UFO Hunters: CODE RED! UFOS IN MILITARY AIR SPACE! (S1, E12) | Full Episode | History

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we have some confirmed reports of some  unidentified flying objects your area   at the height of the cold war in the skies above  one of america's most restricted air force bases   seven objects appear without explanation soon other radar installations pick it  up southern california is alive with   strange activity we supposedly are  having quite an invasion over here   were these top secret military aircraft a soviet  spy mission or something else whatever this   was was not supposed to be in that area for the  first time on television the team brings the key   eyewitness forward to analyze declassified  audio recordings we have an object now which revealed there's another  side to this bizarre story   yes sir right there that's fascinating they're  calling for the ufo officer why was there a ufo   officer at edwards air force base and why did  he scramble a jet to intercept these objects will these tapes and the official  radar images from that night   finally provide the answer  this is case number 65102 red it's 1965 edwards air force base located just  100 miles northeast of los angeles california   this is the center of the u.s military's  top secret flight test programs   but on this day edward's highly  restricted airspace is penetrated by   objects of unknown origin objects that continue  to hover just outside the base for six hours   most ufo sightings are solitary encounters  but this is not a normal sighting   nine different locations are a  part of this astonishing incident   the edwards flight control tower where  the first visual contact is reported   edwards main runway where the strange object  is confirmed visually for a second time   edwards radar approach control which  reports no aircraft in the area   the los angeles air defense sector which checks  its local radar contacts and finds that four of   their radar installations across southern  california have confirmed radar hits boron   riverside victorville and san pedro and finally   an f-106a delta dart which is scrambled  in an attempt to engage the objects something is happening in southern california  involving five military installations and the   entire event was captured on tape we supposedly  are having quite an invasion over here this was an incredible night in october 1965  the night the ufos invaded our airspace and   we're hearing this firsthand with the guy who was  actually in the tower that night narrating him   this is unbelievable evidence the incident is  first reported by an air traffic controller   in the edwards flight control tower  technical sergeant chuck sorrells i saw   a real bright object large out to the east of the  field and it sat there for a long period of time   in a rare television appearance former sergeant  chuck sorrells the edwards air force base tower   controller from that night has come forward to  discuss the event and for the first time ever   analyze the actual audio  recordings from october 7th 1965.   i can make out red and white light sorrels  is responsible for all of the air traffic   in and around edwards from within the control  tower he has 12 years of experience in directing   all types of military aircraft and he is  aware of most if not all of the different   models at edwards air force base but he is about  to witness something that he has never seen before   and he can't explain it's happened about 1 30  in the morning first i saw a real bright object   i got a couple other people uh down  to base operations the weatherman   two or three other people there on the base  that would be on duty that night to come out   and take a look at it and yeah they were seeing  the same thing i was seeing we have an object now he is right over the field right  over edwards moving southward it was too low to be a star or anything like that  it was less than 5 000 feet and this went on for   quite some time according to him the object is  light green with a pulsating red light at its base   and the object is both large and bright three more  of these objects show up and they're smaller about   half of it the size of the original one and they  stayed together they were like in a formation or   at least close together like in a v they went  down pretty much to the south of the bays at some point there there's three more up here  these three are like independent flowers they fly   north south east west and all  that this goes on from like 1 30   or so when i spotted the first one someone  up to the daylight and started getting light   the team from ufo magazine gathers at march air  force base approximately 90 miles south of the   original sighting and the site of radar contact  with the objects in 1965 to meet with sorrels the   full audio recordings of the entire six hour 1965  event have been made available and are presented   here for the first time pat shuck bill scott ted  akworth and i are going over to review the audio   cassettes of the transmissions that night and  then afterwards you and chuck and jeff are going   to go over the radar and the maps excellent  so let's go all right to me let's get to it edwards air force base 1965 a number of  objects are cited coming near the base   the entire event is recorded in tower  conversations from chuck sorrells   these transmissions were formally classified  and thought lost now they may be able to piece   together one of the most incredible  cases of a ufo encounter ever recorded the team is joined by former u.s air force flight  test engineer bill scott to help analyze the now   declassified audio recordings these are the actual  transmissions the communications between you   between the defense sector going on that  night while the ufos were in the air over   edwards this is an incredible audience that's  correct and there's uh were recorded from the   los angeles