UFO Hunters: Alien Surveillance at Secret Government Facilities (S3, E9) | Full Episode | History

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ever since the detonation of the first atomic bomb   the numbers of ufo sightings have increased  dramatically the question is have our threats   to ets increased as well i actually said  to my husband they just bombed new york   many ufos are spotted near government labs  that are home to top-secret energy research   it's not really a question of do you think they  will they have done that several times there are   even reports of a possible cover-up of ufos being  shot down over national laboratories at brookhaven   and lawrence livermore we had a source that had  seen lasers actually coming out of livermore   we've uncovered shocking video okay here we go  that supposedly shows a piece of a smoldering ufo   we will have the first evidence of a ufo crash  in american history have we fired the first shot   you're going to see these two guys once pulling  out a body bag and are we under surveillance by   alien craft if they're balloons if they're drones  if there's some kind of experimental things   fine i just need to know what they are  this is case number 92202 ufo surveillance we have gotten some pretty incredible footage  taken by a person who was filming across   long island sound from the connecticut  south shore and he caught some really   strange lights over long island it reminds me  of the 1992 alleged crash over south haven park   where supposedly brookhaven national laboratories  was involved the 1992 crash of a ufo in a wooded   area on long island occurred just five miles  south of brookhaven national laboratories   that's significant because high-tech energy  facilities have long been suspected of attracting   alien interest brookhaven national  lab i mean that's a state-of-the-art   scientific research facility look what's  happening over at brookhaven national labs   in terms of atomic colliders and they  created the first peacetime nuclear reactor   there are 21 national laboratories in the u.s  and of these the leaders in energy research are   arguably lawrence livermore and brookhaven the  leading innovations in particle beams lasers   fusion and directed energy are more than likely  going to come from one of these two facilities when we set off the bomb we almost sounded  an alarm big huge nuclear explosions some   other planet out there was listening and  they heard our signals think about all   the ufo activity that occurred after the  bombs were dropped in world war ii now   they're here to stay and they're checking  us out to make sure we don't do it again   ever since we began nuclear research in  the 1940s it seems ufos have followed   from hanford and washington state to white sands  in new mexico to the test site in nevada it's   no coincidence that breakthroughs and high-tech  weapons seem to be accompanied by ufo sightings   just what are ufos doing over some of these  top research facilities i think it's time   we got proactive and try to surveil them  instead of waiting for them to surveil us brookhaven national laboratory has been  a worldwide pioneer in energy research   for over 60 years it was the first  facility to build a peacetime nuclear   reactor and for years it actively  promoted the use of atomic energy   six nobel prizes have come from work at brookhaven  one of the world's largest particle accelerators   was built there the work being done here is  far ahead of what most understand about science   so if extraterrestrial civilizations were  interested in how we would challenge or threaten   distant galaxies they would hypothetically  want to set up surveillance over brookhaven i'm not a ufologist i'm not an aviation buff  i'm just someone who's paying attention to   objects that are appearing in the night sky over   long island sound that no one  else seems to be interested in mark how you doing welcome nice to meet you   after seeing strange lights in the sky over  long island sound mark has made a dedicated   practice of videotaping them regularly he backs  up all his work by plotting his location on maps   recording compass headings and taking notes so  that he can figure out what these lights are originally they were appearing in  the smithtown bay area kind of like   over sunken meadows state park they would  seem to be stationary for long periods of   time sometimes changing position they would  stay almost motionless for hours at a time these things don't stroke they're  just steady lights they almost   look like little suns they're so consistently lit it looks like a dance when they start to move  there's a relay they kind of change places so what do you consider your best footage so far  over the norwalk islands there were some that were   hovering so low above the horizon they're kind  of like moving sideways from behind the islands have you ever gotten a good enough view  of these lights to make out a shape   through binoculars i could see that it looked like  a lozenge shaped craft with two headlights in it the lights that mark is describing match up  with the craft in the surveillance operation   they travel in a set pattern they hover in place   and they don't seem in a hurry to leave we need  to get more information on these flying objects   to see if they're keeping vigil near  brookhaven national laboratories   why do you go out so much to see the lights if  they're balloons if they're drones if there's some   kind of experimental things fine whatever they  are i just need to know what they are like mark   i want to