UFO Hunters: American Military Jets Fight UFOs (S1, E11) | Full Episode | History

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around the world military pilots have  reportedly seen ufos in some cases   the pilots have actually engaged  them in air-to-air combat now two military pilots have come forward   if it comes closer than four or  five months i'm going to jump out he was expecting the object to  explode but it didn't happen   to actually engage a ufo for a period of  20 minutes that's something extraordinary in 1976 reports of an unknown  object over tehran sends an f4   scrambling to confront and destroy it  jumped from here to here just like that   in 1980 a peruvian fighter jet opens fire on an  unknown object trespassing in military airspace   a commander gave him the order to  take off and destroy the object   do these ufos execute maneuvers and capabilities  that rule out terrestrial craft camera   trying to do his business in the bag the  team along with former military pilots   put two of the world's best ufo dogfight  cases to the test high above the pacific   that's certainly no aircraft i've ever seen  this is case number 76102 ufo dog fights ufo's always got the chance the dog fight is a term that really came out of   world war one world war ii era an important  element of what i would consider a real dog fight   is that both parties are trying to shoot down  kill the other one when i hear that some of our   best pilots some of our best fighters have  had a dog fight with a ufo i say i'm not   exactly sure i'm bill scott former flight test  engineer i tested the aircraft between 1974-1987   on february 21st 2008 the team was invited to  march air force base in riverside california   to continue their investigations into reported  dog fights between military aircraft and ufos   they have uncovered some shocking new evidence   we're going to be talking about some of the most  credible phenomenal evidence in all of ufology   military dog fights with ufos we're going to be  meeting with the pilot who actually engaged a   ufo over peru and we're going to be talking  about a case of parvis jafari who actually   engaged the ufo over iran over tehran in 1976 so  these are two cases we're really excited about   this is all testimony based or do we have actual  physical or hard evidence i understand there are   official government documents involved if we have  hard evidence i'm very curious to get set to get   your world rock let's go all right one of the  most incredible stories you'll ever hear is the   story of parvis jafari from the iranian air force  it is approximately 11 p.m on september 18 1976   citizens of tehran iran are frightened by a  large lighted orb circling above them these   are not the standard helicopters military jets and  civilian aircraft which frequent the iranian skies   at this time iran is a major u.s ally in the  mideast this is still three years away from the   islamic revolution and the ayatollah khomeini's  rise to power because iran shares a border with   the soviet union the u.s military provided  training and state-of-the-art f-4 phantom   fighters to the iranian air force the f-4e  was what was used in the jafari case at that   particular time it was probably one of the best  jets that could go out to do aerial engagements   shown for the first time on american television  the following are scenes from an iranian tv movie   about this ufo encounter it starred some of the  actual military personnel involved in this event   including harvey's jafari and used  the actual control tower transcripts   numerous ufo reports continue to come into  the control tower at marabout airport these   are not military or commercial aircraft is  in charge of the air traffic control tower   he has heard enough and notifies the iranian  air force at 11 31 pm they scramble an f-4   from shiroki air base located in  hamadan 175 miles southwest of tehran   the first pilot captain aziz khani takes off  to investigate the object ten minutes later   the base orders another f4 to be scrambled  this one piloted by parveez jafari jafari was a major at that time and  he was vectored to intercept a strange   light that was over to run i'm parvati  a retired general from iranian air force   jafari estimates the object is as large as a bone  707 jet he followed the light towards the russian   border when suddenly an object broke off from  the light and headed towards jafari's own plane i turned toward it i put it on  my 12 o'clock i got close to it   and you can't imagine all of a sudden it  jumped from here to here just like that based on his location jafari estimates the  object has traveled almost 28 miles to his right   in the blink of an eye this movement was well  beyond the capabilities of any man-made object   i asked the tower if they have any fly  they said no they don't have any flight he witnesses something incredible something  like a moon came out of it a second object   came out of the first another object below  the horizon and start flying toward me   this second orb-like object descends from beneath  the triangular lights and races toward jafari's f4   although jafari is traveling at supersonic  speed this incoming craft streaks by his   jet and circles him as if he's standing still now  imagine i'm flying to a speed of clothes of sound   and something making circling around me after  circling jafari's aircraft the second orb now   returns to the larger diamond-shaped craft still  hovering