air defense sector the team cues up  the transmissions taking them back to october 7 1965 combination in sight moving very rapidly over  there i think this time i'm gonna check on my wrap   card to see if they have any movement sorrels in  the tower calls rapcon the radar approach control   to check if they see anything say if you all had  any uh reports of unknown flying objects over   there we supposedly are having quite an invasion  over here at this point rapcon has no aircraft   in their area but reports of these mysterious  objects continue to come into the tower at edwards we're looking for about seven ufos here  we're not part of this uh this is coming um the objects are confirmed by five  independent military radar installations   but identifying these objects won't be so easy but at this point you believe these are not  aircraft collision lights oh i know they're not   planes have anti-collision lights on the wingtips  top and bottom of the fuselage and vertical tail   fin from the cockpit view they are green on  the right and red on the left the colors let   other pilots know if the aircraft is approaching  them or going away i know it wasn't an aircraft   i know it wasn't a helicopter i know it wasn't a  balloon i know it wasn't a star i know it wasn't   any test aircraft that i knew of at the time  and we had plenty of test aircraft at edward   while it is possible that the lights seen that  night could have been top secret tests of new   craft sorel's discounts that theory they would  have had to have notified me if they were going   to fly anything in my control zone so that i  could keep other aircraft away from it for no   other reason just for safety reasons so even if  this was a mysterious test chuck would have had to   know sorel's mentioned several secret  programs at edwards during this period   if it was at edwards it was most likely secret we  tested all the new aircraft to come through edward   for testing the sr-71 the blackbird was in testing  at that time the b-70 was there at that time   even if it was a highly classified aircraft they  definitely wouldn't have done it in that area   without notifying the controllers on duty it's  not that they would tell the tower nothing they   would just tell the tower there was something  going on there's no way they would operate   in that zone without chucking on about the tower  at edwards and multiple other military radar sites   confirm several objects are invading the airspace  over edwards air force base he's climbing   much higher rising rapidly  it looks like it's right so many unidentified contacts at the height  of the cold war when a soviet missile attack   was a very real fear the decision to launch  intercept aircraft would surely come soon   but on the tape the authority to launch an  investigatory flight seemed to be in the hands   of an officer with a most unusual title all of  the bases had it you have poll officers yes sir the team is reconstructing the incident above  edwards air force base that occurred on october 7   1965. starting at 1 30 a.m an object with strange  pulsating lights is hovering near the base's   rocket test site and six smaller objects have  joined it three moving in formation to the south   and another three moving about the base  freely five southern california military   radar stations capture the event i'm doing  some uh reports tower victorville tower and uh the team not only has the  key eyewitness to the event   the base's senior air traffic controller chuck  soros but now for the first time on television the   previously classified complete audio tapes from  that night's radio and telephone communications   i have another red light combination inside  moving very rapidly on that evening after   making repeated visual contact for over an hour  sorrels gets on the phone to lads the los angeles   air defense sector he discovers that they are  now also in radar contact with the objects   labs here say have you all had any uh  reports of unknown flying objects over   there the people at lads got involved they  were in charge of the air defense of the area   they was getting radar paints on it and  i had a visual on it george tower had a   visual on it there were several people on  the ground on edwards that had visuals on it   through the period of talking back and forth  with lads we decided to scramble an aircraft at 2 am edwards alert pilot captain daryl clark is  notified of the incursion he goes outside next to   runway aircraft with a radio and binoculars  to get a clear view he makes visual contact   this is his voice when he gets on the radio  and reports what he is seeing i got a good   look at binoculars it looks like a fairly easy two  trained military men one an air traffic controller   the other an experienced pilot both believe these  are not typical aircraft but these descriptions   aren't enough for the people at labs to take the  next step they will need to speak with a very   specific officer to determine if they should  launch an aircraft to intercept the objects   the lieutenant is the ufo responsible  officer in bed do you uh want us to   shake this lieutenant out of the pad and see  if he wants to request uh going up and looking   so right there that's fascinating they're calling  for the ufo officer at the base the lieutenant is   the ufo responsible officer in bed i believe back  in those days that ever base had a designated   ufo officer according to the air force quote  investigators from the foreign technology division   may have been called unofficially ufo officer but  this is not a term that was ever used by the usaf   to denote an official position in my nine years  in the air force i never heard of a ufo officer   are they looking for extraterrestrial flying  saucers or just or any object that was was unable   to be identified i mean there's a difference  there i don't know that they were looking for   any particular shape