discover what these lights are and  they might not flash or strobe like a traditional   airplane but there are so many airports over long  island i want to see if there's a correlation teres massan is a video analyst who's an expert  at finding the truth about what's on tape most   ufo footage that he analyzes is brief and it's  rushed but mark's video is different there are   hours of footage and is meticulously supported  with data he's been very diligent about recording   his shooting location and he keeps very  good notes i would call him a very reliable   witness we actually pick up a very large number  of these lights what's consistent through all   of the footage is that their motion is  almost stationary it's very very slow what was a little freaky was when you speed these  things up at many multiple times playback speed   they dance and fly all around in  repeated patterns follow each other very wild behavior the first thing that i always  do when i look at this footage is try to establish   sight lines where's the shooter where's the  angle of shooting what's the aspect ratio   what's the coverage i actually  have a map here i can show   that plots this out you can see up here on  the southern connecticut shore six different   locations that i was able to isolate and then  correspond his shooting directions the next   thing i did was plot out the location of all the  local airports six out of the seven sight lines basically bullseye are republic jfk and laguardia  airports you can see the pattern actually   corresponds to figure eight kind of corkscrew  very consistent with lineup coming into an airport now is every video taken line of sight  to airport just like this no so this is   the remaining footage so we're watching it same  camera settings same effects blown out lights   hanging there in air now watch this wow just this  it's very odd you can see how this thing moves so   fast it blurs into a horizontal line and it dips  down comes to a stop dips down below the tree line   and there's actually two more in view at  the same time following the same pattern there's one remaining piece of footage that  doesn't correspond to flight characteristics of   commercial aircraft look at this one sight line  that kind of goes off on its own so it's just   shooting out he's over here in the norwalk area  shooting along the coast there aren't any airports we can't identify them with any  of the characteristics we've used   to dismiss all the other footage  so they they are left unidentified mark's video shows us this craft that could  appear to be about 25 miles from brookhaven   national laboratory flying in repeated patterns  that could suggest a set surveillance routine   given brookhaven's long history as a leader   in breakthrough energy research and perhaps  an equally long history of ufo surveillance   you'd expect some sort of  reported incidents and encounters   and we have one a widely reported crash near  brookhaven national laboratory in november 1992. i'm denise gazowski on the  evening of november 24th   1992 we saw a mysterious  light light up the entire sky it was about seven o'clock at  night and being november it was   full dark and all of a sudden it was lighter  out than it is right now after that we noticed   the lights in the surrounding area the  surrounding homes were out there were some   gentlemen standing out front and they seemed to  be pointing in the direction of south haven park   how long did the sky stay like it was a 10  seconds maybe a flash enough for you to go   what's going on i actually said to  my husband they just bombed new york ever since that evening we've heard a lot of  stories about what might have happened in south   haven park and things that had happened around  that area we're meeting with denise kasowski   an eyewitness who saw a tremendous  flash across the sky on november 24 1992   it was the same night that  a ufo reportedly crashed   in south haven county park just five miles  from brookhaven national laboratories i know we lost our lights and i know the  next few blocks over lost their lights   but when they contact the utility company  there's no record of any problems with the   electric that night in this area but you  personally experienced the power outage   so the utility as far as you were  concerned is not telling the truth   exactly through the whole thing it was that there  was something that was being kept from the public talking to denise was great because she really  cemented it all together for me something strange   did happen in the park huge lights in the sky  the power went off in the neighborhood it's   on the same night that this crash was reported  so finally we have some real information that   we can use that something very strange did happen  that night and there was an incident in the parks   whoever wants to give you an explanation  can give you ten different explanations   but you can't explain that light according to denise and other witnesses  something emitted a huge flash in the sky in 1992   some think that it might have been a ufo  possibly doing surveillance on brookhaven   national laboratory that was shot down and rained  debris over south haven county park although the   park was reportedly locked down afterward there  still may be some trace evidence that remains   so this is where it happened this this whole area  is where it happened this is more of a debris   field rather than a crash steve ivaroni and tony  west are veteran ufo investigators on long island   along with other members of lufon  they investigated the crash in 1992.   