who you leave for hueco mundo to rescue their friend we learned that Ichigo has gained a Shinigami abilities from his father zangetsu had foreshadowed this by stating that ichigo had Shinigami abilities within him when he lost his borrowed powers from Rukia answering the question which was brought to our attention much Kubo has a habit of giving us subtle questions and answering them later on making their significance all the more meaningful when we learn the answer the Arrancar ark serves to introduce us to the fear that each go has associated with his inner hollow Ichigo outright refuses to accept he is anything like the visoreds he tells Shinji I am NOT one of you Ichigo with conviction confirms he is a Shinigami despite us knowing that Ichigo isn't just a Shinigami in the previous arc his inner hollow interrupted his conflict with byakuya this was totally unplanned we know Ichigo has no control over it when Ichigo fails to protect Orihime from Yami and Rukia from Grimmjow he realizes that he cannot protect his loved ones if he does not learn how to control his hollow side or he may can feel how tainted ichigo's reiatsu feels when he arrives to protect her from yummy she knows this is not Ichigo she feels a change in him we however know that it is the hollow taking over Ichigo which is making his rare to feel this tainted when his hollow side interferes with his battle he tells it to go away repeatedly he doesn't need its help but through rejecting the hollow within it paralyzes Ichigo resulting in Orihime being attacked by Yomi ichigo's fear has now caused him to suffer despair through his inability to protect Orihime despite Orihime telling him it wasn't his fault Ichigo feels guilty he wasn't strong enough to protect her while this is going on Kubo reintroduces Rukia into the story emphasizing her return with two whole pages dedicated to her Ichigo has a hard time hiding his emotions as it is written on his face when he is upset Rukia and the others from the soul Society feel Ichigo is troubled through his expressions Rukia knows that each go is conflicted she raises these concerns with him by asking if he is terrified by being unable to protect his friends or is it that he is afraid of defeat she asks if Ichigo is a coward or a quitter but then she strikes Ichigo at the core of his conflict by asking if it is the hollow inside of him that is causing him to be this fearful Rukia reminds Ichigo that if he is afraid of loss then he needs to gain strength if he desires to protect his loved ones then he must do what is required to protect them she advises Ichigo to crush's in a hollow if it is terrifying him to this extent Rukia now coming to ichigo's aid tells him if nobody believes in you then poof out your chest and scream in defiance because that was the Ichigo that came to rescue her from execution she lastly makes Ichigo apologize to Orihime he promises to not let the Arrancar hurt her again thanks to Rukia jugo has returned from despair this work so well as Rukia was the cause of ichigo's resolve in the previous arc now that he is fearful and doubting himself rukia's words are very impactful we feel the emotional weight of this moment because through her being alive and talking to each go it is a direct result of ichigo's resolve Rukia would not be alive to reassure Ichigo if he didn't resolve to save her this is the man that Ichigo really is behind this despair that he is feeling but just like real life it doesn't take just one pep talk to snap someone out of that funk ichigo uses his bankai against Grimmjow he ends up using the black getsuga tensho which is a technique that belongs to ichigo's hollow he knows using it gives his inner hollow the strength to come forth grimmjow is forced to withdraw from the fight as ichigo protests his erupts leaving as he tells Ichigo that Tosun has just saved his life with the hollow consuming a portion of his eye Ichigo stands defeated Grimmjow noticing how much of a toll the black eschaton show was taking on Ichigo tells him that he stands no chance against him Ichigo once again wasn't able to protect anyone the injuries that Rukia sustains bring back the despair that Ichigo was feeling once again he feels responsible for now having the power to protect his friends and family throughout this whole time Ichigo has been trying to suppress the hollow inside him he now realizes he has to face this problem and possibly accept his hollow side if indeed he wants to follow rukia's advice if each go desires to protect his loved ones then he must do what is required to protect them Ichigo finally heads out to the visoreds the invitation he rejected at the start of the arc he's now forced to accept the visoreds instantly detect that Ichigo is holding back in battle as he is afraid of his inner hollow Hiyori taunts ichigo to perform bankai prompting ichigo to horrify Ichigo is still suppressing and denying his inner hollow he can't figure out how he Ori is wearing a mask but is able to have complete control over herself Ichigo says he will never open up his soul to his hollow but then it awakens it takes all otherwise odds to subdue Ichigo in this state ichigo ends up going into his inner world and meets his inner hollow Ichigo needs to have an internal battle to be able to holla fight on command this is one of the most significant character defining moments for Ichigo Ichigo cannot see zangetsu but hollow Ichigo states that he is anger to and attacks Ichigo on the outside the visoreds are doing their best to subdue ichigo's hollowfied body although Ichigo continues to echo that years don't get to when Ichigo questions him he further tells each ago that zangetsu and himself are one they are his spirit energy stating that his inner hollow became more dominant as Ichigo drew upon his power MA causing zangetsu to become a part of his inner Hollow that's why his hollow side was taking over the more that Ichigo was calling upon zangetsu's power Ichigo has to defeat his inner hollow to return zangetsu to the center of a spiritual power once more however Ichigo is outmatched and is in pretty bad shape hollow Ichigo continues with his iconic speech on instinct why is it that one becomes the king and leads them into battle while the other becomes the horsing terry's the king so what's the characteristic that distinguishes these two beings there's only one answer insane and this is what Ichigo likes Ichigo needs a desire to kill but he lacks that drive to utterly destroy his opponents he is not fit to be a king hollow Ichigo refuses to be the submissive horse when he is stronger than the king who is figuratively leading him if each go continues the way he is he will only be leading the two of them to be killed a manifestation of kampachi explains to Ichigo that he seeks battles to gain power he has to want to conquer and slay his opponent ichigo's desire to battle is in response to his desire for power which stems from each gos desire to protect with a newfound killer instinct he subdue sits in a hollow for now this whole scene is a throwback to ichigo's training with urahara when ichigo is told when you attack attack to kill aura Hara taught Ichigo about resolve and conviction whereas this moment serves to teach Ichigo about purpose the means to the end what it will take to protect someone he loves as a significant moment in the series it works well because Ichigo is having to face his fear which he was running away from he learns about his killer instinct and thirst for battle something which he will be relying upon if he is to face off against the likes of Akira or Grimmjow the opponent with no sense of reason when he faces off against rimjob for the second time Ichigo is far more confident considering he has trained for a month with the visoreds but his hollowfication exceeds the 11 second time limit and his mask breaks grimmjow beats down Ichigo that is until Rukia and shinji intervene and save him Orihime chooses to say goodbye to each ago before she willingly goes to hueco mundo Orihime confesses her feelings for Ichigo thanking him for presumably always being there for her she heals Ichigo and leaves she does this thinking it will save her friends from being killed as Ichigo learns of Orihime being kidnapped he is defiant to the orders of the soul society who order him to stand by he's willing to go save her in order to protect his friends ichigo distances himself from Kagome is a hero and most notably tsuki tsuki is her by Ichigo secrecy after she notices that Orihime is gone Ichigo shows them a fake smile and reassures them that everything is fine Ichigo tries to shoulder the burden of finding Orihime until Chad and Uryu offered to help and requests for Ichigo to believe in them to Ichigo Uryu and Chad arrived in hueco mundo the dimension in which hollows and Arrancar you recite Aizen alerts the Espada of the intruders do group me in a rank are called nel and her two brothers eventually Rukia and Renji also joined them and help in defeating a hollow made of sand the group are then led by nel to los noches a fortress with in hueco mundo y Aizen and the Espada located the group break into the snow chest and split up heading towards the five different walked paths Orihime is in captivity within las noches she is being overseen by Akira who makes us where her loyalty to aizen ichigo and company face off against the privaron espada after defeating them chad is the first to be taken down by the Espada Noi Tara Rukia elsewhere encounters the Espada aaroniero arruruerie who under his mask has the face of kind Shiva who is rukia's former lieutenant Rukia struggles against iron arrow upon learning that the Espada absorbed Cain's remains she is overwhelmed and impaled by the Espada zanpakuto after remembering her training with kyon Rukia regains her resolve and defeats iron arrow however Rukia also collapses after the long battle the news of iron arrows death spreads amongst the Espada as well as the apparent death of Rukia to elsewhere and lost no Ches kukura informs Ichigo or rukia's death as Ichigo heads out to save Rukia who Kuro reveals that he was the one who forced Orihime to leave and come to hueco mundo ichigo angered activates his bankai with his hollow mask and attacks but he is