UFO Hunters: Terrifying Encounters with Mysterious Beings (S3, E12) | Full Episode | History

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what happens when you get too  close to the truth about ufos   some say you get visited by the silencers  my son was shot to head a point blank range   they often arrive as men in black they know where  you live and they know where you're going to be at   any given time he said mr rhodes and of course  i don't know him but obviously he knew me who's   behind the supposed covert program some say it's  a secret government agency there are at least 20   levels of security clearances above the president  he has no need to know about these programs during our investigation we actually captured  what might be a real life silencer the guy   all in black right there holy [ __  ] there's a guy on back right there this is case number 64206 the silencers the one thing we have not investigated thus  far is the story of the men in black that's   kind of the most menacing and threatening  part of this field who are the people   who silence the people who talk about ufos men in black are real reports of men in  black go all the way back to the 1940s   when folks first started reporting sightings of  flying saucers and that's no coincidence well i   always thought it was just a myth i mean what do  you have about men in black and if they are real   then they're more mysterious than ufos there's  tons of video footage of ufos you hear about   them on the news and the same thing just doesn't  happen with the men in black all you have about   the men in black at least that the general public  knows about is purely fiction the challenge that   i'm going to have with this investigation is  separating science fiction from science fact   if men in black are real then why aren't they  mentioned in the vast majority of ufo sightings we have eyewitness testimony from people  who have been visited by the men in black   we're actually going to be talking with  people who were who were threatened so   we know that men in black are a reality we  just don't know exactly what or who they are   on the surface the mere mention of men in  black sounds so unreal and so unbelievable   but there are just too many witnesses and too  many cases of men in black encounters to ignore men in black appear to be agents of some kind who  mysteriously show up after certain ufo sightings   and attempt to silence the witnesses they  reportedly use fear intimidation and outright   threats to keep people quiet we have reports of  men in black being army or government officials   hybrids part alien part human we even have  reports of men in black being outright alien   in the beginning they showed up just to retrieve  evidence but it progressed to outright silence it was a little before christmas in 1987 when  i shot four objects flying across the shopping   center next thing i know i'm getting visits from  people danny gordon is a radio broadcaster from   wytheville virginia after talking publicly  on his radio show about the strange ufos   he witnessed back in 1987 the men in black  stepped into his life and changed it forever   we pulled into a parking lot of  a department store in whitfield   and we noticed some kids in the  school bus were pointing up there were   four objects flying over the shopping center so i  got my 35 millimeter out and shot the four objects and actually had some people that know a  little bit more about physics and myself   that measured the the globes and they said  they had to be for definitive objects because   you could see the curvature too well to  be one object with the four lights on danny's photo shows possibly four  separate objects together in the night sky   he saw it as did a handful of other people who  happened to be in the parking lot that night i was the only one standing on the top step and  yelling about it sending news reports associated   press united press so it was going out from  me and i really never gave it much thought   that it would come back to me as well of all the  other ufo witnesses who saw the object that night   gordon was the only one who was a broadcaster  millions of people were hearing about gordon's   ufo sighting and not long after strange things  started happening in the life of danny gordon and   i was invited to virginia beach to speak to united  press international i took the photos to show them   but i left the negatives of home i was supposed to  meet with the folks at oceana naval base and cia   headquarters and when i called them they said this  the generals not here was going to meet with you   by the way did you bring the negatives i'm being  old dumb country boy i said no i left him at home   when i got home from virginia beach i found that  my negatives only those negatives had been taken   if the negatives just disappeared  that'd be one thing but for danny   to tell the cia that he left the negatives at  home and then to find the negatives missing   that just seems more than a coincidence it doesn't  sound like you were actually threatened at all did   that ever happen in any way shape or form i  used to get telephone calls saying you know   this is time you leave alone it's a defense matter  there were a government issue black cars following   me to home the gentleman called me saying that if  you talk to these reporters you're going to put   yourself or your