if anyone can shed light on this case it's  steve and tony we have eyewitnesses that say   something that was falling out of the sky they  said it had a cylindrical shape was rotating and   turning from blue to white to green as it  came over the pocket made a right angle turn   and it just fell apart all over this place so  here's what we've got so far mark's footage of   a craft possibly doing surveillance and coming  in from the southeast and in that same direction   we have witnessed denise gazowski describing a  bright sustained flash in the sky in november 1992 and now we have additional witness  reports from that night about a craft   that spun out of control before exploding  and raining debris all over the park   could this ufo be the same type  of craft that mark caught on tape who would normally respond to some kind of  accident or crash out here the the hagerman   fire department did respond they were the first  people on the scene to put out the fire suffolk   county police came on and started closing the park  down they left brookhaven national lab inside the   park they were the only ones allowed inside the  park and all the other fire departments were   outside the perimeter of the park why couldn't  they get in suffolk county police turned them away   40 minutes approximately after that  these guys in black jumpsuits came   over to the subway county police told them  to leave the area and they left immediately   this is a huge twist in the story of what  happened at south haven park that night   there's no reason a fire crew from  brookhaven national laboratories   should have had special access to the crash  that night but witnesses said they did   the witnesses described this debris was carried  out on flatbed trucks to look like military   trucks with a military kind of canvas wrapped  around it so with such a large debris field how   long would you estimate it would take to clean  up the wreckage well they did it in two days   towards the end of the second day  they had to actually widen the roads   to get the flatbeds in and to get the flatbeds out  so you mean they had construction crews actually   widening the roads we only know that from when we  came back and we found that the roads were wide this case is over 16 years old and it would be  nice to have more first-hand witness accounts   what we have is a lot of reports about road  closures strange behavior of authorities in charge   and a utility company's denial of a power outage  i mean is this a well-executed conspiracy or   just a non-event i think we have to keep digging  there was a fireman who actually was videotaping   all of this activity about a week week and a  half later it was anonymously left in our mailbox   he doesn't want us to know who he is but if he  feels that you should we should know about this   okay steve show us the video follow  me who's got the dvd steve right here   walk us through it steve okay here we go you see the big chunk of debris  yeah right over there on fire   and you see how the cameraman is zooming in on it in about a second you're gonna see these  two guys once pulling out a body bag   and they're stacking something up against the tray it's very intriguing there are men doing  some kind of activity involving mylar   blankets which would be used to cover bodies  if this was a crash you know hypothetically   this is what these men could be covering up  if this tape is real we will have the first   live recorded evidence of a  ufo crash in american history the videotape of the supposed ufo crash response  was anonymously dropped in the mailbox belonging   to ufo investigators and we don't know how many  generations removed from the original it is   and without more information we just can't tell  if this is a hoax or not so to find the truth   we need to meet with the first responders in the  area to find out their take about what happened   november 1992 members of the department did  respond up to what was a report of smoke in   the area a potential fire so now chief of south  country ambulance company greg mcglinno jr was   on duty that night november 24 1992 if there were  an accident or crash in south haven county park   his ambulance would have rolled on it so i was  in one of my marked vehicles so i started heading   that way it was determined by either the park  police or the suffolk county police department   we have jurisdiction over there that it was just  simply some campers that were there later in the   year so someone announced over the radio that  there was no need for any other units to show up   we weren't specifically told to go away  once we heard that it was the campgrounds we   released ourselves i mean this is not a scenic  national park or anything it's a county park in   the suburbs of long island on a week night in  november with nighttime temperatures in the 30s   not exactly the time or place  to attract a lot of campers   now if there had been some kind of a  hazmat incident or an incident involving   nuclear materials who would roll on that in 1992  that would either be the suffolk county emergency   services unit back then uh brookhaven national  lab why would brookhaven be a facility that would   respond to any kind of nuclear accident and be in  charge of the decontamination brookhaven national   lab has or had a small reactor that they've used  for many years for testing and their firefighters   and fire department are explicitly trained  in responding to radiological emergencies   we need to go to ground zero in this case and  that's brookhaven national laboratories itself   we've