or size or anything like that  it was just anything that was out of the ordinary   that would be called an unidentified flying object  at the onset of world war one the u.s army formed   a foreign data section to study the aviation  capabilities and progress of the powers in europe   by world war ii the division became the technical  data laboratory based at wright-patterson field   the group assessed captured enemy equipment  and aircraft after the war the division merged   into a scientific and technical intelligence  group t2 intelligence with a primary goal to   quote ensure the prevention of strategic tactical  or technological surprise from any source   as the cold war escalated  their primary focus was russia   however in 1947 this division studied  the emerging ufo phenomena under project   sign and in 1952 this division created project  blue book for the continued study of ufos in 1961 the division was officially  changed to the foreign technology division   ftd personnel are not assigned to every base only  those which fall under their purview according to   the air force quote it would not be unusual for  ftd personnel to be at edwards given that edwards   functions as the test base for usaf aircraft  and other aircraft including foreign aircraft this officer would be consulted whenever  something unidentified was cited   whether this was a suspected soviet  craft or any other object that was   not immediately recognized by edwards personnel objects that can't be identified you don't  know what they are have penetrated airspace   over edwards air force base and have gotten close  to the runways why haven't we dispatched planes   this doesn't happen very often they were having  to sort of explore it on the fly here as to what   the regulations are who had the authority to do  what so this is an unusual event i would imagine   back then it was just a flop for the senior  pants type thing i had no particular policy   to go by or anything to tell me what to do  you had to make a decision and act on it what these objects might be  is still open for discussion   but with no protocol in place and the  object seeming to pose no immediate threat   it's determined that no further action can take  place until the ufo officer contacts the tower   they are scrambling their ufo uh also out of the  path and see if he wants to request a base option   going up and looking in the radio transmissions in  the phone conversations we suddenly find out wait   a minute edwards had a ufo officer what did the  ufo officer do was he looking for flying saucers   well even if he was not looking for flying  saucers but only in charge of whatever unknown   objects were up there still this is breaking news  that despite all the denials of the air force and   i mean year after year they would deny that  ufos are real they have a ufo officer at 3 a.m   over 90 minutes after the initial sighting  the ufo officer contacts the tower   and attempts to determine the origin of these  objects with the los angeles air defense sector   lads has confirmed radar sightings from five  different points around edwards uh edwards   any balloons yeah it's not gotten oil   peppers don't don't have a ravenstone  unit so i doubt if they lynched anything   and i wouldn't have no reason to there'd  never be a reason anyway out of edwards huh no that was the director down at los angeles  sector talking to the weatherman on edwards   and asking had they lost a balloon and he  said no we don't have a ravens on site which   is a weather site that that sends up balloons and  does that kind of thing we had no reason to do it   peppers don't have a raven side unit they  have no reason why i take a weather balloon   so he plainly says on the tape they did  not launch a balloon however in the written   report of this thing it plainly states that  balloon was launched from there that night in reality it didn't happen but it's  in the classified written report   the official united states air force report  clearly dismisses the multiple accounts   as sightings of a weather balloon if these  objects were in fact weather balloons   why the next decision to scramble a  fighter jet and what did that jet see on october 7 1965 multiple eyewitnesses report  several objects above edwards air force base   a formerly classified document from  the united states air force clearly   states that this object was a weather balloon   although according to the tower audio edwards was  not capable of launching such a crafty edwards peppers don't yeah have a raven sign  unit so i doubt if they lynch anything   i wouldn't have no reason to but the ufo  officer who has recently contacted the tower   is looking for a more rational explanation and  continues to pursue the weather balloon theory it's very hard for a balloon to go from north  to south at a low altitude when i report the   wind is out of the west at two knots if the  wind is out of the west and one of them was   going north to south and then turned west it'd be  very difficult for a balloon to turn into the wind   so what we're saying here is they don't have  the flag characteristics of a balloon there's   a report that no balloons were launched that  night and yet in the classified report there's   a report of a balloon that's being launched in  fact according to the report the objects are   described as weather balloons three times despite  all the evidence to the contrary and these kinds   of weather balloons that they were looking for are  they typically lit no they have marking lights no the only other explanation offered by the ufo  officer is that this object could have been a   man-made aircraft contradicting what is reported  by sorrells and the alert pilot on the runway   daryl clark sorrells makes his opinion known  the uh officer saw this one he thinks it's an   airplane the ufo officer said it looked like  an airplane to him he is not a trained pilot   he has not have