overpowered by the Espada who hero defeats Ichigo and then advises him to leave whoever window or he risks dying while Akira is away grimmjow takes Orihime from her soul in hopes of using her as bait for a rematch with Ichigo grimmjow brings ar-rahim a to Ichigo telling her to heal him so that he can battle him at full strength when she refuses and Grimmjow lashes are her ichigo interrupts and asks her to heal them both so that they can settle their feud they begin their battle however Ichigo is outmatched by Grimmjow despite using his bankai he has no other choice but you hallo mask to block brim jowls grand race arrow which he aims towards Nell and Orihime Ichigo realizes that his hollow appearance is making or he may feel uncomfortable and shaken grimmjow enters into his released form against ichigo who begins to feel worn out by the fight Orihime is struggling to watch the fight each goes hollow mask is frightening her she is shaken however besides Orihime is nel who is cheering Ichigo on nel reprimands Orihime and firmly tells Orihime if she doesn't cheer for each go then who will or he may encouraging Ichigo gives him the strength he needs to deliver the final blow to Grimmjow Ichigo now plans to leave work on window with all of his friends but he is interrupted by Grimmjow who is severely injured ichigo refuses to continue the battle and tries to reason with him however Grimmjow is attacked by the Espada Noi Tara who then battles ichigo when he tries to protect Grimmjow from him ichigo is overpowered understandably as he is exhausted by his prior encounter with Grimmjow Nitra recognizes nel during this encounter as a former Espada she not being able to handle each girl losing tonight right transforms back into her idol form nel yell she reveals she was the former third-ranked Espada she battles Nitra until she reverts back into a child home ichigo and company are then saved by the captains from the go ty 13 arriving to help them kampachi saves ichigo myra helps Renji in Oulu while una Hana saves Chad and lastly byakuya saves a sister Rukia Aizen then reveals to the Haku Mundo intruders that he used Orihime to law each young company to hueco mundo to weaken the power of the goat I thirteen particularly mentioning the lack of ichigo's presence to be quite considerable he traps them in hueco mundo as he heads for kuru kuru town however the goat I thirteen anticipate him and face off against him in the fake karakuri town which they prepared to prevent any people from dying and to thwart aizen's plans Rukia facing off against iron arrow is a callback to the flashback of rukia's time with a former lieutenant during the soul society arc we are introduced to kind Chiba who has a striking resemblance to Ichigo Rukia looking up to him and having been trained by him respected him greatly when a mission to capture a parasitic hollow takes a devastating turn she is left with no other choice but to kill kyon when he has taken over by the hollow she now faces off against an Espada who appears before her as kyon this is a well written call back to rukia's past and prior flashback in the series Rukia felt she had saved kyon when she recovered his body but she realizes his spiritual body still resided within the hollow which took him over Rukia loses her will to swing her sword she thinks back to her first day training with kyon when she questioned if she deserved to be in the goat I thirteen unsure of why she was there she questions the purpose of a heart kind tells her it is to fight and to protect kind explains there are two battles captains undertaken the first being a battle to protect another's life and the second being a battle to protect honour kind further elaborates and tells Rukia ultimately what we protect comes down to one thing which is the heart he tells Rukia that the heart is born between people who grow close and calf one another he tells her that the heart that is formed between people should be left with your friends once you have died that's why you shouldn't die alone this way even after you have died your heart lives on in the people that you grew close to and cared about Rukia defeats aaroniero when she realizes that despite his body being taken over by the Espada kinds heart was not consumed aaroniero may have kinds memories but he does not have his heart kinds heart is within Rukia her memories and the bond that they shared is the true essence of his heart Rukia is struggling to cling on to life as she remembers her friends and like kyon she wishes to not die alone still resolving to save orihime she collapses while wishing to save orihime from the loneliness of captivity which she too had to enjoy in the previous arc the theme of the heart is introduced here and we will revisit it again in a unique situation adding two themes and emphasizing them is a technique which kuba employs masterfully in his writing when Akira informs Ichigo about rukia's death ichigo tells Akira he has no reason to kill him as he hasn't hurt any of his friends this changes when Akira tells him he brought Orihime to hueco mundo Ichigo instantly attacks the Espada kukura confirms he intended for Orihime to appear as a traitor by making it look like she willingly left for hueco mundo he now asks Ichigo if he has a reason to fight him moments like this reinforced ichigo's character and purpose by reinforcing these themes of reason and purpose it maintains consistency his reason and purpose are backed up by his actions time and time again ichigo does not attack akira until he knows he has deliberately her Orihime ichigo's battle with Grimmjow begins when Grimmjow brings Orihime to heal Ichigo who is unconscious after his encounter with Akira grimmjow confirms it was kukura who defeated Ichigo as he always leaves the same wound in his victims all in the center of their chest similar to Kira's own hollow chest grimmjow edges or he may to heal ichigo fully before akira arrives instead of letting Ichigo die he wants him healed so that he can kill ichigo himself ichigo on his grim jaws request by wanting him heal too so that they can fight fairly they both share a strange rivalry grimmjow questions ichigo's reasons for coming to hueco mundo was it all really to save orihime or did he come here to fight would he guided to hueco mundo by his instinct the age-old Shinigami versus hollow feud manifested in their rivalry grimmjow confirms his own reason for fighting and that is to be the victor the last man standing the one who gets to live when Ichigo Don's his hollow mask to protect Orihime and nel this terrifies ar-rahim a Ichigo acknowledges her reaction and reassures her but she cannot help but to feel afraid grimmjow also activates his released form both of them taking this battle seriously and not holding back Ichigo seems to be enjoying his battle with Grimmjow they both even exchange confident remarks with each other Orihime looks on conflicted as each girl fights and protects both Orihime and Nell her heart starts being faster as she looks into the eyes of the hollow mask that each of you has done she is reminded of her brother she feels like she does not recognize Ichigo like this she's afraid that he may become someone or something that she no longer recognizes and this causes her to be afraid the white of ichigo's eyes are now completely black or he may cannot see herself reflected in those hollow eyes but it is Nell who notices Orihime is emotional struggle she tells her he may he is fighting for her Nell informs her him a he has not become a Shinigami a war that mask our of choice he is in pain while he does so but he does it to fight Nell reminds her he made that he is using that power to fight for her and bleed for her despite the pain is causing him Ichigo is doing all of this to protect his loved ones this is another moment in the series where an external opinion of Ichigo proves his determination and purpose as a character continuing with the themes of reason and purpose we are once again reminded of ichigo's purpose through Nels monologue grimmjow earlier questioned Ichigo if he came to save orihime which is the manifestation of his purpose or did he come to fight the Espada which is the manifestation of his killer instinct Orihime feels a conflict in ichigo's purpose when she sees as hollow mass but she is reminded regardless of the power he is using Ichigo has still come to save her the means by which he is doing so does not matter this has so much significance and emotional weight to the themes of this arc ichigo only gains the strength through his power when the one year's come to save shouts for him not to die she even tells him he doesn't have to try harder even when Orihime does not want him to go through any more pain and hurt Orihime acknowledges the pain that he has gone through throughout this arc we see each go conflicted and haunted having no choice but to face what he fears to protect his loved ones his instinct purpose and internal conflict all make sense in this one meaningful exchange by Orihime this is what helps ichigo to deliver the final blow to Grimmjow a lot of people are under the impression that rescue Orihime is a repetition of the previous arc understandably the previous arc centered around rescuing Rukia no doubt these are similar concepts but their execution could not be more different the underlying motivations and themes for each rescue are completely different as I emphasized previously the soul society arc is about reasoning with your opponent changing their mind and ideals through your own resolve Rukia is taken and held for execution she is subjected to ancient laws and traditions whereas Orihime is taken by a lawless society a group of dysfunctional yet powerful individuals who cannot be reasoned with the Espada desired no purpose to identify their ideals whereas in the soul society ideals and purpose are well defined the conflict Ichigo faces to rescue Orihime is the opposite of the struggle to save Rukia rescuing Rukia was the underlying purpose of the previous arc however saving Orihime is necessary to save the world here the odds are completely different ichigo's character is also impacted differently his goals to rescue or protect Orihime and Rukia are the same but his motivations are