approximately 25 miles in the distance   for a moment jafari thinks he is out  of danger but to his astonishment   another orb has descended and is streaking  directly toward his jet for the second time jafari now believes he is under attack he  reaches for his instrument panel to arm and fire   an aim nine heat seeking missile but what happens  next shocks him green and red light should be both   on so i could fire when i looked back on the  left side of the instrument planet the very   panel without no light on it jafari believes  that in the heat of combat with this ufo   it sent a massive pulse of electromagnetic  energy toward his plane temporarily disabling   all of the on-board electronics including the  navigation equipment avionics and weapon systems with a disabled missile system and no  way to defend against this unknown object   jafari considers ditching its plane i  thought if it comes closer than four or   five miles i'm going to jump out but before  jafari has to make that fateful decision   the object reverses direction and once again  returns to the larger craft when it moved away   from me i could see the main object there and  went right underneath it and disappeared having   just endured a harrowing engagement with multiple  ufos over the dark skies north of tehran major   jafari decides it is no longer safe to continue  tracking this mysterious diamond-shaped object   he is granted permission to return to tehran but  as he descends he realizes a second chapter of his   encounter is about to unfold when i was in descent  again another of this strong shape was chasing me   as jafari descends for his  approach to maribod airport   he sees another small object chasing from behind  on his final approach he looks over his shoulder   and witnesses the object descending toward the  desert floor i could see all of the sands on the   ground which was so bright so bright jafari is  diverted from landing and is ordered to identify   the object that has appeared to touch down near  the air base according to both military and   civilian eyewitnesses the object is believed to  have crash-landed just outside of shemaran iran   in a very fast speed toward the ground which  i thought i will see a very very big explosion   but it didn't happen the object came right on the  ground and stopped there upon landing at mirabad   airport parveez jafari knew he would have to soon  debrief his commanders about the night's events   what he didn't realize is that the iranian  military weren't the only ones interested   in his encounter one of the american  colonels was listening to me writing   taking note how deeply was the cia involved  in this case and its cover-up when jafari   landed there were american cia agents and an  air force colonel waiting for him to debrief him   seen on television for the first time ever the  unclassified official military report why did   this document go all the way to the white house  and what was found the next day at the crash site over iran in 1976 major parveez jafari has  a harrowing dogfight encounter with what he   thinks is a ufo upon landing he was debriefed  by high-ranking iranian military officials   there was also an american cia agent present the  agent filed a report which is now unclassified   that was distributed to the cia the air force  the secretary of state the secretary of defense   and the white house it was titled  quote iran reported ufo sighting   according to the report a ufo was  seen about 11 pm on september 18 1976 besides jafari sighting the control tower received  quote four telephone calls from citizens living   in the chemiron area of tehran saying they  had seen strange objects in the sky some   reported a bird-like object while others reported  a helicopter there were no helicopters airborne at   that time the report details and confirms jafari's  sighting including the loss of his avionics quote   as the f4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles  he lost all instrumentation and communications   the report further confirms that two objects were  seen one as big as quote a 707 tanker and again   quote the second object headed straight toward  the f4 at a very fast rate of speed and then quote   the pilot attempted to fire an aim-9 missile  at the object but at that instant his   weapon's control panel went off and then quote  initiated a turn and negative g dive to get away in a very curious ending to this event the  department of defense report says that the next   day the crew was taken by helicopter to an area  where the object was seen to crash land by local   residents according to the report the landing  area is quote being checked for possible radiation   further information about  this case either never came   or remains classified i saw  it so i have to believe it impressed with jafari's story and the  detailed department of defense report   the team wants to dissect and test the three  most critical elements of this case first the   object appears to jump over 25 miles in an instant  second the object appears to release an orb that   approaches jafari at a speed faster than anything  man made and third what would it take to shut down   all of the electronics on one of the world's most  advanced fighter jets at the time the f4 e phantom   the team along with their flight consultant former  air force flight test engineer bill scott feel the   very best way to test and understand this  event is through a practical demonstration   using