family in very jeopardy and and  i did in 1991 the ongoing intimidation of danny   gordon became more than just threats it became  actual physical violence my son was uh at a party   and we shot the head he went blank range right  here in the temple 32 magnum he passed out on the   table at 9 30 and woke up 21 days later and the  rehab center blind and running we still don't know   who shot him because the other guys at the party  first said he with some guys dressed in black   and they changed the story and said it was  him in 1991 to now we don't know who shot him   do you suspect that the men in black came to these  witnesses and persuaded them not to continue with   their testimony i would hope not i would hope  not so i said if there's just a iota of a chance   that it might have been connected to the ufos  i told my wife i cannot continue to do this and   take a chance whether or not the men in black  shot danny gordon's son remains to be seen   the incident frightened him so much though that  he stopped talking about ufos period now talking   to us 18 years later he's finally breaking his  silence do you believe that the men in black are   real they actually exist and what do you think  their purpose is there's no doubt because i've   talked to too many witnesses who've had ufo  visitations sightings and then had the men in   black come and try to to look at their pictures  take their pictures some people actually hadn't   had them seized now whether or not they dress  in black i don't know but i know that someone   came to my home broken my home and who knows may  have been involved with the shooting of my son if the men in black did indeed shoot danny  gordon's son they left no incriminating evidence   to get closer to the answer we need to find  a case where some tangible evidence was left behind i am timothy beckley i took one of the only  photographs of an authentic man in black   timothy beckley is a ufo author who had his  own mysterious encounter with a man in black   only beckley was lucky enough to have  a camera with him in 1968 a rash of ufo   sightings envelops the skies over northern  new jersey and in particular jersey city   there were a number in cases where ufos had  come down fairly low and landed in a nearby park   and several teenagers had been very upset  and they ran and told their parents one of   the individuals that i was in touch with  was a fellow by the name of jack robinson   who was the investigator on the case  and he actually claims while they were   interviewing these teenage witnesses that they  could see the black catalog parked down the street   with the tinted windows and every once in a while  the window would roll down and somebody would   would peer out while he would go to he worked in a  bank in new york he would take the path train over   every day and his wife would go out and do the  normal errand shopping and everything like that   you know and she reported while she would leave  the building there would be a mysterious person   standing in the doorway across the street  dressed in black black hat over its face   so we decided well we're going to take a drive  over to jersey city one morning kind of to see   if anything was really going on well sure enough  we get there and here is this individual standing   stone face in the in the doorway with the hat  pulled down over its eyes dressed in the black   uh kind of looking like it didn't didn't belong  in the neighborhood so uh jim hands me his camera   i go and i lean out the window and i take a  photograph of this individual standing in the doorway what makes you think that this is a man in black   as opposed to just a man in a black suit that  happens to hang out in the street every day   you know it's a residential area where  they would know everybody who lives in   the neighborhood i mean especially in this  time period everybody knew their neighbors   you know who lives next door you know who  lives upstairs and this person doesn't fit we figure we would take the car drive  it around the corner and get out   and confront this individual and find  out what was his reason for standing   in that corner of that  building we circled the block   we stopped the car he was gone and the black  automobile he might have arrived in was also gone he just disappeared almost into thin air somehow  beckley was able to catch the alleged man in black   off guard this is historic for the first time ever  an actual man in black is caught in a photograph yes tim beckley snapped a  picture of a man in black   but what if that's just it a photograph of  a man who just happened to be wearing black   you're confident that men in black are real  this is real this is not mythology this is not   something that somebody made up no no it is not  this is really happening this photograph proves it after looking at tim beckley's photo there are  no signs of digital or photographic manipulation   and the artifacts present in the photo are more  than likely a byproduct of the film's emulsion   tim shot this photo in jersey city in  1965. the truck shown in the foreground   is a first generation chevrolet c10  pickup and this is probably a 1962 c10   you can tell by the rounded single headlight the  inverted windshield wiper on the passenger side   and the large rectangular side view mirrors if  this were a real man in black he more than likely   would have been