gained special access to the laboratory  grounds to meet with one of brookhaven's leading   scientists brookhaven is a national laboratory  run by the u.s department of energy for peace time   research and scientific research todd sadagada  is accelerator physicist and the leader of the   physics accelerator operations analyst group at  the collider accelerator department in brookhaven   we are investigating a lot of ufo activity that  took place right here on the edge of long island our hypothesis that somehow ufos are kind of drawn  to our use of nuclear power to kind of keep an eye   on us and we're wondering what your take might be  on that i've worked at brookhaven for a long time   and i have never seen anything like that but then  again i'm a scientist and and what i value is data we have several particle accelerators here on site  the newest is the relativistic heavy ion collider   you're actually in our control room right now what  we're doing in this collider is studying particles   that make up atomic nuclei and the forces  between them to understand the underlying matter   particle colliders work by accelerating atoms to  near the speed of light and then smashing them   together these collisions release billions  of subatomic particles that scientists can   study and in doing so can unlock some of the  mysteries of the universe well there's the   energy that's released in the collider might  some aspect of that energy be detected from   earth orbit particles that come out of there most  of those particles decay away very rapidly but   there are particles that are produced that then  travel off long distances our particle colliders   might look a little brighter than the rest of  the planet so your experiments here are actually   giving off some kind of a signature if you can  detect those sorts of things it very well could be   brookhaven's particle accelerator produces so much  energy and perhaps could release so many particles   that the operation could be detected from  outer space by anyone with especially sensitive   detection equipment so perhaps the operation  could be a signal to ets to come for a closer   look did you hear anything about an incident that  occurred five miles from here in 1992 maybe a big   fire or something like that what you can do is  you can talk to our fire captain he was part of   the response crew then he was actually on site at  the time and he has much more experience about it witnesses reported that brookhaven national  laboratory was the only fire department   allowed access to the park we've got to talk to  this fire crew to confirm or deny the accuracy   of this report there was nothing that happened  to be totally honest the 24th i do have the   logbook here there was nothing unusual no  unusual calls and the laboratory equipment   as far as brookhaven national laboratory  never left sight that night for any reason   chuck lasalle is the current chief of the  brookhaven national laboratory firefighting team   now he's been there for 33 years so he'll know  what happened back in november 1992. now there's   no mention in the log book about a crash or  even just a fire in general does that mean there   wasn't a fire in south haven park that night would  it be in the log book i don't know that there was   a fire in southaven park i again could tell you we  did not participate or mutual aid in any shape way   or form to south haven park that night if you were  involved in some sort of operation that dealt with   national security would that be something that  might be expunged from from your logs or something   that you would not be able to speak about i would  have to say yes but i wouldn't lie to you and say   oh well this couldn't be kept a secret except 17  years in a firehouse if you know anything about   a firehouse we like to brag and for for this  never to be released in 17 years what a great secret so if there were a fire  at south haven park 16 years ago   and we were to go in a scene what  would you recommend that we look for   16 years 17 years is going to cover a lot and  you still could have the fact that there were   other brush fires there over that period so  charred areas might not give away the fact that   there was a crash there as such maybe the tops  of trees but as i said 16 17 years is a long time chief lasalla said the lab's firefighting  crew never responded to a crash at south   haven county park so we have to go back to  the scene to look for crash evidence ourselves   to do all this we need a forensic archaeologist  so we're bringing in an expert garth baldwin well i've been brought in today to take a look  around at the land form the vegetation any   environmental indicators that might lead us to a  conclusion about the story that was told out here   they're supposed to be a road of some kind and  things like that so what we want to look for   are unnatural modifications to  the landform and the vegetation so what do you think of this place well coming in   um all the vegetation along this you know  roughly 25 feet strip is less than 17 years   old the trees are only maybe five to ten and  that's a funny sort of crushed broken limb up   there see how it's crushed and splintered  there's a lot of broken stuff out here if garth is right then there should still be  signs of of the fallen debris that would have   collided with the tops of these oak trees so we're  looking for oak trees that might have fracturing   in the branch structure even after all this time  as for the road tony and steve told us that the   ufo debris removal crew had to fortify the dirt  