actual fighter planes the team is at  air combat usa in orange county california   the top aerial dogfight group in america their  staff is made up of former military pilots   with years of military flight experience  my name is ben clerks ex-us air force i'm   michael from feeding off called san baron  and i was a captain in a german air force you're flying the ci marchetti sf260 it's  an italian light attack aircraft capable   of dropping bombs shooting rockets and machine gun  fire the aircraft is rated at plus six minus three   g's it goes about 270 miles per hour and it flies  just like a light attack line it's the real deal the pilots along with bill scott have calculated  that recreating this event at 25 scale would give   the best results with this airplane meaning  they will fly at 25 percent of the speed   and cover 25 percent of the distance we chose  to use regular airplanes to try to duplicate   some of these engagements because i think  it really brings home to people the kind of   dynamics involved in some of these engagements  yes we're using different types of aircraft   there are a lot of things we could not do  with the makis but it's very illustrative today we want to recreate the events we will  go out with two airplanes and one of us will   assimilate the underdog flying object we  don't want to get within 500 feet that's our   safety distance in case of an emergency you  have rules we'll say payload bailout baylor   that's our commander will uh jettas in the  canopy okay let's go fly all right that works good afternoon common one flight of three  with quebec and a comet ready to taxi the pilots estimate it will take 13 minutes  to reach their faa designated dogfight zone   high over the pacific ocean between long  beach and catalina island the dogfight begins the team is demonstrating the first key element of  this case that the ufo moved miles in an instant   ted and barron as the ufo make a very fast and  exaggerated turn at maximum speed it jumped from   here to here just like that bill scott and joker  attempt to follow from a slow and gliding start   roger on this one we got to simulate a  right turn trying to take track the target   and uh this is simulating the target jumping  10 degrees uh in a very short amount of time all right bill looks like we got uh  target acquisition about 9 30 10 o'clock all of a sudden he jumped over to a 10  30 in the space of about a split second   yeah like 10 degree jumps at a time it looks like  all right now he's over there at about 11 o'clock   we're in the right turn trying to track him  here every time he uh we get close enough uh he   jumps out about another uh 10 degrees at about  25 miles out that's about three mile change every   second or so yeah it's pretty dramatic it's just  an instantaneous acceleration he's not even uh   it's just a split second and he's another 10  degrees over there now he's at about 11 o'clock   even at this reduced scale the movements ted and  baron's plane execute makes it nearly impossible   for joker and bill to follow imagine this  scenario when both craft are traveling at over   1 000 miles per hour that's certainly no  aircraft i've ever seen the team's second   simulation will demonstrate the incredible speed  at which the secondary object was moving as it   raced directly at jafari's f4 phantom although the  single-engine marquetti aircraft being flown today   are nowhere near the f4 phantom's capabilities  they will be able to demonstrate the sense of   speed and closure rate that jafari experienced  as the secondary ufo approached and circled his   supersonic fighter we'll check about 90 right and  uh baron will set up for another pass coming in this is what it looks like when two objects both  traveling at 160 miles per hour pass in opposite   directions at a distance of 50 feet it is just a  blur now imagine this scenario at night and both   jafari and the ufo are traveling toward each other  at a combined speed of over 2 000 miles per hour   the team repeats this maneuver this  time even faster and even closer the day after the event september 19 1976  the crash site was reportedly searched and   tested for radiation but according to jafari  nothing was found despite the numerous reports so what was the experience i mean here you  are you are accommodating each other 160 miles   an hour yeah about 130 knots and they were  doing about 130 knots closing that's about 3   20. it happens in a blink of an eye you know  they're a tiny black speck way off in the distance   and a few seconds later they're blowing  right by you 300 plus miles an hour he's flying that way and suddenly when he goes to  take a defensive position because the object makes   a hostile move towards him yeah his missile  panel locks up well first of all is pilot uh   if your instrument panel goes down you are indeed  there's no way it's meant to happen these systems   are built they've evolved they're the most  robust engineering that we have you know there   there is equipment that's used for war it's got to  be incredibly robust it's got to last up through   you know bullets going through it and to have  your entire panel go down is stunning and and   it's not just the pneumatic system it's  not just the electrical system it was all   the systems and and like i can't even imagine an  explanation for how that would happen physically the biggest mystery of this case remains it's  a fact that jafari lost all instrumentation   and use of his weapon systems  