different in hueco mundo instead of fighting through resolve he is fighting with instinct the world that he has come to cannot be reasoned with his killer intent is manifested through his hollow mask this method terrifies her he may the one being rescued feels fear upon seeing her rescuer it is a stark contrast to the relief that Rukia felt when she saw Ichigo arrived to rescue her from her execution it is like two inverted mirrors the soul society arc and the Arrancar arc they may have similar plot structures but they differ somatically their differences are significant and justified the direction of the story in each arc or a hemas character is given a lot of depth during ichigo's final battle with Grimmjow her mask of happiness is removed and we see her insecurities and a fear through her fear she questions the identity of Ichigo the person that she just confessed her love for Ichigo can feel Orihime apprehension and fear and this stunts his power he remains in pain until Orihime understands how much he has gone through to have the power to protect his loved ones ichigo's purpose and recent fight is affirmed by Orihime as opposed to Rukia who is reassured to continue living in the previous arc the next major battle in the series is Ichigo finally facing off against Akira Ichigo begins by raring his hollow mask and gaining the upper hand against Luke Yura who you is asked by each go to protect Orihime while he fights as that battle continues Akira releases his zanpakuto which makes Ichigo realize just how powerful he truly is Buki aura tries to bring despair upon Ichigo questioning why he won't give up but Ichigo replies by saying that nothing will stop him from fighting kukura challenges this statement by activating his released mom he fires asaro through ichigo's chest leaving a hole through his body where he was hit it appears that he has been killed Lulu takes over the battle as her he may begs for Ichigo to help you Ichigo hearing her cries transforms into the vast old order a new hollow form he loses control and defeats Akira but in the process he seriously injured earlier when Ichigo returns to his normal form he looks at the destruction to the surroundings and the damage inflicted upon duty aura and you as a aura demands to continue fighting ichigo asks him to COFF his limbs so that they can settle the score evenly as Yura is about to grant ichigo's request his remaining wing dissolves into ashes as he asks Ichigo to kill him but Ichigo refuses to honoring Akira in his final moments houki aura is a very interesting character he cares very little about the well-being of others he even considers them to be easily disposable the interesting theme which surrounds Acuras character is that of the heart previously written into the ark through rukia's flashback of kyon the themes of the heart are explored more through who cures character he does not believe in the existence of emotions which he describes as the heart if it cannot be seen with his own eyes then it does not exist to be aura he embodies emptiness and a lack of emotion or desire there is nothing but existential despair within this nihilistic character when he questions the existence of the heart or ichigo's persistence in the face of despair we see just how little Akio relate to these concepts saving orihime from the loneliness of captivity is the driving motivation for each agon company ironically kukura who has been tasked to watch over orihime enjoyed loneliness throughout his life as a hollow he was somewhat saved from a lonely existence by eysan as he holds Orihime captive he makes her enjoy the very emotion which formed his own character who Kuro doesn't understand the concept of the heart when he asks Orihime if she feels afraid or he may says that she does not she knows her friends will help her because a heart is with them or he may felt fear for the well-being of her friends while they tried to save her she understands that her friends must be feeling the same way about her too if the tables were turned and her friends were held captive she would risk everything to save them she describes the sensation of feeling the exact same way as someone else how two hearts be as one when people leave a piece of their heart with others just as kinds heart is with Rukia or how Orihime heart is with her friends who Kira tries to relate this metaphysical feeling to raw reality by asking or he may if he rips her chest apart will he find the heart or if he cracks open her skull will he find it ook Yura having felt nothing but loneliness has never left a piece of his own heart with someone his in capability to understand the heart arises from his own loneliness who Kira's loneliness stems from his acceptance of fate in despair he is confused by Ichigo who doesn't accept their differences in power thus refusing to accept fate who Kira knows that fate favors the stronger opponent he fails to understand ichigo's resolve the heart which is leading Ichigo to challenge fate itself mukuro tries to install despair and fear into Ichigo the very concepts he has been battling went throughout the entirety of this arc true despair for Ichigo arises through his inability to protect his friends due to having no control over his inner hollow during this arc Ichigo becomes a monster when he transforms into the vast all order form he arrives to a place for that reason and becomes that which cannot be reasoned with this new form slaughters Akira and almost kills you this is a total regression in ichigo's character as he loses control of his hollow when each girl comes to his senses he realizes what he has done Ichigo wants to honor Akira's request to end their battle but only as equals Ichigo admits it was a mindless hollow who took over him he distinguishes himself from the monster but also choosing not to attack akira as he is fading away Ichigo maintains his humanity when Akira is defeated he asks or he may if she is afraid of him to which she replies no she's not afraid the significance of this moment cannot be understated this is akira forming his first connection with someone he has in fact left a piece of his heart within Orihime Luca reaches his hand out Orihime as she reaches for it his hand disintegrates into ash Akira understands how Orihime outstretched hand is the embodiment of the heart or he may signifies she is entrusting a heart with Akira as she reaches out for him who cures hand turning into ash just before Orihime can hold it shows that as he is fading away who cures heart will always remain within Orihime as the Arrancar arc nears its conclusion byakuya tells Ichigo that protecting karakurt town is his duty he leaves hueco mundo with captain una Hana who explains Ichigo is the only one who has not seen aizen's shikai an advantage which will help him to defeat Aizen arriving in kuru kuru town ichigo attempts to defeat Aizen in one decisive attack but he easily blocks a Aizen faces off against the goat I thirteen and the visoreds until Ichigo confronts Aizen with his hollow mask on eysan reveals to Ichigo that he has known about him since the day he was born all of each goes battles up until now were orchestrated by Aizen as he is about to reveal to Ichigo who he really is ashin appears interrupting Aizen this is when Ichigo learns that his father is a Shinigami we also learned that the real power of the hokey oku is to fulfill the desire within the heart after failing to stop Aizen he heads for the real character a town located in the soul society Asian tells Ichigo that they are going to protect kuru kuru town ichigo states that it is useless they cannot defeat Aizen because unlike the others ichigo can sense aizen's complete reiatsu which is compelling him to feel hopeless ition however persuades ichigo to follow him into the senkaimon so that they can make their way over to kuru kuru town while in dodonga ition tells ichigo he must learned the final getsugatensho ichigo performs jin zhen a form of meditation used to communicate with his zanpakuto he enters into his inner world which is completely flooded ichigo for the first time enters in a world with his bankai and is greeted by tensa zangetsu who refuses to teach him the final getsugatensho instead he attacks ichigo who frustratingly tells him if he doesn't teach him it then he cannot protect Korra tensa zangetsu states that which he wants to protect and what ichigo wants to protect are not the same thing he draws ichigo's attention over to his surroundings how it differs from his hopeful tall skyscrapers he usually sees his inner world has been turned into a replica of Caracara town which is now submerged under water tensa zangetsu reveals to Ichigo that this has happened because Ichigo has once again fallen into fear and despair however tensa zangetsu refuses to that Ichigo continued feeling like this he pulls out the source of ichigo's despair ichigo sees his inner hollow as a vast olaudah the same form that Ichigo tend into against Who Kira he thought that he had defeated his inner hollow in their last encounter but his inner hollow reminds him that if he wants to control this hollow power he needs to stay alive tensa zangetsu tells Ichigo that the form he sees is what overwhelmed him in his battle against Akira he ended up losing his sanity and this is what ichigo fears this is also preventing him from hollow fiying properly tensa zangetsu and each goes in a hollow merge as one they tell ichigo that they are two parts of the same being and they are ichigo's power attacking Ichigo the hollow fight tensa zangetsu refuses to tell him about the final getsugatensho Ichigo stops fighting back and allows tensa zangetsu to run his sword through him he is congratulated for accepting tensa zangetsu blade as this was the only way for Ichigo to acquire the final getsugatensho Ichigo feels no pain from being impaled as the tensa zangetsu played has always been a part of him so it won't hurt Ichigo as long as he accepts that part of himself Ichigo acquires the final getsugatensho and learns that once he uses the technique he will lose his Shinigami powers after having learned this new technique Ichigo now confronts Aizen and takes the upper hand clearly displaying his superior abilities he eventually activates the final