road for all the flatbed trucks moving in and   out of the park we're looking for signs of that  road and it's interesting that on either side   of this strip of the forest there are stands of  oak trees that are from 18 to 40 feet tall but in   the middle of the strip there are younger smaller  trees only six feet tall this bears a closer look   what would explain a clearing like  this amidst the denseness of places   like that well something definitely cleared  out everything through here and not a fire i   mean that wouldn't explain it because there'd be  stumps there's nothing in here it could be a road and then it's dark underneath there  got that gray sand that's definitely   a travel surface top of these hills or  something there might be a more natural surface oh it's a lot softer a lot softer so there's  your differential compaction right there garth has shown that the soil in the  supposed location of the fortified dirt road   is more compact and shows more signs of  travel from soil samples taken nearby there's some scarring at the top of that tree  so that tree was alive when it was broken off   it was sheared off and it's growing back garth is  telling me two things that are really interesting   one he's looking at the tops of these trees  and saying that the way some of these trees   have been lopped off topped off is consistent  with an object coming down in a debris field   so like shrapnel coming down it would hit some  trees it wouldn't hit others exactly um we saw   you know there's a couple of them that are  splintered you know the couple of those   branches that are splintered that that top  was taken off and it's regrowing it's scarred and two you look at the compaction of the  road up a piece and down here and said you   know what that's not inconsistent with an  army flatbed hauling a piece of debris out   getting it back up this road in two days there's  no inconsistency there it could have happened what did you think of what we found on long  island i have to say i was really impressed   with mars footage i mean there's there's no way  to really easily explain what he caught on video   that was some very strange footage but does  it tie into the crash and the sightings at   south haven unfortunately i don't think  we can make a definitive connection   to a ufo crash what did you guys think  of brookhaven i looked at the log myself   and it looks legit and if they were going to cover  it up they did a hell of a good job you have to   factor in all the eyewitnesses that actually saw  brookhaven national lab vehicles uh going to the   crash site that's right so i mean i don't know how  you explain that look guys we're freezing out here   on the west coast it's warmer where there's  another video of ufos over lawrence livermore a   laboratory like bnl does energy research unlike  dnl weapons research lasers lasers high energy   lasers so let's see what ufo activities over  lawrence livermore i look forward to let's go after examining footage witness reports   and trace evidence of ufo activity over  brookhaven national laboratory on long island   we're heading into altamonte hills to search for  alien surveillance in the skies over the premier   weapons research lab in north america the  lawrence livermore national laboratory here's where i worked for 17 summers i taught  physics during the year at nebraska omaha and   came out here i worked in d division i studied  the physics of the effects of nuclear weapons   not only was jack hasher a professor of physics  at the university of nebraska at omaha he spent   18 years working on powerful microwave lasers  as a researcher at lawrence livermore national   laboratory was the work that you were working on  at the time was that classified information yeah   it was very very highly classified i found as time  went on security became a lot tighter at the lab   what was the ratio to pure science research to  department of defense weapons research most of   the time when i was out here was about 50  50 where you'd have you know astrophysics   geology and so on and that made up about half  of it and the rest of it was defense oriented   weapons research became a big priority they  did work on nuclear-powered x-ray lasers that   were the foundation of the star wars missile  defense program and if livermore concentrated   that much on weapons research it's likely that  they became a target for alien surveillance there's the theory that once humanity  started developing nuclear energy and nuclear   weapons that extraterrestrials are observing  facilities where this is taking place they do   over in russia for example the 900 foot diameter  saucer hovered over a russian missile silo   for four hours then you've got malmstrom where  the ufo was over the base i mean it's not really   a question of do you think they will they  have done that several times do you know of   anything at lawrence livermore labs that would  give off some kind of signature that could be   detected from space they've done some some fusion  experiments and so on and that might be attractive jack i'm curious about the effectiveness of  lasers as a weapon it would certainly have to   be powerful enough to knock a missile out and so  i don't know how well defended a ufo would be but   it would be worth a shot i guess if we felt it  was some kind of a threat to us so would aliens   consider lasers a threat then i think that if  what we're speculating about is true certainly if brookhaven's particle beam research were  somehow involved in bringing down a ufo   then lawrence livermore labs which makes no