aware of tim's presence and simply  wouldn't have allowed this photograph to be taken   or because this is an urban commercial  neighborhood with street parking and traffic   he might have just not noticed tim's presence  or simply just wanted to hide in plain sight   at this point we have danny gordon's encounter  with men in black who may be responsible   for allegedly shooting his son and we have  tim beckley who actually took a photograph   of a man in black so far the men in black  have been threatening from a distance   what we need now is to dig deeper and find someone  who's been threatened face to face by men in black   the two men approached uh dressed in black they  looked at me and says we'll see you again soon   i'm johnny sands and for 34 years i've  been intimidated by the men in black we're meeting with johnny sands a country singer  who in 1976 while driving outside of las vegas   had one of the strangest men in black  experiences we've uncovered thus far i   could see a light beam in the sky directly to the  right of me it was a cigar shaped looking object   johnny sand's car then shuts off while  he's working under his hood trying to   get his car restarted two of what he refers to  as aliens walk up to him and as they come close   to me i started to run but i realized i  couldn't move they had very very glaring   eyes their mouse was small and wrinkly looking  like a man with no teeth but they have a large   wide nose and it looked like something  protruding out on each side of their face the one began to talk but he wasn't talking  through his mouth so i asked him where y'all   from and he said up there they asked me all these  questions and he says we'll be going but we'll   see you again real soon uh they turned and walked  away and a flash of light went and they were gone johnny sands alien encounter  grabbed a lot of headlines   he was a celebrity for it a few days later  the sahara hotel invites johnny to do a public   demonstration of sorts in their lobby they hire an  artist to draw one of the aliens that johnny saw   when he got to the gills and the nose the artist  says why do you why do they have a nose and yields   and i said i really can't answer that question  that's when the two men walked up and was standing   there dressed in black i did notice the one  he was a little clumsy and moving he was kind   of on the stiff side uh he would lean in toward  me and then he said let me answer that question   for you if i can there is an area in the sky  that's eight and a half light years from here   it's called sirius he said there is a planet that  is known to be in the aquarium it's tight planet   half water half land and so this would explain  the gills and the nose he says but we got to go   now but we'll see you again real soon well that's  the same thing that the aliens had just told me   in the desert uh three or four days ago as they  went out the door of the hallway the security   guard was no farther away from behind him than you  are from me but when he got to the door he turned   around and he come walking back and he says them  guys just totally disappeared in thin air maybe in   this case the men in black are playing mind games  with him not to dissuade him from talking but to   make his story seem so weird so incredulous  but when he does talk nobody believes him johnny this is mike brazel hey  man how are you good to meet you   we've drafted mike brazo a forensic sketch artist  so we can wrap our minds around what these men in   black might actually look like he had real  squinty eyes broad but stubby looking nose   his hair is gonna go straight back now  what would you say his head shape was   like kind of boxy looking with a heavy  duty raw chin the mouth was not too big what do you see there oh put  the black suit on him that's it   34 years you hold this picture  in your mind this is him the sketch of johnny sands man  in black is apparently spot on   i get a sense that johnny's  actually disturbed by looking at it what do you think of johnny sand's story he was  very specific about what happened just seemed like   because of the detail i think something real  happened to johnny sands and i don't think we   can ignore that testimony johnny sands not  only passed a lie detector test but he also   passed a voice stress test according to the  authorities he's apparently telling the truth   and as far-fetched as it sounds  i'm inclined to believe him   we're hearing a lot of different things we're  hearing that some of them are intimidating   others are acting very weird like possibly their  alien as you might suggest and so far the only   pattern that i have is that these people  are seeing men dressed in black clothing i mean it's not just seeing men in black  clothing they're seeing men who surveil   things like the photograph that timothy beckley  showed us or people who give warnings and then   follow through in the warning whether these men  in black are humans trying to protect the secrecy   of the presence of ufos or whether they're  actual aliens observing what we're doing one   thing is crystal clear there is a direct  connection between men and black and ufos   we pulled off to the side of the road next  the grand canyon caverns there were two men   parked in a black car right  where we were ready to pull off   my name is john rhodes i've been  confronted by the men in black we met