UFO Hunters: US Military Pursues UFOs (S3, E11) | Full Episode | History

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its lights are now strobing like crazy it is  coming back for more than five decades ufos   have had some type of connection to the military  i noticed a strange light up there that was really   really bright we heard helicopters coming as you  could hear them getting closer it just disappeared   is the military in pursuit of ufos  or attempting to bring them down   these people are endangered and the government's  doing nothing to protect possible proof of this   first response in an amazing video and this looks  like something from out of a science fiction movie   my wife witnessed two black twin rotor helicopters  circling our home they were looking for something   within 24 hours another object is seen  being chased by a formation of fighter jets   there's uh four to six jets there between a mile  to two miles behind it trying to catch up to it   could these cases be evidence of the military's  first response to a ufo this is four times the   size of a stealth bomber that is absolutely  huge this is case number 653 first response guys we are investigating this mystery the  rationale behind the military's confrontation   with ufos are they simply going out to investigate   or are they actively going out to  confront these craft and if possible   shoot them down if extraterrestrials really  are visiting us they would have to intercept the first response of our government and  military is to protect us from all enemies   foreign and domestic this includes  unconventional aircraft coming into our airspace   when we investigate ufo dogfights we know that  we talked to chuck soros of edwards air force   base he was air traffic control and he told  us that they scrambled to f-106 to investigate   pilots like general parvez jafari over tehran  in 1976 when there was a huge ufo sighted   he was scrambled in his f4 phantom to intercept  a lot of this began all the way back in 1952   in 1952 there were multiple encounters  in what can only be described as an air   war between the military and ufos and to  this day these events remain unexplained   isn't there even a possibility that  what we're looking at is simply   an escort of the military of one of  their own top secret black ops programs bill and pat seem to believe that the military is  engaging and fighting with the ufos in their skies   but i think the reality is  that this military presence   is simply an escort for the ufo which just  happens to be a top secret military aircraft what i think we're after is that small percentage  where the air force or the military is actually   after the ufos as a military encounter in long  beach we just had a recent sighting in which   according to this one report there was an  object in the sky nobody knew what it was   and suddenly a bunch of helicopters descended  on the object and the object disappeared   why hasn't there been any resolution  to this and it's still going on today   we're heading out to long beach california where  on march 17 2009 witnesses saw a ufo in the skies   that was shortly followed by a  squadron of military helicopters according to eyewitness patricia davila they were  there we don't know what their intention was but   we're going to talk to patricia to find out if  the helicopters were there to observe the object   to escort the object to intercept  the object or to shoot it down hi patricia how are you thanks for seeing us  on march 17 2009 we saw ufo 10 helicopters   pull up on the scene at least they looked  like they were looking for something like   they knew it was there but they couldn't  find it because it shut all its lights out we came out here and set up the tripod because  the space shuttle was supposed to be uh   showing itself and i noticed often  to the south that there was something   amiss there was a strange light up  there that was really really bright   patricia davila has lived in the long beach  california area for more than 20 years   she went through training at a police academy  and has been trained by military special ops   and other law enforcement officers to help in  her own business in the entertainment industry   with such an extensive background  patricia knows her military aircraft   and feels she can readily identify  any conventional craft in the sky   at first it looked round and then it  seemed to change too into a disc shape   and then it kind of disappeared and then it  looked like there were two objects up there and then they both kind of mimicked  each other and mesh back into one we heard helicopters coming we could hear them  from both directions now did the helicopters   arrive while the object was still there  or had it vanished you could hear them   while it was still there as you could hear  them getting closer it just disappeared so what do you think was going on that night i  think they were looking for it i've never seen   that many helicopters ever in long beach not at  one place there were two that came off from here   there were six that came from here the two if we  came back from here and then we lost count we saw   over 10 helicopters come out here it was either  the military and or the local police department patricia has good reason to believe these  helicopters were police and military her   house is nearly surrounded by military  installations and commercial airports   luckily for us during this unexplained