secret  about its mission to preserve national security   would be even more inclined to have the  weaponry to take out a ufo we're going   to meet with an investigator who might have  information on such a case involving livermore   some sort of a streaking object had shot across  the entire sky of the bay area roughly i mean we   had reports that it made a course correction off  coast before coming inland before breaking apart   olaf phillips was one of the first investigators  to report on the supposed ufo crash in august 1998   over livermore california we had a source that  had seen lasers actually coming out of liverwort late at night on august 6 1998 witnesses over  the bay area report seeing a craft in the air   making abrupt directional changes that  means it couldn't have been a meteorite   just hours after the sighting a very strange thing  happens at a tire dump just seven miles away from   livermore's test area did anyone bother to come  up here and investigate a possible crash site the   next day or days after this was all reported you  know everyone including me wanted to come out here   but unfortunately because there was a tire fire  associated with the area where it had crashed   so the whole area was completely toxified  how close is this tire fire to the alleged   crash site uh i believe it was  less than a quarter of a mile the tire dump burns for two entire years  and has not cleaned up for five years   by that point any possible traces of the  reported ufo crash are long obliterated   it takes very little to burn grass right however  it takes a lot to ignite as you're calling it a   massive field of tires that's something that that  has bothered me for the last 10 years i mean from   an investigational point of view it's a nightmare  because everything is gone it was a perfect cover   i don't know if it was intentionally started  as a cover but it definitely served as a cover at both brookhaven and livermore national  laboratories we have apparent signs of ufo crashes   occurring in close proximity to places where  high energy research has been performed this   could suggest that ufos perceive these labs as  posing a threat to them thus meriting surveillance   operations what's even more intriguing is how both  crashes seem to be covered up at south haven park   we heard how feds had arrived at the scene and  erased any evidence of a ufo debris field now here   at livermore we see how a suspicious tire fire  might have obliterated any evidence of a ufo crash near long island mark's ufo footage was proof  of ufo surveillance near brookhaven what we   need now is video evidence of surveillance near  lawrence livermore labs and we might have it hey al how's it going good good al murphy  is one of the premier video analysts   in all of california in fact al worked at lockheed  skunk works on some classified projects and he   specializes in figuring out what's happening  on a video how movement can be determined   this video was shot by a gentleman named  pablo who did not want to appear on camera   he told us he was 20 miles away  from long's livermore laboratories well the first thing i notice is that it looks  like it was shot with a night vision scope see there's an object here very high up very  far away it looks like it's moving very fast   it's a sequence of lights the geometry of  the lights is different and they kind of   move with respect to each other if you look  closely you can see stars behind the lights   so that would kind of indicate to me that  it's a formation and not a single craft   right but a formation of what a formation  of something that we don't know what it is are helicopters an option i don't  think helicopters are an option to be pulling maneuvers like this flying  in tight formation again over over civilian   airspace it just it doesn't really uh it doesn't  really work for me after looking at this and and   after this discussion would you say these lights  are pretty unconventional i would say it's pretty   unconventional to fly in close formation at  night yes we have to consider the possibility   that we are looking at ufo that is interested  in what's going on over lawrence livermore labs   i think it's really time to find out what has  happened at livermore and what's happening now we are so excited about the possibility that ufos  are surveilling lawrence livermore labs we're   going to use our flyer truck our very high tech  surveillance vehicle with all kinds of cameras and   imaging devices to stay out here at night maybe  we can discover our own ufo hi guys come on in this camera is sensitive uh in a much further  wavelength from the visible we're meeting with   roy momberg of the flair corporation one of the  pioneering inventors of thermal imaging technology   we're going to spend the night on a  sky watch with roy to figure out just   what is flying over livermore so  we're not actually seeing lights   we're not seeing taillights and  headlights there that's correct the human eye can register only a minor portion  of light in the electromagnetic spectrum   uh approximately in the range of 400 to 700  nanometers at best night vision cameras like   pablo's double this range but this clear camera on  the other hand expands this range a thousand fold   if aliens extraterrestrials are are doing things  operate outside of our visual spectrum as some   people have hypothesized how effective would this  be in our search for aerial vehicles over lawrence   livermore laboratories anything that puts out  a thermal signature this camera is going to see   with the tool that i have