john rhodes in a previous investigation  when we were looking for an underground alien   base in dulce new mexico in 1996 when he went  looking for an underground base near the grand   canyon caverns in arizona he must have gotten  too close to something important because a   couple of bizarre characters crossed this path  i was coming here from las vegas to investigate   the grand canyon caverns we're pulling into  this uh pull off outside a road here is a   nice shiny new black car and two  guys there in suits waiting for me one was leaning against the car the other one  proceeded to walk up directly to me as i was   parking i got out of the car the gentleman  came over to my vehicle and eye to eye he   turned around he said mr rhodes and of course  i don't know him but obviously he knew me   so these guys knew your name  yes wow they knew my name   more importantly they knew i was going to be right  there i find it odd that in the middle of nowhere   two men suddenly appear and know john rose's  name i don't think this was a random meeting he turned to me and he said well you know mr  rhodes you can fall down out there and get   hurt you could fall down in some hole out  there and nobody would ever find you again   and i knew this was a threat and then what  happened they got back in their vehicle and   i didn't even see them leave because i didn't  want them to think that they had intimidated   me did they have any kind of identification  either on their jacket or in their wallet as   a matter of fact when i looked at their vehicle  it just didn't have any dirt on it it's not like   somebody else drove by and some of the dirt  kicked up from the road and covered their car   their shoes were absolutely shiny you could see  a reflection off them black it didn't look like   they had been there at all as a matter of fact it  looked like they just stepped out of their car for   the first time a brand new car brand new clothing  brand new shoes everything right down to the tee   it strikes me as more than odd  that in the middle of the desert   they had no dust on their car no dust on their  clothing how do you explain that you can't why would they warn you about this area what  were you looking for what's here you have to   remember that only 3.3 percent of the entire  grand canyon has ever been surveyed which means   that 96 of that almost 1900 square miles out  there have never had human feet set down in it   i think some of these ancient cavern systems that  in this limestone for hundreds of square miles is   perfect territory to build underground military  installations you don't have to take any dirt   out you just occupy an already hollowed out space  and if they're connected through cavern passages   or natural tunnels it would be perfect to be  actually in this limestone area so the geology   of the grand canyon caverns area is conducive to  underground caverns underground tunnels and john   rhodes thinks a network of underground bases  perhaps connecting the grand canyon with dulce   and area 51 all of which are reported hubs  of reverse engineering and alien technology this is incredible if rhodes theory is  correct that there are tunnels connecting   all these underground alien bases could this  be why men in black are showing themselves   am i intimidated i would say that  i would be more intimidated for you   we're meeting with michael schratt  a military aerospace historian   who in his research has figured out how the  us government might be behind the men in black so mike let's get right down to it who are the men  in black and who pays their paychecks it's rumored   bill that the men in black are a covert government  operation or organization funded perhaps by the   black budget somewhat embedded within the air  force budget how exactly are they getting their   funding is this money coming from taxpayers they  would probably get their funding just like many of   these other programs get their funding from phony  front organizations the so-called black budget is   an allocation of money towards the military and  intelligence agencies there is no accountability how can we prove this we have the actual detroit  free press article this is dated february 8   1987 and here it says secret ledger hides military  projects pentagon black budget has tripled under   the reagan administration you know what's going  on when it comes to the money in the black budgets   today well if we extrapolate the data kevin it's  clear that this black budget has blown to over   perhaps 300 billion dollars per year what are they  using this for and why that's the real question here we have the actual security clearance  organizational chart and if you start here   at the bottom it starts at restricted then  we move to confidential then we go to secret   top secret sci usap above that there are 28  levels of top secret crypto the president is   at level 17 he's cleared for the go codes or  the nuclear launch codes but then you'll see   in point of fact there are at least 20 levels of  security clearances above the president he has no   need to know about these programs this is all just  a theory that there are 20 secret levels of black   projects above the president of the united states  it's certainly plausible though and if men in   black are really tied into the u.s government then  it's quite possible that the president would have   no idea it's