event she  used a digital camera and a tripod to capture   multiple photographs of the ufo so can we see  the photos absolutely follow me follow you   now is this afternoon flattened  out to that disc shape that's not what you saw with your naked eye  i took it in eight second intervals because   i wasn't sure whether or not the night shots on  my camera would actually shoot what i was seeing   patricia used an eight second exposure on the  camera which means that the shutter was open for   eight seconds and captured the movement of the  object this photographic technique offers some   very bizarre looking images that can result in  strobing effects or streaks through the night sky   how can we know that this isn't just the  result of having a slow shutter speed   because i took a couple of photos at a 30th of  a second that showed the two spheres together   do you believe photos of the helicopters yes it is these look very different from the lights  in the other photos we don't know what this   object is but looking at the photographs of the  ufo and the helicopters they look nothing alike   there were two coming from los alamitos  training center area there were six coming   from this direction from long beach and then  there were another two coming from the airport   patricia davila's house is located among the los  alamitos armed forces reserve center the naval   weapons testing center in seal beach and a naval  base in long beach it's very possible that the   helicopters could have come from any one of these  installations are you sure they were all working   together or yes they were they were coming towards  this craft trying to corner it or something one theory is that the helicopters were part  of an escort another theory is that these   helicopters were investigating this ufo possibly  even attacking it the third possibility is that   there was a search party that night going on over  long beach california and this ufo was simply   the first on the scene misinterpreted  as some sort of unconventional craft   were there any other people seeing this i sent  my kids out to knock on every neighbor's door   that they could get their hands on and  they did and they got my neighbor laura   it's becoming clear that she was not the  only witness to this siding one person who   corroborated the entire story is laura panter  who saw the object and saw the helicopters   on march 17 2009 i witnessed  military aircraft converge on a ufo   and it was right before eight o'clock  right above the telephone pole lines   was a glowing ball of white light hovering we  watched it for about five minutes and then it just   started drifting southwest all of a sudden it just  disappeared and we had heard helicopters coming what laura is telling us corroborates patricia's  statement that it wasn't until this group of   helicopters arrived that the mysterious object  disappeared 45 minutes to an hour after the light   went out there was three groups of helicopters  i think they were mixed with police and military   and the police ones had their searchlights on they  weren't really searching on the ground they were   searching for something in the sky looked like  they didn't know what they were looking for   and they were literally playing this cat and  mouse game and no one knew where the mouse was   we know that the object winked out dematerialized  disappeared even before the helicopters came here   and we know the helicopter spent  an inordinate amount of time   in some kind of frenzied search pattern if  it's ours why would military helicopters   be after one of their own  everything is wrong about this we live under the flight path for long  beach airport and the airliners come this   way in their landing direction and in this  case the traffic was diverted for about 45   minutes and i've lived here almost 10  years i've never seen traffic diverted   this isn't just about the ufo sighting we  also learned that there were there was unusual   military activity in the air and that air traffic  into long beach airport was completely rerouted   from its normal path all the way around  this way so this is very unusual activity after our investigation of the long beach  sighting we've learned of another event in   corona california that same evening so we're  heading to corona about 50 miles away from   patricia's house to meet with eyewitness mike  who wants his identity completely anonymous march 2009 i witnessed two different sightings  of ufo shortly after my wife observed two large   black twin rotor helicopters circling our home  what do you think you saw that night i don't know   i i can't explain it it's changed my whole life we're here meeting with mike not his real name who  on march 17 2009 shot some very interesting video   of what he says is a ufo apparently the  military thought it was interesting also   because they surveilled this house after that  date we're really anxious to see this video this is into the tape a little bit and that  i believe is a star you're seeing it go by   i mean this looks like something from out of a  science fiction movie it does so you have the star   as a frame of reference in the background and this  thing is just cruising around like on a joyride   this is the most impressive video footage that  i've ever seen of a ufo and if this is real this   is literally rocking my skepticism and there's  something in the sky and it's flying and it's not   a conventional craft that's for sure