getsugatensho and uses a technique called muga tzu which defeats Aizen horahora promptly binds Aizen in Aikido spell as Ichigo falls to the ground gradually losing his Shinigami powers a month after the battle with aizen ichigo loses his shin megami powers and his ray at two begins to stabilize causing him to completely lose the rest of his spiritual powers as he loses the ability to sense spiritual pressure he also begins to find it harder to see Rukia he thanks her as they say goodbye while she fades away from his sight when Ichigo first arrives and faces off against Aizen he is questioned by Eisen who asks him what exactly is he fighting for he reminds Ichigo that the fact that he is here must mean that Orihime is still alive none of his friends have died Aizen asks if he can truly hate him under these circumstances ichigo cannot attack Aizen with hatred it's impossible for Ichigo to hate him Aizen states he is attacking merely out of a sense of duty Aizen continues to taunt Ichigo by telling him he cannot protect anything without hatred he refers to ichigo's friends as deadweight they are a distraction to Ichigo becoming stronger presumably Ichigo is still shaken by his vast Oh Lord a transformation so is reluctant to transform into his hollow form this explains why ichigo didn't use his hollow mask when he first attempted to surprise attack Aizen upon arriving to the battlefield these taunts seemed to unnerve Ichigo is like he realizes his fear of losing control of his Hollow has returned Aizen calling ichigo's friends deadweight defeats the whole point of Ichigo even holding his blade he does so to protect his loved ones but how can he protect them with the power that he fears Ichigo is reassured by the goat i13 and the wise odds that they will fight to protect Ichigo but Ichigo feels difficulty entrusting them Ichigo still wants to shoulder all of the burden of defeating aizen ichigo is reassured that everyone in this battle has a reason to fight Aizen ultimately that reason is to save the world Ichigo believes in the goat I thirteen and the visoreds he watches them attack Aizen with determined eyes waiting for the opportunity to catch Aizen off-guard taking full advantage of not having seen aizen's shikai to land a surprise attack when Aizen reveals to Ichigo that he orchestrated all of the events in his life Ichigo asks Aizen when did he become convinced that Ichigo would be a good subject for his research Aizen reveals to Ichigo that he knew about him from the moment he was born Ichigo was born special according to Aizen he tells Ichigo that he was born a human and I we assume Aizen would have finished his sentence with Shinigami even each NGO believes this but this is not the case Asian expects Ichigo to have questions regarding him being a Shinigami but Ichigo shows maturity by respecting his father's decision to hide the fact that he was a Shinigami all along Ichigo tells his father that he will wait until he wants to tell him the truth Ichigo doesn't want him to say anything until then Kubo shows that Ichigo learnt this from Rukia when she respected ichigo's privacy back at the start of the series calling back to each encounter with the grand fissure and the death of each of us mother when Ichigo arrives in his inner world he is attacked by tensa zangetsu ition who watches Ichigo meditate predicts that this will occur through his own experience with his zanpakuto he knows that this is a technique that ichigo's zanpakuto will not want to teach him just as ition had said tensa zangetsu refuses to teach Ichigo the final getsugatensho Ichigo needs to learn this technique so that he can defeat Aizen but tensa zangetsu shows no sympathy for each gozar deal he doesn't care about what Ichigo has to protect he further elaborates that the two of them want to protect different things we can only assume that tensa zangetsu does not want to teach Ichigo the final getsugatensho because it conflicts with what he desires to protect Ichigo is completely confused he questions why his zanpakuto was lending its powers to him what was motivating zangetsu to give Ichigo power this whole time in a surprising revelation tensa zangetsu demands ichigo to look at the state of his inner world how the tall skyscrapers rich peeked into the hopeful skies had vanished instead they have been replaced by scenery from kuru kuru town this smaller world quickly became submerged by the ongoing downpour of rain but why though tensa zangetsu explains that his rain kept falling upon his inner world when Ichigo fell into despair he stopped progressing forward like he naturally does this trick is represented by the tall buildings which previously filled his inner world ichigo shockingly realizes the truth behind tensa zangetsu z' words refusing to that Ichigo continued feeling like this xanga too pulls out the source of ichigo's despair Ichigo stares eyes in a hollow like he has just seen a ghost Ichigo had thought he got rid of this monster Ichigo pretty much dying at the hands of Akira caused his inner hollow to re-emerge the King has returned so it would seem this is the first time Ichigo has seen his vast ol order form tensa zangetsu explains that this is what he transformed into to defeat Akira this is the form that Ichigo is afraid of the cause of his despair ichigo fears this form due to its destructive urges ichigo's heart and mind were completely muted he had no control over the power this vast old order form unleashed this affected Ichigo to the point that he couldn't even summon a hollow mask to appear when he was facing off against aizen ichigo asks if he will have to fight halloween she go once more but tenses getsu reveals that he will be fighting both of them merged as one hollowfied tensa zangetsu reveals that the two of them were always one they both are ichigo's power this is something vital to understanding Ichigo and his powers Kubo here teases the truth behind ichigo's powers but he fully explains this later in the series Ichigo notices that hollowfied tensa zangetsu could have defeated ichigo from the start of the battle due to the difference in their power so why hasn't he during their battle Ichigo can feel loneliness emanating from his zanpakuto when Ichigo understands he has to accept tencel zangetsu's blade he finally acquires the final getsugatensho tensa zangetsu who is crying reveals to Ichigo the reason why he didn't want him to learn this technique he is crying because that which he wants to protect is Ichigo tensa zangetsu knows that if Ichigo uses this technique then each go will lose his Shinigami powers he already knows the pain that this will cause Ichigo who throughout the series has used these powers to protect his loved ones the tears of tensa zangetsu foreshadow the struggles that Ichigo would enjoy in the upcoming fullbring arc with the defeat of Aizen the story has concluded is longest-running arc critics of bleach are under the impression that with the defeat of Aizen the story has concluded and apparently has no I left to go now but this couldn't be further from the truth i previously mentioned that ition has yet to speak to ichigo regarding why he kept the fact that he was a Shinigami a secret we have yet to understand the consequences of Ichigo losing his powers and ultimately we have been teased by tensa zangetsu about the origin of ichigo's powers we don't understand at this point in the series what he means by saying his hollow side and zangetsu a one how is it that is inner hollow at tensa zangetsu were always one to assume that the defeat of Aizen was the only objective the series was headed towards Israeli conceited Kubo has set up plot points which he has yet to elaborate upon for anyone paying attention to the story this is evident Ichigo losing his powers is incredibly significant the emotional weight that this carries is foreshadowed by tensa zangetsu crying the Arrancar arc concludes with Ichigo struggling with fear and finally overcoming it putting a stop to Aizen and his plans was an all-or-nothing battle to save the world a battle which cost Ichigo everything is the theoretical seminar d fullbring arc occurs 17 months after the defeat of Aizen this arc is widely thought to be the weakest arc of bleach some even holding it responsible for the supposed downfall or dropping quality of bleach I want to explain the purpose of this arc the overarching theme an analysis of what story kuba was conveying through this arc this arc begins with Ichigo continuing his life as a student he even as a part-time job now Ichigo although having lost a Shinigami powers still has considerable strength for a human he is more than capable of dealing with a gang of thugs on his own the full bring up features a new character called Ginjo coogo who wants ichigo to be cautious of the people around him he hands him a card to his organization called execution as the arc continues who you who's looking for anything strange sees a tall figure jumping across the rooftops after pursuing this mysterious figure who you is cut down and severely wounded each goal ends about whose injuries and rushes to see him at kura-kura hospital asking what happened to him Ichigo gets no answer frustrated and feeling powerless he calls the number to execution and enlists them to help him find some answers he learns about the existence of full bringers Chad is revealed to be a member of the group execution and he is also a full bringer after Orihime is attacked by the same mysterious figure who attacked you Ginjo reveals to Ichigo that this mysterious person's name is Suki Shima and is the former leader of the group execution ichigo undergoes training with the members of the execution who each help each go to regain his powers through using their own unique fullbring powers once ichigo's training is completed and he has fullbring abilities he returns home to see sook Ashima has manipulated his friends and family through using his Holborn ability book of the end it appears that Ginjo is the only person not being manipulated by suka Shima each go and Ginjo worked together to stop suka Shima until who arrives and reveals to Ichigo that the person who cut him down was Natsuki Shima but it was Ginjo King Jo's true colors are revealed as he