plausible deniability now if these  programs are that secret and they're so important   to our national security what kind of measures  would be taken by some kind of agency if some   of that information was to get out if you can take  a craft that can be to mars and back by lunchtime   are you going to let that technology out to your  competitors your adversaries or people within the   government no they're going to keep it completely  black completely unacknowledged they've got to   control the high ground at any cost would they  go as far as to use deadly force without a doubt the investigators who've gotten the  closest to the truth about the men in black   who died under mysterious circumstances t alan greenfield is a ufo researcher and  author who's been investigating the men in   black phenomenon for decades and he knows just how  far they'll go to silence people who know too much there is a tendency to believe that the best  cases about the men in black are old cases a   lot of the later cases don't get the same kind  of publicity for one simple reason most of the   people who specialized in investigating men in  black died off mysteriously and none of them were   older than their 40s or 50s the people who got the  closest to the truth died one famous ufologist is   a legendary author morris k jess a pioneer  he wrote numerous books and some researchers   believed that when he got too close to the truth  the men in black silenced them once and for all   jasop wrote a book called the case for the ufos  supposedly this perfectly well-balanced man who   had no reason to commit suicide was suicided  he supposedly had asphyxiated himself in a car   apparently with such an elaborate way of doing  it it was obviously done by a third party   or parties who had reason for mr joseph  to appear to have committed suicide   police investigating on the scene  said that it appeared to be a murder   faked as a suicide i believe that he was murdered  because he had stumbled upon something in his   book he was a victim of what we can call the  men in black another case of ufo researcher   dying and untimely death allegedly at the  hands of the men in black is frank edwards edwards was at one time a very famous mutual radio  network broadcaster who was indeed talking a lot   about ufos his life was threatened he ignored it  he continued to broadcast and then he wrote flying   saucers serious business it's the only one that  made the new york times bestseller list sold over   a million copies not too long after that he turned  to his wife and said mary i have the strangest   feeling and dropped cole dead was the cause of  death ever determined they said heart failure but   he didn't have any of the usual symptoms one would  associate with a heart attack i think it was some   sort of poisoning of sorts and it was a warning  to all of us who were serious about ufology   officials ruled the cause of frank edwards death  an apparent heart attack however medically an   apparent heart attack and an actual heart  attack are two different things entirely   and shortly after that strike three hit jim keith  wrote a book called case book of the men in black   and he died of a wrenched ankle nothing  else wrong with it young man in great   health strained his ankle and was  dead according to recent studies   simple injuries like ankle sprains can increase  the risk of blood clots simply because blood   tends to stagnate in the injured area so dying  from an ankle sprain although rare is possible   maybe he had a blood clot maybe he didn't the  probability is he died because he talked too much   about the men in black always good to see you and  just be careful thanks alan thank you very much well gentlemen i think you've finally  found the stories of people who were hurt   by mibs what are your thoughts on what we've  learned from alan greenfield some of these   ufologists if not all of them could have died  from the causes that were reported natural deaths   falling liver disease what not people die at  inopportune times and when they die there's   always something they were working on and  if the work has something to do with ufos   i think it's too easy to make the assumption  that that had something to do with the death   there aren't that many ufologists in the world  right why is it that they didn't die natural   peaceful deaths i mean these were very strange  mysterious deaths there's no doubt in my mind   that there's a trend here when all was said  and done greenfield told us of seven ufologists   who met untimely deaths at the heights of their  careers seven ufologists who were also outspoken   in the media just like danny gordon this is  not a coincidence there is a connection here one thing we should do find some more witnesses  who will take us to a place where they encountered   a man in black find a place where there were  men in black find a place where men in black are   guarding something and see if  we can bring men in black to us we're here in utah investigating the men in  black about 85 miles southwest of salt lake   city is a military facility called the dugway  proving grounds it was constructed in 1942   to test and develop chemical and biological  weapons for world war ii it has been in continuous   operation since then what's actually going on  there now is top secret and nobody knows for sure   a lot of ufos have been seen in