through some electrical anomaly   so there was something affecting the comm  panel and the missile system we know for sure   was this caused by the ufo the team  puts jafari's key theory to the test in the iranian case when the f4 ran out there  the pilot i'm sure was very confident he had   one of the top fighters of the world go  check it out and then when something came   at him very quickly you know he  immediately saw it as a threat   so he you know armed an aim nine missile master  arm went to fire everything locked up on it   the team heads to experiments producer  john tindall's lab to participate in an   emp demonstration tyndall's going to show us what  might have happened to the aim 9 weapons panel   on jafari's f4 phantom jet when he tried to lock  his missile on to defend himself against what he   believed to be an attack by a ufo my demonstration  today is uh basically to recreate an emp event   such as that might have been experienced uh in in  this certain iranian case that we're investigating   this ufo seemed to fire some sort of a pulse at  the fighter jet and it knocked out a lot of the   electronics so basically i have an emp generator  we're going to kind of investigate what was going   on in that in the iranian case his instrumentation  all went down weapon's locked and somehow this   thing was able to basically control his airplane  and prevent them from firing what we have here is   is basically a modified tesla coil and what that  means is we're going to take a house current at   110 volts take it up to a 15 000 volts the charge  is building up within the capacitors until it   reaches a threshold and then bam it is going into  this coil and inducing current up into this coil if the test is successful john will be able  to knock out a standard consumer computer   without fully disabling it illustrating  that a similar event could happen   on a much larger scale one of the things  about onboard computers and fly-by-wire   airplanes is that they usually have a built-in  protection which is the airframe itself we're   going to set up a flight simulator here and show  how the effects of this emp burst will disrupt   you know flight computers or any kind of computer  for that matter whoa all right level it off baby   bring that i'm easing in so uh we can say at this  point we're like about to say at the 25 mile point   i think you want to come over next to me okay  lights all right are you ready in three two one 15 000 volts of low amperage power was able  to shut down the computer but will it turn back on   after such a dramatic emp event okay we're  disarmed jeff see if you can reboot the computer   here's the attempt hey wow dawn you're getting some computer  operation there yep it came back cpu did not die   like jafari's electronics the computer  returns to normal at the end of the pulse   john you've demonstrated that you're able to  render a panel on that computer inoperative   in much the same way that an electron  beam or whatever being that ufo fire   rendered jafari's controls inoperable on  that night in 1976. if we're talking about   an extraterrestrial civilization uh visiting  us they may have technology that's far   superior to what we had in the lab today  so even though this was a success the scale   is is the big surprise because to get these  results you know from something 36 inches away   at 25 miles away it's just an  unbelievable amount of power   and especially since it actually has to penetrate  a metal cage a metal airframe to do its damage although jafari's encounter was witnessed by many   and he claimed the iranian military  is interested in the ufo phenomenon   just three years later the iranian revolution  created a closed and secret society within iran   reports of ufos were no longer coming to the west  i haven't seen it anything like this before and   what i think and i what i believe and everybody  else believed it that was an unknown foreign   object a ufo after putting the three main  components of jafari's case to the test   the team doubts that a man-made flying object  could mimic the movements that jafari saw   that night and while the sudden loss of the  f4's computer system can be explained by the   intense electromagnetic pulse the real facts  remain elusive but four years later a similar   and even more dramatic ufo dog fight occurs  over peru but this time the pilot was able to attack on february 18 2008 oscar santa maria  arrives at los angeles international airport   from lima peru santa maria is in los angeles  to work with the ufo hunters to help prove the   facts and events around his extraordinary  case of a ufo dog fight over peru in 1980   i am oscar santa maria huertas a pilot for  the peruvian air force right now in retirement of april of 1980 at 7 15 in the morning at  the air base of la jolla in   peru 800 military people in charge that day  observer they observed at the end of the runway   an object that looked like a balloon not any  permission that didn't have authorization to fly a commander gave him the order to  take off and destroy the object   right away santa maria fires 64  rounds from his 30 millimeter cannon   directly at the object but to his amazement the  bullet seemed to pass right through the object   and would have clearly destroyed anything  in their path including a weather balloon he was expecting the object to explode but it didn't happen and the object started  sending he proceeded to go after the object   santa maria pursues