promptly betrays Ichigo by attacking him and stealing his newly acquired forming powers ichigo devastated by King Jo's betrayal collapses and shouts frame to retain his powers to him completely in despair Ichigo cries out he is feeling powerlessness to help his friends and family who are being manipulated by tsuki Shima unexpectedly Ichigo is stabbed with a zanpakuto trees back turning around he sees issue or ahora and rukia who is holding the zanpakuto an explosion occurs and Ichigo emerges holding zangetsu Rukia explains how she was able to restore his Shinigami powers through the help of the gota 13 the members from the goat I thirteen arrived to aid Ichigo hitsugaya reveals to Ichigo that the very first substitution egami was kinder coogo ichigo battles Ginjo while the gota 13 members battle with the foreigners who have been powered up by Ginjo sharing each goes for bring with them Ginjo reveals to Ichigo the true purpose of the shemitah me badge how the soul society uses it for surveillance he attempts to persuade Ichigo he is fighting the wrong enemy Ichigo uninterested in game Jo's relationship with the soul Society uses his bankai against him but Ginjo also proceeds to activate his own bankai after clashing several times Ichigo has the upper hand he deals the final blow to Ginjo who falls to the ground and dies Suki Shima who then attempts to kill Ichigo also succumbs to his injuries and dies ichigo visits the soul society as the arc concludes and meets the gota 13 captain's he requests to burry Jin Joos body in the human world lastly he bids farewell to Rukia and heads back to kara Koreatown the fullbring arc is a reboot and returned to the beginnings of the series the only difference is that Ichigo has aged and he no longer can see ghosts ichigo's Shinigami badge is the only proof he has that he ever was a Shinigami Ichigo says he never felt superior to others due to seeing spirits nor did he want to help others through using this power for the longest time he just wished he couldn't see ghosts his wish has now been granted Rukia hasn't visited Ichigo during the 17 months since aizen's defeat ichigo says he doesn't miss her and mentions the soul society very little after losing his powers ichigo's physical strength and abilities seem to remain elevated as he is wanted by all the different sports teams at school his elevated strength and power a leftovers of each of those days as a Shinigami the theme of the fullbring arc is lost and how to deal with it this theme constantly recurs throughout this arc via ichigo's pursuit to regain his powers when Ginjo visits were each go work son he requests a background check on Nisshin also stating that Ichigo knows very little about his family and Ichigo wouldn't be able to answer the questions that Ginjo is interested in asking about each of your father this is another hint at each girl's origins Aizen did it previously and now this new character is also hinting at the truth of ichigo's family truth will play a major formatic role in the next arc of the series and this is Kubo once again adding to his subtle hints throughout the series leading up to his final arc Ginjo casts doubt into ichigo's mind about his father and family this doubt is further fueled by Ichigo seeing Curran need or Ahura shop and his father being away from home ichigo's friends and family can feel that Ichigo is concerned or bothered by someone or something when uu is attacked ichigo's concerns are actualized Ichigo realizing that oh you was attacked prices for answers ichigo states if you couldn't take on the fall alone then it would be best to work together who are you refusing to answer is very significant and forms the final push for Ichigo to contact execution ichigo's frustration and powerlessness leads him to asking what is happening behind his back isn't there anything he can do to protect his friends and family in his time of need when everyone is trying to not burden him with worries he turns to execution Ginjo reveals to Ichigo that he has been pursuing him in order to help him regain his Shinigami powers Ichigo is angered and confused by this he wants to know what they are after who are these people in execution Ginjo explains what for bring is the ability to draw out the soul from tools and enhance the power of the tool or object by boosting it with their own soul this ability is called full brain an avid followers of the show will realize that this is the basis for the abilities Orihime and Chad have been using throughout the series the four bring arc introduces us to for bringers who gain their power when their parents are attacked by a hollow the traces of the hollow remain on the mother and end up dwelling inside her children a full bring his abilities resemble more of a hollow than a Shinigami the execution members hate these abilities and want to be rid of them they need each go to become a Shinigami again so that he can remove these abilities from them by using his restored powers Chad also joins execution in order to help Ichigo Chad is the first of his friends and family to tell Ichigo what he has observed after Ichigo lost his powers he tells each go that he knows he wants to fight Chad knows Ichigo is hurt because he cannot protect the people around him Ichigo is struggling with coming to terms with losing his powers this explains why his friends and family are expressing concern towards him Ichigo tries to hide his hurt hide that he doesn't miss Rukia and the soul Society and hide his powerlessness he is told not to any more by Chad who tells him that fighting to protect those around him is who Ichigo is when each goal ends the truth about Jin Joos intentions and after being mentally tortured by suka chimas sadistic manipulation of his friends and family Ichigo breaks ichigo who feels like all of his friends and family have turned against him has only Ginjo left as a comrade the sadness ichigo is feeling in this situation is shown man who arrives and he questions what side he is on when he shows his Quincy bow Ichigo has sadness in his eyes which Kubo conveys masterfully who are you revealing that it was Ginjo who attacked him shocks Ichigo laughing as he does so Ginjo steals ichigo's newly acquired fullbring powers this moment truly embodies hopelessness powerlessness and despair the entire situation is cruel and purposefully crafted by Ginjo and su Kashima they intended for Ichigo to feel despair through Ginjo having su Kashima use book of the end on him so that he could convincingly sells Takeshima as the enemy ensuring that Ichigo would not suspect Ginjo Ichigo reveals while his powers are being taken from him that he wanted to regain his strength but he had no path to fulfill this desire for seventeen months he was weak and powerless he felt he could finally protect his loved ones once more with his own strength and now in this single moment his purpose his desire his meaning has been snatched away from him the pain of betrayal powerlessness and seventeen months of weakness take their toll ichigo sinks into a deep ocean of despair in one of ichigo's most human moments he succumbs to his tears and cries tears running down his face Ichigo in a final desperate attempt to fight back demands for his powers back when he is stabbed and turns around to see aura Hara and his father he assumes they too are being manipulated by suka Shima blinded by his despair ichigo thinks this is the final kick while he is down Kubo draws ichigo with such sadness is right that we see an author totally break the morale of his protagonists to this extent like I said at the beginning of the Forbin arc analysis this arc is a return to the beginning of bleach and how could we return to where it started without Rukia as his ability to see retsu returns he sees Rukia appearing holding the sword he has just been stabbed to it just like before Rukia gives Ichigo power to protect once more emerging from the clouds Ichigo appears as a Shinigami but with fullbring markings on body up until this arc ichigo's hollow powers never translated into full brain since his hollow powers developed in a Shinigami foam after Ichigo learned to call upon his hollow powers by a full brain while he was just a human it allowed for his powers to become whole again once his Shinigami powers returned his hollow and Shinigami powers fused previously Ichigo could only call upon his hollow powers through donning a hollow mask but now his hollow or full brain powers have merged with the Shinigami powers now zangetsu is truly complete remembering what hollow tensa zangetsu stated previously his hollow and Shinigami powers were always won and now they are finally been mastered and become one proof of this is shown by ichigo's fullbring markings now being visible on his body Shinigami attire and on xanga - this is our first meeting you must be joking you aside she become a head captain of the 13 Court guard squads we are here to declare war the thousand-year blood walk is the final arc of bleach it is the only arc which is yet to receive an anime adaptation so due to this many fans drop the series at this point the final arc of bleach was planned by kuba from the very beginning of the series I want to reveal what exactly the series was building towards and how this arc concludes ichigo's journey and the story of bleach the thousand-year blood wall art begins with the soul society research and development department detecting that hollows are being destroyed without any trace in large quantities only one group could be responsible for this the arc wastes little time as ichigo's confronted by a strange man called eben meanwhile in the soul society the citizens have also been found to be disappearing while all of this is going on head captain Yamamoto is visited by several masked men who declare war against him and the soul society the group revealed themselves to be the one Dan Reich stating that the soul Society will be destroyed in five days back in kuru kuru town ichigo notices that his opponent eben is using a Quincy crust as ichigo activates his bankai ebin attempts to steal it with a medallion but he fails even a surprise that he cannot steal each was bankai he loses the battle and is forced to retreat ichigo later walking in Caracara