this area and some  researchers are referring to dugway as the new   area 51. perhaps this is one of the places  where the men in black are coming from hello kevin hi hi good to meet you dave rosenfeld  is a utah ufo researcher who's been investigating   the dugway proving ground for a long time  he's taken some amazing pictures of ufos   and other things in the skies over dugway  and he's uncovered some inside information i got the information from a particular  individual that works at dugway   and this information was dates times locations of  testing lasers ring lasers invisible camouflage   aerial vehicles testing there was a big list  you know when they do these kind of tests it   does attract ufos dave posted this information  on his public website and then something happened about eight o'clock at night  got a knock on the door   two individuals one's at the door one's at the car   dressed in dark uniforms could you describe  the car that they arrived in it was a black   car four-door any insignia on the car numbers  government plates the guy that came to the door   has got a crew cut it's blonde very intimidating  it's got the cop glasses on he asked me first are   you dave rosenfeld and i said yes he says well  you've got some particular information on your   website then we need to get off immediately  he more or less asked me if my computer was   in the house i said yes he said well can i  come in and watch you take it off the website   right now and i said yeah i'd be off in 10 minutes  he came in watched me do it it ended with them   saying we don't want to see anything like this  again on your website if we see it again we'll   be back and you don't want us to come back  there are a lot of holes in rosenfeld's story   if the government wanted to shut down his website  they could have done it from anywhere but i have   to admit that paying him a visit is in keeping  with the whole men in black intimidation factor   how long was this information on your website  before these guys came to visit you about four   days do you feel that the information that you  had on the internet was worthy of this type of   treatment is it that important it was forensic  sketch artist mike brazel was able to draw   composites of johnny sandsman in black real  squinty eyes stubby looking nose john rhodes   men in black eyes that were rather almond  shaped the hair was almost like a military cut   and dave rosenfeld's man in black he had a  crew cut kind of a flat top narrow nose more   tall than muscular three separate sketches yet  there's an eerie similarity about all of them   perhaps they're the same man in black  that was captured in tim beckley's photo clearly there is a ufo men in black connection at  dugway it really is starting to sound like the new   area 51. perhaps there's a contingent of men in  black originating out of dugway there's only one   way to find out we have to go there we're meeting  with ken storch and bob x who are instrumental in   our investigation of underground bases both  near here and in dulce new mexico ken and   bob have been investigating dugway for years  and they too had a run-in with men in black we had intel that this area was the new area  51 and so we came out here to gather intel   and to verify if indeed that was the case we  had stopped in at willow springs lodge and a   gentleman up there that owned it said are you  boys going out into the desert and we said yeah   he said there's been some strange things happening  out in the desert he said well are you are you   guys carrying do you have guns and we said well  yeah and he said well good he said just be alert so we drove out to this location it was about  nine o'clock in the morning and as i pulled out of   a little turnout i looked in the mirror and  i could see a dust cloud coming real fast   this vehicle came right up on our and i kept  slowing down hoping that he'd go around and   pass well he did he kept slowing down finally  bob said hey pull over i've had enough of this   we pulled over bob bailed out of the car i  stayed in the car and i adjusted the mirror   now there were two individuals in the car no  insignia on the vehicle no light bar no nothing   the driver got out bob got out i walked in between  the vehicles he had blouse pants on right had a   vest i couldn't see a badge but i knew this guy  was dressed in black he says what are you doing   out here i said just taking some pictures he said  i need to see some identification i said i need to   see who you are and this man goes this is all you  need to see and he points to the g14 tag a g14 tag   or license plate is a government plate the general  service administration or gsa maintains vehicles   in a motor pool across the country for official  use by government agencies and departments   they're numbered g11 through g91 g14 is issued for  an interagency motor pool system for large cars   you can see this place is very remote there was  the two of them and the two of us and nothing   else around and it could have gone south so  i i had my weapon down between my legs i had   the driver's mirror focused on him and the rear  view mirror focused on the passenger they were   expecting to intimidate us into giving up what we  were doing and and you know pretty much dropped   to our knees and and you know the holy grail type  of thing well it didn't happen that way after that   got back