trained anything other than he  was a uf all officers assigned to i don't know   what his normal duty was but here you got an air  traffic controller that says it's not an airplane   you've got an alert pilot standing on  the ground that says it's not an airplane   but the ufo officer thinks it's an airplane now  bill do you think that part of the ufo's officer's   job is to say things are airplanes remember the  air force was in the ufo business the flying   saucer business in 1965 they didn't get out until  1969 so do you think part of that person's job   was to discount these things and not pass along  stuff to blue book i think that's speculation bill   i'm with chuck that the guy was not trained he  had probably no aviation related duties whatsoever   and all he knew about airplanes was that they  had a red light a green light and a white light   and he said looks like an airplane to me  there was no conspiracy it was just flat   inexperienced and he didn't  know what he was talking about whether the object is an airplane or something  else the consensus in 1965 is that they need   to get a closer look at whatever is hovering in  restricted airspace but the only live planes at   edwards are armed with nuclear weapons which  require high level authorization to launch these alert birds are specifically designated to  protect the us from an incoming attack they are   armed with nuclear weapons in the event that an  immediate strike or counter-strike is necessary   to launch one of these nuclear-armed f-106s   over u.s airspace is far too risky without  knowing anything further about these objects but do you have another 106. oh  that's all we have that's how you pass i suppose by this time it's getting on toward  four o'clock in the morning i imagine that   it's been going on for two and a half three hours  by this time because the time the bird got up   and got in position and tried to make a run on it  the things had risen in altitude they had moved   in their position they weren't near as visible  as they once were do you think that someone was   holding it back or do you think this was normal  procedure well this would be normal procedures   because they didn't have a bird that was not armed  they didn't have a pilot to fly and we had one on   greater than one hour but i believe that's because  uh we don't have a pilot here for us we'd have to   have an authentication on the uh on the scramble  with uh the weapon board they couldn't take the   alert guy in case he had to go with the alert bird  so they had to get an additional pilot that wasn't   even on duty at the time they had to go rack  somebody out of the bed to get him down there   to fly the airplane on this bird is taking off  is that a hybrid no no he's not loading when   the go-ahead to launch a plane to intercept is  finally given the turnaround time is significant   as it is after 3 am and the pilot and ground crew  have to be awoken to get the bird in the air they   were geared to look outward to look for russian  airplanes coming in from the water basically   this is inside our own airspace so procedures  really aren't laid out there as the bird gets   up into the air both lads and sorrels guide  the pilot to get closer to the objects   but there's a problem by this time they  have started to move away from the base   he went up to take a look at it and they run  radar intercept on it and they were having a   hard time getting him you know in the area  at one point i was directing the aircraft   i would line him up with the runway give him  a heading having come right down the runway at one point they run him  through as high as 40 000 feet   and i was talking to the director and  he was asking me how's he doing i said   well he's closing on it you should hold  it one flip now turn it on your right one   on your left then as he got closer i said  he's low tower how's things look now he's and the low is rising very  fast that thing is rising   well he's at 40 000 feet i don't care he's still  low he's way low way low 40 40 000 feet still low   but as the pilot gets closer the  objects get further and further   away until they finally disappear out of  visual contact and out of radar contact   he has moved now to approximately 145 degrees  estimated 40 miles and very very high now it is almost invisible now what is your  estimate of this i think it was an unusual   incident for all professionals involved the only  unprofessional i heard in there was a ufo officer   he's the only one who thought it was an airplane the declassified tapes are just the  beginning the alert pilot captain clark who never   spoke of this incident beyond that night and could  never know it would be investigated in the future   would eventually write a letter to  his wife elaborating on what he saw   that night in october yes what do you think  of it well i'll tell you when i first got me   it was approaching the base of the north all  i could see was the pulsating not rotating the team has just heard declassified recordings  of an incident above edwards air force base   on october 7th 1965. this is the power of  edward we have an object now moving southward   chuck sorrells the senior air traffic controller  at the base that evening has shed new light on   the strange objects that were found hovering  for almost six hours in restricted airspace   but sorrels and the recordings are not  the only sources for the story behind   what the air force refers to as the incident  captain daryl clark was the alert pilot   at edwards air force base that evening it  looked like a fairly low altitude from the uh after decades of silence clark feels compelled  to document his experience from that fateful   night in a letter to his wife the important  thing about this letter is that captain daryl   clark was the senior ranking officer on duty and  his account corroborates chuck sorrell's account   both men kept this a secret for as long  