town meet Snell who reveals to him that something has happened in hueco mundo he learns that the current leader of hueco mundo TIA Holly Bell has been held captive by a mysterious group ichigo and his friends along with urahara agreed to help now but Julio declines to join them arriving in hueco mundo they discovered the Arrancar are being slaughtered and held prisoner by the one denike ichigo and nel discovered the one Dan right captain kill JRP he is hunting and defeating their uncles in the soul Society the research department confirms the identity of who is behind the impending attack it is the Quincy's and their leader is called you watch the assault society prepare for war after learning the identity of the intruders ichigo faces off against kill gay Opie who reveals to him that he is a high-level threat according to you watch ichigo quickly realizes that his opponents are Quincy's due to their fighting techniques while ichigo is preoccupied in hueco mundo you watch informs his group of powerful Quincy's the sternritter to ready themselves to invade the soul society kill get up he transforms into a new form called the quincy holy form ichigo activates his bankai continuing to battle kill gay unknown to him you watch has just arrived in the soul society it you go overwhelms kill gay who tries to steal each goes bankai but is unable to while each of your battles in hueco mundo the one Dan right begin destroying the soul society and killing the Shinigami reiatsu is disappearing across the soul society he blue tenants and captain's joined the battle facing off against the stern Ritter's Renji and byakuya battled the sternritter called as not who instills fear into his opponents the captain's are all outmatched by the sternritter x' as their bank eyes are rendered useless the moment the sternritter steal them by using their medallions horahora learns that the soul society is being attacked by you watches are me the wand and rike he informs ichigo who proceeds to rush to the soul society but he has trapped in a ratio person by kill gay ichigo's bank i tensa zangetsu cannot be stolen he is the best chance that the soul society has but Ichigo is trapped and unable to save the soul Society which he consents is in grave danger he tries to break the prism but is unable to he can hear the suffering of the Shinigami waiting for him to arrive the sternritter as not steals biotches bankai and uses Zemin sakura kageyoshi against him Renji is unable to help as he is also overpowered by as not be Aki are still standing after being lacerated by his bankai begins being attacked once more by us not his own bankai is cutting through his body via PA lays against a crater covered in his own blood apologizing to Rukia and Renji as it appears he has died head captain Yamamoto is also defeated by you watch when he steals his bankai in cuts him in half you watch now orders the stair returns to destroy what's left of the soul society they kill the remaining Shinigami in a brutal one-sided attack as you watch decides to leave Ichigo arrives he visits byakuya who pleased with him to protect the soul Society Ichigo arrives confront you watch before he tries to leave Ichigo attacks him but is overpowered you watch stabs ichigo's neck but Ichigo has blocked a strike with an advanced quincy technique called glutamine Ichigo is confused about the suggestion that he has Quincy abilities you watch realizes that Ichigo doesn't know the truth about his mother hush Walt the second-in-command within the one Dan right breaks ichigo's zanpakuto in half as they leave they promise they will be back for Ichigo the aftermath of the assault results in Rukia and Renji in intensive care Kenpachi and byakuya falling comatose I may never wake up and the death of head captain yamamoto and countless Shinigami the Royal Guard tasked to protect the soul King arrived outside of the serie tech they consist of five members who stronger than all of the goat i13 combined they arrived to take byakuya Renji and Rukia to heal their wounds and recover their powers Ichigo is also convinced to go so that is tensa zangetsu can be repaired Ichigo and Renji are the first to be healed and begin their training they train with OS unnimaya the crater of the zanpakuto he scolds them for misusing their zanpakuto and tasks them to battle the anger of the zanpakuto which are surrounding them Niemeyer will only reforge their zanpakuto if they survive this trial pursue Chi which are nameless zanpakuto are manifested within OSU Neumeier's domain they begin attacking Ichigo and Renji their anger is manifested due to how Ichigo and Renji misused their own zanpakuto meanwhile in the seireitei Kenpachi begins his training with una Hana the first kampachi she attempts to unleash his true power by lifting the restraints he has subconsciously placed on them Renji successfully completes Niemeyer's trial however ichigo has failed it he is sent back to the human world so that he can learn the truth about his past ition reveals to Ichigo how he met his mother Misaki Kurosaki how he found a strange hollow which attacked her he was forced to link his soul to hers to prevent her from dying when ichigo's inner hollow finally awakened Asian's powers were restored ichigo also learns that his mother was defeated by grand fissure because you watch stole her Quincy powers through ash wollen this technique is dubbed as the holy selection you watch use this to regain his powers during his revival he steals the Quincy powers from impure or mix blooded Quincy's Ichigo thanks his father now knowing the truth and with new resolve he returns to select an a sushi to become his zanpakuto new Maya begins to forge ichigo's new zanpakuto he explains how ichigo's zanpakuto spirit is represented by his inner hollow while zangetsu is the embodiment of his Quincy powers while in his inner world ichigo lands the zangetsu's actually you watch he asks why zangetsu lied to him this whole time zangetsu admits that he initially tried to prevent ichigo from becoming a Shinigami but he later began to support ichigo due to his growth and development zangetsu grants Ichigo permission to acquire his true zanpakuto ichigo combines a part of his soul with the asougi in his new form he has two swords and he realizes that the two swords represent his Hollow and his Quincy powers meanwhile who is revealed to have joined the wound and rike you watch also announces him to be a successor as he is the only Quincy to have survived Ashe wollen Rukia and Renji continued their training with the Royal Guard we also learned that byakuya has recovered from his injuries everyone seems to be preparing to defeat the one Dan Reich in their next encounter suddenly the seireitei is covered in a shadow and it is then replaced entirely by the one Dan Reich city made of ice the thousand-year blood walk deals with the theme of truth whether if this is the truth behind you watch the Quincy's and their goal or the long-awaited truth behind the origin of our protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki the final arc of Bleach begins with the massacre introducing us to new characters who make their entrance by destroying the soul society you watch their leader was spoken about as a legend amongst the Quincy's referring to him as they're sealed king whom after 900 years of imprisonment will regain his heartbeat after 90 days his intellect will be restored after 9 years he would absorb the power of the impure Quincy to regain his power when you watch is revived he reveals there is one final verse to his Emperor's song after nine days the sealed king would reclaim the world you watch aims to conquer the soul society hoping to return the world to his prior natural state the state before the Shinigami placed the sole king in control of the balance of the world you watch wants to merge the different realms of the world into one and rule over them when Ichigo first meets you watch his anger overwhelms him upon learning that you watch is the enemy's leader he strikes towards him but he is easily subdued ichigo's Quincy powers are activated earlier than you watch would have lights as a result of Ichigo battling the pure-blooded Quincy kill get off me the memories within his reiatsu awakened each of those Quincy powers you watch confirms this once more by saying that kill gaze present was made to seal enemies not Quincy hence why ichigo was able to break out of it ichigo while imprison must have released his reiatsu to its very limit desperately trying to escape his body must have absorbed some of the surrounding reacts you to compensate for the loss however kill gaze rats you must have reached within the depths of each go soul to draw out his latent Quincy powers the truth behind ichigo's past and his family finally begins to unravel seeds which have been planted from the very beginning of the series all lead up to this final arc you watch ready and as Ichigo when he mentions that he knows nothing about his mother Rukia thanks Ichigo for returning to protect the soul society but Ichigo states he wasn't able to protect anyone but Shinji reminds Ichigo that he chased away you watch before you could have done more damage to them Rukia notices something is bothering Ichigo as he leaves and this time it wasn't his inability to protect Rukia feels like Ichigo is hiding something the revelation that he is a Quincy must have unsettled Ichigo when Ichigo is told to come with the Royal Guard he feels reluctant to leave due to his duty to protect he is juggling between the real world who a commando and the soul Society urahara contacts Ichigo to reassure him before he leaves for the Soul king's palace he tells Ichigo not to worry about getting them out of hueco mundo there is no need for that as his friends are in safe hands or ihara directly speaks to ichigo's concerns and pleads with him to act for his own sake from now on advising Ichigo to think and act and do what he really wants to do his friends are capable of protecting themselves now Ichigo has been shouldering and worrying about them up until this point all the while neglecting his own deep-rooted issues or ihara must be a way that Ichigo is at a crossroads here does he run away from the truth or does he face his