what exactly  this is i don't know yet but i'm a little shaken   so what movement did you actually see with  your own eyes it was darting back and forth   at times it was going up and down and it actually  dropped a few times from a very high altitude   to the ground it went behind the homes and  then reappeared at the same height it was   you want the smoking gun is that the smoking gun   well this is definitely ufo i i honestly can't  decide whether it's extraterrestrial or military and even the flight pattern of this  it just kind of drifts to the left   drifts to the right kind of hovers it has the  same type of movement as a long beach craft we're investigating the military's  first response to ufo activity   we're in corona california where on march 17th a  witness named mike who wishes to remain anonymous   saw an unidentified object in the skies near his  house that's the very same night patricia davila   saw the ufo over her house in long beach according  to his testimony mike's wife told him that   military helicopters circled his house shortly  after mike's siding a coincidence i don't think so what's over in that direction actually lake  matthews and march air force base are direct   line of sight where this is flying and let's  consider the possibility that this is a hoax   and somebody is simply flying remote control  helicopter that has lights strung around the sides   maybe it's not 10 12 miles away like you thought  it's actually a lot closer but because the object   is smaller it gives the impression of distance  have you shown this video to anybody else   that i did to a colleague at work how did that  person react to seeing the video he was blown away   he couldn't explain it he was completely uh  stunned did you ask him not to tell anybody uh no it's not just the sighting that sounds so  incredible it's what happened next that blows   my mind several days later my wife witnessed two  large black twin rotor helicopters circling our   home my wife was very shaken up by it so she knew  instinctively that something was they were looking   for something they were directly above our home  so what you're saying is this on the 16th is the   first time you saw this object and you videotaped  it that's correct the next day on the 17th of   march you actually tell someone at work i did  and then that same night you see this object for   the second time the same object you videotape it  again yes for 30 minutes and then two days later   on march 19th your wife reports that there are two  black unmarked helicopters flying around your home   as though they're looking for something correct  given mike's employment with a dod contractor   and the fact that he brought these videos  to work does suggest a connection between   the craft he witnessed and the unmarked  helicopters seen shortly after but it wasn't   just the appearance of these helicopters  that points to a military connection a month after i was laid off their reasoning was  that they were going in a different direction   which didn't make any sense to me because  i was hired there under a strict statement   of what my duties were and i was meeting all of  those duties when did you get the layoff notice   i didn't get any notice i came back from lunch  and i was walked off the facility by armed guards   did you feel it was somehow in relation to  the the mentioning of the object at work   i do did the video contribute to mike's layoff  it's possible but it's also possible that tough   economic times and budget cutbacks  was the reason for his dismissal   this is close to an air force  base the department of defense   might have had knowledge of this sighting  and might have done something about it i mean   to me a lot of what's going on here screams  military military military in the long beach   sighting helicopters came from military bases  different agencies to scour the skies for this   if this were military why would this be over  roughly a residential neighborhood or a lake   why would military helicopters chase as if  they're searching for a military test craft could this be too good to be true the video looks  great a close-up video of a doughnut-shaped object   we all heard about the donut-shaped object  that harold dahl saw over maury island in 1947   could this be it could this be the smoking gun   for both the long beach and corona sightings  i took coordinate and clinometer measurements   to see if there was some sort of geographic  connection between these two sightings i made some   calculations based on these readings and given the  location of patricia's sighting in long beach and   mike citing corona i don't think they saw the same  craft what i'm most interested in seeing is that   these objects can be identified through image and  video analysis we're going to meet with al murphy   of analysis of motion to see if he can identify  the object in patricia's photos and mike's video okay this is one photo that looks uh probably  most interesting of the ones that i've seen at   least it has some sort of a shape i've zoomed  way in here to try and pick up like an outline   i've played with a little bit of image processing  to try and pick up something in the background   but basically all i'm seeing is the lights now i  understand that this is an eight-second exposure   rather than just one still shot so we have what  looks like probably pulsating lights uh over maybe   one second per pulse so al do you think that last  cluster of