as they could obviously this incident had   played on his mind for decades before he  decided to share the secret with someone   this letter was given to the ufo hunters by sam  sherman the architect of the reconstructed audio   transmissions from edwards that night sherman  obtained it directly from clark's son i was on   alert at edwards air force base in california  and was the senior ranking officer on duty   at about 0-200 hours i got a call from the senior  controller he said they had reports of ufos and   had had some radar contacts hello this is captain  clark alf layman okay a captain clark reed we   have some confirmed reports of some unidentified  flying objects your area okay as i scan the sky   i observe the pulsating light to the northwest  of my position moving south at about 1 000 feet   above the ground and around 300 knots the  ufo never leveled off it continued to climb   it appeared to move right out into space  until it finally passed out of view   daryl a clark the incident was also whispered  about the following day amongst those on the base   who hadn't witnessed the event test pilot george  merritt was stationed at edwards at the time   and remembers the energy surrounding this  story my name is george merritt i was a   graduate of the air force test pilot  school at edwards air force base   well when i came into work the next morning  there was a buzz going on about these strange   lights that had been seen south of the base late  in the evening and into the early morning and so   everybody is talking just like a tv program from  night before what was it what do you think it was   and merit confirms why it took the air force so  long to scramble a bird to take a closer look   starting with the president  down they have to determine   at that level pentagon level but there  is a threat and we want these nuke   armed interceptors to take off and identify and  shoot them down you take that very very serious these lights are presenting no hazard to  edwards air force base there is nobody dropping   bombs nobody firing missiles shooting guns no  parachutes coming out nothing that is a threat to   to edwards nor is there at this time  to the air defense of the united states   the report goes to someone called the base ufo  officer correct this captain john belen captain   john ballen he was part of the foreign technology  division out of wright-patterson and foreign   technology that means that there's classified  secret things going on at edwards that he needs to   review and report to his higher headquarters he is  the one that wrote the official air force report   signed it and it went up through the chain of  command and so that is the official report of   this that was not written that by an edwards  person this official air force report was the   same report that dismissed one of the objects  as a weather balloon could this in fact   be classified technology that balant was  not allowed to reveal or didn't know about during his initial  reconstruction of the audio tapes   sam sherman contacted balland  to discuss the incident   but ballot refused comment and was not interested  in participating in sherman's investigation my take on it was that a year and a half earlier  when i was a student in the test pilot school   president johnson announced that  the yf-12 blackbird was at edwards   i saw one of them taxi in first time i'd ever  seen the blackbird knew nothing about groom   lake nothing about area 51 and here the most  magnificent fighter aircraft i had ever seen   comes taxing in and i'm a fighter pilot you'd  think i'd know about it but i didn't know about it   what did that plane have to do with the ufo well  so my first feeling is if there's some kind of   lights out there and it is in fact some kind  of a vehicle it's probably a classified program the restricted area the area where we as test  pilots did all of our uh flight test was in what's   called the edwards restricted area the same one  that we have right now 2512 and it starts about   five or six miles south of the runway and runs  to the west runs to the north and runs to the   east so the testing area for our aircraft we're  all north of the edwards uh area edwards base   according to merit the flight path of all  classified technology in edwards would take   place in a specific area north of the base but  this does not match the reported locations and   flight paths of the ufos the official report  from the air force said that these were   unidentified lights that were seen at edwards okay  so that's what stood even though captain blend   said that these were planes well they're just  unidentified that's about all you can you can say   but he still believes that  there is more to this case   i'm personally very happy that they've reopened  the case of the unidentified flying object   that went past edwards it's been something i've  wondered about for 40 years myself are these ufos   that are repeatedly entering restricted military  airspace and what did chuck sorrell's daryl clark   and the lad's radar stations actually  make contact with on october 7th 1965 the team examines the final piece of the  edwards puzzle the radar readings from the   los angeles air defense sector it  looks like multiple targets there with eyewitnesses declassified recordings and  handwritten never-before-seen testimony the team   has uncovered a mountain of evidence regarding the  night of october 7 1965 at edwards air force base   i'm getting some reports from tower victorville  tower and federal radar sites about ufos   their final step is to authenticate the official  radar images from the san pedro radar station   that evening images that the official report  later discount as anomalous weather propagation   this phenomenon is caused by a temperature  inversion the earth's atmosphere usually cools   as elevation rises but an inversion can sometimes  occur where the temperature either does