and notices the  unidentified object is doing something else   every time he gets within range the object  climbs executing maneuvers worthy of top gun   however the most harrowing part of his story  is yet to come and it involves the u.s military i just recently met oscar santa maria  and i listened to his story and i have   to wonder why would this military commander  come out with this ufo story unless he was   really really affected by this experience i  believe he saw something that really shook him   and that stayed with him to this day due to the  complexity and shocking nature of this event   oscar santa maria has always encountered skeptics  who simply cannot believe that both he and this   object made such extraordinary maneuvers during  his dog fight with what he thinks was a real ufo   the team wants to determine if the santa maria ufo   had maneuvering capabilities that were  greater than anything that existed at the time   since they don't have access to a sukhoi-22  jet they will use the next best thing available   they return to air combat usa to take this case  to the sky the team has identified three key   elements of this case that they want to test and  demonstrate the fact that santa maria locked onto   and fired at the ufo with no effect is incredibly  impressive to the team but difficult to test   however two key aerial maneuvers can be  analyzed with some accuracy in the air   first the ufo came to a dead stop in midair second  from this dead stop the ufo began a steep fast   climb in order to give the team an accurate  depiction of the events of that night experiments   producer john tindall has devised a laser tracking  tool with two lasers one red one green both   controlled by joysticks the green laser represents  the flight path of the ufo the red laser   represents the flight path of the jet together  they give a scale representation of the event hey john good yeah okay what i have here is a  a a a top-down view using these uh these laser   pointers um as a basically uh a scale model of  the movement of any of these ufos and into the   aircraft respectively um i can scale the  movement uh to to match the speed of the   uh scale on the map where was your airfield  the red laser is indicating your air aircraft   and that is traveling at around a thousand miles  an hour santa maria using the red laser shows his   position at the point of the first attack  closer into the 900 meter firing position 64 rounds he knows that he hit the object  but nothing happened getting exploded   the object started moving away fast-paced yes  as he moved away he climbed at the same time   the object stopped all of the sudden he almost hit  it so he went around his right to take a firing   position as he was getting close to the 900 meter  range he activated the post come back after burn   after wiring position all of the sudden idiot  climb once again the most amazing part of this   story is that once he goes to afterburners  the ufo makes an evasive move straight up   and santa maria yanks back and starts to fly up  as well now traveling at over 1 000 miles per hour   but incredibly the ufo stops in midair and after  he passes the ufo follows him accelerating from   a dead stop an impossible maneuver so he was  doing the supersonic speed and he passed the   object the other one then started climbing next  to him they're both climbing roughly vertically   then what at 19 000 meters he couldn't  climb no more and it was practically   floating at 19 000 meters just over 62 000 feet  santa maria began to lose control of his plane   the su-22 has a ceiling of 60 thousand feet  and could no longer operate at this altitude   without a capacity to attack one last  time he started getting back to the base   after briefing the pilots on his specific  flight plan and maneuvers baron joker ted   and bill scott prepare for takeoff to  demonstrate the details of this strange engagement i got to keep your eyes peeled out here  it's not exclusively ours the airspace now the ufo hunters have fighters in the air and are looking to prove  this case once and for all like the jafari event oscar santa maria's case  was discovered by the department of defense and   joint chiefs of staff and a full report was issued   which landed on some of the most  powerful desks in washington dc pilots have just taken off in two fighter planes   to help recreate and prove oscar santa maria's  reported ufo dogfight encounter over peru in 1980 the pilots are now approximately seven  minutes away from their dogfight location   hey i gotta keep your eyes peeled out here  it's not exclusively ours the airspace recently declassified military documents show that  a detailed report was actually made about this   event much to santa maria's surprise after your  flight the american department of defense just had   your whole statement in in in a defense department  report and i'm wondering how do you think they got is a close community between countries and  the air forces so they communicate with each   other and they let each other know while the u.s  government stopped investigating ufos with the   closure of project blue book in 1970 this santa  maria report released by the joint chiefs of staff   shows something else it is presented here for  the first time on television this document was   distributed to the secretary of defense  secretary of state the nsa and the cia   the title of the document is quote ufo cited in  peru the document clearly states quote