four lights is the object it's it's the   brightest exposure uh at the at the end of the  multiple exposure and i think that that's the   object does this strike you as a conventional  aircraft would you be able to tell is this an   airplane does this seem unusual to you at all we  don't have the red and the green uh wing marker   lights and if it was a landing light it would  be on all the time we would see like a streak   i would say that from the shape of the lights  it doesn't look like a conventional aircraft are there any specifics about this craft that you  can determine from these photographs we had two   witnesses estimate that it was a quarter mile away  given that it would be a quarter of a mile away   at let's just say that it looks like 30 degrees  these lights could be 50 feet in diameter   al thinks that these objects could be about 50  feet in diameter but given the long exposure time   i think we could be looking at something much  smaller but just exaggerated because of the way   these pictures were taken well what if it's  not one object what if we're looking at four   separate orbs that are traveling in formation  or four separate helicopters yeah well do you   see anything in that final cluster of four that  would suggest to you that it's a helicopter no we also investigated this case in corona  california in which a man videotaped this strange   ring-like object we think it's a ufo and some of  the most exciting video footage we've seen yet   and we'd like to know your opinion on it   the first image that we have here is  basically the largest indication of what it is   throughout the whole video it's zoomed in quite  a bit the object seems to have kind of a doughnut   shape to it and with the local background and the  image processing i can kind of recover that shape can you tell from looking at this  if this is a solid ring of light   or these separate lights in kind of  a circle formation if i look at this   image it looks to me like there's a ring  of separate lights i think al's analysis   is starting to confirm that this object  has a much more conventional explanation what i see is that it's entirely possible that  this is a remote operated vehicle that would   also explain its ability to make sharp fast turns  al thinks this craft could be a remote controlled   vehicle and it reminds me of a similar man-made  craft developed in 2008 less than 30 miles away   when we compare the photos of this vehicle  to mike's footage i think it's possible he   videotaped one of these remote-controlled ufos  although mike's video might not be a true ufo   we have another report of a similar  military response on the same night hey trevor how are you oh doing well hi   trevor louder is a software developer and amateur  astronomer that's lived in the lake havasu city   arizona area for more than 25 years he frequently  sees military aircraft in the area including b-2   bombers military jets and refueling aircraft so  he is well versed in what the military is flying   and he said that what he saw that  day which just happens to be within   24 hours of the sightings in corona and long  beach is nothing like he's ever seen before the event took place pretty much right along the  horizon here it was about seven o'clock at night   and what i saw was a boomerang-shaped craft i  could make it out by the fact that it was blocking   the starlight out as it was traveling against  the night sky i could see very clearly uh orange   or amber orbs attached to the bulk of the body  and from this vantage point i could see one   extended wing of some sort it had an additional  light on the tip of it when the craft came   overhead and i was able to actually make out  a second portion of it was actually the bulk   of the body with two wings it was anywhere  between three and four hundred feet wide and when it made this turn did it  bank or did it make a sharp turn   it seemed to make a sharp turn the lights stayed  horizontal in proportion whereas a normal craft   would sort of tilt this way the craft didn't  do that at all it maintained its horizontal   latitude and just made the turn and started coming  straight back towards what about the speed did it   slow down to make the turn or make it at the  same speed the speed was definitely consistent   what about the jets you said it was chased  by jets it was chased by fighter jets   given the strobe pattern i could tell that  there was a minimum of four what originally   brought this to my attention was the  sound of the afterburners on the jets   just given that engine sound i could tell  that they were trying to catch up to it trevor did it look like this object was  heading in a specific direction i could   tell that the craft was heading in a northern  direction and it was definitely headed towards   needles california what's interesting about  trevor's description is that the craft turned   and headed back toward needles california that's  the site of the may 2008 crash which was the   subject of our investigation last year trevor  we're excited show us what you got absolutely we're investigating multiple ufo sightings that  took place on march 17th and march 18 in 2009   and each sighting was followed by what seems to  be the military's first response to ufo presence   are they intercepting the  objects engaging the objects   we don't know but we're about  to view trevor louder's video   maybe that's going to help us figure this out  what you can see here is the