past and come to understand just what he really is he knows that if Ichigo acts of his own will by thinking about what he wants in this moment he will grow stronger as a result of it his will to protect those around him will lead him back to them no matter what truth is revealed to him Ichigo will not run away from this battle when Ichigo isn't chosen by an asougi he is sent back to the human world Niemeyer states that ichigo needs to go back to his roots he needs to finally learn who he is and where he came from asian understands why he was turned away ichigo isn't able to heal his broken bankai without knowing about himself remember aizen's monologue you are a human and a we finally learned from ition what Ichigo truly is ichigo's mother is a Quincy he is a human and a Quincy ition had linked his gigai to the hollow which attacked and became a part of Misaki the hollow was passed down to Ichigo but the hollow was awakened when Ichigo went to the soul society ition was unable to contain it with his ray at sewell own issuance Shinigami powers returned as the bond between his gigai and the hollow was broken now each of your knows about his past and why he has come from Asian then provides ichigo with his resolve Misaki was a pure-blooded Quincy before she was tainted by a hollow she had blue dream which is a Quincy defensive ability Asian explains how Misaki should have defeated grand fissure very easily considering her ability but despite this she was killed nine years ago you watch unleashed ash Wallen he stole the abilities of impure see mix blended Quincy a weak to begin with so ash wollen results in their death which is how you use mother died Misaki was however only rendered powerless by a schwarmann she was unable to fight the grand Fisher and died in battle protecting Ichigo you watch is the father of the Quincy his blood runs through the veins of all of the Quincy hence why he is able to use such a technique typically ichigo would waver in his resolve here and feel despair upon learning the truth but in this instance ichigo shows his growth and maturity by accepting the truth ichigo thanks his father and with renewed resolve after finally learning the truth to his past ichigo heads back to reforge his zanpakuto after ichigo is brought back to new maya he notes that ichigo looks more determined than before this time all of the asougi kneel before ichigo willing to accept him previously he was rejected by all of them before ichigo can have his zanpakuto reforged he must say goodbye to zangetsu ichigo learns that the reason why his sushi became white the moment he touched it was because his inner hollow was a zanpakuto spirit all along the hollow which attacked ichigo's mother Aizen called it white it was created from the souls of many Shinigami white entered ichigo's soul and fused with his own natural Shinigami powers thus becoming his zanpakuto Ichigo now learns that design gets you that he knew up until now has been masquerading as a zanpakuto this whole time revealing yet another truth to Ichigo he enters into his inner world to convert in sangat su new Maya helps Ichigo to identify zangetsu's true identity this whole time he was in fact you watch he was not a representation of ichigo's Shinigami powers but in fact he was representing his Quincy powers deform that this imposter has taken his he watches from 1,000 years ago Ichigo finds it difficult to accept even remembering the first time he saw you watch he couldn't help but to feel like he had seen those eyes before they reminded him of someone else that someone else was of course the imposter who resides within Ichigo Ichigo questions if everything he was told up until this point was a lie is he an ally or an enemy young you watch tells him that he is neither his enemy nor his ally he also tells Ichigo he has never lied to him except for the name he told Ichigo to refer to him as he reminds Ichigo whenever he saw him teaching how to use his zanpakuto his inner hollow is always present aiding him when ichigo couldn't use the full strength of his zanpakuto it wasn't young you watch who aided him his hollow always manifested when ichigo's life was in danger ichigo's Shinigami powers were suppressed by young you watch he never wanted Ichigo to become a Shinigami he did this to protect Ichigo he didn't want him to enter into battle to feel pain and suffer from injury to the extent that he would have killed Ichigo if he chose the path of becoming a Shinigami but as young you watch saw Ichigo overcome every injury and painful encounter his heart began to waver eventually supporting ichigo's pursuit for a Shinigami powers he found himself supporting ichigo's will and his desire instead of his own Ichigo realizes he was never lied to by his inner hollow a young you watch when ichigo needed help he lent Ichigo his Quincy powers when ichigo had no strength left to win the young you watch helped him most recently he used his Quincy powers to stop ichigo's blood from flowing by using blue teen against you watch young you watch steps aside and happily allows Ichigo to fight with his true power no more ichigo's powers being suppressed now his true zanpakuto is revealed to him Ichigo says to himself he considers young you watch and his inner hollow to both be zangetsu wielding two blades Ichigo will now no longer asking you watch to lend him his power he won't tell his inner hollow to get out of his way and neither would he ask him to fight together with him as urahara said before and Ichigo now says for himself Ichigo will now fight for himself having the truth revealed to him Ichigo now stands ready to protect the people around him but this time with his own power this is the character okay Ichigo perfectly concluded through acceptance of his past and who he is Ichigo is able to channel his spirit into two blades and face you watch once more with the serrated now replaced by the one denike City the second assault begins after completing their training the gota 13 begin facing off against the Sten Ritter's through raha Razak Ilias medallion he is able to retain the bankai to the wielders who had it stolen from them as the battle between the captains and stern raters continued Ichigo contacts were ahora his training is finally completed urahara informs Ichigo of the events taking place as he leaves the Soul king's palace Rukia and Renji arrive in the wandering reich city to help the go ty 13 Rukia battles as not who attempts to induce fear into her as he activates his Quincy holy form and induces fear into Rukia through her optic nerves byakuya arrives and destroys as not swallow fear inducing eyes Rukia enters into a bank to deliver the final blow to as not defeating him kampachi also arrives on the battlefield to face off against the sternritter grammy kampachi defeats grammy by showing his true strength which tears from his body apart as he realizes there is nothing as strong as kampachi a group of female stan writers begin to attack kampachi after his battle with grammy ichigo suddenly arrives he heads to kampachi to rescue him meanwhile you watch begins preparing to enter the soul king's palace when ichigo arrived into the one denike city he broke the barriers between the city and the soul king's palace so it made it easier for you watch to invade the palace the Shinigami arrived to stop the sternritter while ichigo rushes to you watch to stop him ichigo trying to stop you watch is attacked by you who chooses not to tell Ichigo why he aside it with you watch you watch hash walk and who you make their way over to the palace Ichigo is saddened by whose apparent betrayal however Chad persuades Ichigo to follow you to the soul king's palace urahara begins preparing to send them to the palace to confront you watch the royal guard greet you watch in company attacking them to protect the soul king however their attacks seemed to be ineffective against you watch you watch absorbs the power of the remaining stone writers in the city below by using ash wollen the goat I thirteen realized that the Soul king's palace is in danger the royal guard also seemed to be proving no match for you watch understand which is invading the palace you watch then activates his ability called the almighty which blows Ichi Bay the leader of the Royal Guard to pieces Ichigo on company finally arrives to stop you watch but as they arrived you watch her stab the soul King Ichigo attempts to remove you what just saw it from the soul king but his Quincy blood controls him to cut the soul king in half with the soul King de parently dead the human world begins having multiple earthquakes even the seireitei begins to shake and fall apart urahara informs the goat i13 that the soul king has been killed without whom the balance of the world will be at breaking point reality will crumble in order to save the soul king captain ukitake sacrifices himself to the soul King's right-hand mini Huggy which had always resided within him this momentarily halts the breaking of reality head captain shunsui visits Aizen where he is being held captive in order to recruit him to join the battle to stop you watch me me how he surrounds the soul king keeping the worlds from crumbling ichigo and his friends failed to protect me me Huggy as you watch absorbs it thus killing who kataka you watch then absorbs the entirety of the soul king and his using it to transport the wand and right city to the royal palace he replaces the royal palace with his own fortress called water world this new realm now belongs to the Quincy Bhagat I thirteen members and Grimmjow who joins the battle begin to battle the stern writers whom you watch did not absorb through ash wollen meanwhile ichigo and his friends leave to confront you watch hash walt who now also possesses the almighty questions why you has placed bombs throughout water welt hash walt attacks Fuyu ichigo and his friends learn of who use plan to destroy water walt and confirm he planned to sabotage you watch his plans from the inside realizing hash walt is in possession of the almighty who you edges Ichigo and company to attack the weaken you are the almighty returns to you watch just as he is confronted by Ichigo and Orihime Ichigo begins his battle with you watch ashen and Rio can