in the vehicle we took off he followed us  all the way to where the road turns and we went to   vernon and he went straight but he was still  on our butt maybe just like john rhodes ken and   bob were getting too close to something  the government didn't want them to see i i took the tag number down and what'd you find  out well it was very interesting when i got back   to my jurisdiction because i was active law  enforcement at that time and i ran the tag and   it came back to a white jeep for a bureau of land  management out of park county colorado this wasn't   a jeep and this wasn't a jeep so i called the  park county bureau of land management supervisor   and i said do you have a vehicle with this tag  number and the supervisor goes sure do i'm looking   at it right out my office window and park county  colorado is 450-500 miles away that tag number did   not belong on that vehicle that i mean that raised  all kinds of red flags with me it's all adding up   men in black have a long history of impersonating  people and now these two men in black are   apparently caught in a lie perhaps those g14  plates were actually taken from another vehicle   well let me ask you a question we're standing here  right now yep do you think there's an eye on you   absolutely you better believe it and they  monitor the communicator we've been told   that number of times if you're on the radio or  if you're on your cell phone this whole area is   being monitored but we're on public land now why  are we being monitored well base is right there no sooner do we start talking about  being monitored by men in black   when two helicopters appear overhead you see that kevin yep here they come  they're gonna come right over the top boys but how ironic that they  picked this spot to fly over would you say they're black any insignia  on them i don't see that i don't know   that's not all of draft no it's  not and there's no insignia do you see a tail number no   i would say those were black they were black  helicopters they were yeah that's really weird i've worked with a lot of  chinooks man they're all of drab what do you think is going on who are these guys  and what you know what are they about i my take   on it is that they are a private entity working  in conjunction with someone that's involved in   flying saucers or ufos whatever you want to call  them it gives government plausible deniability   in other words here's a project and you form farm  it off to a private company and they take care of   the dirty work for you i believe et's here  and i believe our government knows about it   and therefore what better way to have a certain  entity that you can pawn off certain operations   that you don't have to send your people  on you just make a phone call and say hey   we've got a witness out here that's got some  evidence once you go out there and intimidate them   either to keep your mouth shut give up the  evidence or last but not least adios amigos dude they just hit that truck the  truck pulled behind the building   it's sitting right there behind the building   we're here at dugway talking about the  men in black is it a coincidence that   a man in black has been apparently  surveilling us for the whole time well look there's no denying men in black  were surveilling us between the photo all   the eyewitnesses and the helicopters and now  this it seems to me that there's a very strong   military connection to the men in black as  investigators we've gotten closer to the   men in black than anyone we've heard stories of  threats and intimidation and we've experienced   some of that ourselves they're real and they  know more about the ufo phenomenon than anyone   we did have credible witnesses and it's hard to  question first-hand accounts but when you look   at the sightings the threats the intimidations and  even our own encounter at dugway i think it's very   likely that we're talking about coincidences here  between the helicopters on a routine flight path   and a maintenance man working the  grounds like many ufo sightings   these are just chance encounters you guys  are missing the big point that the black   projects that employ men in black has  become so secret so buried so covered up by   lies and distortion that even the men in  black don't realize they're men in black men in black have been around ever since  the 1950s that in the ufo community   there are all kinds of stories rife with  threats menace and actual physical violence   when we got too close men in black even approached  us we know how nefarious they are and we know   they're guarding a secret and they will go to any  lengths to keep that truth from being disclosed you
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 473,117
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Keywords: UFO, biggest mystery, somebody, keep it that way, ufo hunters, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, history ufo hunters, ufo hunters show, ufo hunters full episodes, ufo hunters clips, full episodes, ufo video, ufo sighting, ufo videos, ufo video clips, alien sightings, ufo hunters history channel, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, spaceships, UFO Hunters s3 e12, UFO Hunters se3 ep12, UFO Hunters 3X12, The Silencers, Terrifying Encounters
Id: w7z7u6enuNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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