source is   officer in the peruvian air force who observed the  event the source reported quote a ufo was spotted   near a peruvian air force base in southern peru  and the fap tried to intercept and destroy the ufo   but without success this event reached the highest  levels of the united states department of defense   and remember peru was not an american client at  the time it was a soviet client in the cold war   they reached the highest levels  of our defense department how oscar santa maria first received a copy of  this document in 2001 when the peruvian air   force opened up the country's first official ufo  investigation after studying dozens of cases the   peruvian air force found this to be the most  credible unresolved ufo case in the country's   history there is no word on what the official  u.s government's response was to this document   we're in the area we're ready and uh joker you  have the lead the fighter planes have reached   their location the dog fight is about to begin  former u.s air force flight test engineer bill   scott sits in the oscar santa maria plane and  ufo hunter ted akworth will be in the ufo plane   attempting to maneuver like the ufo just like  santa maria they line up in firing position santa   maria said he fired on the ufo with no effect next  santa maria said the ufo came to a complete stop   it's something no known plane can do because  the incredible g-forces would kill the pilot ready ready here comes the break as the ufo plane hits the brakes the santa  maria plane flies right by having to bank in   order to avoid collision even in this prop  plane the g-forces of slowing down so much   have a rough effect on the  cameraman in the chase plane   camera guy's puking trying to do his business  in the bag the team repeats this maneuver three times in the most harrowing maneuver possibly  ever attempted by a peruvian air force pilot   santa maria reached the  operating ceiling of his aircraft   62 000 feet while being pursued by  the ufo his life was on the line and uh drove baron why you start a uh  how about the left 360 45 degrees of bank   this is uh the simulation where the ufo  goes vertical uh when we're ready i'll give   a count of three and then baron will just  tighten up the turn and pull away from us joker in the santa maria  plane swoops down from above   the ufo evades and joker dives into a j pattern  climbing to nearly vertical the ufo follows behind   attempting to climb vertically as well there  he goes vertically i go by we can't catch up what they have just shown is that there is no  way a man-made craft could accelerate from a   standstill to over 1 000 miles per hour at  that altitude in an instant it further shows   that one of the world's best  fighter jets at the time   could have never caught up to it okay let's  go home okay click the rejoin right side we set it up where the bogey of the ufo was  here and then we made several passes at him   did the ufo have a chance uh the ufo's always  got the chance but yeah he out maneuvered us   and if the ufo was able to climb  at the rate it did uh it doesn't   matter what we were flying sounded like  the ufo is just playing with them yeah being inside the aircraft and basically attempting  to copy or mimic those maneuvers you just realize   there's just no way any man-made vehicle could  have performed those maneuvers that that ufo   did either the kernels lying or we had some  sort of object that is totally not man-made   that exceeded all known flight performance  characteristics of anything that we have thrusterly the team reconvenes in the map room  to discuss the results of their test flights   the planes we just flew there's no way they can  climb vertically performance level standing start   to that speed how many planes are there  out there that could uh that could climb   supersonically vertically there's a lot of them  that can anything with better than one-to-one   thrust ratio however you don't start from a  dead start you have to get a run like he did   it's the speed and the maneuverability when you  hear the story of this thing stops goes vertical   goes to more than supersonic instantly hovers  goes through something we can do nothing we can do   to match that to actually engage a ufo for  a period of 20 minutes uh that's uh that's   something extraordinary uh it you know you might  see something for a moment or two and not be able   to identify it but be able to engage it for 20 22  minutes that's that's a totally credible situation two cases two credible pilots two sets of  official military unclassified documents   that show these cases went to the  highest level of the government   and what about the other cases of ufo  dogfights that have not yet been reported two pilots in two different parts of  the world have engaged objects with   extraordinary maneuverability but  it's not clear what the team's work continues you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, ufo hunters, history ufo hunters, ufo hunters show, ufo hunters full episodes, ufo hunters clips, full episodes, the universe, the universe show, the universe clips, history clips, ufo video, aliens, UFO Hunters s1 e11, UFO Hunters se1, UFO Hunters season 1 episode 11, UFO Hunters history, UFO Hunters se1 ep11, UFO Hunters s01, UFO Hunters 1X11, UFO clips, history UFO clips, American Military, Jets Fight UFOs
Id: zkmbqMjTGKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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