western horizon traveling south what really stood out to me  were these amber orbs that were attached to it   they seemed to be in sort of an oval shape and  there seemed to be several of them attached to   the bulk of the crap coming into focus  here in just a moment we're going to see   a solitary light on the end of the object  and you're able to kind of make out a wing now when this flew overhead i was able  to make out a second wing so what we're   looking at here is the fuselage wing and then  what you don't see is that other wing tip   trevor's testimony is very interesting and if his  estimation of the size of this object is correct   he may be on to something but the video is very  shaky so it's hard to get a reference point to   determine just how large this object really is so  what is it about this craft that strikes you as   being um unconventional possibly extraterrestrial  it's sheer size the sheer size of it i can tell   that it was at least three or four hundred  feet long and i can't think of a single craft   that is that large that'll travel through the  sky at seven or eight hundred miles an hour   a 747 jet has a wingspan of 195 feet and a  b2 stealth bomber has a wingspan of 175 feet   if trevor's estimations of this object are correct  then we are talking about a gigantic aircraft here we can see the fighter jets there's uh four  to six jets they're scrambling behind the craft   and about what distance would you say they  were from aircraft i would have to say they   were anywhere between a mile to two miles behind  it trying to catch up to it as i look at this one   of the things that i'm thinking is you want to say  this is a military weapon and they're escorting it   but the fact that they've got their  afterburners on really bothers me   right because they wouldn't be escorting with  afterburners bill is saying that because these   jets are using their afterburners this  means that they are chasing the object   but this could very well mean that they are  using the afterburners to simply catch up   have you ever seen a b2 bomber and could this  simply have been that i have seen several b-2   bombers in the area again we are between a couple  of different military establishments here i   frequently see bombers fighters commercial  aircraft flying through the area and this   doesn't compare it's not even close how so in  terms of size oh absolutely size the amber light   arrangement the orbs that are attached to this  thing each represent nearly the size of a standard   aircraft you've seen this thing multiple times you  have video you've kept notes you've taken records   what do you think this craft was honestly  kevin i have no idea what this object could be   after talking to trevor it's clear that he saw  an object followed by a military first response   we don't know if that's a sign of  aggression or support lay them out we started with patricia's sighting in long  beach now that object was drifting and hovering   heading in a general southern direction towards  the naval weapons station at steel beach   what we have going on here in lake havasu that is  very interesting we have military jets possibly   chasing a ufo heading first south hangs a quick  30 degree turn heads back toward needles i think   we might be looking too closely for a connection  it's also possible that these are just isolated   incidents you know and it's just a coincidence  that happened around the same date even if they   are to me it's the military presence military  helicopters military jets and attack formation   that's the connection we can make between  these cases the military is involved in one   way or another well since trevor said this thing  did make a hard turn a hard pivot toward needles   i think we should head to needles and investigate  what kind of ufo incidents are going on in needles we investigated a ufo crash in needles last year   and i think there might be some connection  so we're going to talk to frank costigan   at ktox radio and needles and see if he's  received any phone calls from eyewitnesses   that could help us kind of put together  a picture of what what might be going on here we are frank good to have you back  thank you frank it's really great uh that   we're back and i want to thank you for  inviting us to needles and talking to us   well we had so much information back in may of 08  we had a object crash here off the colorado river   this area is very remote although there's five or  six military installations like 50 to 100 miles in   each direction we never saw military aircraft  and all of a sudden we're inundated with it   now did that military presence  abate or did it continue and pick up   well the presence on the ground continued for  like three or four months it still comes through   and the thing of it is you think about this  thing that crashed here and needles and all   the military presence all started with  that object that flew in our opinion from   area 51 and i feel that it just fell in the wrong  place are people keeping themselves or is it talk   of the town it's the talk of the town if i go into  a restaurant people recognize me from the station   immediately the conversation turns to  ufos and what the military is doing   and why these people are being left out  of the loop why are they endangered and   the government's doing nothing to protect  them we're getting calls reporting different   objects in the sky glowing oval objects growing  cigar-shaped