also arrive in Waterworld Rukia and Renji also had over to help Ichigo after absorbing he watches Quincy reiatsu Ichigo transforms into a new hollow form which appears to be merged with his current form each go begins to overpower you watch who is forced to activate the almighty which injures Ichigo he then activates his true bankai tensa zangetsu for the first time however this proves futile as you watch reveals that the almighty allows him to see and alter the future of any outcome to favor him you watch breaks each of your spirit making him realize that he cannot alter fate which you watch now controls you watch proceeds to absorb each ghost Quincy and hollow powers he then unleashes a third and final a schwa line which absorbed the remaining Stan writers including hush Walt you watch then leaves why a portal Orihime is unable to fix the now broken tensa zangetsu blade d fullbring Asuka Shima comes to ichigo's aid he cuts ichigo allowing him to be under the influence of the book of end tsuki Shima creates a past in which tensa zangetsu was not broken so that era he may is able to fix the blade you watch who arrives in the soul society is confronted by Aizen as whose father hands you an arrowhead called still silver this Arrowhead is created from the heart of a victim of a swollen a silver clot or thrombus forms within the heart of the victim who you can create the arrowhead from who use mother's heart the still silver Arrowhead nullifies the powers of the caster of ash wall and moment upon making contact with their blood ichigo arrives with Renji to face off against you watch in one final attempt Aizen helps by creating illusions of Renji and Ichigo attacking you watch who fires distill Silva air ahead which nullifies you watch his power allowing Ichigo to deliver the final blow to you watch cutting him in half with his tensa zangetsu blade killing you watch 10 years after the battle would you watch the soul society is finally restored after the damage you watch inflicted upon it Renji and Rukia visit Kurosaki clinic to meet Orihime Ichigo to watch Chad's upcoming boxing now upstairs the child of Ichigo and Orihime kazooie Kurosaki is confronted by Renji and rukia's daughter called ichika abara they both are revealed to have Shinigami powers sang up the next generation of Shinigami as the story of Bleach concludes bleach had been leading up to you watch as a villain as early as chapter 46 when Rukia explains to Ichigo why the Quincy were destroyed by the Shinigami she describes Shinigami as maintaining the order in the world an equal amount of souls must exist in the soul society and the real world an imbalance would cause the two worlds to shift causing destruction to both realities Shinigami maintain order by sending the souls of hollows back to the soul Society but Quincy completely destroy a hollow and its soul thus causing the souls entering the soul society to reduce causing a shift in balance the very concepts of life and death would be combined when the two worlds tilt into each other the early chapters of Bleach hint at you watch his goal you watch wanted to rid the world from the concept of death to caused this very shift in balance you watch condemns the way that Shinigami continued the cycle of life and death in the end you watch his true purpose was to remove all life from existence he resolved to create a new reality without death where he will be the only being in existence ultimately you watch sacrificed all of his underlings even his second-in-command hash wold to try and attain his goal after absorbing their powers you watch selfishly declares he no longer needs Ichigo his Quincy children or the stern writers he could finally crush the soul society and the living world you watch menacingly tells Ichigo Rukia and Renji that he will find out their moment of greatest happiness in the coming future and kill them then telling them that from this moment on if they ever feel joy then you watch his promise to kill them will remind them of the fear of death every moment of happiness could now be their last this inherent fear of a looming unavoidable death is you watch is obsessed with ultimately you watch is afraid of dying his true purpose is to remove the cycle of life and death the very concept that is the backbone of bleach as a series and even our own reality people fear the unknown we don't know what to expect from it humans learn from their experiences and they feel comfort through having some knowledge of that present experience but place a human in an unfamiliar unknown situation then fear is an absolute certainty death is guaranteed for every human so inherently the fear of death exists in all of us you watch fears death to the extent that he wishes to erase the very concept of it from reality itself if people are no longer alive then how can they fear death you watch planned for a utopia without the constant reminder of our own mortality when you watch is defeated he tells Ichigo thanks to him life and death will remain as they have been people will continue to live with a constant fear of death looming for eternity Aizen comments on you watch his ambition explaining how we deal with the fear of death isin notes that in a world without a fear of death people will no longer search for hope there won't be a need for hope since we would continue to exist just by living Aizen compares a world without fear to our own he says that in the current state of reality we continue living persistently while fending off fear we have a word that describes living in this manner that word is called courage Kubo has always had death as a main theme in the series through the concept of hollows a hollow is formed by a soul who is fearful of death they are fearful to move on their souls linger to life their hearts become filled with regret and it is their a great filled hearts which form into the masks that hollows where you both threw Aizen introduces us to a villain who wanted immortality but in the end even Aizen understands why death is necessary in our world you watch had been planned as a villain from the very beginning of the series the poems which feature in the first two volumes are a discussion of the themes behind this final confrontation with you watch Bleach vol 1 begins with we fear that which cannot be seen followed up in volume 2 by people have hope because they cannot see death lingering behind them that which we cannot see is death and we have hope because we cannot see death lingering behind us Kubo adds to his two poems through aizen's final speech even if we see death lingering behind us we can still have hope through courage to face our own mortality head-on and to choose to continue living without the fear of death consuming us for Ichigo and his friends they to continue living with courage and so do we not allowing the fear of death to consumers like he did you watch a Shinigami purifies or bleaches the darkness within the heart of a hollow allowing them to accept death thus the story of bleach as a whole leads up to a finale which allows us to face our own fears and acceptance of death and it is only to courage that we live on persistently with hope Kubo concludes this series impactfully it has emotional weight because it is something so raw and real we all have to face death but our fears of death are bleached by Kubo's writing and his answers to how we deal with such fears so finally after analyzing the story of bleach and its themes it is clear that many of the misconceptions and myths surrounding bleach are ill-founded claims of a lack of character development or lack in direction of story and nonsensical there is clear direction in terms of story and there is character development through each of the story arcs of bleach this is apparent if you are paying attention to the series it is easier to politely hate something than it is to spend the time to research appreciate and look into the deeper meaning behind it I did mention at the start of the video that despite all of the praise that I have for Bleach there are areas which I feel negatively impacted the series as a whole the anime adaptation is how many fans have been introduced to the series including myself as an adaptation is not perfect the bleach anime consists of more than 50% filler material it senses the violence depicted in the manga and it doesn't include many of the character monologues which kuba writes into his manga for this video I read the entirety of bleach in his manga form it has helped me to have a more profound understanding of bleach and Kubo as a writer when the anime ended many didn't continue to read on to the thousand-year blood walk I have loved the series in its manga form but I do critique the finale as feeling rushed it is a well-known fact that Kubo had many health issues during the serialization of bleach but despite these he delivered fans the ending of bleach that he had intended from the very beginning even if it was a rushed ending it is how he wanted to end it I would have loved to see more fleshed out battles between the go ty 13 and the sternritter 's and a longer battle against you watch in the finale helping it to feel less anticlimactic all of these requests however feel selfish because Kubo is an author who has delivered a chapter each week for 15 years for his fans he even deteriorated his own health so that we could read bleach up to where it ended he could have ended it sooner or gone on hiatus but Kubo continued and for that he deserves our
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 916,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JaymesHanson, bleach, Bleach Anime, Bleach 2019, Bleach 2020, New Bleach, New Bleach Episodes, Bleach Manga, Is bleach coming back?, The Fall of Bleach, How it happened, Super Eyepatch Wolf, Burn The Witch, Announcement, Jump Festa, anime documentary, The Fall of BLEACH: How it Happened, jaymeshanson bleach, soulmadness, Bleach Movie, new bleach series, bleach trailer, bleach season, bleach fight scenes, bleach battles, Top 10 Bleach Bankai, bleach sequel, bleach op
Id: Ec_NVJfX3oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 37sec (6877 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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