here i can spot an  airplane as we're doing right here across the   approach quarters 25 30 miles away if an alien  craft were keeping watch over this lab and that   craft generated the slightest thermal signature  lawrence livermore would would have the technology   to quickly detect it and it would most likely  possess just the weapon to destroy that craft   you're going to see scheduled airline traffic  coming and going on the approach end into   oakland so if we keep going this way we should  probably find the next guy that's out there   and there he is right there that's just a blob of  heat in the sky how can you determine that that   is an airplane well if if i can get at it close  enough here now and i'll zoom in a little bit   it looked like it could be a cylinder possibly  a flying saucer it could be but you know because   i'm staring at the approach end i'm guessing that  it's an airplane going into oakland so if we're   going to differentiate between a flying saucer  an extraterrestrial craft and an airplane is   going to be based on the flight pattern of the  craft the movement that would be an indicator   that i would use to to come to a conclusion about  what i was looking at so even with this advanced   thermal imaging system we can see how some  conventional aircraft might be mistaken for ufos   still nothing we've seen here dispels our analysis  that marks footage of craft near brookhaven   and pablo's footage of weird formations  near livermore are unconventional   the craft in those videos could definitely  be doing surveillance at those labs   let's see here why is that doing that let's  get a closer look on that see if we can zoom in that one's a go fast either battery's  closer right but that's an assumption   it could also be very fast moving object  in the distance right could be could be   way far away and really going real fast  in which case it wouldn't be one of ours   what's going on with this craft is that it's  moving suspiciously fast plus its flight pattern   and performance characteristics don't initially  seem conventional we could be onto something here there's a target between us that  you know he'd have to be real close   that kind of angular velocity there  would have had been pretty close well operating the joystick being at  the controls of the camera was like   you know playing the ultimate ufo hunting video  game i had full control of the camera i just   got the feeling if there was anything up there i  was going to be able to see it using this system we can take a closer look here we can probably  pick out yeah there we go that's uh it looks   like it's got a tail that did the structure  it's got a vertical tail to the back of it   i can't type that but it looks to be  small corporate jet or a private aircraft if there really are ufos and they  really are technologically advanced   they know our intentionality way before we  execute a really good et will know how to   stay away and not leave a heat signature  hence we haven't seen anything i'm not   surprised but i'm really excited over seeing  this technology firsthand at this advanced stage statistically speaking there are thousands of  ufo sightings every year and one of them is   bound to match up with a strange fire or a flash  in the sky and a power outage now are people just   taking bits of information and concocting  a fantastic story around these coincidences   or is this really a cover-up after looking  at all the evidence i'm not convinced that   there's a widespread ufo surveillance over  our most important energy laboratories i   mean there are tens of thousands of  ufo sightings every year in the u.s   and laboratories such as livermore and brookhaven  are located near major population centers so   it's only natural that witnesses would think that  they see ufos over these laps if people have been   contacted by some government agency and sworn to  secrecy they're not going to tell us anything you   know if records have been expunged deleted we're  not going to find anything we have to focus on   eyewitness accounts people videotaping ufos in  some cases we've received two sets of videotapes neither of our experts can offer explanations for  these craft in the sky when you match these videos   with all the stories we've heard it adds up for me  there's alien surveillance over our national labs   you've got two parallel situations two cases  where mysterious grafts crash and it's not the   crash it's what happens afterwards that bothers me  something tells me that behind it there's a much   much larger conspiracy that's covering up alien  surveillance the details of the cover-ups of   brookhaven and lawrence livermore national  laboratories can't be ignored and neither can   the possibility that these ufos were brought  down for reasons of national security and the   surveilling craft were keeping watch on these  laboratories and they got too close and restored you
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 458,024
Rating: 4.6770434 out of 5
Keywords: UFO Surveillance, UFO Hunters, weapons labs, Brookhaven National Lab, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, history ufo hunters, ufo hunters show, ufo hunters full episodes, ufo hunters clips, full episodes, ufo, ufo video, ufo sighting, ufo videos, ufo video clips, alien sightings, ufo hunters history channel, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, spaceships, UFO Hunters s3 e9, UFO Hunters se3 ep9, UFO Hunters 3X9
Id: TVK2j0GDoEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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