objects triangles triangle lights   so basically we should be talking to witnesses now  you need to talk to witnesses well guys let's go we're hearing that frank is being inundated with  phone calls about heightened ufo activity and an   increased military presence here in the area ever  since the crash in 2008. that leaves us with the   question what is the relationship between the  military and these ufos is the military actually   developing these ufos and they're some sort of  experimental top secret black ops craft or do   these ufos actually have extraterrestrial origins  we've seen light anomalies objects in the sky that   i don't know what to make of them  between seven eight o'clock every night   there'd be multiple helicopters come  very low over our house every night we're investigating the military's  first response to ufo activity   it's clear to us after talking to frank costigan  at ktox radio that the residents of needles   california who've seen these objects can help  us put the pieces together so we're meeting with   the briley family bob charlotte and christine  who've got some intriguing stories to tell us   in may of last year we've had every day and  into the night we have military going over   our home somewhere between seven  and eight o'clock every night   there'd be multiple helicopters come very low  over our house heading north to south every night   bob riley runs riley automotive in bullhead city  arizona just outside the needles california area   local residents including the rileys  see military aircraft all the time   but something has drastically changed  since our first visit here in 2008   now what are they looking for here you say  they're coming over for what reason what purpose   we've seen light anomalies objects in the sky  that i don't know what to make of them but i'm   tying the two together what about you christine  what kind of military activity have you seen   i see a lot of the the double blade helicopters  at night minimum five out of seven nights a week   we've also heard uh from frank hostigan that a  lot of people are talking about strange sightings   strange things in the area can you describe  some i'm coming home from my shop in bullhead   coming south on 95. it's probably january  of this year it's about seven in the evening   just twilight i see a white object probably  running about equal with the 40 down by needles was there any proximity in time between the  appearance of the helicopters and some of the   objects you saw in the sky well you know  since they're here every night every day   uh i would say there's definitely some kind  of connection what i don't understand is you   know we're in a small town we've got the desert  here in the desert here and i don't understand   why they're coming right over the town you know  10 miles either way and no one would know what   they're doing to me the riley's testimony what  they saw is another example of the military's   first response to the presence of ufos but  exactly what that link is still remains a mystery i actually started talking to  you guys and that very same night   i went to get the camera and i thought i'll get  some pictures tonight and this will help out   no more helicopters came over the house they  didn't show up in the morning they didn't show   up at night this has been going on two weeks now  not a single sighting i mean it could still just   be a coincidence right we didn't have every night  days in a row that they didn't come over that's a   little more than coincidence for me so not only  have the helicopter stop flying over the area   but you stopped seeing ufos in the sky as well  exactly although we haven't proven a definite link   between the presence of ufos and the military's  first response our most compelling proof yet may   still be trevor louder's video it showed fighter  jets in the sky we think it showed this boomerang   shaped object making its turn but the truth is  in the analysis so we're taking the video back to   los angeles for an analysis and let's see what the  analysis turns up on trevor louder's video we have   uh three lights here in kind of a triangular  shape there's some maybe dimmer lights in   the center it's like rows of lights actually  one of them has kind of a bluish tint to it   does that resemble an aircraft light that  you're familiar with nothing specific that   i'm familiar with can you decisively say whether  this object in this guy this ufo is boomerang or   triangular shape to me definitively from this  one frame it looks like it's boomerang shaped beyond that i can't really make an opinion although this video is shot at night and it is a  bit shaky we do have the presence of fighter jets   the footage and witness report is similar  to what was seen in the belgian flap of 1990   and the boomerang seen by many during  the phoenix light sightings of 1997   both cases involved apparent pursuit by military  aircraft what we need to do is talk to a military   expert and determine what kind of formation this  was is this an attack formation are they pursuing   engaging or is this just an escort formation we do  have trevor's drawing of the formation of the jets   and the object shape itself so at least we  have some kind of graphic description we can   give we're going to get anything from trevor  sighting it's going to come from a military   expert so we're going to bring in george merritt  who is a former military and civilian test pilot   this