not cool   or in some extreme cases gets warmer with height  when this occurs this warmer layer acts like a lid   which can lead to haze or pollution being trapped  beneath this layer resulting in false radar hits   edwards is observing them from the ground radar analyst john kirk is assisting the team in  authenticating the radar and discussing theories   on what else these objects might have been i'm  about to meet radar systems engineer john kirk who   has radar experience from the military and has  worked with radar for over 50 years my name is   john kirk i'm a radar systems engineer these are  the actual images from the radar displays at fort   mcarthur taken in san pedro during that evening in  1965. the images were taken at intervals creating   a visual timeline that tracks the object's  movement throughout the entire incident   they're moving slowly and climbing slowly  and they have been confirmed one radar   you look at the images and they're pretty standard  i mean this is a display these are just markers on   it so what this tells me is that this radar was  looking it did pick up some moving targets it did   put some information on them on the actual radar  image these areas are identified by kirk as moving   targets so we got multiple targets here looks like  there's multiple targets and as you cycle through   some of these things you'll see the pictures  changing it looks like there's maybe one two   three my guess is there's about four or five six  targets kirk counts six targets on the radar image   but still this does not discount the theories of  anomalous propagation well anomalous propagation   could be caused by a weather okay an inversion or  something that's going on clouds coming in some   moisture near uh there's a lot of atmospheric  anomaly does it make any sense to you what   it could possibly be no we're in as much as  different as you are it's hard for me to think   that that's anomalous propagation if there's  anonymous propagation you'd think you'd see a   more of a blob rather than an individual so this  doesn't look like anomalous propagation looks like   individual things according to kirk anomalous  propagation would appear as a blob while these   images appear to be independent targets it looks  like targets yeah look like targets to me what   kind i can't say okay i have no idea it just looks  like there's targets out there and the radars are   working like they're supposed to be working in  addition five separate radar sites wouldn't pick   up the same false reading at the same time while  kirk cannot speculate what the objects could have   been he is impressed with the amount of evidence  surrounding this story for a pilot to write down   this is what i saw for an operator to say this is  what i saw it's a lot of collaborative information   i can't refute it but just on the basis  of these they do look like drill tracks   okay it doesn't look like it would be an anomalous  propagation these look like they're really no they can't tell what they are former national weather service meteorologist  william puckett also has evidence that suggests   these radar images cannot be explained away by  anomalous propagation on the night of october 7   1965 according to the national climatic data  center the atmosphere was very dry and had no   temperature inversions two key characteristics  that can create these false radar hits without   these conditions present the likelihood of the  radar hits being anomalous propagation is close to   zero the surface weather at edwards from midnight  to 6 a.m also shows clear skies mild temperatures   and little to no wind visibility is estimated to  be 35 miles with these factors the distortion or   misidentification of celestial objects such as  jupiter saturn or other stars is highly unlikely   but after the incident and the subsequent  investigation into it the military decided to seal   all the records and audio concerning the case  their explanation was that the radar hits were   false positives and that the eyewitnesses had  merely misidentified celestial objects despite   the overwhelming evidence ruling these theories  out you know it's just amazing to me to hear   that possibly we have ufos penetrating secure  airspace military airspace in the united states   with impunity according to the account both on the  tapes the radar traces and sorel's account of it   that it was exceeding any known flight envelope  characteristics of any aircraft of that time   or since it is much much higher these audio  recordings of actual events sent chills down   my spine i have another red light and green  light combination inside moving very rapidly   when you sit down and you listen to all the  people that were involved there were a whole   bunch of voices in that chatter that did not  know what was going on of course ron edwards   the audio is the smoking gun  he's climbing tower much higher they classified the tape for 30 years what  was on the tape that had to be classified   secret weapons no special radar no  what it was was ufo over 40 years later   the incident at edwards air force base continues  to be unexplained today the air force flight   test center's motto is add in explorata toward  the unexplored a fitting description for that   night in october perhaps the most compelling and  little-known sighting of the ufo known to date you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, ufo hunters, history ufo hunters, ufo hunters show, ufo hunters full episodes, ufo hunters clips, full episodes, ufo, ufo video, ufo sighting, ufo videos, ufo video clips, aliens, extra terrestrials, spaceships, history clips, UFO Hunters s1 e12, UFO Hunters se1, UFO Hunters season 1 episode 12, UFO Hunters history, UFO Hunters se1 ep12, UFO Hunters s01, UFO Hunters 1X12, UFO clips, code red, military air space
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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