is four times the size of a stealth  bomber this is really really huge we're investigating the military response to a  ufo presence the case that's intrigued us the most   is a sighting that took place in lake havasu  city arizona where a huge boomerang shaped object   400 feet across was chased by air force fighter  jets we're meeting with retired air force fighter   pilot george merrick to ascertain what the  intent might have been of these air force   jets here's the situation george we need your  expertise to help us figure something out okay   george merritt has flown some of our nation's  most advanced and top secret military aircraft   the eyewitness described a craft that is  boomerang shaped in about 400 feet wide   that is absolutely huge this is four times the  size of uh of the stealth bomber it's up there   even bigger than howard hughes's flying boat  the spruce goose so this would be the largest   thing in the air if that ever ever known to  american aviation or even foreign country   i think it's obvious that a craft of this size  would attract a lot of attention and according to   trevor's testimony the majority of the attention  came from the military he says he saw two sets   of fighter jets that appear to be scrambled  uh on full afterburner trying to catch up to   this craft and unable to do so well first  show me what type of formation was seen   this would be the formation that the witness  saw now what does this formation mean   well practically all formations will have  will have a wingman it's for mutual support   you know your primary uh direction that you that  a fighter pilot would like coming up on an unknown   is from the tail because you're more of a you  can shoot it down without it shooting you down   what george is telling us really validates the  hypothesis that these jets are engaging this   ufo in an attack formation with a lead fighter  and a wingman that we can prove what we can't   prove is how a craft this large can make such  an unconventional maneuver without banking he   can make a turn without banking then he's not  aerodynamic as we think of it the any fighter that   was after him is an aerodynamic craft he's going  to be pulling g's when he turns he's going to be   outside of the visual contact with that aircraft  for some period of time so he's at a disadvantage   during the turn obviously if you can turn like  this versus a bank you have a real advantage   when we look at the aerodynamics of conventional  aircraft they have to bank in order to make a turn   if this ufo is being chased by fighter  jets and made a turn without banking   then these jets would overshoot the  ufo and lose their visual on the object if they were close enough to see the size  of this and the speed of this vehicle and   the fact that it made a turn without  banking it's in a different league   what george is reinforcing for me is that the  military's first response to the presence of   the ufo is aggression why else would  these jets be in an attack formation   there's no doubt in my mind that uh there are  uh unidentified craft that appear in our skies   and the military have to be scrambled to engage  them for sure something very unusual happened   here long beach don't you guys think we have two  eyewitnesses who reported something very unusual   and military activity that was absolutely abnormal  on top of that we spoke with one of the best video   analysts on the west coast who says that the  object that's in the photograph is absolutely   not conventional so it's quite possible we're  dealing with a genuine ufo incident of some sort   here there were possible ufo sightings  over long beach lake havasu and needles   but what can be confirmed is that in all of  these sightings there was a military response what facts do we have here we have some  photographs we have two videos one of which   is more than likely a hoax now if trevor's  testimony is true he did not overestimate   the size of this crap and if what george told us  is accurate which i believe it is he is an expert   then something bizarre happened in lake havasu  that i can't explain i think a lot of these ufo   sightings and the subsequent arrival of military  aircraft can be explained as a coincidence but   the sighting in lake havasu city arizona simply  cannot be explained there's no rhyme or reason   why an attack formation would be pursuing this  ufo perhaps our government is still reacting to   intrusions over our airspace intrusions  intercepts with no resolution the military   doesn't know what it is we could  be in a cold war with the ufos the cases we just investigated all took  place in 2009 and to me what they indicate   is a continued stance of aggression toward  the presence of these unidentified objects   the bottom line they don't know what these objects  are but the ufos are definitely considered a threat you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, ufo hunters, history ufo hunters, ufo hunters show, ufo hunters full episodes, ufo hunters clips, full episodes, ufo video, ufo sighting, ufo videos, ufo video clips, alien sightings, ufo hunters history channel, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, spaceships, UFO Hunters s3 e11, UFO Hunters se3 ep11, UFO Hunters 3X11, US Military Pursues UFOs, First Response, Season 3, Episode 11, encounters, UFO phenomena
Id: iX5FaE4UPLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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